Exam preparation lesson with a psychologist. The program of training sessions for high school students "Formula for Success" (psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam)

1 to the disciples



Dear graduates!

You have a responsible and serious stage ahead of you: the Unified State Exam. It is very interesting and exciting !! It should be noted that even if you are taking the Unified State Exam at a school other than your school:

You will be greeted by friendly teachers,

Everyone will be provided with a job and all the necessary materials,

You can get answers to all organizational questions from teachers.

Check out, pleasewith recommendations in preparation for the exam, perhaps they will help you to rationally organize your activities. If necessary, contact a school psychologist - he will help you master specific methods, techniques and methods of self-regulation, psychotechnical exercises that allow you to manage your emotional state, regularly attend psychological classes.

There are three main stages:

Preparing for the exam, studying the study material before the exam,

Behavior on the eve of the exam,

Behavior during the exam itself.

Exam preparation:

  • First, prepare a place for classes: remove unnecessary things from the table, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils, etc.
  • You can introduce yellow and purple colors into the interior of the room, as they increase intellectual activity. For this, a picture in these colors or a print may be enough.
  • Make a lesson plan. To begin with, determine: who you are - "owl" or "lark", and depending on this, make the most of the morning or evening hours. When making a plan for each day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. Not in general: "I will work out a little", but which sections and topics.
  • Start with the hardest part, the section you know the worst. But if you find it difficult to "swing", you can start with the material that is most interesting and enjoyable to you. Perhaps you will gradually get into a working rhythm, and things will go.
  • Alternate between classes and rest, say, 40 minutes of study, then 10 minutes for a break. At this time, you can wash the dishes, water the flowers, do exercises, take a shower.
  • There is no need to strive to read and memorize the entire textbook. It is useful to structure the material by drawing up plans, diagrams, and preferably on paper. Plans are also useful because they are easy to use with a short repetition of the material.
  • Perform as many different published tests on this subject as possible. These workouts will familiarize you with the test item constructions.
  • Train with a stopwatch in your hands, time the test execution time (on the tasks in part A, on average, it takes 2 minutes for the task).
  • When preparing for exams, never think that you will not cope with the task, but on the contrary, mentally paint yourself a picture of triumph.
  • Leave one day before the exam to repeat all the answer plans, once again dwell on the most difficult questions.

On the eve of the exam

  • Many people think that in order to fully prepare for the exam, only one, the last night before it, is not enough. It is not right. You are already tired, and do not overwork yourself. On the contrary, in the evening, stop preparing, take a shower, take a walk. Sleep as best you can in order to get up refreshed, with a feeling of your health, strength, "fighting" attitude. After all, the exam is a kind of struggle in which you need to prove yourself, show your capabilities and abilities.
  • You must arrive at the exam point without being late, preferably half an hour before the start of testing. You need to have a pass, a passport (not a birth certificate) and several (in reserve) gel or capillary pens with black ink.

During testing

  • At the beginning of the test, you will be told the necessary information (how to fill out the form, what letters to write, how to code the school number, etc.). Pay attention!!! The correctness of your answers depends on how you carefully remember all these rules!
  • In the procedure for filling out the forms, some changes are possible, which you will be sure to inform about.
  • Upon receipt of the test results, you have the right, if you do not agree with the assessment, to file an appeal (within 3 days after the announcement of the result) to the conflict commission.

Here are some general recipes for more successful testing tactics.

  • Concentrate! After completing the preliminary part of the testing (filling out the forms), when you have clarified all the incomprehensible moments for yourself, try to concentrate and forget about others. For you, only the text of the assignments and the hours regulating the time of the test should exist. Hurry slowly! Time constraints should not affect the quality of your responses. Before entering the answer, re-read the question twice and make sure that you understand correctly what is required of you.
  • Start easy! Start answering those questions that you have no doubt in the knowledge, without stopping at those that can cause long thoughts. Then you will calm down, your head will start to work more clearly and clearly, and you will enter a working rhythm. You will sort of free yourself from nervousness, and then all your energy will be directed to more difficult questions.
  • Skip it! We must learn to skip difficult or incomprehensible tasks. Remember: there will always be questions in the text that you will surely cope with. It’s just stupid to miss points just because you didn’t get to “your” tasks, but got stuck on those that cause you difficulties.
  • Read the assignment to the end! Haste should not lead to the fact that you try to understand the conditions of the assignment "by the first words" and finish building the ending in your own imagination. This is a surefire way to make annoying mistakes in the easiest questions.
  • Think only of the current assignment! When you see a new task, forget everything that was in the previous one. As a rule, the tasks in the tests are not related to each other, therefore the knowledge that you applied in one (already, for example, solved by you), as a rule, does not help, but only interferes with concentrating and correctly solving a new task. This advice gives you another invaluable psychological effect - forget about the failure in the last task (if it turned out to be too tough for you). Think only that each new task is a chance to score points.
  • Exclude! Many tasks can be solved faster if you do not immediately look for the correct answer, but consistently exclude those that are clearly not suitable. The elimination method allows you to focus on just one or two options in the end, and not on all five or seven (which is much more difficult).
  • Plan two laps! Calculate the time so that in two-thirds of the allotted time, go through all the easy tasks ("first circle"). Then you will have time to score the maximum points on those tasks, and then calmly return and think about the difficult ones that you had to skip at first ("second round").
  • Check it out! Leave time to check your work, at least to have time to skim your eyes and notice obvious mistakes.


Psychological support is one of the most important factors determining the success of your child in passing the uniform state exam. How can you support a graduate?

Supporting a child means believing in him. Adults have many opportunities to demonstrate to a child that they are satisfied with their accomplishments or efforts. Another way is to teach a teenager to cope with various tasks by creating an attitude in him: "You can do it."

There are words that support children, for example: "Knowing you, I am sure that you will do everything well", "You know this very well." You can support through touch, joint action, physical complicity, facial expression.

So, in order to support a child, you must:

Build on your child's strengths.

Avoid highlighting the child's misses.

Show faith in the child, sympathy for him, confidence in his strength.

Create an atmosphere of friendliness and respect at home, be able and willing to demonstrate love and respect for the child.

Be firm and kind at the same time, but do not act as a judge. Support your child and demonstrate that you understand their feelings. Do not raise your child's anxiety on the eve of exams - this can negatively affect the test result. The parents' excitement is always transmitted to the child, and if adults at the crucial moment can cope with their emotions, then the child, due to age characteristics, can emotionally "break down".

Encourage the children, praise them for what they do well. Build their self-confidence, as the more the child fears failure, the more likely they are to make mistakes.

Observe the child's well-being, no one, except you, will be able to notice and prevent the deterioration of the child's condition associated with overwork in time. Control the child's preparation regimen, do not overload, explain to him that he must necessarily alternate between classes and rest. Provide a comfortable place for study at home, make sure that no one at home is in the way. Pay attention to the nutrition of the child: during intense mental stress, he needs nutritious and varied food and a balanced complex of vitamins. Products such as fish, cottage cheese, nuts, dried apricots, etc. stimulate the brain.

Help the children organize the preparation topics by day. Introduce your child to the exam preparation method. It makes no sense to memorize all the factual material, it is enough to look at the key points and grasp the meaning and logic of the material. It is very useful to make short schematic extracts and tables, organizing the studied material according to the plan. If he doesn't know how, show him how to do it in practice. Basic formulas and definitions can be written out on pieces of paper and hung over the writing table, over the bed, in the dining room, etc.

Prepare different versions of test items for the subject (there are now many different collections of test items). It is of great importance to train a child specifically for testing, because this form differs from the written and oral examinations that are familiar to him. In advance, during training on test tasks, teach your child to orientate in time and be able to distribute it. Then the child will have the skill of being able to concentrate throughout the entire test, which will give him peace of mind and relieve unnecessary anxiety. If your child doesn't wear a watch, be sure to give him a watch for the exam.

On the eve of the exam, provide your child with good rest, he must rest and sleep well.

Encourage the children to pay attention to the following during the exam:

  • run your eyes through the entire test to see what type of assignments it contains, this will help you tune in to work;
  • carefully read the question to the end and understand its meaning (a typical mistake during testing is not having read it to the end, according to the first words, they already suggest an answer and are in a hurry to write it in);
  • if you do not know the answer to a question or are not sure, skip it and mark it so that you can return to it later;

And remember, the most important thing is to reduce your child's stress and anxiety and provide the right environment for class.

Focus on the student's positives and benefits to build self-esteem.

Help your teen to believe in themselves and their abilities.

Help avoid mistakes, tune in so that the student maximizes his capabilities during the exam.

Support the graduate in case of failures, instill confidence that the child is learning at school and mistakes in acquiring knowledge are inevitable.

Tell the graduates in detail how the unified state exam will be held in order to everyone of them sequentially presented the entire exam procedure.

Make an effort so that parents not only familiarize themselves with the rules for graduates, but also are not outside observers during the preparation of the child for the exam, but, on the contrary, provide him with comprehensive help and support.

Take into account the individual psychophysiological characteristics of graduates during the preparation and conduct of the exam. Psychophysiological features are stable natural characteristics of a person that do not change with age and are manifested in the speed of the course of thought and speech processes, in the productivity of mental activity.

The Unified State Exam is not so terrible as it is painted.

At present, the problem of methodological support of subject preparation for CT is sufficiently illuminated, while the psychological component of this training remains underdeveloped. The socio-pedagogical and psychological service of the school may well solve some problems in preparation for DH and contribute to more successful passing of centralized testing.

Possible difficulties in passing CT are mainly associated with the characteristics of the student's perception of the exam situation, with an insufficient level of self-control development, with low stress resistance of students, with a lack of self-regulation skills. All these difficulties can be overcome through:

  1. acquaintance of graduates with the features and procedure of centralized testing to increase interest in the results of CT;

  2. increasing resistance to stress as a result of: a) familiarization with the main ways to reduce anxiety in a stressful situation; b) an increase in self-confidence, in their abilities;

  3. development of self-control skills based on internal reserves.

One of the most important tests for any person is the final exams at school and almost immediately the entrance exams to a university or technical school. This period of life is also difficult for young people because they are taking too important a step - they determine their future life and destiny.

This crucial time has already come, the atmosphere begins to heat up to a maximum. Some of the high school students are a little anxious, some are scared, some, on the contrary, are confident in their abilities, and some, because of excitement, are not able to remember the elementary rules, laws, etc. These conditions are called exam or test anxiety.

Scientists have found that with the appearance of examination anxiety, activity decreases, activity becomes unproductive. Fear disorganizes a person. A person either loses the ability to act, or this activity becomes chaotic. In a state of examination anxiety and stress, the following is observed:

Increased blood pressure;

Sweating increases;

Restless sleep;

Decrease in volitional functions.

All this, of course, does not contribute to productive preparation for the tests and very much interferes with the exams.

We hope that our tips will help you reduce exam fears, become more attentive and organized and, therefore, successfully pass exams, get a high score on centralized testing and enter the educational institution you dreamed of.


1. Properly organized daily routine will contribute to successful preparation for exams.

When planning your working day, you need to take into account the characteristics of your body, for example, who you are - "an owl" or "a lark" and, depending on this, load the most productive time with study to the maximum. The best time for classes is from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 16.30 to 19.30

Every day find the opportunity to be in the fresh air for 1-1.5 hours, set aside time for exercise.

After 2-3 hours of work, it is imperative to take a break for 30-40 minutes (go in for sports, take a walk in the fresh air.) It is known that the alternation of mental and physical stress is the prevention of fatigue. Stop exercising 3 hours before bed.

Good sleep is also very important. It must be at least 8 hours old. You can also afford to sleep during the day, no more than an hour and a half.

2. Proper nutrition is one of the conditions for successful exam preparation. It should be varied, rich in vitamins and high in calories. Include anti-stress foods in your menu:

2.1. cereals: contain complex carbohydrates that increase serotonin, and therefore mood;

2.2. fish, chicken and other lean meats: contain proteins that stimulate mental activity;

2.3. vegetables, fruits: contain vitamins necessary to combat stress;

2.4. milk, nuts, etc.: contain potassium, which helps to relax muscles;

2.5. sweets containing simple carbohydrates give a short-term improvement effect (by 17 s), but you can have a snack to cheer yourself up by eating: fruits, nuts, oatmeal, fruit or vegetable salad, yogurt, a piece of chocolate.

However, the meal should be light just before the exam.

3. Pay attention to the organization of your workplace. Distribute all the necessary accessories on the desktop in a convenient order for you, remove unnecessary ones. Place objects and pictures in yellow or purple tones on the table and walls, as these colors increase intellectual activity.

4. Make a lesson plan, define for yourself a specific task for each day, that is, what exactly needs to be studied today. Highlight the main points as you read the textbook. Learn to draw up a short outline, an outline of the answer separately for each question, and preferably on paper. Repeat material on questions.

  1. When studying and repeating the material, remember the rule of "erasing traces". Memorizing material is leaving "traces" in memory. When studying similar material, "traces" are superimposed and erased. Alternate liberal arts and sciences. The material studied must be repeated after
    20 minutes ... If you do this, then 70% of the information is remembered, otherwise - only 30%. Use as many channels of information perception as possible: speak aloud, draw diagrams, pictograms, mark key words.

Repetition technique

Repetition is the reproduction of what you have read in your own words.

Not all schoolchildren use the time allotted for preparation for exams effectively. The suggested repetition mode has been tested many times and gives good results. However, two circumstances must be taken into account.

  1. This refers to the repetition of already studied and previously assimilated material.

  2. The repetition process must be carried out strictly in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • the first repetition - immediately after the end of the reading;

  • second repetition - 20 minutes after the previous one;

  • the third repetition is after 8 hours.

  • fourth repetition - in a day (preferably before bedtime).

6. Start with the most difficult topic, section, subject

7. Perform as many different tests on the subject as possible. These workouts will introduce you to test item constructions.


1. Many people think that in order to fully prepare for the exam, only one, the last night before it, is not enough. It is not right. You are tired, and do not overwork yourself. On the contrary, take a walk in the evening, take a shower before bed. Sleep as much as possible to get up with a feeling of "fighting" attitude.

2. You should be on time for the exam, preferably 15–20 minutes before it starts.

3. Sit comfortably with your back straight. Think about the fact that you are taller, smarter and more cunning, and you will succeed. Concentrate on the words: "I am calm, I am completely calm." Repeat them slowly, several times. Finally, make a fist.

4. At the beginning of the test, you will be given the necessary information (how to fill out the form, what letters to write, etc.). Be careful! The correct form of your answers depends on how you carefully remember all these rules!

5. Run your eyes over the entire test to see what type of assignments it contains.

6. After receiving the test, read the questions and begin to perform the task, which, albeit only slightly, is easier for you.

7. Carefully read the question to the end in order to correctly understand its meaning. If you do not know the answer to a question or doubt its correctness, skip it and return to it later. Answer those questions that you do not doubt the knowledge, without dwelling on those that can cause long deliberation.

8. Think only of the current assignment! When you do a new task, forget everything that was in the previous one. Remember, the tasks in the tests are not related to each other, so the knowledge that you applied in the one that you solved, as a rule, does not help, but only interferes with concentrating and correctly solving a new task.

9. Many tasks can be solved faster if you do not immediately look for the correct answer, but consistently exclude those that are clearly not suitable. The elimination method allows you to focus on just one or two options in the end, and not on all five or seven.

10. Allow time to review your work to review your work and correct mistakes.

11. If you are not sure about the choice of the answer - trust your intuition!


Acute stress is characterized by the suddenness of the influence of stress factors. As a rule, using the term acute stress, researchers also consider the relative short duration of the experience of stress, which is largely due to the individual characteristics of a person. In an acute stressful situation, the best initial technique is to realize your stressful state, to mentally take a "pause".

  1. And no decisions should be made!

  2. Count to ten and then come back to the situation.

  3. Take care of your breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose and hold your breath for a while. Exhalation is carried out gradually, also through the nose, focusing on the sensations associated with your breathing.

  4. If possible, lightly moisten temples, forehead, arteries on hands with cold water.

  5. Take a look around and carefully examine the room in which you are. Pay attention to the smallest details, even if you know them well. Slowly, without haste, mentally “sort through” all the objects one by one in a certain sequence. Try to focus completely on this inventory. Say mentally to yourself: "Brown desk, white curtains, red flower vase," etc. By focusing on each individual item, you will be distracted from internal stress, directing your attention to the rational perception of the environment.

  6. If circumstances permit, leave the area in which you are experiencing acute stress. Move to another room where no one is, or go outside, where you can be alone with your thoughts. Mentally disassemble this room (if you went out into the street, then the surrounding houses, nature) "by the bones", as described in paragraph 3.

  7. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, bend forward and relax. The head, shoulders and arms hang down freely. Breathing is calm. Fix this position for 1-2 minutes, then very slowly raise your head (so that it does not spin).

  8. Look out the window at the sky, focus on what you see.

  9. Drink some water. Concentrate your attention on the sensations.

  10. Find some small object and examine it carefully. Look at it for at least a minute, getting to know its shape, color, structure in such a way that you can clearly imagine it with your eyes closed.

  11. Watch your breathing. Breathe in slowly through your nose. After inhaling, hold your breath for a while, then also slowly exhale through your nose. With each exhalation, focus on how your shoulders relax and drop.

As a first aid, this is quite enough for yourself. Walking, in a word, any activity that requires physical activity and concentration, does not hurt, but just stick to the golden mean.


The first step to success in any undertaking is a psychological mindset for success, absolute confidence that the goal will be achieved. It is necessary to accustom yourself to success, luck, to make it habitual.

It is known that one of the reasons that prevent anxious people from performing effectively is that they are more focused not on the performance of a specific activity, but on the possible consequences. Therefore, it is ineffective to set a goal like: "I must get an excellent grade" or "I must answer no matter what." Better to formulate it specifically: "I have to prove the Pythagorean theorem."

We recommend using exercise "Inspiration".Its purpose is a preventive or corrective effect on the personality of a teenager who finds himself in a difficult emotional situation. These exercises are aimed at neutralizing fears and concerns about any responsible action (exams).

“Inspiration” consists in “rehearsing” a tense situation necessarily in conditions of success using color and spatial representations. The technical conditions for performing such exercises are as follows:

  • it is necessary to perform these exercises in the morning or afternoon, but never at night;

  • the trainee's attention is focused from a large and medium circle of attention (wide, spacious rooms) and calm color representations (blue and purple tones) to a small circle of attention (narrow, cramped rooms) and invigorating colors (red, yellow, orange);

  • the exercise is accompanied by music: at first, calm, flowing music is used, then gradually the pace increases.

Exercises "inspiration" are extremely varied and depend on the "rehearsal" situation, but the scheme is always the same.

^ An example of an exercise on the topic "Responsible exam".

Condition to be corrected: fear, fear of failure, lack of confidence in their knowledge. Rehearsal time: morning or afternoon (but not the evening before the exam).

At the beginning of the exercise, it is necessary to achieve muscle and psychological relaxation, extinguishing fear and anxiety. From the moment the "transitions" from the spacious lobby and corridors to the closer ones (auditoriums, office) begin, there is a mobilization, narrowing and concentration of attention.

Musical accompaniment: calm music.

Suggested colors: light blue, blue.

Instructions for the performer:

Imagine a spacious hall or lobby of an institute. You walk calmly, with a confident gait, without a shadow of fussiness. You do not think about the upcoming exam, do not allow yourself any questions or conversations related to it, and only answer the greetings of your acquaintances with a smile. In short, you "hold on."

Then you move from the lobby to the corridor, from the corridor to the auditorium adjacent to the teacher's office, i.e. from spacious rooms to closer ones. As you do this, your step, without speeding up, becomes more and more precise, your gait is more and more confident, your posture is straight. In front of the examiner's door, by an effort of will, you "cross out" all memories of the material that you think you have forgotten or have not learned enough. At this moment you are not thinking about anything that relates to the upcoming subject, in your brain there is a chaotic crush of thoughts. You are, of course, agitated, and this is quite natural. It is not the excitement before the exam that is dangerous, but the excessive excitement that causes confusion and fussiness. Some emotion is needed - it mobilizes.

But now you have been summoned, you are in front of the examiner's table. Without choosing, you take the first available ticket. For you, all tickets are equal, you know the training material. And, indeed, the questions of the ticket that you got are exactly the ones you need. You, in fact, could answer without preparation, but you should not behave arrogantly - it is better to sit down and put your thoughts in order. And as soon as you began to do this, a chaotic swarm of thoughts is replaced by their smooth and even flow, the knowledge accumulated by you floats in your mind in a harmonious order, and you are ready to state them in the same harmonious order ...

Such a general feeling of success, faith in the strength and abilities of your own child, combined with a clear organization of the daily routine, balanced nutrition, adherence to simple recommendations for preparing for exams, will help not only overcome a stressful situation for the student himself, but also cope with a number of serious problems for parents.

^ Exercise "It could be worse."

Take a blank sheet of paper and write a short essay for yourself. Briefly describe your work or personal problem. Moreover, now it does not matter in what area of ​​your life this problem is located. Choose the problem that is actual for you, which torments you, does not allow you to sleep at night and which, as it seems to you, has no solution. Then think about what the most terrible and irreparable consequences the further development of this problematic situation could have for you personally. Write down these consequences for yourself. For example, you will not pass the CT? Or can you get sick so that you will be bedridden for many years? What's the worst thing that could happen for you? How do you live now? It turns out that you are studying? And quite successful? Also, are you feeling pretty good? It turns out that not everything is so scary? And you can still live and fight? And every time your problem overwhelms you, when it starts to seem to you that everything is bad and nothing can be changed for the better, try to think about how it could be even worse. Then go back to your real life and look at it with optimism and joy.

^ Exercise "Shelter".

Imagine having a comfortable and secure hideaway where you can rest whenever you want. Only you know the way to this shelter, no one else will disturb you there. It is not necessary for this place to exist in life. If you don't have such a shelter, come up with one. It can be a small country house in a distant village or a small apartment on the outskirts of the city that no one knows about. It can be anything. It may even be a spaceship taking you away from the Earth ... Imagine this place in your mind. Describe what things are in it, which you like and which create your living space. Imagine what you are doing when you are resting in your hideout. Perhaps you are listening to music, looking at the fire in the fireplace, reading, drawing, or doing something else. Try to think about the activities that are most enjoyable for you. During the day, whenever you feel particularly tired and nervous, imagine yourself in your hideout for a few minutes.

^ Body scan exercise.

3 times a day for 3 minutes, having taken a comfortable position, ask yourself:

Is my forehead wrinkled?

Are your eyebrows knitted?

Are your jaws clenched?

Are your lips compressed?

Are your shoulders slumped?

Are your arms tense?

Are your leg muscles hard? Are your toes tucked in?

Do I feel discomfort in any part of my body?

Take action!

Stress causes difficulty breathing, which is itself stressful. Vicious circle! Common breathing errors: breathing with the chest and shoulders with a tucked up stomach, holding the breath.

Exercise "Breathing for beginners."

  1. Take a comfortable position;

  2. On the count of 1-2-3, inhale through the nose, lowering the diaphragm;

  3. On the count of 1-2-3-4, exhale, raising the diaphragm;

  4. Pause before inhaling again.

Zen Breath Exercise.

  1. Lie down (legs are bent at the knees), close your eyes, put your right hand on your stomach, and put your left hand on your chest;

  2. Inhale slowly through the nose so that the right hand rises, and the left slightly and after the right;

  3. Pause and repeat;

  4. Breathe daily for 10 minutes, then - sitting, standing, until such breathing becomes natural.

Exercise "Breathing in Emergencies".

  1. Inhale slowly through your nose, trying to lower the diaphragm as low as possible;

  2. Hold your breath for 6 seconds;

  3. Exhale slowly through your mouth;

  4. Pause, breathe normally for a while;

  5. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and get down to business.

Exercise "Progressive relaxation".

  1. Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes;

  2. Contract the muscle, keep the tension for no more than 10 seconds;

  3. Relax the muscle quickly, keep the relaxation for at least 30 seconds;

  4. Repeat step 2, step 3;

  5. Move on to other muscles.

Muscle Relaxation Sequence:

  • right hand and arm: clench a fist and bend an arm;

  • left hand and hand;

  • face and head: raise eyebrows, clench jaws, purse lips;

  • neck and shoulders: tilt your head, raise your shoulders;

  • back: bend your back;

  • right leg and foot: lift the leg with the toe towards you;

  • left leg and foot;

  • belly: tighten your abs.

There are ways to relieve tension in the body such as massage, yawning and stretching, bathing and showering, shaking the body, applying a hot towel to your face, sleeping, swimming, bathing, exercising, etc.


During times of stress, the body becomes severely dehydrated. This is due to the fact that nervous processes occur on the basis of electrochemical reactions, and they require a sufficient amount of liquid. Its deficiency dramatically reduces the speed of nervous processes. Therefore, it is advisable to drink a few sips of water before or during the exam. For anti-stress purposes, they drink water 20 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal.

Mineral water is best suited because it contains potassium or sodium ions involved in electrochemical reactions. You can just drink pure water or green tea. All other drinks are useless or harmful from this point of view. Substances that accelerate dehydration are added to sweet carbonated water. In order to break down the juices, water is also required. Tea and coffee only create the illusion of working capacity.

The second problem faced by schoolchildren in a stressful situation is a violation of the harmonious work of the left and right hemispheres. If one of them dominates - right (figurative) or left (logical), then a person's ability to optimally solve the tasks before him decreases. But you can restore harmony or get closer to it. It is known that the right hemisphere controls the left half of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right half. This connection works in both directions, so the coordination of both parts of the body leads to the coordination of the cerebral hemispheres.

Physical exercise that influences the harmonization of the work of the left and right hemispheres is called "cross step" and is carried out as follows.

We imitate walking in place, raising the knee slightly higher than usual. You can do this while sitting, raising your leg to the toes, towards your hand. Every time the knee is at its highest point, we put the opposite hand on it. In a word, the left knee is in contact with the right hand, then the right knee is in contact with the left hand. For efficiency, at the time of the swing, you can rise on your supporting leg on tiptoes.

A prerequisite for performing this exercise is not to move quickly, but at a comfortable pace and with pleasure.

If it is not possible to make a "cross step", and the situation requires immediate concentration, then you can apply the following technique: draw an oblique cross, similar to the letter "X" on a blank sheet of paper, and contemplate it for several minutes. The effect will be weaker than from physical exercise, but it will help the coordination of the work of the left and right hemispheres.

During the exam, it is advisable to hang a slanting cross on the classroom wall. The color does not matter, the main thing is that it is depicted in contrast: dark on a light background or vice versa.

The following exercise reduces oxygen deprivation, which increases the negative effects of stress. To combat oxygen starvation, there is a technique called energy yawning. Yawning is necessary the more often, the more intense mental activity you are engaged in. Yawning during an exam is very helpful. How to yawn correctly? While yawning, use both hands to massage the tendons (near the ears) connecting the lower and upper jaws in a circular motion. There are a large number of nerve fibers in these places. In order to protect your body from oxygen starvation, 3-5 yawns are enough.

Lesson number 1

What is the Unified State Exam and what does it mean to me?


Discuss the pros and cons of the exam

Formulate the concept of readiness for the exam

Help high school students understand the psychological difficulties of passing the exam and assess their severity;

To contribute to the development of constructive tactics to overcome them during preparation for the exam.


I. Presentation of the topic

Your school years will end very soon. You have a very important period ahead.- passing the exam. Our lesson will be devoted to the analysis of the psychological difficulties of passing the exam and possible ways to overcome them.

Association game

Pupils come up with associations in turn, which the word "Unified State Exam" evokes in them. The results obtained are written on the board, then discussed.Ideally, associations should show that the Unified State Exam has two sides - positive and negative. If the latter prevails in the class, then the psychologist can resort to such trick phrases as: “The subjective opinion of the teacher does not affect the results of the exam,” “The exam is an opportunity to show your potential,” “I passed the exam at school - you don’t have to run all summer long for institutes and take exams ”, etc.


Unified State Exam- this is a reality for graduates, and for their parents, and for teachers.

The previous exercise showed that you have emotionally charged (anger, anxiety, irritation, anxiety, fear, powerlessness, self-doubt, etc.), irrational, unconscious ideas (beliefs and attitudes) that reflect the attitude towards this exam.

Due to the presence of these attitudes, high school students say that it is impossible to pass the exam, teachers- about unrealistic requirements and incorrectly formulated tasks, parents- that somewhere in other regions "everything is bought" and the children receive only fives. We will not conduct discussions on this topic, but will only fix the fact of the presence of such mostly negative ideas, which psychologists call "the mythology of the USE."

Exams (in a strict translation from Latin - tests) are not just "rattled off" and left. This is a multi-component and complex process, where each of the components of success is simply irreplaceable. Psychological readiness is just as important as a good knowledge of the subject.

Assignment "Self-assessment of psychological readiness for the exam"

Each of you can assess the degree of your psychological readiness for the exam: turn over the received form and fill out the questionnaire individually, following the instructions. (Annex 1)

"Psychological difficulties in preparing and passing the exam

and ways to overcome them "

Since the exam differs from the forms of knowledge testing that are familiar to you, some psychological difficulties may arise when passing it.

What psychological difficulties can high school students face during the exam? Conventionally, three groups of difficulties can be distinguished: cognitive (cognitive), personal and procedural.

Group 1 - Personal

Negative attitude towards the exam itself;

Inadequate fears, concerns, fantasies associated with the exam;

Inability to adequately assess their knowledge, skills, abilities;

High anxiety, excitement;

Uncertainty of life plans

Group 2 - Cognitive

Inability to use knowledge of the subject, to operate flexibly with the system of educational concepts;

Inability to handle a large volume of educational material;

Lack of self-organization and self-control skills;

Inability to switch, lack of mobility; insufficient formation of skills in working with test items

Group 3 - Procedural

Inability to record answers to exam tasks;

Inability to establish contacts in unfamiliar surroundings and with strangers;

Lack of a clear strategy for the exam;

Lack of mastery of ways to manage your emotional state;

Ignorance of their responsibilities and rights to the exam

Exam preparation

First, prepare a place for classes: remove unnecessary things from the table, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils.

You can introduce yellow and purple colors into the interior of the room, as they increase intellectual activity. For this, a picture in these colors is enough.

Make a preparation plan. First, determine who you are - "lark" or "owl", and depending on this make the most of the morning or evening hours. When making a plan for each day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. Not in general: "I will do a little work", but which sections and topics will be covered.

Start with the hardest part - the section you know the worst. But if you find it difficult to "swing", you can start with the material that is most interesting and enjoyable to you. Perhaps you will gradually get into a working rhythm, and things will go.

Alternate between classes and rest, say, 40 minutes of study, then 10 minutes for a break. At this time, you can wash the dishes, water the flowers, do exercises, take a shower.

There is no need to strive to read and memorize the entire textbook. It is useful to structure the material by drawing up plans,

schemes, and preferably on paper. Plans are also useful because they are easy to use with a short repetition of the material. We will talk about the techniques of memorizing the material in the next lessons.

Perform as many different published tests on this subject as possible. These workouts will familiarize you with the test item constructions.

Train with a stopwatch in your hands, time the test execution time (tasks in part A take on average 2 minutes per task).

When preparing for exams, never think that you cannot cope, but, on the contrary, mentally paint yourself a picture of triumph.

Leave one day before the exam to repeat all the answer plans, once again dwell on the most difficult questions.

Practice writing the block letters clearly.

Get to know your rights during the exam. There are appeals according to the exam procedure and according to the number of points given (but not according to the content of assignments in CMMs).

On the eve of the exam

Many people believe that in order to fully prepare for the exam, only one, the last night before it, is not enough. It is not right. You are already tired, and do not overwork yourself. On the contrary, in the evening, stop preparing, take a shower, take a walk. Sleep as best you can in order to get up refreshed, with a feeling of your health, strength, and fighting spirit. After all, the exam is a kind of struggle in which you need to prove yourself, show your capabilities and abilities.

You must arrive at the exam point without being late, preferably half an hour before the start of testing. You need to have a pass, a passport (and not a birth certificate) and several (in reserve) gel or capillary pens with black ink.

Think about how you will dress for the exam: it may be cool or warm at the testing center, and you will sit for the exam for 3 hours.There is an opinion that in no case should you dress flashily for exams. But many take this advice too literally and try to look much worse. No need for extremes!

With them:

  1. Bright tie with a pattern. You need to look serious.
  2. Clothes with colorful stripes, a cage, with a sophisticated pattern.
  3. Sports suit.
  4. New clothes and especially shoes. You will think about the rubbed calluses and the tight skirt.
  5. Short skirts and low-cut blouses are taboo.
  6. Tops exposing belly piercings.
  7. Sports shoes, high-heeled shoes


  1. Blue, green, brown and gray are inviting colors.
  2. In order not to look like a cloud, dilute the above colors with blue, beige and light gray, respectively.
  3. Red is the color of war and aggression.
  4. Yellow and orange are the colors of frivolity. The exam is not time for jokes!
  5. White is the color of trust. But pure white clothing is best avoided. Ink pens, ash, not always clean windowsills can ruin the perfect picture.
  6. Black is a ceremonial color.

Successful testing tacticsExam materials consist of three parts, in which tasks of different difficulty levels are grouped. There are always tasks that you can solve. Tasks are developed in accordance with the general school curriculum and meet the educational standard. The tasks of part C correspond to a higher level of difficulty, but correspond to the school curriculum - they are available for you! So, the preparation period is over. Take two or three minutes to bring yourself into balance.(Next lessons)Think about rhythmic breathing, autogenous training. Breathe, calm down. That's good!

Pay attention!At the beginning of the test, you will be given the necessary information (how to fill out the form, what letters to write, how to code the school number, etc.). The correctness of your answers depends on how carefully you remember all these rules!

Observe the rules of conduct on the exam!Do not shout out from your seat, if you want to ask a question to the organizer of the USE in the audience, raise your hand. Your questions should not relate to the content of the assignments, you will only be answered questions related to the rules for filling out the registration form, or in case of difficulties with the test package (typos, unprinted letters, lack of text in the form, etc.). Concentrate! After filling out the registration form, when you have clarified all the incomprehensible moments for yourself, try to concentrate and forget about those around you. For you, only the text of the assignments and the hours regulating the time of the test should exist. Hurry slowly!

Do not be afraid! Time constraints should not affect the quality of your responses. Before entering the answer, re-read the question twice and make sure that you understand correctly what is required of you.

Start easy! Start answering those questions that you have no doubt in the knowledge, without stopping at those that can cause long thoughts. Then you will calm down, your head will start to work more clearly and clearly, and you will enter a working rhythm. You will sort of free yourself from nervousness, and then all your energy will be directed to more difficult questions.

Skip it! We must learn to skip difficult or incomprehensible tasks. Remember: there will always be questions in the text that you will surely cope with. It’s just stupid to miss points just because you didn’t get to “your” tasks, but got stuck on those that cause you difficulties.

Read the assignment to the end!Haste should not lead to the fact that you try to understand the conditions of the assignment "by the first words" and finish building the ending in your own imagination. This is a surefire way to make annoying mistakes in the easiest questions.Think only of the current assignment!When you see a new task, forget everything that was in the previous one. As a rule, the tasks in the tests are not related to each other, therefore the knowledge that you applied in one (already, for example, solved by you), as a rule, does not help, but only interferes with concentrating and correctly solving a new task. This advice will give you another invaluable psychological effect: forget about the failure in the last task (if it turned out to be too tough for you). Think only that each new task is a chance to score points.

Exclude! Many tasks can be solved faster if you do not immediately look for the correct answer, but consistently exclude those that are clearly not suitable. The elimination method allows you to concentrate on just one or two options in the end, and not on all five or seven (which is much more difficult). Plan two laps! Calculate the time so that in two-thirds of the allotted time you go through all the easy tasks available to you (first circle), then you will have time to score maximum points on those tasks that you are sure of the answers to, and then calmly return and think about the difficult ones. that you had to skip in the beginning (second round). Guess! If you are not sure about the choice of the answer, but intuitively you can prefer some answer to others, then you should trust your intuition! At the same time, choose the option that, in your opinion, has a high probability.

Check it out! Be sure to leave time to check your work, at least in order to have time to skim the answers and notice obvious mistakes.

Do not worry! Strive to complete all tasks, but remember that in practice it is not always realistic. Keep in mind that the number of tasks you have solved may well be sufficient for a good grade.

Do not panic! The most important thing is to calm down and focus, and then success will not keep you waiting!

Good luck!


- you have the right to file an appeal on the exam procedure in the form of the exam to the head of the exam point on the day the work is done, without leaving the exam point;

- you have the right to appeal to the dispute committee within three days after the announcement of the exam result.

Final part

Exercise "Kind Word"

Distribution of reminders (Appendix 2)


Lesson number 2 How to deal with stress before the exam.

Target: to acquaint students with the main ways of reducing anxiety in a stressful situation, practicing with students the skills of psychological preparation for exams, increasing their self-confidence, in their abilities when passing exams.

Course of the lesson:

At the beginning of the last lesson, you and I did the exercise "Associations", i.e. came up with the associations that the word USE evokes in you. Let's remember them.

So, the word "stress" came up. This is what I wanted to hear from you, since the topic of our lesson is "How to deal with stress before the exam?"

First of all, let's understand in comparison all states of mental stress.

Mandrage - slight anxiety, experience. Every person has a mandrage in front of serious situations and this is normal. It passes over time. If it doesn't go away and the situation escalates, it's not far from stress:

Stress - a state of strong mental stress that occurs in a person in the process of activity in the most difficult and special circumstances. If you do not cope with your condition, it becomes the cause of depression:

Depression - mental illness that usually occurs after negative events in a person's life, but often develops for no apparent reason

Depression is very insidious, because it affects the motivation of actions, thereby making it difficult to prepare for exams.


It is generated:

  • intense mental activity,
  • stress on the same muscles and organs due to prolonged sitting at textbooks,
  • also a violation of sleep and rest.

The main factor provoking the development of stress is negative experiences.

Stress has a negative impact on the human psyche:

This is memory impairment, difficulty speaking, severe fatigue from classes. One of the unpleasant consequences of stress is that the harmonious work of the cerebral hemispheres is disrupted.

In a calm state, both hemispheres work in concert. The left one is responsible for analysis, logic. The right one is for emotions, images. The exchange of information between them is carried out through a narrow area, the so-called corpus callosum. As a result of stress, the normal flow of nervous processes through this body is blocked. Children with a dominant right hemisphere "lose" logic, the ability to derive formulas, to solve problems. Children with a dominant left hemisphere have everything that is connected with imagery and literate speech.

Do you think you are stressed?

What signs of stress do you know?

Check yourself:

Signs of stress:

Physical: chronic fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbance (drowsiness or insomnia), cold hands or feet, excessive sweating or severe dry skin, dry mouth or throat, allergic reactions, speech difficulties (stuttering, etc.), sudden weight gain or loss , pains of a different nature (in the head, chest, abdomen, neck, back, etc.).

Emotional: anxiety, decreased mood background, frequent tears, nightmares, indifference to others, loved ones, to one's own fate, increased excitability, unusual aggressiveness, irritability, nervousness for trifling reasons.

behavioral: weakening of memory, impaired concentration, inability to concentrate, inability to make decisions, loss of interest in one's appearance, obsessive movements (twisting hair, biting nails, tapping a foot, tapping fingers, etc.), piercing nervous laughter, constantly putting things off until tomorrow , change in eating habits (fasting or excess food intake), alcohol abuse, smoking, medications.

If you have most of these symptoms, draw your own conclusions ...

What do you think stress affects?

Stress leads to a loss of self-confidence. To the occurrence of various diseases, mental disorders and drug addiction.

Test for determining personality stress resistance (Appendix # 1)


Breathe correctly

First of all, you need to pay attention to the physiological manifestations of anxiety. As a rule, this is rapid breathing, slight chills and the so-called "bear sickness", forcing the unfortunate student to rush between the audience and the toilet. A simple exercise will help to normalize the breathing rhythm: breathe slowly and deeply for several minutes. The exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation.

You need to sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax your muscles as much as possible. 3-5 minutes after the start of breathing exercises, you can add to them self-hypnosis formulas: "I - relax - and - calm down", synchronizing them with the rhythm of breathing. In this case, the words "I" and "I" should be pronounced on inhalation, and the words "Relax" and "Calm down" - on exhalation.

Warm up while sitting.

You can do a warm-up without even leaving the table. To do this, you need to sit on a chair with your feet on the floor. The back is straight, the arms are extended back. Raise your hands up and count to ten. Relax and repeat the exercise. Sitting in the same position, extend your arms in front of you at shoulder level. Point your palms up and away from you. Now imagine that you are pushing the wall, straining your shoulders. Hold this position and count to ten. Relax and repeat again. Sit up straight and grasp the seat of the chair with your hands. Stretch upward until you feel your spine straighten. Imagine being pulled up by the top of your head. Count to ten, relax and repeat the exercise.

Continue to sit up straight and slowly turn your head from side to side. Look behind your left shoulder first, then your right shoulder. Then tilt your head to your left shoulder, then to your right. Do this exercise five times and relax. Relax your entire body as you finish your warm-up. To do this, bend forward, put your elbows and forearms on your knees, palms up. Lower your head, close your eyes, breathe evenly and deeply for a minute. Feel the tension release from your neck, shoulders, back and legs. There are several exercises that aim to save you from such surprises.

Cross movementhelp to restore the harmonious work of both hemispheres. As you know, the right hemisphere controls the left half of the body, and the left one controls the right. Making movements in which both halves of the body are involved, we involuntarily force both hemispheres to "turn on" in the work. Cross exercises have been specially developed, which are easy to perform while sitting at a desk. For example: we put the right hand on the left knee, raise the left heel, lower it and raise it again. And so several times. Then we change the arm and leg.

Also, to restore the harmonious work of the hemispheres, you can draw a cross in the form of the letter "X" on a sheet of paper (preferably A4 format) from corner to corner. And look at him carefully for a minute or two. When the eyes try to "scan" such an image, both hemispheres are involved.

Say "Stop" if you feel that you are overwhelmed by panic, immediately stop disturbing thoughts from cluttering your mind. Tell him "Stop!" This word should be spoken as a command, preferably out loud, and should sober you up, stopping the slide into the abyss of unrest. Panic will not lead anywhere, except a dead end - remind about it!

In addition to breathing exercises and self-hypnosis formulas before the exam, you can use and other tricks for example, you need to pull yourself by the hair on the back of your head. Or at least massage this area of ​​the head. As a result, a large number of active points located there are stimulated. This simple technique helps to significantly improve your wits.

Laughter can also "hit" stress. Malaysian scientists have found that laughter not only prolongs life, but also relieves stress; improves appetite and performance, normalizes sleep. For nine days, 30 students underwent a course of laughter therapy before the exams. These activities included training in special breathing techniques that mimic human laughter. According to the students, physically they felt much better than usual.

Learn to yawn!Oxygen starvation is one of the most negative effects of stress. It causes rapid fatigue, headache, and reduces performance. It's no secret that classes should be held in well-ventilated areas. But this is not always the case. There is a simple way to increase the rate of oxygen supply to the brain: with the help of energetic yawning. All of us were taught that it is indecent to yawn. However, in a stressful situation, it is not only acceptable, but also useful. To induce the yawning reflex, you need to massage the facial muscles (between the ear and cheek) with the middle fingers of the hands. Three to five yawns are enough to improve the condition.

During the exam, stress can be relieved with exercise that burns off stress hormones. To do this, tense every muscle in your body as much as possible. Stay in this state for a couple of seconds and relax. Repeat until you feel better. In times of intense nervous tension, it is recommended to inhale soothing odors.

The release of the relaxation hormone (serotonin) in the brain is facilitated by such aromas as lavender, mint, eucalyptus, jasmine, and fir. Just drip a few drops of one of these aromatic oils on a tissue or handkerchief and inhale deeply, and you will immediately feel calm. Please note that this method can be used if you are not allergic.

The quickest and most effective way to overcome feelings of stress and panic is to close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths. This breathing will calm your entire nervous system. At the same time, you can say to yourself "I am calm and relaxed" or "I know that I can do it, and I will do it well!"

Panic attack? If you have a panic attack, inflate the paper bag with all your strength, and then inhale this air filled with carbon dioxide. If you don't have a bag at hand, put your palms together with a boat and do this exercise no more than five times.

Massage Organizer

If a situation of time pressure arises, a person needs to mobilize all his strength in a short time. There are methods for quickly mobilizing resources and restoring strength, such as massage of hot spots.

Some of the techniques of this massage:

Earlobe massage;

Pressing with your thumb on the point between the lower lip and chin;

Massage of the bridge of the nose and the "third eye" area.

Final part

Exercise "Kind Word"
Instructions: Children in turn are invited to make wishes to their classmates on the procedure for the upcoming USE.


Lesson number 3

Methods for relieving neuropsychic stress during preparation for the exam.

Purpose of the lesson : teaching methods of neuromuscular relaxation, relaxation techniques; the formation of students' ability to manage their psychophysical state.

Course of the lesson


Participants take turns talking about what has happened to them since the last meeting. What is their mood and state of health now?

Warm up

The host throws the ball, mentioning the name of the person to whom he throws, and any topic. The one who caught the ball says 5 words on the given topic and throws the ball to another, calling his topic.

There is not much time left before passing the final unified state exam, so it is necessary to start preparing now. It is very important in this stressful time not only to mobilize all your strength, but to learn how to relieve neuropsychic stress, which can arise and ultimately lead to stress.

Anxiety - one of the main reasons for poor memory performance and concentration of attention when passing 1 exam. Every person needs to know the psychological ways to reduce anxiety.One of the effective techniques for relieving psychological stress is relaxation. The main psychological effect of relaxation is to reduce internal anxiety. Today we will get acquainted with the psychological ways to relieve stress.

Anxiety is usually associated with muscle tension. Sometimes, in order to achieve calmness, it is enough to relax. This way of dealing with anxiety is called relaxation. Muscle relaxation or breathing relaxation can be done.

Meditation also helps to cope with anxiety. Essentially, meditation is a state of deep concentration on one object. This state allows you to find peace of mind and balance.

Self-control helps to cope with stress. The content of this concept as components includes the ability to control oneself, one's actions, experiences and feelings.

Ways to relieve neuropsychic stress

When you rest between classes while preparing for exams, sometimes it is important to spend as little time as possible on it, but rest as much as possible during this time. I will list some methods for you, and you can choose the ones that suit you. These are the ways:

  • Sports activities.
  • Cold and hot shower.
  • Laundry.
  • Washing dishes.
  • Put your stress in the crumpling of a newspaper sheet, make this lump as small as possible and throw it away. Tear another newspaper into small pieces, then throw into the bucket. From another newspaper to blind your mood. Paint over the newspaper spread (blotting, finger painting with gouache).
  • Dance to the music, sing your favorite song out loud.
  • Take a walk in a quiet place in nature.
  • Relaxation - tension - relaxation - tension, etc.
  • Inhale deeply up to 10 times.
  • Count the teeth with the tongue from the inside.

Exercise "Muscle relaxation"

Target : to teach to cope with muscle tension.

Instructions: “Please take a comfortable position, put your hands on your knees and close your eyes. Concentrate your attention on your hands. You need to feel the warmth of your hands, their softness. If there is tension in your hands, just let it be.

The fact that complete relaxation has been achieved can be judged if the hands become warm and heavy. "


How did this exercise make you feel? Have you been able to relax?
Breathing relaxation also helps to relax.

Exercise: Breathing Relaxation

Target: teach to cope with anxiety using breathing.

The easiest way is to breath into the account. It is necessary to invite children to take a comfortable position, close their eyes and concentrate on breathing. Inhale in four counts, exhale in four counts.


How is your condition changing?

Did you have difficulty doing the exercise?

Exercise "Focusing on the subject"

Target : teach to cope with anxiety through meditation.

Instructions : “Each of you should choose any object (watch, ring, pen, etc.) and put it in front of you. For four minutes, keep all your attention on this subject, carefully examine it, trying not to be distracted by any extraneous thoughts. "


Did you complete the task?

What helped and what hindered you in doing this exercise?

Exercise "Aaaaa"

Target: teach to relieve stress in an acceptable way.

Instructions : “Take a very deep breath, exhale. Then draw in full lungs of air and exhale with sound. Sing a long "Aaaaa" as you exhale. Imagine that at the same time, feelings of tension or fatigue, fatigue follow from you. And while inhaling, imagine that you are inhaling cheerful and joyful thoughts along with the air. "


- Tell us about your condition.

Game "Shake it off"

Target : teach to get rid of everything negative, unpleasant.

Instructions: “I want to show you how you can easily and easily get rid of unpleasant feelings. Start shaking off your palms, elbows, and shoulders. At the same time, imagine how everything unpleasant - bad feelings, bad thoughts - flies off you like water off a duck's back. Then brush your feet from your socks to your thighs. And then shake your head. Now shake off your face. Imagine that all the unpleasant burden falls off you and you become more cheerful. "


How do you feel after exercising?

Exercise "Mental picture"

You can also use your imagination to relieve mental stress. Draw a mental picture and it will take you 10 minutes to complete.

Sit comfortably without straining your muscles. Do not cross your arms, legs, or hands. Rest, let your body relax.

Inhale deeply, drawing in air gradually through your nose until your lungs are full.

Exhale smoothly, also through the nose, until the lungs are completely free. Try to do it rhythmically. Do not squeeze or exhale all at once.

Start a new cycle, listen to your breathing, how your lungs inflate, and then gradually release the air. Your breathing is like the movement of waves gently rolling onto the shore (exhaling) and rolling back again (inhaling). Vividly imagine in your mind the waves, their splash and the taste of sea water, a light breath of the breeze.

You have rested, received the maximum effect, and it is very important after rest to be able toget back to work... A very simple exercise can be used for this purpose.

With the thumb of the right hand, press on the middle of the left palm. With tangible pressure, make circular movements from the center of the palm to the periphery, in a spiral with an exit to the thumb. Then do the same with the other hand.

"Resource images"
Leading. Think of or think of a place where you would feel safe and feel good and calm. It can be a flowering meadow, a seashore, a clearing in the forest, illuminated by the warm summer sun. Imagine that you are in this particular place. Smell the smells, listen to the rustling of the grass or the sound of the waves, look around, touch the warm surface of the sand or the rough pine trunk. Try to present it as clearly as possible, in the smallest detail.
At first, the exercise will be difficult, so you can master it at home, in silence, before going to bed or before getting up, if you have time.
In order not to be afraid of being late, set aside 20-30 minutes for yourself (this time is more than enough) and set an alarm so as not to think about the time. As you master the technique, enhance the images, you will be able to use it in stressful situations.

What should be done so that neuropsychic stress occurs as rarely as possible?

In order not to lose your head in a crisis situation, you must not set yourself super-tasks in order to achieve a super-goal. Don't wait until the situation gets catastrophic.

Start preparing for the exams in advance, little by little, piece by piece, keeping calm.

If it is very difficult to gather strength and thoughts, try to remember the easiest first, and then move on to studying the difficult material.

Perform daily exercises that help relieve internal stress, fatigue, and achieve relaxation.


Students are encouraged to answer some questions:

How do you feel?

Which anxiety relief method worked best for you personally?

What was easy, and where did you feel the difficulty?

What are your wishes for the next lesson?

It is necessary to explain to the participants that there is no one right way to deal with stress.



Confidence in the exam

The purpose of the lesson:

  1. to acquaint students with some techniques of volitional mobilization; work out the self-control techniques necessary for students during the exam.
  2. working out with graduates the skills of psychological preparation for exams, increasing self-confidence, in their abilities when passing exams.
  3. To acquaint with the techniques of memorizing educational material


  1. Teaching students the ways of volitional mobilization and ways to maintain working well-being in preparation for the exams.
  2. Teaching the techniques of active memorization.

Course of the lesson

Exercise "My working minute".

Students are encouraged to close their eyes and sit listening to music, trying to internally “count” one minute without timing. When the student internally feels that the minute has passed, he opens his eyes and raises his hand.


Who opened their eyes before?

Who is later?

Who is on time?

What do you think this means?

Are you ready to go?

Psychologist: In fact, this exercise also has a diagnostic moment. Those who opened their eyes before 1 minute has passed are always in a hurry and want to be in time. In addition, it is possible that these people have some degree of anxiety.

Those who opened their eyes later than one minute has passed, calm, reasonable, unhurried, not anxious people.

The situation of passing the exam is the same for all students, but everyone experiences it and behaves differently in it. What is the reason for this? Of course, in many respects with how you learned the material, with how well you know a particular subject, with how confident you are in your abilities. Sometimes it happens - you really learned the material well, and suddenly on the exam you get the feeling that you have forgotten everything, some scraps of thoughts rush in your head, your heart is beating fast and hard. In order to prevent this from happening, you must learn to overcome your fear, learn the techniques of mobilization and concentration. In this lesson, we will analyze the techniques of volitional mobilization that you can use in preparing for exams, even if it seems to you that you do not have the personal qualities that allow you to be strong-willed and purposeful. These techniques will allow you to get involved in work, tune in to prepare for exams

"Express methods of strong-willed mobilization"
In difficult conditions of educational activity, for example, during tests, exams, physical training, students often need to carry out volitional mobilization. In this case, it may be convenient to use express methods that will allow you to solve some particular problem.
I’ll tell you how to do these exercises, and you’ll try them one at a time on your own.

Exercise "Free breathing"
Time: 5 minutes.

Take the starting position standing, relax, establish deep, even breathing. Then, breathing evenly and calmly, at the same time raise your arms to chest level, palms up, bend them at the elbows and take your elbows back.
After that, exhale calmly while slowly lowering your hands, palms down. During exhalation, the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, abdomen, and legs are sequentially tense. You can imagine that the descending hands press the air in the lungs and direct it down into the ground. At the end of exhalation, muscle tension stops.
The exercise is repeated until the appearance of self-confidence and the body's readiness to act with maximum efficiency.

Exercise "Nice to Remember"
Time: 5 minutes.
The exercise is based on the use of such a mechanism of mental self-regulation as self-persuasion. If you are not confident in your abilities in solving a problem, it is recommended to present and analyze the experience of successfully solving similar problems in the past. In the end, you need to firmly say to yourself: "I solved problems and more difficult, I will solve this one too!"

Auto-training allows a person to create a suitable mood, achieve calmness and confidence. Auto-training formulas are directed to the subconscious.

Rules for drawing up an auto-training formula:

1. All statements must be formulated in the affirmative. The use of the "not" particle is prohibited.

2. All statements must be formulated in the present tense.

For example, the following formula will be successful: “Everything is good in my world. I am confident and calm. I quickly recall all the material. I'm focused. "

"Kinesiological exercise"

With the thumb and forefinger of one hand, forcefully squeeze the phalanx of each finger of the other hand, starting from the nail phalanx, first in the dorsal-palmar, then in the interdigital plane. Then we change hands.

With the thumb of the right hand, press on the middle of the left palm. With tangible pressure, make circular movements from the center of the palm to the periphery, in a spiral with an exit to the thumb. Then the same with the other hand.

It is advisable to use these exercises every day in preparation for classes at school, in preparation for exams.

Memory and memorization techniques.

"Techniques for organizing memorized material"

There are certaintechniques for working with memorized material, such as:

Grouping - splitting the material into groups on any grounds (meaning, associations, etc.).

IN highlighting strong points- fixing a brief paragraph that serves as a support for a broader content (theses, title, questions stated in the text, examples, cipher data, comparisons, etc.).

Plan - a set of reference points.

Classification - the distribution of any objects, phenomena, concepts by classes, groups, categories based on certain common features.

Structuring- establishing the relative position of the parts that make up the whole.

Schematization (construction of graphical diagrams)- an image or description of something in general outline or a simplified representation of stored information.

Serial organization of material- the establishment or construction of various sequences: distribution by volume, distribution in time, ordering in space, etc.

Associations - establishing links by similarity, contiguity or opposition.

"Methods of active memorization"

The golden rule of good memorization is intellectual work with the material. Active memorization methods include such intelligent work with text. Let's take a look at some of them.

Keyword method.

The keyword is a kind of "knot" that connects the information stored in memory with our immediate consciousness and allows us to reproduce it. To memorize a phrase, it is enough to select 1-2 main (key) words and remember them, after which you just have to remember them - the whole phrase will be remembered. This method can also be applied when memorizing large-volume texts, forming a chain of keywords that follow each other and are related to each other.

Repetition method I. A. Korsakov(basic principles)

1. It is necessary to repeat information within 20 seconds immediately after its perception, since the greatest loss of information occurs in the first stages of memorization, immediately following perception.
2. The time intervals between repetitions of information should be lengthened, if possible. Suppose, if 7 days are given for preparation, and the material requires at least five repetitions, then the work can be structured as follows:

1st day -2 repetitions;
2nd day - 1 repetition;
3rd day - no repetitions;
4th day - 1 repetition;
5th day - no repetitions;
6th day - no repetitions;
7th day - 1 repetition.

3. The number of repetitions should be chosen with some margin. A simple rule should be followed: the number of repetitions should be such that the information does not disappear within the required period of time.

Comprehensive teaching method

A large amount of information can be memorized with a partial instructional method, in which the sentence is repeated sentence by sentence, line by line. However, with the partial instructional method, information is fragmented and taken out of its context. In contrast, with a complex educational method, all information is memorized in its entirety, and then repeated as a whole. The relationships between the individual parts are perceived faster and more thoroughly, and the number of repetitions is reduced. To do this, divide a large text into sections united by one topic. During the first reproduction, the already learned part is repeated and the second is studied. With the second, the first parts are repeated and the next one is memorized, etc.

When memorizing, you can usevisual memory techniques: to memorize an object or short numbers, it is quite enough to create their visual image. Imagine that the number you need to remember is written in large red on a white wall, or is lit in neon numbers against a black sky. Make this lettering blink for at least 15 seconds in your imagination. By repeating the number out loud, you can make it even easier to remember.

Confidence in the exam

Confidence is made up of two things: how you feel and how you look. An inner state of confidence can be gained with the help of the auto-training and relaxation techniques that we have mastered today. How else can you increase your confidence? First of all, it is very important to be confident. When you behave this way, the feeling changes too. In addition, we each have our own resources to draw upon in a stressful situation.
Confident behavior is a collective term that includes various states. It is purposeful: a confident person accurately represents his goals and builds his own actions in such a way that they allow him to get closer to the intended goals. Moreover, they should be:

  • realistic, specific and positive;
  • focused on overcoming obstacles that arise, and not on worrying about them: a confident person is able to change the style of his communication depending on which interlocutors he contacts and in what conditions this happens.
  • flexible, implying an adequate response to a rapidly changing environment;
  • socially oriented - aimed at building constructive relationships with others: movement "to people".
  • combining spontaneity with the possibility of arbitrariness of arbitrary regulation, i.e. such a person does not seek to constantly suppress his emotions and feelings, allows himself to openly express them. But if necessary, he is ready to take control of them;
  • persistent, but not turning into aggressive: a person makes efforts to achieve his goals, but does this, if possible, not to the detriment of the interests of other people, but is ready to defend his interests very tough and go into conflict only for objective reasons. For him, it is preferable not to follow the principle, but to resolve the conflict flexibly.
  • creative: a person who exhibits confident behavior does not spend energy fighting with anyone or anything, but instead creates what he sees fit. Thus: “Self-confidence is understood as the ability of a person to put forward and implement his own goals, needs, desires, claims, interests, feelings in relation to his environment.” Self-confident people are characterized by:
  • independence;
  • self-sufficiency.

Outward signs of a confident person:

  1. looks calm;
  2. holds on with dignity;
  3. open look;
  4. even posture;
  5. calm and confident voice.

A self-confident person can:

  1. feel the situation, behave with dignity (gestures, voice), understand the boundaries of the physical and mental;
  2. adequately assess their strengths and weaknesses, accept a critical comment in their address;
  3. act clearly and orderly, be persistent;
  4. openly express and defend their opinions, without hostility or self-defense.

Final part

Exercise "Kind Word"
Instructions: Children in turn are invited to make wishes to their classmates on the procedure for the upcoming USE.


Conflicts, like a number of other negative factors in our life, create nervous states and often lead to stress.

Below is a test that will allow you to get an estimate of your level of stress tolerance. The more sincere your answers are, the more objective you will get. Circle the appropriate option for each statement (if there are no forms on the pieces of paper, put a point next to the question number).





4. I happen to be aggressive

6. I am irritable

9. i suffer from insomnia

16. I do everything quickly

Total points

Your stress tolerance level

51 - 54

1 - very low

53 - 50

2 - low

49 - 46

3 - below average

45 - 42

4 - slightly below average

41 - 38

5 - medium

37 - 34

6 - slightly above average

33 - 30

7 - above average

29 - 26

8 - high

18 - 22

9 - very high

The less (total number) points you scored, the higher your stress resistance, and vice versa. If you have the 1st or even 2nd level of stress resistance, then you need to radically change your lifestyle!

Personality stress test





1. I think that I am underestimated in the team

2. I try to work, study, even if I'm not quite healthy

3. I am worried about the quality of my work

4. I happen to be aggressive

5. I do not tolerate criticism

6. I am irritable

7. I try to be a leader where possible

8. I am considered a persistent and assertive person

9. i suffer from insomnia

10. I can fight back my enemies

11. I am emotionally and painfully in trouble

12. I don't have enough time to rest

13. I have conflict situations

14. I lack the power to realize myself

15. I don't have enough time to do what I love

16. I do everything quickly

17. I am afraid that I will not go to college

18. I act in the heat of the moment, and then worry about my deeds and actions.

Personality stress test

Circle the appropriate option for each statement





1. I think that I am underestimated in the team

2. I try to work, study, even if I'm not quite healthy

3. I am worried about the quality of my work

4. I happen to be aggressive

5. I do not tolerate criticism

6. I am irritable

7. I try to be a leader where possible

8. I am considered a persistent and assertive person

9. i suffer from insomnia

10. I can fight back my enemies

11. I am emotionally and painfully in trouble

12. I don't have enough time to rest

13. I have conflict situations

14. I lack the power to realize myself

15. I don't have enough time to do what I love

16. I do everything quickly

17. I am afraid that I will not go to college

18. I act in the heat of the moment, and then worry about my deeds and actions.


Educational project

Psychological preparation of students for the exam

Sokolova L.A.


Kirovsky district


Saratov 2015

1. Introduction.

New exam form. What are the difficulties in passing the exam?

2 Main part.

The urgency of the problem.

Purpose and objectives of the project.

Plan and implementation mechanism.

3. Conclusion.

4. List of sources.



The Unified State Exam (USE) is an exam conducted centrally in the Russian Federation. Serves simultaneously as a final exam from school and an entrance exam to universities. When conducting an exam throughout Russia, the same type of tasks and uniform methods for assessing the quality of work are used. After passing the exam, all participants are issued certificates of the results of the exam, which are valid for two years, where the points received in the subjects are indicated. Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has been the only form of final examinations at school and the main form of university entrance exams.

The tasks of the exam are called control and measuring materials (CMMs), which are developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.

Tasks for each subject are divided into three parts (blocks): A, B, C.

Block A contains test tasks, in each of which you need to choose one answer from the four proposed.

For each task in block B, you must give a short answer consisting of one or more words, letters or numbers. The answers to the tasks of blocks A and B are entered in a special form and checked by a computer.

Block C consists of one or more tasks with a detailed answer (for example, you need to solve a problem, write an essay on a proposed topic, or reasonably answer a certain question). The answers to the tasks of block C are evaluated by experts of the regional examination committee, the tasks of the KIM part C contain the assessment criteria for experts.

The relevance of the psychological preparation of the Unified State Exam is difficult to underestimate.

It is worth noting that the Unified State Exam as a form of exam appeared relatively recently and, due to the introduction, the requirements for the exam change every year. In this regard, this form of conduct for many graduates is unusual and frightening. In addition, the Unified State Exam is a stressful situation for graduates. Possible difficulties in passing the USE are mainly associated with the characteristics of the student's perception of the exam situation, with an insufficient level of self-control development, with low stress resistance of students, with a lack of self-regulation skills.

The unified state examination is radically different from the usual form of knowledge testing. This new form of exam requires good knowledge of the subjects, preliminary psychological preparation of all participants in the educational process (teachers, parents, students).

All this led to the need to create this project, which allows to develop mechanisms for creating a program that helps the student to more effectively prepare for the exam and cope with anxiety.

The urgency of the problem:

Disadvantages in preparing 11th grade pupils of secondary educational institutions for writing the Unified State Exam.

The state exam is, first of all, a serious stressful situation for children, which has a negative impact on the child's psyche. Often, this situation is aggravated by the teachers themselves. In this regard, the opinion of Pavel Fedorovich Potapov, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Contemporary Journalism and Public Opinion, is interesting: “Not all students have a strong character. It is known that in rural areas they are brought to the Unified State Exam points tens of kilometers away. They experience not only fatigue, but, like many other test participants, severe stress. Now imagine this situation: the child has increased anxiety, is absent-minded when performing monotonous actions, or he is not used to tests and procedural moments and therefore passed the exam badly. What should he do? This creates a conflict of interests between children and the ministry. We have observed that graduates react much more calmly to traditional oral and written exams. ”

At present, when more and more graduates, their parents and teachers are solving the problems of preparing for the Unified State Exam, experience shows that a specific phenomenon is beginning to form - the “mythology of the Unified State Exam”. In this case, mythology means irrational, unconscious, emotionally loaded beliefs and attitudes that reflect the attitude towards this exam. Of course, they will manifest themselves in different ways: children say that "it is impossible to pass the USE", teachers - about unrealistic requirements and incorrectly formulated tasks, parents - that "somewhere in other regions everything is bought and children receive only five ". As a rule, such statements are accompanied by strong emotions: anxiety, anger, fear.

Therefore, the psychological component of the student's preparation is a priority point during preparation for the exam and is especially important on the day of the exam. Despite this, the system of psychological support for schoolchildren is not being developed systematically, due to the lack of regulatory and methodological documents and a plan for the work of the psychological service in this direction. Comparing the traditional exam and the USE, it can be noted that with the new form of passing the exam, the student is required to have completely different, significant characteristics. Namely: high mobility, switchability, a high level of organization of activities, high sustainable performance, a high level of concentration, volition, etc. Consequently, it is necessary to construct psychological support in such a way that the above listed, the most significant characteristics are developed by the time the USE is passed.

Thus, it can be concluded that every year the required level of knowledge from the student decreases, however, this does not remove from the examinee the problem of psychological readiness to pass the exam.

Objective of the project:

Develop a work plan for the psychological support of the exam.

When planning, it is necessary to analyze the entire work of an educational institution in the field of psychological support of the educational process. The fact is that a lot has already been done and is being done in our school to ensure that students successfully pass the transfer exams and the Unified State Exam. The psychologist conducts annual monitoring of the level of development of cognitive processes in children. Many teachers use test programs to assess the level of student knowledge. However, all this work does not have a clear organization, and therefore it is not possible to trace its effectiveness, identify shortcomings, and note the positive aspects.

Project objectives:

2) Development of a program for the formation of the psychological readiness of children for the exam and its introduction into the system of psychological support for children at school.

The validity of the tasks.

The results of diagnostics of 11th grade students in school showed that: a weak level of attentiveness in 17% of students. A high level of anxiety in 14% of students. These indicators are important when passing exams in the form of testing.

When predicting the level of students' readiness for the USE in 8-10 years, based on diagnostic examinations in the lower grades, the following results were obtained:

A weak level of visual-structural thinking was shown by 37% of students. Visual-structural thinking - allows you to analyze patterns and catch the direction of changes in information, "see" the structure, think by analogy.

A weak level of abstract thinking was shown by 44% of students. Abstract thinking makes it possible to operate with them by highlighting various formal features (quantitative, interval, functional).

A weak level of information processing speed was shown by 36% of students. Information processing speed - allows you to find out how quickly test tasks are completed. It is necessary to automate complex skills (reading, writing, verbal counting).

A high level of anxiety in 18% of students. Anxiety - allows you to find out how comfortable the child feels during the test.

I believe that the psychological skills for passing the exam, obtained during the implementation of the program, will increase the effectiveness of preparation for exams, allowing you to behave more successfully during the exam, and will contribute to the development of mental skills, the ability to mobilize yourself in a decisive situation, and control your emotions.

Target audience of the project:

Pupils of grades 7-11 of secondary school 70 in Saratov. This target audience was chosen for a number of objective reasons.

High school students will be most interested in the topic raised in the project, because at the end of the school year, they take one of the most important exams, namely the Unified State Exam. The future fate of the high school student, his place of study, his further work depends on what the test result will be. Knowledge plays an important role, however, the psychological readiness of the examinee is also important.

Also, the accumulated methodological base during the implementation of the project can be used in preparation for the Unified State Exam at the earlier stages of training. In addition, as the researchers note, the sooner systematic, purposeful preparation begins, the better the results will be. This project assumes the possibility of expanding the target audience by including students in grades 7-8.

Implementation plan and mechanisms.

1. Creation of an expert commission from among teachers and a psychologist to develop measures for psychological support of students for the Unified State Exam and for selection among existing events.

2. Creation of an expert commission from among teachers and a psychologist to develop guidelines for teachers.

3. Implementation of psychological support of children for passing the exam by the school psychologist.

4. Implementation of the developed normative and methodological base of psychological support of the Unified State Exam in secondary schools.


At this stage, the psychologist conducts a diagnostic examination of students for the development of attention span, concentration, anxiety, the development of thinking operations (i.e., all those processes that are necessary for the successful passing of the USE) and compares the results obtained before the start of preparation for the USE , and the results obtained after their completion. These data will serve as an assessment of the effectiveness of all work on psychological support.

The work plan of a psychologist for psychological support of schoolchildren for the exam.

Teaching the skills of self-regulation, self-control of students, increasing self-confidence and strength.

Self-regulation is the mechanism by which a centralizing, guiding and activating position of the subject is provided. It optimizes mental capabilities, compensates for deficiencies, and regulates individual states in connection with the tasks and events of the activity. It also ensures the targeted and semantic correspondence of the subject's actions to these events, the timeliness, proportionality of actions, etc.

Through self-regulation, a person maintains a stable level of activity, regardless of the variability of mental states at a particular stage of activity.

Decrease in the level of anxiety in all USE participants.

Anxiety is a common psychological phenomenon of our time. Anxiety is viewed as an experience of emotional discomfort, a premonition of impending danger. In recent years, psychologists have been particularly concerned about the process of the formation of anxiety states in school conditions. According to the World Health Organization, the school is today recognized as a socially disadvantageous factor. The consequence of such an adverse impact is often a violation of the psychological health of students. Currently, the number of anxious children has increased, characterized by increased anxiety, insecurity, emotional instability.

The most common reasons include examination stress, which has an adverse effect on the child's psyche and on the success of the examination tasks.

Determine the level of anxiety among graduates.

Conduct the developed classes for graduates, teachers during the preparation for the exam

During the preparation for the unified state exam, grade 11 students experience tremendous stress and stress, both mental and emotional. They need to master a large amount of material in a fairly short period of time, which is presented both in the form of textual information and in the form of tables, figures, formulas, diagrams, etc. Therefore, the student needs the skills of mastering information presented in various modalities, the skills of organizing his work both in time and in space so that, with the least expenditure of effort and time, master and assimilate the largest amount of knowledge. Not all schoolchildren can independently organize their work in the most optimal way.

In addition, one of the student's tasks is to prepare for the exam morally and psychologically, to cope with anxiety so that it does not cause a lower grade at the most crucial moment. We believe that the psychological preparation of children for the Unified State Exam should be aimed at solving these problems.

Implementation mechanisms:


1. Identification of anxiety level of graduates.

2. Revealing the formation of mental functions necessary for passing the exam.

Dates: September, April (psychologist)

Organizational and informational work.

1. Organization of information work with graduates, teachers.

Dates: March - June (psychologist)

Practical work.

Practical advice to parents "How to help children prepare for the exam"

Tips for students to successfully complete the test.

Councils for homeroom teachers.

2. Implementation of a program of psychological and pedagogical activities for graduates in the educational institution in preparation for the Unified State Exam

3. Preparation and implementation of events.

DEADLINES: September - December, March (expert group)


Comparison of the results obtained during the diagnostic examination at the first and last stages of work (psychologist).

Expected results:

Psychological readiness of USE participants:

1. Reducing the level of anxiety.

2. Development of concentration of attention.

3. Development of clarity and structured thinking.

4. Increase resistance to stress.

5. Development of the emotional and volitional sphere.

6. Development of self-control skills based on internal reserves.

7. Development of skills for constructive interaction (and all mental processes necessary for passing the exam).

As a result, the elimination of psychological factors that negatively affect the exam results.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the result

The analysis of the work carried out will be carried out on the basis of a comparison of the diagnostics carried out before the start of the program implementation and after its completion. It will be seen how much the level of anxiety has decreased, how certain mental functions have developed. An indirect assessment will be the improvement in the USE results.


Thus, in the implementation of the project for the psychological preparation of all participants in the Unified State Exam (high school students, teachers, psychologists, parents), a work plan, guidelines and measures for the psychological support of children for the Unified State Exam are being developed.

With the successful implementation of this project, the target group, namely students of graduation classes, secondary educational institutions, will receive an important advantage when writing the exam, that is, resistance to the stresses that affect the writing of control tests. In addition, the knowledge gained can be applied in later life, for example, when entering a university or when applying for a job. This program can be improved, for example, by involving a wider range of specialists, which will ultimately lead to better results. received when writing the exam

Used sources:

1. Taylor, J. Personal scale of manifestations of anxiety. Diagnostics of emotional and moral development / George Taylor; adaptation by T.A. Nemchina; ed. I.B. Dermanov. - SPb .: 2002 .-- 126-128 p.

2. Chibisova, M.Yu. Unified State Exam: Psychological Preparation (Psychologist at School) / M.Yu. Chibisov. - M .: Genesis, 2004 .-- 168

3.http: //www1.ege.edu.ru/content/view/2/6/

4.http: //www.rustest.ru/projects/

5.http: //www.disput.mrsu.ru/art/15/

6.http: //mon.gov.ru/main/5363/

7.nsportal.ru ›School› Materials for parents ›

8.o stress.ru › ege _stress.html

9.ct ege.info › Regulatory legal the documents

Appendix 3

Graduate stress test

This test is suitable for conducting in a group, the student can process it on their own right in the lesson. The test is very useful in that it activates graduates and allows them to think about their own mental state: not everyone knows the signs of neuropsychic stress - apathy, tiredness in the morning, obsessive thoughts, sensitivity to the words of others. A graduate may miss a critical moment when you need to stop, think about yourself and take a break. Go for a walk, change scenery, meet friends to regain strength

Almost never (1 point);

Rarely (2 points);

Often (3 points);

Almost always (4 points).


1. I am often annoyed by little things.

2. I get nervous when I have to wait for someone.

3. When I find myself in an awkward position, I blush.

4. When I am angry, I can offend someone.

5. I hate criticism, I lose my temper.

6. If I am pushed in transport, then I answer in kind or say something rude.

7. All your free time is busy with something.

8. I always come to a meeting in advance or be late.

9. I do not know how to listen, I insert remarks.

10. I suffer from a lack of appetite.

11. I often worry for no reason.

12. I feel bad in the morning.

13. I feel tired, I do not sleep well, I cannot pass out.

14. And after a long sleep I do not feel normal.

15. I think my heart is out of order.

16. I have back and neck pains.

17. When I sit at the table, I drum my fingers on the table and swing my leg.

18. I dream of recognition, I want to be praised for what I do.

19. I think that I am worse than many.

20. I am not on a diet.

Then you need to add up all the resulting points and evaluate the result:

30 points or less. You live calmly and reasonably, manage to cope with the problems that arise. You do not suffer from false ambition or excessive modesty. These people often see themselves in a rosy light.

31–45 points. Your life is filled with activity and tension, you suffer from stress both in the positive sense of the word (i.e. you have a desire to achieve something) and in the negative. Most likely, you will not change your lifestyle, but leave some time for yourself.

46-60 points. Your life is a never-ending struggle. You are ambitious and dreaming of a career. The opinions of others are important to you, and this keeps you under stress. If you continue in the same spirit, you will achieve a lot, but it is unlikely that it will give you joy. Avoid unnecessary arguments, calm your anger caused by small things. Do not always try to achieve maximum results. Give yourself a complete break from time to time.

61 points or more. You live like the driver of a car who presses on the gas and on the brake at the same time. Change your lifestyle. The stress you are exposed to threatens both your health and your future.

Annex 1

The unified state exam is a traditional exam.

What is evaluated

It is not just factual knowledge that is important, but the ability to present it. The level of development of oral speech can allow you to hide knowledge gaps

Actual knowledge and the ability to reason, solve, as well as the ability to stay within the task, understand the wording, organization are assessed

What influences the assessment?

Subjective factors, contact with the examiner, general impression, etc., have a great influence.

The assessment is as objective as possible

The ability to correct your own mistake

On the oral exam, it is easier to notice an error due to feedback from the examiner and correct it during the story or when answering the examiner's question, in the written exam - when checking your own work

Checking errors can be noticed and corrected

Who is evaluating?

People familiar to the student

Computer, unknown and invisible experts

When can I find out the results of the exam?

On an oral exam - almost immediately, on a written exam - for several

The student must demonstrate proficiency in a specific piece of educational material

The exam covers almost the entire volume of educational material

How is the fixation of results carried out?

In the written exam - on the same sheet on which the assignments are performed. On the oral - on the draft

The results of the tasks must be transferred to a special form

Exam strategy



Appendix 2

Test purpose

The technique is designed to measure the level of anxiety

Test description

The questionnaire consists of 50 statements. It can be presented to the subject either as a list or as a set of statement cards.

Test instructions

You are invited to familiarize yourself with a set of statements regarding character traits. If you agree with the statement, answer "Yes", if you do not agree - "No". Do not hesitate for a long time, the first answer that comes to your mind is important.

Test Material

I am usually calm and not easily pissed off.

My nerves are no more upset than other people.

I rarely have constipation.

I rarely have headaches.

I rarely get tired.

I almost always feel quite happy.

I'm confident in myself.

I practically never blush.

Compared to my friends, I consider myself quite a brave person.

I blush no more often than others.

I rarely have a heartbeat.

Usually my hands are warm enough.

I am no more shy than others.

I lack confidence in myself.

Sometimes it seems to me that I am not good for anything.

I have periods of such anxiety that I cannot sit still.

My stomach bothers me a lot.

I don’t have the heart to endure all the difficulties ahead.

I would like to be as happy as others.

Sometimes it seems to me that such difficulties are heaped up in front of me that I cannot overcome.

I often have nightmares.

I notice that my hands start to shake when I try to do something.

I have extremely restless and intermittent sleep.

I am very worried about possible failures.

I had to experience fear in those cases when I knew for sure that nothing threatened me.

I find it difficult to concentrate on work or on any task.

I work with great stress.

I am easily confused.

Almost all the time I feel anxious about someone or something.

I tend to take things too seriously.

I cry a lot.

I am often tormented by bouts of vomiting and nausea.

I have an upset stomach once a month or more.

I am often afraid that I’m about to blush.

It is very difficult for me to concentrate on anything.

My financial situation worries me very much.

I often think about things that I would not like to talk about with anyone.

I have had periods when anxiety has deprived me of sleep.

At times, when I am confused, I have a lot of sweating, which is very embarrassing for me.

Even on cold days, I sweat easily.

At times I get so agitated that I find it difficult to fall asleep.

The key to the test

The number of responses of the subject indicating anxiety is counted.

Answers "Yes" to statements: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 , 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50.

Answers "No" to statements: 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

Answers that match the key are worth 1 point. Number of points is summed up.

Assessment of test results

40-50 points are considered as an indicator of a very high level of anxiety,

25-40 points indicate a high level of anxiety,

15-25 points - about the average (with a tendency to high) level of anxiety,

5-15 points - about the average (with a tendency to low) level of anxiety,

0-5 points - about a low level of anxiety.

Useful information about the uniform state exam in 2017

The Unified State Exam (USE) is just one of life's tests, many of which have yet to be passed. Don't make the event too important to increase excitement.

Be sure: everyone who went to school can pass the exam. All assignments are based on the school curriculum. Having prepared properly, you will definitely pass the exam.

Set a goal in advance that you can do. No one can always be perfect Although achievements do not always coincide with the ideal, they are your own.

Don't be afraid of mistakes. It is known that the one who does nothing is not mistaken. People who are determined to succeed achieve much more in life than those who try to avoid failure.

Getting familiar with the rules and procedure of the exam in advance will remove the effect of surprise on the exam. Training in solving tasks will help you navigate different types of tasks, calculate the time. You should also familiarize yourself with the rules for filling out the forms in advance.

Preparation for the exam requires a lot of time, but it should not take absolutely all the time. It is very important to distribute energy and time, to maintain the correct balance. Do not be afraid to be distracted from preparation for walks and your favorite hobby in order to avoid overwork, but do not delay the change!


Your children and you, together with them, have entered a crucial period of life - preparation for passing the Unified State Exams.

How can you help your child during the difficult period of preparation and passing the exam?

Encouragement, support, real help, and most importantly, the calmness of adults help the child to successfully cope with his own anxiety.

Do not intimidate the child, do not remind him of the complexity and responsibility of the upcoming exams. This does not increase motivation, but only creates emotional barriers that the child himself cannot overcome.

It is very important to adjust the expectations of the graduate. Explain that it is not at all necessary to answer all the USE questions for a good result. It is much more effective to calmly give answers to questions that he knows for sure than to worry about unresolved tasks.

Regardless of the result of the exam, often, generously and heartily tell him that he (she)

The most beloved, and that everything in life will work out for him (her)! Belief in success, confidence in your child, his capabilities, stimulating help in the form of praise and approval are very important during this period!


Tips for parentson psychological preparation for the unified state exam: How to help children prepare for exams

Do not be alarmed about the number of points a child will receive on the exam, and do not criticize the child after the exam. Instill in your child the idea that points are not a perfect measure of their capabilities.

Do not raise your child's anxiety on the eve of exams - this can negatively affect the test result. The parents' excitement is always transmitted to the child, and if adults at the crucial moment can cope with their emotions, then the child, due to age characteristics, can emotionally "break down".

Encourage the children, praise them for what they do well.

Build their self-confidence, as the more the child fears failure, the more likely they are to make mistakes.

Observe the child's well-being, no one, except you, will be able to notice and prevent the deterioration of the child's condition associated with overwork in time.

Control the child's preparation regimen, do not overload, explain to him that he must necessarily alternate between classes and rest.

Provide a comfortable place for study at home, make sure that no one from the family interferes. - Pay attention to the nutrition of the child: during times of intense mental stress, he needs nutritious and varied food and a balanced complex of vitamins. Products such as fish, cottage cheese, nuts, dried apricots, etc. stimulate the brain.

Help the children organize the preparation topics by day - Introduce the child about the exam preparation method. It makes no sense to memorize all the factual material, it is enough to look at the key points and grasp the meaning and logic of the material. It is very useful to make short schematic extracts and tables, organizing the studied material according to the plan. If he doesn't know how, show him how to do it in practice. Basic formulas and definitions can be written out on pieces of paper and hung over the writing table, over the bed, in the dining room, etc.

Prepare different versions of test items for the subject (there are now many different collections of test items). It is of great importance to train a child specifically for testing, because this form differs from his usual written and oral examinations.

In advance, during training on test tasks, teach your child to orientate in time and be able to distribute it. Then the child will have the skill of being able to concentrate throughout the entire test, which will give him peace of mind and relieve unnecessary anxiety. If your child doesn't wear a watch, be sure to give him a watch for the exam.

On the eve of the exam, provide your child with good rest, he must rest and sleep well.

Encourage the children to pay attention to the following during the exam:

· Run your eyes through the entire test to see what type of tasks it contains, this will help you to tune in to work;

· If you do not know the answer to a question or are not sure, skip it and mark it so that you can return to it later;

· If you could not answer the question within the allotted time, it makes sense to rely on your intuition and indicate the most likely option.

And remember, the most important thing is to reduce your child's stress and anxiety and provide the right environment for class.

Graduate Tips: How to Prepare for Exams

Exam preparation

First, prepare a place for classes: remove unnecessary things from the table, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils, etc.

· You can introduce yellow and purple colors into the interior of the room, as they increase intellectual activity. For this, a picture in these colors or a print may be enough.

Make a lesson plan. To begin with, determine: who you are - "owl" or "lark", and depending on this, make the most of the morning or evening hours. When making a plan for each day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. Not in general: "I will work out a little", but which sections and topics.

Start with the hardest part, the section you know the worst. But if you find it difficult to "swing", you can start with the material that is most interesting and enjoyable to you. Perhaps you will gradually get into a working rhythm, and things will go.

Alternate between classes and rest, say, 40 minutes of study, then 10 minutes for a break. At this time, you can wash the dishes, water the flowers, do exercises, take a shower. There is no need to strive to read and memorize the entire textbook. It is useful to structure the material by drawing up plans, diagrams, and preferably on paper. Plans are also useful because they are easy to use with a short repetition of the material. · Perform as many different published tests in this subject as possible. These workouts will familiarize you with the test item constructions. · Train with a stopwatch in your hands, keep track of the test execution time (tasks in Part A take on average 2 minutes per task). When preparing for exams, never think that you will not cope with the task, but on the contrary, mentally paint yourself a picture of triumph. Leave one day before the exam to repeat all the answer plans, once again dwell on the most difficult questions.

On the eve of the exam

Many people think that in order to fully prepare for the exam, only one, the last night before it, is not enough. It is not right. You are already tired, and do not overwork yourself. On the contrary, in the evening, stop preparing, take a shower, take a walk. Sleep as best you can in order to get up refreshed, with a feeling of your health, strength, "fighting" attitude. After all, the exam is a kind of struggle in which you need to prove yourself, show your capabilities and abilities. You must arrive at the exam point without being late, preferably half an hour before the start of testing. You need to have a pass, a passport (not a birth certificate) and several (in reserve) gel or capillary pens with black ink.

Here are some general recipes for more successful testing tactics.

Concentrate! After completing the preliminary part of the testing (filling out the forms), when you have clarified all the incomprehensible moments for yourself, try to concentrate and forget about others. For you, only the text of the assignments and the hours regulating the time of the test should exist. Hurry slowly! Time constraints should not affect the quality of your responses. Before entering the answer, re-read the question twice and make sure that you understand correctly what is required of you.

Start easy! Start answering those questions that you have no doubt in the knowledge, without stopping at those that can cause long thoughts. Then you will calm down, your head will start to work more clearly and clearly, and you will enter a working rhythm. You will sort of free yourself from nervousness, and then all your energy will be directed to more difficult questions.

Skip it! We must learn to skip difficult or incomprehensible tasks. Remember: there will always be questions in the text that you will surely cope with. It’s just stupid to miss points just because you didn’t get to “your” tasks, but got stuck on those that cause you difficulties.

Read the assignment to the end! Haste should not lead to the fact that you try to understand the conditions of the assignment "by the first words" and finish building the ending in your own imagination. This is a surefire way to make annoying mistakes in the easiest questions.

Think only of the current assignment! When you see a new task, forget everything that was in the previous one. As a rule, the tasks in the tests are not related to each other, therefore the knowledge that you applied in one (already, for example, solved by you), as a rule, does not help, but only interferes with concentrating and correctly solving a new task. This advice gives you another invaluable psychological effect - forget about the failure in the last task (if it turned out to be too tough for you). Think only that each new task is a chance to score points. · Exclude! Many tasks can be solved faster if you do not immediately look for the correct answer, but consistently exclude those that are clearly not suitable. The method of elimination allows you to focus on just one or two options in the end, and not on all five or seven (which is much more difficult). · Plan two laps! Calculate the time so that in two-thirds of the allotted time, go through all the easy tasks ("first circle"). Then you will have time to score the maximum points on those tasks, and then calmly return and think about the difficult ones that you had to skip at first ("second round").

Check it out! Leave time to check your work, at least to have time to skim your eyes and notice obvious mistakes. Guess! If you are not sure about the choice of the answer, but intuitively you can prefer some answer to others, then you should trust your intuition! At the same time, choose the option that, in your opinion, has a high probability. Do not worry! Strive to complete all tasks, but remember that in practice this is unrealistic. Keep in mind that the test tasks are designed for the maximum level of difficulty, and the number of tasks you have solved may well be sufficient for a good grade.

Free course for graduates and their parents.

Dear Students and Parents.

The time has come for you and your children to pass state exams and enter the university. The outcome of the child's participation in the examination marathon and the final result largely depend on how seriously you take the preparation for the exam. At its core, the USE is not only a kind of test of knowledge, but an assessment of the social and psychological readiness of schoolchildren for the constantly changing conditions of modern reality. Exam breakdowns are common. And, unfortunately, no one is immune from this! Nevertheless, our task is to help graduates during this difficult period. The main reason for these breakdowns lies in the lack of adequate ways for students to emotionally respond to stressful situations. In this regard, the psychological readiness of high school students is one of the main characteristics that contribute to the successful state certification in the form of the Unified State Exam.

By psychological readiness to pass the exam, we mean the formation of the student's psychological properties and social competencies (psychophysiological, personal, technological, motivational, self-evaluative), without which the successful passing of the exam is impossible. Such a definition of the psychological readiness of students to pass the exam allows you to work on three tasks at once: increasing mental stress resistance, as well as solving medical and social problems of adapting the body to an increased load.

The solution of these problems can provide comprehensive psychological support for students taking the exam. It should be borne in mind that in a modern school, it is often impossible to conduct long-term classes with high school students for a number of reasons. Schoolchildren attend various preparatory courses, elective classes to prepare for a specific subject (within the school curriculum), etc.

Indeed, what should a person be to successfully pass this exam? What should include psychological preparation for the exam? There is still not much literature on this topic, but at the moment it is customary to distinguish three main components of psychological preparation and the difficulties arising from them, namely cognitive, personal and procedural components.

Cognitive difficulties are primarily associated with an insufficient amount of knowledge or an insufficient degree of their assimilation and systematization, insufficient development of general educational skills.

Personal difficulties, are associated with a lack of support from adults, student independence, which can lead to an increased level of anxiety, the presence of prejudices about the exam, inadequate self-esteem.

Procedural difficulties associated with an insufficient understanding of the exam procedure itself, with the lack of the skill of a clear procedure for passing the exam.

How to compensate for these difficulties and many other recommendations can be found on the pages of our site.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you! Dear Parents! Even the most independent person, seeing the care and participation of loved ones in their problems, acquires the qualities necessary for success: confidence, calmness and, as a result, resistance to stress!

Best regards, Education-web.ru

Psychological preparation for the exam

All of us have passed exams at least once in our lives and therefore we are familiar with the experiences associated with them. The exam is not just a test of knowledge, but a test of knowledge in conditions of stress and unpredictable results. It is stressful for students, teachers and parents alike. The Unified State Exam is an ordinary exam based only on test technologies. The life of children and adults during this period is filled with emotional tension.

What can we adults do to ensure that children successfully pass the graduation tests? First of all, parents, teachers, psychologists and class teachers should unite their efforts.

Our task is to relieve stress and fear of testing, to tell about those methods and techniques of self-organization that will help the student use their knowledge in the testing process.

Conventionally, we can distinguish three groups of difficulties that high school students face during the exam: cognitive, personal and procedural.

1. Cognitive difficulties- these are difficulties associated with the peculiarities of information processing during the exam, with the specifics of working with test items. Moreover, if the volume of knowledge is important for a teacher, then from a psychological point of view more important is skill use this knowledge.

What are the difficulties? A significant difficulty can be itself work with test items... Testing involves the formation of special skills: to highlight the essential aspects in each issue and separate them from the secondary ones; operate with facts and statements taken out of the general context. Traditional teaching, as a rule, focuses more on the ability to build relationships within a particular topic.

How can an adult help? Success in completing assignments is mainly ensured by good switchability and RAM... Unlike the traditional exam, tests that do not have a logical connection between tasks require the ability to handle a large amount of data and quickly switch from one topic to another. In working with graduates, in preparation for the USE, the following tasks can be used to overcome cognitive difficulties:

Exercises that develop switching of attention in general;

Games and tasks based on the material of school subjects, and here it is not so much knowledge that is important as skills in operating with concepts. An example of such an exercise is the well-known game "Associations", where terms from school courses in biology, physics and other subjects are used as associations. The instruction is as follows: “The presenter names any concept, for example, from the subject of physics. The player's task is to name the association with this concept. "

2. Personal difficulties are determined by the characteristics of the student's perception of the exam situation, his individual reactions and states.

What are these difficulties? Traditionally, the situation of the exam at school is largely mitigated by the fact that children are surrounded by familiar people, which largely helps to reduce the anxiety that the child experiences. In fact, on the traditional exam, the student is in a situation of greater psychological security. When passing the Unified State Exam, graduates are deprived of such support. Everything is alien there - adults, children, premises. Strangers accept and evaluate the exam results, which leads to increased anxiety and insufficient concentration on the task.

In the past, the final exams were traditionally considered a kind of rehearsal for the entrance exams, which greatly contributed to the reduction of anxiety during admission to college. State final certification is two exams at once: final and entrance, and this increases its importance, and, consequently, the level of anxiety of students.

It should be noted that the main consequence of personal difficulties is an increased level of anxiety of students in the exam, which leads to disorganization of activities, a decrease in concentration and performance. Anxiety is a very energy-intensive activity. The more anxious a child is, the less energy he has left for learning activities.

How, in this case, can we help the child? With a high level of anxiety, work can be done to reduce the significance of the exam. Helping the graduate to realize that the USE score does not have fatal values, we thereby contribute to greater confidence in passing this exam.

“What is the worst thing that can happen if the USE score is low?

What are the benefits of a high USE score? "

Discussing these questions with alumni will help them build a more realistic image of the exam.

3. Procedural difficulties associated with the very procedure of the unified state examination. This procedure is in many ways unusual for children, which can cause significant difficulties.

What are these difficulties? There are several groups.

    Difficulties associated with the specifics of recording responses... Usually, children record their answers on the same sheet where the questions are written, using a draft if necessary. The task and the answer in such a situation are something holistic, which also makes it possible to detect possible errors during the check. The USE procedure divides a question and an answer, which creates additional difficulties for children. They may have a fear of making a mistake when filling out the form, as well as when correlating the content and the number corresponding to it.

    Difficulties associated with the role of an adult... Usually in the exam, the teacher, especially the one working in the given class, combines the functions of support and assessment. In the situation of the USE, the teachers present are only observers, which can also increase the anxiety of graduates.

    Evaluation Criteria Difficulties... The difference with the usual testing procedures is really great (usually - personal contact with the examiner, here - the absence of such, usually - a detailed flowery answer, here - laconic).

    The USE procedure requires special activity strategies: the student needs to determine for himself what tasks and in what ratio he will perform. And here we are faced with another problem. In the traditional form of the exam, the methods of preparing and organizing activities during the exam are more or less the same. On the written exam, students have a standard set of tasks with which they must cope, on the oral one - to set out the previously learned content of the examination card. And in the case of the Unified State Exam, the definition of an activity strategy becomes the key point as this largely determines the exam score. Following some recommended, rather than individual, effective work strategy for oneself can lead to the fact that that a person does not do what is convenient for him, and this ultimately leads to a decrease in the result.

How can we help? A good supportive effect is provided not only by a story about the USE procedure, but by playing it, and in a humorous form. Comic presentation of a frightening situation helps to reduce tension and anxiety in children. This may also include writing comic questions with the children and preparing humorous assignments.

The main work on psychological support for students at school is carried out, of course, at the preparatory stage. The class teacher and the psychologist identify children with self-organization problems and, together with the parents of the graduates, determine the ways and means of psychological support.

At the stage of preparation for exams, you can use various forms of psychological support:

Group psychological sessions for various categories of children For example, for children with difficulties in organizing activities. The purpose of these sessions is to develop the necessary skills. These activities are of a differentiated nature, that is, not all children of the class take part in them, but children with specific difficulties.

Individual consultations for graduates. This form of work is more suitable for those children whose difficulties are more personal in nature (for example, anxious or perfectionists).

Drawing up recommendations for children and their parents... This form of work is especially suitable if the existing difficulties are little subject to corrective action (for example, in asthenic or "stuck" children). It is very important to record these guidelines in writing so that parents and children can use them as a reminder.

Individual consultations at the request of the parents of graduates.

The ability to maintain calmness, composure during the exam, concentrate on the task and correctly calculate the time for its completion directly depend on the psychological preparedness of the student for the exam. For the psychological preparation of graduates for the Unified State Exam, we have developed an action plan, which included:

    diagnostics of students using the following methods:

Questionnaire "Readiness for state final certification" (to identify knowledge about the procedure for passing the exam, methods and techniques of self-organization);

Diagnostics of the type of personality accentuations (Shmishek Questionnaire);

Revealing the characteristics of temperament (Eysenck's Questionnaire).

    Individual consultations at the request of students, teachers and parents once a week throughout the year.

    Conducting a parent meeting "How to help children prepare for the state final certification."

    Classroom hours in the form of training sessions in which participants learn and learn how to:

    control your psychological state during the preparation and passing of the unified state exam;

    develop installation for the successful delivery of the exam;

    overcome psychological barriers that prevent the successful passing of the exam.