Presentation "biology - the science of living organisms". Presentation "biology - the science of living organisms" The organic world can be divided into four kingdoms

We will consider what biology is engaged in, what subsections it is divided into and what it studies, we will find out what its main task is in the field of scientific knowledge, we will get acquainted with the history of its origin and development in the study of the surrounding world.

The main task biology is worth it to understand all the phenomena of living nature, to reveal the laws, for once -wi-va-et-Xia life, and come-close-to-Xia, in such a way, to the no-ma-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni life -a, there-a-nick-she-go on our planet.

The history of biology is very ancient. Fakty-che-ski biology became the first na-u-coy, to the study of some-swarm of our ancestors under-tolk-well-la sama pri-ro-da ... Knowledge of biology at the dawn of humanity was almost the main condition for survival (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The survival environment of our ancestors ()

People needed to know which plants, animals or mushrooms are dangerous or poisonous, and which ones can be used for food ; than to cure, from what to make clothes, hunt-no-one's accessories and other tools of labor, of which it is better to build to find housing. This knowledge is people for-for-mi-na-li and ne-re-da-va-li from the generation to the generation. Later, people began to create lists of useful plants and animals, give them names, study their properties. Thanks to these knowledge, people have learned how to grow-te-niya sa-mo-sto-i-tel-no, culture-vi-ro -with them, this is how agriculture appeared (Fig. 3), before-turning-neck man-ve-ka - so-bi-ra-te-la and hunt -not in the land-del-tsa, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of human society in the form we are we know now.

Rice. 3. Formation of agriculture ()

The term “bio-logic” itself appeared only at the very end of the 18th century, for the first time it was used by the German professor of ana-to-mii Ruz. In 1802, the French on-tu-ra-list Jean-Baptist La-Marc (Fig. 4) suggested-lo-lived to use this term for denoting - the science of science, studying the living or-ga-niz-we, which was logically.

Rice. 4. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck ()

In re-in-de from Greek, "bios" means "life", "logos" - "teaching".

Biology uses various research methods (Fig. 5), for example, very many biological research pass-n-pass directly on pri-ro-de-on-blu-de-nie, description-s-nie, comparison-ness, measure-measure, mo no-that-ring. At the same time, the significant part of the research requires la-bo-ra-to-rii. In the la-bo-ra-tor-tory conditions, the bio-logi-gi make ex-per-ri-men-you, implement-la-yut mo-de-li-ro-va- nie. Bio-logies are not alien and the is-to-ric methods of research, because of the fact that biology studies living op -ha-niz-we are in development, and development can last for mil-li-about-us years. Analysis, comparison - all these powerful research methods are used in biology.

Rice. 5. Natural, laboratory, historical methods and analysis ()

Thanks to this, the biology na-ko-pi-la is extensive data of life and its for-no-measure-ness, to establish the principles of the class-si-fi-ka-tion of living beings, especially their siblings shchstvo-va-niya and interaction-and-mod-action with the environment. Bio-logic is a fun-da-ment-tal-science, its you-the-dy are not only very important theo-re-ty-che-ha-rak-ter, but also applied.

Life se-year-nya nemys-li-ma without biology. This science lies in the basis of many of the races, without some-ry existence-in-time with-time-no-man-ve-ka it would be impossible: agriculture, medi-qi-na, nature protection (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Biology in various fields ()

Se-year-nya in front of the bio-logi-gi there are fan-ta-sti-che-z-da-chi, about who in na-cha-le passed century one could only dream. Gen-naya in-the-not-riya - young science (Fig. 7), the pose-in-la-y-y-o-v-d-v-d-d-g-n-g-niz-we with the necessary man-ve-ku properties are also a branch of biology.

Rice. 7. Genetic engineering ()

The modern biologist is obliged to think not only about how to get something new. He should clearly be mother, how to keep what is already there, and not to destroy the os-no-woo of our essence. It is for this reason that so much attention is being paid to this year in-about-itself ecology - the science of the environment, some-paradise is also a bio-logistic dis-ci-plinoy.

We will study general biology, which studies the common for all or-ga-niz-mov for-ko-no-mer-no-sti, that's why it is important-nay-shi-mi dis-qi-pli-na-mi , with which-ry-mi we have to-know-to-come-to-Xia, hundred-chick biochemistry, cytology- cell science, genetics, bio-logic of development, evo-lu-chi-on-new doctrine and ecology.


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  2. Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Chernova N.M. Fundamentals of General Biology. Grade 9: Textbook for 9th grade students of educational institutions / Ed. prof. I.N. Ponomareva. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2005.
  3. Pasechnik V.V., Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov E.A. Biology. Introduction to General Biology and Ecology: Textbook for Grade 9, 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M .: Bustard, 2002.
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  1. What is biology and what disciplines does it study?
  2. What is the main task of biology?
  3. What does general biology include?

This presentation is a support material for an introductory lesson onbiology.

Biology(from the Greek bios - a life, logos - the science) - the scienceOlife, about general laws of the existence and development of living beings.The subject of her study is living organisms, their structure, functions., development, relationship with the environment and origin.


Slide captions:

Lesson topic:
“Biology is the science of the living world. ".
The purpose of the lesson:
1. To get acquainted with the objectives and content of the course "Fundamentals of General Biology." Realize an understanding of biological research for individuals and society. 3. Study the basic properties of living organisms.
Lesson plan:
Biology is like a science. The history of the development of biology. Biology is a set of natural sciences. General properties of living organisms.
Biology as a Science.
Biology is the science of living organisms and all manifestations of life. General biology is the science of general laws and patterns inherent in living nature. The name comes from two Greek words: bios - "life"; logos - "learning".
History of science
1779 - for the first time the German professor of anatomy T. Ruz used the term "biology". 1802 - J.B. Lamarck proposed the term "biology" to denote the science of living organisms. Knowledge began to accumulate and be passed on to generations already in ancient times.
History of science
1 c. n. NS. - the first biological encyclopedia "Natural history" by Pliny the Elder. Until the 19th century. the field of knowledge about living nature was called natural history - the description and systematization of knowledge about living nature.
Biology methods:
1 Comparative 2 Experimental 3 Historical 4 Analytical
They discover general laws and patterns.
Biology is a body of natural sciences:
Variety of life forms
Variety of life forms
General properties of living organisms:
Unity of elementary chemical and biochemical composition. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids, being in the cell, provide the manifestation of life.
General properties of living organisms
A cell is a structural and functional unit of living organisms - a cellular structure.
General properties of living organisms
Metabolism and energy metabolism provides a constant connection of the body with the environment and the maintenance of its life.
General properties of living organisms
Self-reproduction is the most important property of living things, which maintains the continuity of the existence of life. "All living things come from living things."
General properties of living organisms
Irritability is a common property of living things that allows organisms to navigate the environment and survive in changing conditions.
General properties of living organisms
Fitness is a feature of the external and internal structure, behavior and rhythm of life, depending on the environment.
General properties of living organisms
The ability to grow and develop. Growth - an increase in size and mass. Development - irreversible qualitative changes over time.
General properties of living organisms
Evolutionary development. All organisms exist not only in space, but also in time. All diversity on Earth is the result of evolution.

Biology as a Science. Biology is the science of living organisms and all manifestations of life. Biology is the science of living organisms and all manifestations of life. General biology is the science of general laws and laws inherent in living nature. General biology is the science of general laws and laws inherent in living nature. The name comes from two Greek words: bios - "life"; The name comes from two Greek words: bios - "life"; logos - "learning". logos - "learning".

History of science 1779 - for the first time the German professor of anatomy T. Ruz used the term "biology" - for the first time the German professor of anatomy T. Ruz used the term "biology" - J.B. Lamarck proposed the term "biology" to denote the science of living organisms by G. - Zh.B. Lamarck proposed the term "biology" to refer to the science of living organisms. Knowledge began to accumulate and be passed on to generations already in ancient times. Knowledge began to accumulate and be passed on to generations already in ancient times.

History of science 1 c. n. NS. - the first biological encyclopedia "Natural history" by Pliny the Elder. 1 c. n. NS. - the first biological encyclopedia "Natural history" by Pliny the Elder. Until the 19th century. the field of knowledge about living nature was called natural history - the description and systematization of knowledge about living nature. Until the 19th century. the field of knowledge about living nature was called natural history - the description and systematization of knowledge about living nature.

Biology-body of natural sciences: Botany Botany Zoology Zoology Embryology Embryology Ecology Ecology Microbiology Microbiology Systematics Systematics Immunology Immunology Paleontology Paleontology Morphology Morphology Histology Histology Histology Cytology Cytology Anatomy Anatomy Ethology Ethology Physiology Arachnithology Ichthytechnology

General properties of living organisms: The unity of the elementary chemical and biochemical composition. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids, being in the cell, provide the manifestation of life. Unity of elementary chemical and biochemical composition. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids, being in the cell, provide the manifestation of life.

General properties of living organisms Self-reproduction is the most important property of living things, which maintains the continuity of the existence of life. "All living things come from living things." Self-reproduction is the most important property of living things, which maintains the continuity of the existence of life. "All living things come from living things."

General properties of living organisms Irritability is a general property of living organisms that allows organisms to navigate in the environment and survive in changing conditions. Irritability is a common property of living things that allows organisms to navigate the environment and survive in changing conditions.

General properties of living organisms Adaptability is a feature of the external and internal structure, behavior and rhythm of life, depending on the environment. Adaptability is a feature of the external and internal structure, behavior and rhythm of life, depending on the environment.

General properties of living organisms Ability to grow and develop. Ability to grow and develop. Growth - an increase in size and mass. Growth - an increase in size and mass. Development - irreversible qualitative changes over time. Development - irreversible qualitative changes over time.

General properties of living organisms Evolutionary development. All organisms exist not only in space, but also in time. All diversity on Earth is the result of evolution. Evolutionary development. All organisms exist not only in space, but also in time. All diversity on Earth is the result of evolution.