You think that the black stripe has begun. Black streak in life: what to do? How to jump to the white bar

A person cannot be happy and successful always. A calm, carefree life at any moment can be overshadowed by unpleasant, and even tragic events. Dealing with them is not easy, especially if failures follow one after another. You involuntarily ask yourself the questions “why is this happening to me”, “whether the black streak in life will end”, “how to get rid of the problems that have piled up”. In fact, everyone can break the vicious circle of bad luck.

Who is guilty?

“While we are lucky, we attribute it to our dexterity, we blame the gods for our failures” G. Shaw

It often seems to us that misfortunes come from nowhere. Some blame fate or karma. But more often than not, the person himself is to some extent to blame for his troubles. Let's look at a list of the most common problems:

What to do?

“Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” W. Churchill

From the point of view of psychology, with any shock, a person needs emotional release. Give vent to negative emotions, scream, cry, write your experiences on a piece of paper, and then burn it. Take it easy. Now you are ready to fight the black streak in life.

In a healthy body healthy mind

In a period of despondency, depression, taking care of your health is especially important. Vitamin deficiencies, irregular sleep, and poor nutrition impair a person's ability to withstand setbacks.

What to do:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. In winter, you can drink a course of vitamins and minerals.
  • Normalize sleep and rest. Don't get caught up in work or household chores. A person should sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Start the day actively. It is advisable to do exercises in the morning. You can sign up for a gym or any group classes. By evening, the body should calm down, tune in to sleep.
  • Limit the use of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol clouds the mind, creates the illusion of security, reduces the ability to reason logically. In addition, looking for a solution to your problems at the bottom of the glass, you can quickly become an alcoholic, which will further aggravate the current situation.
  • Keep the body clean. Always follow the rules of personal hygiene. This will prevent many diseases. In addition, taking a shower before bed is a good psychological method for relieving stress. Imagine that all your failures are washed away with water.

It is important to understand that breaking the series of negative events at one moment will not work. In order not to lay down your hands, not to give up, not to become discouraged, follow the following rules:

The black streak in life is sure to end. One fine day you will just forget about it. Bright, joyful events will replace gloomy, difficult failures. And finally, I would like to add advice from myself. Don't wait for someone to pull you out of trouble unexpectedly or for it to disappear on its own. Take life into your own hands, act, and luck will certainly look into your house.

Irina, Moscow

Hello everyone! Anything can happen in life: ups and downs. Everything may not always be great. Sooner or later, problems and other serious issues break in and exaggerate. Lucky are those who have never seen misfortune in their lives, who constantly consider themselves the most fortunate person in the whole wide world. But even sometime a black streak overtakes. And, watching all this, you understand that nothing lasts forever. Why is there no single color in life? What if the black bar is literally everywhere?

Why is this happening?

"Black and white zebra" - that's what many people call their lives. It is a pity that this "animal" cannot consist of pleasure, smiles and good luck alone. And grief, and sadness, and adversity - all this necessarily happens to everyone. It’s just that some people know how to endure all the negative events that have happened, while others, on the contrary, believe that there will never be a white streak again. Everyone sees problems differently: for some, illness is not a black streak, and someone does not think at all that losing money is a bad sign. In any case, the negative part of our life consists of material problems, conflicts with people, failures at work, poor condition and health. Why is all this happening?

  1. Carelessness. Human carelessness is sometimes very dangerous. If you do not pay attention to your health, then it can be easily launched. If you are rude to the scary and do not respect relatives, then the relationship will immediately deteriorate. If you make the next mistake several times in your work, then there will be no career growth. Carelessness destroys a person, involving him in a series of unpleasant events. We ourselves create what happens in life. Therefore, carelessness must be fought so that this quality does not flood everything around.
  2. Circumstances beyond human control. It happens that disaster comes by itself. For some, this is a burned-out house, the loss of an animal, or a stolen wallet. It doesn't matter what the outside circumstance is. The main reason for the black bar is that what happened cannot be changed, which means that many believe that everything has gone downhill. That's right, no one is immune from crisis, earthquake, war or fire. But if you take everything too close to your heart, then a black streak will definitely come.
  3. Detractors. People who envy mentally drive a global stream of negativity onto a person. Therefore, for those who were happy, something may collapse and not work out. The reason is in the circle of friends, which is constantly with the person. Enemies must always be avoided. A friend will always say what he does not like, but what, on the contrary, he likes. That is why many black streaks happen - these are the thoughts of ill-wishers who are full of envy.
  4. Too good. There are few such examples in the world, but still there are people who have everything wonderful in life. It is amazing to see how you can live and not know what grief and hardship are. But, as a rule, there will always be something black behind the white and joyful. Therefore, a negative streak happens if everything goes well for a long time. Nature loves balance, this is extremely important.

How to deal with adversity?

And here comes the black line. What to do? How to proceed? There are six unique steps that are sure to help. Sadness does not have infinity, and grief once passes. Surely, experienced people in this matter understand what is at stake. It is they who believe that the six steps are not just tips, but the best helpers, if suddenly a series of unpleasant events has come in life.

  1. Everything must be accepted as it is. Yes, something unpleasant happened, but this is not the end of everything. The more a person is in a state of emotional shock and does not accept the change, the longer the period of the black bar will last. The most important thing is to understand that what happened cannot be changed. And if this happened, then it was necessary.
  2. Unhappiness is a temporary stage in a person's life. It is rare when you can see how failures affect the whole destiny. A burned-out house is just a roof, but you can buy a new building. The stolen money is paper, which will subsequently be earned several times more. Illness is a wake-up call that you need to take better care of yourself. The main thing is that the family will always be there, no matter where the person is. The thoughts that you are not alone, you have relatives and friends help to overcome the black bar.
  3. If every time you think about what you have lost, it will not lead to good things. After all, thoughts will be of only one plan - negative. That's why it's important to give thanks to life even for what you've lost. So, so be it. There is an excellent well-known and very clever phrase: "Where one door closes, another one opens." The same thing happens here. It is worth being grateful for what is in life and for what is gone. People are losing things they don't need.
  4. You can look at failure from a different angle. For example, find positive points in the black stripe. If it's a lost favorite bag, then it's time to buy a new one. If this is a quarrel with a loved one, then it is worth accepting a relative as he is with all his pluses and minuses. Life's difficulties are what a person needs in order to become stronger. If you look at the strip of negativity with a different look, you can see many inconspicuous and pleasant things.
  5. Self-control saves from depression and stress. Whatever it is, it is important to keep your back straight. Only in this case the black stripe will definitely change to white. Control your feelings, emotions, thoughts. Do not fall into a state of complete despair. The less emotional reaction to what is happening, the less failure will be felt, as if it does not exist at all.
  6. Do what you love most in the world. A hobby is a thing that can truly save and reanimate if a black streak suddenly sets in in life. Passion heals and helps to sink into the head.

Let's go through the dark together

This step-by-step plan-instruction will definitely be needed for someone who is very ill at the moment. If you are overwhelmed by a black streak, there is no strength to get out of this unpleasant routine, then proceed as follows:

  • smile as often as possible in front of the mirror and all passers-by, even if there are tears inside;
  • praise yourself, talk to yourself in the evening about what was done during the day, celebrate your successes daily;
  • always be interested in new things, curiosity is a great quality to get rid of black bars in life;
  • be sure to get a beloved pet - it doesn’t matter who it will be, as he will be able to save you from a protracted depression or a strong one, this is a friend and a real medicine for the soul;
  • never refuse the help offered to you, and also try to help people in return, support is an important component if a black streak comes in life;
  • constantly act, because activity is the key to solving all problems;
  • do not sit around in four walls, get a job, communicate more with people, cultivate yourself by going to the theater and cinema.

Other ways to forget about the black streak in life

  1. Send it to a bookstore in order to find a work that will definitely help you. It can be anything. The main thing is to read the summary on the cover of the book in order to immediately imagine what it will be about. And if from the very first words the author hooked you with his imagination and fantasy - do not hesitate for a minute, buy a book and immerse yourself in an unknown world that will certainly save you.
  2. Movies are very good at influencing people. If you feel bad, then you should watch a good comedy to laugh heartily and recharge with positive emotions. Now on the Internet you can find anything, because one movie is better than another. The main thing is to read the reviews of those who have already seen the picture. They certainly don't give bad advice.
  3. Shopping really knows how to heal. Therefore, those who cannot live without shops should go to lift their own spirits. But you can’t return without bought new things, this is such a golden rule. The black stripe no longer seems so dark if you have your favorite dress or suit, accessory or perfume that you have wanted to buy for so long.
  4. Favorite hobby saves everyone and everyone. It can be songs and oil painting, beadwork or photography, long walks or cooking in the kitchen - it doesn't matter what. It will absolutely save you if you plunge headlong into a cause that inspires hope and raises morale. After all, a hobby is considered the best hobby that heals the soul. So, for example, even listening to your favorite music can surround a person with a wall that will be unshakable for all black bands.
  5. What if you fall in love? By the way, it is precisely, according to many psychologists, that it can make a person even think about the bad, not to mention the black streak in life. It's so great when feelings overwhelm the soul, emotions rush out. The negative that happened, compared to the pleasant trembling under the knees and the eyes sparkling with happiness, seems like a grain of sand. Open your soul, in no case do not allow yourself to close. Love comes to those who are ready to let it in. Only in this way will she cure everything that has happened over the years.
  6. Tell your family and friends how much you love them as often as possible. This warm word alone can melt the ice and instantly warm you, even if it is minus 40 Celsius outside the window. The black bar is nothing if all those whom you love so much are next to you. The main thing is to remind people that they are important. Everything passes, and a series of bad events will also pass. But warm words that warm the soul will forever remain in everyone's heart.

There is one wonderful mini-training. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a boat in the middle of the ocean of life. It can be calm and pleasant to the touch, the sun is shining around and beautiful birds are flying around. But if you sail a little further, you feel cold, and the water boils so that the boat is about to capsize, thunder rumbles and heavy rain pours. And all this time you sit still and watch everything that happens. You know for sure that the rain will end sooner or later, the thunder will stop rattling, and the boat will stop rocking from side to side. The sun will come out, and the ocean will again be crystal blue with a calm current. This training is a great metaphor for the black and white stripe. There is only one conclusion: good always follows bad.

Failures and troubles are just a small change in life. And these changes for the better depend only on the actions and decisions of a person. Let the black stripes never break anyone, but only temper and make them stronger, as in that very boat. Even if the current of the ocean of life is very stormy, take the black bar as an important touch to your life. Only in this case everything will change in your favor, and the long-awaited long white streak will come.

Now you know what to do if a black streak has come in life. Share the article with your friends. Leave comments. See you soon!

The period of good luck is often replaced by periods of bad luck. It seems that you live your usual life, but as if the stars are not so worth it: everything falls out of hand, goes awry. It's normal, things will get better soon.

But such periods interfere with enjoying life and it is useful to know how to avoid, how to quickly move to a bright lane.

How to understand that a black streak has come

First of all, you need to understand what a black bar is and whether it makes you suffer now.

The black bar is a period in life when a number of problems simultaneously pile up on a person in all areas of life: in the family, at work, with friends. Troubles follow one another and it seems that there is no light. These can be: illnesses, thefts, partings, accidents, dismissal from work.

There are people who are ready to dramatize any trifles, and for them an arrow on stockings or a broken nail is already a disaster. But do not confuse this with a black stripe. If you just have a lot of work and no time, then this is not a black streak - it's just life.

It is enough to take a close look at your life and all its aspects to understand: a black streak has come or it seemed. You need to analyze all areas:

  • education;
  • work and career;
  • family;
  • friends;
  • health;
  • self-realization.

If it turns out that you have troubles in only one area, then most likely you can breathe a sigh of relief - this is not a black streak. You just need to put things in order in this area of ​​life. And with this you will definitely cope.

When problems come one after another in all or several areas, then you need to gather your strength - you have a black streak. This is bad news.

But there is a good thing: it will pass! You need to be patient, while using ways to deal with the causes of the black bar.

Why is there a black bar

As each life is individual, so one black stripe differs from another. At least the reasons. Only you can determine them.

Life is like a zebra - a white stripe, a black stripe.

It can be:

  1. Carelessness. Life is multifaceted and complex, but often people take serious things very lightly. Such carelessness can harm one or all areas of life. Here plays the role of a frivolous approach to setting priorities, untimely solution of urgent problems. Naturally, problems in the family will begin if you put work in the first place. They will gradually empty you, and this will already lead to work problems.
  2. All important areas should be harmoniously balanced.

  3. Accident. It happens that a person accidentally got into trouble. And then more and more. It's nobody's fault, it just happened that way. If you do not feel any sin behind you, you are doing everything right, then calm down. All will pass.
  4. Diffidence. Sometimes a single failure increases a person's lack of confidence in his abilities, hinders his development. A person is afraid that he will fail again, does not voice his ideas at work, does not go on dates. It covers him like a lump, in all areas of life.
  5. Negative thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. There is such a thing as self-evil. It occurs when a person creates trouble for himself with his negative attitude. These may be attitudes from childhood, fears, prejudices, disbelief that you are allowed to be happy. A person consciously or unconsciously concentrates on the negative aspects of things, and this attracts them into his life.
  6. Allow yourself to be happy and successful - this is the main thing. Rejoice in every success and celebrate even your small victories. And the black stripe will quickly be replaced by a light one.

  7. Global and personal catastrophes. Natural disasters, fire, flood or death of relatives are those events that we are unable to prevent. They can happen in everyone's life. What to do? Gather your courage and move on. Do not suffer endlessly and wait for help, but go into the world and help others. This will add confidence in the coming day and improve karma.
  8. Enemies and detractors. Another cause of trouble can be the actions of enemies and envious people. Especially if you are perceived by others as lucky for a long time. You can fight and use the methods of the enemy, you can ignore and not get involved in the negative even deeper, or you can try to make peace.
  9. Lack of life purpose. If you do not know where you want to go, then it will be decided for you. Where you arrive will benefit everyone, but not you. And you will constantly find yourself in uncomfortable situations, facing problems. Set your goals and go for them.

The problems and difficulties that get in the way during the black streak can be conditionally grouped into punishments, trials and signs.

Punishment sends us the world for sins, wrong thoughts, deeds. It can be considered karma or punishment. But by all laws, if you radiate light, then light will return to you, and if it is negative, then expect the same back.

Tests are designed to test a person for strength - whether he is ready to act for his goal, whether he has enough strength for what he wants. And if a person is already ready for a new stage in his life, then he will overcome all obstacles and come to the goal.

Signs are events that should make us stop and think: am I doing everything right, am I going there. Fate sends events that may seem bad at first, but this may be a chance to change the direction of the path.

12 ways to get rid of the black bar

If you have identified a black streak in your life, proceed to neutralize it. Here are some effective ways:

  1. Let the emotions come out. You are hard and sad. This is clear. Do not hide resentment, negativity and suffering in yourself. Let them come out, cleanse your feelings and soul, cry, suffer a little. And only then move on: with a firm belief that a new stage is ahead - better and brighter.
  2. Look around and assess the situation. Analyze what happened and why, evaluate your negative contribution to it and think about how to fix it.
  3. Change the scenery. It is enough to go on a short trip, even to a neighboring city. You can visit relatives or go on an excursion. Where nothing reminds of past troubles, you will feel better. You can, as it were, look at your “that” life from the outside. Perhaps everything will not look so tragic.
  4. Estimate your losses. You lost something, didn’t get it, but something remained: at least you are alive! It is worth thanking fate for this and moving on.
  5. Accept the problem if there is one.. Positive thinking is good, but you cannot deny the existence of a problem, it will not disappear from this.
  6. Help others. You feel bad, but there are people who can envy you, because they feel worse. Find those who need help and make their life easier, decorate with your kindness. This will help you understand that it's not all bad and is guaranteed to cheer you up.
  7. Keep calm. Self-control is the key to problem solving. Collect your thoughts. Sometimes it is enough to take a broader look at the situation in order to find a quick solution that will at least reduce the losses.
  8. Look for support within yourself. No matter what happens, you are still who you are. Look for resources to get out of an unpleasant period in yourself.
  9. Surround yourself with the people you love and love. No matter how bad things are, there must be people who love you. Be with them more often: often a conversation with relatives heals and inspires.
  10. Nature trips will also help to feed on energy and strength for further struggle.
  11. Accept Help. A person in need has no right to refuse help. You don't need to punish yourself any more. Perhaps fate teaches you a lesson, but if then sends help, then you are punished enough. Accept with gratitude.
  12. Enjoy. It may be that it is not a black bar that spoils your life, but you just see everything that way. For example, the body lacks the hormones of happiness - endorphins, and everything seems gloomy. Treat yourself: delicious ice cream, your favorite chocolate bar, a walk.

Practice to Identify Problems

Put your thoughts and problems in order. It is enough to make a simple two-column table: “List of problems” and “Possible solutions”. A “decision” can be either action or inaction.

Often many problems turn out to be far-fetched, and some are completely solvable. If you think carefully, the advantages of the new situation become obvious. You understand that everything is for the best, you are filled with energy to move forward.

Daily Measures

To keep your mood at a normal level and avoid the risk of falling into depression, you need to perform a number of simple actions every day:

  1. Start the day with gratitude for the new day and a smile. Control your behavior throughout the day. And mark the end of the day with gratitude for the opportunity to fill the day with positivity.
  2. Smile at yourself in front of the mirror from time to time. It can be difficult, but it's worth it: the physical action triggers a psychological response. You will feel much better.
  3. Record all your successes and small victories in your diary.. It strengthens your self-confidence and shows you that you are worth something.
  4. Engage in self-improvement. Start learning something new, practice skills - sign up for courses, read books.
  5. Alternate work with leisure, preferably in the company of friends. Today you can visit the museum, tomorrow go to the cinema, then get out into nature. It is better that all this be filled with positive: noisy parties with alcohol are not worth attending.
  6. Train in a positive outlook on life, believe in luck and happiness instead of being afraid and worried.

What not to do, as it will only aggravate the situation:

  • drink alcohol, drugs;
  • eat stress with a lot of food;
  • feel sorry for yourself and lose heart;
  • withdraw into oneself and not communicate with people;
  • stay at home and don't go anywhere.

When will the black bar end

When life turns its bright side to you again, it depends primarily on you. Figuratively speaking: as a person treats problems, so do they treat him.

When a person dwells on every failure, constantly suffering from it, feeling sorry for himself, this attracts new similar situations. Because the person "loves" the problem, does not let it go.

And vice versa. Sincere joy for any pleasant occasion will lead to the fact that your life will be filled with light and all manifestations of the black stripe will go away.

Often problems go away even from a close look. It seems that there is a problem, but take a closer look - and it becomes clear that it is far-fetched.

Remember, no matter what happens, everything will pass and there will be new joyful events ahead!

It is generally accepted that our life consists of white and black stripes. Happiness alternates with unhappiness, good with bad, and trouble with joy. Moreover, if a black streak has begun in our life, we know that we must be patient and it will definitely end, and cheerful and joyful days will come to replace it. But what to do if the black stripe dragged on, and the end - the edge is not visible to it?

Yes, indeed, it makes sense to say that in nature, as in the life of every person, there are balancing forces that (as the name implies) balance everything. Everything in our life cannot be either everything is good, or everything is bad. Look at the laws of nature: after a storm, the sea is sure to be calm, and calm, as you know, happens before a storm.

The action of balancing forces is perfectly described in Vadim Zeland's book "Reality Transurfing". So, in no case should a person cause aggression of balancing forces, otherwise they will fall on you and put everything in its place.

You should think about why a black streak began in your life, and why does it take so long to end? How could you bring upon yourself the crushing force of the balancing forces?

And the reason could be anything. Perhaps you devoted too much time to yourself, forgetting about relatives and friends, or perhaps your negligent attitude towards work and family responsibilities led to such a black streak. You must clearly realize that any of your actions will cause opposition from nature and balancing forces. Nothing is always good, just as nothing is always bad.

It is necessary to live in such a way as not to provoke the wrath of the balancing forces, that is, everything should be in moderation, there is no need to go too far in this or that issue.

For example, if you like to go to nightclubs, do not do it too often, otherwise you may lose your job and you will not have the means to spend time in entertainment establishments. Do you devote too much time to work and career? Do not overdo it, otherwise you will lose your loved one, and work will no longer be a joy for you.

So, we have already found out that if a black streak has begun in your life, it means that you have caused the action of balancing forces on yourself, now we will figure out how to get rid of this black streak.

Stop complaining and start doing something!

Perhaps this is the most important rule, but it is very difficult to follow. As you know, it is easy to say, but difficult to do - that's exactly the case in this case. But, for an analogy, imagine a terrible storm and huge waves, and in the middle of this storm a small boat with tourists.

Naturally, these tourists are in a panic, but the fact that they will cry, sob and complain about a natural disaster will not change anything at all, since the storm has already begun and is not going to stop yet.

In this case, the only correct solution would be pull yourself together and start acting correctly and without panic only then can they survive.

The same thing is happening to you now, a black streak, like a natural disaster - it has already begun, and nothing can be changed. From the fact that you will complain about fate and lament, absolutely nothing will change, you will only waste your nerves and health. You need to pull yourself together and start acting correctly so that the black streak of your life comes to an end sooner.

1. Give free rein to your feelings

So, the first step is to cry enough and give vent to your feelings. Let's take the same storm as an example - the stronger the storm, the faster it will end, and if the sky is just overcast, then such weather may not change for weeks, right?

Do not keep everything in yourself, throw out emotions outward, for the best result, turn on a tear-jerking film (Titanic is ideal), invite a friend on whose shoulder you can cry - and go ahead. And in the morning, go to the window, look at the sky, smile - and you will understand that the black bar is over.

2. Dramatically change the environment

Another great way to stay out of the storm is to take off in a rescue helicopter. Here is exactly the same situation. Try a radical change of scenery. For example, to go somewhere for a week, and if this is not possible, then for the weekend to friends in another city or to a house by the river.

Noisy companies and unity with nature perfectly help to get your life out of the black stripe (despite the fact that these are two opposite phenomena). Only one thing can be said for sure - change the situation, live at least a little - a little different life, not familiar to your everyday life.

3. Find the root of the problem and fix it

Think about it, because the black stripe did not start just like that, from scratch, but from a certain event. Try to remember the event and find out the reason for its occurrence. You may even have to delve into yourself and get deeply hidden skeletons from the closet. But you just have to put everything in its place. When you do this, the problem will be solved by itself, or a new way to solve it will open up, and there it’s not far to the end of the black bar.

4. Experience the pleasure

By the way, it is quite possible that the reason for the appearance of the black bar lies not in external factors, but in your internal psychological state. And this means that your body lacks endorphins - hormones of happiness. So, it is necessary to replenish this reserve.

Happiness hormones enter our body in several ways: sex, chocolate, shopping and gifts. So try to combine all these methods so that your life shines with new colors.

Just don’t overdo it with chocolate - you don’t need extra weight. And it’s better not to resort to casual sex - it’s unlikely to add endorphins to your body.

So, black bars in your life, of course, will happen from time to time. The question is how will you get out of this situation. Your main task is to survive the black streak with the least losses for the physiological and psychological state of the body. So, good luck to you, everything will definitely work out!

Everything just falls out of hand, nothing works, others do not miss the chance at the slightest opportunity to mock you. You are in complete despair and nothing pleases you in this life. And when you are already completely desperate, a ray of light appears again and takes you to a happy white streak. And so it continues throughout life.

It is by being inside the white stripe that some people call happiness. And at the same time, they justify themselves to themselves that “there is no much happiness”, that “happiness becomes boring” and other excuses, just not to take responsibility for their lives in their own hands.

So why do periods of harmony and satisfaction with our lives appear in our lives, and sometimes irritation and depression. Everything is very simple. Your success and luck in life is determined by your attitude towards it. The more negative thoughts, irritation and despair you have, the less positive in your life and you gradually slide into such a hole from which it is almost impossible to get out without help.

You probably meet every day on the street gloomy and dissatisfied with everything in the world grandparents who are so angry at life that even at a distance you can feel the negative energy emanating from them. These people chose option B in their youth, and now, in their old age, they are only reaping the benefits.

Another type of people, floats with the flow of life. They try not to make decisions, most often they refuse the right to choose and enjoy what life presents them. They do not have a clearly expressed negative attitude towards life, but they also do not realize what is happening in their life. The so-called averages. Today a white stripe, tomorrow a black one, nothing depends on these people. If they earn little, the boss, the situation in the country, the parents or someone else is to blame. If they meet on the way only male villains or female bitches, then such people blame the opposite sex for everything and are indignant that normal men or women have long been dismantled. But of course they are never to blame for anything. They shift all responsibility for their lives onto others.

And, finally, the third option is a person who is fully responsible for his life and for all the events that take place in it. No one is ever to blame for such a person. He is positive, believes in himself and his success.

If you watch carefully, you can occasionally still meet an old woman smiling and contented with life on the street. Which, despite a beggarly pension, manages to dress decently, never complains about anything, and still manages to help her children and grandchildren.

With this, it seems, we have already figured out. That is, the more positive and confident you are about life and the events that are happening around you, the more pleasant gifts life brings you.

But in fact, not everything is as simple as described above. There are several other laws that govern the course of our lives. Let's go back to our white and black stripes in life. Why, when we are happy and everything is fine with us, we nevertheless attract trouble into our lives sooner or later. Somehow this does not fit with the previous statements.

We can say this: we ourselves create a white stripe when we pass a black one. And vice versa: we create all the prerequisites for a black stripe when we are in a white one. Not very clear? I'll try to explain.

When everything is bad in your life, you try to do something, work on yourself, take some actions, albeit not very effective ones. And by doing so, you create a platform for positive changes in your life.

And exactly the opposite, when everything is in order in your life and you are happy with everything, you relax, stop moving forward, and sooner or later Ashe returns to inaction back.

That is, the principle of cause and effect is exactly at work here. Did something, got a reward. He relaxed and did nothing - he also got what he deserved.

Therefore, if you are going through a black streak in your life today, then begin to strengthen your positive, self-confidence, constantly work on yourself. And life will surely take you to the wave of success. If today you enjoy life and are completely satisfied with everything, try to look a little ahead, for sure you will find “a lot of interesting things” there.

If you work on yourself for a long time, you can learn to predict events in the future. In this case, as soon as a person feels that trouble is approaching, he immediately begins to take steps to improve the situation in the present. And he simply jumps over the black stripes, constantly being on the crest of the wave. We call such people lucky in life. But in fact, it is just a skill that everyone can master. Although the lucky ones themselves most often behave correctly subconsciously and do not even realize why everything in their life is working out in the best way for them.

For greater clarity, you can give examples of famous people. For example, Khodorkovsky or Michael Jackson. They have been successful and successful people for many years. They had everything. But they reacted incorrectly to their successes, did not foresee the impending black streak, and now they are where they should be.

And another example, Abramovich and David Beckham. People never cease to admire how lucky they are all the time. They have everything and it seems that they make almost no effort for this. Why it happens? Because they have the right attitude to life, and they know how to treat their successes. Although it is possible that sooner or later they may make a mistake that will not allow them to continue to lead such a carefree lifestyle.

Returning to the causal relationship, I want to say that everything that you have today, everything good and bad, you created with your actions and thoughts in the past. And by reading these lines and reacting to them in a certain way, you create your future. Therefore, if you are more attentive to yourself and to the events that occur in your life, then you can behave in such a way that you always get what you want from life and forget the words “failure” and “bad luck” forever.

The same principle can be used for business and health, even for family relationships. For example, in a few days, or sometimes even weeks, I feel that I can get sick or get into some kind of trouble. And immediately I change my thoughts, take concrete actions and transfer myself through this period of time.

In the family, if I feel that everything is too good, I begin to cool my ardor a little, I become calmer and more balanced. And then the troubles pass by, only touching me with the cold of their breath.

Start taking control of your life today. Learn to feel the events that are approaching. Treat the positive and not so positive events in your life correctly. And then you can always live the way you want and always be responsible for everything that will happen in your life.