How to fill in the exam. Rules for filling out exam forms

  • Forms are filled with a black gel, capillary or fountain pen (in extreme cases, you can fill out the form with a ballpoint pen, but the answer must be circled several times to eliminate scanning errors);
  • it is not allowed to use putty or eraser to correct the answer (if the answer needs to be replaced, then there is a specially designated field for this);
  • all letters and numbers on the registration form and answer form No. 1 must be written clearly in the pattern provided at the top of the form;
  • all fields are filled in from the first position (for example, in the "surname" field, you must begin to fill in the cells starting from the left, and leave the cells remaining after the last letter empty);
  • only one character is placed in one cell, it must not go beyond the field boundaries;
  • it is prohibited to make any notes outside the fields of the forms or in the fields filled in when the form was printed in the printing house;
  • it is forbidden to make notes on answer forms No. 1 and No. 2 about the identity of the examinee.

The USE forms are:

1. Registration form to be completed before the start of the exam. Within 15-30 minutes, the organizers will remind you how to enter the data in the forms correctly, and give time to fill out the registration form, which is not taken into account in the duration of the exam.

2. The following fields are filled in the registration form: Answer form number 1(answers to questions of groups A and B) is filled in during the exam as the assignments are completed. The form contains registration fields and answer fields. Since the use of putty and eraser is prohibited, all corrections are made in special fields.

3. Answer form number 2(Answers to part C - with a detailed answer). Answers are recorded in free form, as it was on simple tests at school. Answer form # 2 can be completed from the back when the space on the front has run out. In this case, at the end of the sheet, you must put a note See overleaf.

4. Supplementary Answer Form No. 2(issued on demand when the previous one ends) is filled out in the same way as answer form No. 2. An additional form is issued at the request of the examiner only when the space on the main answer form No. 2 is completely exhausted.

Everything USE forms are filled with bright black ink. The use of gel or capillary pens is allowed. If the USE participant does not have the specified pens and use, contrary to these rules, a ballpoint pen, the contour of each character must be carefully circled 2 - 3 times during filling in order to exclude "gleams" along the line of characters.

The label line ("cross") in the margins should not be too thick. If the pen leaves a line that is too thick, then instead of a cross in the field, you need to draw only one diagonal of the square (any).

The USE participant must depict each number and letter in all filled-in fields of the registration form, answer form No. 1 and the top of the answer form No. 2, carefully copying a sample of its writing from the line with samples of writing characters located at the top of the registration form and answer form No. 1 ... Careless writing of characters can lead to the fact that the character may not be recognized correctly during automated processing.

Each field in the forms is filled out starting from the first position (including the fields for entering the last name, first name and patronymic of the USE participant).

If the USE participant does not have information to fill in the field, he must leave it blank (do not make dashes).

  • make in the fields of the forms, outside the fields of the forms or in the fields filled in by typographic method, any entries and notes that are not related to the content of the fields of the forms;
  • to use colored pens instead of black pens to fill in the forms, a pencil (even for rough notes on forms), means for correcting information entered into the forms ("putty", etc.).

On the answer forms No. 1 and No. 2, as well as on the additional answer form No. 2, there should be no notes containing information about the identity of the USE participant.

When recording answers, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for performing the work (for a group of tasks, individual tasks) specified in the control measuring material (hereinafter - CMM).

Filling out the registration form

At the direction of the responsible organizer in the audience, the USE participant fills in all the fields in the upper part of the registration form, except for the fields for official use. In the middle of the registration form, there are fields for recording information about the USE participant.

The fields in the middle part of the registration form are filled in by the USE participant independently, except for the fields for official use ("Reserve-2", "Reserve-3" and "Reserve-4"). These fields are not filled in by the USE participant.

In the middle of the registration form, there is also a brief instruction on determining the integrity of the individual set of the USE participant and the field for the signature of the USE participant.

At the bottom of the registration form there is an area for the organizer to mark in the audience about the fact that the USE participant was removed from the exam due to the violation of the USE procedure, as well as that the participant did not complete the exam for a good reason.

After completing the completion of the registration form and completing all the points of the brief instructions for determining the integrity of the individual set of the USE participant ("Before starting to work with the answer forms, you should:"), the USE participant puts his signature in the specially designated field.

Filling out the answer form No. 1

The A-type task response area consists of a horizontal row of CMM task numbers. Each task number contains a vertical column of four cells. In order to mark the number of the answer, which the USE participant considers correct, under the task number he must put a mark ("cross") in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer he has chosen. An example of writing a label is given on answer form No. 1. For convenience, the cells on the left and right margins of answer form No. 1 are numbered.

In the response area for Type A tasks, you should not allow accidental marks, blots, smeared ink streaks, etc., since during automated processing this can be recognized as responses to CMM tasks. If it was not possible to avoid accidental marks, they should be replaced in the area "Replacing erroneous answers to tasks of type A" with those answers that the USE participant considers correct.

When filling out the answer area for tasks of type A, you should strictly follow the instructions for performing the work (for a group of tasks, individual tasks) given in the CMM. In the column corresponding to the task number in the answer area for tasks of type A, no more than one label should be made. If there are several tags, such a task will certainly be considered incorrectly completed.

You can replace the wrongly marked answer and put another one. Answer replacement is carried out by filling in the corresponding fields in the field of replacing erroneous answers to tasks of type A.

You can replace no more than 12 (twelve) erroneous answers for all tasks of type A. To do this, enter the number of the erroneously completed task in the corresponding field of the area for replacing erroneous answers to tasks of type A, and add a mark of the correct answer to the line of cells. If the number of the same task is entered several times in the fields for replacing an erroneous answer, then the last correction will be taken into account (counting from top to bottom and from left to right).

Below the area for replacing erroneous answers to tasks of type A, there are fields for recording answers to tasks of type B (tasks with a short answer). The maximum number of answers is 20 (twenty). The maximum number of characters in one answer is 17 (seventeen).

Answer area for assignments of type B. The short answer is written to the right of the number of assignment type B in the answer area with the title "Results of the execution of assignments of type B with an answer in short form".

A short answer can be given only in the form of a word, one whole number or a combination of letters and numbers, unless the instructions for performing the work indicate that the answer can be given using commas to record the answer in the form of a decimal fraction or in the form of listing the items required in the task. Each number, letter, comma or minus sign (if the number is negative) is written in a separate box, strictly following the pattern from the top of the form. It is not allowed to use any characters other than Cyrillic, Latin, Arabic numerals, comma and hyphen (minus) sign when writing the answer to type B tasks.

If you want to write a term consisting of two or more words, then they need to be written separately - separated by a space or a hyphen (as required by the spelling rules), but do not use any separator (comma, etc.), if the instructions for performing the work do not another form of writing the answer to this task is indicated. If there are more letters in such a term than the cells in the answer field, then the second part of the term can be written more neatly. The term should be written in full. Any abbreviations are prohibited.

If the short answer must be a word that is missing in a certain sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should appear in the sentence.

If the numerical answer is obtained in the form of a fraction, then it should be rounded to an integer according to the rules of rounding, unless the answer in the form of a decimal fraction is not required to be written in the instructions for performing the work. For example: 2.3 is rounded to 2; 2.5 - up to 3; 2.7 - up to 3. This rule must be followed for those tasks for which the instructions for performing the work do not indicate that the answer must be given in the form of a decimal fraction.

In a response written as a decimal fraction, use a comma as a separator.

It is prohibited to write the answer in the form of a mathematical expression or a formula. You cannot write the names of units of measurement (degrees, percentages, meters, tons, etc.). Invalid response headers or comments.

At the bottom of the answer form No. 1, there are fields for recording new answer options for tasks of type B instead of the erroneously written ones. The maximum number of such fixes is 6 (six).

To change the answer to the type B task entered into the answer form No. 1, it is necessary to put the number of the type B task to be corrected in the corresponding replacement fields and write the new value of the correct answer to the specified task.

Filling out the answer form No. 2

Answer form # 2 is designed to record answers to tasks with a detailed answer.

At the top of the answer form No. 2 there is a vertical barcode, a horizontal barcode, fields for handwritten entry of information by the USE participant, as well as the fields "Additional answer form No. 2", "Sheet No. 1", "Reserve-8", which are not filled in by the USE participant ...
Information for filling in the fields in the upper part of the form: region code, code and name of the subject - must correspond to the information entered in the registration form and answer form No. 1.

The field "Supplementary answer form No. 2" is filled in by the organizer in the audience when issuing the supplementary answer form No. 2, entering in this field the numerical value of the barcode of the supplementary answer form No. 2 (located under the barcode of the form), which is issued to the USE participant.

The "Reserve-8" field is not filled in.

At the bottom of the form there is an area for recording answers to tasks with an answer in expanded form (for tasks of type C). In this area, the USE participant writes down detailed answers to the corresponding tasks strictly in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for CMM and individual CMM tasks.

If there is not enough space for answers on the front side of the answer form No. 2, the USE participant can continue to write on the back of the form by making the entry "look on the back" at the bottom of the front side. For convenience, all pages of the answer form No. 2 are numbered and lined with dotted lines "in the box".

If there is not enough space for answers on the main answer form No. 2, the USE participant can continue to write on the additional answer form No. 2, issued by the organizer in the audience at the participant's request in the event that there is no space left on the main answer form No. 2. In the case of completing the supplementary answer form No. 2 with the unfilled main answer form No. 2, the answers entered in the supplementary answer form No. 2 will not be evaluated.

Additional answer form No. 2 is issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the USE participant in case of lack of space for detailed answers.

In the "Sheet N" field, the organizer in the audience, when issuing an additional answer form No. 2, enters the serial number of the work sheet of the USE participant (in this case, sheet No. 1 is the main answer form No. 2, which the USE participant received as part of an individual set).

Answers entered in the next supplementary answer form # 2 will not be scored if the main answer form # 2 and / or previously issued supplementary answer forms # 2 are not fully completed (or not completed at all).

All USE forms are scanned after the end of the exam - and further work is no longer with sheets of paper, but with a digital copy. In this case, part of the data is processed automatically. Therefore, it is very important that all letters and numbers entered in the form are well readable and unambiguous. This is what caused basic requirements for filling out forms:

  • use a black gel or capillary pen with a good, clear and bright mark (faint ink, pencil marks or blue paste can "get lost" when scanning);

  • write letters, numbers and other symbols strictly according to the pattern given on the forms, without going beyond the borders of the fields. Particular attention should be paid to two symbols that can easily "mix": 1 (according to the rules, it is just like a vertical bar without "tails" on top) and seven (it is written with a horizontal bar);

  • use only uppercase letters;

  • do not allow "dirt", smudging or blots (they can be recognized as symbols);

  • strictly follow the instructions given on the forms and in the CMMs;

  • start filling in the fields from the beginning (from the first left cell);

  • write only one character in each cell.

Before passing the exam, it will not hurt to practice writing printed letters according to the sample, so that during the exam, you do not waste extra time on carefully copying the characters.

Advice. When choosing a pen that you will take with you to the exam, try it in two modes, implying a slightly different hand position: regular letter and writing block letters. In the exam, you will need to do both, and you need the pen to fit comfortably in your hand in each of these cases.

How to fill out the USE registration form

Even if a graduate comes across the USE registration form for the first time in the classroom where the exam is held, filling it out should not be a problem. Before the start of the exam, a briefing is conducted, which describes in detail how to fill in each field. If the participants have any questions or difficulties, it is the responsibility of the organizers to help them. Then, when the students have already started to work, the exam organizers also check if all the fields are filled in correctly.

The registration form consists of three parts. The middle contains instructions for checking the completeness of the individual package of the USE participant. At the bottom, the participant puts a personal signature confirming that he is familiar with the rules of the exam. The signature should be located strictly inside the window reserved for it and not go beyond the boundaries of the field.

The upper part is the actual registration data. They can be divided into two groups: data on the time, timing and place of the exam and personal data of the examinees, as well as information on the place of their study (educational institution code and class number). The first group includes:

  • region code,

  • the digital code of the exam location;

  • audience number;

  • exam date (day, month and year);

  • digital code of the item;

  • name of the subject (full or abbreviated).

All this information before the exam is written out by the organizers of the exam on the board, so when filling out, you can either follow the oral instructions, or simply copy the notes from the board.

Educational institution digital codes, as a rule, are also written on the board. But in some cases (for example, when the USE is passed ahead of schedule, when a "team" group from different parts of the city is in the audience) this does not happen. In this case, before the start of the exam, you can see the code in the list of participants posted on the doors of the auditorium - or check with the organizers (they have a list that also contains all this information). Graduates of previous years indicate the code of the registration point where they applied for the exam.

In field " " space is provided for both the class number (11) and the letter (if any). In doubtful cases, you can also clarify the correct form of writing the class with the organizers.

Personal data are indicated in full accordance with the data of the passport, clearly and legibly:

  • surname, first name and patronymic (in separate columns, starting from the first cell);

  • passport series and number (no spaces or hyphens);

  • gender - male (mark the corresponding box with a cross).

The fields "service marks" and "reserve" do not need to be filled in.

If for some reason it is impossible to fill in one of the fields (for example, the examiner does not have a middle name), the field should simply be left blank. Dashes are unacceptable.

Filling out the registration form usually takes 10-15 minutes, which are not included in the total time of the exam: the beginning of the exam will be considered the moment when all the necessary information is entered and the participants are ready to start completing the tasks. Therefore, there is no need to rush: it is better to focus on avoiding mistakes.

If you accidentally spoil the form - immediately inform the organizers of the exams. If this happened before the start of the exam, you may be given a new set; if already during the assignments - most likely, you will retake the exam on a reserve day.

How to work with answer sheets

The USE forms in all subjects look exactly the same: a single form is used for exams, which is approved every year. Form No. 1 is intended for entering answers to questions with short answers, Form No. 2 is for detailed answers. If there are a lot of tasks that imply a detailed answer (as, for example, when passing the exam in literature or social studies) and the answers do not fit on both sides of the A4 sheet, the examiner is given an additional form.

At the top of the answer sheets there are fields for entering the region code, numeric code and subject name. They are copied from the registration form. In addition, a personal signature is put in the appropriate window. This is all the examiner needs to fill in, the rest of the fields are left blank.

Answer forms are automatically "linked" to the registration data by means of a barcode applied to them, and it is strictly forbidden to make any notes concerning the personality of the examinee (the exam is processed anonymously). When issuing an additional answer sheet, you will need to enter the same data plus the sheet number (2). The field with a barcode that allows you to correlate the forms with each other is filled in by the organizers of the exam.

A common mistake alumni - using the extended response fields as a draft. This cannot be done: there are school sheets for the draft notes, in addition, the examiner can use the CMM pages for the draft notes. And everything written on the answer forms will be considered as the final answer to the exam tasks.

How to fill out the answer form number 1 (with short answers)

After the “guessing game” with the choice of one of the four correct answers (which caused a lot of problems when filling out) was excluded from the exam, the work with answer form No. 1 became much easier.

The top half of the form lists the task numbers, and each has a line for recording short answers. Forms are processed automatically, so it is very important to comply with the technical requirements: fill out from the first cell, write letters and numbers according to the sample, do not make unnecessary marks, smears and corrections.

If there is a mistake or a serious blot - at the bottom of the form there is a special place for replacing answers (you must enter the task number and the correct answer).

If you do not answer any of the questions, do not put dashes - just leave this line blank.

When filling out the answer form No. 1 necessary:

  • Follow the numbering... For example, in the Unified State Exam in literature, tasks with short answers alternate with mini-essays. If you start filling out all the lines in a row in Form No. 1, the answers will not correspond to the task numbers and will be counted as incorrect.

  • Don't write extra characters. In math assignments, for example, schoolchildren sometimes write not only the final answer, but also a fragment of the solution or units of measurement, which is incorrect.

  • Carefully read the texts of the assignments... For example, in the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, you may be asked to enter the number under which the correct answer appears - or to write out the word itself. In the first case, only numbers will appear as valid characters when recognizing answers, in the second - Cyrillic letters.

  • If the answer consists of several words- it is necessary to write them together, without spaces, commas or other additional characters (for example, "CIVIL SOCIETY"). Note! The hyphen is not a punctuation mark, since it separates not words, but parts of a word, so it should be used where it is needed. For example, in the Unified State Exam in literature, the answer to the question about the genre of "Eugene Onegin" will be "ROMANVSTIKHAKH", and about the genre of "War and Peace" or "Quiet Don" - "ROMAN-EPOPE".

  • In assignments for correlating information in CMMs there is a table where the corresponding number is entered under the letters. In this case, only the resulting series of numbers is transferred to the answer sheet ("158", not "A1B5B8").

  • When recording a response with a word"By default" the nominative case is used. However, if words are written out of the text (for example, in the Unified State Exam in the Russian language in tasks for isolating antonyms or synonyms), as a rule, the same forms of the word are used as in the analyzed fragment ("MOROZOMZHAROY", "SLABOSTISILE" and so on).

  • When taking the exam in history, pay attention to rules for spelling the names of monarchs... Often correct answers are not counted if, for example, instead of "ALEXANDER III" the graduate writes "ALEXANDER III". In this case, Roman numerals cannot be used.

Tip: Do not fill out the short answer forms immediately as you complete the assignments. Write to KIMs, especially since they provide a special place for recording answers and any notes are allowed. After all the tasks are solved - carefully transfer them to the form, one by one, while checking the correctness of the answers. Concentrate on the clarity of the lettering. Such rewriting takes on average 5-15 minutes.

How to fill out the USE form No. 2 (tasks with detailed answers)

Form of assignments number 2 is the only one, from which information is processed not by a machine, but by living people - the examiners of the Unified State Exam. Therefore, the requirements for filling it out are much less. The main thing:

  • stay in the field degraded area (it will be scanned);

  • write legibly, clearly, if possible, without strikethrough (experts process dozens of works a day, and an answer that cannot be read is unlikely to receive the highest score);

  • do not forget to indicate the numbers of the questions, to which you answer (and for alternative tasks, when the examiner chooses, for example, one of the three proposed topics for the essay, indicate the number of the option as well).

You can write in each line, or through one - this is not regulated.

If the answers don't fit on the side of the form - you need to fill the page with the text to the end, leaving no empty space, and then go to the back. In this case, it is advisable to make the mark “see on the back ”.

If the reverse side is also filled in completely, contact the organizers with a request to issue an additional answer sheet. Therefore, if you are used to writing boldly, you should not try to fit everything on one sheet to the detriment of the legibility of the handwriting. At the end of the reverse side, you can also mark “see. continued on an additional form. " If you have completely filled in the additional form, you will be given another one.

If there is free space on the sheet, the organizers of the Unified State Exam will cross it out with a "Z" sign when accepting examination papers.

This year, the USE 2018 forms were changed, with which graduates will work in this examination company, as well as the USE organizers themselves, verification experts. Download, by the way, you can follow the link at the end of the article.


First of all, it is worth saying that the USE forms for 2018, that in biology, in chemistry, in the Russian language, in general, in all subjects have become black and white. I say this so that during the exam-hysteria you do not fall for rumors. For example, they may spread a rumor that the forms are different for each discipline, and then it starts. So, they are the same - black and white!

This innovation is due to the fact that now they will be printed directly at the points for passing the unified state examination - directly in schools, as well as the rest of the exam materials. This excludes their delivery in packages, and as a result limits the leakage of real CMMs.

In addition, all forms have a QR code in the upper left corner. Any new sample form has this code. Be sure to go through the rehearsal exam, which must be held in all schools. On it you can see the forms with your own eyes, as well as practice filling them out correctly. But we will still focus on some of these rules.

The nuances of filling

  • The USE forms should be black pen: gel or capillary. Colored pens, pencils and other "evil spirits" are prohibited! To correct the answers, if you make a mistake, you can use a corrector (special liquid, it is better to have it with you and your own too)
  • The USE participant must depict each number and letter in all filled fields of the registration form and answer form No. 1, carefully copy the sample of its writing from the line with the samples of writing characters located at the top of the registration form and answer form No. 1.
  • All fields of the forms are filled in from the beginning from the very first cell, remember this! Otherwise, the computer will not be able to check the first part, or it will make mistakes itself.
  • If you do not know which answer is correct, you cannot make dashes. Just leave the field blank.
  • Forms No. 1 and No. 2 (including additional form No. 2) must not contain personal information about the student taking the exam.
  • You cannot make any unnecessary notes that do not relate to the fulfillment of the USE tasks. You should have a draft where you can take notes for yourself. The draft is not taken into account when checking the USE forms!

Separately about the registration form

The top fields of this form contain information about you personally and about the exam you are taking.

Here are its filling rules

1. The participant of the exam must independently enter the code of the educational organization, the number and letter of the class, the number of the audience.

2. Fields "Region code", "Code of the point of the USE", "Subject code", "Name of the subject", "Date of the USE" are filled in automatically. The field for official use ("Reserve-1") is not filled in.

3. Information about the participant of the unified state exam is filled in by the participant of the exam independently. The surname, name and patronymic are entered from the identity document of the USE participant. The line "Document" is filled in with Arabic numerals without spaces, starting from the first cell. Here, too, it is imperative to check with the document so as not to be mistaken.

The middle field is a detailed instruction for the USE participant.

Don't waste time reading this field! It is important not only to carefully and thoughtfully read these points, but also to check the presence of all the forms in the kit, which are mentioned in the instructions!

Only after you have checked whether you have filled in the upper field correctly, and also after you have made sure that your IK (individual set) contains all forms without exception (and there is nothing superfluous), do you proceed to filling out the third parts of the registration form and put your signature in a special field.

Remember, even before starting to work with the answer forms, the USE participant puts his signature in the specially designated field. This must be done without going beyond the rectangle (that is, strictly in the window). If your handwriting is wide, practice a few times before the exam.

Registration form for oral exams

A registration form is provided for all USEs; there is a separate registration form for oral exams. The only difference is in the name and some points of the instructions for the USE participant.

Answer form number 1 is required to enter the answers to the test part of the exam. It looks like this.

Rules for filling out the Answer Form No. 1

1. The upper part is filled in the same way as the registration form.

2. A short answer is written to the right of the task number in the answer area. The answer to the task with a short answer must be written in the form in which it is required in the instructions for this task.

3. Sequences of numbers or words (if it is a phrase) are written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

4. Each digit, letter, comma or minus sign is recorded in a separate box.

5. If the short answer should be a word that is missing in the text of the assignment, then this word must be written in the grammatical form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should appear in the assignment.

6. If the numerical answer is obtained in the form of a fraction, then it should be rounded to an integer according to the rules of rounding, unless the answer in the form of a decimal fraction must be written in the instructions for completing the task. For example, 2.3 is rounded to 2; 2.5 - up to 3; 2.7 - up to 3. This rule must be followed for those tasks for which the instructions for performing the work do not indicate that the answer must be given in the form of a decimal fraction.

7. In the answer written as a decimal fraction, a comma should be specified as a separator.

8. The symbols in the answer must not touch each other. The term should be written in full. Any abbreviations are prohibited. The answer does not include the names of the units of measurement (degrees, percentages, meters, tons, and so on), because they will not be taken into account in the assessment.

Particularly noteworthy is the lower part of the answer form No. 1, which is called "Replacing erroneous answers to tasks with a short answer." It is in this field that you can write down the corrected answer if you find that you wrote down an incorrect answer on form No. 1. In no case should you cross out anything. You can only carefully make one more entry in the special field for corrections.

Rules for filling in the field "Replacing erroneous answers with tasks with a short answer"

1. To replace the answer entered in the answer form No. 1, it is necessary to put down the task number in the corresponding replacement fields, the answer to which should be corrected, and write down the new value of the correct answer to the specified task.

2. If, in the field of replacing erroneous answers to tasks with a short answer, the field for the task number is filled in, and a new answer is not entered, then an empty answer will be used for assessment (that is, the task will be considered unfulfilled). Therefore, if the task number is incorrectly specified in the area for replacing erroneous answers, the wrong task number should be crossed out.

Answer form number 2 is intended for detailed answers, so it is a box lined with a box, like in a school notebook we are used to.

The answer form has 2 sheets, they are called that way: answer form number 2 sheet 1 and answer form number 2 sheet 2.

When filling out, it is important not to confuse the numbering of the Answer Form No. 2 sheet 1 and the Answer Form No. 2 sheet 2. They are absolutely identical, so it is easy to get confused. The practice of holding a trial exam this year has shown that it is in this question that there are most mistakes in filling out the updated USE forms!

If two sheets of Form No. 2 were still not enough for you to rewrite the entire answers to the exam questions and assignments, then Additional Form No. 2 is also provided.

Rules for filling out Answer Forms No. 2

1. Entries in sheet 1 and sheet 2 of the Answer Form No. 2 are made only on the front side, the reverse side of the sheets of the Answer Form No. 2 is not filled in.

2. The answers entered in each subsequent supplementary Answer Form # 2 are evaluated only if the previous Supplementary Answer Form # 2, sheet 1 and sheet 2 of the Answer Form # 2 has been fully completed.

3. If the answer area of ​​answer sheet # 2 (sheet 1 and sheet 2) and additional answer sheets # 2 contains blank areas, the organizers will cover them with a “Z” sign.

For the organizers of the Unified State Exam, Rosobrnadzor has prepared detailed instructions on how to print examination materials directly in the PPE (the first 23 minutes of the video).



It is considered a difficult exam, especially at the specialized level. It's not easy to score points here. It only happens that a correctly solved problem or example is not counted due to incorrect filling of the forms.

What do you need to pay attention to in order not to lose points?

Pens - black gel pens only

It is forbidden to write on the exam with colored pens, pencils, etc. All notes and marks are entered only with a black pen: gel or capillary. They must be of good quality, giving a continuous, clear line without glare. Short answer tasks are computer verified. Forms are scanned for digitalization. Ballpoint pen entries can be difficult to read. The probability is mistakes increases even when using a gel pen not black, but blue.

Sometimes the guys first mark their answers with a simple pencil, and then circle them with a black pen on top. On top of the graphite layer, the handle will slip, leaving an intermittent mark. It can also lead to errors in the recognition of records.

Some students do not understand the prohibition on drawing graphs and making geometric constructions with a pencil. After all, these tasks are checked not by a computer, but by experts. Only now it is not the forms themselves that reach the experts, but their digital copies. When scanning, everything done with a simple pencil just disappears... Then an absolutely correctly solved problem will not receive points, since there is no scheme or schedule.

Advice: Take two good black gel pens for the exam. Check the quality of their letter ahead of time.

Instructions - for careful study

They clearly state what kind of response is required. It can be an integer, decimal fraction, which must be written in Arabic numerals. Sometimes the task requires you to round the resulting number to a certain decimal place. If there is no specification, then it is assumed that the answer is an integer.

In answer boxes not written no additional characters:

  • You cannot write an algebraic expression or formula. No entries like "x = 5", only "5".
  • Units of measurement are not written, like "kg", "%".
  • Simple fractions must be converted to decimals. The comma is used as a separator.
  • Don't lose out on cons when writing negative numbers.
  • Don't put periods after your answers.

In this case, all fields are filled with first cell... The correct answer, having moved a few cells, will be counted as incorrect.

  • No spaces are left between characters.
  • Each sign - letter, number, comma, minus - is placed in a separate cell.
  • It is better to put a comma in the lower third of the cell.

Oddly enough, there are those that write numbers in words, not numbers. They are not even embarrassed by the fact that they pass mathematics, and not Russian.

Inexperienced fix - new bug

If you need to correct an error in part B, do not cross out the incorrect answer and do not write it next to it. There is a special field for corrections. Write down the number of the task, and next to it, in the cells for the answer, the correct option.

If you realized that you wrote down the wrong number, write the correct one again. The computer counts the last answer to the task, an empty field for an answer means that there is no solution.

Be careful, there are only six fields for correction. It will no longer be possible to correct a large number of errors.

Use of forms - strictly according to the instructions

Do not write anything superfluous on them. Forms are one-sided, so do not use the reverse side for your entries.

Assignments C do not have to be performed in the order in which they are given (although it is desirable), but do not forget to put down the assignment numbers when writing down the solution on form No. 2.

Some contributors manage to use the forms as drafts. It is believed that since they will not complete tasks C, then you can dispose of the answer form for them as you wish. This is unacceptable.

It can be very upsetting if a person did not have time or forgot (yes, this also happens) to fill out the answer form. Therefore, leave 20-30 minutes for this at the end of the exam. There will definitely be a clock in the audience so that you can navigate in time.

Sample - to write correctly

Fill out the forms carefully, adhering to the writing patterns exactly. Remember that the computer will select the closest symbol in outline. Therefore, the numbers 3 and 5, 1 and 7 may be incorrectly recognized and confused, and this is already an error in the answer. Nobody wants to get a certificate with an error in the first or last name either.

Write the decisions in Part C as clearly and legibly as possible. So you don't have to waste time sorting out the scribbles. You will be less likely to misunderstand your notes.

Workout - for confidence

Learn in advance to fill out the forms correctly so that later you do not waste time and avoid mistakes. Stuff your hand in writing characters according to the pattern.

Be sure to go to the trial exam in mathematics. Test yourself in conditions close to the real exam.