At what hours, minutes, the subconscious mind grants desires. Sensation: the capabilities of the subconscious mind allow you to make your wishes come true! An incredibly effective wish-fulfilling technique

Why are some lucky and others not? Why are some "darlings of fate", while others get only bumps? The power of the subconscious will allow you to get out of the vicious circle!

In ancient times, people believed that the fate of a person was influenced by both the person himself and the spirits, Gods, Higher beings, the Cosmos, the Universe ... scientific point of vision, psychologists Z. Freud and K. Jung were the first to speak.

They called this sphere of the higher the unconscious or subconscious, which is present in a person and is associated with all living beings.

In our century, this idea has been developed, expanded and confirmed.

It was proved that there really is a kind of unconscious, which is an energy-informational field, in which there is neither time nor space.

The very word unconscious speaks for itself - unconscious.

"+" And "-"

Based on experiments and experiments, scientists have concluded that with the help of the power of the subconscious, you can influence your future and correct the "mistakes of the past." There are two memory banks in the subconscious, according to psychologists. They are called "+" and "-".

Some create events, others prevent them. It is similar to programs on a computer. One of the "programs", a certain matrix with genetic code, performs the function of loading the computer, includes the instincts of self-preservation and procreation. If its work is disrupted, the whole organism fails.

Another program like antivirus. Anything that is harmful to the body and to life: stress, pain, drugs, alcohol, shock, lack of sleep, etc. are written with a "-" sign. What is good and positive for the body is recorded with a "+" sign.

All this settles in the memory bank of the unconscious and remains there, even if a person cannot remember when and under what circumstances this or that minus or plus arose. Negative memory, like positive memory, continues to influence the rest of a person's life, but, unlike positive memory, it "poisons" further events.

If this minus is not revised and corrected deliberately, it will still block and slow down a person's movement forward in certain life circumstances. This "-" of the subconscious can be influenced by a qualified psychologist or other master of working with the subconscious.

How does the power of the subconscious affect our lives?

Here is an example of how the power of the subconscious affects a person.

As a child, the child received a strong blow to the head with a ball. As an adult, this person is more likely to have a dread of the ball. If the child was bitten by a dog, and he was very frightened, then during adulthood it will have a fear of the dog.

Various unconscious fears most often come to us from childhood, and the subconscious keeps them in order to protect them in a similar situation.

All information is recorded in our databank, starting from the moment of cell fusion.

She continues to record and correspond (with deliberate work) all her life. And the scope and volume of the unconscious is great - it is almost 90-97% of our entire brain. Only 3% -10% is occupied by our consciousness.

The subconscious is like the Cosmos. This is a huge potential and a field of work. A person will be able to work on his subconscious on his own if he understands how it works.

The scheme of work of the subconscious

From the moment of conception, all the information is recorded there, like on a film strip. All events, thoughts, sensations, emotions are stored in this database.

Everything that brought pain, resentment, fear is written in the form of a program as a code, and at the slightest hint of a repetition of the situation, this code is activated, causing a variety of feelings in us.

If a child was beaten by his parents in childhood, he will subconsciously fear that someone will use force against him. If a child was called names in childhood, he will have low self-esteem in adult life. What our parents have invested in us, intentionally or not, sits in the subconscious and affects our lives.

That is why some people, no matter how hard they try, cannot change their lives.

Their fears and phobias hold back the action. With age, such disadvantages accumulate very, very much. They manifest themselves in the form of failures, skepticism, anger, irritation, fears, disbelief in their own strengths.

Past and Future: How to Change?

If you want to change your life, there are two ways. The first is to seek help from specialists; the second is to work on yourself independently, having previously mastered methodological literature on working with the subconscious and materializing thoughts.

The main thing is important - if you want to move forward, if you want to change your life, get rid of blocks, complexes and negative programs, then you need to work with the subconscious.

Working out negative programs allows you to look at things differently and change your real life. Work on the mood for positive thinking³ increases the chances that wishes and dreams will come true.

Working with the past is best done in a meditative state under the guidance of a leader or master. But setting a goal and fulfilling it in the future is quite possible on your own. The main thing is to correctly formulate your desire and choose a date when, in your opinion, your desire can be realized.

Meditation on programming the future and fulfilling desires

With the help of the following meditation technique, you can tune your subconscious mind to fulfill desires and materialize thoughts.

Meditation technique

1. A person is comfortable to sit in a meditative pose. Closes his eyes and relaxes completely.

2. He imagines himself in a certain space, imagines the road in front of him. This road is the road of his life.

3. A person mentally takes this road facing the future.

4. He speaks his desire.

5. After that, the person begins to mentally walk along his path to the future, to the very date when his desire should be fulfilled.

6. Having reached the appointed date, the person freezes for a few seconds, and then jumps into his day of wishes. He sees with delight that the materialization of thoughts has taken place and the desire has come true.

It is necessary to evoke feelings of joy and exultation in the soul: “I have achieved! Hooray! It is finished! I could! " It is very important to experience a lot of positive emotions from the realization of the realization of desire.

7. After that, the person returns to his present and takes a deep breath. When you exhale, you can open your eyes. This concludes the meditation.

Leo MirOmova

What purpose awaits you?

Are you following your life purpose and receiving gifts of fate, or are you following the path of trial and error? Find out about your innate gift, inherent superpowers and those areas of activity that will enrich you in the shortest possible time >>>

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Sigmund Freud - Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist. Sigmund Freud is best known as the founder of psychoanalysis, which had a significant impact on psychology, medicine, sociology, anthropology, literature and art of the 20th century (Wikipedia).

² Carl Gustav Jung is a Swiss psychiatrist, the founder of one of the areas of depth psychology - analytical psychology (

Receptions by Joseph Murphy and Dale Carnegie. Use the power of subconsciousness and consciousness to solve any problem! Narbut Alex

Chapter 3 How to give commands to the subconscious. Techniques and techniques for fulfilling desires

How to give commands to the subconscious. Techniques and techniques for fulfilling desires

Learn to focus on what you want to get

If you believe that you can get everything you need and want for you, if your thought has power, if you feel your connection with the Divine principle, you can use your subconscious mind for the benefit of yourself and others, creating and new life, and a new self - strong, healthy, free from bad habits, capable of realizing their abilities and achieving success in anything.

There are a wide variety of techniques and techniques for this, which we will consider in this chapter.

Let's start with the most important condition that must be observed in order for these techniques to work: you must learn to focus your attention on the good that you want to receive, and not focus on the bad that you do not want and fear.

A sure way to switch to creative thinking is to repeat constructive, harmonious thoughts regularly, with conviction, and persistence. Then the subconscious mind will reject everything false and harmful, replacing old judgments with new, beneficial ones, and will begin to form correct habits and a good life in you.

Joseph Murphy. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind never argues with you and does not mind you - it only follows your instructions and orders.

Your thoughts on which you are focused are the instructions and orders for the subconscious. It takes these orders uncritically, and immediately begins to execute.

The subconscious mind is unable to discern whether these actions will be harmful or beneficial. These differences can be made only by your inner wisdom, the Divine principle!

Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate all the orders that you give to the subconscious with inner wisdom. Here she just wants you only the best. Put her on guard of your thoughts and desires! Ask her not to allow you to focus on something bad.

Everything bad that comes into our lives feeds only on our attention and fear. All the good that we receive feeds on our attention and love. The choice depends only on us!

Learn to focus on what you feel is good, what you want, what you love, and what you can be grateful for. This is what will begin to come to you.

To do this, you need to learn to own your attention... Is it under your control, or does your attention, against your will, switch from object to object and from thought to thought, unable to linger for a long time on what you really need?

If you’re already learning to stop your internal dialogue, you will notice that you are gradually gaining control over your thoughts. Now you need to learn how to hold your thought on the desired subject for a sufficiently long time. Deep concentration is already a command to your subconscious mind.

Train with deep and complete concentration on different thoughts and images - positive, of course. Along with training, your worldview will change, and gradually more and more good things will enter your life.

Exercise 1

Training to focus on positive thoughts and images

First, learn to notice something good around you, no matter where you are. For example, when going outside, set yourself a goal to see the beautiful, the joyful, everything that makes you feel good and cheers you up.

This does not mean that you should look at the world through rose-colored glasses and generally ignore the bad or the unpleasant. No, you, of course, will see everything as it is, but it depends on you what to let into your mind and what not, what to focus on, and what to let just pass you by.

It is best to do this exercise during a calm walk, rather than when you are in a rush on business. Make it a rule to devote at least ten minutes a day to such calm contemplation.

Noticing something in your field of vision that you liked - it could be a landscape, or some natural object, a tree or a flower, and a house or a showcase, a car, a monument, and a person who seemed to you beautiful, charming, tasteful dressed, and anything else that pleases your eye. Try to take a close look at the object or person that inspired you so that you can remember the image well. Notice details that are usually overlooked on a cursory glance.

Then turn away or close your eyes and try to reproduce this image in your imagination. Mentally reproduce it in all details and details. Concentrate on the image for two to three minutes.

Then think about the positive thoughts and feelings that image evokes in you. Concentrate on these thoughts and feelings also for two to three minutes.

Maybe these thoughts inspired you to do something? Do you want to do something good, change something for the better in yourself and your life, achieve some goal, achieve success in something? Ponder this without losing focus, also for two to three minutes.

Gradually, you will get used to focusing on something good, it will become a need for you. Thus, you will tune your subconscious mind in a positive way, and it will begin to carry out those commands that will benefit you.

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What our subconscious knows about, we may not even guess. A huge source of information lies in it. How does it work, what can our inner world? These and other questions are answered in this article.

Unconscious thoughts can indicate hidden desires of a person. Speaking of the subconscious, we mean something unusual, unexplored. Human reserves hidden from the mind are his inner energy, a source of thoughts and incredible discoveries.

The subconscious of a person contains a lot of unknown and unconscious. But it is precisely this that is capable of storing a huge amount of information that a person accumulates throughout his life.

Human possibilities are endless, the study of these boundaries is still in the process. It is the subconscious, in stressful situations suggests answers to unresolved questions. At a time when the conscious manages our behavior, dictates norms and morals to us, a different model of behavior is ripening in the subconscious. It is the one that satisfies our secret desires. Consciousness and subconsciousness in tendem are able to turn generally accepted norms and situations upside down, change the perception of reality of any person who is ready for such changes.

Increase the power of thought by using the subconscious

The power of thought is what allows you to materialize what you want. But what is behind this mysterious expression "the power of thought" and what, in fact, does this power "consist of"? Can it be developed? Yes, it can be developed, but first, let's figure out what it is.

The power of thought is psychic energy. Here you feel the emotion and this is the very energy, or rather its manifestation. After all, emotions are one of the types of this force. Thought is also a manifestation of psychic energy. Yes, this power is multifaceted. Thought, emotions and feelings.

Now let's move on to the question "how to increase the power of thought." But first, let's figure out where this energy goes, because any literate person knows that what is saved is equal to what is acquired.

We all have to take care of the body (wash, feed, heal, etc.), go to work and do something else around the house. All this takes energy. But there is an unobvious aspect where the lion's share of this precious resource is spent. Your strength is consumed by mental junk... What is mental junk? These are stresses, fears, irritations, anxieties, jealousy, limiting beliefs, negative thinking, etc. Many are accustomed to eliminating all this: alcohol, cigarettes, Internet addiction, drugs and other bad habits, which also take away energy... You have no idea how much energy you spend every day on all this.

How about getting rid of this rubbish and thereby increasing the power of your thoughts? There is a specially designed system for this -. It uses a huge resource of the subconscious, which is usually idle. This system is easy to use. You just need to be able to read and write. The work boils down to the fact that you read out specially prepared instructions for the subconscious and go about your business, and the subconscious automatically processes the problems. ...

Any achievement for a well-developed "gopher" is a technical moment - went and took. Without meditations, affirmations, self-hypnosis and other now fashionable things. This is natural because strength is no longer spent on self-destruction, but on development.

But if you are afraid of inner transformations and you still prefer other ways, we will not dissuade, but will provide the tools for this. Here they are:


What are affirmations and how do they affect a person's life? Affirmations are present tense statements that have positive sentiments and beliefs about any success. Can be used to convince:

  • health;
  • success;
  • wealth;
  • fulfillment of desires.

Affirmations are a set of sentences common theme which is a positive statement about wealth, abundance, health, etc. These statements should be listened to in alpha during the day and evening.

The alpha state is the moment before sleep or immediately after sleep, when the consciousness is still asleep, but can already reflect.

It is the subconscious that is ready to help you realize the truth of these statements. It is believed that listening to affirmations from twenty-one days or more, the subconscious mind translates this information into the category of automatism. A person's consciousness begins to perceive beliefs as fulfilled. Positive affirmative phrases infiltrate the human brain, bringing mental beliefs to automatism.

Exercise for brain cells

One of the manifestations of our desires or unwillingness is the power of thought. Often we do not think about the fact that our thoughts can be material. But as soon as we wish something or strongly deny something, it overtakes us. Why is this happening? The Universe does not perceive the “not” particle. She accepts all your desires, and that hour answers all the requests of a person. However, in what context it sounds, in the negative (when a person is afraid of the dark time of the day, a specific situation or any people), or in a positive moment, the universe does not care. She receives a request to which she immediately seeks to give an answer.

The more our head is occupied with positive thoughts, the more good we attract situations. On the contrary, when our thoughts are full of anxiety and worries, our life becomes all the more tense and nervous.

What about the fulfillment of desires? The scheme is simple:

  1. Determine for yourself what you want.
  2. For a while, act as if it has already happened.
  3. Do not lose for a minute the belief that the desire will certainly come true, no matter what.
  4. Write down all the desires on paper, and then select the main ones one by one (those goals that are not yours will recede into the background).
  5. Remember that only your true desires are subject to fulfillment. Those dreams and goals that are inspired by society and advertising will never come true, since they are not yours.

In any process, the human subconscious plays one of the main roles, but this role will never be leading and open. As the subconscious mind keeps secrets in itself, so the role that it plays in a person's life must be read between the lines.

How our subconscious is manifested

The subconscious manifests itself in everyone in different ways, but if you generalize, then it can manifest itself in:

  • intuition (some people have a much more developed sense of intuition than others);
  • clairvoyance (there are a number of people who can see the future, past, or predict present situations);
  • the power of thought (when situations change in accordance with a person's thoughts);
  • fantasies and desires (a person's thoughts can simultaneously contain many desires that run counter to the requirements of society, morality and other social foundations).

Fulfillment of the desired, achievement of the set goals

There are many techniques that can help you achieve what you want. Their main condition is unconditional belief in the achievement of the goal, as well as daily work over your own thoughts.

It turns out that thoughts are as trainable as our muscles. Daily training of thought processes leads to the solution of many issues of concern to us. By the way, the easiest way to program your subconscious is to start.

Our faith in the fulfillment of what we want is tested by time, like a wheel of desires, our dreams revolve along the axis of living space. Do not forget that having conceived what you want, it takes some time to fulfill it. While the universe is fulfilling the request you sent, there is no need to look for reasons why your dream is still a dream.

Many authors of psychological and esoteric sciences talk about the same thing, we can only trust their experience and knowledge. Vadim Zeland, Klaus Joule, John Kehoe are just a few authors who have highlighted the possibilities of the subconscious in their works. They accurately indicated its place, role, significance in human life. They indicated the methods, methods of managing it to achieve a certain result.
Do not be afraid to dream, but dream correctly, then you can feel the full power of the human mind.

If you are reading this article, then you have such desires that have not been fulfilled.

The purpose of this article is to develop Awareness in readers, i.e. understanding why some of your dreams come true, while others remain dreams in your imagination.

Awareness is an understanding of how you yourself shape your outer reality through your inner world, i.e. through your thoughts, emotions, actions, and most importantly - through your Subconscious.

For the more your subconscious is filled, the more your life is filled.

If there is a lot of "garbage" in your subconscious (trauma, pain, suffering), then your life is unhappy.

And vice versa - after clearing the subconscious, all your best desires are fulfilled ... automatically !!!

For the development of Awareness, today I will tell you about the mechanism for the formation of this reality - about how your dreams come true and not come true.

Thanks to this material, you will very clearly understand: why and for what it is extremely important to purify your Subconscious, and why you need to explore the parts that fill this Subconscious.

Consciousness is what you are aware of, the tip of the iceberg above the water.

The subconscious is what you are not aware of, it is a powerful lump under water.

There are two worlds: Terrestrial, Dense, Material and Heavenly, Cosmic, Universe, Universe, Creator, Higher Forces.

On the one hand: you are here on Earth, in a physical body with your needs and dreams.

On the other hand: there are your Higher Aspects on the Thin Plan: the Higher Self, Spiritual Guides, Guardian Angels, your heavenly retinue.

Reality is shaped by your intentions - thoughts supported by emotions.

And now you send a request to the Universe, the Higher Spheres: I want to get married, I want to find a Purpose, I want to be healthy, I want more money.

But before getting to the Heavenly Chancellery, your request goes through the filters!

Filters of your Subconscious!

The subconscious is an intermediate point between the earthly world and the Higher Plan of Existence.

The subconscious is such a piggy bank of all your experience of past lives and this life, including childhood, intrauterine development and even the ancestral experience of all your ancestors.

The subconscious is the home of various suppressed, rejected, once unacceptable situations. Those. these are situations in which you have judged someone or yourself.

Everything that you thought badly about, and then forgot, is stored in an unconscious part of your mind - the Subconscious.

And every such forgotten negative situation is some part of you.

All psychological and energetic trauma, suffering, experiences, all negative thoughts and negative emotions in this incarnation and in past lives, as well as the dramatic stories of your ancestors - all this happily lives in the memory of your Subconscious, even though you do not remember this at the level of consciousness.

And so you send a request with a desire to the Universe, but according to the laws of the Universe, it is being tested in your Subconscious.

And in the Subconscious, for example, there is such a part of you that is responsible for making you unsuccessful, unhappy, unhealthy.

This part of you appeared within you, for example, when your peers at school laughed at you as a child, or your mother scolded you in the heat of the moment for the fact that something did not work out for you.

Or maybe in past life you have failed in any situation.

Or maybe your ancestors were once dispossessed and now you have a program that “money is dangerous”.

This part of you absolutely sincerely wishes you "well", it stores the installation program in memory: "I am a loser," "I do not deserve this," "I will not succeed again," "this is dangerous," and much more.

And now the Heavenly Chancellery, after the filters of the subconscious, receives a distorted request: “Like, I want to be happy and get married, but I consider myself unworthy of it”, “I want to make a million, but I’m afraid of big money”, “I want to find a purpose and help people, but I'm afraid to be rejected by them. "

At the same time, at the level of consciousness, the request is composed competently: in positive formulations (what I want, not what I do not want), in the present tense, with clear criteria for what is desired. And on Earth, you take all the steps to implement it: you are really looking for a husband, developing your attractiveness, investing in trainings to find a destination, opening a business, wishing to earn more.

But despite this, your desire is not fulfilled, just because in the Subconscious there is a part that is unconscious by you, which is responsible for the fact that the dream did not come true and distorts your request to the Universe.

The same thing happens on the way back: from the Highest to the Earthly.

Your Heavenly Retinue: Mentors, Angels, Higher Self, wants to help you find your destination, show you the ways of meeting the very person you are waiting for, wants to give you abundance and cash flow.

But before this information gets into the Consciousness, it passes the filter of the Subconscious, in which the part "I have no right to be happy" is steadily living.

As a result, when you receive an interesting offer for self-realization, you refuse it, because it seems to you that you will not be able to cope.

Or, when you meet the same person, you begin to behave stupidly, pushing him away from you.

Or afraid to be successful in business.

Conclusion: in order for desires to be fulfilled, so that your connection with the Universe is close, friendly and instantaneous, you need to explore to heal your Subconscious.

In order for the Universe to clearly, as if by order, AUTOMATICALLY do what you really want, and for you to receive all the Gifts of your Heavenly assistants, you need to cleanse the Subconscious.

The more purified the Subconscious, the less garbage in it: limiting beliefs, memories of painful experiences, the faster and more accurately your desires are fulfilled.

And for those who are open to instant transformation while clearing the subconscious, desires begin to come true automatically.

It is almost impossible to clear the subconscious on your own, without a specialist. And it is important to choose the one to whom you can entrust the long-overdue general cleaning. It is easy, simple and even pleasant to disassemble the blockages of your subconscious with me!

For this I use green technologies, I use only two tools: Love and Acceptance.

The sessions and trainings are not conducted by me, they are conducted through me by the Higher Forces.

Since Cleansing the Subconscious is my Purpose, then in my presence those forgotten memories and images that are the causes of problems in life always emerge from the Subconscious.

Already 2,000 people who have passed my sessions and trainings have improved the quality of their lives and easily make dreams come true.

This is evidenced by the numerous reviews that this site abounds in.

And if you are now on this particular page out of a million other pages on the Internet, then obviously you were brought here by your heavenly assistants.

And your right to see this as a Sign of the Universe or miss it again.

What methods of cleansing the Subconscious Mind can I personally offer you - the author of this site:

1. Individual sessions - allows you to deeply work through karmic, birth trauma, to heal the psychological wounds of childhood and all current life.

2. Participation in group sessions of the Academy of the Evolution of Consciousness:

Recently I completed the training "Remote control of my life". He was completely devoted to Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind in many different ways. This is a storehouse of the strongest tools for Removing and Rewriting Programs of the Subconscious.

His recording can be purchased here:

"Take the Control Panel for Your Life in your hands!" - be sure to read the reviews for this training!

3. Read more about the training "Harmonization of Male and Female Energies to Attract What You Want"

Instant Life Changes Are Guaranteed !!!

This is a development in the field of fulfillment of desires! Works very powerfully, especially for those practitioners whose innate gift is associated with qualities such as:

- ability for creative visualization;
- the ability to achieve what you want with strong willpower.

This technique consists of several stages.

Stage 1
Work in a normal waking state. The task of the practitioner at this stage is to think over his desire in advance.

Stage 2.
Work in alpha and initial theta state. Installation implementation.

Stage 3.
Confirmation of desire in deep theta trance.

Stage 4.
Consolidation of desire in the subconscious.

Execution order

Stage 1.

The practitioner determines with what desire he will work, and on whom his fulfillment may depend (from a specific person or from the Universe).

For the best effect, you can write down the formulation of desire on paper so that it is more strongly deposited in your memory. The proposal must be affirmative (no particle is not).

For example: “I quickly got a new dress that I dreamed about”, or “I quickly bought a car of such and such a brand”, “I am happy with such and such a person” ...

Stage 2

Having determined for himself with what desire he will work, the practitioner:

1. Before going to bed (preferably on a light stomach), lies on his back, puts his hands, palms down, and begins to slowly relax.

To relax deeper, the practitioner can keep a mental account, or pay attention to certain tense areas of the body and relax them.

You can also mentally concentrate on a mantra (for example, on the mantra "Om" or on a personal mantra) or say to yourself:

« With each exhalation I relax more and more».

2. Having reached a deeply relaxed state, the practitioner sets himself up:

a) if the desire is associated with a specific person:

« I will wake up when ... (the name of the person with whom the desire is associated, or simply - the person most suitable for me) has a last dream before awakening.
Then I will repeat my wish again, and ... (name), at this time will be the most open and most receptive to programming. My suggestion will be absorbed into his subconscious and become his desire».

b) if the desire is associated with forces independent of the practitioner and other people:

« I will wake up at the most suitable moment, utter my wish and plunge into sleep again, after which my subconscious mind will begin to work on its fulfillment.».

Stage 3

IN certain time the practitioner wakes up.
Waking up, he overcomes the desire to fall asleep again and says to himself the formula of his desire

(“I quickly got a new dress that I dreamed of”, or “I quickly bought a car of such and such a brand”, “I am happy with such and such a person, but such and such a person is happy with me”…).

Mentally pronouncing the formula, the practitioner falls asleep again.
When pronouncing a desire, it is important to imagine (or feel) it as vividly as possible, as if it had already been fulfilled

Stage 4

This stage does not require any effort on the part of the practitioner.
It runs automatically. The subconscious mind itself begins to work with desire and build chains of cause-and-effect relationships so that the desire is fulfilled.

Possible problems during practice

1. Usually, there are no problems with pronouncing the desire formula while falling asleep, but at night the practitioner will need to call on all his willpower so as not to fall asleep again.

2. Sometimes the practitioner thinks that he did not wake up at night.
In fact, a person wakes up almost 100% of the time, but then immediately falls asleep.
In the end, you will definitely succeed in pronouncing the text of desire several times.
Also, work at night largely depends on the evening mood. If the practitioner assures himself that he will wake up and remember his desire, then this will definitely happen.

3. If you can't wake up in any way (or remember this in the morning), you can set the alarm at 2 am, wake up, say a wish and plunge into sleep again (but it is still desirable, especially if the desire is associated with any person, to wake up on one's own).

Important points!
When you need a quick result in any situation, experts recommend programming a week before the expected event.
In general, the practice can be carried out from time to time - until the wish is fulfilled.

"The technique of fulfilling desires for the lazy"

What is important to consider before practice?

1. This wish-fulfillment meditation is in many ways intuitive. This means that the description provides only general information about its implementation, and each practitioner adjusts it for himself.

2. As already mentioned, this technique can be performed by all people3. It is advisable to perform meditation daily (you can do 1 day off per week), until the desired result is obtained. The optimal time for work is from one to three in the afternoon.

Execution order

1. The practitioner lies on his back and relaxes, closes his eyes.

2. Calms the flow of thoughts by concentrating on the darkness that appears in front of closed eyes.

3. Gradually, the internal dialogue stops, at first a slight, and then a deeper sleepiness appears.

4. Having plunged into the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness, the practitioner focuses on his desire and raises his inner gaze upward.

5. Then he mentally begins to vocalize his desire to himself in a certain form - in the past tense in an affirmative form (not without a particle). For example: "I quickly received ... (the required amount of money or something else)."

Such a code acts on the subconscious mind, forcing it to fulfill a desire so that the statement corresponds to reality.

6. During the mental repetition of desire, the practitioner tries to keep his gaze in the region of the crown all the time.

* The work is carried out until the practitioner intuitively feels that the desire will certainly come true.

7. After that, the practitioner mentally thanks the Universe and his subconscious mind for the help and finishes the meditation.

This technique has shown the best results for those practitioners whose main gift is associated with the ability to work in trance states.