International student day. How the international holiday Student's Day (November 17) originated Excursion into history

Although Russian students celebrate their "professional" holiday on January 25 (the famous Tatyana's Day), this will not prevent them from joining together International students day which falls in mid-November.

When is International Students Day celebrated?

International Students' Day (International Students "Day) is celebrated annually November 17.

history of the holiday

International Students' Day was established on November 17, 1946 at the World Congress of Students, which was held in Prague. The holiday is celebrated in memory of the Czech patriotic students who died at the hands of the Nazis.

The history that formed the basis of the holiday is connected with the tragic episode of World War II. On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Prague, students and their teachers demonstrated to mark the anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia (this event took place on October 28, 1918). The procession of students was dispersed, during the suppression of the action, a student of the medical faculty was shot dead Jan Opletal. The funeral of Opletal on November 15, 1939 resulted in a new protest action, during which dozens of students were arrested.

On November 17, 1939, the Gestapo and SS broke into student dormitories in Prague early in the morning. More than 1,200 students were arrested and sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, nine student activists were executed. By order of Hitler, all higher educational institutions in Czechoslovakia were closed, and this continued until the end of the war.

In honor of these events, the International Students' Day was established at the World Students' Congress. The holiday, which is very popular among students, is celebrated in all countries, including Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Congratulations on International Students Day

Student's Day is the best holiday!
Congratulations to all-all-all.
After all, this time is beautiful,
Ahead - the whole life, success ...

I wish happiness, friendship,
Achievements and victories.
A sea of ​​​​knowledge of the most necessary
And good luck to everyone!

Happy World Students Day now
I want to congratulate everyone, friends!
All those who were students in life,
And those who are still learning.

Students, you are a special people,
I can immediately distinguish a student
And, having distinguished, with the international
I want to congratulate you on the holiday!

Congratulations on Students' Day
You have fun today
From the bottom of my heart I wish you:
Let life be beautiful

Let funny things not happen
Let everythnig will be alright,
Only from happiness there will be tears
And with joy!

International Student Day, which is celebrated annually on November 17, should not be confused with the cheerful and joyful January Tatyana's Day, a traditional holiday of Russian students. The history of International Students' Day, alas, is connected with the tragic events of World War II. Most likely, this is not even a holiday, but a day of consolidation and solidarity of students from different countries of the world. The day when international students commemorate the victims of the fascist regime and express their strong protest against the unleashing of new bloody wars on earth.

The origin of International Student's Day is as follows. Back in 1939, on October 28, a demonstration was held in Prague in honor of the tenth anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state. It was attended by students from many Prague universities. By that time, Czechoslovakia had already been occupied by German troops. During the dispersal of the demonstration, one of the students, Jan Opletal, was shot dead. The day of Jan's funeral was turned by young Praguers (among them both students and university professors) into a mass protest against this brutal murder. A few days later, in the early morning of November 17, hundreds of Protestants were arrested. Many were shot, many were sent to concentration camps. All educational institutions in Czechoslovakia, by order of Hitler, were immediately closed. They resumed work only after the end of the war. The exact number of victims of the bloody Prague events has not yet been established.

In 1942, the first international student anti-Nazi congress met in London, at which it was decided to make November 17 the day of memory of the dead Czech students. Since then, November 17 is celebrated by all students, in all countries of the world, regardless of their nationality, skin color and religion.

Traditions of International Student's Day

Memorial services are held on this day, in which representatives of many international public and student organizations take part. Solemn events are also held at the grave of Jan Opletal, which is located in a cemetery in the tiny Czech village of Nakla. For example, on the 50th anniversary of Yang's death, in 1989, more than 75,000 students from almost all countries of the world attended a memorial rally that took place at the place of his burial.

It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you're studying, working, or retired. Be sure to remember on November 17 all those people who fell from the bloody fascist regime and pray for peace and tranquility to always reign on our Earth.

The day of November 17 was chosen as the day of all students not by chance. Back in 1946, immediately after the end of the last hostilities of the Second World War, which brought a lot of grief and suffering to mankind and at the same time revealed real heroes worthy of eternal memory and reverence, a student congress was held in Prague. This meeting was of truly global significance; among other things, it voiced the events that took place in Czechoslovakia, occupied at the very beginning of the war by Nazi Germany, as a result of which Opletailo died.

For six years, students in Czechoslovakia ceased to exist as a class, Hitler made sure that all the higher institutions of the country were closed and ceased their social and educational activities.

The name of Jan Opletalo, a simple student who instantly became a national hero, is associated with youth demonstrations that took place at the end of October 1939. The demonstrators decided to adequately celebrate the anniversary of the formation of their state - Czechoslovakia. The unauthorized action was not only interrupted by the invaders, but also sprinkled with the blood of medical student Opletalo, whose funeral took place on November 15 and was not without riots and numerous protests by outraged students of universities and academies and their teachers. A few days later, as a result of a brutal attack on rebellious student dormitories, many students were sent to concentration camps or executed.


It was this brave act, which became a real symbol of courage, determination and insubordination of young students, that became the basis for the establishment of an international holiday celebrated annually by all students of the world on November 17th.

On the day of Tatiana of Rome, the great Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the creation of Moscow University, this day became the starting point for the birth of the holiday.

Initially, the decision to honor the names of the students who died as a result of the action was announced in 1941 in the city of London at the first international meeting of students who devoted their lives to the fight against fascism; in the post-war period, the date became official and took on an international scale.

Today, regardless of belonging to the faculty and university, students are united in a single impulse that connects them with the spirit of celebration and fun. Especially for this date, performances, KVN competitions and other events are being prepared to emphasize the spirit of the holiday and at least for a day make you forget about all the problems associated with your studies.

In our country, the day of all students can be considered two dates at once, one of which is of an official international character, the other is associated with the name of St. Tatiana, the patroness of education, it is celebrated in the middle of the academic year and falls on January 25th.

Students' Day is eagerly awaited by the students themselves, and with fear - by the adults. “No matter what they did!” is the general opinion of mothers, fathers and teachers who have completely forgotten how they themselves celebrated this merry holiday.

International Students' Day is celebrated annually on November 17th. It was established in 1941 at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism, which was held in London (Great Britain), but began to be celebrated in 1946.

This holiday is associated with youth, romance and fun, but its history, which began in Czechoslovakia during World War II, is associated with tragic events.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, Prague students and their teachers demonstrated to mark the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state (October 28, 1918). The occupiers dispersed the demonstration, and Jan Opletal, a medical student, was shot dead.

The funeral of a young man on November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested. On November 17, the Gestapo and SS surrounded the student dormitories early in the morning. Over 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in a prison in the Ruzyne district of Prague. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher educational institutions were closed until the end of the war.

November 17 International Student Day: congratulations in prose

I congratulate you on International Students' Day and wish you to always be on the wave of positive, constantly strive for new success, never miss your opportunity and never regret your choice. Good luck and easy sessions!

On International Students' Day, we want to congratulate everyone who decided to get a higher education and master any profession important for society! Student life is a fun time when passing difficult tests, exams, sleepless nights are almost erased from memory, because stormy gatherings, the celebration of a passed session, a sea of ​​​​new acquaintances, friends almost completely replace them. We wish you, dear students, to get an education, master your favorite profession and realize your lofty goals and desires!

Student's Day is the best holiday!
Congratulations to all-all-all.
After all, this time is beautiful,
Ahead - the whole life, success ...

I wish happiness, friendship,
Achievements and victories.
A sea of ​​​​knowledge of the most necessary
And good luck with everyone!

Happy Students Day today
I congratulate you, friends,
Good luck with your studies
I wish everyone.

To pass the sessions
Easy and effortless
The reports were received
And tears, so as not to shed.

student fraternity,
Have fun today
To the coveted diploma
Strive with a smile.

Students are like supermen
They can only so skillfully
In the semester, couples take a walk,
Then successfully pass the entire session!

Student, I congratulate you on your day,
Have fun, don't think about anything
Let the record make you happy
And you will live a cool and clear life!

Students are a special caste. University students from different countries easily find a common language, overcoming any language barriers. The traditions of students - both funny and serious - are very similar in Moscow, and in, and in the Sorbonne. Students all over the world celebrate even their personal celebration - International Student's Day - on the set date - November 17th.

World Student Day: the history of the holiday

Despite the cheerful and even violent disposition of young students, this holiday has a very sad background. On October 28, 1939, in Czechoslovakia, occupied by the Nazis, students led by teachers attended a demonstration dedicated to the anniversary of the formation of the state of Czechoslovakia. The occupiers brutally dispersed the demonstration, mortally wounding student Jan Opletala. The funeral of the activist, which took place on November 15, turned into protests, which were attended by tens of thousands of people. On the morning of November 17, the Gestapo surrounded the students' dormitories and arrested about 1,300 people. The detainees were sent to a concentration camp in Sachsenhausen, and nine students were executed within the walls of the Prague prison in Ruzyn. At the direction of Hitler, all Czech universities in the Czech Republic were closed until the end of the war. Two years later, at the World Student Congress, it was announced that November 17 would be considered the day of student solidarity. Today, pathetic words about solidarity remain exclusively in official documents, and among young people this holiday is simply called Student's Day.

In Ukraine and Russia, on January 25, students celebrate another student's day called Tatiana's Day. The history of the holiday dates back to 1755, when the Russian Empress approved the order to found Moscow University, which later became the center of social thought and Russian culture. It is noteworthy that this decree was approved on the day of the martyr Tatiana. Traditionally, the holiday consisted of several parts: a solemn event at the university, and a mass celebration in which the entire capital participated. On this day, everyone, including the police, was supportive of the students who had drunk.

Since 2005, the day of January 25 is listed as the "Day of Russian students." The date of the holiday is quite symbolic, as it coincides with the last day of the twenty-first school week. Traditionally, on this day, the session of the first half of the year ends, after which the winter holidays start.

How to celebrate student's day?

Usually, the celebration is divided into parts: an event at a university, after which students go to a cafe, a nightclub or a dacha in cheerful companies. Each of the "halves" of the celebration has its own options.

For the official part, the university organizes:

  • thematic wall newspapers;
  • initiation rites for freshmen with various tests;
  • performance of KVN teams;
  • videos about the life of different faculties;
  • sweepstakes and contests.

On the day when Student's Day is celebrated, theme parties are held at the clubs with performances by stars and regional KVN teams. At parties, as a rule, there are a lot of people, and the atmosphere is remembered for a long time.

If there is a student among your acquaintances, then you will certainly ask the only question: what to give for Student's Day? Any gifts that will help in your studies in any way will be appropriate here. The most popular presentations are as follows.