Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law (irespip). Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law Institute of Market Economy and Law

At the Faculty management students receive a bachelor's degree in management in the programs of information, innovation or financial management, personnel management, state and municipal management, social management, etc.

Economic faculty conducts training programs




Lending, etc.

Obtaining a bachelor's degree is far from all that a correspondence department can give. The institutions with which IRESPIP cooperates in conducting its educational process provide an opportunity to obtain a master's degree in the direction 080100 Economics(specialty "Economics of the company").
Education in the magistracy takes 2 years and is part-time.

In IRESPIP, as in a modern correspondence institute in Moscow, everything necessary for high-quality education of students is provided. The Institute occupies a separate building, the classrooms of which are equipped with the most modern technologies. There are Internet classes, computer rooms equipped with interactive learning systems, a library that stores both paper and electronic publications, a language laboratory, etc.

The priority direction of development of the correspondence faculty is the introduction of modern information technology training. Test technologies are being successfully introduced to organize the control of knowledge of students studying at the institute. The combination of work and study, the application of the acquired knowledge in practice already in the learning process - these are the advantages of distance learning!
Admission of applicants takes place throughout the year.

The duration of training on the basis of secondary education is 5 years.
After graduating from a college or technical school (profile), correspondence higher education can be obtained for 3-3.5 years.

IRESPiP students receive the second higher education in 3 years.

Upon completion of training, a state diploma is issued.

Attention! We continue to recruit applicants for weekend groups.

Weekend training is an opportunity to combine work, study and leisure. As well as acquire a fundamental applied education.

Classes at the correspondence form of training of the day off take place on Saturdays. You study in comfortable classrooms equipped with multimedia technology and modern computers.

In the learning process, much attention is paid to practical exercises and trainings. You consult with highly qualified teachers, most of whom are candidates and doctors of sciences, you exchange experience and knowledge with each other, and participate in student life. Each group has its own personal curator who provides students with comprehensive support.
You pass tests and exams without looking up from your work on weekdays.

Upon graduation, you pass the state exam and defend your final qualifying work.

About programs additional professional education, retraining IRESPIP

a) Professional retraining
Required level of education for admission to training in additional professional education programs:
secondary vocational or higher vocational education.
it is possible to enroll students of the last year of the Institute.

Programs, additional retraining with obtaining a new specialty:

"Management in the social sphere" - 502 hours.
"Economics in the social sphere" - 502 hours.
"Information Management" - 502 hours.

Document issued upon completion: diploma of professional retraining of the state sample giving the right to conduct a new type of professional activity.

b) Professional development programs

Short educational programs (usually 72 hours long) aimed at managers and specialists of organizations and institutions in order to deepen their knowledge in a certain field of activity, improve their professional level by mastering a certain topic, section, getting acquainted with modern developments and trends in a particular professional area.

Document issued at the end of the course state-recognised professional development certificate by programs:

"Financial management";
"Risk and error analysis in business planning: anti-crisis technologies";
"Municipal government";
"Accounting and audit";
"Personnel Management".

Why this particular university?

There is a fairly common situation among applicants when they do not know which institution of higher education is best for them to choose and, moreover, according to what criteria they should choose this institution, in which they will be given a profession for life.

The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law is one of the best universities in Moscow for correspondence and distance learning among the most popular specialties. The university was founded in 1995, and since then has an individual approach to all students and continues to follow the traditions of the highest quality of education. High standards of education are constantly confirmed by accreditation and state licenses. Graduates receive state diplomas of higher education.

The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law graduates specialists in the field of management, following master's and bachelor's programs. This educational institution accepts documents all year round. The cost of studying is from 12,000 rubles per semester, which is quite affordable for many students.

Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law

Obtaining higher professional education is the main goal of graduates of schools, technical schools and colleges. However, to the deep dismay, not everyone can afford a 5-year full-time study program. Combining work with attending a university is simply impossible. To combine education and building a career, there is a correspondence department. This opportunity is provided by the Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law. A student can complete a full course of study without deviating from state standards, and at the same time, without being distracted from their main work. The correspondence form, which exists in our educational institution, helps to get a demanded and worthy profession, and the necessary diploma of higher education, not only for Muscovites, but also for students who are and work in other cities.

Applicants are recruited year-round, both in the economic direction and in the direction of management. This part-time form is quite in demand among our students who live in other cities, but have a desire to get a good quality education and a diploma from a prestigious university in Moscow.

Faculties of the Institute of Market Economy

Economy- graduates specialists of a wide profile, both in the economic field and in the field of commerce.

With a combination of professional and fundamental training, graduates of this faculty become quite popular specialists in the labor market.

At the end of the course, the degree "Bachelor" is indicated in the diploma.

Management– graduates specialists of the organization management environment. The main emphasis is on the quality training of practice and modern management theory.

The demand for specialists in this area is very high: it is due to the needs of all production areas.

Upon graduation, the diploma indicates the degree of "Bachelor of Management".

Magistracy - The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law cooperates in terms of education and science with a large number of universities, on the basis of which masters are being trained in the "economic" specialty. Education for a period of 2 years in absentia.

Market Economy Institute: New Opportunities to Overcome Distances.

The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law (IRESPiP) was founded in 1995. IRESPIP is a non-profit non-state educational institution. Has state accreditation. Education in IRESPIP is conducted in the following areas: economic, managerial, finance and credit, financial management, management, logistics. The institute is equipped with modern equipment, classes are conducted using the latest technologies. Classes are held in full-time, part-time, remote forms. A state diploma is issued. Qualification - bachelor's degree. Second higher education, additional courses. Retirement from the army.

general information

Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Institute of market economy, social policy and law"

111033, Moscow, st. Nizhegorodskaya, house 29-33, building 3 (Central Autonomous Okrug)


No. 01045 is valid Indefinitely from 07/04/2014


There is no data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for IRESPIP

Result 2015: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2014, scored less than 4 points out of 7 (report)


About the university

History of IRESPIP

The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law was founded in 1995 and to this day is one of the leaders among the liberal arts universities that provide students with correspondence and distance learning.

The Institute is a non-profit and non-governmental institution, has all the necessary documentation for the implementation of the learning process, a license and accreditation. The procedure for checking the institute was carried out 3 times, and IRESPIP passed all the tests with honor, confirming the high quality of student education. Initially, the university was organized to improve the skills of military personnel and provide them with the opportunity to receive a second higher education, today IRESPIP has opened its doors to all categories of citizens.

The popularity of the Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law is quite high. This trend is explained by the many advantages that study at this university guarantees. Here are some of them:

  • significant experience in the field of education;
  • formation of study groups throughout the year;
  • flexible lecture schedule;
  • training in demanded areas;
  • financial and temporal availability.

University infrastructure

The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law is a university that keeps up with the times. For the needs of students and teaching staff, a separate building has been allocated not far from the center of the capital. Modern, spacious auditoriums are equipped with the latest technology. Teachers of the institute strive not only to convey fundamental knowledge to students through classical lectures and seminars, but also use interactive learning systems, conduct business games, and special trainings. A special language laboratory has been organized for foreign language classes.

A library is also provided to students. Students can use both an ordinary book array and its electronic version. Through the Internet, operational consultations of students on issues of study are also conducted.

Also, non-resident students are offered a hostel on a paid basis.

Information for applicants

To get acquainted with the inner life of the university, it is enough to visit the open day. In just a couple of hours, applicants will be able to find answers to all their questions, view presentations of professions, communicate with the dean and teachers, take a trial entrance test, inspect the premises and clarify any question.

The university accepts applicants all year round, as the study group is formed, the start date of classes is determined. Admission of those wishing to start studying at the institute is carried out on the basis of the results of passing the unified state exam in the subjects necessary for the specialty.

If necessary, students can receive two higher educations at the same time. This solution is optimal for self-confident, energetic listeners.

Learning process

The Institute offers applicants two faculties to choose from: management and economics. Passing training in both directions implies obtaining a bachelor's degree. If desired, IRESPIP graduates can continue the process of acquiring knowledge in partner educational institutions, and in 2 years receive a master's degree. A similar scheme is offered to those wishing to try their hand at writing scientific papers, for university students there is postgraduate and doctoral studies in friendly Moscow educational institutions.

The Faculty of Management includes the following areas:

  • financial management;
  • information management;
  • innovation management;
  • personnel Management;
  • state and municipal administration;
  • management of the social sphere.

The Faculty of Economics includes such areas as:

  • Accounting;
  • taxes;
  • finance;
  • lending;
  • marketing.

Distance learning is divided into groups: evening and weekend. The study of the material is carried out by students both independently, according to special methodological literature, and at lectures at the institute. All forms of education involve a paid basis. For certain categories of citizens, preferential payment terms are provided, you can clarify their list on the website of the university or by calling the admissions committee.

Additional education

You can get a bachelor's degree by enrolling in a distance learning course. This form is suitable for non-resident students and people leading an extremely active lifestyle. Thanks to the development of the curriculum via the Internet, students not only save money and time, but also provide themselves with a flexible schedule for mastering the material on the job.

In addition to higher education, additional courses are organized at IRESPIP. They can be visited by students who want to enter the institute, as well as by everyone who wants to get high-quality knowledge. The main topics include: computer science, English, mathematics.

On the basis of the university, retraining of specialists with higher education is carried out. It is produced by two main methods:

  • deepening existing knowledge in the specialties of economics and management;
  • obtaining new knowledge.