How and where you can enter the university without an exam. For these universities, exam alone is not enough What universities can conduct entrance examinations

What are university entrance tests? This question worries many high school students who have to make a difficult choice.

Features of entrance examinations

Despite the numerous transformations that are currently taking place in the system of domestic secondary and higher education, in addition to the results obtained by graduates on the exam, academies and universities have the right to conduct their own entrance exams.

Many high school students want to know in advance how to pass the entrance tests at the university, whether it is possible to prepare for them.

In order to select from the numerous stream of applicants the guys who really deserve to be enrolled in a university, prestigious domestic universities conduct internal tests.

Classification of additional exams

University entrance examinations - what is it? Currently, it is customary to divide them into main and additional tests. The first group consists of those subjects that are included in the Children get a chance to pass within the walls of a higher educational institution those subjects that, for various reasons, were not chosen by them at school.

The second group includes special entrance examinations to universities in the Russian language, social studies, and creative assignments. Depending on the specifics of the direction of the higher education institution, additional exams may vary. They make it possible to identify among the flow of applicants the most talented guys who have deep knowledge and skills necessary for their chosen specialty.

Technical focus

Engineering universities and academies are characterized by additional entrance examinations in mathematics. You can get to a university based on the results of special subject Olympiads organized by the educational institution itself. Each high-level educational institution tries to organize intellectual tournaments and contests on its basis, the winners and prize-winners of which receive additional points when submitting documents to the university.

Who should take additional tests?

Not all applicants know how to pass university entrance tests. For some of them, the very fact of having to pass additional exams comes as an unpleasant surprise. Let's try to understand what university entrance tests are and who should take them. The main tests are for those applicants who are not in the disciplines that are compulsory in the chosen direction of study.

They are also presented to those persons who graduated from secondary educational institutions before 2009. Compulsory exams are taken by applicants who already have higher or secondary specialized education.
Entrance exams are also mandatory for foreign citizens who decide to study at Russian higher educational institutions.

Features of additional tests

What is an additional form of university entrance tests? Their top-level educational institutions establish for creative specialties: acting, architecture and construction, artistic creation. In addition, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, future cadets of flight and military schools are undergoing additional tests.

Arguing about what the entrance examinations to a university are, we note that their results are summed up with the points scored by the applicant on the exam.

Additional exams are required to pass all applicants who apply for admission in the chosen specialty.

List of tests

Each educational institution has the right to independently determine the type and number of additional tests, as well as to install subjects that are taken in the form of the Unified State Exam.

What applicants are waiting for the entrance tests to the university?

Examples of general education subjects for which the main tests are carried out at the university (academy):

  • maths;
  • geography;
  • physics;
  • Russian language and literature;
  • biology;
  • history;
  • foreign language.

How are entrance examinations at the university? For example, as additional exams, applicants are offered testing of their physical fitness, psychological readiness for the profession, and creative work is offered.

The educational institution itself chooses the form of the exam:

  • testing;
  • written testing;
  • oral interview;
  • writing an essay.

How do I prepare for additional challenges?

Is it possible to successfully pass university entrance examinations? What are these preparatory courses? Each university that conducts additional tests organizes various preparatory courses for future applicants.

In addition, special educational centers function in large cities, the main task of which is to fully prepare high school students for passing the unified state exam, as well as for successfully passing additional tests offered by higher educational institutions.

If, to prepare for the Unified State Exam, many high school students only need to study well at school, then only a few can qualitatively independently prepare for creative tests on their own. The best option would be to choose preparatory courses based on the higher educational institution in which you plan to enroll.

Only in this case it will be possible to count on receiving the most useful information that will definitely help the applicant to become a student of the academy or university.

In addition to obtaining a certain level of knowledge necessary for successfully passing creative tests, in the process of additional coursework, high school students will receive useful information about the teaching staff of the institute (university), get acquainted with their future classmates. Also, the courses provide information about the requirements of a particular educational institution, the features of the educational process.

Useful information

In order to get on additional coursework at a university, you need to contact the educational institution at the beginning of the academic year, find out about the timing and In most domestic universities and academies, preparatory courses begin in October-November, last the entire academic year.

These courses will not only allow you to better assimilate certain information on academic disciplines, but also provide an opportunity to change direction in a timely manner. For example, if a high school student, attending preparatory courses in mathematics, realized that it would be difficult for him to compete with his peers in this academic discipline, he may switch to another profile.

In addition to one-year courses, higher education institutions also offer short-term courses. Abbreviated training is designed for 2-3 weeks, is organized mainly immediately before the entrance examinations to the university. Such courses are suitable for those high school students who for a long time could not decide on the choice of their future profession or had doubts about the selection of an educational institution.

Among the main disadvantages of such preparation for admission to domestic universities and academies is the need to assimilate a large amount of information in a minimum time period. It is highly likely that the applicant simply does not have enough time to process the information received, to use it optimally when passing the basic and additional entrance examinations to the academy or university.


Admission to a university is a responsible and important stage in the life of every high school student. In order to increase your chances of success, you need to use all the opportunities: take preparatory courses, collect diplomas and certificates, try your hand at subject Olympiads and creative competitions.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation gave higher educational institutions the right to independently choose the list of tests, upon successful completion of which the applicant receives the right to enroll in an educational institution on a budgetary basis. In some universities, preferential categories of citizens are exempted from passing additional tests, but most of the domestic academies and universities offer them to all applicants. All additional tests are carried out in Russian, the only exception is the direction of study, where the main academic discipline is a foreign language.

Answering the question "How to enter the HSE without the USE (in person, in absentia, remotely)?" it is advisable to consider three legal options for admission: through college, through retake, through a foreign institute. Where can you go or, rather, which universities are allowed to enter without exams? It is worth noting that the list of these educational institutions is not secret, however, you will not see the sign on the assignment of each of them that the institute is recruiting students to study without the Unified State Exam. Let us consider in more detail the legal options for admission to an institute, university, university for higher education without passing the notorious Unified State Exam.

First option

Without the Unified State Exam, there is an opportunity by law to go to college, and after receiving secondary vocational education, there is an opportunity, according to the law, without the Unified State Exam, to go to college and study according to an abbreviated program.

This is the first option for a legal and official way to get higher education without passing the exam, that is, through college.

Second option

To enter any foreign university and later transfer to a Russian university without passing the exam. There are a number of Russian universities that can help with this, if the applicant does not have the necessary USE results for some reason, or he did not pass it at all.

This option is not obvious, not as simple as it seems, but in practice it exists and it can be used absolutely legally and legally.

The third option

Less popular, but also the place to be. If the USE results are unsatisfactory, then the law provides for its retake. Thus, you can work out with a tutor and eventually gain the required number of points for admission in compulsory subjects - "mathematics" and "Russian language" and additional subjects, at the choice of the applicant.

One of the disadvantages of this option is the lost time for preparation and retake and the lack of guarantees that during retake it will be possible to score the desired number of points.

The current legislation in the field of education allows you to enter a university, university, institute for higher education without passing the unified state exam - the Unified State Exam. In general, anyone can apply. Some after the army, some after college, there are students who want to study remotely (by correspondence) and they graduated from school at a time when the exam was not compulsory for everyone. And some of the applicants simply did not score the required number of points and at the same time does not want to wait for a retake or the next set.

The universities of the Russian Federation accept the results of the Unified State Exam as an entrance exam. However, a number of educational institutions have the right to conduct additional tests (for example, Moscow State University). And for some specialties, they are required at any universities and institutes.

We will tell you in detail what these specialties are, when tests are carried out, how to prepare for them and what is the procedure for conducting entrance exams to Russian universities.

Why do you need entrance exams if you have a USE?

Additional admissions tests (ADI) are conducted to check and identify:

  • knowledge in a specialized subject;
  • the ability to establish causal relationships, to find the relationship between objects and phenomena;
  • creativity;
  • cultural level, the ability to navigate in topical issues of art, culture and sports;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • motivation when choosing a profession.

The goals differ depending on the chosen faculty.

Specialties for which DWI is held

Creative, professional and other entrance exams can be conducted for areas of study related to:

  • medical specialties (dentistry, medicine, pediatrics);
  • pedagogical and special education;
  • physical education and sports;
  • philology;
  • art and culture (literary creativity, fine arts, etc.);
  • design and architecture;
  • musical education (variety art, conducting, etc.);
  • theatrical, acting, production activities (film studies, scenography, etc.);
  • other creative specialties.

First of all, read the information on the website of the selected university: the admission rules must contain information about the DWI.

List of documents for admission

The list of papers for areas of training with DWI is standard. Required documents for admission:

  • personal statement of the applicant;
  • identity document;
  • a copy or original of a document on secondary general / special education;
  • Unified State Exam certificate;
  • photo 3x4 (at least 2 pieces, matte).

Additionally, documents are submitted that give the right to preferential admission or additional points (certificate with honors, diplomas, certificates).

Deadlines for submission of documents and testing

Deadlines for submission of documents for specialties involving additional tests:

  • until July 7, when the university conducts creative and professional exams;
  • before July 10 - other tests.

Dates of DWI: from 8 to 26 July 2019. The test schedule is established by the educational institution independently.

Absence from the exam is the basis for elimination from the competition. If the applicant missed the test due to illness or other valid and confirmed reason, he has the right to pass it on a reserve day.

What is the format of the entrance exams?

The number of additional entrance examinations is set by the university. Exams are graded on a 100-point scale. 2019 DWI-based admissions may include:

  • creative task: for example, make a drawing or drawing, write an essay;
  • professional test: for example, to propose a project of an event;
  • passing standards: for example, running, pulling up;
  • oral interview.

Some of the exams are held in writing, some are done orally. The rules and format are different for each university.

How to prepare for the entrance exams?

To successfully cope with DVI, you need to know how to prepare for the university entrance exams. For this:

  • 1. Check out the official information of the selected university on the website.
  • 2. Look at the program of entrance examinations, which indicate what the applicant should know and be able to do.
  • 3. In the admission section, find sample assignments. They show in what format the problem will be given, how the solution is evaluated.
  • 4. Practice doing these tasks in practice.

If it turns out that DVI are too difficult, it is worth considering specialties that can only be enrolled on the basis of the USE results. And about the top 5 universities for which average scores are enough,.

The section "" contains detailed information on the 2019 admissions campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing points, the competition, the conditions for the provision of the hostel, the number of vacant places, as well as the minimum points that were required to be collected to receive it. The base of universities is constantly growing!

- a new service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Exam.

In the section "Admission 2020" using the service "", you can find out about the most important dates associated with admission to the university.

"". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the admissions committees of universities and ask them your questions. The answers will be posted not only on the website, but will also be sent to you personally by the mail that you indicated during registration. Moreover, fast enough.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the "" section with an indication of the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers' sites.

In the section, a new service "Remind me about the event" has been launched, with the help of which applicants have the opportunity to automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

A new service has been launched - "