Review of final qualifying work sample tourism. Sample review from an enterprise for a thesis

A diploma review is a document that indicates the assessment of the final qualifying work. In the absence of such a certificate, the graduate is not allowed to take the final certification. The document includes a small analysis of the work performed, the level of its compliance with the accepted rules and regulations for issuing diplomas: the pros and cons are analyzed. For a positive defense of the thesis, you need a review that can cause the best impression among representatives of the state certification commission.

Who writes the review

The review must be written by a certified specialist working in the field affected by the research of the final qualifying work. But it is very important that the reviewer does not work in the same department as the director of this thesis. An important advantage will be that the selected specialist has a candidate’s or doctoral scientific degree. Often the review is written by managers or representatives of companies or structures with which you completed industrial or specialized internship in the last semester of study. In this case, research into scientific research is usually carried out within the framework of the activities of the selected organization, or practical materials from the work of this structure are widely reviewed and applied. At the same time, a specialist will evaluate the document, sign it and certify it with the seal of the enterprise. After this, the student will be able to pick it up and calmly go to prepare for the performance.

But in reality, the graduate usually has to write the required document himself. Specialists do not like to waste time on this and require a ready-made version to be signed and certified with a seal. In this case, many students face a serious problem, since not everyone is able to independently give a competent and reliable assessment of their own work.

How to write a review of a WRC

Major difficulties in independently writing the required document for a diploma usually do not arise if the student himself wrote his final qualifying work from beginning to end. Then he knows better than anyone else all the pros and cons of his research and development work and can adequately evaluate it, in accordance with all accepted standards and GOSTs.

Standard wishes when writing a review for a final qualifying work are to avoid hackneyed phrases (for example: the diploma is very good, the graduate did a lot of work on his own, solved a difficult problem, the student showed his best side, the author of the work is endowed with such qualities as: independence, responsibility, hard work, etc.).

Conventionally, the review is divided into three structural parts: introduction, main part and conclusion.

The first part examines the relevance of the research topic, its correspondence to the purpose and task.

The main section evaluates individual chapters of the thesis and analyzes its pros and cons (it occupies the largest volume of reviews on the thesis).

The final part includes a full conclusion on the work done: admission to defense and assessment (the smallest part of the document). This is followed by the signature of the selected specialist, which is certified by the seal of the organization that he represents or on the basis of which the research was conducted.

Sample review for thesis

Review of final qualifying work in 2017/2018. can be written using the following example:

An example of a review for a thesis

Review of final qualifying work in 2017/2018. can be done using the following template:


for the thesis of a graduate of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Management

correspondence courses

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ural State Agrarian University

in the direction 080400 - “Human Resources Management”


(Full Name)

on this topic

performed at the department


under the direction of



Positive aspects of work


M.p. "____"_______________ 20____

Reviewer ___________________


Educational institution, last name, first name, patronymic




Place of work and position


What is our help?

Graduates do not always have the opportunity to independently write a review of their final qualifying work, which may be due to many reasons. In this situation, there is no need to panic; the best solution would be to order our services.

Our specialists are ready to write a review for your final qualifying work in accordance with the requirements and standards of your educational institution. We have established relationships with competent representatives of various fields of knowledge, which ensures guaranteed results.

We provide services for writing reviews of works in the following disciplines: law, pedagogy, preschool pedagogy, psychology, economics, speech therapy, energy, management, document management and philosophy. We also write reviews of master's, master's and doctoral dissertations.

If you need to write a review of a dissertation yourself, it is first important to understand the requirements for the scientific work itself.
What characterizes a high-quality thesis?
1. Structure and length of work
— relevance of the scope in relation to the goals and questions asked
2. Sequence of presentation of information
- consistency, specificity, clarity, literacy, accuracy
3. Conceptual context
— connectivity, importance of information (in theory, in practice)
4. Literature review
- use of key literature in the relevant area
5. Scientific, evidence-based
- validity and veracity of arguments
6. Discussion of results, conclusion
- comprehensive disclosure of the topic, achievement of results, critical analysis and synthesis
7. Author's own initiative
- shows independence, interest, diligence
8. Design
— correct presentation of text, images, diagrams, compliance with standards

After studying and understanding the criteria that are key in assessment, it is necessary to take a fresh and very critical look at the thesis. The research work must be analyzed and analyzed in detail.

How to start a review?

First, complete the first component of the review:
centered title
student's full name
topic of final qualifying work
Full name of the reviewer, academic degree, position, place of work

Then start writing about relevance by answering the questions:
1. Why is the topic of the thesis in demand in the modern world, in the area studied by the author?
2. Is the work novel and original?
3. Are the results of the research work relevant?
4. Will this thesis be of value at this time?
5. How relevant and important is it now in today's life?

You need to use the following phrases:
“The author of the work substantiated the relevance of the research topic, revealed the main directions...”
“The relevance of the topic is beyond doubt, because...”
“The relevance of the study is due to...”
“The final work is relevant due to...”
“The relevance of this study lies in...”
“The work under review is distinguished by its novelty and relevance...”
“The peer-reviewed thesis represents a valuable work on a topic that is relevant in the modern world...”

Imagine yourself in the place of a specialist who will sign this important document for you. Try to understand how he would formulate this analysis. And in order to make this easier, remember about.
Describing point by point, after characterizing the positive aspects, do not forget to also indicate the negative ones. This is a common mistake students make - only praising their work in a review. Point out the disadvantages: either individual minor problems in the work, or present some of the advantages in the work as disadvantages.
When the key points of the analysis are described are ready, do not forget to indicate the date and leave space for the reviewer’s signature and seal.
When formatting, remember that the review should not be too condensed or voluminous: with the font Times New Roman, font size 14 and spacing 1.5, one or two pages will be enough.

Order a review

When writing their thesis, graduates for the first time are faced with a new task for themselves - the need to prepare an external review of the results of their scientific research. Without a review, work of a qualifying level is not accepted in the scientific community. Therefore, if specialists or bachelors improve their educational level, then working to obtain such feedback will become a common occurrence. In the career of a scientist, this document is also used quite often. For example, a project describing a new development receives a review. At the same time, its goal is to obtain a specialist’s opinion on the advisability of further consideration of the topic or implementation of the development in practice.

If you have no idea what reviews for dissertations are, then this material is for you.

In fact, a review of a thesis is a review of a specialist competent in the subject under consideration, written on one or two sheets of A4 format. The role of a reviewer can be an employee of an enterprise in the relevant field, an employee of a research institute or an educational institution. It is not advisable to involve teachers or researchers from the same university in these tasks where the literature review was compiled and experiments were carried out on the practical part of the thesis. This rule is explained by the lack of objectivity of such specialists in assessing the work of graduates.

If the topic of work or the student’s specialty implies the need to obtain a review of the diploma from the enterprise, then you need to choose a reviewer in accordance with the requirements of the educational institution. Most often they relate to professionalism, the criterion for which is usually either a high position held or the presence of an academic degree. You can find out more precisely the requirements at the university: at the department or from your supervisor. In general, graduates positively assess the possibility of attracting an outside reviewer. There are several reasons for this: such specialists are more loyal to the student, in addition, such communication helps to establish professional contacts for the subsequent employment of the young specialist.

Important! It is not a fact that a reviewer from a company has any idea how to correctly write and format their review. Therefore, the student should provide him with a sample review of his thesis from the enterprise. You can find the document on specialized websites; it is also worth looking in the offline space: from fellow students, more senior colleagues, or ask teachers. In addition, you should be prepared for the fact that after the supervisor’s comments you will have to adjust the finished text.

First of all, a review of a thesis takes into account the semantic part of the research; graphic materials and applications are also subject to professional evaluation. Based on this analysis, a conclusion is made regarding the quality of the research conducted, recommendations are given on the possibility of admitting the student to the defense, and an approximate grade is given.

According to the rules, the external reviewer must fully familiarize himself with the thesis materials: literature review, description of the methods used, practical part, discussion, as well as introduction and conclusion. In practice, this does not always happen, which is due to busyness, inability or unwillingness to study and analyze qualifying work. Therefore, students are often the reviewers themselves and write the text of this document themselves. If the result suits the reviewer, then he simply puts his signature in the review written by the author of the work.

In such circumstances, it is quite common for the question to arise: how to write a review of a diploma in your specialty? If young scientists already have an idea of ​​what needs to be included in a review of a scientific work, and what is better to remain silent about, then final-year students find it difficult to write it.

In order for graduates, in conditions of lack of information and experience, to be able to formulate the text of the review for their thesis correctly, below we will provide a diagram and examples of compiling such a document on practical topics.

Structural plan of the review

There are no clear rules regarding the structure of a review of a thesis or other scientific work. However, there are generally accepted unspoken rules that imply dividing the text of a professional assessment into several points. The extent to which each of them is considered in detail depends on the reviewer's opinion regarding the quality of the thesis under consideration. So, if the analysis boils down to a recommendation to give an excellent grade, then an in-depth assessment of the components of the study is carried out, the correspondence of the assigned tasks with the conclusions drawn is determined, the general nature of the presentation of the material is considered, and attention is focused on the student’s own thoughts on the topic of the work. This approach is not required for work that is assessed as “good” or “satisfactory” in the diploma review.

So, structurally, an example of a diploma review can be reduced to the following points:

  1. Indication of the research topic and the student’s specialty.
  2. A general assessment of the relevance of the work with mandatory explanations of the position of the review author.
  3. Description of the volume and structure (listing the number of chapters and sections) of the scientific work.
  4. Writing the main part: decoding the content of the introduction, chapters and subchapters when highlighting them, assessing the quality of the conclusion and the list of used literary and Internet sources.
  5. Summing up the preliminary results of the review of a scientific work: they take into account design issues, evaluate the correctness of the presentation of the material from the point of view of professional and scientific ethics, indicate the reviewer’s special notes (for example, note the thoughts of the author of the thesis that they especially liked), give a conclusion about the completeness of the topic and the adequacy of the conclusions made.
  6. Drawing up a conclusion about the strengths and weaknesses of the diploma. If the work is of an applied nature, then the possibility of applying its results or recommendations proposed by the author in practice is analyzed. When writing a review of a diploma in economics, management or technology of a certain enterprise, the text should contain comments regarding the benefits of the research for this enterprise.
  7. Formulation of recommendations for the possibility of admitting a thesis or project to defense, as well as an indication of the recommended grade that the student’s work on the diploma deserves.

Important! There are no rules that would regulate the order of points, there are only recommendations to write reviews of articles, diplomas and dissertations logically.

Writing a review of a dissertation paper in your own hand is a simple task on the one hand, but a complex one on the other. The ease is due to the fact that no one knows the merits of a diploma as well as their author. However, since not everyone can explain the shortcomings of their work in the field of scientific research, problems arise with the objectivity of the review.

Teachers will confirm that during the defense of theses, the recommendations of reviewers are given close attention. There are cases when a graduate who was nervous during the defense was helped by a detailed and competent assessment of his work from the review by the fact that the doubts of the certification commission were resolved in favor of the student. It is important that the task of writing a review must be approached responsibly.

Here we provide a couple of samples of ready-made reviews - templates. Simply substitute phrases from your thesis that are appropriate in meaning into the formulations we have given, and the document can be printed and taken to the reviewer for signature.

Sample No. 1

Thesis work of Ivanov I.I. covers a current scientific and applied topic...

The scientific novelty and practical significance of this thesis is due...

The structure of the diploma is formed by an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of literary and other data sources. This method of structuring is common in scientific practice and is easy to understand.

The introduction formulates the goals and objectives, describes the object of research, indicates theoretical and methodological ways of studying the subject of the work, and also explains the reasons for the relevance of the topic under consideration.

The first chapter is devoted to deciphering definitions and considering theory on the subject of research.

The second chapter reveals and analyzes practical aspects on the subject of research.

The conclusion contains a list of conclusions that correspond to the objectives. The recommendations and proposals made by the author of the work are original and deserve more detailed consideration.

The list of sources used is compiled correctly; it contains both fundamental works of reputable scientists and publications in scientific periodicals from young specialists.

The advantages of the thesis being evaluated include the excellent logic of text construction, the use of foreign relevant literature, and the practical significance of the conclusions drawn. The disadvantages were minor grammatical inaccuracies, as well as the formulation of definitions that were not entirely correct from a scientific point of view.

In general, the thesis of student Ivanov I.I. is a completed structured scientific work, designed in accordance with existing standards and taking into account current legislation. Based on the results of the preliminary assessment, I consider it necessary to admit the author to the defense, and if it is successfully passed, give the project a high positive mark and assign the student Ivanov I.I. qualifications "".

Sample No. 2

Diploma of Petrova P.P. done on the topic...

The issues under consideration are truly relevant and of scientific interest due to the presence of a number of insufficiently considered individual aspects and some other reasons. Among them we can especially highlight…

The final qualifying work was carried out on the basis of a comparison of fundamental data, modern scientific developments and practical data obtained during the study of the subject of the work. The author's approach allows us to see the dynamics of processes...

The construction of the text of the diploma, consisting of... in which each subsection is highlighted, is excessively detailed. But this does not reduce the quality of work.

When performing a study by Petrov P.P. showed herself to be a competent specialist in her field, which is confirmed by succinct conclusions and non-standard proposals in certain aspects of the topic under consideration.

The original historical approach and well-chosen topic of the work compensate for its minor shortcomings. These include a small number of foreign literature sources, as well as some deviation from the scientific style of presenting the material.

It is recommended that the topic of this thesis project be developed in more detail within the framework of a Ph.D. thesis. This diploma meets the regulatory requirements for scientific publications. Subject to successful defense, the recommended grade is “excellent”.

Template No. 1 is more suitable for practical specialties. As practice shows, reviews written on it for diplomas in banking and other financial specialties are positively perceived by the certification commission. Template No. 2 is more suitable for diplomas of a fundamental nature, where consideration of a research topic solves theoretical problems and has a positive impact on the development of science as a whole.

It is difficult to fit all the variety of academic disciplines into the given two templates. But the commonality of both reviews is obvious, and therefore, based on them, it is quite possible to write your own diagram based on the provisions from the examples.

Reviewing with the help of the “One Hundred Minds” team

Comprehensive support for students at all stages of their studies is the key task of the “One Hundred Minds” website. We provide educational services of various sizes: we are ready to write an essay or coursework, you can order visual materials or a report from us. However, we have become real pros in writing final qualifying papers. Well, what is a diploma without a review? That’s right, a review of a thesis is one of the things that we really know how to do efficiently and quickly.

The writing and execution of these documents is carried out in accordance with all the rules of the scientific community, as well as with mandatory consideration of professional business ethics. In fact, this scheme of work allows our clients who order writing a review today to receive the finished work in a couple of days. Our quality is really high, so the likelihood of modifications is low, but if necessary, we will do them for free. It is important that the service of ordering a review of a thesis does not involve any special costs, since the cost of this service is quite affordable for any student. But this type of service allows you to avoid wasting time, which is always short on the eve of protection.

In an effort to help our clients, we decided to publish several texts of reviews of diplomas in economics, management, lawyer and some other popular specialties. There will be no ready-made solution for your topic, since even theses that are close in meaning differ. However, when reviewing the wording of reviewers, original ideas may arise that will become a quality basis for preparing your own review.

Examples of reviews by specialty

With the transition of the state economy to market relations, the need for specialists in managerial, financial and economic fields has increased. We noticed that in the ranking of demand, samples of reviews for the State Medical University diploma are in the lead, but other areas are also in demand. The review texts presented below are examples of real reviews from specialists on already successfully defended diploma projects.

Review of thesis - sample in economics

Student N’s thesis was written on the topic: “Development of an organization’s marketing policy (using the example of an individual entrepreneur....)”

The urgency of the problem is caused by the increasing role of marketing in all aspects of the company's activities. The profitability of the enterprise depends on how successfully the marketing policy is implemented. In fact, marketing services carry out the most difficult task - selling products at an effective price.

Working to improve marketing activities is an urgent task for any enterprise, because even the most comprehensively attractive product will not be able to compete with analogues without preliminary training of consumers. Based on this, it is obvious that the main objective of the thesis is of serious practical interest.

The structure of the work is logical. The material is formatted correctly, presented consistently, systematically and accessible. The chapters reveal the topic; along the way, the research goals are achieved, and the problems are solved.

The advantages are the clarity of the author’s position in solving the identified problems, excellent practical significance, validity of the conclusions and usefulness of the proposals. The work contains a small amount of graphic materials, which becomes a minor drawback of this diploma.

A more in-depth study of the proposed methods and their implementation in practice is recommended. After a successful defense, the author deserves an “excellent”; it is recommended that he be awarded the qualification “economist-manager” in specialty 080502.65.

Reviewer, Art. teacher

department "...." Ivanova I.I.

Example of a review of a diploma in accounting

The final qualifying work of student M in the direction 080109.65 “Accounting, analysis and audit” examines the current topic “Analysis and assessment of the efficiency of using the organization’s current assets (using the example of LLC “...”).”

Scientific and practical interest is caused by the large role of current assets in the capital of each organization. Fluctuations in their volume negatively affect business efficiency, however, finding the optimal amount of working capital is difficult both practically and theoretically. Capital planning becomes more complex as market conditions and business strategies constantly change.

The main part of the thesis consists of three chapters. The first reveals the term “current assets” and provides various points of view on disclosing their essence. The second is a study of current assets at the selected enterprise. The third considers ways to improve the efficiency of using current assets. It presents practical measures to reduce inventory to an optimal level and timely collection of receivables. Subject to their implementation at the specified enterprise, financial indicators will increase.

The qualifying work of graduate M demonstrates the excellent preparation of the author, reflects his ability to work with large data flows, analyze complex financial situations and propose ways to solve them. All this is a sufficient basis for awarding the qualification “Bachelor of Economics”.

Director of LLC "..."

Review of diploma business plan

The diploma project of student X was completed on the topic “Business plan for organizing a vegetable and grain storage facility based on the agricultural production complex “Y”.

Business planning is a fundamentally important aspect of an organization's work. Therefore, the practical benefits of the diploma are obvious. The work meets the semantic and design requirements and organically connects the theoretical and practical parts. It analyzes the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, on the basis of which conclusions are formulated regarding the impact of certain factors on the financial condition of the enterprise and measures are developed to improve it. The text is divided into chapters, between which a logical connection can be traced.

I consider the main advantages of the study to be the abundance of illustrative material, the reliability of the data used, the excellent practical significance of the recommendations, and competent design. The achieved results are already being successfully implemented by the managers of the SEC “Y” base. As disadvantages, I can highlight shortcomings in the formulations that do not affect the final quality of scientific work.

The thesis was compiled in accordance with established requirements and deserves the highest rating.


Option for a review of a GMU diploma

Student's final qualifying work XX is written

Nadezhda Sergeevna Bykova
Example of a review of a research project


for final qualifying work

Subject: “The use of gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts of preschoolers”

5th year correspondence students

in the field of preparation Pedagogical education

profile 44.03.01 Preschool education

Bykova Nadezhda Sergeevna

Purpose of the study: to identify, justify and test experimentally the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of middle preschool age

The thesis examines one of the current trends - the use of game techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts of preschoolers. The relevance of the research topic of the diploma is justified. The approaches of domestic and foreign scientists are highlighted on the issue of forming elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children. The possibilities of using gaming techniques are described. The use of gaming techniques in work is considered as a means of developing elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children.

A large amount of theoretical material was analyzed, and a study “The use of gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of middle preschool age” was conducted at a fairly high theoretical and methodological level.

Careful work on each section of the topic under consideration is traced. The topic of the work is fully disclosed, the set goal is achieved, and the assigned tasks are solved.

The practical material used is reliable, the conclusions drawn are justified.

A study carried out as part of the work resulted in the development and implementation of a program for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of middle preschool age, taking into account the identified pedagogical conditions.

The work was carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST. It is relevant, complete, and of high quality. The work has no significant drawbacks.

General final grade: Great

Head of MBDOU "Tevriz kindergarten No. 4"


WITH I have read the review ___(student's signature)

«__» ___2016

Publications on the topic:

My muse is growing, developing and taking an example from my mother, this, of course, makes me happy! The good news is that he not only makes my husband and I happy with his work.

Writing methods and requirements for additional education programs Federal Law “On Education” Article 2. Clause 9) educational program - a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned.

An example of an individual educational route. Individual educational route for the 2015-2016 school year. year Full name of the child Ivan Petrov_date of birth 06/13/2012 Group 2 of early age.

An example of writing a speech characteristic of a preschooler Speech characteristics Child's full name Date of examination: Child's age at the time of examination: Speech therapy conclusion: SNR, exit from motor.

An example of a psychological and pedagogical characteristic for a preschool education student Today, quite often, preschool teachers have to write characteristics for pupils for various purposes, including for presentation.


(Full Name)

Project name _______________________________________________________

    Relevance of the topic


    Assess the novelty of the proposed methodological techniques in solving the assigned problems _______________________________________________________


    Determine whether the content matches the goals and objectives


    Note the theoretical preparation of the graduate, his ability to independently use the acquired knowledge when solving specific problems and those sections of the work that characterize the graduate’s research abilities

    Pay attention to the consistency and clarity of the presentation of the material, the use of the latest achievements in the field of science and technology


    Practical significance of the work ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


8. Overall assessment of the work (“excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”) and express an opinion on assigning the graduate the appropriate qualification in the specialty _________________________________________________


(name of specialty)

Example of filling out a review

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov"

Institute of Economics

Department of Business Informatics

Review of final qualifying work

student Ivanov Petr Sergeevich

(Full Name)

Project nameInformation security of corporate information systems

1. Relevance of the topic

Information security is currently one of the hot topics of our time.

2. Assess the novelty of the proposed methodological techniques in solving the assigned problems

The work is based on the latest developments in the field of information security

3. Determine whether the content matches the goals and objectives

The presented content of the work corresponds to the set goals and objectives

4. Note the theoretical preparation of the graduate, his ability to independently use the acquired knowledge when solving specific problems and those sections of the work that characterize the graduate’s research abilities

The student demonstrates deep theoretical knowledge in the field of the topic under study and the specifics of the analyzed enterprise

5. Pay attention to the consistency and clarity of the presentation of the material, the use of the latest achievements in the field of science and technology

The structure of the work is distinguished by its logical construction and clarity of presentation of the material.

6. Practical significance of the work

The results of the study can be used in the practical activities of the analyzed enterprise

No significant deficiencies were identified. It is recommended to continue work in the chosen area of ​​research

8. Overall assessment of the work (“excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”) and express an opinion on assigning the graduate the appropriate qualification in the specialty

The overall assessment of the work is “excellent”. The student deserves to be awarded the qualification “Bachelor” in the direction of “Business Informatics”.

(name of specialty)

Stamp ______________________ Reviewer's signature

(certified by the HR department at the place of work)


An example of an act of acceptance for implementation of the results of a diploma project

"Information systems in accounting and tax accounting"

We, the undersigned, the deputy head of the settlement department of OJSC "Nalogovik" Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, on the one hand, and student Igor Petrovich Sidorov, on the other hand, have drawn up this act on the acceptance for implementation of the results of the final qualifying work "Information systems in accounting and tax accounting" .

The information system proposed by the student is attached to the responsibilities of the accounting department. Based on this system, strategic decision-making measures are applied according to the generated algorithm.

Deputy Head of the Settlement Department Ivanov I.I.

(stamp, signature)

Student at the Department of Business Informatics

KSU named after N. A. Nekrasova Sidorov I. P.


Requirements for multimedia

support for VKR protection

To defend the thesis, the student must prepare a presentation demonstrating the results of the completed final qualifying work. The presentation can be prepared using any software.

For demonstration at the defense, the presentation is presented in pdf format.

Presentation contents:

    Title slide indicating the topic of the examination, the name of the defender and the name of the leader.

    Slide indicating the object and subject of research.

    Slide indicating the purpose and objectives of the WRC.

    Slides showing the progress of solving the assigned tasks (1-2 slides per task).

    Slide showing work testing (if available).

    A slide listing publications made on the subject of the WRC and other documents (implementation certificate, certificate, etc.).

    Final slide with a brief summary of what was done during the implementation of the WRC.

The design style is strict and businesslike. Company logos may be used for illustration purposes only and not as a design element. Slides should not contain large text blocks.

The presentation is checked by the student for:

    for the absence of duplicate and empty slides;

    correct display of fonts;

    correct positioning, readability of text blocks;

    readability of information from a distance of 5 meters when using a projector with a resolution of 800x600 pixels and a screen with a diameter of 2 meters.

The presentation must be printed on A4 sheets, two slides per sheet for each committee member.

10 minutes before the start of the defense, the presentation must be copied to a network drive.

During his report, the student refers to the materials presented in the presentation, without reading them, but using the phrases: “The slide presents...”, “In the table shown on the current slide...”, “As we see in the diagram presented there is a number on the slide...", etc.


Approximate form of the evaluation sheet (for the chairman of the State Attestation Committee and members of the State Attestation Committee)

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov"

Institute of Economics

Department of Business Informatics


for the defense of final qualifying work in the direction

"Business Informatics"

Requirements field:

    The graduate must be able to solve problems that correspond to his qualifications.

    Must know: the state language of the Russian Federation - Russian; be fluent in the language in which teaching is conducted.

    Possess a system of knowledge: about a person as a developing personality, individuality, subject of life activity; about economic systems, management of enterprises and organizations.

    Be able to select diagnostic methods adequate to economic and managerial tasks and predict the consequences of decisions made.

    Must be prepared for professional activities in accordance with fundamental and practical training.

Requirements (assessment) field

Final assessment of the SAC

Member of the State Attestation Committee ______________________________ / /

An example of a form for filling out an assessment sheet

(for the chairman of the SAC and members of the SAC)

Last name, first name, patronymic of the student

Requirements (assessment) field

Final assessment of the SAC

Ivanova Tatyana Gennadievna

Member of the State Attestation Committee ______________________________ / /


The list is not exhaustive. The title of the topics is specified in relation to the type of product under consideration and the geography of the market. The topic is developed using the example of a specific company or group of companies, which should be reflected in the title (for example: “Development of a marketing campaign for the promotion of electrical products on the Kostroma market”).

3TSO was calculated for 3 years.