Questions on the discipline employment technology. Employment technology: essence, stages and role in social adaptation of the population

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Employment. Where to begin? Completed by technology teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 17, Belaya Kalitva Puzanova G.V.

I want to work. If you have identified a field of activity in which you can offer yourself as an employee, then begin to act.

Professional resume.

A professional resume is brief information about yourself as a specialist, including information about education, specialty and qualifications, work experience, as well as the purpose of your job search.

The main task. Attract the employer's attention, create a favorable impression of you and receive an invitation to a personal meeting with him or his representative.

We create a resume.

Last name, first name, patronymic (in full). Date of Birth. Family status. Presence of children, their age. Nationality (optional). Residence address. Contact phone number. Education information (all educational institutions and courses are listed in reverse chronological order).


The name of the institution. Qualification information. Year of issue of the diploma. If the diploma is with honors, do not hesitate to mention it. Availability of an academic degree, time spent in graduate school and the topic of the dissertation.

Work experience (listed in reverse order from last place of work). Now each line begins with the period of work and the name of the company or enterprise; Then comes the position, the number of subordinates and the experience gained in this position; It would be useful to indicate the profile of the company’s activities.

Information about received distinctive signs, state awards, bonuses.

To complete your description of your skills: Report computer skills. Report knowledge of foreign languages. You can specify the typing speed you are comfortable with. Indicate whether you have a driver's license. Indicate availability of a foreign passport. Indicate personal qualities.

Your hobby.

The amount of desired earnings.

How to place text on a sheet? The sheet itself must be of standard sizes - A4 format - 210x297 cm. The vacancy should be indicated at the top. Number and highlight the places where you trained and worked.

An effective resume should be written to say a lot in a nutshell.

Use active verbs: Manage Manage Help Organize Evaluate Plan Design

An effective resume is aimed at the job you want to get.

If you have access to a computer: Type the text carefully. Check your spelling. Before sending your resume to the recipient, show it to someone whose opinion is authoritative for you.

Try to fit everything on one sheet.

Help. If you have not yet identified the specific organization you want to work for, you can post your resume on information sites on the Internet.

Get to know each other and think about it. Here is a list of the most likely reasons why employers refuse: 1. Pathetic appearance. 2. Know-it-all manners. 3. Lack of a career plan, clear goals and objectives. 4. Lack of sincerity and balance. 5. Lack of interest and enthusiasm. 6. Excessive concentration on money: interested only in higher pay. 7. Poor performance during studies. 8. Reluctance to start from the bottom: Expecting too much too quickly. 9. Lack of tact. 10. Lack of politeness.

Get to know each other and think about it. 11. Expressed reluctance to learn. 12. Friction with parents. 13. Impolite treatment. 14. Lack of determination (just looking for a place). 15. Desire to get a job for a short period of time. 16. Lack of a sense of humor. 17. Lack of knowledge in the specialty. 18. Lack of independence (parents make decisions). 19. Inability to take criticism. 20. Lack of understanding of the value of experience.

Self-presentation. Successful employment depends not only on the ability to find a suitable vacancy, but also on the ability to convince the employer that you are the best candidate for this job. The initial impression of a person, which, if not determines, then leaves a significant imprint on his subsequent perception, is formed in the first 5-10 minutes of communication with him.

Self-presentation. 5-10 minutes of communication This is the time allotted to the candidate to create his positive image. Everything is important here: facial expressions, gestures, posture, ability to keep a distance, competent and respectful speech, neat and appropriate clothing for the situation.

Autobiography This is complete information about you that is of professional interest specifically for the employer to whom it is sent.

Autobiography. Full Name. Date and place of birth. Family status. Education (indicate which educational institutions, where and when you graduated, how long you studied). Specialty in education (all diplomas and certificates). Experience. Awards. Additional information (any information that will present you in a favorable light).

Self-presentation begins with a visit to the organization where you plan to find a vacant job. This is a fairly quick way to find employment, especially in small enterprises, where the director or owner can make a hiring decision without unnecessary formalities.

Need to know. When entering the organization, first of all introduce yourself by name and state your profession. Then explain that you want to offer your services as an employee of a certain specialty, since you have the appropriate professional training and work experience.

And you need to know this. If they express interest, you can tell us more about yourself. If they answer that there is no vacancy, then you can ask if it will appear in the near future, if you can leave your documents and call in one or two weeks. When ending the conversation, you should politely and kindly, and in conclusion, be sure to thank him for your attention and time.

Do not forget. When visiting an organization, you must insist on meeting with the employee responsible for personnel selection. If necessary, make an appointment. Bring with you: passport, professional resume, autobiography, education diplomas. Don't forget pen and paper.

Remember. Correctly filling out the application form is often the decisive factor in receiving a job offer.

Many young people today strive to combine study with work. Now you can start taking action - creating your professional resume.

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Management tests in the specialization “Human Resource Management” on the topic: “Employment Technology”. Suitable for testing the knowledge of students studying in the humanities.

Ways to find a job include

  • -: via private services
  • -: through friends
  • -: with the help of the state employment service
  • +: all answers are correct.

What phases can be distinguished in the process of searching for a new job:

  • -: first and second
  • -: initial and final
  • +: active and passive
  • -: primary and secondary.

What is the purpose of the stage of establishing contact with the employer:

  • +: receiving an invitation to an interview

What is the purpose of the interview preparation stage?

  • +: make a favorable impression on the employer
  • -: receiving an invitation to a vacant position
  • -: choice from the offered vacancies

What is the purpose of the interview stage?

  • -: receiving an invitation to an interview
  • -: make a favorable impression on the employer
  • +: receiving an invitation to a vacant position
  • -: choice from the offered vacancies

What is the purpose of the decision-making stage?

  • -: receiving an invitation to an interview
  • -: make a favorable impression on the employer
  • -: receiving an invitation to a vacant position
  • +: choice from the offered vacancies

The purpose of which stage is to maintain contacts in case of a new request?

  • -: decision making stage
  • -: interview stage
  • +: stage of feedback with managers of other companies
  • -: stage of preparation for the interview.

What method of job search should a job seeker use if he not only wants to find a job, but can also undergo retraining and advanced training completely free of charge?

  • +: with the help of the public service
  • -: through private employment services
  • -: through newspapers and magazines
  • -: with the help of friends.

What is not an advantage of the hidden job market?

  • -: you have fewer competitors
  • +: you have more competitors
  • -: you are more likely to find a job that suits you
  • -: you have the opportunity to create a new position

Before accepting a job offer, you need to evaluate

  • +: career prospects
  • -: number of enterprises
  • -: your physical health
  • -: the number of competitors the company has

What does not apply to proposal evaluation approaches?

  • -: expert consultations
  • -: logic of numbers
  • +: sociological survey

If you find it difficult to evaluate a given job offer and turn to other people's opinions, then you are using

  • +: expert advice
  • -: logic of numbers
  • -: sociological survey
  • -: emotional and intuitive assessment

If you are a rational and logical person, then in a situation of acceptance it can help you

  • -: expert consultations
  • +: digit logic
  • -: sociological survey
  • -: emotional and intuitive assessment

If you have well-developed intuition, then most likely you will use

  • -: expert consultations
  • -: logic of numbers
  • -: sociological survey
  • +: emotional and intuitive assessment

What does the dispersion in wages depend on?

  • -: from the industry in which you intend to work
  • -: from the company that hires the employee
  • +: from your appearance
  • -: on the impression you were able to make on the employer

When negotiating wages, it is necessary

  • -: be the first to name the salary figure
  • +: wait until the interviewer tells you the salary amount
  • -: Avoid talking about salary in every possible way
  • -: agree to any salary

In our lives we make a number of important, sometimes fateful decisions. Choosing a place to work is one of them, because his social status, material well-being, well-being and sense of self depend on the organization, position, and environment in which a person works.

The actions required to successfully search for a new job include: two main phases. The first, so-called passive phase, includes collecting and analyzing information about vacancies, drawing up resumes, and preparing letters of recommendation. At the same time, it is recommended to constantly monitor and analyze information about the situation on the job market, and not only when the need arises to find or change a job. The second phase involves active activity of the applicant. The following can be distinguished main stages of active employment activities:

1. Establishing contact with the employer(in writing, by telephone, by e-mail, fax, in some cases by personal contact). The goal is to receive an invitation to an interview.

2. Preparing for an interview(preparing the necessary documentation, “playing out” the interview situation, trial taking the proposed tests, drawing up a list of questions, collecting information about the company and the potential employer, etc.). The goal is to make the most favorable impression on the employer.

3. Passing an interview(conversation with the employer, effective self-presentation, testing and questionnaires). The goal is to receive an invitation to a vacant position.

4. Decision-making(analysis of proposed vacancies, selection of the optimal one). The goal is to make a choice that best suits the applicant’s needs and capabilities.

5. Feedback from managers of other companies, where an offer of services was received from the applicant (a notification that the applicant does not currently need work, a written or oral expression of gratitude that his candidacy was considered). The goal is to maintain contacts in case of a new request or further partnership cooperation.

It is necessary to take into account that the specifics of actions at each stage depend on the job search method chosen by the applicant. At the present stage of development of the labor market, the following are distinguished: ways to find a job:1. With the help of the state employment service;2. Through private employment services; 3. With the help of employment assistance services created in universities and other educational institutions; 4. Through special publications on employment (newspapers, magazines, electronic media); 5. Through contacting friends; 6. By directly contacting the employer; 7. Organized events – Career Days, Job Fairs are periodically held by specialized organizations.

Writing a resume.

A resume is a summary of your work life. It should be no more than two pages of printed text and meet the basic requirements:

1. brevity (absence of unnecessary words, unclear abbreviations);

2. specificity (absence of information that is not directly related to the job you are looking for);

3. accuracy and clarity in the presentation of thoughts;

4. selectivity (choose information carefully; if you can’t do it yourself, let relatives, friends, acquaintances help you);

5. honesty (absence of false information);

6. literacy;

7. appearance (good white paper, compliance with the rules of paperwork, beautiful design).

Universal resume structure:

1. Title – last name, first name, patronymic of the candidate. It is usually located at the top center of the page.

2. Basic personal data – date of birth, address, telephone number, marital status. Usually located in the upper left corner under the heading and printed in a smaller (10–11) font.

3. The purpose of the application is what job, in what position and under what conditions the candidate is applying (2-3 lines, but no more than 6).

4. Education – dates of admission and graduation, name of educational institution, specialty obtained and qualification assigned. You can report on awards, highlight those disciplines studied that correspond to the applicant’s goals, and participation in research work. Presented in reverse chronological order, i.e. starts from the last place of study.

5. Work experience – dates of hiring and dismissal, names of organizations, positions held, functions performed and professional achievements. This is the main part of the summary, but disproportionate detail in presenting this data is undesirable. Work experience is usually presented in reverse chronological order.

6. Additional information - information about additional knowledge and skills relevant to this job, important biographical facts and personal qualities

7. Resume Date – Dating your resume increases the credibility of your interest in the job.

Job interview represents a dialogue between the applicant and the employer or his representative. To successfully pass the interview, the applicant must be ready to answer questions about himself, his professional activities, as well as ask the employer questions about the goals, values ​​of the organization and the characteristics of his future work.

Rules for creating your own image

There are several reasons why image is an important component in finding a job and growing your career:

1. personal style influences those who make decisions in matters of hiring and professional growth;

2. we believe what is shown to us;

3. We are all busy people and are based on first impressions;

4. We are expected to act as representatives of our profession or organization;

5. There is no other way to distinguish the best among equals.

Rules on the fulfillment of which the first impressions we make on others depend:

1. Your first ten words should be very important.

2. Pay attention to others. Look into the eyes. Smile.

3. Pay attention to your gait.

4. Pay attention to your appearance.

5. Make sure your speech is correct.

6. The only justified form of touching each other during communication is a handshake.

7. Don't hide your hands.

8. If you meet someone for the first time, it is customary to introduce yourself by saying your first and last name.

Labor market

Economics: The labor market is certain commodity-money relations that are regulated by supply and demand for labor.

Sociology: Processes in the labor market are considered as social processes that are regulated not only by economic laws, but also by certain norms, guidelines, as well as laws of social mobility of the population.

Economists talk about labor as a commodity, while sociologists more often use the concept of a worker’s labor potential.

Components of an employee’s labor potential:

1) Psychophysiological (performance, endurance, abilities).

2) General psychological (learning ability, creative abilities),

3) Socio-psychological (discipline, accuracy, enterprise, ability to lead).

4) Cultural (education, qualifications, general culture).

5) Value-based (values, attitudes, needs).

Based on the theory of human capital: individuals who invest their efforts and money in education, the development of personal qualities, properties, have greater opportunities in the labor market - this increases their value in the labor market.

Differences between workers according to their position in the labor market appeared in a theory that distinguishes segments of the labor market:

· Primary segment. These include workers who have high wages, good working conditions, a high level of social protection, and a high role for trade unions.

· Secondary segment. Opposite characteristics.

This theory arose in the 60s. (the emergence of a two-tier structure: trade unions and employers; USA). The secondary segment included: racial groups - people of color, women, students. In Russia, the secondary segment includes: youth, women, and the illiterate.

Sociologists distinguish in the labor market:

1. Core – employees who work constantly, stably, full time.

2. Periphery (inequality of labor potential).

There are also people looking for work. They are either unemployed, or they have a job, but it does not suit them. Applicant is a person who is looking for a job.

Employment channels are the means by which a job search is carried out:

1) personal contacts;

a. direct assistance (protection). More often it is provided by close relatives.

b. Providing information about the workplace (the applicant does not directly refer to anyone, but he has information that cannot be obtained from official sources). Source info friends, acquaintances.

c. Arrangement for professional connections (highly qualified workers)

2) self-employment;

a. direct contact with the HR department (unskilled labor).

b. participation in competitions.

3) formal channels;

a. state employment services (engage in unskilled labor, the applicants are women, people of retirement age with insufficient labor potential, they often have unverified information, ineffective).

b. non-governmental employment organizations (usually engaged in highly qualified workers).

Unemployment is an economic phenomenon when the relationship between supply and demand for labor is not favorable for workers. Potential unemployment in labor organizations performs a stimulating function (fear of losing a job). The stimulating function can turn into a manipulative one: subjectivity in making personnel decisions (hiring may be based not on the personal qualities of the employee, but on other qualities).

Sociologists view the labor market as a social institution and social networks. The labor market as a social institution. The fact is recorded that an employment contract is just the starting point in a long-term interaction between employer and employee, i.e. the terms of the employment contract are being renegotiated. Sociologists can empirically study the job search process itself. Here we can highlight 2 indicators of market exchange:

1) choosing from several options when searching for a job;

2) conducting bargaining;

Several years ago, a study was conducted in Russia - the choice of several meeting options in Russia is rare. Formal intermediaries do not help negotiate salaries and do not influence the quality of selection. Personal connections are the most common way to get a job. Dense social networks suppress market exchange (human contact with many people who know each other). Workers included in dense social networks, especially family ones, do not choose anything. The employment contract is not clearly defined. The labor market can be viewed as social networks. Personal connections come first in Russia.

There are 2 types of labor mobility:

1. Internal labor mobility – involves improving the skills of personnel within the enterprise.

2. External labor mobility - the most qualified personnel are recruited from outside.

Internal mobility mechanisms are associated with improving the skill structure of the labor force, and external labor mobility mechanisms are associated with improving the distribution and use of labor.

Employment technology

Surely you know that employers are reluctant to hire inexperienced graduates. To interest the employer, you will have to show seriousness and efficiency, demonstrate your best sides: for example, energy, accuracy, punctuality, diligence, responsibility, creativity.


Inexperience, lack of restraint, frivolity. In addition, young people often look insecure or extravagant, and employers do not welcome extremes.


Your biggest advantage is your youth: enthusiasm, desire to work in your favorite profession, ease of learning new things, absence of bad professional habits, age-related diseases. Tell all this to the employer, emphasize the virtues of youth!

Your tasks:

  • find a vacant position (through the media, friends, employment service, etc.);
  • immediately announce yourself (vacancies quickly become outdated) by calling and getting an interview;
  • convince the employer or HR specialist that you are the right person.

To be convincing, you need:

  • create a personal resume;
  • learn to speak with a possible employer on the phone politely and briefly;
  • rehearse your visit to the HR department.

Perhaps you won’t need to convince anyone, and they are ready to hire a person with your specialty without talking and immediately (then why are you reading this?). However, it is better to prepare and have insurance in the form of a resume and rehearsed communication skills with personnel officers.

Summary. The goal is to interest the employer and attract his attention. Some people believe that a resume is only necessary for people with experience or university graduates - this is not true! Even if you have no work experience and are not aiming for a management position, it is better to have a resume - this is your advertisement, your engine in the labor market. A resume is not a biography, but brief information about your professional and personal qualities, education and abilities. In your resume, you can note all your achievements (good studies, educational practice, sports, other acquired professional skills) and personal merits (describe yourself as good). Naturally, the replicated resume should be without errors, printed on a standard sheet, and a documentary photograph in the upper left corner would not be superfluous. Several copies of your resume will help you be always ready for possible meetings with employers. Having a competent resume, you can independently take it (or send it by mail, e-mail) to those organizations where you would like to work. Often such initiative is rewarded.

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