Social science social relations. social relations

Option No. 3076566

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. Units of measurement are not required. The answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other extra characters. By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, choose only one of the proposed statements (29.1-29.5).

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Write down the missing word in the table.


Find a concept that generalizes to all the other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Political Party, political system, political norm, state, political ideology.


Below are the names of the needs. All of them, with the exception of two, are names under which the natural needs of man are presented in various classifications.

1) biological

2) physiological

3) social

4) organic

5) natural

6) aesthetic

Find two terms that “drop out” of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in response.


Choose the correct judgments about the person and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) All living beings have the ability to purposeful, including creative, activity.

2) The totality of socially significant qualities of an individual, formed in the process of social life, is called a personality.

3) The individual needs of a person are associated with the specific conditions of his life, the characteristics of his personality.

4) Human freedom presupposes an inalienable connection with responsibility for decisions made.

5) The biological needs of a person include the needs for communication, work, success in life, taking a certain position in society, etc.


Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and types of societies: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



The TV channel broadcast a TV series about the everyday life of the city hospital. What makes this series a work of popular culture? Write down the numbers under which the selected elements of the answer are indicated.

1) The media presented the TV series as a successful commercial project.

3) One of the main goals of the creators of the television series was their own self-expression.

4) The television series is designed for the average consumer taste.

5) The TV series is interesting to the circle of connoisseurs.

6) Understanding the TV series does not require special training.


Select the correct judgments about the role of the state in market conditions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) One of the functions of the state in market conditions is the fight against the monopolization of the economy.

2) The state in a market economy is called upon to support vulnerable segments of the population.

3) The most important function of the state is the creation of public goods.

4) The state in market conditions regulates the prices of essential goods.

5) The process of privatization means the transfer of private property into the hands of the state.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of unemployment and its main types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) occurs as a result of an economic downturn

B) associated with the time spent looking for a new job

C) arises in connection with a decrease in the gross national product and the release of part of the labor force

D) arises in connection with a change in the demand for labor in certain industries or territories

E) is associated with a large-scale restructuring of the economy, changes in the demand for consumer goods and in production technology

1) structural

2) friction

3) cyclic



Pyotr Fedorovich invests his savings in the purchase of various securities. Find in the list below the securities that he can acquire in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation‚ and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) investment share of a mutual investment fund

2) property insurance contract

3) banknotes

5) bonds



Choose the correct judgments about the types of social stratification and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The class type of stratification is characteristic of the early periods of the development of society.

2) In the history of mankind, there were different types of social stratification.

3) Class stratification dominated during the Middle Ages.

4) Under the conditions of the caste system, there is no social mobility.

5) One of the manifestations of class stratification in modern society is the legal consolidation of rights and obligations for individual social groups.


In the course of a sociological survey of adult citizens of the country Z having children - schoolchildren of different ages, they were asked questions: "What do you most often do with your child on weekdays?" (Multiple answers could be selected).

The results obtained (in % of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of the table, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Equal shares of the respondents of each group on weekdays with the child are most often engaged in the preparation of lessons, checking the completion of homework.

2) Among parents studying in the middle classes, sports, sports games as a joint activity with a child on weekdays are more popular than watching TV shows and movies at home.

3) Half of the parents of high school students noted that on weekdays they most often just communicate, talk with their children.

4) The share of those who on weekdays most often take walks with their child, play in the fresh air, is higher among parents of middle school students than among parents of high school students.

5) Among parents of high school students, household chores as a joint activity with a child on weekdays are more popular than sports and sports games.


Choose the correct judgments about political power and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Political power is the ability of one person or group of people to control the behavior of citizens, society as a whole, based on national or national goals.

2) The legality of power is manifested in its unofficial approval by society due to its attractive features.

3) The emergence of political power is due to the need to regulate social relations, authoritative resolution of social conflicts.

4) Political power is both an instrument of domination and an effective means of integrating society and maintaining social order.

5) The charismatic type of legitimacy of power is based on the belief in the sanctity of traditions and the right to rule those who received power in accordance with this tradition.


Establish a correspondence between the functions and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation that perform them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters:



State Z includes the territories of subjects with a certain political independence. Citizens have full rights and freedoms, civil society institutions are developed. In state Z, the legislature is exercised by the parliament, and the popularly elected head of state forms the government and heads the executive branch. Find the characteristics of the form of state Z in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) federal state

2) democratic state

3) monarchy

6) unitary state


Which of the following positions relate to the foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) state funding of political parties

2) support for competition, freedom of economic activity

3) welfare state

4) a federal structure based on state integrity

5) a single state ideology


Find in the list the legal grounds for termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Due to the fall in demand for products, the company was forced to reduce the number of employees by 15%.

2) As a result of an accident, the master watchmaker of a watch manufacturing company partially lost his sight, and the management of the company terminated his employment contract.

3) The employer found out that the employee disclosed information constituting a trade secret that he had

due to official obligations.

4) The attestation of the employees of the academic institute showed that the level of qualification of a number of researchers does not meet the requirements of the qualification characteristics.

5) The woman went on maternity leave, and based on the fact that she will not be able to fulfill her duties for a long time

functional duties in the company, the management decided to dismiss her.


Establish a correspondence between examples and measures of legal liability in the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



The system administrator of the Arktika company is regularly late for work, citing traffic jams. Select from the list of concepts, terms related to the characteristics of this offense.

1) labor law

2) administrative offense

4) disciplinary responsibility

5) reprimand


Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“The presidential republic is characterized by the combination in the hands of the president of the powers of the head of ______ (A) and the head of the executive branch. The post of prime minister in such a republic, as a rule, is absent. The president of the country is elected by extra-parliamentary means: either by popular ________ (B) (as, for example, in Argentina), or by an electoral college (as, say, in the USA). This ensures the independence of the source ________ (B) of the president from parliament. The President also receives the right _______ (D) in relation to parliamentary decisions: he can return any ______ (D) to the supreme legislative body for reconsideration. But if the parliament votes for it for the second time, by a qualified majority - 2/3 in both chambers, then the project becomes a law, acquires _________ (E), regardless of the opinion of the president. The president has no right to dissolve the parliament.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.



What is the difference between educational potential and educational function? What is the most important condition for the well-being of the family? Do the authors consider the educational function peculiar only to the modern family? Bring proof.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

For centuries, the family has made a decisive contribution to the upbringing and socialization of children, to the formation of a worldview, value orientations, to the formation of the character of a growing person, the development of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of the individual. Different families perform these functions with varying degrees of efficiency. The success of this process depends on the level of educational potential of the family.

Under the "educational potential of the family" is understood the real, actual ability to raise children, taking into account specific social restrictions, the balance of material and non-material resources of the family. In contrast to the "educational function", the concept of "educational potential" allows us to characterize the possibilities of the family, both real, fixed, currently used, and not used for any reason.

As indicators that make it possible to characterize the educational potential, there are: the values ​​that have developed in the family, including orientation to the family lifestyle, leisure, the nature and content of free time, communicative (external) and personal (creative) communication, needs, interests, attitudes, motives for the performance of socio-cultural functions, and other possibilities for the "social participation" of the family in the affairs of society and the state. The most important condition for the successful realization of the educational potential of the family is the content and nature of intra-family relations and, first of all, the attitude towards the child.

If we summarize the statements of parents received when answering the question: "In your opinion, raising children in a family is, first of all ...", then the main goal of education is defined as the formation of responsibility, diligence, decency, striving for a healthy lifestyle, tolerance in relationships with people. At the same time, the low significance of such a characteristic as "teaching the wisdom of family life" upsets.

The totality of factors under the influence of which the formation and implementation of the educational potential of the family takes place can be divided into two groups: 1) external, having a macrosocial nature; 2) intra-family, related to the general cultural and educational level of the family. In addition, one can take into account socio-demographic indicators (family composition, stage of the family life cycle, etc.), as well as socio-economic conditions (standard of living, employment, social infrastructure); the prevalence of social anomalies in society; Lifestyle; educational potential; the nature of relationships in the family; time budget.

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On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

Name the functions of the family and illustrate each of them with an example.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

For centuries, the family has made a decisive contribution to the upbringing and socialization of children, to the formation of a worldview, value orientations, to the formation of the character of a growing person, the development of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of the individual. Different families perform these functions with varying degrees of efficiency. The success of this process depends on the level of educational potential of the family.

Under the "educational potential of the family" is understood the real, actual ability to raise children, taking into account specific social restrictions, the balance of material and non-material resources of the family. In contrast to the "educational function", the concept of "educational potential" allows us to characterize the possibilities of the family, both real, fixed, currently used, and not used for any reason.

As indicators that make it possible to characterize the educational potential, there are: the values ​​that have developed in the family, including orientation to the family lifestyle, leisure, the nature and content of free time, communicative (external) and personal (creative) communication, needs, interests, attitudes, motives for the performance of socio-cultural functions, and other possibilities for the "social participation" of the family in the affairs of society and the state. The most important condition for the successful realization of the educational potential of the family is the content and nature of intra-family relations and, first of all, the attitude towards the child.

If we summarize the statements of parents received when answering the question: "In your opinion, raising children in a family is, first of all ...", then the main goal of education is defined as the formation of responsibility, diligence, decency, striving for a healthy lifestyle, tolerance in relationships with people. At the same time, the low significance of such a characteristic as "teaching the wisdom of family life" upsets.

The totality of factors under the influence of which the formation and implementation of the educational potential of the family takes place can be divided into two groups: 1) external, having a macrosocial nature; 2) intra-family, related to the general cultural and educational level of the family. In addition, one can take into account socio-demographic indicators (family composition, stage of the family life cycle, etc.), as well as socio-economic conditions (standard of living, employment, social infrastructure); the prevalence of social anomalies in society; Lifestyle; educational potential; the nature of relationships in the family; time budget.

Under the "educational potential of the family" is understood the real, actual ability to raise children, taking into account specific social restrictions, the balance of material and non-material resources of the family. In contrast to the "educational function", the concept of "educational potential" allows us to characterize the possibilities of the family, both real, fixed, currently used, and not used for any reason.

As indicators that make it possible to characterize the educational potential, there are: the values ​​that have developed in the family, including orientation to the family lifestyle, leisure, the nature and content of free time, communicative (external) and personal (creative) communication, needs, interests, attitudes, motives for the performance of socio-cultural functions, and other possibilities for the "social participation" of the family in the affairs of society and the state. The most important condition for the successful realization of the educational potential of the family is the content and nature of intra-family relations and, first of all, the attitude towards the child.

If we summarize the statements of parents received when answering the question: "In your opinion, raising children in a family is, first of all ...", then the main goal of education is defined as the formation of responsibility, diligence, decency, striving for a healthy lifestyle, tolerance in relationships with people. At the same time, the low significance of such a characteristic as "teaching the wisdom of family life" upsets.

The totality of factors under the influence of which the formation and implementation of the educational potential of the family takes place can be divided into two groups: 1) external, having a macrosocial nature; 2) intra-family, related to the general cultural and educational level of the family. In addition, one can take into account socio-demographic indicators (family composition, stage of the family life cycle, etc.), as well as socio-economic conditions (standard of living, employment, social infrastructure); the prevalence of social anomalies in society; Lifestyle; educational potential; the nature of relationships in the family; time budget.

Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.

Designate at your discretion one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and open it (them). When disclosing the main idea(s) you have indicated, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions) in reasoning and conclusions, illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational items.

To illustrate your theoretical statements, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two facts/examples from various sources. Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and clearly connected with the illustrated position, reasoning, and conclusion.

C9.1 Philosophy.“Humanity” has no purpose, no idea, no plan, just as there is no purpose for a species of butterfly or orchid. "Humanity" is an empty word." (O. Spengler)

C9.2 Economy.“I firmly believe in one simple thing: the most reliable way to distinguish your company from competitors, break away from the crowd of pursuers is to organize your work with information well.” (B. Gates)

C9.3 Sociology, social psychology"Stratification is indeed a natural social stratification of society." (P. S. Gurevich)

C9.4 Political science.“For the state, all aspects of power and all its constituent elements matter.” (B.A. Kistyakovsky)

C9.5 Jurisprudence."All the people of the world have the same rights to the enjoyment of the natural goods of the world and the same rights to respect." (L. N. Tolstoy)

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On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

Finish testing, check answers, see solutions.

Social Studies. Full course of preparation for the Unified State Examination Shemakhanova Irina Albertovna

3. Social relations

3. Social relations

3.1. Social stratification and mobility

Under social stratification (the concept was introduced by the sociologist P. A. Sorokin) is understood as the presence in society of many social formations, whose representatives differ among themselves in an unequal amount of power and material wealth, rights and obligations, privileges and prestige. The concept of "social differentiation" implies any social differences, including those not related to inequality, with stimulation (or repression) of various forms of activity.

Foundations of social stratification

Natural base: social connections of people, in accordance with which a hierarchy of statuses, roles, norms is built in any society. This basis makes it possible to single out economic, state, political and other structural units (classes, professional groups, social institutions, etc.) in the processes of stratification, to analyze their characteristics (social statuses, norms of activity, roles), as well as their interrelations, which differ between themselves in terms of stability, structural complexity.

Value-symbolic: associated with the comprehension of social norms, endowing social roles with one or another evaluative content and instrumental semantic meaning. This level of analysis is aimed at studying the values, preferences, symbols of different social strata.

Measure concept, i.e., the boundaries within which the ordering of social ties and value ideas takes place. We are talking about a system of motivations that encourage some actions, relationships, and prohibitions that prevent others.

Anthropological foundations: gender, physical, psychological abilities, as well as signs mastered from the first days of life - family ties, ethno-national stereotypes, etc.

Systems of social stratification

a) Closed systems: assume the unconditional primacy of assigned status. Here it is almost impossible for an individual to change the status received by virtue of descent. Such systems are characteristic of traditional societies, especially in the past.

Slavery- a form of economic, social and legal enslavement of people. The key sign of inequality in these societies can be considered the possession of civil rights.

castes- closed social groups connected by a common origin and legal status. The caste system assumes a lifelong assignment of a person to a certain stratum on an ethnic-religious or economic basis, marriages between representatives of different castes are prohibited. Social differentiation was based on traditions sanctified by religion.

Estates- social groups whose rights and obligations, enshrined in law and traditions, are inherited (nobility, clergy, merchants, peasantry, philistinism, etc.). Unlike the caste system, marriages between members of different classes are permissible. Membership in the estate was inherited, but as an exception it could be acquired for money or bestowed.

b) Open systems: the possibility for any member of society to rise (fall) on the social ladder in accordance with his abilities and efforts.

Classes- belonging to classes is determined, first of all, by a place in the system of social production, ownership of property, as well as by the presence of abilities, education, and the level of income received. K. Marx pointed out that an important criterion for distinguishing classes is the position of their members - oppressive or oppressed.

In modern sociology, among the main signs of modern inequality are: the amount of income, the amount of power, the level of education and the prestige of the profession. The bulk of the population in modern societies is divided into upper, middle and lower classes.

Top class stands out for its wealth, corporatism and power (bankers, owners, presidents of companies, party leaders, movie stars, outstanding athletes).

Middle class- the middle class includes people with an average level of consumption, which includes a separate house or apartment, a certain set of durable goods, insurance policies, education and medical care (doctors, lawyers, technical workers, medium and small entrepreneurs). The middle class plays an extremely important role in modern society: it softens the conflict between the upper and lower classes; is the social basis of stability; provides stable demand in the market of goods and services; contributes to the creation of new information technologies and economic progress in general.

Part lower class includes persons engaged in manual physical or mechanized labor: skilled, as well as medium and low-skilled workers, lumpen and marginalized. The last layer is the “social bottom”, which includes criminal and semi-criminal elements (thieves, bandits, crooks, owners of brothels, drug dealers, alcoholics, vagrants, homeless people, etc.).

strata - groups of people with similar characteristics in the social space. This is the most universal concept that makes it possible to single out any fractional elements in the structure of society according to a combination of various socially significant criteria. For example, such strata are distinguished as elite specialists, professional entrepreneurs, government officials, office workers, skilled workers, unskilled workers, etc. Classes, estates and castes can be considered varieties of strata. Social stratification shows that strata exist in different conditions and people have unequal opportunities to meet their needs. Inequality (the source of stratification in society) reflects differences in the access of representatives of each layer to social benefits, and stratification is a sociological characteristic of the structure of society as a set of layers.

Stratification criteria

* Marxist school of sociology: inequality is based on property relations, the nature, degree and form of ownership of the means of production.

* Functionalists ( K. Davis, T. Parsons, W. Moore): the distribution of individuals across social strata depends on the importance of their professional activities and the contribution that they make with their work to achieve the goals of society.

* M. Weber, in addition to the economic criterion (attitude to property and income level), he proposed such criteria as social prestige (inherited and acquired status) and belonging to certain political circles, hence power, authority and influence.

* P. Sorokin identified three types of stratification structures: economic (according to the criteria of income and wealth); political (according to the criteria of influence and power); professional (according to the criteria of mastery, professional skills, successful performance of social roles).

* Modern sociology identifies the following main criteria for social stratification:

income- the number of cash receipts for a certain period (month, year);

wealth- accumulated income, i.e. the amount of cash or embodied money (in the second case, they act in the form of movable or immovable property);

power- the ability and ability to exercise one's will, to exert a decisive influence on the activities of other people through various means (authority, law, violence, etc.). Power is measured by the number of people it extends to;

education- a set of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process. The level of education is measured by the number of years of education;

prestige- public assessment of the attractiveness, significance of a particular profession, position, a certain type of occupation.

social mobility called the movement of individuals in the system of social stratification from one layer to another.

Forms of social mobility:

1) vertical- a change in the position of the individual, which causes an increase (upward mobility) or a decrease (downward mobility) of his social status.

2) Horizontal- a change in the position of an individual that does not lead to an increase or decrease in social status (moving from one city to another, changing religion, moving from one family to another after the breakup of marriage, changing citizenship, moving from one political party to another, changing jobs when transferring to approximately the same position).

3) Intergenerational is determined by comparing the social status of parents and their children at a certain point in the career of both (for example, by the rank of their profession at approximately the same age).

4) Intragenerational involves comparing the social status of an individual over a long period of time. Traveling short social distances is the rule, long distances are the exception.

In any society, there is at the same time individual(moving up the hierarchical ladder is done by an individual) and group mobility(occurs when the status of an entire class, estate, caste decreases or rises). The causes of group mobility can be social revolutions, foreign interventions, interstate wars, uprisings, changes in political regimes.

Between the strata there are certain channels that allow individuals to move from one stratum to another. P. Sorokin called them "membranes", "holes", "stairs", "elevators" or "paths". Among them, the most important role is army, church, school, political and professional organizations, institutions that produce and distribute value, family and marriage. The dynamics of social mobility reflects the degree of openness or closeness of society.

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54. Foreign trade relations as the most important relations of currency regulation and their principles Foreign trade relations are the most common relations. The main objectives of state regulation of foreign trade activities are: 1) protection

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From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CO) of the author TSB

author Shcherbatykh Yury Viktorovich

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32. LABOR AND SOCIAL PENSIONS The pension system of the Russian Federation is a set of legal, economic and organizational institutions and norms created by the state, aimed at providing citizens with material security in the form of pensions, and consists of the following parts: 1.

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30. SOCIAL RELATIONS Social interactions are the actions of an individual, group, community, performed in relation to other subjects. Therefore, relationships and connections arise between them. These connections become stable and long-lasting if they concern

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40. SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS Social organizations are artificially created social societies, which can also be considered as a kind of social institutions. They are arranged on the basis of a hierarchical structure Elements in the structure

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From the book Social Science. Full course of preparation for the exam author Shemakhanova Irina Albertovna

3.2. Social groups A social group is an objectively existing stable community, a set of individuals interacting in a certain way on the basis of several signs, shared expectations of each member of the group regarding others. T. Hobbes first

Features of the social status of youth:
- transitivity of the position;
- high level of mobility;
- development of new social roles (worker, student, citizen, family man) associated with a change in status;
- active search for one's place in life;
- Favorable professional and career prospects;
- instability of the psyche, susceptibility to influence, internal inconsistency;
- low level of tolerance;
- the desire to show their individuality, which contributes to the emergence of a youth subculture and informal groups.
ethnic groups- these are large groups of people with a common culture, language, awareness of a common historical destiny. The stages of development of ethnic communities are clan, tribe, nationality and nation.
Nation- this is the historically highest stage of development or form of an ethnos, characterized by compactness of residence, unity of economic life, historical path, language, culture, national identity.

Interethnic conflict- this is a complication of relations between nations and peoples up to direct hostilities.
Depending on the causes and nature of origin, interethnic conflicts are:
. socio-economic (unemployment, delays and non-payment of wages, social benefits, the monopoly of representatives of one of the ethnic groups in the spheres or sectors of the economy);
. cultural and linguistic (associated with the protection, revival and development of the native language, national culture and the rights of national minorities);
. ethno-demographic (increase in the share of the newcomer population due to migration);
. ethnoterritorial-status (non-coincidence of state or administrative borders with the boundaries of the settlement of peoples, the demand of small peoples to expand or acquire a new status);
. historical (relationships in the past - wars, deportations and related negative aspects of historical memory, etc.);
. interreligious and interfaith;
. separatist (requirement to create their own independent statehood or reunite with a neighboring state related from a cultural and historical point of view).
Any rash or deliberately provocative statements by politicians, national leaders, representatives of the clergy, the media, and domestic incidents can also become the cause of interethnic conflicts.

Principles for resolving interethnic conflicts in modern conditions:

  1. rejection of violence and coercion;
  2. search for consent based on the agreement of all participants;
  3. recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;
  4. willingness to peacefully resolve disputes.

Types of interethnic relations:

- ethnic mixing of different ethnic groups and the emergence of a new ethnic group (Latin America);
- assimilation - the merging of one people with another with the loss of one of them of their language, culture, national identity;
- acculturation - mutual adaptation of different cultures, coexistence, borrowing of individual elements, in most cases with the dominance of the culture of a more highly developed people.
Nationalism- ideology and policy direction, the fundamental principle of which is the thesis of the value of the nation as the highest form of social unity and its primacy in the state-forming process. This is the exaltation of one nation at the expense of infringement of the rights of others, the dictate of one nation over others.
Types of nationalism: 1) ethnic; 2) sovereign-state; 3) household.
Chauvinism- an extreme, aggressive form of nationalism.
Discrimination- derogation (actually or legally) of the rights of any group of citizens on the grounds of their nationality, race, gender, religion.
Segregation- the policy of forced separation of any group of the population on a racial or ethnic basis, one of the forms of racial discrimination.
Apartheid- an extreme form of racial discrimination, the deprivation of certain groups of the population, depending on their race, of political, socio-economic and civil rights, up to territorial isolation. Modern international law considers apartheid a crime against humanity.
Genocide- the gravest crime against humanity, the extermination of certain groups of the population on racial, national, ethnic or religious grounds, as well as the deliberate creation of living conditions designed for the complete or partial physical destruction of these groups.
National politics- this is a purposeful activity to regulate ethno-political processes, it is a system of measures aimed at updating and further evolutionary development of the national life of all the peoples of Russia within the framework of a federal state, as well as at creating equal relations between the peoples of the country, the formation of democratic mechanisms for resolving national and interethnic problems.
The documents that determine the national policy in our country are the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the “Concept of the National Policy of the Russian Federation” adopted in 1996.

The main directions of national policy in the Russian Federation:

- development of federal relations that ensure a harmonious combination of the independence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the integrity of the Russian state;
- development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, strengthening of the spiritual community of Russians;
- ensuring political and legal protection of small peoples and national minorities;
- achieving and maintaining stability, lasting interethnic peace and harmony in the North Caucasus;
- support for compatriots living in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as in the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian republics, promoting the development of their ties with Russia.

Basic principles of national policy in Russia

  • Equality of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, regardless of his gender, race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, membership in social groups and public associations.
  • Prohibition of any form of restriction of the rights of citizens on the grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation.
  • Preservation of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Equal rights for all subjects of the Russian Federation in relations with federal government bodies.
  • Guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.
  • The right of every citizen to determine and indicate his nationality without any coercion.
  • Assistance in the development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of Russia.
  • Timely and peaceful resolution of contradictions and conflicts.
  • Prohibition of activities aimed at undermining the security of the state, inciting social, racial, national and religious discord, hatred or enmity.
  • Protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation outside its borders, support for compatriots living in foreign countries in the preservation and development of their native language, culture and national traditions, in strengthening their ties with their homeland in accordance with international law.

social conflict- this is a clash of opposing goals, positions, opinions and views of people participating in social interaction.
The participants in the conflict are called the subjects of the conflict:
witnesses- these are people watching the conflict from the sidelines;
instigators- these are those who push other participants to the conflict;
collaborators- these are people who contribute to the development of the conflict with advice, technical assistance or in other ways;
intermediaries These are people who, by their actions, are trying to prevent, stop or resolve conflict.
The question or good that ignites the conflict is the the subject of the conflict.
Cause of conflict- the objective circumstances that predetermine the emergence of a conflict are related to the needs of the conflicting parties.
Occasion for a conflict - an insignificant incident that contributes to the emergence of a conflict, but the conflict itself may not develop, it can be both accidental and specially created.
Contradiction- this is a fundamental incompatibility, inconsistency of important political, economic, social, ethnic interests.

Types of contradictions:

1) internal contradictions originate in the clash of intra-group, intra-organizational and other interests of members of small social groups;
2) external contradictions arise between two or more social systems;
3) antagonistic- irreconcilably hostile contradictions - underlie the conflict in which its subjects pursue opposing interests. It is possible to reconcile the subjects of such a conflict only for a while, postponing the conflict, but not resolving it;
4) non-antagonistic contradictions take place between the subjects of the conflict, whose interests can be agreed upon, i.e. this type of contradiction implies the possibility of compromises through mutual concessions;
5) main contradictions determine the emergence and dynamics of the conflict, characterize the interaction between its main subjects;
6) minor contradictions accompany the conflict; as a rule, they are associated with minor subjects of the conflict;
7) objective contradictions are caused by phenomena and processes that do not depend on the will and consciousness of people, therefore it is impossible to eliminate these contradictions without eliminating their very cause;
8) subjective contradictions are determined by the will and consciousness of people: they are associated with the specifics of characters, differences in behavior, worldview, value orientations.
Contradiction necessarily lies at the heart of any conflict and manifests itself in social tension- a sense of dissatisfaction with the state of affairs and a willingness to change it. But the contradiction may not develop into a conflict.
social conflict- this is the highest stage in the development of contradictions in the system of relations between people, social groups, social institutions, society as a whole, which is characterized by open opposition and clash of opposing interests of communities and individuals.

Basic approaches to understanding the essence of social conflicts

  1. Conflict is a clash between the constantly updated content of life and obsolete, obsolete forms of culture.
  2. Social conflict is determined by the struggle for existence, which, in turn, is determined by the limited amount of vital resources.
  3. There is a constant conflict between the productive forces and production relations, which, as technology and the productive forces develop, becomes more and more acute until it leads to a change in the mode of production. Class struggle, class conflict are the driving force of history, generating social revolutions, as a result of which society moves to a higher level of development.
  4. The conflict has a value character. The struggle between social structures, their upholding of their social statuses, their lifestyles and values ​​stabilizes society.

Causes of social conflicts:

- social heterogeneity of society, the presence of opposite values;
- differences in income levels, culture, social prestige, access to education, information, power;
- religious differences;
- human behavior, its socio-psychological traits (temperament, intellect, general culture).

The main stages of the conflict

1. Conflict situation- the parties are aware of the existing emotional tension, strive to overcome it, understand the causes of the conflict, evaluate their capabilities; choice of method of influencing the enemy.
2. Direct conflict- distrust and lack of respect for the enemy; consent is not possible. The presence of an incident (or occasion), i.e. social actions aimed at changing the behavior of rivals, open and hidden actions.
3. Conflict resolution- end of the incident, elimination of the causes of the conflict.

Types of social conflicts:

. by duration: long-term; short-term; one-time; protracted; recurring;
. by volume: global; national; local; regional; group; personal;
. according to the source of occurrence: objective; subjective; false;
. by means used: violent; non-violent;
. in form: internal; external;
. by influence on the course of development of society: progressive; regressive;
. by the nature of development: deliberate; natural;
. by spheres of public life: economic (industrial); political; ethnic; family household.

Ways to resolve social conflicts:

compromise- solving the problem through mutual concessions of the parties;
negotiation- peaceful conversation of both sides to solve the problem;
mediation- the use of a third party in the absentee solution of the problem;
arbitration— an appeal to a body of authority endowed with special powers for help in solving the problem;
use of force, power, law- the unilateral use of power or force by the side that considers itself stronger.

Ways out of conflicts:

- restoration- the return of society to the old forms of social life, social institutions that continue to exist, taking into account the new situation;
- non-intervention (waiting)- the hope that "everything will work out by itself." This is the way of dragging out and delaying reforms, "marking time";
- update- an active way out of the conflict by discarding, rejecting the old, developing the new.
social norms- general rules, models that establish social behavior approved by society and sanctions for their violation. Social norms are formed historically, naturally. They are fixed and reproduced in the relations and acts necessary for society.

Topic: "Social structure, social relations".

Part 1 . Level A assignments.

A 1. An element of the social structure of society is

1) estate

2) party

3) enterprise

4) army

A 2. The small social group is

1) believers in Russia

2) people of liberal views

3) women of Moscow

4) a team of workers

A 3. A social group whose members have hereditary rights and duties

1) nation

2) estate

3) class

4) nomenclature

A 4. Children, youth, men are social communities distinguished by

1) territorial basis

2) ethnicity

3) demographic

4) professional sign

A 5. The attitude to property, the amount of income, the factor in the use of power are signs

1) ethnic group

2) nations

3) race

4) class

A 6. The social groups allocated according to the settlement (territorial) basis include (-s)

1) nationality

2) nation

3) townspeople

4th grade

A 7. social status is

1) the behavior expected from the individual

2) the position of a person in society

3) a form of encouragement for individuals

4) the form of implementation of social functions

A 8. Which of the following is a prescribed status?

1) nationality

2) level of education

3) income level

4) occupation

A 9. What status of a person is characterized by nationality, social origin?

1) the legal status of the individual

2) the political status of the individual

3) the prescribed social status of the individual

4) achievable social status of the individual

A 10. Economic differentiation manifests itself in

1) fusion of political power and big capital

2) singling out the rich, poor and middle strata of society

3) the emergence of new sources of income for certain groups.

4) creation of new productions

A 11. The fact that members of different social strata receive different incomes reflects the differentiation

1) economic

2) political

3) professional

4) demographic

A 12. The social conditions under which people have different access to social benefits are called

1) social mobility

2) social status

3) social inequality

4) social relations

A 13. One of the manifestations of social inequality is the difference in

1) income

2) abilities

3) temperament

4) spiritual requests

A 14. Ascending vertical social mobility refers to

1) promotion

2) doing business

3) demotion

4) retirement

A 15. Among the rich people of Ancient Rome (II-I centuries BC), former slaves were often found. This is an example of manifestation

3) social stratification

4) social adaptation

A 16. The teacher becomes a senior lecturer, a senior lecturer becomes an associate professor, an associate professor becomes a professor. This is an example

1) social stratification

2) social adaptation

3) social mobility

4) socialization

A 17. Nearly a third of US presidents come from poor or average families. This

example - manifestation

1) horizontal social mobility

2) vertical social mobility

3) social stratification

4) social adaptation

A 18. Social norms that reflect people's ideas about good and evil are called -

1) customs

2) moral standards

3) aesthetic standards

4) traditions

A 19. How do moral standards differ from legal ones?

1) moral norms arose later than legal norms

2) legal norms do not exist in written form

3) moral standards reflect ideas of good and evil

4) moral standards are established and supported by the state

A 20. Customs and traditions

1) reinforce habitual patterns of behavior

3) are formal

4) reinforce the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beautiful and ugly behavior of people

A 21. The rules established in society, patterns of expected behavior of people are called

1) social status

2) social mobility

3) social norm

4) social order

A 22. Aesthetic standards

1) are fixed in the state legislation

2) are provided by the power of state coercion

3) based on belief in supernatural powers

4) reinforce the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeautiful and ugly

A 23. The power of the state ensures the norms

1) moral

2) legal

3) aesthetic

4) religious

A 24. Belief in supernatural powers is the foundation

1) ethical standards

2) religious norms

3) moral standards

4) aesthetic standards

A 25. Are the following statements correct?

A. In social norms, people see standards, models, standards of proper behavior.

B. Aesthetic norms are reflected in laws, international treaties,

political principles and moral standards.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both A and B are true

4) both judgments are wrong

A 26. Deviant behavior always violates

1) legal regulations

2) moral standards

3) social norms

4) customs and traditions

A 27. Which of the following can be considered a manifestation of deviant behavior?

1) following fashion

2) conformism

3) crime

4) stamp collecting

A 28. Deviant behavior is always

1) damages society

2) harms the person

3) violates the law

4) does not meet social norms

A 29. Are the following judgments about the essence of social control correct?

A. Social control is a special mechanism for maintaining public order.

B. Norms and Sanctions Are Elements of Social Control

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both A and B are true

4) both judgments are wrong

A 30. Are the following statements about self-control correct?

A. External control methods used too often can inhibit the development of self-control.

B. Conscience is one of the mechanisms of self-control.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both A and B are true

4) both judgments are wrong

A 31. A small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are bound by common life and mutual responsibility, is

1) gender

2) estate

3) family

4) elite

A 32. The family, unlike other small groups, is characterized by

1) high political activity

2) common life

3) common hobbies

4) professional growth

A 33. Choose the correct statement

1) in the history of society there were different types of families

2) family relations are not regulated by law

3) the modern family includes all relatives

4) family relations are not regulated by moral norms

A 34. What characterizes the traditional (patriarchal) family?

1) the dominant position of the father of the family

2) the increasing role of women in the family

3) mutual respect between spouses

4) active participation of women in social production

A 35. The democratic (partner) family, in contrast to the patriarchal (traditional) family, is characterized by

1) cohabitation of at least three generations

2) a fair division of household duties

3) the economic dependence of women on men

4) the dominant role of men in the family

A 36. The son provides material assistance to the mother living with him, who receives a disability pension. This is the function of the family.

1) economic

2) leisure

3) emotional and psychological

4) social status

A 37. The functions of the family are

1) socialization of the individual

2) determination of the minimum wage

3) establishment of a school education system

4) determination of the amount of utility payments

A 38. One of the hallmarks of a nation

1) the presence of a constitution

2) common historical path

3) single citizenship

4) common ideology

A 39. One of the conditions for the emergence of a nation is

1) development of economic and cultural ties between close peoples

2) an increase in the level of education of the population

3) increase in the birth rate

4) formation of the rule of law

A 40. Contributes to overcoming national contradictions

1) redistribution of powers from national entities in favor of the center

2) government support for small businesses

3) ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual, regardless of nationality

4) transition to market methods of farming

A 41. A civilized approach to solving national problems provides for

1) rejection of national violence in all its forms

2) providing military assistance to the separatists

3) a course towards the weakening of multinational states

4) support for all forms of peoples' struggle for self-determination

A 42. Are the following statements correct? International cooperation promotes

A. Development of national culture

B. Overcoming national narrowness

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both A and B are true

4) both judgments are wrong

Part 2. Level B tasks.

IN 1 Write down the missing word in the diagram:

Social criteria. . .

cultural values

income level


the level of education

Answer: ______________________________

IN 2. Write down the missing word in the diagram.

Answer: _____________________________

IN 3. Write the missing word in the diagram

Answer: ________________________

AT 4. Write down the word missing in the diagram

AT 5. Write down the phrase missing in the diagram

Answer: _________________________

AT 6. Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the concept of "ethnic community". Find and indicate the term "falling out" from this series and referring to another concept.

Clan, tribe, caste, nationality, nation.

AT 7. Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the concept of "social norm". Find and indicate the term that “falls out” of this series and refers to another concept.

Social control, sanction, deviant behavior, social structure, self-control.

Answer _____________________________

AT 8. Below is a list of social groups. All of them, with the exception of one, are religiously educated. Find and indicate the social group that "falls out" of this series and is formed on a different basis.

Orthodox, Muslims, Protestants, conservatives, Catholics.

Answer _____________________________

AT 9. Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the concept of "social institution". Find and indicate the term that “falls out” of this series and refers to another concept.

Religion, state, education, applicants, family. production.

Answer ______________________________

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Set the correspondence (social groups - criterion), for this, for each element of the left column, select all the corresponding positions of the right column.


1) men A) demographic

2) tribes B) ethnic

3) nationalities

4) children

AT 11. Establish a correspondence between the criterion of social status and its type: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


1) nationality A) attainable

2) profession B) prescribed

3) floor

4) education

5) social background

Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

AT 12. Establish a correspondence between the type of status and a particular social status: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



1) marginal A) acquired

2) Belarusian B) prescribed

3) chairman of the trade union committee

4) man

5) 16 year old man

6) brother

Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

At 13. Establish a correspondence between social facts and cultural forms: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column



1) the premiere of the television series A) mass

2) competition of folklore groups B) folk

3) celebration of Ivan Kupala Day

4) scandal involving a pop star

5) reissue of the best-selling detective

Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

At 14. Establish a correspondence between the subsystems of society and social situations: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) organization of pre-holiday trade 1) economic

B) holding a referendum 2) political

C) the adoption of a law on public 3) spiritual


D) writing an adventure novel

D) production of consumer goods

E) conducting scientific research

At 15 Establish a correspondence between the main social institutions and spheres of society: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) state 1) economy

B) religion 2) politics

C) education 3) spiritual culture

D) production 4) social relations

D) family

Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

At 16 Find the signs of social status in the list below and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) profession

2) floor

3) eye color

4) following the requirements of fashion

5) respect for parents

6) marital status

Answer _____________

At 17 Find in the list below the manifestations of the economic function of the family and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) teaching children labor skills

2) material support of loved ones

3) distribution of domestic labor

4) granting hereditary status

5) organization of leisure

6) family business

Write the circled numbers in ascending order, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

Answer _____________

At 18 Find in the list below what refers to the phenomenon of "subculture" and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) belonging to a certain social group

2) a set of norms and values ​​of the criminal stratum of society

3) the invariance of the value orientations of its carrier throughout life

4) connection with traditional national culture

5) addressing the most diverse segments of the population

Write the circled numbers in ascending order, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

Answer _____________

At 19 Find the social regulations in the list below and circle the numbers under which they appear.

1) economic

2) legal

3) religious

4) moral

5) biological

Write the circled numbers in ascending order, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

Answer _____________

IN 20. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) 2,000 housewives under 45 took part in the sociological survey. (2) They were asked various questions about marriage, divorce, and raising children. (H) Every third respondent believed that early marriages often end in divorce. (4) In our opinion, such marriages exacerbate the crisis of family values.

A) actual character

B) the nature of value judgments

AT 21. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) The study involved 1503 boys and girls over 18 years of age. (2) They were asked various questions about marriage, divorce, and raising children. (3) Every second respondent stated that early marriages often end in divorce. (4) In our opinion, such marriages destabilize society and exacerbate the crisis of family values.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

actual character

nature of value judgments

Write under the position number the letter that indicates its nature.

At 22 . Read the text below with a number of words missing.

“The presence of significant psychological _______ (1) between men and women in itself is beyond doubt by anyone. However, empirical data on this subject, despite the huge number of _______ (2), are insufficient and often contradictory. Perceptions of gender are significantly influenced by common ________(3). Women, in the minds of men, and often women themselves, must first of all successfully fulfill the traditionally attributed to them _______ (4) “housewife”, “keeper of the hearth”, etc. Men should be engaged in professional work, which guarantees them a high social _________(5) and ensures the level and quality of life of their families. In fact, the gender-role division of ________ (6) has lost its former rigidity, the relationship between men and women in the family and at work has become, in principle, equal.

Choose from the list below the words to fill in the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative singular. Keep in mind that there are more words in the list than you need to select.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words.

A) research D) communication G) role

B) difference E) teaching 3) status

C) labor E) stereotypes) group

Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet.

At 23. Read the text below with a number of words missing,

“Norms perform a number of important functions in society. First, they contribute to social _______ (1) (ie maintaining social cohesion). Secondly, they serve as a kind of ________ (2) behavior, a kind of instruction for individuals performing certain roles and social ________ (3). Third, contribute to _______ (4)

for deviant behavior. Fourth, provide _________ (5) society. According to the nature of the regulation of social behavior, norms are distinguished - expectations and norms -_______ (6) ... The norms belonging to the second group are more strict. Violation of such norms entails the application of serious _______ (7), for example, criminal or administrative.

Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of spaces. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remembering that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps Choose one word after another, mentally filling each gap with words.

A) sanction D) ideal G) rule J) development

B) groups E) control H) management

C) integration E) standard I) stability

Please note that the gaps are numbered. The table below shows the pass numbers. Write under each number the letter corresponding to the word you have chosen.

Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet.

Part 3. Level C tasks.

From 1

Read the text and do the tasks

Family structures are falling apart all over the world. Divorce rates are rising in both the developed and underdeveloped world, as is the number of female-headed households.

Family values ​​are not threatened by government programs that interfere with the formation of families (although there are such programs), and not by media broadcasts that belittle the family (although there are such broadcasts); they are threatened by the economic system itself. This system simply does not allow families to exist in the old way, with the father providing most of the earnings and the mother doing most of the work of raising children. There is no longer a middle-class family with one breadwinner.

Social relations are not determined by economics - there can be many possibilities at the same time - but whatever these relations may be, they must be compatible with economic reality. Traditional family relationships are not like that. As a consequence, the family as an institution is in the process of change and pressure. It is not a matter of "character building" but of stubborn economic selfishness, or more precisely, an unwillingness to subordinate one's own interest to that of the family. The economic reality forced us to reconsider the basic questions of family organization.

L. Thurow

2. Interaction of what spheres of social life is revealed by the author on the example of a family? What, in the author's opinion, is the nature of this interaction?

3. Why is the traditional patriarchal family becoming a thing of the past? Based on the source text and using social science knowledge, indicate three reasons.

4. What type of family is more in line with the realities of a post-industrial society? Drawing on knowledge from the social science course, indicate two of its features.

C2 . List any three features that characterize education as a social institution.

C3. Illustrate with three examples the differences in the government system of the parliamentary and presidential republics.

C4. At a meeting of the Russian government with representatives of trade unions and entrepreneurs, opposing views were expressed on economic policy. Trade unions insisted on increasing the share of profits of firms directed to social needs. Entrepreneurs proposed to increase investment in real production. Offer two arguments to support the position of each group of participants.

From 5. Read the text and do the tasks for it

It is customary to call science a systematized idea of ​​the world that reproduces its essential aspects in an abstract-logical form and is based on scientific research data.

Science, being a part of culture, is a system of knowledge and a kind of spiritual production.

As a kind of spiritual production, science includes the specific activity of a person to increment the existing and obtain new knowledge. The result of this activity is a system of scientific knowledge, which together form a scientific picture of the world.

The scientific picture of the world is formed under the influence of two models of the development of scientific knowledge. According to the first model - evolutionary - science is a special kind of "humanity's social memory". According to the second model - revolutionary science periodically experiences a radical change in the ideas that dominate it.

The term "science" is also used to refer to certain branches of scientific knowledge. Initially, branches of science were formed in accordance with those aspects of reality that were involved in the process of cognition. In modern science, new areas of knowledge arise in connection with the advancement of certain theoretical or practical problems. The problematic nature of the development of modern science has led to the emergence of interdisciplinary and complex research carried out by means of several different disciplines by a special scientific community.

In modern society, science is the most important social institution, deeply penetrating into all spheres of public life. Science turns into a direct productive force of society, becomes a mass activity.

(I.V. Bezborodova, M.B. Bulanova and others)

1. Indicate any three of the definitions of science given in the text.

3 Based on the knowledge of the course, indicate any three social problems that are the subject of interdisciplinary research, and the sciences that study these problems.

Choice task

Choose one of the statements below and state your thoughts (your point of view, attitude; about the problem raised.

When completing the task, you should use the relevant concepts of the social science course and, based on the knowledge gained in the course of social science, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience, give the necessary arguments to justify your position.

1 “Man is a creature that rushes towards the future and is aware that it projects itself into the future” (J.P. Sartre).

2 “It is easy to preach morality, it is difficult to justify it” (A. Schopenhauer).

3 "The lack of a sense of national dignity is just as disgusting as the other extreme - nationalism." (I.N. Shevelev)

4 "People exist for each other" (Marcus Aurelius)

5 “They are born an individual, they become a person, they uphold individuality” (A.G. Asmolov)

6. "The formation of the achieved status is carried out through the own talent, choice or activity of each individual." (M. Young).

7. “Marginality is the result of a conflict with social norms” (A. Farzho).

8. “Everyone wants to be an exception to the rule, and there is no exception to this rule” (M. Forbes)

9 "A mass is a multitude of people without any special merit." (J. Ortega y Gaset).

10. Man does what he is and becomes what he does.” (R. Musil)


Part 1 Level A.



A 1

A 2

A 3

A 4

A 5

A 6

A 7

A 8

A 9

A 10

A 11

A 12

A 13

A 14

A 15

A 16

A 17

A 18

A 19

A 20

A 21

A 22

A 23

A 24

A 25

A 26

A 27

A 28

A 29

A 30

A 31

A 32

A 33

A 34

A 35

A 36

A 37

A 38

A 39

A 40

A 41

A 42

Part 2. Level B.







social statuses


social structure





AT 11


AT 12












IN 20


AT 21






Part 3. Level C.

C1 Text

1). What, according to the author, is the crisis of family relations expressed in modern society? List two manifestations. Answer:

The response indicates such manifestations of the crisis of family relations:

An increase in the number of divorces;

An increase in the number of incomplete families.

2). In the answer, the spheres of society are called:

social relations;


The nature of their connection is shown: social relations are not determined by the economy, but must be compatible with it.

3). Answer:

The following reasons for this phenomenon can be named in the answer:

The current economic system in many cases makes it insufficient

to maintain the standard of living of the family earnings of one father;

The values ​​of personal achievement are being strengthened at the expense of family solidarity,

Women strive to expand the range of their social roles, to go beyond

roles of mother, wife, housewife

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning,)

4) Answer:

In the answer, the type of family is called: partner (democratic).

The following signs can be named:

Joint decision-making affecting the interests of family members;

A more even distribution of family responsibilities.

C2. Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Features such as the presence of

Role system (student, teacher);

Sets of institutions (institute, school);

Regulatory rules (law on education, charter of the university);

Important public functions (socialization of youth).

C3. Answer:

The answer may include examples:

In a presidential republic, the president receives powers directly from

voters, in a parliamentary republic the president is usually elected by the legislature;

In a presidential republic, members of the government are appointed by the president; in a parliamentary republic, by the leader of the parliamentary majority party;

In presidential republics, the president is free to choose candidates for government posts; in parliamentary republics, only deputies of the party that has the majority of seats in the legislative assembly receive appointment to the government

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

C4. Answer:

In response, the following arguments can be given in support of the opinion of trade unions:

1) it is necessary to increase the level of income of the population to solve the problems of combating poverty;

2) the growth of consumer demand will contribute to the growth of production volumes;

3) social assistance to low-income segments of the population is the most important function

states in a market economy.

In response, the following arguments can be given in support of the opinion of entrepreneurs:

1) the possibility of updating equipment and introducing new technologies;

2) the possibility of improving the structure of production;

3) support for a domestic manufacturer;

4) raising the living standards of the population is possible only on the basis of economic growth.

Other valid arguments can also be made.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

From 5. Text: Science is called...

1) The following definitions of science can be given:

1) "a theoretical systematized view of the world ..."

2) "a system of knowledge and a type of spiritual production";

3) "a specific activity of a person to increase the existing and obtain new knowledge."

4) "separate branches of scientific knowledge"

2). The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) a statement of the essence of changes in the system of sciences: from a clear sectoral structure to a complex, interdisciplinary one;

2) indication of the reason: the transition to a problematic approach in choosing the subject of research

3) Issues such as:

The problem of the social essence of a person (studies psychology, sociology, social anthropology, philosophy, pedagogy, etc.)

The process of socialization of the individual (studies pedagogy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, political science, jurisprudence, etc.)

Ecological problems (they study biology, geography, social anthropology, economics, political science, etc.).

Other problems may also be indicated.

4) The following examples could be given, for example:

1) a dynamically developing science requires an influx of qualified personnel, i.e. the sphere of education is actively developing;

2) changes in social realities in connection with the achievements of science, incl. application of cybernetic models;

3) there is a change in the economic structure of society, incl. employment structures.

Other examples may be given.

Social relations are relations between social groups or their members.

Social relations are divided into unilateral and mutual. Unilateral social relations are characterized by the fact that their participants put different meanings into them.

For example, love on the part of an individual may stumble upon contempt or hatred on the part of the object of his love.

Types of social relations: industrial, economic, legal, moral, religious, political, aesthetic, interpersonal

    Industrial relations are concentrated in a variety of professional and labor roles-functions of a person (for example, an engineer or a worker, a manager or a performer, etc.).

    Economic relations are implemented in the sphere of production, ownership and consumption, which is a market for material and spiritual products. Here a person acts in two interrelated roles - a seller and a buyer. Economic relations are planned-distributive and market.

    Legal relations in society are fixed by legislation. They establish the measure of individual freedom as a subject of industrial, economic, political and other social relations.

    Moral relations are fixed in the corresponding rituals, traditions, customs and other forms of ethno-cultural organization of people's lives. In these forms is the moral norm of behavior

    Religious relations reflect the interaction of people, which is formed under the influence of ideas about the place of a person in the universal processes of life and death, etc. These relationships grow out of a person's need for self-knowledge and self-improvement, from the consciousness of the higher meaning of being.

    Political relations are centered around the problem of power. The latter automatically leads to the dominance of those who possess it and the subordination of those who lack it.

    Aesthetic relations arise on the basis of the emotional and psychological attractiveness of people for each other and the aesthetic reflection of the material objects of the external world. These relationships are highly subjective.

    Among interpersonal relationships, acquaintances, friendly, comradely, friendships and relationships that turn into intimate-personal relationships stand out: love, marital, family.

18. Social group

Social a group, according to Merton, is a collection of people who interact with each other in a certain way, are aware of their belonging to this group and are considered members of this group from the point of view of others.

Signs of a social group:

Membership Awareness

Ways of interaction

Unity awareness

Cooley divided social groups into primary and secondary:

    Family, peer group, because they give the individual the earliest and most complete experience of social unity

    Formed from people between whom there are almost no emotional ties (due to the achievement of certain goals)

Social groups are divided into real and quasi-groups, large and small, conditional, experimental and referential.

Real groups- a community of people limited in size, united by real relationships or activities

Quasigroups are characterized by randomness and spontaneity of formation, instability of relationships, short duration of interaction. As a rule, they exist for a short time, after which they either disintegrate or turn into a stable social group - a crowd (for example, fans) - a common interest, an object of attention

Malaya group - a relatively small number of individuals directly interacting with each other and united by common goals, interests, value orientations. Small groups can be formal or informal

Formal groups - the positions of the group members are clearly reflected, the interactions between the members of the group are defined vertically - the department at the university.

informal the group arises and develops spontaneously, it has neither positions, nor statuses, nor roles. There is no structure of power relations. Family, group of friends, peers

Big a group is a real, significant in size and complexly organized community of people involved in social activities and a system of relevant relationships and interactions. The staff of the university, enterprises, schools, firms. Group norms of behavior, etc.

Reference group - a group in which individuals are not really included, but with which they relate themselves as with a standard and are guided in their behavior by the norms and values ​​of this group.

Conditional group - a group united according to certain characteristics (sex, age, level of education, profession) - they are created by sociologists to conduct sociological analysis (Altai students).

Variety conditional group is experimental, which is created to conduct socio-psychological experiments.