Educational project "the forest is our friend". Ecological project “Forest is our home Research project forest is our friend with presentation

ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT "Forest is our friend"

The motto of the project.

Brighter, brighter the sun from the sky shine on us.

Higher, higher the tree grows above the ground.

Let the sprout grow trees with love.

Project passport

1. Topic: "Trees are our true friends"

2. Project type: design and research.

3. Nature of the project: creative - research.

4. By the nature of contacts: children, educator, parents.

5. By the number of participants: group

6. By duration: short-term (22.10.12 -26.10.12).

7. Subject of research: trees on our site.


Ecological education of preschoolers - the formation of preschoolers' ecological consciousness, ecological culture, the ability to understand and love the world around them and treat it with care. When acquainting children with nature, opportunities open up for aesthetic, patriotic, moral education. Communication with nature enriches the spiritual sphere of the child, contributes to the formation of positive moral qualities.

Objective of the project:

- Research activities to study the life of trees in relation to its ecosystem.

Form preschoolers' ideas about the life of trees, their relationship with the environment, identifying the benefits and harms of the flora and fauna of the ecosystem during observations and conversations.



Form an idea of ​​trees in children;

To form generalized methods of mental activity and means of building one's own cognitive activity.


Develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

Develop a cognitive interest in all living things, a desire to receive new knowledge from books; curiosity, observation, fantasy;

Children gain experience in research activities, develop the ability to realize their interests;

Develop the ability to predict future changes;

Develop motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


To cultivate an emotional attitude towards trees, communication with them on an equal footing;

To cultivate love for nature, the desire to protect it, to protect it.

Expected results:

The development of a person who is not indifferent continues to develop, with an emotional and value-based aesthetic attitude to the world, which combines the qualities of morality, aesthetic taste, communication skills, empathy, imaginative thinking, and creative abilities.

Consciously formed - the correct attitude to objects and phenomena of nature, ecological thinking;

The mental abilities of children develop, which are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions;

Children developed a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their experiences through various activities;

An understanding of the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature comes, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for man.

Action plan:

1. Setting a goal;

2. Search for the form of project implementation;

3. Development of the content of the entire educational process based on the subject of the project;

4. Organization of a developing, cognitive, subject environment;

5. Determination of the directions of search practice;

6. Organization of joint creative search practical activities with parents and children;

7. Collective implementation of the project, its demonstration.

Project stages:

1. Preparatory:

Purpose: the formation of environmental literacy of the child.


1) Development of the child as a person (thinking, emotional, aesthetic, sensory development).

2) Protection and strengthening of children's health.

3) Fostering love for the nature of the native land.

Research methods: observation during excursions, research on walks, drawing, application, manual labor, play, conversation, composing stories and fairy tales, acquaintance with literary works and paintings.

2. Research:

Search for answers to the questions posed. Working with children: talking about trees.

Purpose: to interest the problem, to find out the ideas of children about these plants, their relationship to them.


1. How are trees different from other plants?

2. What trees do you know?

3. Trees - alive or not? Why do you think so?

4. Are there many trees near our kindergarten? What are their names?

5. Who do you think is planting the trees? For what?

6. How many have seen trees in the forest? And who is planting them there?

7. Where do you think trees live better - in the forest or in the city? Why?

8. Do people pay enough attention to trees? And you personally? Have trees ever helped you? And you to them? Give examples.

9. Let's imagine that the trees suddenly disappeared. What will happen on the whole earth? In our city? Near the kindergarten? At your house? Will anything change in our life? Why can trees disappear?

3. Final:

Ecological entertainment "Birthday of the forest".

Passport of trees


Birch in Russia is one of the most widespread tree species. Birch is distinguished by its slender growth. ... The height of trees reaches 20 - 25 m and more, birch lives up to 100 - 120 years.

A plant with flowers - catkins, which appear before the formation of leaves. Blooms in April - May.

The root system of birches is powerful. Birch grows slowly only in the first years, then, on the contrary, it begins to grow quickly,

The bark of birches is white, yellowish.

Birch leaves are serrated along the edge, with a wide wedge-shaped base, smooth, up to 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, turn yellow before falling off. Young leaves are sticky.

Kidneys covered with often sticky scales

Birch is suitable for many things: excellent wood, even to cut down a house, even to make furniture. Firewood is very hot, others are not like birch.

And a Russian bathhouse is unthinkable without a birch broom. And how many folk crafts are used birch bark and wood.

Birch heals people from many diseases. In the spring, during the flow of sap, birch sap can be harvested: it has healing properties.

Medical activated carbon is obtained from its wood.

Since ancient times, medicine has been using birch buds, leaves and sap.


Rowan is a deciduous tree with a height of 4 to 8 m.

It grows in open and shaded places, on different soils, it does not tolerate only heavily waterlogged. It responds well to fertilizers and competent tillage, easily tolerates unfavorable years. It grows everywhere within our country.

Root system it is branched and is located in the upper layers of the soil, therefore it can be grown on soils with a close standing of groundwater, where many fruit crops cannot grow.

Tolerates frost up to minus 50 ° С. Blooms late.

Bark hers is gray. Compound leaves, up to 21 cm, consisting of 9 small leaves. Small white flowers are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence.

Fruit mountain ash - orange-red berries with a bitter taste.

Rowan - a valuable fruit, medicinal and ornamental plant.

There are many biologically active substances in its fruits: vitamin C, iron, a lot of glucose, fructose, iodine is found. It is also rich in phytoncides.

Of the fruits mountain ash can be used to prepare juices, preserves, compotes, jam. The pureed fruits of some varieties are used as a seasoning.

Medicinal value

Dried rowan fruits are used in the form of fees, liquid extracts from fresh berries.

Rowan fruits are also used for atherosclerosis, hypertensive and kidney stones, used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent, as well as for diabetes, liver and kidney diseases.
The fruits of mountain ash are especially valuable as a rich multivitamin remedy.

At any time of the year, rowan is a decoration of streets, gardens and parks.

Poems about trees

Sad birch ... " A.A. Fet

Sad birch
By my window
And at the whim of the frost
It is disassembled.

Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All funeral attire.

I love the game of the day
I notice on her,
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches.

L. Kavalyaka

Outside the window birches
In a festive outfit
The breeze sways
Sunny strands.
The leaves will fall
Lie down with a blanket

And cover the ground
A light blanket.
And spring will come -
The earrings are hanging again
The branches decorate
Like the dress brooches


I'm thick, curly
I will grow up to fame, -
Take note of me!
I'm honey colored
I bloom in the summer -
Protect me!
And on a hot day
I will hide in the shade from the sun, -
Water me!
The downpour pours sometimes, I will hide from the downpour, -
Don't break me!
Good to both
We grow with you -
Love me!
You will go out into the wide light,
You will see the whole country -
Do not forget me!

P. Voronko

Pantry of folk wisdom

Adorns their people

Every time on New Year's Eve.

Instead of leaves - needles.

Name the trees! (Christmas trees)


Yellow and red clothes

Each leaf is like a palm.

In the fall of all he is brighter.

Have you guessed? This... (maple)

*** ***

*** ***

The bush is drowning in terry flowers,

As if in purple clouds.

On a bright warm May day

Our eye pleases ... (lilac)

White bottom, green top -

The summer grove is the most beautiful!

There are stripes on the trunks.

Good ... (birches)

Proverbs, sayings about trees

Proverbs, sayings about linden

v But nuts, it turns out, grow on linden.

Proverbs and sayings about oak:

v You can't cut down an oak tree without blowing your lips off.

v In the forest there is an oak - a ruble, and in the capital - a knitting needle for a ruble.

v Oak fruits are suitable only for pigs.

v The oak is old, but the root is fresh.

v An oak is great, but it falls from a small ax.

v The storm will bring down the oak, but the reeds will stand. The oak is slowly gaining its growth.

v If the herd at once roars at the oak, the oak will fall.

Proverbs and sayings about pine

v The pine tree feeds, and the linden tree shoes.

v Every pine tree makes noise only to its own forest.

v For us, every oak is a sheepskin coat, every pine tree is a hut.

v From the apple tree - apples, and from the pine - cones.


Passport of the mini-museum exhibits

"Miraculous transformations of a tree"

Exhibit name: Matryoshka is a wooden doll.

brief information

Matryoshka (from the diminutive name "Matryona") is a Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted doll, inside which there are smaller dolls like it. The number of nested dolls is usually from three or more, has an ovoid ("egg-like") shape with a flat bottom and consists of two parts - upper and lower. By tradition, a woman is drawn in a red sundress and a yellow scarf. Nowadays, the themes for painting are diverse: these are fairy-tale characters, the theme of Russia in the image of a girl, as well as a family

One of the main centers for the manufacture and painting of nesting dolls is the city of Semyonov (after the name of the city, the matryoshka is called Semyonov). Neighborhood with Khokhloma largely determines the originality of the painting of the Semyonovskaya nesting doll. Matryoshka dolls from the city of Semyonov have a multicolored painting and an abundant sophisticated pattern with thick curved branches, flowers, berries, curls on a light background.

Matryoshka dolls are made in various workshops. First, select a suitable type of wood linden, alder or birch. Trees are usually felled in early spring and the bark is removed. ... The logs are then stored and dried for several years in a well-ventilated area.

How to use in working with children: Matryoshka is used as a visual material for the development of children's decorative creativity, for modeling and play activities. Drawing up creative stories of children.

additional literature : I. Chernitskaya "Matryoshka" . puzzles about nesting dolls, reading proverbs: "A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, no forest - plant", "The forest is not friendly with fire", "The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest."

Exhibit name: Miracle Spoons.

brief information

Wooden spoons are a reflection of the identity of our Russian culture and our cultural traditions. Wooden spoons have come to us from time immemorial, enchanting everyone with their originality and color.

Lozhkarnoy capital "of Russia and the recognized center of the world famous Khokhloma painting is popularly called the city of Semyonov, which is located in the depths of the Kerzhen forests of the Nizhny Novgorod Territory. Here, the traditional craft of our ancestors, who made wonderful wood chips, is carefully preserved, multiplied and passed on from generation to generation.

Carving a real Russian wooden spoon is not easy; talent is required from the master. To make a spoon, use linden, aspen , First, the carpenter needs to decide on the shape of the spoon: round or oval, flat, volumetric or faceted. Each shape of a wooden spoon is suitable for its purpose. This can be a pickle spoon, a dessert spoon, a slotted spoon, a spoon for mustard, salt, etc.

The spoon is often decorated with exquisite carvings, sometimes so skillful that you have to look at its individual details through a magnifying glass.

How to use in work with children : visual material for the development of decorative creativity of preschoolers, used to develop musical abilities

Educational project "The forest is our friend"

Purpose: Creation of conditions for the involvement of each participant in an active cognitive process, to stimulate his independence and the need for self-realization and self-expression.

1. Dive into the project .

Ecological tale. The music of the forest sounds. Children read words.

There are many different wonders on our land: high mountains, deep rivers, icy seas, and hot deserts. But perhaps the greatest wonder is the forest. You will enter the cool green thicket, and how much will you hear and see! Leaves rustled, birds sing, someone rustles in the grass. How many secrets are there in the forest!

Lumberjacks reach out to the nest for eggs.

Meeting of forest friends and lumberjacks.

What are you doing? Nests cannot be ravaged! There will be no birds!

Three eggs?

If you take the eggs, the mother of the future chicks will fly away and will not return to our forest again. And if there are no birds, the trees will dry up and the forest will die.

Who you are?

We are forest friends. Who are you?


Why are you misbehaving in the forest?

In our "black" forest, everyone is having so much fun: they ravage the nests, shoot with slingshots, scatter anthills, tear off the wings of butterflies.

That is why you call your forest “black”. You broke all the forest rules. Do you really like such a forest?

I do not like. There is no greenery in it, no flowers, no fires underfoot, no chirp, no animals are visible. And we want berries, mushrooms.

Do you want to change yourself and change your forest?

Will it work out? We're lumberjacks.

Guys, let's invite the lumberjack to take part in the "Forest is our friend" project. Let's think about the forest to tell them.

/ Rules of conduct in the forest, about the importance of the forest,

about animals, plants, about the Red Book /

2. Planning stage.

We will try to answer the question why the forest is called a friend of man and to convince the lumberjack to treat nature like this: "Observe and admire, study and take care!"

The main sections of the project.

/ Opening /

/ Reading /

Today we will continue to learn how to work in groups. Everyone in the group has their own responsibilities. Remember what basic rules must be followed when working in a team?

/ Work together, be able to listen to another person,

to help each other./

Right. Each group prepares its own section for the presentation. Everything you need is on the tables: album page, work materials, visibility and work plans. What qualities will help you to successfully cope with all assignments?

/ Attention, responsibility, concentration. /

3. Project development.

So, each of you performs an important task: glorify a miracle of wonders, the beauty of the Earth, a green forest!

4. Testing the project.

So, 1 page of the album - "Types of forest".

1st group

one). The forest is a huge wealth of our homeland and our region. Forests are coniferous, deciduous and mixed. The leaves of conifers are shaped like long, thin needles. Most conifers retain needles throughout the year, constantly forming new ones. This is why they are always green. Coniferous trees include spruce, pine, and fir. In a spruce, the needles are separated from each other. But pine needles are connected together 2-3 or 5. Coniferous seeds are hidden in the cones.

Deciduous trees are easy to recognize. Some have an extensive crown, while others are extended upward. The leaf blade, buds, fruits are signs of deciduous trees. They shed their foliage in the fall. Deciduous trees that are often found in the forest: oak, birch, maple, linden, aspen.

Task 2.

Show the desired drawing with a pointer and tell the text.

1. This is a cheerful birch forest permeated with light. Dense grass, flowers. On the white trunks of birches, on their glossy leaves, sunbeams run. The golden oriole is filled with a flute.

2. It is light and dry in the pine forest. There is thick moss underfoot. There are many berries in the woods - blueberries, lingonberries. The pines shake their heads so high that they seem to be about to hit a cloud.

3. And here is the oak grove. The oak trees are far apart. Under the stocky oak trees there is shadow, in the meadows there is light. There is little vegetation in the shade, but there are tall grass and dense bushes in the sunny meadows. There is expanse for bird and beast.

4. Here is a fir forest. Twilight. Around a soft carpet of pine needles. There are few grasses and bushes. From time to time a titmouse will ring, a woodpecker will knock, a hazel grouse whistles - and again silence. Squirrels, woodpeckers, boughs deftly deal with hard cones. For them, spruce seeds are the most delicious food.

Album page 2 - "Inhabitants of the Forest".

2nd group

The forest resembles a multi-storey building. Each has its own plants, birds, animals, insects. All of them are closely related to each other and to the outside world.

Under the ground, the roots of grasses, shrubs, trees are intertwined with mycelium. Here, underground, there are houses for mice, moles, badgers. earthworms live in this dungeon. they loosen the soil.

Moss and herbaceous plants grow on the surface of the earth: lily of the valley, fern, burdock, oxalis, strawberry shrubs.

Nightingales make nests right in the grass, ants build houses, lizards, hedgehogs live, foxes dig holes.

The next floor is shrubs: willow, rose hips, raspberries, viburnum. Thrushes build their nests here.

The top floor is trees. Squirrels, woodpeckers, titmouses, owls make hollows in their trunks. On the tallest trees there are nests of birds of prey: hawks, eagles.

In summer, all floors of the forest are inhabited. And how many insects are there in the forest: ants, grasshoppers, butterflies, wasps.

Well done!

There is also a special book called "The Book of Rare and Endangered Species of Animals and Plants." Its cover is the color of danger, red, hence the name "Red Book". It includes those animals and plants that are few on Earth, they say, protect, people, protect, and if necessary, help them!

3rd page of the album - "The value of the forest in the life of people."

Group 3

Exercise 1.

The forest is our green friend. These are the "lungs" of the planet. The forest purifies the air and enriches it with oxygen. The forest air is healing, therefore, sanatoriums are often placed in the forest. The forest is the decoration of the Earth. We are always in a good mood in the forest. The forest is the keeper of moisture. The forest is a home for animals. The forest is a storehouse of mushrooms, berries, nuts, and medicinal plants. Forest is a source of wood from which paper, furniture, houses are made. You need a lot of wood, and the forest grows slowly. Therefore, now we must think about how to preserve the forest.

Task 2.

Reading S. Marshak's poem "What are we planting when planting forests?"

The forest is a solid natural formation that has existed on Earth for millions of years. Nothing and no one can destroy it.

Is it so? Who can disturb the forest?


4th page of the album - "On the harmful influence of man on nature and how we should behave in the forest."

4 group.

5th page of the album - “What is useful and what is harmful”.

5 group.

Both adults and children love to pick mushrooms and berries in the forest. Our forests are rich in mushrooms: russula, aspen mushrooms, honey agarics, porcini mushrooms, milk mushrooms. Many different berries: strawberries, blueberries, cranberries.

Children should be especially careful when picking mushrooms and berries. In the forest there is a plant called "raven eye". It has 4 leaves and one blue berry at the top of the stem that resembles a raven's eye. This plant is poisonous.

A small forest bush, "wolf bast", is very beautiful. It has red fruits. They are very dangerous. Never put them in your mouth! Mushrooms are very poisonous: fly agaric and pale toadstool.

Follow the rules:

Never pick mushrooms and berries alone, without adults!

Take those berries and mushrooms that you know for sure!

5. Self-analysis of project activities.

Guys, look, as a result of our common activity, we have a whole album called "The Forest is Our Friend".

Who enjoyed participating in its development and testing?

What did you particularly like?

What difficulties did you experience?

Guys, why did we try so hard, what is the significance of our project?

/ We wanted the lumberjacks to love the forest, change

our "black" forest, we learned more about the forest. /

Let's ask the lumberjack what they think about this.

/ Our forest will be saved! /

And what needs to be done for this?

/ First you need to remove garbage from the forest, trees

treat, clean the river, anthills

fix and never break forest rules! /

It's good that you understand this.

/ Can we also be forest friends? /

Oh sure. We are very happy about this!

6. Drawing up a memo.

Forest friends, let's prepare an appeal to the guys from the "black forest" in the form of reminders: "How to behave in the forest."

They work in groups. Everyone is discussing - one is writing.

/ Are working./

Let's see what happened.

/ We check by 1 rule. /

7. Summary.

Scientists call the forest:

The "lungs" of the planet,

a bacteria killer,

pantry moisture,

immense wealth.

And we call the forest a kind, affectionate and warm wordfriend.

Let's “Observe and Admire, Explore and Protect” the forest.

In what mood did you walk in our green forest? Show.

/ Paste./

Thank you all for your active work. Well done!

Working materials.

Group work plan 1.

1. Use cards with branches and fruits of different trees to draw conclusions about different types of forest.

2. Design the album page.

3. Find among the illustrations a spruce forest, a birch forest, a pine forest, an oak forest, correlate with the text and read expressively.

Group work plan 2.

1. With the help of the cards and the information collected earlier, draw conclusions "What grows where, who lives where."

2. Having selected the necessary visual material, design the album page.

3. Prepare for the story.

Group work plan 3.

1. Make a diagram "The meaning of the forest", collecting the "scattered" phrases, and explain it.

2. Design the album page.

3. Collect the "scattered" poem by S. Marshak "What are we planting, planting forests?" according to plan: - how would I answer:

1) shipbuilder;

2) carpenter;

3) carpenter;

4) animals and humans.

Group work plan 4.

1. According to the pictures, determine the harmful influence of man on the forest.

2. Use conventional symbols to formulate the rules of conduct in the forest.

4. Prepare your message.

Group work plan 5.

1. Create 2 groups called "Edible plants and mushrooms" and "Dangerous plants and mushrooms", correlate pictures and names.

2. Make conclusions about what dangers lie in wait for children in the forest when picking mushrooms and berries.

3. Design the album page.

4. Think about what rules children need to follow when picking mushrooms and berries.

5. Prepare your message.

Project evaluation criteria.

The significance and relevance of the topic.

Independence of work on the project.

Completeness and correctness of the disclosure of the topic.

Artistry and expressiveness of performance at the defense.

Answers to questions during the defense of the project.

The quality of the product of the project activity.


Help questions.

What is the name of your project?

What is the main question of the project?

Why is it important to answer this question?

Why are you doing this project?

What did you do to solve the problem?

What did you do?

What caused the difficulty?

What did you particularly like about working on the project?

Tell us about your role in the project.

What have you learned?


Requirements for project protection.

1. Announce the theme of the album page.

2. Tell about the problem that you worked on, prove its relevance.

3. Complete knowledge of the problem.

4. Speaking skills.

5. Design your work.

6. Ability to draw conclusions on the problem.

7. Ability to answer questions on a topic.

"Design and research work" The forest is my friend "The work was done by: Petrova Alina Nikolaevna, student 1" A "class Scientific adviser: ..."

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 140" of the Soviet district of Kazan

Design and research work

"The forest is my friend"

Work completed:

Petrova Alina Nikolaevna,

student 1 "A" class

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 140", Kazan

Scientific adviser:

Pakhomova Nadezhda Vladimirovna,

teacher of the I qualification category

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 140", Kazan

Kazan 2016

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………. 3

1. What is forest ……………………………………………………………… 4

2. The value of forests for humans ……………………………………………… 5

3. Measures for the conservation of forests ……………………………………… ............ 8 Conclusion ……………………………………… …………………………… ........... 11 References ………………………………………………………………. 12 Introduction Relevance of the topic. Forests act as one of the main natural mechanisms that maintain and restore the conditions of life on Earth. They normalize the gas composition of the atmosphere, purify water, protect all living things from radioactive dust, are of great recreational importance, and are also a source of raw materials from it (wood, resin, seeds, berries, medicinal plants, etc.). The forest is the most important component of the biosphere, preserving biological diversity and balance in nature.

Forests very often suffer from fires that cause great harm to forestry: the growth of trees decreases, the composition of forests deteriorates, windbreaks intensify, soil conditions and windbreaks deteriorate.

Forest fires promote the spread of harmful insects and wood-destroying fungi. In addition, the forest is very influenced by people. When visiting the forest, people treat it carelessly, sometimes even in a poaching manner. They break branches, cut trees to set up tents, litter the forest with various waste. As a result, the forest has become an object in need of urgent assistance.

Our republic belongs to sparsely wooded regions (the forest cover of the region is 17%), and therefore the problem of preserving and restoring forests is urgent for it. People should not forget that the forest is our friend, disinterested and mighty. But he, like a person whose soul is wide open, requires both attention and care from a careless, thoughtless attitude towards him. Life without a forest is unthinkable, and we are all responsible for its well-being, today, and always responsible.

The aim of the research is to form an understanding of the forest and its significance for humans.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

Study information about the forest;

Determine the significance of the forest in human life;

Propose measures for the conservation and restoration of forests.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Forest is one of the main types of vegetation cover on the Earth, represented by numerous life forms of plants, among which trees and shrubs play the main role, grasses, shrubs, mosses, lichens, etc. play a secondary role. A large number of living organisms live in the forest, ranging from soil bacteria invisible to the eye to large animals.

It is important to know that the forest is not only plants and animals, but also forest soils, ground and underground waters, air, sunlight, solar energy. All components of the forest are closely related to each other.

The forest is a unique formation that has the ability to self-sustain, thanks to which the forest lives much longer than each of its separate components. The forest creates a special microclimate in which the full life of all its inhabitants is maintained.

The forest is the “green lungs” of our planet. Scientists have found that the air of forests contains many light (negative) ions, which characterize the purity of the air. Almost all tree species contribute to the formation of light ions, and as a result, the degree of oxygen ionization in forest air is up to 10 times higher than in city air. Negatively ionized air has a beneficial effect on the body, improving well-being, increasing overall tone and performance. It is noted that among the population living in micro-districts with polluted air, the incidence of respiratory diseases is almost twice as high as in micro-districts with clean air.

2. The value of the forest for humans

The role of the forest in human life is very great. We have identified the following main areas of forest use by humans:

Food source (mushrooms, berries, animals, birds, honey);

Construction material;

Energy source (firewood);

Raw materials for production (paper production);

Regulator of natural processes.

Speaking about the significance of the forest, first of all, it should be noted that the forest is a source of various material wealth. Almost everything that grows in the forest can be used for food - mushrooms, berries, nuts; people also eat forest game and animals (Fig. 1, 2). The forest is rich in medicinal plants that are used in the practice of traditional medicine. Trees are of the greatest value - wood is used in the manufacture of furniture, paper, construction of houses and other structures, as a solid fuel.

The ecological significance of the forest is also great. Trees and plants saturate the air with oxygen, creating a favorable atmosphere around the forest. A beneficial psychophysiological effect caused by the green color, which is a strong sedative, is also associated with a person's stay in the forest. A new direction has emerged in medicine - landscape therapy, to which more and more attention is paid. This is due to the fact that coolness, silence, soft lighting, harmony of sounds and colors, and a pleasant smell contribute to the perceived health-improving effect observed in the forest. Even after a few hours spent in the forest, the state of health improves, the body rests, and the stress goes away.

Figure 1 - Berry harvest Figure 2 - Porcini mushrooms Modern studies have established a different degree of influence on human health of different types of plantations and biologically active components of the forest environment, including air ions, the lack of which contributes to increased fatigue, depression and even mortality of people suffering from heart disease and lungs. Many sanatoriums, health resorts and recreation centers are located in the forest. This is due to the beneficial effect of the forest on human health and its beauty (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 - Picturesque forest landscape

As we have already said, the forest is the “lungs” of our planet. The better the forests grow, the more they release oxygen and the faster they absorb carbon dioxide. It has now been established that more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere is supplied by forests. In addition to affecting carbon balance, forests are able to remove soot, dust and other particulate matter from the air. Trees and shrubs with rough leaves, such as elm, mountain ash, elderberry, and others have the greatest trapping ability. It is known that one square meter of leaf area retains up to 10 g of dust.

Therefore, under the forest canopy, the air is always cleaner, it contains on average 42% less dust particles. As a result, during the year, the crowns of 1 hectare of spruce forest retain up to 30 tons of dust, pine - up to 39 tons, elm - up to 43 tons. Forest is an excellent biological air filter. The gas-cleaning ability of woody plants is well known, that is, the ability of plants to maintain their viability in conditions of atmospheric air pollution. This ability reaches its maximum in middle-aged plantations, 1 hectare of which is capable of absorbing up to 400 kg of sulfur dioxide, up to 100 kg of chlorides during the growing season. The forest, especially coniferous, releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic microbes. In certain doses, phytoncides have a positive effect on the human nervous system, enhance the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and stimulate cardiac activity.

Phytoncides play an important role in the fight against pathogens of infectious diseases; therefore, there are much fewer such pathogens in the air of forests than over a treeless area. For example, 1m3 of air in a cedar forest contains up to 700 units of microorganisms.

The microclimatic role of the forest is very important.

Woody and herbaceous plants have heat-dampening properties. On a hot summer day, the air temperature in the forest is several degrees lower than in the city. The refreshing effect of one mature tree corresponds to the effect of several air conditioners in a room environment. In winter, on the contrary, it is warmer in the forest in comparison with an open area up to 0.5 degrees, which is directly related to a decrease and even the absence of air movement under the forest canopy, even in a de-leaved state.

The social or cultural significance of the forest is just as important as the others.

The proximity of the forest to settlements largely determines the activities of local residents. Wood production or hunting are becoming almost the main occupations of the villagers.

Forests play an important role in the water cycle and are of conservation importance. Due to the moisture evaporated from the forest soil, the air humidity increases.

3. Measures for the conservation of forests

As we found out, the forest plays an invaluable role in human life, and therefore a person must take care of it. Forests should exist for the sake of human existence, for the sake of preserving flora and fauna for future generations. Therefore, we need forest reserves, nature reserves, national parks, resort forest zones, which are protected by law. For example, in Tatarstan there is the Volzhsko-Kama nature reserve, the Nizhnyaya Kama National Park (Fig. 4, 5).

Figure 4 - Volzhsko-Kamsky reserve

Figure 5 - National Park "Nizhnyaya Kama"

What measures must be taken in order for our forests to exist safely? Each person can help the forest if he will keep the forest clean, not litter. Do not forget that the forest is not a dump, but a place where plants and animals live, for which the forest is a home and must be clean in it. When you come to the forest, you don't need to kindle a fire. In the place where the fire was, no grass grows for the next several years. In addition, a fire can lead to a forest fire, from which plants and animals will suffer.

Walking through the forest, you must maintain silence in it: you cannot shout and turn on music. Noise scares birds and animals away, and they can leave their homes. In no case should you touch bird nests in the forest. If you disturb a bird that is incubating chicks, it can abandon the nest and fly away, then its little chicks will die. Also, you can not touch anthills in the forest. Ants are great workers, they build their house according to the needles and their work must be respected. In addition, ants are forest orderlies, they regulate the number of insect pests. Forest plants, like animals, also require careful attention to themselves. You can just admire and take pictures while walking through the forest. Plucked flowers will not give seeds, and then we will no longer be able to admire their beautiful flowering. Breaking branches of trees and shrubs, people do not think about the harm they do to them. Any mechanical damage contributes to their infestation by insect pests. Therefore, you need to remember that you cannot break branches!

I would also like to note that in the forest you need to walk only along organized paths. Trampling the soil leads to its compaction. As a result, little oxygen is supplied to the roots of trees, which is so necessary for their respiration.

After fires and unfavorable weather conditions, forests lose large areas, and society's demand for wood grows. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to restore and increase the productivity of forests.

In order to replenish the lost forest area, a large number of seedlings of various tree species are needed. The seedlings are grown in forest nurseries and then transplanted into forest areas. This is a lengthy process. But modern advances in science make it possible to make this process shorter. This is what scientists in the field of biotechnology are doing. Thanks to their efforts, it is possible to grow a large number of seedlings of different tree species in a short time. These trees grow much faster, which is beneficial for forestry. In Tatarstan, this direction began to develop.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Thus, having studied the information about the forest, its significance for humans and proposing measures for the preservation and restoration of forest plantations, we believe that the topic we have chosen is fully disclosed. Taking care of the forest is the business of each of us - from adult to child.


1. Agaltsova, V.A. Fundamentals of forest park economy: teaching and methodical for students. full-time, evening and distance learning / V.A. Agaltsov. - M .:

2. "State report on the state of natural resources and on environmental protection of the Republic of Tatarstan" p. 54-58, Kazan: World without borders, 2010.

3. Paramonov, E.G. Basics of forestry and forestry:

study guide / E.G. Paramonov, A.A. Malenko. - Barnaul: Publishing house of AGAU, 2007 .-- 170 p.

4. Petrova, G.A. The use of biotechnology methods for obtaining healthy planting material of aspen (Populus tremula L.) in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan: author. dis. ... Cand. s.-kh. Sciences / G.A. Petrov. - M., 2011 .-- 24 p.

5.http: //

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Technological map of the lesson around the world

1.Item: The World Around

2.Class: 4

3. UMK of the academic subject: "School of Russia"

4. Topic of the lesson: Forest is our friend, lesson number 5 in the section "Nature of Russia", lesson number 2 on the topic: "Forests of Russia".

5.Type of lesson: combined lesson - project

6. Teaching methods: visual, verbal, practical, problematic.

7. Forms of training: individual, frontal, pair, group.

Purpose: the formation of educational competencies (information, communicative, reflexive) of grade 4 students in the subject area of ​​the world around them on the topic "Forest and man".

Learning objectives aimed at achieving personal learning outcomes : the formation of a stable motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, interest in studying the world around us through practical work; in a situation of communication and cooperation, relying on common rules of behavior for all, make a choice, with the support of other group members and a teacher, how to act, foster a love of nature, a culture of behavior.

Learning objectives aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes:

Regulatory: to form the ability to formulate and maintain an educational task, an attitude to find ways to resolve difficulties, the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the task.

Cognitive: formation of the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts; the ability to identify the essence, features of objects; the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects; transform information from one form to another.

Communicative: the formation of the ability to listen and understand others; the ability to build a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks; jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior in the group and follow them; learn to work in a group, take responsibility.

Educational tasks aimed at achieving subject learning outcomes: to get an idea of ​​the inhabitants of the forest, representatives of the flora; about the importance of the forest in human life; learn about the dangers that lie in wait for a person in the forest; learn the rules of conduct in the forest; to get acquainted with the influence of man on the state of forest resources.

Teaching tools: textbook AA Pleshakov "The world around us" grade 4, workbook AA Pleshakov "The World Around", pictures, album sheets for design sections of the project, reference books.

Educational resources: multimedia presentations.

Lesson stage, its goals

Content of the educational process

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD

Self-determination to activity (Org.moment)

Purpose: to motivate students for learning activities by creating an emotional environment

A melody depicting a forest sounds.

Slide 1,2

Why did I start our lesson with this preview?

Define the topic of the lesson.

Why is this topic so important to us?


We see pictures of the forest, its beauty, we will talk about the forest.

The topic of the lesson "Forest and man"

It is important and relevant, since human health and life depend on the state of the forest.

Personal: express a positive attitude towards the process of learning, a desire to learn new things, show attention.

Regulatory: Targeting Success

Knowledge update

Purpose: to update educational knowledge and skills

Slide 3.

We will continue to travel through the forest with you and answer the questions:

1. Why is the forest called a friend?

2. What is the significance of the forest in human life?

Let's pay attention to the ecological problem - deforestation.

We will learn to love and protect the nature of our native land.

And what is it for?

Children answer: in order to learn more about the forest, what benefits the forest brings us, to learn what depends on a person in preserving forests on Earth, to deduce the rules of behavior in the forest.

Cognitive: generalization and systematization of knowledge about project activities

Personal: the development of educational and cognitive motives

Organization of cognitive activities.

Purpose: to organize communicative interaction.

Exhibition of drawings about the forest.

Work in pairs.

Presentation of the result of the work.

Reading a poem by S. Nikulina.

So what is a forest?

Guys, you were all in the woods. Tell us what you remember.

We all love the forest.

Let's write down why we love and appreciate him.

Is it possible with words

poems to tell about the benefits of the forest for humans?

What kind of relationship does the poem talk about?


The forest is a natural community.

Children's stories.

The poem talks about the relationship between man and the forest.

Cognitive: search and analysis of the necessary information

Personal: use motivation for creative work, to work for the result

Modeling a flower "The forest is our friend".

(Protector, home, resting place, pharmacy, source, breadwinner)

The forest protects the air, because forest plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. The forest removes dust from the air. Disease-causing bacteria die from phytoncides. The forest protects the air, because forest plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. The forest is the protector of water bodies, since where the forest grows, the rivers do not become shallow.

The forest is the protector of soils. The forest protects the soil from the winds, and the roots of the plants prevent the soil from collapsing.

- Flowers, bushes, mushrooms grow in the forest. This is their home. The forest is home to birds, animals, insects.

- The forest is a place of rest for man, because only in the forest is there such a variety of flora and fauna. The forest gives the beauty of bird songs, flowering plants.

- There are many medicinal plants in the forest .. Man uses them for treatment. Animals also need medicine. It is known that even the fly agaric mushroom is useful for moose and is a delicacy for them. Forest air also heals.

- A man heats the house with firewood, and firewood is the trees that grew in the forest. This means that the forest is a source of heat. We are surrounded by things made of wood: furniture, floors, doors. Pencil, ruler, notebooks and books are also made of wood. Forest is the source of timber.

- The forest has clean water and food: there are a lot of berries, nuts, mushrooms. There are many springs with tasty and cold water.

The teacher summarizes the children's answers.

Slide 4.

The forest is of great importance, both in nature and in human life.

Physical education

Slide 5

Perform movements

Organization of research work.

Target:organize communicative interaction to determine the significance of the forest in people's lives

Ecological problem

Slide 6.

Is the person using the forest correctly?

Tell us what can happen if a person does not take care of the forest and its wealth?

How to solve this problem?

No, he cuts down forests, leaves a lot of trash, makes fires.

When polluted, there is less clean air.

Due to the lack of clean air, the growth of plants is disrupted, animals will disappear.

There will be no place for a person to rest at all. The source of clean water and food will disappear. Human health will be impaired.

Planting new forests, economical and respectful attitude to plants

Regulatory: planning your actions in accordance with the task at hand; forecasting.

Cognitive: search and analysis of the necessary information.

Communicative: exercise mutual control, plan ways of interaction

What environmental problems exist?

You know that plastic and glass objects do not rot in the ground. If food waste and paper can be buried, then cans, glass and plastic bottles should not be left in the forest. Pets can be injured by shards of broken bottles.

Deforestation, garbage pollution, fire, excessive hunting and poaching.

Independent application of new knowledge.

Purpose: to show the importance of the forest in people's lives.

Working with the textbook p.105. Examining the illustration. Work in a notebook on the "Red Book" page.

Reading p.109.

Slide 7,8,9,10.

Currently, hunting for forest animals is limited. Listed in the Red Book. Reserves have been created. Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve.

Communicative: taking into account different opinions, coordinating different positions in cooperation

Slide 11.

What should people remember when they come to the forest?

What rules of conduct in the forest do you know?

The forest is our wealth. Compliance with the rules of conduct in the forest.

Why do you think some people do not follow the rules of conduct in the forest?

Conclusion: everyone should think about how our descendants will see the forests. Will the forest be able to give them what it gives us now?

Fuzminutka for the eyes.

Slide 12

3 fixing the material.

Purpose: to test the ability to work with information

Group work. The rules for working in a group are repeated.


The illustrations are used to make a collage about the forest. Stories about their work.

Cognitive: the use of various sources of information.

Regulatory: predicting the results of the level of assimilation of the studied material


Target:fix the new content of the lesson; evaluate the results of educational activities


d.z. With. 103-108, retelling

Let's summarize our lesson.

Try to answer these questions.

Have you learned anything new for yourself today?

What seemed interesting?

What do you remember?

What did you want to know more about?

Regulatory: control, assessment and awareness by students of what has been learned and what else is to be learned

Personal: self-assessment based on the criterion of success


slide 13

Video clip "Forest March"