Jack London Mexican reader's diary. Story "Mexican.

Slept black blackhouse for years of eighteen named Felipe Rivera appeared in the junte suddenly. Came and stated that he would like to work for a revolution. In his face there was not a drop of benevolence. Eyes filled with some kind of insane poisonous mixture of anger and rage. Everyone who was at the time of his appearance in the room shuddered, frozen, interrupted their classes. War, the most fearful, offered him to wash the floor, and it will be his contribution to the revolution.

Felipe every day raged the fire, brought coal, cleaned, cleaned. Where he spent the night

What a eat, no one was known. Sometimes came to work with bruises, injured fingers, beaten face. Sometimes disappeared weeks, months.

To prepare for the revolution, a lot of money was required. Participants sold their personal precious things. One day, the room could not pay for two months, Felipe, having learned about the threat of eviction, brought sixty dollars. Then he brought money again and again. Where did he take them, no one knew. And however, I didn't want to know much. Infestances, closeness, something inhuman was filled with the whole image of River. While disputes about the revolution, his eyes were lit with fire, glittered and pierced the disputes as fiery arrows. He was called a patriot to the brain of bones, which can kill anyone who will change with a common cause.

Rivera received an order to restore the relationship between Lower California and Los Angeles. The order was fulfilled - the connection was restored, and Juan Alvadoro, the commander of the federal troops, was found dead.

A revolution that has long been brewed throughout the countries, was ready to flare at any time. Hunt, Socialists, Anarchists, Exiles, Miners, Soldiers, Bandits - Everyone was ready to fight with Diaz regime. There were no only weapons and money for which it was possible to buy it. Rivera promised to find five thousand dollars in three weeks and told Ware to order a rifle.

In the office of Kelly, Chaos reigned - the boxer Bill The picture could not participate in the duel from Denny Ward. Those boxers who could replace him participated in competitions. And here the Rivera appears, ready to overcome Ward and not at all doubting his victory. Sullen, silent, he created a striking contrast with the opponent, smiling and breathing and pissy health. Coach Roberts was familiar with Mexican for two years when he came hungry for his first fight. His losing, probably because of hunger, he received fifty cents and food. The next day, Rivera came again, and then appeared again and again.

Ward, greedy to money, a wonderful businessman, always discussed all his deals and was ready to dispurate every dollar. Evaluating River, he decided that he had a victory in his pocket, and with this young man would need to be in the ring carefully, to not kill the lacquer. The amount assumed to get as a fee could be from five to eight thousand dollars. It was assumed that boxers will receive sixty-five percent of this amount, and Ward will take eighty percent, leaving the unknown weakkaya twenty. However, Rivera insisted that the winner must pick up everything.

Riverur was met in the ring, nobody believed in his victory. He himself did not pay any attention to the disappointed public. Instead of viewers, these hated gringo, the river saw the workers falling from hunger and fatigue, young children ready to work for a penny, their father and mother. I saw strikes, rifles, the esterled bodies of their parents in a pile of corpses.

The public was confident in the victory of Ward, all the rates were made on him. She saw his healthy, perfect body, could not see him, which perfect in battle could be the body of an eighteen-year-old young man, burning from the thirst for revenge and saw the rifle on every audience.

The fight began. At first, Ward won, but Rivera was kept, sent a rival several times in knockout. Spectators, his seconds - all were for Ward. A stubborn boy who stubbornly did not want to give up, no one supported. Even the judge played by an employee athlete. During the seventeenth round, Danny fell and could not climb. He did not help any lie from the judge and the organizers of the match. The judge reluctantly admitted River victory.

Sullen, thin dark gringo, which appeared at the beginning of the narration. He seems to reader an episodic character. In one of the revolutionary headquarters, where all goals are for the release of humiliated and offended, the atmosphere of caution and suspicion reigns. The new man came himself, without demanding money, takes over the most dirty work. The author deliberately exacerbates antipathy to the 18-year-old guy, emphasizing his "poisonous, serpentine in black eyes." But the fact that Felipe Rivera is a real hero will not reveal immediately.

Retrospectively John London opens the reasons for the unusual behavior of River: the death of parents from the pool of gendarmes, the thirst for revenge and the willingness to go to any sacrifices for the sake of ottism. "This is for the revolution!" - Says the guy, clearing the cavity. Such a hero is difficult to love. But the author to this does not seek.

Fill the winner. Circumstances are able to turn everything from the legs. Pet of the public Champion Boxer Dany Ward must be broken in the ring by Junc and this will happen, even Rivera is destined to stand in the ring of 17 rounds. The judge counts up to nine. You need to have time to get up and fight. Thus were mined for the revolution.

Picture plot about the boxer River

The uprising of 1910 was massive. The unrest was supported by patriotic latifundists. The confrontation between the government and the masses was caused, first of all, the strengthening of the American intervention in the internal affairs of Mexico (an agreement was concluded on the establishment of the US Navy base in the Mexican Bay of Magdalena). The protracted rule of the 83-year-old dictator Porfirio Duarte prevented the reform of society. The victory of Duarte in the elections in 1910 was found by travelers. The third reason was the outflow of peasants from the villages as a result of an irrevengement of 1910. Hunger spun unemployment, vagrancy, banditness.

Porfirio Duarte emigrated from Mexico to France in June 1910, the opposition came to power headed by Francisco Mader. The long way of the Liberal Party of Mexico, founded in 1901 (in 1906, renamed Liberal Hunt), was crowned with success.

The boxing duel described in the story of Jack London could occur after the events of June 10, 1910, when Ciudad Juarez customs point in the Mexican-American border was taken by the rebels. Opened path for weapons supply. But weapon merchants needed to pay.

Bunty, coups and wars continued until 1920. The revolution challenged 2 million people in a 15-year-old country. In 1917, February 5, the Constitution of Mexico was adopted - the most progressive set of laws around the world of the first half of the XX century. Acts today.

Political views of Jack London

Socialist Jack London could not fail to respond in his work on the events of the Mexican revolution. John Griffith Cheney (the real name of the writer), who took part in the hiking of the unemployed to Washington in 1894, fulfills the instructions of the Socialist Party of America (from 1901 to 1914).

The main hero of "Mexican" helps the revolution, becoming a frivolous washer of floors in the editorial office of the newspaper. Jack London himself earned exactly the bread after a 30-year-old prison for participating in the demonstration. After going to the freedom of Griffith Cheney, being 4 years older than classmates, sitting in school lessons, delivers ice, serves in Kegelbane, who has time to learn and feed themselves, mother and sisters. Written in the story of Felipe Rivera "put on the office of May Sewby a thousand biennial marks" - a picture from the author's biography.

London did not participate in boxing fights, but worked as selflessly as the hero of Mexican. Especially when she was preparing for admission to the University of California. Future student classmates schoolchildren ridden for a torn appearance. In the 96th Jack becomes a university listener, writes a lot. There is no free time, it goes on a penny guard. Thirst for rapid enrichment promises "Golden Fever". Throwing the University, Jack London, with comrades, drags the equipment to the sources of the Yukon River. But the land of the site turned out to be empty.

Writing success

Fortuna smiled at the writer after writing a series of stories. Writing activities have enriched no less than golden mines. The former worker turned into an oligarch, began to listen to the votes of the "enemy side".

Jack London at the end of life (1916) became an adherent of centrist views. Contemporaries testified even on the prorace statements of London.

Story "Mexican" in the context of world literature

The story "Mexican" London entered the collection "Born in Night", published in 1913 - two years later after writing, but still remaining relevant. The revolution due to the strife between the batches was silent, it was stirred stronger. Jack London, who served as a military correspondent during the Russian-Japanese war, could brightly tell about the confrontation of forces with the exact description of the theater of the Military Action. But the writer narrowed the conflict to a fist combat. As a result, the revolution became extremely personal business, physiological need, the form of the struggle for survival. Wounds, blood, pain and fainting are naturally described - all the fact that the author has repeatedly experienced himself.

Aged on refined works for Bourgeois British Kipling, American London learned a lot from the works of his idol. London absorbed, according to the expression of the critics of Boston, "the power of imagination and dramatic kipling." With the difference that London is inherent in a special "admissance by heroism".

Fake feelings, fetched plots of America of the end of the XIX century bored and readers, and editors. New idols have appeared at the American public: O. Henry, Driver, Jack London. In 1921, the star of the American painter George Belowza broke out. Painting themes - portraits of workers, olders, boxing fights.

"Petrel Revolution" Maxim Gorky visits the United States in 1906. The poetic syllable of the author "Sokoli song" fell by the literary elite, and from the novel "Thomas Gordeyev" Jack London was delighted. Gorky follows the works of London, writes reviews on the works of the Zaochansky like-minded man. Both are peculiar to romanticization of reality, even if the reality is the bottom. Sometime, Khtiging began to be attacked, even from Jack London. But Khiplinovskoe sounds clearly in Mexican:

"... able to deliver, in joyful hope,
On the map everything that has accumulated with difficulty
Everyone to lose, and begins to become, as before,
And never regret! "
(R. Kipling, "Commandment", published in 1910)

Jack London


In the headquarters of the junta guy appeared recently. It was a pinpoint young man of eighteen. He stated member members that his name is Felipe Rivera, and that he wanted to work for the good of revolution. At first, none of the revolutionaries believed a guy, suspecting one of Diaz's paid agents. Even believing in his absolute patriotism, he did not love him in the junte - his gloomy appearance did not have a gloomy character. The guy flowed the blood of Mexicans and indigenous Indians. "Something a poisonous, snake was placed in his black eyes. They burned cold fire, huge, focused malice. "

Felipe began his revolutionary activities with the cleaning of the office of the junta. "Where he slept, they did not know; They did not know when and where he ate. " The revolution is not a cheap business, and the junta constantly needed money. Once Felipe paid sixty gold dollars for renting premises, which had a revolutionary center. Since then, from time to time, the guy laid out "gold and silver for the needs of the junta." Comrades understood that Rivera "passed through hell", but still could not love him.

Soon, Phillip received the first important task. "Juan Alvarado, the commander of the federal troops turned out to be a scoundrel." Because of him, revolutionaries lost contact with old and new like-minded people in Lower California. Felipe restored the connection, and Alvarado found in bed with a knife in the chest. Now comrades began to be afraid of River. Very often the guy came so beaten that he could not fulfill his duties.

The closer was the Mexican revolution, the less money remained at the junta. The moment came when everything was ready, but there were no money to buy weapons. Rivera promised to get five thousand dollars and disappeared. He went to Roberts, Boxing Coach. All money Felipe was mined in the ring, where he served the Boxer Pear for more experienced athletes. During this time, Rivera learned a lot. The coach believed that the guy was born for boxing, but Felipe was only interested in the revolution.

On that day, there was a meeting of two famous boxers, but one of the opponents broke his hand. River offered him to replace and meet in a match with famous Danny Ward. For the match, the guy was offered from a thousand to a thousand six hundred dollars, but Felipe did not suit it. He needed everything, and he suggested: the winner gets everything. Rivera was sure that Danny would beat. This unshakable confidence was angry with Warrd, and he agreed.

In Ring, Rivera appeared unnoticed - everyone has sedted the champion Danny. Almost no one put on River. Fans believed that the guy would not last five rounds. Felipe did not pay attention to the public. He recalled his childhood spent in the white walls of the hydrostation in Rio-Blanco, his father, "mighty, broad-speaking long man." Then his name was not Felipe, but Juan Fernandez. His father was also a revolutionary. Rivera recalled the strike and executing the workers participating in it. Felipe's parents shot.

Finally, Danny came to the ring. Immediately the contrast between smooth, full and muscular Danny and his slender rival became obvious. The audience did not see that the Rivera body is strong and roasted, and the chest is wide and powerful.

The match began, and Danny wrapped in Felipe Grad strikes. Everyone was confident in the victory of Ward and were all amazed when River sent a champion in knockout. But even the judge was on the side of Danny - he counted the minute so slowly that the champion managed to come to himself. For Felipe, these minutes went much faster. The guy was not surprised, because the match was conducted by "dirty gringo", which he hated so much. He was remembered by "railway tracks in the desert; gendarmes and American polismen; prisons and policemen shy; The vagabonds at the villages are all his terrible and bitter odyssey after Rio-Blanco and strike. " He thought only about one thing: the revolution needs weapons.

In the tenth round, Rivera was able to put Danny three times with his corona blow. Perseverance Guy began to annoy the public, because everyone put on the champion. The coach and owner of the hall began to persuade the guy to surrender, and Felipe realized that he would like to inflate. From now on, he has not listened to draws. Danny was in rabies, he shook the stubborn to the hail of shocks. At the seventeenth round, Felipe pretended that his strength was over, and sent Danny to Knockout. Three times the champion rose, and three times Rivera laid it into the ring. Finally, Danny "Loe" is finally, and the judge had to count the victory of River.

No one congratulated Felipe. He had a burning hatred look, he circled the hall, Hatery Gringo, and thought: "The revolution will continue." Repeated Julia Peskovaya

The main character of the work of the young man named Felipe Rivera, a passionate fan of revolution. When Philip appeared in the headquarters of the junta, many members of the Organization were incredulously reacted to him, but after the present case, began to be afraid. This case was the cold-blooded killing of Juan Alvarado. The guy began his first day at the headquarters, the guy began with cleaning and replenishment of the commune budgets. But his grim appearance, and a very secretive character was still scared the confidential fellow. Philip and did not seek to please someone, his goal was not friendship, but the continuation of the revolution.

The revolutionary movement of Felipe Rivera was primed in childhood, though, then his name was Juan Fernandez. His father was shot for assisting underground revolutionary organizations, and the boy firmly decided to continue the case of the Father.

The revolution is a very expensive thing. Soon, the junta needed money to buy weapons, and Philip promised to get five thousand dollars. To fulfill your promise, a young man agreed on a duel on the boxing ring. Rivera earned the fact that he was a living boxing pear for athletes, but his coach was convinced of the best practices of his ward, but Philip did not interest anything other than the revolution.

By coincidence, Filipe had to go to the ring against one of the most famous boxers of that time - Danny. To make money, Rivera put everything on his victory, he was sure that he would beat the champion. When Danny went to the ring, the crowd exploded with joyful exclamations, and Riverur did not even notice. Compared to its competitor, Philip was much smaller and thin, and, in the opinion of the public, did not have any chance of victory. But after a knockout in the first round, many noticed the advantage of Mexican over the champion. But the judge was on the side of Ward, and too slowly counted seconds, thus allowing Danny to come to himself.

Already in the tenth round, Rivera was able to put Danny for three times with his corona blow. Trainer Danny and the owner of the hall offered Phileet to surrender. But Mexican confidently went to the victory and did not listen to drawing tips. So seven rounds passed. Danny in the attack of rabies began to sink Philip powerful blows. Rivera pretended to be tired and could not continue the fight, and when the enemy relaxed, sent it to knockout. Only after the third knockout, the judge recognized the river victory, but the public instead of the applause squeezed the young man by Branj.

When Phileet left the ring, it didn't matter that he was thinking about him, he knew that the revolution would continue.

In the headquarters of the junta guy appeared recently. It was a pinpoint young man of eighteen. He stated member members that his name is Felipe Rivera, and that he wanted to work for the good of revolution. At first, none of the revolutionaries believed a guy, suspecting one of Diaz's paid agents. Even believing in his absolute patriotism, he did not love him in the junte - his gloomy appearance did not have a gloomy character. The guy flowed the blood of Mexicans and indigenous Indians. "Something a poisonous, snake was placed in his black eyes. They burned cold fire, huge, focused malice. "

Felipe began his revolutionary activities with the cleaning of the office of the junta. "Where he slept, they did not know; They did not know when and where he ate. " The revolution is not a cheap business, and the junta constantly needed money. Once Felipe paid sixty gold dollars for renting premises, which had a revolutionary center. Since then, from time to time, the guy laid out "gold and silver for the needs of the junta." Comrades understood that Rivera "passed through hell", but still could not love him.

Soon, Phillip received the first important task. "Juan Alvarado, the commander of the federal troops turned out to be a scoundrel." Because of him, revolutionaries lost contact with old and new like-minded people in Lower California. Felipe restored the connection, and Alvarado found in bed with a knife in the chest. Now comrades began to be afraid of River. Very often the guy came so beaten that he could not fulfill his duties.

The closer was the Mexican revolution, the less money remained at the junta. The moment came when everything was ready, but there were no money to buy weapons. Rivera promised to get five thousand dollars and disappeared. He went to Roberts, Boxing Coach. All money Felipe was mined in the ring, where he served the Boxer Pear for more experienced athletes. During this time, Rivera learned a lot. The coach believed that the guy was born for boxing, but Felipe was only interested in the revolution.

On that day, there was a meeting of two famous boxers, but one of the opponents broke his hand. River offered him to replace and meet in a match with famous Danny Ward. For the match, the guy was offered from a thousand to a thousand six hundred dollars, but Felipe did not suit it. He needed everything, and he suggested: the winner gets everything. Rivera was sure that Danny would beat. This unshakable confidence was angry with Warrd, and he agreed.

In Ring, Rivera appeared unnoticed - everyone has sedted the champion Danny. Almost no one put on River. Fans believed that the guy would not last five rounds. Felipe did not pay attention to the public. He recalled his childhood spent in the white walls of the hydrostation in Rio-Blanco, his father, "mighty, broad-speaking long man." Then his name was not Felipe, but Juan Fernandez. His father was also a revolutionary. Rivera recalled the strike and executing the workers participating in it. Felipe's parents shot.

Finally, Danny came to the ring. Immediately the contrast between smooth, full and muscular Danny and his slender rival became obvious. The audience did not see that the Rivera body is strong and roasted, and the chest is wide and powerful.

The match began, and Danny wrapped in Felipe Grad strikes. Everyone was confident in the victory of Ward and were all amazed when River sent a champion in knockout. But even the judge was on the side of Danny - he counted the minute so slowly that the champion managed to come to himself. For Felipe, these minutes went much faster. The guy was not surprised, because the match was conducted by "dirty gringo", which he hated so much. He was remembered by "railway tracks in the desert; gendarmes and American polismen; prisons and policemen shy; The vagabonds at the villages are all his terrible and bitter odyssey after Rio-Blanco and strike. " He thought only about one thing: the revolution needs weapons.

In the tenth round, Rivera was able to put Danny three times with his corona blow. Perseverance Guy began to annoy the public, because everyone put on the champion. The coach and owner of the hall began to persuade the guy to surrender, and Felipe realized that he would like to inflate. From now on, he has not listened to draws. Danny was in rabies, he shook the stubborn to the hail of shocks. At the seventeenth round, Felipe pretended that his strength was over, and sent Danny to Knockout. Three times the champion rose, and three times Rivera laid it into the ring. Finally, Danny "Loe" is finally, and the judge had to count the victory of River.

No one congratulated Felipe. He had a burning hatred look, he circled the hall, Hatery Gringo, and thought: "The revolution will continue."

Year of the publication of the book: 1911

Jack London's story "Mexican" saw the light in 1911. Two years later, he entered the collection of the author called "Born in the night." In 1955, the artistic film was removed based on the work. Today, Jack London's story "Mexican" is included in the school curriculum together and is considered one of the most famous stories of Jack London.

Story "Mexican" summary

One day in the room of the junta, which was preparing a revolution in Mexico, a young guy appeared eighteen years old. No one knew whether he should trust him, some revolutionaries even suspected of a spy from Dizeta. However, everyone noted what the guy possesses. In the eyes, he was read at the same time power and tranquility, so he inspired a sense of fear to many.

And only one of the most bold representatives of Hunt Paulino War decided to speak with a young man. The newcomer, as it turned out, is called Felipe Rivera. He did not differ verbose. Everything that Junta people managed to withdraw from him is what he came to work for the revolution. From the very beginning it was entrusted with a simple work - Felipe was to thoroughly wash the floor indoors. The young man began to work without unnecessary words.

So passed several days. Throughout this time, Rivera came to revolutionary, as to work, and helped the floor. Once he asked to stay to spend the night in the building, but the junta people did not really trust the young man to leave him with a lot of secret information. None of them knew where Rivera lives and what he was engaged in the preparation for the uprising. Rarely began to receive suggestions to follow the young men, but there was no one who would have decided to become. All revolutionaries noted that Felipe blows the breath of death and that, probably, he passed through something that made another young boy becomes so merciless and cruel.

Later in the story of Jack London "Mexican" a summary of Jack tells that the preparation for the revolution required not only a lot of strength, but a lot of money. Junta tried, as she could. The rebels have repeatedly appealed to trade unions and various organizations with a request to provide financial assistance. But all to no avail. All members of the junta donated than they could have been sold jewelry, laid valuable things. But the day came when the revolutionaries had no money even for payment of the premises in which their base was located. Then Felipe gave them sixty dollars for rent. Later, the organizers of the revolution needed a certain amount again. Hearing it, Rivera left the room and returned, holding money in his hands. No one knew how such a young guy had such sums. Some even again began to suspect him in collusion with the enemy. But the behavior of Felipe was so impeccable that it was simply impossible to appear in something.

Time passed and junta people began to trust Felipe more. Once Paulino Vare instructed a responsible mission to a young man. Rivera had to go south to restore the connection with the revolutionaries of Lower California, violated due to the betrayal of the Alvarado commander. Felipe immediately went to carry out the instructions. After that, in the work of Jack London "Mexican", a brief description says that after a couple of days he returned with good news - the connection managed to restore, and Juan Alvatado was found dead. This forced many of the junta to fear the young man even more.

In addition, some began to notice that Rivera often appears in the headquarters with bruises and scars. It was clear that he was constantly involved in some disassembly. It even happened that the young man could have gone for a few weeks, and then appear, as nothing had happened, holding a pack of dollars in his hands. Find out what nevertheless after working with the junta is engaged in Felipe, no one dreamed. Just like no one guess where he had so much money.

Everything was ready for the uprising. Revolutionaries from all over the country were collected and simply waiting for the order to action. The only thing that constrained the junta is the lack of money on rifles and cartridges.

When Felipe heard this news, he changed in her face. Now the young man understood that everything that separates them from conducting large-scale revolutionary actions is a certain amount of money. Never Rivera was so close to the accomplishment of their plans. He knew for sure that for the sake of the revolution he would go to everything and could get any necessary amount. The young man told everyone that would get five thousand dollars in three weeks. So they can safely order rifles and cartridges. There was nowhere to postpone. Junta people were surprised by Felipe's application, but no one said anything. A complete determination and desire to do everything possible to fight the dictator of Rivera got up and left away.

Further, in the story of Jack London, Mexican can read about the owner of the office, which is engaged in organizing battles without rules, named Kelly was very upset by the events occurring in his life. The fact is that he planned a grandiose battle between the two famous fighters - Dany Ward and Bill. However, the last of them came to the hospital with a heavy fracture and could not go to the ring in time. Kelly had no idea who had to put on a replacement, he applied to many lights, but they had already had contracts and could not work with foreign people. It was then that Rivera granted him to his office. He said he could put on Ward's blades, which Kelly, of course, did not believe. All because the fragile physique of Felipe did not mean what the decent opponent would be a fighter as Dani.

But the time was pressed and Kelly decided to invite Roberts, who, as it was known, had already dealt with River before. He declared drunk, but fulfilled with full confidence that Felipe was ready for battle, like no other. And even if he cannot win (and such a chance is quite large), then the battle will still get a spectacular and will be appreciated by the public. Roberts described Riveror as one of his main discoveries. A little boy with steel nerves, which was unknown a feeling of fear, could be a real star in this area. Kelly listened to the coach and decided that the battle would take place.

Then Roberts decided to tell the story about how he found River. It happened about two years ago, when he organized a fight with the most merciless person named Prain. No one wanted to be with him in one ring, and the coach was already desperate to find a strong opponent. Then he met a hungry young boy from Mexico. Roberts led him to the hall, where in a short time he was able to teach all the rules and technicians. Then Rivera needed so much money that was ready to fight halfdollar and some food. The coach took advantage of this moment. He made a great fighter from Felipe, who repeatedly won the rather strong opponents. The young man could be famous in this area, however, it was seen that he was not interested in the struggle - he was engaged solely for the sake of money. Recently, he often began to disappear and much less often played in the ring.

Next, in the work of Jack London, Mexican, a summary describes how Danny Ward entered the room. He was in a good arms of the Spirit and cheerfully welcomed all those present. Only Rivera did not react to such a manifestation of friendliness from his opponent. The discussion of the details of the battle began, and Ward spoke about winning. He suggested dividing the amount - eighty percent to give the winner, and twenty - to the one who was defeated. In this case, if Felipe lost, he would receive about a thousand dollars, and if he had won - about three thousand. This alignment did not suit the young man, and he suggested the whole amount to give the winner. After long disputes Kelly agreed to such a deal.

When it was time to go to the ring, the Rivera was not afraid of the second. In general, he fully focused on the upcoming duel. The public, however, did not meet it with applause - on the contrary, as soon as Felipe appeared, silence reigned in the hall. He had to wait for Ward for a long time. The young man understood that the fighter was specifically delayed, hoping that the enemy would lose balance and calm. But Rivera has always remained cold-blooded, so such a trick could not work with him.

Before appearing in the headquarters of revolutionaries, Felipe did not felt for money - he was not interested. Having got to the junta, he realized that such a way of earning would go to everyone and would bring to bring an imminible uprising. Sitting in the ring, Rivera began to remember his carefree childhood - a mother who, despite the work, always found time on her son and father - strong, but at the same time, good Mexican. But other memories lived in his head - endless hunger, exhausted workers and constant fear for themselves and their loved ones. Felipe remembered him about how once found them dead along with a bunch of other fellow villagers. All of them were killed by order of Diaz. Since then, he knew that as in the book he would definitely revenge.

Danny Ward came to the ring, and the audience screamed and walked into his palm, as if awakened after sleep. Everyone was confident in his victory. Even the battle secrets were on his side. Ward appeared in his repertoire - smiling and cheerful, he welcomed the crowd, who, by the way, still did not respond to Felipe. As soon as the fight began, Danny immediately began to attack the enemy. He inflicted so much powerful blows that anyone in the place of the young man could not stand on his feet, but Rivera kept his best. Inside it was a solid desire to help revolutionaries to get rifles.

Felipe stood all in the blood and bruises, the viewers were already ready to applaud the winner, as the young Mexican one of the blow threw Ward on Earth. When he rose, the battle became even more cruel. Danny mercilessly attacked Riveror, but it was possible to shut from shocks once again. At some point, the audience became annoying the behavior of Mexican. They all expected that the battle would end much earlier.

At some point, Felipe heard Kelly told Roberts that if Ward won, he would lose a large amount. But the young man did not respond to these words and continued the fight. In the break between Roundas Kelly approached the River and began to ask him that he succumbed. In return, he promised Mexican that in the next can he could win and get his money. However, Felipe remained unshakable. At the end of the story of London, Mexican can read, as the resistance and composure of the main character brought him a victory - at the seventeenth round he was able to send Ward to Knockout. He is insanely tired and rolled down from shocks. But in the soul there lived the joy from the fact that the revolution would take place.

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