Rules for direct speech and quotes. Designation quotes, examples


1. Direct speech, going to the string (in the selection, without paragraph), stands out with quotes, for example: Gerasimov, with a funny angry, argued into the tact of his machine gun: "No, Shawl, here you are not Paris!" (Love); "Where are you in Remisovskaya?" - asked Saenko (Sim.), etc.

If the author's words are inserted into the middle of a direct speech, then the quotes are not set between direct speech and the author's words, but only at the beginning and at the end of a direct speech, for example: "Operational duty closer from this side," said Starin, - and politicalotel - with that , We need to get around the house "(SIM.), etc.

2. If the replicas follow in the line and are not accompanied by copyright words, each of them lies in quotes and is separated from the neighboring by a dash, for example: "You, Vaska, know what kind of big?" - "Who?" - "Moon". (Alex)

3. Quotes are quotes. When bringing a quote, accompanied by copyright words, the rest of the punctuation signs are put in the same way as with a direct speech, for example: flashed in the head ago from the pressing grazing phrase: "In our regiment arrived" (emit); "Baratynsky," says Pushkin, "belongs to the number of our poets." (Bun)


1. Before the quotation inserted into the middle of the sentence, the colon is not set: I do not agree with you in what "in vain I read all the rubble." I think this is a real thing. (Gorky.)

2. Quotes are distinguished by words used in an unusual, conditional, ironic meaning, as well as in various kinds of names: to weigh the set "for" and "against" (Gran.); It was a loose young man with a reddish beard. Such people are customary to call "hats" and "mattresses" (paust.); From the town of N. Professor Vershinin raced on "Gazika" more than a day (Slight); Over the pipe "Pet" even smoke still does not go. In the engine room empty (Cor.); "" For the courage "you were presented, and, Martynenko?" - asked Serpilin, rejoicing that he still remembered the surname of the soldier. (Sim.)

Exercise 381.. Rewrite. Arrange the missing punctuation signs and explain their use.

1. The Chief Postpott was located in the room and the kitchen of an ordinary residential building. Ryazantsev received a telegram from the family. Two words. All healthy. (Slag.) 2. Tractor factory, passing, the first shift she gladly repeated these words in the mind. (Nickname.) 3. Wives of officers, meeting, all conversations began now with what will be checked, and we ...; Or my Major lost peacefully ... (Ber.) 4. The bird says yes Vinci when flying rests on the air, making it more dense where she flies. (Paust.) 5. The Gabunia closed his eyes. It was Aria Lisa from the peak lady cloud came, thunder brought ... (paust.) 6. The sophisticated reader will read this story and takes his shoulders, - was it worth worrying so much. Will he say words capable of repaying the sun as special here? And romance will raise his teeth and go away. (PAUST.) 7. To the consciousness of Krylov, the whole wisdom prisonered in the saying of Altynov was the less you do, the less you need to do. (Gran.) 8. Denisov? Asked Poltava. Oh well. What does well mean? Interjection. (Gran.) 9. Want to sleep? Yes! He said Polyinin. When? Today. How much did they sleep on the first night? Fifteen hours. And do not lie? Do not be offended, I as a doctor asking. Fourteen. And the second? Ten. If so - I will write down. (SIM.) 10. One after another followed the answers near Moscow, under Voronezh, under Tikhvin, I have for courage, twice was injured in the rest. Sherlengi pulled up and strained. (SIM) 11. Having arrived at the cottage in a large company and with a woman who seemed to be so wonderful that it was impossible to step away from her, Brother suddenly said Misha, let's go to the billiard and they, locked, played three hours on Billiard. (SIM.) 12. Is it possible to get on the same wheel again? I thought Serpilin, there is no approach to the headquarters, you do not give! Yes, and time still changes: something they understood, some of them say goodbye - the war taught. (Sim.)

The design of direct speech in the text allows you to reproduce all the features of the living oral speech.

Concept of direct speech and words of the author

Direct speech is a reproduced alien statement in which its lexical, syntactic and intonational features are preserved. A direct speech is accompanied by the words of the author, of which it becomes known to whom the thought belongs, under what circumstances and how it will be expressed.

The design of direct speech allows you to reproduce all the features of the living oral speech: expression, appeals, exclamations, and the like. Direct speech keeps not only the content of the statement, but also its lexical, grammatical and stylistic features:

"Vasya! Come here!" Father shouted from the courtyard.

Punctuation marks and direct speech

Registration with quotes of direct speech is a mandatory rule, and in quotes it is necessary to take questioning and exclamation marks, as well as the dots that the proposal ends. Point and comma need to be made for quotes. However, if in quotes already there are signs, a question or exclamation, or a dot, then no point nor the comma for quotes is not set. Direct speech may consist of one or more offers, as well as its parts.

If there is a direct speech in the text, the words of the author can be in front of or after it.

  • Grandma asks: "And what, kids? Want pies?"
  • "And what, children? - asks her grandmother. - Want pies?"
  • "And what, kids? Want pies?" - asks her grandmother.

To assimilate the use of punctuation marks in structures in the design of direct speech (P, P) with the words of the author (A, a), using the following schemes:

It should be paid to the fact that the author's words of the comma and dash are allocated on both sides when they are inside a pronounced narrative proposal of direct speech. If the author's words end with an indication (added, said, objected, replied) that direct speech continues, the design of the second part should be started with a capital letter; After the words of the author, in this case, you need to put a colon and dash.


A variation of direct speech is a dialogue. The dialogue is a conversation of two or more persons. Separate messages and questions from which the dialog is called are called replicas. With replicas, the words of the author are often absent. In the dramatic works, the words of the author are called remarks.

Punctuation signs during dialogs

The dialogue begins with paragraph and a dash before the replica:

- Mum! Does the sun have children?
- There is.
- Where are they?
- Where? And in the sky ... The stars are shining at night, are the children of the sun ...

In dramatic works, the dialogue is written after the name of the acting person and the point:

Ma l b and k. My ears frozen ...
Girl. Save the cap!

In all cases, the design of direct speech begins with a capital letter.

Transfer of direct speech indirect

In life and in the literature often accounts for a direct speech to replace the indirect, that is, to transfer it in their own words. The proposal with a direct speech becomes then complex, in which the main proposal is formed by the words of the author, and the subordinate is direct speech; To communicate the main and contract units, the unions "so that" or "a" are used, also pronouncing and adverbs:

  • "Will you go on a boat in a kanev?" - asked the high school teachers.
  • The teacher asked whether high school students would go on a motor ship in Kanev.

Issues expressed by the contracting proposal are called indirect; At the end of such a sentence, the sign is not put.

An alien statement, transmitted on behalf of the narrator, together with the words of the author, is called an indirect speech. When someone else's saying is transmitted from ourselves, that is, an indirect speech, then the author's words make the main proposal, and the direct speech is contractor.

Rules for design quotes

Quote is a literally given passage from some kind of work or text to proof or illustrations of one or another opinion. Quote is necessarily taken in quotes.

  1. It is impossible to change anything in the quotation, even punctuation marks. When the quote is not completely shown, the spaces in it should be denoted by three points.
    Citation is two types: in the form of direct speech and in the form of indirect speech.
  2. If the quote is given in the form of a direct speech, then the design of punctuation signs should be done in the same way as the design of direct speech on the letter.
  3. If the quote is given as an integral part in the author's proposal, then the same requirements apply to it as to the indirect speech.
  4. If the quote is fed in the form of a verse, it does not take into quotes.

In Russian, any "alien" speech expressed literally and included in the author's text is called straight. In conversation, it is distinguished by pauses and intonation. And on the letter can be allocated in two ways: in one line "in the selection" or writing each replica with paragraph. Direct speech, for its proper design - the topic is quite difficult for children. Therefore, when studying some rules, it is not enough, there must be visible examples of writing such proposals.

How to highlight a dialogue on the letter

Direct speech "Dialog", punctuation marks and registration of conversations on the letter is a rather complicated topic in which you need to deal with. First, replicas belonging to different persons are most often recorded with paragraph. For example:

- Don't look at that nest: there is something there?

- There is nothing. Not a single egg!

- And there are shells near the nest?

- There is no shell!

- What!? Not really the beast what kind of eggs had a steal - you need to trace!

Two persons decorated with the help of paragraphic selection, in which each new paragraph with a replica of one of the interlocutors should always begin with a dash and with a capital letter. Replicas can consist of one or more exclamation and question type.

Secondly, direct speech, punctuation marks after which are put in a special order, can be recorded in one line. For such registration of the dialogue "in the selection" without specifying who exactly belongs to, each of them needs to enter into quotes and allocate with a dash. For example:

"Well, what are you?" - "I'm afraid, and suddenly the staircase will fall?" - "The staircase does not fall, but you can drop Lukoshko with eggs!"

If after one of the utterances follow the author's notes, then the dash is lowered before the next phrase. And before the words of the author puts a comma and dash.

"She sleeps," said Tanya. "Where sleeps, show!".

Direct speech before and after the author's text

If, in writing a conversation of several people, the premuting words of the author are included, then after them put the colon. And it is imperative and in cases where there is no verb that determines the continuation of the conversation, but direct speech is clearly visible. For example:

Mother smiled:

- You are my clever!

Also, this phrase can be written in one line, only then you need to use quotes: for example:

Mother smiled: "My you are smart!"

It is worth noting that the author unspoken thoughts or the author's inner speech always stands out by quotes, no matter where it is located in what place is it. Also on the letter in quotes take the sounds of echo. For example:

"Now it would be hot tea," he thought.

I stand and think: "Why do this rain?".

"AU, people?" - Loudly repeated echo.

Before writing the words of direct speech, after the author's words, they always put the colon and open quotes. The replica is always starting with a capital letter, before closing the quotes put an exclamation or a point only after quotes.

Special Cases of Direct Speech

There are some cases where, after the words of the author, there is a direct speech, the signs of punctures at which they differ slightly from the above. Namely, if in the absence of a verb that denotes the subsequent replica, it is impossible to put the words "and said", "and thought", "and exclaimed", "and asked" and the like, in such cases, the colon after the author's notes do not put. For example:

Nobody wanted to leave.

- Tell us another story!

My words confused everyone.

- So you do not trust us?

How to highlight a quote on a letter

Approximately the same rules allocate the quotes given in the text. If it is not fully given, then in the place of the word skipping the Troetchy. As a rule, quotes are always released by commas, even if they are similar to the quote with the first words, they begin to write from dots and if it is located in the middle of the sentence, then with the line. Here, as in the case of direct speech, colon and dash are used, which are located on the already known rules regarding the location of the quotation.

Copyright notes within direct speech

In the case when the text in direct speech you need to insert copyrists, then the statements are closed in quotes along with copyright notes. For example:

"I will go to my grandmother - the kid said - and that's it!"

There are cases when quotes do not put quite, they use commas instead:

  • If there is no clear designation of a person to whom a replica owns or when the text is used by the well-known proverb.
  • When it is difficult to determine the direct or indirect speech before us.
  • If the word "says" is included in the statement. For example: I, he says you still show you!.
  • If an indication of the source is placed in the statement. Most often it applies to periodic printing. For example: Speech from the stage, the correspondent notes, blew up with applause.

If, with a rupture of statements, direct speech should not have ended with any sign, or a comma, dash, colon or a comma dot, then before the author's words put a comma and dash, and at the end - point and dash. Further, the residue of the replica is written from the capital letter. For example:

"I will leave for a few minutes," Lenochka said. - I'll be soon. "

In cases where in the first part of the direct speech to the rupture, a question or an exclamation mark had to stand, then he was put before the dash and the author's words, after which they put a point and further after a dash continue direct speech. Also saved and dots with a colon.

Instead of imprisonment

Direct speech, which is not so difficult to learn, is very often in the literary works. Therefore, books can become a good visual benefit to explore this topic. After all, visual perception along with the knowledge of the rules can well consolidate knowledge on the topic "Direct Speech" in memory.

The punctuation marks, the proposals schemes with the location of the direct speech and quotation in the text are studied at school for one year, which is understandable, because this section of the Russian language is quite voluminous and has many subtleties. However, the basic rules that are most often applied on the letter is not so difficult to remember.

Punctuation signs with direct speech

Staging punctuation signs in direct speech offers Depends on the ratio of direct speech and words of the author.

Punctuation in sentences with direct speech Showing in schemes. Letters P, P.they are denoted straight speech, whose first word is written from capital (P) or lowercase (P)letters; letters a but- the words of the author who also start or with a capital (BUT),or from the lowercase (a) letters.

Direct speech after the words of the author

If a author's words preceded direct speech, after them put the colon, direct speech lies in quotes. First word direct Speech written with a capital (big) letter, at the end direct Speech The corresponding end of the end of the sentence is used. At the same time, questioning and exclamation marks, as well as the dull, are put in front of quotes, the point is after them.

Direct speech in front of the author

If a direct speech is in front of the author, it lies with the rolls, written from a capital letter, after it put a comma (after quotes) or an exclamation, question mark or dot (in front of quotes) and dash. Author's wordswriting with a lowercase (small) letters.

Words of the author inside direct speech

1. If direct speech represents one sentence, then after the first part it is put a comma and dash, author's words They are written from the lowercase letters, after them are put a comma and dash, the second part direct Speech written from the lowercase letter; quotes are put only at the beginning and at the end direct Speech and not set between direct speech and words of the author.

2. If direct speech consists of several proposals and author's words stand between them, then after the first part direct Speech comma and dash are put (if the end of the proposal of the direct speech should be a point), an exclamation, question mark or ellipsis and dash; author's wordsthey are written from the lowercase letters, after them are the point and dash; the second part of direct Speechstarts with a capital letter. Quotes are put only at the beginning and at the end Direct Speech. Punctuation signs at the end of the second part direct Speech Regulated by the rules already described above.

"P, - a. - P". "P, - a. - P?" 1) "So much time flowed from the day of our separation," I thought. "She probably forgot everything that was then between us." (A. Pushkin)

2) "As you frightened me," she said, breathing heavily, still pale, stunned. - Oh, how you scared me! I barely alive. Why did you come? What for?" (A. Chekhov)

"P! - but. - P". "P! - but. - P!" 1) "Stop, brothers, stand! - Screams Marty. - Wait! How to go music? After all, you are not so sitting. " (I. Wings) 2) "I do not understand what you are happy! - Surprise said Lhadmitriev. - Man dies, and you are happy! " (I. Ilf and E. Petrov)
"P? - but. - P". "P? - but. - P?" 1) "Where are you? Said Ivan Ignatich, catching me. - Ivan Kuzmich on the shaft and sent me for you. Pugach came. " (A. Pushkin)2) "Did you fight him? - I threw. - Circumstances, right, are you separated? " (A. Pushkin)
"P ... - a. - P".<.П... - а. - П?» 1) "Further ... - said Morozko sullenly. - Come on the letter. " (A. Fadeev)2) "Wait ... - releaseing his linen hair from the coronal, trembling fingers, a little animated, shouted Lyanka. - As you say? Dust?" (M. Gorky)

3. B. CopyrightBare straight speechmay be two verbs with speech or thought; The first one relates to direct Speechstanding in front of words of the authorsecond - to direct speech after the author's words. In such cases before the second part direct Speech put the colon and dash.

"P,- but: - P".

1) "No, nothing, fine," Pavel Petrovich answered, and the weather gained a little: - Brother will not deceive, it will be necessary to tell him that we have matured because of politics. " (I. Turgenev)

Direct speech inside author

If a direct speech is within the words of the authorthen before her after author's words put the colon, direct speech lies in quotes, and after it put a dash or comma (depending on the context), author's wordsthey are written with a small letter.

Dashafter direct Speechput if:

b) at the end direct Speech It is a question, exclamation mark or ellipsis.

A: "P" - a. One Pushkin Row: "Hellly sighed," says more than the whole pages of prose or poems could say (S. Marshak).
A: "P!" - but. I have grown, stepped toward her and certainly used: "Sudarnya!" - If I just did not know that this exclamation was already uttered in all Russian Great Romans in all Russian (F. Dostoevsky)(dash after an exclamation mark, which ends direct speech).
A: "P?" - but. I just straightened up and thought: "Why is this father goes around the garden?" - When again everything duck around (I. Turgenev)(dash after a question mark, which ends direct speech).
A: "P ..." - a. However, he gradually calmed down, fooled by a handkerchief and, saying pretty cheerful: "Well, s, so ..." - he led the speech chopped by drinking apricot (M. Bulgakov)(dash after dot, which ends direct speech).
A: "P", a. 1) I just looked at her, and she turned away and, I said, "Go for me, my Page," went to the fliglier (I. Turgenev)(The comma closes the particralization of the turnover). 2) Father Vasily raised his eyebrows and smoked, launching the smoke from the nose, then said: "Yes, so like," sighed, silent and gone (A. Tolstoy)(The comma separates homogeneous fag-bound, connected by union).

Note. Direct speech lies in quotes if it is written in the string.

If its entry goes from a new line and thus it stands out in the paragraph, then it is rated (without quotes). This design is accepted in print texts. For example:

1) - My God, Nadia arrived!- he said and laughed cheerfully.- My native, Golubushka! (A. Chekhov)

2) The hair moved to me on my top, as if someone had reached the back, and somehow myself had a breaking, unwittingly:

- How old is Aristarhu Platonovich?! (M. Bulgakov)

Direct it is drawn up either in the string (in the selection) or by the help of paragraphic selection.

1. If direct speech is recorded in the string, it is highlighted by quotes, which are set at the beginning and at the end of a direct speech. This rule is preserved and then when there are words of the author within direct speech, for example: "Yes, I'm still rag," she replied, smiling sadly (Bun); I asked with effort: "So you still loved me?" (Boone); "I firmly hope for you," said Hagin and squeezed my hand, "say it and me. And we are still leaving tomorrow, "he added, getting up," because after all, you don't marry at Ace "(T.).

2. If the replicas are highlighted in the paragraph, before each of them is rated, for example:

Natalie, for a minute! She went to the threshold:

Insphat - what kind of wind! What a joy could be all! (Bun)

3. Only in the selection is drawn up inner speech (unspoken thoughts) and takes in quotes, for example: "Does she love me?" ("I took myself on another day, just waking up (T.); and, sitting down with pleasure in a stroller, he thought:" Oh, I would not have to fully! "(C.).

4. Quotes are highlighted by the sounds of echo sounds, other sounds, including the sounds of nature, for example: and sometimes a sad metal sound was heard: "Don ... Don ... Don ..." (Ch.); "Ga, ha, ha, ha," a long cry unexpectedly rose; That shepherd drove herd through a mess ... (T.)

5. If the dialog is not made in the selection, each replica is written with a paragraph with a dash and in quotes are not taken, for example:

What was her called?

What is it for the name?

Very simple - Marusya.

Well, what, have you been very loved in it?

Of course, it seemed that terrible (Bun).

6. If the dialog is drawn up in a string, each replica is taken in quotes, and between them put a dash, if there are no words of the author, for example: "Uncle, what do you think about the weather? It seems to me that it will rain tomorrow. "- "Why, my friend?" - "I just walked in the field, I thought with sadness that I would soon leave you ..." (Bun.)

Exercise 116. Change where it is possible, a direct speech entry form and its punctuation design: where it is recorded in the string, make a paragraph and vice versa. Explain the cases when the edit form is not possible.

1) "What are you doing?" - "Goat Cheese carry" .- "Who?" - "All" .- "So sell? So carry it to me. "-" Where? " - "But here is here, in the hotel ..." (Bun.)

2) - What is the matter?

Oh, leave me ...

So what happened? (Bun)

3) Son thought: "Good dinner would be, however, I needed" (P.). 4) "A-U-y ..." - came from the forest (L.T.). 5) Dad read something and my question, whether the blue hares are, not raising the heads, replied: "There are my friend, there are" (L.T.). 6) - I do not understand, "he said, shrugging, - I do not understand how you digest this fiscal, this frustrating rye (Ch.). 7) "Yes, a cumulative fortress ... - said Plushkin, thought and began to eat his lips again. - After all, here's a cumulative fortress - all costs. " (G.) 8) Going to Volchatas, he handed the wide paws and began: "Mneu, Mneu ... Nga-Nga-Nga! .." (Ch.) 9) "You find my behavior indecent, it seemed Her face spoke, it's all the same: I know, you admire me "(T.). 10) "Busy," the older thought, leaving the street (Ch.).

11) - What color? I can not determine! And you, tolya, can you?

What is the color of what, kisa?

Do not call me so, I have already told you a thousand times ...

I listen, with, Ksenia Andreevna.

I'm talking about this sky among the clouds. What a wonderful color! (Bun)

1. In the words of the author, the verbs of speech or thoughts are usually used (say, say, shout, think, understand, remember, decide, etc.), less often - verbs of feelings (surprised, to appeal, getting angry, etc.), and Also verbs pointing to gestures, facial expressions, movement (see, smile, nod, sigh, run up, etc.). You can add a verb of speech to these verbs: "smiled and said", "looked and shouted", etc. In the words of the author, nouns can be used with the meaning of speech or thought (question, answer, cry, sound, thought, etc.).

2. After the words of the author, the colon is put, direct speech is taken into quotes or is issued using paragraphic selection (before the direct speech in this case is rated); The first word in direct speech is written from the capital letter. At the end of a direct speech puts the corresponding punctuation sign context. It should be remembered: if direct speech is enclosed in quotes, then a questioning and exclamation mark, as well as the dullness put in front of quotes, and the point - after quotes, for example: and picked up her hand, mumbling and laughing from happiness: "Natalie, Natalie!" (Boone); She stopped, to stop me a black in dusk with eyes: "Are you truth?" (Boone); She replied, without raising her eyes: "I will now dispose to be done there and filed you dinner" (Bun);

I approached and quietly said:

Masha, do not be afraid, this is me (Bun).

Exercise 117. Put the missing punctuation signs and explain them. Determine the semantics of verbs and nouns used in the words of the author.

1) The man who saw Bernard shortly before his death tells in continuation of many years Bernard shaded the wandering marine life of the great poet did not part with him until the fattest departure of him ... (Bun.) 2) Doctor shakes his shoulders trying to be calm and stringent Are Siamese twins? (Bun.) 3) Natalie responded from the darkness. I am convinced of the terrible difference in the first love of the young men and the girl (Bun.). 4) I scared Natalie Natalie for what you are so strict to me! (Boon) 5) He raised his head and stopped painfully successful because you could not love me the whole century! (Bun.) 6) Natalie Woodpell Look! She looked up yes Yes, I had already seen him and now I saw and saw yesterday ... (Bun.) 7) ... But I somehow joked sitting with her together in the living room where she shoved the notes of half a liter on the sofa and I heard Natalie that might be threatening with you. She looked sharply at me like this? (Bun.) 8) She dropped her hands up Low bowed to hello sir (bun.). 9) He was silent. Then almost a sick voice yes yes I understand you ... (Boon) 10) ... Dana was halftown copper to consumption and in delicacy and that much more importantly, a smart instruction, watch Pavlusha Learn, not Duri and do not hang and do most and most please teachers and chiefs (G.). 11) There was such a conversation between them where are you going to robbing paper? By God, Barin did not specify ... ()

After a direct speech in front of the author's words, a comma, a question or exclamation mark or ellipsis, is set; The words of the author begin with a lowercase letter. If direct speech is decorated in the selection and takes in quotes, the comma is put after quotes, and the rest of the punctuation signs (question mark, an exclamation mark, ellipsis) - in front of quotes, for example: "For vodka, barin, did not pay ..." - said old woman (g.); "Hope! You?" He said hurriedly. "I, Nikolai Alekseevich," she replied. "My God, my God!" He said, sitting down on the bench and stopped at her (Bun.).

Note. After the direct speech is made only a dash (without a comma) in the event that the author's words begin with words like that, so indicates, that's what I said, that's how it describes, etc. Or if the author's words are a connecting structure, for example: "Will a storm" - that's what everyone thought; "There is no way without good" - so we decided, after listening to his story.

Exercise 118. Arrange the missing punctuation signs and explain them.

1) Who is there? I was heard from the long-distance rooms by a broken voice that seemed to me so beautiful. This Pavel Konstantinich answered the maid or nanny (Ch.). 2) Well, Rusak you do not catch a hand! I noticed son-in-law (g). 3) That's trouble! Did you not interfere if you didn't break the neck of the neck? Shept the caring crust (G.). 4) And here is a BRAKE here! She shouted the chikchiki at her finally approached his Brachemus (G.). 5) But do not buy pork bare? She said the hostess following him (G.). 6) Yes, I confess ... Ivan Ivanovich spoke significantly looking at his head. I haven't beenhed myself no longer ... I repeated Aleukhin confusely and washed off once again ... (Ch.) 7) I apologize to eat the hostess said. () 8) I also wanted to ask you that this deal remains between us spoke chikikov, saying goodbye (G.). 9) Let him go to him in him! Said quietly chicchikov Nozdrev (G.). 10) Netherly ... He remembered falling asleep and laughed (Ch.). 11) How it all happened! And what was to rush? And however, one end is what he thought he smelled to all sides with a forced smile (T.). 12) It is impossible to joke with it these words of Hagin as arrows dug into my soul (T.).

1. If there should be no sign on the place of breaking a direct speech by the words of the author, or stand: a comma, a point with a semicolon, a colon or a dash, - then before the words of the author and after them put a comma and dash; The second part of the direct speech is written from the lowercase letters, for example: "Now I will lead to see," he continued, turning to Chichchiku, - the border where my earth ends "(G.); "I'm here," said Asya, coquettishly leaning his elbows to the closer, "I feel good here. On you, take, "she added, throwing the Gagina to Geranio-Ma, - imagine that I am the lady of your heart" (T.); "As your grace is pleased," answered all the consonants of Selifan, - if you catch it, I will focus ... "(G.)

2. If there should be a point on the place of the rupture of direct speech by the author, then before the author's words put a comma and dash, and after them - a point and dash. The second part of the direct speech begins with a capital letter, for example: "You lost weight," she said. - Have you been sick? " (C.); "The right, I do not know," the hostess said with the arrangement. - After all, I have never sold dead yet. "(G.).

3. If there is a question or exclamation mark on the site of a break of direct speech, then this sign is put in front of the author's words, and after the author of the author puts the point and dash. The author's words begin with a lowercase letter, and the second part - with a capital, for example: "Let me, what is it? He asked .- Or, perhaps, my vision is deceived? " (C.); "Live as you want! - he said. - I deprive you of my blessing "(C.).

4. If on the site of the rupture of direct speech, the words of the author had to stand in a dot, then it remains, after him, before the author's words, put a dash, and the words of the author begin with a lowercase letter. After the words of the author, the comma and dash is put if the second part of the direct speech is not an independent offer, or point and dash, if the second part of the direct speech is an independent offer. After the comma and dash, the second part of the direct speech begins with a lowercase letter, and after the point and dash - with a capital, for example: "And you ... - I started, - she said everything ... about me?" (T.); "Oh, my God ..." he repeated, enjoying. "Oh, my God ..." (Ch.)

5. If there are two verbs of speech or thoughts in the words of the author, one of which introduces the first part of the direct speech, and the second one - the second, then after the second verb puts the colon and dash, and the second part of the direct speech begins with the uppermost Letters, for example: "Poorly thanks to," she said and, having packed a little, added: - They didn't talk about me about me? " (T.); "What are these clouds like? - asked Zinaida and, without waiting for our answer, said: "I find that they are like those purple sails who were on a golden ship with Cleopatra when she drove towards the Anthony" (T.).

6. If one syntactic design includes the replicas of two characters with two groups of the author's words, then only the colon is set before the second replica, for example: "... Yesterday leaned my head to my head yesterday, and when I asked: "Why are you doing this?" You answered me: "I want to listen to what you think" (T.); "Have you drank tea?" - Olga Mikhailovna asked, and the one who treated this question, asked not to worry and said: "I can ..." (Ch.)

7. If one syntactic design includes two replicas of one character (most often addressed to different persons), with two groups of the author's words, then before the second replica is a point and dash, for example: "Oh, you, a chick, a balovnica ... - gentle I was murmured by Ivan Petrovich and kissed her in the forehead. "You very often asleep," he turned to the guest again, "my faithful wrote most novel and today will read it out loud" (Ch.); "I think it's time to dinner soon," he objected. "You read perfectly," he added the weather a little "(T.).

Note. Sometimes direct speech is implicit character, i.e. The total content of the statement is transmitted. In this case, direct speech is not taken in quotes, and the words of the author standing in the middle or at the end of a direct speech are allocated only by commas, for example: and you, I thought, lovely, deceased, you, who survived me in this Dead Solitude, which Are you so deep and sad silent? (T.); Someone small and says to another: see? - I see, says the other, yes, how ash suddenly ... Only the shoulders have shuffled (T.).

Exercise 119. Explain the punctuation marks with direct speech.

1) "Downturn, I recommend you," Sobekevich continued, - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov! " (G.) 2) - It is very noisy in our classes, "he said, as if trying to find an explanation to his hard feeling." It doesn't look like that (Ch.). 3) "How can I? - he shouted, amazing my calm. - What do you say?! " (Ch.) 4) "However, I thought," they know how they pretend! " (T.) 5) - Everything is so, "she said," but still silend a little, read something, smoke ... (Bun.) 6) "You regret it ... - I started, - Well, if you knew him, how did I know him? .. "(T.) 7) - Excellent you chose the apartment, I said.

I found it asya, "Gagin answered," well, asya, "he continued," right. I led everything here. We will dine in the air. Here music is heard. Whether you noticed, "he added, turning to me, - near another waltto it is not good - vulgar, coarse sounds, - and in the remote, miracle! So he moves into you all romantic strings (T.). 8) "Bates it! - shouting Nozdrov, rummaged ahead with a cherry shop, all in the heat, in the sweat, as if approaching an impregnable fortress. - Bate him! - he shouted the same voice as during the great attack shouting his suspension: "Guys, forward!" "Some desperate lieutenant who has already acquired mischievous courage, which is given a pressure order to keep him for his hands during hot cases (G.). 9) - Are you Russian? - I got involuntarily from my language.

The young man smiled and said:

Yes, Russian.

I did not expect anything ... In such a coolness, I began it.

And we did not expect, he interrupted me - well, the better. Let me recommend: My name is gagin, and this is mine ...- He stuck for a moment, - my sister (T.). 10) "Fine! - said elders, leaving to general hobby. "Where did you study music?" He asked Ekaterina Ivanovna. - In the conservatory? " (Ch.) 11) - You cannot imagine how I am glad to see you, gentlemen, "said Alehin, entering him to the front." I didn't expect! Pelagia, "he turned to the maid," Give guests to change to anything (Ch.). 12) "Hello, please," said Ivan Petrovich, meeting him on the porch. "Very, very happy to see such a pleasant guest, let's go, I will present you with my faithful." I tell him, Veroch, - he continued, representing the doctor's wife, - I tell him that he has no Roman law to sit in his hospital, he must give his leisure to society "(Ch.) 13) I remember, however, it is going to bed, I unwittingly said out loud: "What a chameleon is this girl! "And, after thinking a little, I added:" But still she is not a sister "(T.). 14) "Surprisingly sublime! - He told, occasionally adding: - But it is deep "(T.). 15) "Ah, do not laugh," she said with liveliness, "and then I will tell you today that you told me yesterday:" Why are you laughing? " "And, having packed a little, she added:" Remember, yesterday you talked about wings? .. I have grown wings, yes to fly nowhere "(G.).

Exercise 120. Arrange the missing punctuation signs and explain them.

1) You Mother said he said or do not want to understand the words of my or so on purpose speak just to say something ... (G.) 2) Pavel Konstantinovich! He said with a pleading voice, do not calm down Do not let you feel! (Ch.) 3) Last time when we were in Saraj, the headmart prophia said Burkin, you were going to tell some story (Ch.). 4) It is not clear why she said in thought smoothly my beablova collar but it seems nothing could be better than the smell of winter air with whom you enter the yard into the room ... (Bun) 5) Well, I'll tell you straight told him correcting only please Do not say anyone (G.). 6) Probably with the hostess ... thought Masha or her husband quarreled ... (Ch.) 7) Oh, my God, he spoke Ah of Lord. Will you! shouted to him Burkin (Ch.) 8) No you can't refuse to spoke Nozdrov Hot game Started! () 9) But let me ask you told Manilov as you wish you to buy peasants with earth or just to conclusion there is no land? (G.) 10) The right answered the landowner my such an inexperienced width business! Better I am a little time ... (G.) 11) What did you read this week while we have not seen? He asked now say I ask you (Ch.). 12) Do you print your works in magazines? asked the faith of Josephovna Elders. No answered she I did not print anywhere. I will write and hide in your closet. What to print? She explained. After all, we have funds (ґ.) 13) What to read? She exclaimed and throwing the book on the table added so better go to fool and ran into the garden (T.). 14) Did you ever feel the smell of copper? Asked unexpectedly engraving and did not wait for the answer to the answer and continued to the poisonous disgusting (PST.). 15) We remembered you at the Chairman of the Chamber at Ivan Grigorievich, finally said chikchiki seeing that no one is located to begin the conversation in the past Thursday (G.). 16) Edaki Nanny continued by contacting Chikchiku you will not have in the city there you know what to serve! (G.) 17) You please follow their lists, said Chichikov and make a detailed registry of all the time (g). 18) he thought of all his oddities. Kitty is also strange and who knows maybe she does not joke comes ... (Ch.)

Under the context conditions, direct speech may be inside the copyright offer.

I. If direct speech is located in the selection of the author's proposal, after the words of the author put a colon, direct speech is taken in quotes, and after it, before the second part of the author's proposal, the comma or dash is put.

1. The comma is set in the event that direct speech stands at the site of a breakdown of a complex proposal on the part, on the border of a separate design or between homogeneous lesible (or the main members of a single offer) associated with the union or the union, which should be a comma, for example: I Only then straightened up and thought: "Why is this father walks at night in the garden", when again everything subsided (T.) - direct speech stands between the main and apparent part of the complex proposal; They loved him that he had not seen funds, how to break out of the city, only heard herself: "Well, a week, one another week, I live with us, Pavel Ivanovich," in the word, he was wearing, as they say, in his hands (g .) - Direct speech stands on the border of parts of the non-union complex proposal; Selifan was just waving yes I smoked "Eh! Eh! Eh! ", smoothly jumping on goats ... (G.) - direct speech is facing a separate considerable turnover; Yashin wanted to add: "Otherwise, you would not insult the priest today," but was silent (h.) .- Direct speech is worth between homogeneous ledities associated with the Union "But".

2. The dash is set in the event that direct speech stands between the divergent members of the proposal, between homogeneous legend (or homogeneous major members of a single-delivery offer) associated with the Union, which are not put by a comma, for example: to my question: "Is the old caretaker alone? " "No one could give me a satisfactory answer (P.) - direct speech breaks a simple uncomplicated proposal; She walked down for a moment, with a tied forehead, pale, thin, with almost closed eyes; Weekly smiled, said: "It will pass, it is nothing, everything will pass, is it not true?" - And left (g.) .- Direct speech is worth between homogeneous ledities associated with the Union "and".

However, according to the conditions of the context, a combination of comma and dash is possible, for example: finally he looked slightly on his chin, said: "Oh, you are a face like," and began to dress (g.). - A comma closes a separate heap-off turnover, and the dash is placed on the spot. The rupture of the author's proposal is a direct speech before a homogeneous faith.

Note. In some allowances for punctuation, the choice of a punctuation mark (comma or dash) before the second part of the copyright proposal, a direct speech, located in the selection with the author's proposal, is associated with a sign of punctuation, standing at the end of a direct speech, namely: after a surrender, exclamation mark or Dots are invited to put a dash, and after the point - comma. It is difficult to agree with this for two reasons. First, direct speech taken in quotes becomes a complete element of the author's proposal, in the middle of which it is located. Therefore, the punctuation registration of direct speech should not influence the punctuation of the author's proposal. Consequently, secondly, we must talk about punctuation of the author's proposal. And then the choice of a punctuation mark (comma or dash) on the site of the gap is due to the "force" of this gap: on the border of parts of a complex proposal or a separate design, the gap is less strong (these parts of the author's proposal have predicatence - basic or secondary), and it can be marked with a comma , And in other cases, the gap is stronger, so you should put a dash.

II. If the direct speech of the paragraph is included in the author's proposal, before the second part of the author's proposal should be set up, if at the end of the direct speech there is an exclamation or question mark or dot, and comma and dash, if direct speech is a narrative offer, for example: the hostess has already expressed Readiness to send for down jackets and pillows, but the owner said:

Nothing, we will rest in the chairs - and the hostess is gone (G.); ... His confused speech was clear to me only words:

My mother! Where is my mother? - Who uttered with crying as a child who lost his mother in the crowd (Ch.).

1. If direct speech included in the author's proposal is considered as a member of the sentence, it takes into quotes, but the colon is not put in front of it. Direct speech in this case can begin with both uppercase and lowercase letters, for example: ... to the question "whose meadows and honeycombs?" answered him: "Tentenikov" (G.) - direct speech acts as an inconsistent definition; I did not guess you? As it happened, I will say "Wait!" Well, so there is, in the evening, how here, you and with joy (A.N.) .- Direct speech is the role of direct addition; I heard "Dur ... Dur ...", and she flinched (h.) .- Direct speech occupies the position of the subject.

2. If parts of the direct speech are included in the author's proposal as a number of homogeneous members, each word or expression lies in quotes and the comma puts together as with homogeneous members of the proposal, for example: and with a long, outstretched in the sea, who has fallen, the seating mall, After reading all the inscriptions: "Forever with you," "here were Kali with Katya," "Diodor of Hieromona and the Annoy Ishidor were here. Devines of God's business, "read all the inscriptions, go out in the sea ... (B.)

3. In an interviewal sentence, when asked, other people's words from the previous replica of the interlocutor are drawn up as follows: a) they are taken in quotes, for example: Sakerdon. Blessed husband came. Polyxena. What is the "Blessed Husband"? (A.N.O.); b) not taken in quotes, but they are taking a dash, for example: coprov. Do you like your sister? Eugene. Ah, very, very, most! Coprov. What does it mean - most? (A.N. O.);, c) are taken in quotes, and before them is rated, for example: coprov. Well, you get a receipt from me. Natasha. How is the "receipt"? (A.N. O.)

Exercise 121. Emphasize the direct speech. Stress out the parts of the author's proposal, a direct speech. Determine which components of the author's proposal are broken by a direct speech. Explain the punctuation marks with direct speech.

1) ... When the Politzmeister remembered it was about him (sturgeon) and, having said: "What do you, gentlemen, will seem this work of nature?", It came to him with a fork with others, then I saw that from the work of nature There was only one tail (g.). 2) She once said right to him: "I love when you say," after which he tried to lean the conversation (Pom.). 3) When I got to the verse: "My eyes, why do you go down?", She slightly raised her eyes and looked into the wind for a long time, squinting from the wind ... (T.) 4) His soul, seeking to spin, thoroughly say Sometimes: "Damn everything", doesn't you love her soul? (G.) 5) ... he heard through the wind, as Sani creaked, and breathing horses breathed, and how the women spoke about him: "Bogomolov rides," and alone, looking with pity for his horse, said quickly: " It seems that the snow before Egoria breaks; Tortured! " (Ch.) 6) Seeing the guest, he said Rovilyo: "I ask!" - And he led him to the inner housing (G.). 7) Love Sergeevna admired too, asked, by the way: "How does this birch hold? How long is it like? " - and inconspicuously glanced at her sute ... (L.T.) 8) Chairman who was a premium man when he cheat, hugged Chichikova several times, uttered in the outpouring heart: "Soul is mine! My mammy! " "And even, by clicking with your fingers, I went to shine around him ... (G.) 9) Chichiki, standing in front of them, thought:" Which, however, writing a letter writing? " - And there was a nose forward ... (G.)

Exercise 122. Establish the missing punctuation signs and explain them.

1) I just looked at it. And she turned away and saying for me, my Page went to the fluelier (G.). 2) screamed how the hands of oh oh my God are spank! They sent for a doctor to let the blood ... (G.) 3) After having silent, saying the meaningful yes, so that it is all. Kondrathy wandered back to the garden (A.N.T.). 4) And only when he whispered Mom! Mum! He became as if easier (Ch.) 5) He opened his eyes with pleasure felt the sweet simplicity of everyday life thought now I will go to Moscow and the day after tomorrow in Tyrol or on Lake Gard O and again fell asleep (Bun.). 6) Ten times, I read the words of Julius Caesar, I did not understand anything, I did not understand anything and threw the book (T.). 7) Selifan pronounced Pavel Ivanovich and stopped but a few time at the door without moving from the place (G.). 8) Sanin jumped out of place but she exclaimed sitting playing and again disappeared by the dress and alternating gloves on the go (T.).

Exercise 123. Determine the function of which sentence is direct speech. Explain the punctuation marks with direct speech.

1) ... to the question "Whose forest?" He was told: "Tetenenikov" ... (G.) 2) She woke up every morning with the only idea of \u200b\u200b"like!" (Ch.) 3) But it "not to know" is not so boring like your "know" (ґ.). 4) Belokurov is long, stretching "uh-uh ...", spoke about the disease of the century - pessimism (Ch.). 5) ... And I sat near, not daring to speak with her, with such a feeling, as if I was to blame that the "Karaul" shouted in the yard ... (Ch.) 6) ... The running in the house began with Five o'clock in the morning, and "Support", "Bring", "Break" ... (Ch.) 7) Stepan suddenly fell silent, and immediately heard his boring, monotonous "Yu-Liu-Liu" (h .).) I have all experienced: Aleko, young Gypsy - "Where, handsome young?" - "Lyzhi", and then: "You are all sparkling with blood! .. Oh, what did you do? .." - "Nothing!" With what a cruel smile I repeat it "Nothing!" (T.) 9) ... A huge fiery sheaf flew out of the trunk, and a deafening "bu! boo!" (C.). 10) I do not like a blank dictionary of love words and miserable expressions: "You are mine," "yours", "love", "forever yours" (B.). 11) ... the right was the solid irreversible darkness, in which the sea moaning, publishing a long, one-shot sound "A ... A ... A ... A ..." (C.). 12) I brought it a box with chocolate, new books and received all the same "thank you" and the outstretched warm hand (Bun.).

Exercise 124. Write under the dictation. Explain punctuation marks.

She almost every day after dinner came to the cemetery and, waiting for me, read the inscriptions on the crosses and monuments, sometimes entered the church and, standing near me, looked like I work. Silence, naive work of painters and gilding, prudence of radish and the fact that I externally did not differ from other masters and worked as they, in one vest and in the loose and what "you" told me, - it was new for her and trottered her. Once, with her painter, who wrote the dove at the top, shouted to me:

Misail, let me whore!

I took him to Belil him, and when then went down the liquid layouts, she looked at me, was touched before the tears, and smiled.

What a cute you are! - she said.

I have left in mind since my childhood, like one of our richly flew out of a young parrot cell and, then this beautiful bird wandered around the city for a whole month, lazily flying out of the garden to the garden, lonely, smoothly. And Maria Viktorovna reminded me of this bird.

In addition to the cemetery, I have nowhere to visit, "she told me with a laugh." The city knocked to disgust. The fragrant read, sing, surviving, I do not transfer them lately; Your sister is an indisure, Madmoiselle in Blagogovo hates me, I do not like the theater. Where do you order to go? 202 words (A. Chekhov)

Exercise 125. Write down the dictation. Explain punctuation marks.

Dressed in someone else's frak and a white hard tie, which somehow all sorted and wanted to slip from the collar, he was at midnight in the club in the living room and spoke Catherine Ivanovna with hobby:

Oh, how little knows those who have never loved! It seems to me that no one has not yet described true love, and you can hardly describe this gentle, joyful, painful feeling, and who experienced it at least once, he will not pass it in words. What is the preface, descriptions? What is unnecessary eloquence? My love is infinite ... I apologize to you, - finally said older, - be my wife!

Dmitry Ionch, "said Ekaterina Ivanovna with a very serious expression, thinking." Dmitry Ionch, I am very grateful to you for honor, I respect you, but ... "She got up and continued standing - but, sorry, to be your wife I am not can. We will talk seriously, Dmitry Ionch, you know most of all in life I love art, I love you madly, I love music, I dedicated my whole life. I want to be an artist, I want fame, success, freedom, and you want me to continue to live in this city, continued this empty, useless life, which has become unbearable for me. Wove your wife - Oh no, sorry! A person should strive for the highest, brilliant goal, and family life would have tied me forever. Dmitry Ionch (she smiled a little bit, since, saying "Dmitry Ionch", remembered Alexei Feofilaktych), Dmitry Ionch, you are kind, noble, smart person, you're better than everyone ... - She has tried in front of her eyes, - I sympathize with all the soul, but ... but you will understand ...

And so as not to cry, she turned away and left the living room. 247 words (A.hekhov)

Exercise 126. Write under the dictation. Explain punctuation marks.

It became, in your opinion, should all be engaged in physical work without exception? - asked the doctor.

Do not you find that if all, including the best people, thinkers and great scientists, participating in the struggle for the existence, everyone for themselves will spend time on the beating of rubble and the roof color, then this can threaten the progress of a serious danger?

What is the danger? - I asked .- After all, progress is in the affairs of love, performed by moral law. If you do not enslave anyone, no one is in a burden, then what you need more progress?

But let me! - suddenly flared the favor, getting up. - But let me! If the snail in his sink is engaged in personal self-improvement and picks up in moral law, then you call it progress?

Why - picks up? - I was offended .- If you do not make your neighbors feed you, wear, carry, protect you from enemies, then in life that all is built on slavery, isn't it progress? In my opinion, this is the progress of the most real and, perhaps, the only possible and necessary for a person.

The limits of universal, world progress in infinity and talk about some kind of "possible" progress, limited by our needs or temporary views, this, sorry, even strange.

If the limits of progress in infinity, as you say, it means that his goals are undefined, - I said. - Live and not know definitely, for what you live!

Let be! But it "not to know" is not so boring like your "know". 212 words (A. Chekhov)

1. Quote is quotes. Quote, included in the author's proposal, is drawn up according to the same rules as direct speech, for example: N.V.Gogol writes about Russian: "Before you, the commander is Russian! Delighting is deep calling you, pleasure to dive into all the immeasurableness of it and caress the wonderful laws of it ... "; "... Karamzin freed his tongue from alien Iga and returned him freedom, turning him to live popular sources of a folk word," notes A.S. Pushkin; "For Tyutchev," said I.S. Aksakov, - to live - meant to think. "

2. If the author wants to emphasize some words in quotation, then these words are highlighted graphically, which is negotiated in the note, which lies in the brackets and is placed immediately after the highlighted word or in the footnote. The first word notes is written from the lowercase letters (and in the footnote - with a capital); After notice, the point and dash is set and the author's initials are indicated, for example: (ours items. - Eating.); (discharge our. - Eating.).

3. If the quote is not fully given, then at the point of pass (at the beginning of the quotation, at the end or in the middle) is made by a dot. Quote with the pass at the beginning of the sentence begins with a lowercase letter, if the author's words are standing in front of it, and from capital, if the author's words are standing after the quotation, for example: I.S. Turgenev said: "... about Tyutchev does not argue; Who does not feel, thereby proves that he does not feel poetry ... "; "... Pushkin's verse ... was a representative of the new, Dotol of Non-Bad Poetry. And what is this verse! " - Writes V.G. Belinsky.

4. If the quote is a component of the author's proposal, the first word quotes are written from the lowercase letter, for example: the cheerful chephagh, with which he drove into the manor, is "my uncle of the most honest rules" ... (Bun) ; In a word, he managed to bring the perfect nationality, and the opinion of the merchants was that Alexey Ivanovich "Though it will take it, but it will not be issued" (G.).

5. If at the end of the quotation is a question, an exclamation mark or a dot, and the quotation itself is a presidency of the author's proposal and this quote ends with this quotation, then after quotes entering the quotation, a point is set, for example: Belinsky writes that "Language Basen Krylov has been The prototype of the Language of Mount Mind Griboedov ... ".

Equally Zeval

Medium of fashionable and ancient hall -

and between the honorable landowner, who, in the wilderness of his village,

Years forty with the key screamed

In the window watched and flies pressed? "

(V.G. Belinsky)

And strange proximity to challenged ...

8. If the indication on the author and the source of quotes is not given a footnote, but immediately after the quotation, then it lies in the brackets; The name of the author, its initials is indicated; After a point without quotes - a source or title of works with a point at the end; Then through the comma - weekend: place of publication, publishing, year of publication, page, for example:

"Rust gold and expires steel, marble crumble. Everything is ready for death. Total stronger on earth - sadness and durable - royal word. "

(Akhmatova A. Favorites. M., "Fiction", 1974, p. 346)

Exercise 127. Put the missing punctuation signs. Explain them.

1) About the poem of A.Feta "Sleeps timid ..." M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote undoubtedly in any literature. You can rarely find a poem that would be seen by the reader to such a disgraceful freshness ... 2) The true taste consists not in the urgent rejection of such a word of such a turnover, A.S. Pushkin but in the sense of contrast and complicity. 3) Sometimes it seems to me that you can take the car and go on the opening days of Pavlovsky railway station when so deserted and scented in the parks on those places where the shadow is awesome looking for me, but then I start to understand that it is impossible ... (Ahm.) 4) and reached Princely train from St. Petersburg foggy marshes over which the illess brilliance of a transparent white night is replaced by ruddy glow to a distant lilac Tambove, with deep stuffed stars in the Great Russian desert, where only the striped strzes come across one (Nag.). 5) A.Fet wrote on the collection of poems F. Tyutchev

Muza truth observing

I look at the scales

This book is small

Tomov is premptive.

6) Epigraph to poem A.Akhmatova "Let someone else rest in the south ..." You again with me a girlfriend autumn! In. Annensky

Exercise 128. Write under the dictation. Explain punctuation marks.

Pushkin struck me with his witch prologue to Ruslan:

At Lukomorya Oak Green,

Choining chain on the oak volume ...

It would seem that what a trifle is somewhat good, even if beautiful, extremely beautiful poems! And at the same time, they entered all my being for the whole of my creature, became one of the highest joys experienced by me on Earth. It would seem that some kind of nonsense - some "scientist" did not exist anywhere, some "scientist" cat, or with this, who was found to him and for some reason, who was chained to the oak, some kind of lying, mermaids and "on Unknown tracks traces of unprecedented animals. " But, obviously, the fact of the matter is that nonsense, something ridiculous, unprecedented, and not something reasonable, genuine; That's the power that some unreasonable, Crumpled and "scientist" in the Crumb, which costs one of the poetry and "scientist" in a cross-minded case: What is one of this stubble, undergrowth movements ("And during the day and night a scientist's cat goes around the chain" ), And these "unknown" tracks, and "traces of unprecedented animals", - only traces, and not the beasts themselves! - And this is "about the dawn," and not at the dawn, there is simplicity, accuracy, the brightness of the beginning (Lukomorye, the green oak, the golden chain), and then - sleep, navate, diversity, confusion, something floating and changing, like early Morning fogs and clouds of some kind of protected northern country, the dense forests at Lukomorya, so magical:

There, the forest and the dale of visions are full,

Waves poured out about the dawn

On the bright sandy and empty,

And thirty knights of beautiful

Cleared out of the waters,

And with them the uncle of their sea ...

230 words (I. Bunin)

Exercise 129. Write under the dictation. Explain punctuation marks.

Gogol has an extraordinary impression on the Mena "Starosvetsky landowners" and "terrible revenge." What are the unforgettable lines! As they sound, they still sound for me, since childhood I will enter me without a return, also being among the most important, from which mine was formed, as Gogol, "vital composition". These "singing doors", this "beautiful" summer rain, which is "luxuriously" in the garden, these wild cats who lived behind the garden in the forest, where old wood trunks were closed with a born hazel and looked like a shaggy paws of pigeons. And "terrible revenge"!

"Noise, threatening the end of Kiev: Esaul Gorobets celebrates his son's wedding. Many people hit the Esuulu to visit ... "

"He arrived and the named Brother of Esuul Danilo Burulbash, from the other shore of the Dnieper, with the young wife Katerinoy and with an annual son. Guests to the White Pani Pani Katerina, black, like a German velvet, eyebrows, boots with silver horseshoe, but were even more realized that he didn't come with her old father ... "

"Quietly shines around the world: then the month appeared because of the mountain. As if the Damascus White, as the snow, he covered the mountainous bank of the Dnieper, and the shadow went even further into the thicket of pines ... In the middle of the Dnieper sailed oak. Two cotton sit in front: Black Cossack caps are racing, and under the vests, as if fire from the fire, splashes fly, in all directions ... "

But Katerina quietly speaks with her husband, wiping the baby's face with a handkerchief on her hands: "On the scarf were embroidered with red felt leaves and berries" (those that I see, remember and love all my life). Here it "fell silent, having sweating the eyes into sleepy water; And the wind pulled the water with ripples, and the whole Dnipro silverly, like wolf wool among the night ... "

Again a day: how could I then, in Kamenka, so straightenfully see all these pictures! And as already distinguished, my children's shower guess, which is good, that bad, what is better and worse what you need and what does not need her! 302 words (I. Bunin)