Current affairs. "Current questions, cases, accounts, expenses" in books

The article deals with a new mechanism of applied solutions "Trade Management, Ed.11", designed to facilitate the work of the user - Notes and reminders:

  • How to set up a program for using the mechanism of notes and reminders?
  • How to add a reminder?
  • What is a list of reminders?
  • Where else can you see a list of reminders?
  • How to configure access rights to reminders?
  • How to create a new note?
  • What is a list of notes?
  • Where can I see a list of all notes?
  • How to configure access rights to notes?
  • Where can I see a list of user current affairs?


The article is written for the editorial office 11.1 . If you are using this edition, perfectly - read the article and implement the considered functionality.
If you work with senior versions of UT 11, then this functionality is relevant. The most noticeable difference between UT 11.3 / 11.4 from the editorial office 11.1 is a taxi interface. Therefore, in order to master the material of the article - reproduce the presented example on your UT 11 base. In this way, you will fasten the material to practice :)

Using notes and reminders

So ... the main thing is to forget anything. In 10, you need to call the client, discuss with it the composition of the order, talk about possible discounts. And the contract yesterday's lawyer get back. And in the 11 delivery will come, you need to pick up the documents not to forget. Damn, and also need to send a report on the transactions to the manual, the period as usual - yesterday. And where is this number the phone, I wrote it somewhere, here it should be somewhere in this stack, but no, I sticker on the monitor stuck, yellow like, no, it's not that ... But where is he?

Similar thoughts often run in the head from many employees of various enterprises from the ordinary manager to the head. Let's figure it out in more detail how "1C: Commerce Management 11" can help not forget about important matters.

Programs settings

You can enable the use of notes and reminders in the configuration in the Administration section - Organizer by setting the appropriate checkboxes.

Adding reminders

To add a reminder of a specific document or the directory in the form of this object, you must execute the organizer command - remind.

In the window that opens, you need to enter the text of the reminder and specify the time to recall the field.

There are several options for setting the time of reminder. The reminder may appear once a day and time directly indicated by the user. You can choose from the list of the interval, through which the reminder is activated, for example, after 5 or 10 minutes from the current date. It is also possible to make a reminder periodic so that it appears on a user-defined schedule.

On the same directory or document it is possible to establish only one reminder. To fix the previously entered reminder should be used by the same organiser team - remind and edit it.

When the time specified in the reminder has arrived, a list of reminders opens. The list for each row indicates the text of the reminder and the time, as much as the reminder was expired. Double-clicking, you can open a document or directory for which a reminder was installed.

After clicking on the stop button, the selected reminders will no longer be shown to the user.

Using the button to postpone all, you can suspend the appearance of reminders for a certain period of time.

My reminders

All reminders entered into the system can be seen in the list of my reminders. You can open it in the Organizer section using the My reminders command.

From this form, you can also stop the reminder action. In addition, when you click on the Create button, you can make a reminder that is not attached to any document or directory.

Access rights to reminders

To work with reminders of the user of the information base, the role of "use of reminders" must be established.

Notes in the program are auxiliary text information intended for temporary storage in the system. For example, it can be an email address or customer phone number, temporarily recorded in the system instead of a piece of paper. Later, this information will be added to the directory, and for the speed temporarily you can create a note.

To create a note about a specific document or directory in the form of this object, you must execute the organizer command - to create a note.

In the next window, you need to enter a text description of the notes. It is possible to use elements of visual design of text (color, font size, numbered list, etc.).

In the list of notes can be allocated by various colors (field color on the form).

My notes

All notes on this document or directory can be seen by clicking my notes in the navigation pane of this object.

The system administrator has the ability to see the notes of other users when setting the check mark to show notes of other users in this list. In bold, notes displayed on the desktop are highlighted.

List of notes can be displayed on the desktop. Not labeled notes are displayed here, which have a check mark displayed on the desktop.

Also from the desktop you can enter a new note. Such a note will not be associated with any document or reference book, the compilation does not differ from the above-mentioned note for the document.

To view all notes entered in the system, you must execute the organizer command - all notes. Notes are displayed in groups.

This list can be selected in color and object of application. In bold here also highlights notes displayed on the desktop.

Access rights to notes

To work with notes, the user of the information base must be set to "use notes".

Also on the desktop can be displayed the form of current affairs.

It displays tasks that are in operation. The tasks are grouped as follows:

  1. Domestic consumption of goods
    1. Documents for shipment
  2. Power of attorney to receive goods
    1. Order for registration
    2. Detached power of attorney
    3. Power of attorney expiring today
    4. Overdue power of attorney
  3. Customer contracts
    1. Contract agreements
    2. Overdue agreements
  4. Contracts with suppliers
    1. Contract agreements
    2. Overdue agreements
  5. Cabinet documents (disassembly)
    1. Orders for paperwork in work
    2. Orders for issues of documents for today
    3. Documents for assembly (disassembly)
  6. Documents receipt of goods and services
  7. Documents for the sale of goods and services
    1. Regulations on paperwork
    2. Registration orders for today
    3. Documents for shipment
    4. Documents for prepayment
  8. Tasks by trade representatives
    1. Tasks for training
    2. Job design tasks
    3. Overdue tasks
  9. Tasks
    1. Tasks for execution
  10. Customer orders
    1. Total orders in work
    2. For today
    3. Expansion payment on orders
    4. Overdue execution of orders
  11. Orders to suppliers
    1. Total orders in work
    2. For today
    3. Overdue performance by us
    4. Overdue execution by supplier
  12. Applications for refund of goods from customers
    1. All applications in work
    2. For today
    3. Expansion payment on applications
    4. Overdue execution of applications
  13. Applications for payment
    1. Applications for approval
    2. Approval overdue
  14. Inventory of goods
    1. Order to fulfillment
  15. Individual Customer Agreements
    1. Agreement on coordination
    2. Overdue agreements
  16. Commercial offers to customers
    1. All proposals in work
    2. Overdue Offers
  17. Reports of commissioners
    1. It is required to issue
  18. Reports of Comitants
    1. It is required to issue
  19. Registration of warehouse acts
    1. Based on design
  20. Displacement of goods
    1. Regulations on paperwork
    2. Documents for shipment
  21. Order on shipment
    1. Order for execution
  22. Order on arrival
    1. Order for execution
  23. Transactions with customers
    1. Total transactions in work
  24. Agreements with suppliers
    1. Agreement on coordination
    2. Overdue agreements
  25. Typical Customer Service Agreements
    1. Agreement on coordination
    2. Overdue agreements
  26. Electronic documents
    1. Documents on the signature

The lower level tasks are displayed in the form of hyperlinks, when you click on which the form opens, the decoding selected indicator (for example, a list of open customer orders with the selection of the current user).

So, in this article, we reviewed the configuration tools "1C: Commerce Management 11", designed to improve the efficiency of users using a list of notes and reminders.

kaliningrad, 2013

Current affairs

They sat down nearby, he and shells, and, while the hall was filled, both peeking out their locksters, "recently appeared for them in Christcom, both: as a meeting, so - a rotational.

You pushed you, Yura, the people, - quietly, the trollekov said nestor. - Where is Chepell? Where is the Bulgak? Or Bulgak is not in your shift?

Likewise, there were people on the section of the control inspection, on CEO, - with telferers, with butter cream, - about sixty, in a change - twenty, and the assembly shop - Mahina, the meeting - the general, the working, and the hall of this, and in the crowd Hear your not easy: a handful.

Von Bulgak, - said the subject: pleased.

On the site called Vladislav Bulgak Vladik; The youngest was two years old as from the army, but rose rapidly, rare deposit, other craftsmen - would not be jammed! - Overgrow, and in a change, he worked with the breaks, was given to him in front of him: on the third, night, did not put on the request of the factory sports section.

And Chapel here, "Podaupy provided. - He is.

And Chapel did not let, sat already, bone, red, with a predatory nose, with a suffer mouth; A good, too, a locksmith, the highest brand, would still have the power of them to have - in his thirty-five, in the heyday, as they say, and there was no price.

What do people need? What is lacking? Everything is, it seems: work, family, health and young years, like some in addition, - here is good enough, and you feel it especially on the pass, on the fifth top ten; Appreciate, people, what is there, but do not appreciate! "Did I appreciate?" - asked himself to be treated and thought. That were young years, he was not still a removable master, and she was the head of the plot, and the youth was more active, shouted the sleeves higher. "All old people," he thought, "his times praise, it's not new, and I, although not an old man, and there, with my voice - in this choir."

The foreground rose to the scene, wrapped the velvet tablecloth on the table, rearranged a decanter with water, went to the podium, turned the microphone - a sort of ostrich head. A long time ago, in another, perhaps, life, went with Dosi in the zoo, and Leshka was still a baby, and an ostrich, the whole ash, as the then lapse in Dolzikov, packed behind bars. Early debtors began to be seen. Now, in forty-eight, he had a solid, monophonic, - to the gloss polished metal. He was swagge, and that Ducklot painted him, or Sedina. What does a person need? Many things. And Dolzikov did not need anything, thought token, everything he has; Children, however, no, but it may, and better, although, probably, there will be more: newlyweds!

The foretime sinted a finger on an ostrich head, made sure that he was alive, responded, and gave rise to the hall to quiet.

From here, from the top floor, from these waste windows, it was seen far away, to the very horizon, where country groves were blurred near the border of the blue and green, the country groves, still glossy, without an impurity of yellowness: Dubnyak and Dubnyak, Capacked there, - and bright stripes friendly Ozimi was conquered among the plowing, among the blacks.

How many years have been meeting - then everyday, then festively - in this red corner, and more loyal, in modern, - in the conference room, and everything was familiar outside the windows: Country Dali, Middle Mounting along the factory fence, hassle over the casting shop , Traffic lights on access roads. Passed Vozpozhank - quietly, with a reverse, as if the height - from the church yard; It went another, loaded, revealed with fresh paints of new diesel engines, and even from here, from above, a must be seen where the tractor, where combine, and what kind of modification, and that serial, ordinary, as they spoke at the factory, and what is export.

The presenter announced a meeting open, and began to choose the presidium.

Your Soldier Letter Schist? - she asked Rolzhikov, and his courageous, on a differently sharpened face with a flat smooth dimplety, noticeably, as always, when he spoke about other people's sons, daughters or generally about all the family, which was deprived of and that finally found in the elderly, quite recently, Some month ago.

Awareness of the Son, he probably wanted to make a pleasant subject, but not everything that is customary to be nimble, it is pleasant to everyone.

Leshka served as urgent in missile troops, before the letters was not a hoar, and where he served, there was an opportunity to call on a long-distance phone, and he called regularly, but when he sled into the hospital, began to call not home, but there.

Leshka was Mamkin Son, Mamka raised him, and the folder had business, commissions, plenums, resolutions, I got to the fast one and with the burdens gave it to this Quantity, but then my life went, and the deer came to the light - and now it became more Failing daughter than Mamkina.

Leszka is lazy, - said the subject. - In the Father.

The joke was without meaning, and she did not understand her, but in general, and sometimes I did not understand or pretended to do it, which does not understand. His eyes were small, but, as they say, burning; Now this burning seems to be emphasized by a dazzling seed. He squeeed his black eye in bad day and immediately turned away, did not ask about the deer.

Dusi sisters in the Kuban, and as she slightly climbed, and they took the aunt's aunt to themselves. The folder did not give, opposed, but he insisted, the united female front fell on him and the steepness were stronger to those that he exhibited. They persuaded, of course, that Olenka will return, and even the deadline was appointed, but the duration has expired, a daughter has a good rose. He was not from those who do not know how to distinguish good of evil, but did not accept in his soul, he counted him, ungrateful, to evil. Well, you will not order my soul - took the daughter from the folder.

Who to the Presidium? Two, and the foretail the third, and will be enough. Voted. I went to the scene of Masyligin, secretary of the workshop partburo. I went dilapiders from the painting plot. She was always chosen: she caught routing the protocols.

And he would have she who would have walked around the house, would not be good for the Kuban, "there would be a daughter and with it dressed and shod. In addition, good people were found in addition to the rhodation - a huge sweather, but she arrived a little later, when Olenka was already taken away. Okay, he thought, about the brief - not a trace, too much.

The speaker was the head of the workshop, a senior nickname; It stuck to him firmly and from those even times, perhaps when he worked as a senior master. Come on, I thought to be thoughtful, let me listen about the work discipline.

Lightly touching his shoulder shoulder, in the pose of brave, independent and at the same time having a harsh, adhered seriousness of the coming moment, Dolzikov said quietly, nestry:

Hold on, Yura. Now we will be a chapel.

In the case, - said the subject. - Educational work on zero.

Dolzhikov did not understand again.

Well, wait, you will understand! And for sure: no names, without examples, the speaker with the go, not tormented by a delay hall, discovered the secret, brought the formula, explained the gathering that hence somewhere in the middle - this means, educational work at height, and the drup happened - the educator , sleeps dead sleep.

Wake up, Ilya Grigorievich, - said the subject. - You concern.

Now, on the solid globular face, Dolzikov flashed smiling to understanding Grimask and imprinted in the burning eyes barely penetrating through the stone swearing wrinkles. He himself did not sleep and did not give the other, she loved his order. He was good to everyone - and the restraint of his, and knowledge, experience, authority, but too close to the heart took any unfounded for the plot of a word, or said loudly, whether a stripped emotion. For him, firmly shot down, some pinch injection was like a knife under ribs: such a skin. She gristes in the wind, and he, he, did not lie: lived in silence? Yes No, I thought to be said, so many years to serve as a plant - you will not live in silence. And how much? Perhaps, together started, though older than shells, and, if you calculate, the head will be spinning: a quarter of a century!

The speaker also led the calculations, first read from the paper, then - and without a piece of paper. It can be seen, these figures, loss of workers' hours, firmly entered into memory. For a year, he said, not be losses, it would be possible to give an extra eight hundred motors to agriculture. But did not give. For a year, he said, those amounts that were kept from Ripseldiaev could go to their family budget. But did not go.

It's right.

Having turned around, the subject looked again: well, brother, how do you feel? Put? Where to pour it - he did not listen to the rapporteur, sat manned with his friend's dick. A predatory nose, an afflicted mouth, not a predator and not suffer: a gold character, an eternal optimist, - so he was talked about him, and there was no third-party observer at all, he could also say so.

All now boiled down to one thing: what do people need? What is lacking? Why not appreciate what is? "Did I appreciate?" - once again asked himself the subject and again thought.

    - (inloom.) Real, current, daily cf. In matters of current ... Touch them timidly, looked, it means to confuse them. It is not difficult to sew on the dead, we should be sewing alive. Nekrasov. Recent time. Afterword. See confuse ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    The current questions, dual, accounts, expenses (inustic.) Real, now, daily. Cf. In a question of the current ... Touch the kin timidly, it undertakes, it means to confuse them to confuse them. It is not difficult to sew on the dead, it is desirable to sew alive. ... ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    Main Office of Gazprom, Moscow Building Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ... Wikipedia

    Establishment, commonly intended for general institutions with certain branches of the administration. M. always have a bureaucratic organization (see). At the head of everyone M. is the minister, who as an adviser to the Supreme Power is ... ...

    Greece. Outside the native city, the ancient Greeks did not use any rights and could not count on the patronage of officials of another state. Such defenselessness, if he was somewhat softened by the fact that all strangers were ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    bureaucratic Sociolek. - units. In the theory of culture of speech: Speech of officials. A special social group with its peculiar social behavior is represented by people on the government (in the XVIII early XX century), or the state, administrative service bureaucrats. Appearance ... ... Training Dictionary of Stylistic Terms

    See also: The Hague Court of the UN International Court of Justice of the UN Palace, Hague International Cud (Officially, according to the UN Charter, International Court, English I ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see the National Assembly. Quebec National Assemblée Nationale Du Québec National Assembly ... Wikipedia

    Kingdom of Sweden, state at S. Europe. Swede, name Sverige country, where SVE from ethnonym (dr skand. Svein, Russian. Svei) names of one of the major dr. Swede, tribes and Rige state. See also Sveaborg. Geographical names in the world: ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia


    Kingdom of Sweden, the state in Northern Europe, which occupies the B253 of the Scandinavian P Oova. The territory of the country is stretched from north to south by 1500 km. Area 400.9 thousand square meters. km, 1/7 part is located behind the northern polar circle. Borders on ... ... Encyclopedia Color


  • The notes of the President, Boris Yeltsin, "In September - October 93, the events occurred in Russia, which made me sit down for clean sheets of paper, and after a few weeks I finished the manuscript. Yauvene is that it is ... Category: Memoirs of state and socio-political figures Publisher: Ogonek,
  • How to quickly develop memory to memorize foreign words, numbers and any information, Elena Alexandrovna Razumovskaya, the modern person has to handle and memorize a huge amount of information. Some prefer to keep everything in the head, others use reminders available in computers, ... Category: Health and Personality Development Series: Publisher: