Changes in the appearance of women. How to update your appearance: tips from Ivetta

You will need

  • For noble beauty maintenance, you need not so much: creams, decorative cosmetics, a bit of vegetables, and a hike in a hairdresser.


The skin is the first and main component of female beauty. From what state it, how fresh and it looks, depends, how much and fresh will look like you yourself.
Young skin glows, shines, you yourself know it. How to achieve such an effect?
Take a rule to use the tone base for makeup with reflective particles. By this you will achieve several effects at once: the skin will become more young, and wrinkles and other small flaws will not be as noticeable.
If your lifting effect is also with a remarkable effect.

Eyes, namely - circles under. This problem makes older than many, even young. The reasons for this problem may be different. This is a chronic lack of sleep, and circulatory disruption in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, problems with the kidneys, and even hemorrhoids.
If you are all right with health, write up and try the easiest and most effective folk remedy for eliminating circles under the eyes. Take a fresh cucumber, put it on the grater, wrap in the gauze, and make such cucumber compresses under the eyes.
Cucumber juice perfectly refresses and brightens the gentle skin under the eyes. Make this procedure regularly, and you will see how you transform and become younger.
In emergency cases, you can use special clarifying pencils.

Cheeks are fresh and ruddy. Remember how a fairy tale "Morozko" who loving Mama was rubbed the beet cheek with her daughter's daughter and sentenced "Princess, No - Kingway!". Remember, and do not do it.
If you are not 18 years old, do not diligence in the use of very bright Rumen, but if you are not 60 - do not be fond of beige-brown gamut. Pink and peach - here are your main colors of the Rumba to look younger and more attractive.

Lips - a bow, chubby and sexy.
If your lips dry and crack, first of all, this is a lack of vitamin B. Pay attention to this - for the female organism, this vitamin is extremely necessary and useful.
And in order to visually make the lips more chub and sexy, use lipstick of pink shades, light, with a pearl effect or lip gloss.

Hair is shiny and healthy. For the health and beauty of our hair, Vitamin B. B. Vitamin B. Do for yourself receiving vitamins with a pleasant morning ritual, and you yourself will notice how the structure and the appearance of your hair improves.
In order to visually look younger, do not build complex hairstyles on my head. Prefer simple hairstyles, freely flowing curls and color approximate to the natural.

Go to a good hairdresser, together you can pick you up an image that will be easy to maintain yourself, and which will make you younger.


If you have the opportunity to go to the doctor and check the kidneys, do it, do not be lazy. If you are tormented by hemorrhoids, this problem is not necessary to be shy, also consult your doctor or pharmacist in the pharmacy.

Helpful advice

To look younger, you can try to breathe hair, preferably in the colors of the warm gamma, and make a timing.


  • "You are a woman"
  • how will change in appearance

For many days on February 14 - empty mockery. While everyone goes for the handles and give each other Valentine, you stand alone, and no girl pays attention to you. Of course, love is not built on instant hobby, and you need to love a person as it is. But in order to attract this other person, maybe you need to work on yourself? ..


The first thing to pay attention to is the style of clothing. Remember the saying - they meet for dressing, and accompany the mind? So in the seduction of girls' clothes - a very important component. Pay at least a little time: walk through the shopping center, ask consultants in boutiques - Believe me, among them very polite, experienced people professionally disassembled in fashion. They will tell you how to change the image to buy. However, do not rely entirely on their opinion so that one day does not turn into a mannequin from the showcase. Your creativity is also needed, your individuality, for only it can make you interesting in the eyes of the girls.

The second inalienable feature of the ladies in the ladies is confidence. The case is done, you will say, because self-confidence brings good clothes and properly chosen perfume. But it's not only that. Confidence can be developed and then when you have a bold sweater and worn boots. The charm does not form any external adjustments - it should go from the inside. Look around and watch for success with success at the front of the love: Are they all tightened in Dior suits, do all the spirits sprinkled with spirits from Hugo Boss? By no means. They just know their price. Learn this and you.

The next important step is to work on speech. It may seem unimportant, but put yourself in the place of the girl: you would like to listen, which is a tarattorit, keeping a bunch of mistakes and richly speaking his speech of obscenery? Not . So we will understand, firstly, with your articulation (it is beautiful - it is a beautiful, quite worthy to learn to him), and secondly - with your lexic reserve. Of course, there are such ladies that they themselves do not go away, but believe me, even they do not like the behavior from a young man, for example, in a restaurant or club. Especially since the eloquent man will find a lady much better and more interesting for those that they do not discern "strong" expressions.

Over the outside of the case - speech - we have worked, now you need to fill it with the appropriate content. Errudia is one of the most charming male features, believe me. But this erudition should be used skillfully, as an expensive seasoning: throw a pinch in a dish, where there are already charm and style, but you don't overdo the god - do not reassure and do not cross, and then the girl is just suppressed and does not want to eat. With the readiness and education, it is necessary to be careful: no one loves when it (intentionally or inadvertently) "press" by intelligence. Learn to be interesting, but also unobtrusive at the same time. And do not raw with the details of your professional life - a girl may be more important than your career growth.

And finally, we are walked by our construction with golden making - some highlight, which benefits your image profitable. In a man, as in a woman, there must be some kind of mystery, let it, maybe you will not focus on her attention, as the ladies sometimes do. Do not consider it a stupid chemistry: secrets and secrets are prerogative not only girls, they can also help men too. But, again, know the measure, do not overdo it, otherwise the girl will not understand you. And last: all of these measures should be directly adjusted to the nature and interests of the lady, which is now with you. So, seeking to interest the woman, examine her at first and then go to the offensive.


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There are things, data from birth, and we are not able to change them: country, family, our day. But fully stories when a person who has changed the name fully changed his destiny. Of course, the change in behalf of the name changes, it makes the person himself with the help of confidence that he acquires, choosing his name independently. Does this law work regarding appearance?

You will need

  • Consultation of the cosmetologist, hairdresser, stylist.


Start with. Contact your specialists who are engaged in the selection using a special computer program. Also, this program can be easily found on the Internet. Change boldly - pick not only new, but also a haircut. Consult a beautician and pick up, which will emphasize the dignity of your facial features.

Beauty and self-confidence manifests itself in the view, manner hold on, gait. In order to improve these important components of any image, do yoga, fitness, morning jogs or just fall in love. Then the light will appear in the eyes, and the gait will be flying.

Create your new image, based on the style of a person who would like to be like - it can be a singer, actress or TV presenter. Collect photos of this person and consult with specialists in the field of beauty - whether your external data is suitable for this image. If yes, create a new wardrobe, according to the canon, which you yourself have chosen.

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Do not get carried away by artificial changes in appearance like plastic surgery, hair extensions, overhead nails, Botex, and so on. In excessive amount it can look unnatural and just tasteless.

Helpful advice

Change the appearance immediately, do not wait for a convenient case, vacation or other reason.

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Any woman by definition monitors his appearance: hair, face and clothing must be at least in order, but ideally - beautiful laying, moderate makeup, a stylish costume. But both of themselves, and others around or later, an ordinary image comes, I want something new, unusual. To get new impressions and draw attention to yourself, you need to change yourself at least outwardly.


Change. If you did not use them, start. If used pastel colors, select a saturated color. Let him not frighten his aggressiveness, now it is exactly what you need. Change the colors of the tone powder and the roast, shift accents. Add details that did not use the following: sequins, arrows, flies. The same applies to lipstick.


At your service the whole range of cosmetic salons: haircut, painting, curling, antiproprically. All do not list. Choose a new style in accordance with the needs and capabilities. But the principle is simple: if you wore a length of the knees for five years, it's time to crash to the shoulders. Even if the hair lose is very sorry.

It should be harmonized with new hairstyle and makeup. Focus on the features of your figure (growth, chest volume, waist, legs), but change the direction fundamentally. If you were a strict business woman in glasses, then wear contact lenses and hippie outfit with a lot of thread jewelry on your head and hands.

Behavior rather refers to internal changes, but if you change all colors and forms and remain the same shy and timid, no one will feel change, including you. Do not hesitate your new image, match him, feel comfortable.

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  • how to change yourself

Modern graphic editors allow you to perform photo processing and change beyond recognition. You can change the color of the eyes, hair, remove the flaws of the skin and the shape, add accessories, replace clothes and so on.

You will need

  • - Work skills in Adobe Photoshop.


Run the Adobe Photoshop program, run the file "File" - "Open" to select a file to change the photo. Click on the "OK" button. In the palette of the layers, double-click on the background layer to convert it to the worker.

Do on the need to trim the photo. Next, go to the "Image" menu - "Brightness / Contrast" and move the sliders in this menu to adjust the colors of the photo.

Change the color of the eyes in the photo, to do this, select the "Magic Wand" tool, perform the approach in such a way that the eyes are maximally visible. Click on the color of the magic wand to highlight it.

Copy pupils to a new layer using the Ctrl + J key combination. Next, select the created layer with pupils and press Ctrl + B keys. The "Color Balance" menu will appear on the screen. Change the running positions to get the desired eye color.

Select the "Magnetic Lasso" tool to change the lip color in the photo. Highlight lips with it, copy the selected area to a new layer. Similar to the previous step, change their color.

Change the hair color using Photoshop. Perform the merge of the previous layers, then click on the Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer command in the layers palette. Select Color Balance in the window that opens. Next, select the desired color.

Move the markers in the window until you choose the desired one. Click OK. The whole photo will acquire the selected shade. Install the foreground color black, fill in this color layer mask. Next, change the color of the foreground, make it white. Select the "Brush" tool.

Draw your hair in the photo to paint strands, reduce the size of the brush. Next, go to the layers palette, select the Color option from the Set The Blending Mode for the Layer, here you need to reduce the value of the OPACITY characteristic. Next, follow the layers. Changing appearance in the photo completed.

Beauty is the concept of relative, consisting in the harmony of the body and the inner state of the soul. Therefore, we can say that every woman if desired can become more attractive than it really is.

Work over the figure

On the way to beauty, first of all, the figure should be corrected. Often women are unhappy with themselves, want to pump a hip, raise the chest. All these problems can be solved with the help of exercise.

Attend fitness club with a coach or engage yourself - the choice of the woman itself. At the same time, the systematic is important. It is necessary to train regularly and exactly according to the instructions. After two weeks, you can feel the first results that will inspire you for further feats.

It is not forbidden to sit on a diet. It should not be long. Take care that there were many vegetables and fruits in your diet. Eat different nuts, dried fruits, eat fish. Drink enough water.

Change appearance

If you want to become more beautiful, you need to change the hairstyle. Well-selected hair color and beautiful styling will give you an incredible feeling of their own attractiveness. So why pull?

Type of skin You will probably not be able to change, but give it a well-kept view in your power. Use suitable creams, make cleaning and feeding masks, your skin get rid of acne, acne and other defects. The recommendations of the cosmetologist and the nutritionist will be here.

Do not forget about the glory of nails. Let your hands look well-groomed, and nails are impeccable. Do not go with a breakaway lacquer on the nails - it is ugly.

Make hair removal if necessary. Now there are so many different means that will help get rid of hated vegetation on the body. The mustache can be removed by wax strips: the effect will hold a long time - month or two.

The result from all these events will be evident - you will talk to the compliments, and you yourself will see how you have so chewed, they began to look beautiful and well-groomed.

Love yourself and become beautiful

Change your attitude towards yourself. Nature gave you what was able to. Take yourself as you are. Your permanent discontent is nothing good as a result you will not give you. Enough to fall into depression due to small growth, rare hair, curves, etc. Many problems in our progressive age are easily solved, much more difficult to cope with stress. Therefore, love yourself surrounding - this will help you feel beautiful and happy.

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Olesya Kolesnik

Causes to change your appearance for a woman set. To give an impetus to the search for a new image can give a change of work, the desire to like a specific man, a change of hairstyle, and much more. Women have such a variable mood that you can push the changes to changes.

Where to begin?

Ways to change themselves many.

These include the following measures:

  • change of hairstyles and makeup;
  • shift wardrobe;
  • weight loss;
  • salon procedures.

The main thing is to decide where to start.

When entering into the path of change, you need to make aware that the surrounding changes not immediately. If the change of image is conceived to conquer a long time like a guy, you can experience frustration.

The "picture" is interesting in the first acquaintance, and therefore further sympathy, attachment and love depends, so far they have not been able to solve scientists and experts of human souls - psychologists.

Easy way

The easiest way to solve the task how to change your appearance, do something with hair. To do this, it is not necessary to dramatically cut the hair or extend the hair, if they always strands were "under the boy."

Ways to work with hair weight:

  • change the place of the probor;
  • just update the laying;
  • tint hair;
  • paint;
  • crow curls or, on the contrary, get rid of them.

You can cope with this task yourself, or visit the hairdresser.

No less easy way to change the style of makeup. Girls-forget-like, gentle and tremendous, sharply change the image, making a jerk to the "Vamp" style.

And club lionesses, abandoning red lipstick and black eyeliner, immediately become externally - gentle and romantic.

New features can add colored lenses.

Change your wardrobe is also not difficult. It is only worth considering when cardinal changes that you can feel uncomfortable in new clothes. Wear all my life sneakers and jeans, and immediately wear a mini skirt and heels, in some way, even dangerous.

How can you change yourself with clothes outwardly, without feeling ridiculous and without moving an ankle?

  • A new image is required to try in advance.
  • At home learn how to walk on heels.
  • It is tightened to stretch out in mini, turn. We will have to make aware that movements should not be swallowed.

Changing the wardrobe in many cases will require a change of behavior, they should think about it. Maybe you should not break yourself sharply, but to go to the goal with small steps? For example, it is not immediately abandoning the sport style, and first from jeans to go to classic pants, try a small stable heel, and already stand on causing platforms or studs.

Cardinal changes

How to change your external image more cardinally?

You can change:

  • loses;
  • forming a figure;
  • pumping muscles.

The goal will have to go long and stubbornly, mobilizing the power of the will and tuned to the victory.

If there is no questions with a decrease in the weight of the questions - about the fact that you can reset the extra kilograms, sowing on a diet suitable for yourself, it is known from adolescent age - as you can form a figure, not everyone knows.

For example, how to grow breasts without going to surgeons, if the whole bust has a weak place? There is a special set of exercises that will help increase breasts to 1 and even 2 sizes.

The complex includes:

  • exercise "Cobra" - Spin deflection in the stop lying;
  • "CAT", during which breast muscles work when exhaling;
  • push-ups;
  • squeezing each other's palms - hands are located in front of the breast.

Effectively help build up the muscles of the chest exercises with weighting and respiratory gymnastics. It is necessary to introduce protein products into the diet - precisely of them draws the body of the substance necessary for building muscle mass.

Its complexes are available to pull up the buttocks, giving the beautiful shape of the legs and thighs. The creation of a beautiful waist will help the hoop. I am engaged in sports and changing the diet, do not forget about the quality of the skin. Salon face care procedures help change the image, become more attractive, and, it means also in demand.

If a woman understands that she is perfect externally - she has a well-kept skin, her hair - she feels more confident. "I want" external changes leads to internal changes.

Deep approach

If you speak not only about changing the image, but also the image, then you can try to change yourself even more - to improve the internal content.

To do this, try to expand the range of interests, communicate with people with whom it was not necessary to encounter. It happens that the new company will interest so much that the past life will seem fresh. It will help to find common topics for conversations reading special literature, visits to theater and cinema halls with interesting filmmakers, joint time. Maybe you have to learn new skills.

When you start to communicate with new people, you will always change the appearance. Each subculture has certain external differences. "Aesthetes", as it seems from the side, little value is given to appearance. And at the same time they look so casually-romantic and removed that they will think about it: "How much time was dedicated to such a negligent laying?"

When our hearts persistently require change, it always has a reason.

Does not happen so that I woke up in the morning with thought how to change itself to unrecognizable internally and externally.

And the straight immediately ran 10 kilometers of a coward, repainted with adequate in green, , there has ceased to eat slag or signed up for all available courses for improving self-esteem.

Any change is preceded by serious which sometimes make us rush out of extremes to extremes, be "wild, bold, like a bullet sharp" not in the best sense of these words.

In this article, let's talk about how to do when you understand that it is impossible to continue, and where to start your way to transformation of the image of thinking and appearance.

Most sources in response to the question of how to change themselves beyond recognition internally and externally for the better, will be offered to go to the best of the gym, but usually - to make plastic.

We will start with what lies on the surface - namely the reasons .

Motivation of change - how to find the right one?

Reasons to try to become better, in fact, not so much.

Among the most common:

  1. Period of love - At this time, we always want to seem the cooler of our real image
  2. Any crisis period in life - Starting from breaking relationships and ending the loss of work
  3. Extra kilograms and / or habit of not paying attention to their appearance
  4. Constant comparison of yourself with that guy or that beauty
  5. Children's injuries and complexes, which is based on the erroneous opinion that we are not good enough for love and happiness
  6. Insecurity, impactivity, closure and secrecy
  7. Feeling that you are stagnant in one place
  8. The desire to tribal to pay attention

You can add your own item here, but most likely one of the listed things have already noted.

So, before proceeding to practical work, you must understand for whom / what do you want to change?

If for yourself, then forward to new tops. If it seems to you that, changing outwardly, you will change internally or the ultimate goal in impressing environment, it is not worth starting.

Task number 1: Realize, explain, convince yourself, backing up the case of arguments and facts, how changes can change your life and why they are needed.

How to change yourself to unrecognizable internally and externally - action plan

Now it's time to develop a clear action plan: What do you need to achieve your goal?

Sewer the list of necessary improvements literally to the smallest detail. Starting with "I want to drink not three glasses of wine, but one" and ending "finding a new job."

Such a simple way you decide at once 2 questions:

  1. You can understand in detail what work you have to do on yourself,so that the statements are not unfounded, and the ideas about changes are vague.
  2. You will be constantly motivated by crossing already executed items. - There is important on this path to understand that the motivation is laid in ourselves. And this is a daily, albeit a small, success for which you can praise yourself, and not pictures from the Internet.

How to change yourself to unrecognizable internally and externally - the best books

Read some beneficial books about self-knowledge and change in yourself. It can be both the stories of success and transformation of famous people and the works of psychologists.

What can I start:

  1. John Kekho "The subconscious can be all"
  2. Sergey Kovalev "We come from terrible childhood"
  3. Eric Bertrans. "No pity for yourself. Slide the boundaries of the opportunity "
  4. Brett Bluless "One habit a week. Change yourself for the year
  5. Dan Waldshmidt "Be the best version of yourself. As ordinary people become outstanding "
  6. Vladimir Yakovlev "Wanted and was able. 31 An amazing story about women who have proven that it's never too late to fulfill our most incredible dream. "
  7. Brian Tracy "Get out of the comfort zone. Change your life. 21 Method for improving personal effectiveness "
  8. Tit Nat Han "Peace in every step"
  9. Hal Elod "Magic Morning"

Arrange your life

At the next stage, try to streamline your lifestyle.

It is necessary so that your work on yourself was effective, you were full of strength and energy and did not spend time on empty self-evictions.

"Deadline burns, did not get enough sleep, ate three burgers, he quit with that guy in the subway, life - pain" And all in this way.

Try to organize a day so that:

  1. You had the opportunity to fully rest 7-8 hours
  2. Try to eat right, leaving about protein food and not dealing with carbohydrates
  3. Choose physical activity in the soul (I do not like to hide the iron, go on the track or sign up for yoga)
  4. Walk regularly, breathe air, watch people
  5. Communicate and attend various events not to boil exclusively in the juice of your own emotions.
  6. Start fighting bad habits and overweight, if it is
  7. Work with your consciousness - a positive attitude guarantees at least a third of success, in contrast to the lowered state and sad expression

All you do should be in joy and delight.

Do not forget that you have only one life, and you immediately live it clean.

If you You treat the world is kinder. If you eat right, give the brain everything you need for efficient work.

During Improve the body and strengthen health.

When you watch people sitting on a park bench, analyze the world.

Visiting the theater or cinema, becoming spiritually richer. And when you believe in the best, as trite it would not sound, program yourself for success.

Tip: If you live a year after year, on the same schedule and take the same decisions, no changes in your life will come.

Do not cease to act

And do not catch up on failures, thinking infinitely about the fact that Petrov turned out, and you will definitely not succeed.

Do your job and try to do it well, and success will come yourself. Not immediately, step by step.

Most famous people like the same Ilona Mask and do not know how to achieve current heights.

However, they recognize that they were engaged in work every second: they didn't need to be free to engage in destructive .

Do not seek to blame

With this regularly, we all, endlessly by finding excuses with your misfortunes, the reluctance to do anything, covering the convenient inability to change, because life, parents, family, children, etc. are guilty of.

In fact, there are only two ways to develop events:

  1. We succeed
  2. We will not succeed

And besides you, no one is to blame. You are an adult who is responsible for himself. Where do they surround?

The surrounding always stretch to confident, to those who come from positive energy.

Of all these little things, our self-confidence is. And external improvements are always easier than internal, so in no case shall with them in the far box.

Especially since today the world offers us thousands of opportunities for pumping themselves.

In the drains, you can buy inexpensive and stylish clothes - the main thing is that it emphasize the advantages of the figure.

The basics of proper hair care, leather or nails, as well as style tips - get free thanks to the same instagram.

The state of affairs is simplified by the fact that today everything is natural and natural in fashion.

And finally, the main thing:

Sometimes we all lack bright emotions, because most of the time we move literally on a closed circle of our duties: the house-work-family, not so much to do for yourself at least something.

Therefore, even the smallest changes like Or a long-standing dream of a tattoo can give a sip of fresh air.

But it is not enough for a long time, but to use how doping the game with his own appearance will not work.

The difference is this: if you just lack attention and impressions, you can change the wardrobe.

Sometimes there is a moment in life when it becomes very important now, at that moment, to change so dramatically so that all further life finally began to play with completely different colors. It doesn't matter what the reason for this desire is, because it is always closely connected with the urgent need for changes that are not only needed, but and to which you are ready. Do not rush to ask the council from others, whether it is worth doing this, better listen to yourself and think about what to start.

How to change is unrecognizable character

There is no limit to excellence, and sooner or later, many feel that it's time to think about it, and the way they go, to that if they strive. Such reflections are most often caused by the internal necessity to analyze the past years, evaluate their achievements and themselves.

From the height of the experience gained, we look different on themselves. Sometimes this look makes proud of itself even more, and sometimes it becomes a signal that we do something wrong as we would like. And here questions immediately arise, and what prevents how to live as you like, what obstacles arise on the way, why it is all likely to be so difficult and hard.

And often thought about it becomes a kind of impetus to change, to start all over again, and not to continue to fight with a lot of problems that interfere with living and so became an integral part that they are easier to ignore how to solve.

But only in the case when a person appears a motivation, you can drastically change the current state of affairs, turning into an absolutely different personality. Otherwise, any attempts to achieve this are doomed to failure. Either you cannot do this, no matter how hard they try, and how much time would not have spent, or the desire will remain just desire.

Therefore, before you proceed to trying to become another, make sure that it is really what you need. It is not worth spending strength and energy in vain. Only what the soul is what is being able to bring long-awaited joy and the desired result.

It's hard to decide whether you are ready for such changes, think what you want to turn into another person. Evaluate the need for changes from the position of the years. Imagine that you have achieved your, what are the sensations, whether this satisfaction brings or vice versa causes strange feelings.

If you felt awkwardness and discomfort, you should refuse this venture. You even are not mentally prepared for sharp changes. Therefore, it's not in vain to suffer and break yourself. Look for the causes of discontent and correct what prevents living. It is only in your hands and no one will do it for you. Do not let everything on samone, make a decision and start acting.

Photo: How to change beyond recognition

The change in itself is more like the beginning of a new page in life, on a panacea from difficulties, and not on a methodic struggle with them. And it belongs to this very important that way. Otherwise, instead of new meetings and accomplishments, you will take all the accumulated cargo disappointment with you. It must be left there, in the past, because the desire to change beyond recognition is also the desire to become another one fear of getting rid of what was.

In the same case, when with one thought about it, you feel joy and anticipate what awaits you after the delative transformation, you are on the right track and this is what you really need as fresh air. Therefore, nothing needs to be afraid, because this is asking for a soul. Even if a little scary, do not be afraid to experiment, it will not create unnecessary problems, because it's never too late to return everything to your places and to become the one who was before. And even more so you do not need to listen to anyone, otherwise you risk abandoning the striking changes waiting in front.

And first step to change beyond recognition to be deep self-analysis. Carefully looking at himself, without having afraid, look inside, in most cases you yourself make sure that many problems arise not by the fault of others or external circumstances, their origins are hidden deep inside us.

Some character traits do not allow risks where it was necessary, others do not grow and develop, and the third provoke the occurrence of feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. It is they who become the main reason that you failed to get what they wanted, or the achieved did not bring happiness. Such a state of affairs is not something new, and everything in one degree or another suffer from flaws in the character, someone else has them, someone is less, there are no ideal people. But if you do not want to remain the same as before, it is better to change them.

Therefore, take a sheet of paper, and write all those features that you do not like and from which you would like to get rid of. And then, opposite each of them, specify what you want to replace them. After that, decide why it is better to start. If the weak power of the will, lacks the purposefulness, strength, self-confidence, make them develop, starting with the upbringing of the "iron" force of the will, it is impossible to change without it. Do not want to spend time on such a difficult path, find something positive in the available character features. It is not always worth fighting with you, it is enough to change the attitude towards yourself, and then the shortcomings will turn into advantage.

Top 7 How to change beyond recognition

  • Change your attitude to life. Stop thinking that you should all. Discard criticism, swiss words, learn to see around and in yourself most exclusively positive. After two weeks, you will notice with surprise, how much more confident in yourself and learn how to perceive many things calmer, which previously caused only irritation. As the famous proverb says: "I have changed myself and the world will change around you."

Photo: How to change beyond recognition

  • Dream of career or your own business, focus on the fact that I have not learned so far. It is those knowledge that you have not yet acquired can give a chance to show yourself. After all, over the past time, the available skills did not bring the desired, since you decided to drastically change your life, it means that it is time to add or focus on something new. Only by the method of trial and error you can hope that luck will you finally smile.
  • In addition, new classes, communication with like-minded people will expand the horizons, they will teach to think largely. The one who is constantly developing intelligence gets a new experience, is not afraid to dream, every day turns into another person.
  • Learn to enjoy the received information, from where it would be obtained. Treat it with a fairing fraction of skepticism, having to always compare important information with similar news and analyze so to extract benefit for yourself. It is not always useful exactly at the moment of time, but by considering her, "having" to himself and his life, you see it as if I will immediately remember at the right moment. It will not only save the hasty steps, but will turn into a more advanced person who does not just have a large number of knowledge, but a plan of action in any situation.
  • Admit that you have the right to success. Stop criticize yourself and look for shortcomings. Release the past, forget about him. Your past is only errors, lessons, any achievements, all that has led you to the present. You live here and now and from what you do depends on how your will be tomorrow, your future and all life.
  • Let you have not achieved success, this does not mean that your time is gone. It's never too late to fulfill dreams. You can always find the path that will allow you to get. It all depends exclusively on whether you love yourself so much to allow to be happy and do what you like, or agree to dory only for the fulfillment of an endless deal of responsibilities in relation to others. After all, it is much more correct to find a lesson who will simultaneously bring the joy to you and the benefit of society, such as charity.
  • And be sure to review the wardrobe. Learn to combine things that I would not even come to wear together. Wear clothes that causes a lot of emotions: from joy and surprise to constraint. It is possible to feel differently possible only when you decide to change the usual things, instead of the trousers put on the skirts and dresses, from the business woman, turn into a lady, and from the athlete - in the lady. Buy with beautiful and expensive things. Good clothes make a woman feel differently: Above, significant, more confident and more attractive.

Photo: How to change beyond recognition

The desire to change beyond recognizable is always conscious and laid, it does not arise as a tribute to fashion. From such thoughts it is impossible to refuse, because they do not appear just like that. In relations you or not, successful by the standards of society or not, all this does not matter, now you want to change and for your own good it is best to do everything possible to come. Almost everything can be fixed in life, but to return the missed time is not under the power of anyone.


Start changing internally. Review all your views on life. Try to treat everything easier and not worry because of the trifles. Take a piece of paper, divide it into two parts, on one side write all your good character traits, and on the other - bad. See what qualities you got more. Work on your negative qualities and bad habits, if you have the opportunity, completely get rid of them.

Work on your behavior and communications manners. If you are greatly shy, try to change it. Read some interesting and informative books, remember a couple of new jokes, be always aware of events. Do not be afraid to keep the conversation, feel free to ask and answer questions. Never rude people, even if they provoke you to it. You smile more often, and you will notice how all the good starts to attract you.

Arrange the house permutation, let the new interior of the room will bring you only positive emotions. Do more than so long ago dreamed of, but could not embody for various reasons. Do not be afraid of difficulties and carry out all the most cherished desires. You will immediately feel like you have confidence in yourself and in your abilities. All this will raise your self-esteem and give joy, and, therefore, you will "flourish" in front of the rest.

Get on your wardrobe. Look at what style you prevailed before, and change it. If you preferred jeans and sneakers, then it is time to go to skirts and heels. Get parting with your old things without thinking, because you decided to change dramatically, therefore, nothing of your life should remind you of the past. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to completely update the wardrobe. But here there is a way out. Purchase several new things, and the rest change yourself. For example, long skirts are shortened, make a bride from the trousers, and the favorite blouse is reparished into a new color. If you know how to sew or knit, you will not work for you to create a new original thing that will not be exactly from others.

Visit the hairdresser and beauty salons. Pay special attention to its appearance. Change your hairstyle or hair color. For example, you can turn into or red or vice versa. If you have short hair, if you wish, you can increase them and surprise everyone around the surrounding long and luxurious curls. Long-haired girls can be safely experimented with short haircuts.

Choose a new makeup for yourself. Try the most diverse combinations of paints and do not be afraid of anything. Visit the professional cosmetologist, he will tell you some of the most profitable and suitable makeup options for you. With cosmetics, you can always look different, creating one or another image.