The value of hexagram 49. "Never, for a second, do not address the old one

The symbol is favorable, indicates rapid changes that update everything around and open up new positive perspectives.

Everything is around you in motion and changes. In the end, it will bring you good results that will exceed your hopes and the most bold expectations.

While you are somewhat confused and lost confidence, but soon she will return to you with new plans and prospects. The circumstances will change significantly, the situation will unfold for the better.

You can take the right decision and change your plans for the future. This will lead you to new places where you were not going to and where there were never.

Be patient. At this time, you are lucky in gambling, where you will be accompanied by luck and luck.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 49.sman

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is clear not until the end and it seems foggy, read the explanation for the hexagram, in which the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe message is concluded, it will help you correctly understand the oracle of the ancient China.

The answer to the question - GE - change.

The hieroglyph depicts an animal skin stretched on the frame.

Update, radical change; Coup, rebellion. Molting, lift; Throw skin. Leather, soldiers, leather armor. Cancel, cancel, eliminate, cut off.

Semantic ties of hexagram 49.Ge

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and figurative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Through this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of the radical changes that update all the premises of things. Also, as a snake resets the skin, so you get rid of boldly from the old one. To clear the way for the whole new, eliminate the useless and destroy everything that has declined or spoiled.

Spirits favor you, so act confidently and decisively. Remun the painful memories and former discord. With each coming day you will feel more and more updated. Your sadness doubt and disappear. The time comes when the Earth and the sky update each other, and all people obey and perform heavenly presense.

Interpretation of hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the book of change

Read the translation of the canonical text, you may have your own associations in the interpretation of forty-ninth hexagram.

[If until the last day you are full of truth, it will be the initial accomplishment,

favorable resistance. Repentance will disappear]

I. At the beginning of the nine.

To protect the apply the skin of a yellow cow.

II. Six second.

Only after the end of the day is shifted.

- Hike - fortunately. Hula will not.

III. Nine Third.

We are talking three times with shifts - and only then will be confidence in it.

- Hike - to the misfortune! Resistance is terrible.

IV. Nine fourth.

Owning the truth, change the fate.

- Happiness! Rasskowning disappears!

V. Nine Fifth.

A great man is moving like a tiger. And he already owns the truth before divination.

Vi. Upstairs six.

(If) a noble man like a leopard, moving; And at insignificant people

persons change.

- Hike to misfortune.

Resistance to stay in place - fortunately.

Hexagram GE in love fortune-up is difficult for the interpretation, as a lot will depend on the general context of the situation and the goals of the fortune telling. But unambiguously, it can be said that it symbolizes the period when events will unfold rapidly, both in the positive side and in negative. For example, if you are now quarrel with your beloved person, you will not have time to blink, like a scandal to quickly turn into a very large quarrel that can even lead to parting. Suddenly, for a very short period, you remember every friend all the insults, you will, like two PSA, torn from the chain.

But on the other hand, if you now show tenderness, love, soulfulness, you will also quickly see how your passion will break up with a new force, you will, as if two people just lovers, you will be overwhelmed. That's why Hexagram GE in Love Salt is advised to now keep calm and be the most animal as possible to what you do and speak. Remember, you now live on a powder barrel, and that it depends on it from it - whether she will explode destruction or love.

In general, in a situation involved in the hexagram of GE, it is little of seeing the essence of what is happening, it is still necessary to make the appropriate conclusions, as relative to the specific events in which you participate, so in all other, one way or another, with you connected. And on the first place here the relationship with people. Try to see everything from a bird's eye view and understand where you actually move where you will lead those who do you think friends, partners and so on? In short, be intelligent, as far as possible in this situation and do not forget about your love for a second.

And, finally, if in the fortune of a person who is only going to build a love relationship, hexagram GE has appeared, which means a very quickly your period of loneliness will end and you will be covered with a crazy love passion.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kubechik

Golden Justice Book Natalia

Hexagram number 49 shift (change)

B. Kh.Everyone around you is now in motion, everything changes, but in the end, good results will also exceed the most bold your expectations. At the moment you do not feel confidence, but soon she will return to you together with the new prospects, the circumstances will change for the better. You will change your recent plans and go there, where before and were not going. In the game you are now lucky.

G. S.The situation is changing for the better. Your chances of success are strengthened. Consider your plans and act. Changes are very favorable. Do not stop in a rapid situation, take change with a light heart. Conflicts will create problems.

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Do I want such a radical transformation?

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

In the world manifestation.
From the depth of the transparent lake, the precious gold bars shine. Already in life, a valuable treasure has been obtained by joyful accomplishments.
In the depths of the earth, right under the lake, fiery lava boils. At the same time, very large emotions are locked in the inner plan.
Couples, ash and smoke clubs are a powerful underground fire coming out of the ground to the surface. Internal disagreement and protest begin to manifest in the world of events.
The fiery lava will light everything around, turns the lake into steam, melts the precious gold bars. Former achievements will drown in the fire of passions and emotions. Complete clarity and a large grip with occurring events (fire properties) will come.

On the subconscious, vibration is similar, only much powerful.
The bottomless endless blue sky filled everything. Already, the subconscious plan is filled with the highest, most beautiful vibrations.
Under the sky in the ground, small seeds of trees sprouted. In the depths of the subconscious, seeds of doubt and disagreement with the highest.
The pig striking is striving for light and penetrates thin branches straight into the blue sky, and the roots go deep into the ground. Disagreements and doubts based on real facts and spiritual quest are strengthened.
Where yesterday was an endless blue sky, today the powerful forest will ride foliage in the wind. Higher will be supplanted into the background concept, which should be true love and true God. Everyone will plunge into everyday bustle.

General interpretation of hexagram №49

In the manifested reality, the fire of emotions and passions flashes. If you leave everything as it is, the emotional fire will destroy all the previous achievements. Categorical change of change.

On the subconscious, everything is greatly aggravated. Already now the highest is the highest possible. Maximum in the sense that the situation is no longer able to accommodate anymore. Everyday care and alarms, disagreement with what is happening the events will be supplanted with higher subconscious, if there is no significant change. Categorical change of change.

Both in the manifested reality, and on the subconscious, the natural course of events replaces higher emotions (the world of events) and everyday vanity (subconscious plan). It is worth stopping this stream, and even better, deploy in the opposite direction. It is impossible to do without cardinal change. Categorical change of change. The accumulated inner divine potential requires relevant changes in the world of events. Without cardinal changes, it is not possible to keep the highest vibrations that have received this hexagram right now. Perhaps it is best to start with a clean sheet, radically changing its basic values \u200b\u200band benchmarks. Favorable perseverance in achieving change. In this regard, condemnation, indignation, rejection is a short way to remove the highest vibrations of love from the situation and in general.


(Opposite vibration of hexagram №49)

Means acceptance without a doubt and protest any events, including misfortunes, illness and even the death of their loved ones and himself. It is almost impossible for a mortal person having instincts of self-preservation. Therefore, there will always be situations that generate doubts and disagreement with the natural course of life. These doubts and protests will displace love, higher consciousness and subconscious so that over time they will need Categorical changes for achievement Harmony with the world.


Stretch your hand to

What repels you.

Become what you fought.

Love what hated.

And the sky will be with you.

Positions for awareness:

1. Feel the divine rod inside, and whatever happens, stay yourself. Let the world adapt to you, and not vice versa.

2. Life is movement and change. Even God changes, because he is alive! Failure to change is death.

3. In life, everything is predetermined in advance. Under these conditions, there can be no change depending on the will of the person. Changes - no more than fantasy a restless mind.

4. External events depend on our internal state, from our perception and our expectations. Changing internally, we instantly change fate, and the flow of events!

5. Not only we are dependent on the space, but the space depends on us, as we depend on each cell of your body. Make an absolutely healthy just one any cage of your body and the whole body will be filled with health. Change yourself, and the whole cosmos will immediately change and change your attitude towards you!

6. "You should be the change that you would like to see in the world," - Mahatma Gandhi.

7. "The person is able to change his life by changing only the point of view," William James.

8. "You are responsible for who you are. Do not shift responsibility to another, otherwise you will never free yourself from suffering. No matter how hard it was and hurt: it's you and only you answer for everything that happens, it happened, and will happen to you, "Osho.

9. "The true purpose of your journey is not a place on the map, but a new look at life," Henry Miller.

10. "Try not to resist the changes that come to your life. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that it turns up upside down. How do you know that life to which you are accustomed better than the one that comes? ", Rumi.

11. The main paradox of psychotherapy: "The acceptance of itself as it is - this is the beginning of these changes."

12. "If you notice that you are on the side of the majority, this is a sure sign that it's time to change," Mark Twain.

13. "Do not delay for tomorrow that you can postpone on the day after tomorrow," Mark Twain.

14. "Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one thinks about how to change itself," L. N. Tolstoy.

15. "To maximize from life, a person should be able to change," don Juan.

16. "Once a student asked the Master:
- How long to wait for change for the better?
- If you wait, then for a long time! - answered the master "(Anthony de Melo).

17. "Never hope that someone else will change. The changes should always be started with yourself, "Osho.

18. "We are all concerned about the idea of \u200b\u200bchange, and most people are trying to change using the program. They want to change. "I must be so" and so on, and the like. And in fact, the idea of \u200b\u200bdeliberate changes never, never, never works. As soon as you say: "I want to change," create a program, - there are counter forces that hold you from changes. Changes occur by themselves. If you deepen that you are, if you take it, then the changes automatically happen by yourself. This is a paradox of change. This is confirmed by the old good proverb: "The road to hell is paved by good intentions." As soon as you make a decision as soon as you want to change, you open the way to hell. " (Fritz Perlz ).

19. "Life is like driving a bicycle. To preserve the balance, you must move, "Albert Einstein.

20. "People change when consciousness focuses on the Divine part of the human being," - Crane.

21. "For every person who sees you, at the cellular level understands what you are doing. Let even the mouth and eyes of people express something completely different, - their body honors you and soon they will change their attitude towards you. Thus, changing yourself, one person can change many. The change that occurred in you will affect others - and for this you do not need to say anything or preach, "Crane.

22. "Only when you use the energy of intention, trying to open the door of a particular situation, we reward you with the synchronism necessary to bring the situation to the logical end. No need to sit and wait for God. Now we are associated with the relationship between partnerships, "Crane.

23. "The ant moves will make more than a dormant ox," Lao Tzu.

24. "We can not change anything until we take it. Condemnation does not exempt, but inhibits, "Carl Jung.

25. "I noticed that even those people who claim that everything is predetermined and that nothing can be done about it, they look around before moving the road," Stephen Hawking.

26. "The snow-white goose should not swim in order to make himself white. You do not need to do anything but to be yourself, "Lao Tzu.

27. "What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to expand our consciousness," - Wayne Dyer.

28. "You do not need to be better than anyone else, you just need to be better than you were before," - Wayne Dyer.

29. "If it seems to you that you need to change something in this life, then you do not seem to you," Rinat Valulin.

30. "The truth of life is such - the more you want to change something, the more everything remains in our places ...". Anatomy of passion.

31. "Time does not change a person, wisdom does not change a person, and the only thing that can rebuild the system of his thoughts and feelings is love," Paulo Coelho. Eleven minutes.

32. "To be indispensable, you need to change all the time," Coco Chanel.

33. "Sometimes you need to risk and leave your world in order to find yourself," Gossip Girl).

34. "Change easily, difficult - not to be the same," Simpsons (The Simpsons).

35. Do you want to change? Change! ". Lost).

36. "When I am released from who I am, I become the one who I can be," - Lao Tzu.

37. "Are you ready to be crossed out, erased, canceled, reversed in nothing? Are you ready to become anything? Cash in oblivion? If not, then you never really change, "David Herbert Lawrence. Phoenix.

38. "If you don't like what you get, change what you give," Carlos Castaneda.

39. "Everything flows, everything changes. And no one was twice in the same river. For through a moment and the river was not the one, and he himself is not the same, "heraclit.

40. "All the great changes in the life of one person, as well as all mankind, begin and are committed in thought. In order for the change of feelings and actions, there should be primarily a change in thought, "Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

41. "The action of even the most tiny creature leads to changes in the whole universe," Nikola Tesla.

42. "Think how difficult it is to change yourself, and you will understand how nullify your ability to change others," - Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arupe).

43. "Changes are always scary. But no one will change your life for you, "Paulo Coelho.

44. "Strong that man who remains always unchanged," Voltaire (Francois-Marie Aruhe).

45. "It's very hard to change, without changing anything, but we will!" - Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky.

46. \u200b\u200b"Let them say anything, but words and ideas can change the world!", - Society of the Dead Poets (Dead Poets Society).

47. "It often happens that people are simply forced to take changes made by fate," Paulo Coelho. Diary of the magician.

48. "Love can change a person beyond recognition," the Publishes of the AFR.

49. "Where there is no change and need to change, the mind dies," Herbert Wells. Time Machine.

50. "Do you know any person who would you like to change, correct, do better? If so, it is great. I am in perfect delighted. But why don't you start with yourself? Even with a purely egoistic point of view, it is incomparably more profitable than trying to improve others and, by the way, significantly safer, "Dale Carnegie. How to conquer friends and influence people.

51. "If you can't change the world, change the relationship to this world," the Lutions of Annese Seneca.

52. "Do not allow your past to determine your future. Everything changes ... And we can start with changing our views on the world, "Nathaniel Buzolich.

53. "Madmen, confident that they can change the world, actually change it," Walter Aizekson. Steve Jobs. Biography.

54. "... When something changes in your head, it is almost always irreversible," Stephen King. Confrontation.

55. "The jacket is changed outside - a little, comrades! Turn out the number! " - Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.

56. "Before you change, something incredibly important for you should be at risk," Richard Bach. Pocket reference to the Messiah.

57. "You can change only yourself, but who will agree with that? It is much more familiar to condemn others and rush into battle for their improvement, "Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash.

58. "Not only changes with the highest wisdom and lowest nonsense," Confucius.

59. "In order to change the minds, you must first change the hearts," Pierre Bouast.

60. "He learned and the fact that a person prefers to suffer and externally repent than change in the shower," Herman Hesse. Game in beads.

61. "Change what can be changed, if necessary, but learn to live with what is not able to change," Robert Jordan.

62. "Only a new, adopted deeply and totally can transform you. You can either accept it or reject. New will bring difficulties. That is why you choose old - it does not bring any difficulties, "- Osho (Bhagwan Sri Rajnish). Bravery. Joy live risks.

63. "Changes occur only when we are against what is accustomed to what you are accustomed," Paulo Coelho. Witch with Portobello.

64. "The secret of change is to focus on creating a new one, and not on the fight against the old", - Socrates.

65. "Any changes are accompanied by pain. If you do not feel pain, then nothing has changed, "Mel Gibson.

66. "Never, for a second, do not turn to the old one. Watch everything old. Rusie with the old one. I do not look back - there, behind, there is nothing, what would be worth seeing. You should not look back, you have to look forward - only forward. Go forward, look for adventures, "- Osho.

67. "Only affecting your habits, you change your destiny. Learn to make new movements if you want to be in a new life, "Wei De-Han.

Elements of this hexagram are fire and water. The fire evaporates water, and the water is extinguished fire. Similarly, the change often causes conflict, and the conflict leads to changes. This hexagram refers to the period when something interferes, and when there is a hint of conflict changes in the air.

To succeed, you must act at the right time, collect support for people, guided by the advice of sincere and capable leaders and is the most important thing, to solve the root of the problem.

Changes are a period when chaos arises from about. Let's remember that not every order is good, and not all chaos is bad. Chaos is often an integral part of how things are developing. This hexagram reminds us of courage to radically change and resume what we do. Thus, you can direct chaos to the key you need in the name of good. If you participate in the negotiations, change the rules if you compose music, add an unexpected item if you have a lover, dare to be unconventional.

The struggle between the forces of darkness and light cyclic, you can realize these cycles and master them, prepared in advance. In periods of drought, even wild storms are preferable to sunlight.

Interpretation of lines:

Row 1 (Lower string)

At the beginning of a period of big changes, there is no need to hurry. This line indicates that time has not yet come for active actions. Events are just beginning to develop, and we never know exactly what will be at the end. Premature actions can lead to trouble.

Before trying to introduce radical changes, take the time to at least imagine what result you expect to achieve. Only by a clear perception of the nature of the desired goal can be achieved.

Initiating actions at this time can lead to negative results. Even when the changes seem necessary, it is impractical to resort to a hurry or merciless that can cause a catastrophe. The opposite error lies in excessive indecision, which is also inexpedient. Repeated and reasonable complaints should not be interrupted. Carefully examine the situation. Terms are especially important. Do not get away from the way.

For radical changes, the appropriate level of authority is required. The emphasis is placed on disinterested motifs and wide, mature glances. Be especially careful in petty and narrow thinking.

Fortune supports bold and severe hearts. We go further and introduce the necessary changes. You know what to do. Do not ceremony, do not consult with oracle, do not call home for advice: just do it! Do not be afraid. Waiting for you success.

Row 6 (top line)

The main goal is achieved, only fine tuning remains. Although you can see the limitations in a changing situation, do not suppress yourself, striving for perfection. Try to find satisfaction in what is possible. The happiest person is the one whoever wants what he or she already has.