Percentage of personnel. How to calculate specific gravity as a percentage

To understand how to calculate specific gravity, you need to know that this phrase is used in three cases. The first is the name of a physical quantity of a certain size. Dimension allows you to compare homogeneous meanings of different objects. For the characteristics, special units of measurement inherent to this quantity have been introduced. The second is the share of something in the total mass. The third is relative density.

Formulas for natural scientific calculations

If we talk about specific gravity (γ) as a physical quantity, then it can be calculated using formulas. In physical calculations it is usually denoted by γ (gamma). If the weight of a body (P) and its volume (V) are known, then the desired value is the ratio of the first to the second (P/V). From a physics course we know that the weight of an object is mass (m) multiplied by acceleration free fall (g). Let us substitute these values ​​to calculate the specific gravity into the formula γ=P/V. We get γ=mg/V. According to international standards, its unit of measurement is Newton per cubic meter (N/m 3).

From the formula it is clear that m/V is the density (ρ). Thus, we get γ=ρg, that is, density multiplied by acceleration. The densities of most substances have been calculated and systematized. If you use reference tables, then the question of how to calculate the specific gravity is easily resolved. However, this is the case only if the error acceleration value (g) can be neglected.

Gravity for Computing

You need to know that the force of gravity in different parts of our planet is slightly different. Its value varies depending on geographic latitude. In this case, the minimum is 9.780 m/s 2. The maximum reaches 9.832 m/s 2 . The average value is 9.80665 m/s 2. Before calculating the specific gravity, this indicator is determined. Depending on the accuracy, different numbers are chosen during calculations: 10.0 m/s 2 , 9.8 m/s 2 or 9.81 m/s 2 .

It is also necessary to take into account the height of the object above sea level and some other details. At the Earth's surface, gravity is measured by gravimeters. On other astronomical objects, calculations are made by making observations of the orbits of various celestial bodies and their rotation. The gravity force of many space objects has been calculated using the method of observation and calculations.

Here's some data:

So, the force of gravity acting on a body differs in different astrophysical conditions, and the density of an object is a constant and known quantity. You can find γ=ρg at almost any point. In zero gravity, where there is no gravity, this value is zero.

Relative density of products

Another meaning of the expression specific gravity is relative density. This value shows how many times the substance is heavier or lighter than distilled water (with the same volume).

Water is the standard here. In this case, its temperature should be 4 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, its density is maximum and is 999.973 kg/m 3. Because values ​​are compared, having the same dimension, the result will be a dimensionless number.

A pycnometer is a device for finding this value. The determination procedure is simple. First, the reference liquid (water) is poured into the instrument bowl. Weighing is carried out. Then the process is repeated with the substance under study. In this case, the resulting value is multiplied by the absolute density (999.973 kg/m 3).

With the help of such measurements, the consistency of products (creams, lotions) is checked in the production of cosmetic products. They are used in the food industry and some other industries.

For economic and business analysis

This concept is often used in the analysis of economic and financial activities. And also in cases where research into the structure of social and similar objects is required.

At the same time, in order to understand how the specific gravity of a particular component is calculated, you need to know what is meant. In a broad sense, it is the ratio of a part to the total quantity. The indicator can be calculated in shares or percentages.

Economic activity indicator

For the state economy it is usually calculated share of GDP as a percentage. For example, what part does this or that industry make up of the total GDP.

For example, the share of value added for the year was:

  • In construction 10.5%.
  • In agriculture 7.0%.
  • In retail trade 6.1%.
  • In wholesale trade 5.4%.

It is important for us to know how these numbers were obtained. Interior gross product (GDP) is the value of all goods and services produced in monetary terms. The calculation requires knowledge of the value added in the industry. If we divide its value by total GDP and multiply by 100%, we get the required number. In some calculations, it is not the percentage of the total that is determined, but the share. In this case, there is no need to multiply by 100%.

The concept of specific gravity is very often found in various fields of science and life. What does it mean and how to calculate specific gravity?

Concept in physics

Specific gravity in physics is defined as the weight of a substance per unit volume. In the SI measurement system, this value is measured in N/m3. To understand how much 1 N/m3 is, it can be compared with the value of 0.102 kgf/m3.

where P is body weight in Newtons; V—body volume in cubic meters.

If we consider simple water as an example, we will notice that its density and specific gravity are almost the same and change very little with changes in pressure or temperature. Her y. V. equal to 1020 kgf/m3. The more salts are dissolved in this water, the greater the value of y. V. This figure for sea water is much greater than for fresh water, and is equal to 1150 - 1300 kgf/m3.

The scientist Archimedes once noticed a long time ago that a buoyant force acts on a body immersed in water. This force is equal to the amount of liquid that the body displaced. When a body weighs less than the volume of displaced fluid, it floats on the surface and goes to the bottom if the situation is the opposite.

Specific Gravity Calculation

“How to calculate the specific gravity of metals?” - this question often occupies those who develop heavy industry. This procedure is needed in order to find among the various variations of metals those that will have better characteristics.

The features of various alloys are as follows: depending on what metal is used, be it iron, aluminum or brass, of the same volume, the alloy will have a different mass. The density of a substance, calculated using a certain formula, is directly related to the question that workers ask when processing metals: “How to calculate specific gravity?”

As mentioned above, y. V. is the ratio of a body's weight to its volume. Do not forget that this value is also defined as the force of gravity of the volume of the substance being determined as a basis. For metals they have. V. and density are in the same ratio as the weight to the mass of the subject. Then you can use another formula that will answer the question of how to calculate the specific gravity: water/density = weight/mass=g, where g is a constant value. The unit of measurement is y. V. metals is also N/m3.

Thus, we have come to the conclusion that the specific gravity of a metal is called the weight per unit volume of a dense or non-porous material. To determine y. c., you need to divide the mass of dry material by its volume in an absolutely dense state - in fact, this is the formula used to determine the weight of the metal. To achieve this result, the metal is brought into such a state that there are no pores left in its particles, and it has a homogeneous structure.

Share in the economy

The share in the economy is one of the most frequently discussed indicators. It is calculated to analyze the economic, financial part of the organization’s business activities, etc. This is one of the main methods of statistical analysis, or rather, the relative magnitude of this structure.

Often the concept of share in economics is a designation of any share of the total volume. The unit of measurement in this case is the percentage.

U.V. = (Part of the whole/Whole)X100%.

As you can see, this is a well-known formula for finding the percentage relationship between the whole and its part. This entails compliance with 2 very important rules:

  1. The overall structure of the phenomenon under consideration should be no more and no less than 100%.
  2. It does not matter at all what specific structure is being considered, be it the structure of assets or the share of personnel, the structure of the population or the share of costs, the calculation in any case will be carried out according to the above formula.

Specific gravity in medicine

Specific gravity in medicine is a fairly common concept. It is used for analysis. It has long been known that u.v. water is proportional to the concentration of dissolved substances in it; the more of them, the greater the specific gravity. U.v. distilled water at 4 degrees Celsius is 1.000. It follows that u.v. urine can give an idea of ​​the amount of substances dissolved in it. From here you can make one or another diagnosis.

The specific gravity of human urine ranges from 1.001 to 1.060. Young children have less concentrated urine with readings ranging from 1.002 to 1.030. In the first days after birth, the specific gravity of urine ranges from 1.002 to 1.020. According to these data, doctors can judge the functioning of the kidneys and make one or another diagnosis.

Any substance has characteristics. And the main characteristic of any substance is weight, or more precisely, specific gravity, the ratio of the weight of a particular body and the volume occupied by this body. This indicator follows from the mechanical definition of matter. It is through it that we make the transition to the sphere of qualitative definitions. Matter for us is no longer an amorphous mass tending to its center of gravity. Well, for example, the Solar System - all its bodies are different in specific gravity (we’ll talk about how to calculate specific gravity a little lower), since they have their own weight and their own volume. If we take our Earth and its shells (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere) separately, it turns out that they also have their own specific gravity, different and individual.

In the same way, individual chemical elements have their own weight, only this time it is atomic. This is also an expression of specific gravity. By the way, there are only a few elements that can be presented in pure form, and the rest are compounds, usually stable and called simple substances. There are more than five hundred of them in the lithosphere of our planet, each with its own specific gravity. How to calculate And in general, is it possible to do this?

Certainly. Right now we’ll look at how to calculate specific gravity. It’s better to do this with specific examples to make it clearer.

1. For example, you are the head of a woodworking shop and want to know how to calculate the share of sales of specific goods or working materials in this case. The following must be known: the sales volume of a specific product and the total volume. Let's say we have: type of product - board, revenue - 15,500 (rub), specific weight - 81.6%; type of product - timber, revenue - 30,000 (rub), specific weight 15.8%; type of product - slab, revenue - 190,000 (rub), specific gravity 2.6%. Total: revenue - 190,000, and share (total), respectively, 100%. How to calculate the specific gravity of a board? Divide 155,000 by 190,000 and multiply by one hundred. We get 81.6%. This is precisely the specific gravity of the board.

For some reason, specific gravity is often confused with density, although the concepts are completely different. Specific gravity does not relate to physical and chemical characteristics and differs from density as, say, mass from weight.

2.1.) Density is the ratio of mass to volume, and specific gravity is the ratio of weight to volume; this can be represented by the formula: γ = mg/V. And if density is the ratio of the mass of a given body to the volume of this body, then the formula for finding the specific weight, accordingly, we will write in this form: γ = ρg.

2.2.) If desired, you can find the specific gravity through volume and mass, or experimentally, by comparing pressure values. Here the hydrostatic equation comes into play: P = Po+γh. But this method is applicable only in the case when all measured quantities are known without exception. In this case, the formula for finding the specific weight will take the following form: γ = P-Po/h. This equation is usually used to describe communicating vessels and their actions. Based on experimental data, the conclusion will be fair: each substance located in will have its own height and its own speed of spreading along the walls of the vessel in which this substance is located.

2.3.) In order to calculate (calculate) the specific gravity, you can apply another formula (Archimedes' force). Remember your school physics lessons? Perhaps only a few will answer affirmatively. Therefore, let’s refresh our memory: push-out. Suppose we are given a load with a certain mass (let’s denote this load as “m”), floating on the water. At this moment, two forces act on the load, the first - and the second - Archimedes, and the direction will be opposite to the vector mg). In Archimedes it looks like this: Fapx=ρgV. Knowing that ρg is equal to the specific weight of the liquid, we obtain the following equation: Fapx = yV, and from here we derive: y = Fapx/V.

Difficult? Then let's simplify: in order to calculate the specific gravity, divide the weight by the volume.



2.1. Formation and analysis of expenses of a trading enterprise

Problem 1

Analyze the dynamics of expenses of a trading enterprise based on the data in Table. 2.1. Draw conclusions.

Table 2.1

Analysis of the composition and structure of expenses of a trading enterprise for the reporting year


Last year

Reporting year

Deviation (+;-)

Rate of change, %

amount, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

amount, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

amount, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

Total expenses, incl.

Distribution costs

- % payable

Other operating expenses

Non-operating expenses

Let's calculate the missing values ​​in the table

    Let's calculate the amount of distribution costs in the reporting period:

(thousand roubles.).

    Let's calculate the rate of change in distribution costs:


    Since there was no percentage payable in the reporting year, and last year they amounted to 11.5 thousand rubles, the deviation will be (0-11.5) = -11.5 (thousand rubles). We do not calculate the rate of change.

    Let's calculate other operating expenses last year:

(thousand roubles.).

    The rate of change in other operating expenses will be:


    Let's calculate the amount of non-operating expenses in the reporting year:

(thousand roubles.).

    Let's calculate the deviation for non-operating expenses:

(thousand roubles.).

    Let's calculate the total amount of expenses for last year:

(thousand roubles.).

which in terms of specific gravity is 100% of the total cost.

    Let's calculate the share of last year's distribution costs in the total expenses of a trading enterprise.


    Let's calculate the percentage of last year's payment of the total amount of expenses of a trading enterprise:


    Let's calculate the share of other operating expenses of last year in the total amount of expenses:


    Let's calculate the share of non-operating expenses of last year in the total amount of expenses of a trading enterprise:


Let's check: the total sum of the structure of specific weights must be equal to 100%.

Verification: 66.31+0.92+25.88+6.89=100.0 (%).

Similarly, we will calculate the total amount of expenses and shares in the reporting period.

    Let's calculate the rate of change in the total amount of expenses:


    Let's calculate the deviation by the share of all types of expenses of a trading enterprise:

Conclusion. In dynamics, there was an increase in the total amount of expenses of a trading enterprise by 62.95 thousand rubles. or by 5.02%. The largest share in the total amount of expenses is occupied by distribution costs - more than 65% both in the past and in the reporting year. In dynamics, there was an increase in their amount by 27.8 thousand rubles, or by 3.34%. A positive point is that there is no interest payable in the reporting year. There was also an increase in other operating and non-operating expenses by 10.35% and 15.1%, respectively. The growth of non-operating expenses at the enterprise is assessed negatively, as it indicates a qualitative improvement in the analytical work of the enterprise (the presence of fines, penalties, penalties, losses from previous years identified in the reporting period, etc.).

The concept of specific gravity is found in many areas of science and life. This term is used in physics, medicine, metallurgy, economics and sociology. It is difficult to expect that such diverse directions will be interpreted in the same way, so the definition and formula of specific gravity taken from a physics reference book will differ from the formulations found in an economics textbook. However, the essence remains the same - determining the role and significance of a certain part in relation to the whole.

The meaning of the term "specific"

We can talk about two interpretations, physical and statistical:

  • In physics, this is the name given to a quantity measured in a unit of something. For example, let's take a room and calculate the amount of water vapor in it. Having obtained the value, A grams, we can say that the humidity here is A grams of water vapor for the whole room. Knowing the total amount of air in the room (B kg), we can find how much water is contained in one kilogram of air by recognizing it specific humidity . One kilogram of room air contains A/B g/kg of water vapor. Thus, the word synonymous with the term is relative.
  • In statistical sciences, this is the name given to a particular indicator taken relative to a certain whole. For example, let’s take the country’s annual budget of 500 million and calculate the share of spending on sports. Suppose 1 million rubles are allocated for sports - this is 0.2% of all planned expenses. Not the most significant budget item.

Physical Sciences

In physics, specific weight is called weight measured per unit volume of a homogeneous substance.

Weight in the SI system is indicated in Newtons (N), and volume is calculated in cubic meters. Thus, the unit of the required characteristic becomes Newton per cubic meter (N/cub.m). It follows that this value determines the force with which one cubic meter of the measured substance acts on the support.

Physical formula: U.V. = Weight of the object, N / Volume of the object, cubic meters. m.

Unlike mass, which simply characterizes an object, weight is a vector quantity, that is, it is a force that has the direction of application and describes the effect of the body on other objects. Under normal conditions on the surface of the Earth, the difference is imperceptible to us, not physicists. We often confuse these terms in conversation and are not at all worried about it. But it is still important to understand the fundamentally different meanings these concepts have.

If we use the mass of a body in the above formula, we get its specific gravity, or density. This parameter characterizes how much substance is contained in a unit volume and is measured in kg/cubic meter. m.

Body weight always remains the same, while weight can vary depending on the geographic latitude of the place and its altitude above sea level.

By representing the numerator of the fraction through the mass of the body multiplied by the acceleration of gravity, we can see the relationship between the two specific quantities:

U.V. = Object density * Gravity acceleration.

Thus, we can say that specific gravity relates to the density of a substance in the same way as its weight relates to mass, and this ratio is equal to the acceleration of gravity at a particular point on the Earth.

Term in metallurgy

To obtain an alloy with the required properties, metallurgists must have a good understanding of why and how to determine the specific gravity of metals. The same volumes of iron and aluminum have completely different indicators.

In metallurgy, the specific gravity of a material is calculated using the above formula, dividing the mass of the substance by its volume. To obtain the most accurate results, the metal is brought into the most homogeneous state with a minimum of pores before measurement.

Application in medicine

In some cases, the desired characteristic is defined as a coefficient comparing the mass of a certain volume of a substance with the same volume of water at 4 °C. It is known that at this temperature pure distilled water has a specific gravity equal to unity. The more impurities, the more weight. Knowing this indicator, you can determine how high the concentration of substances in the liquid is.

This position is used in medicine when performing urine tests. The first formula given describes how to find the specific gravity of urine. To do this, you need to divide the weight of the sample by its volume.

Economics and Social Sciences

In economics and social sciences, the term denotes the share of a particular factor in the overall structure. This concept is of great importance, as it allows us to judge the significance of a sector, its value, and its share in the whole direction.

Formula for share in economy: U.V. = Value of an individual table column / Sum of all table columns.

In this equation, the dividend and divisor are expressed in the same units of measurement, therefore, the desired quantity will be presented as a correct decimal fraction or percentage.

Similar calculations are carried out in economics, business activity, sociology, statistics and many other disciplines that require data analysis.

When calculating, it is important to understand two things:

  • The denominator of the fraction is 100%, and the sum of the indicators for all columns of the table cannot exceed it. So, if we add up the percentage shares of all budget items, we get 100%, no more and no less.
  • The result of the calculation cannot be negative, because it represents a fraction of the whole.

Despite the fact that the two formulas above differ from each other and operate with different quantities, they still have something in common. In both cases, the weight of the object, its significance, influence on other objects and the situation as a whole are calculated.