Who owns the statement state. Who said “I am the state”? “The State is me”, we, everyone

a) Demosthenes

b) Cicero

c) Herodotus

d) Socrates

d) Pythagoras

22.The most significant codification of Roman law:

a) Guy's institutions

b) Ulpian institutions

c) Justinian's vault

d) "Prochiron"

d) "Eclogue"

23. In which state did the most ancient Laws appear?:

a) laws of Ptahhotep

b) Shulga's laws

c) laws of Manu

d) laws - Hammurabi

e) laws of Shang Yang

24. Representatives of the political and legal thought of Sumer and Babylon:

A) Hammurabi

b) Herodotus

c) Socrates

d) Pythagoras

25. Who owns the words: “If the nobility does not observe etiquette, rituals, traditions...then it will be difficult for them to govern the people”:

A) Irneria

b) Confucius

c) Aristotle

d) Cicero

e) Modestina

26. A law that has a moral meaning: it reveals the nature of rebirths, each of which represents, as it were, retribution for a previous life... A lower rebirth is a punishment for a previous evil - this is:

a) sanksara

c) nirvana

d) dharma

27. This statesman of Ancient Rome argued that “Without law and government, neither house, nor city, nor nation, nor race... nor the universe itself can exist”?

a) Socrates

b) Plato

c) Lycurgus

d) Aristotle

d) Cicero

28. Who owns the statement: “Politics is the knowledge and ability (art) to manage people”?:

A) Plato

b) Lycurgus

c) Aristotle

d) Cicero

d) Socrates

29. The concept of "Correction of Names" was put forward by:

a) Confucius

b) Lycurgus

c) Aristotle

d) Cicero

d) Socrates

30. Who put forward the concept of a cycle (cycle) of changing forms of state?:

a) Plato

b) Aristotle

c) Polybius

d) Cicero

d) Socrates

Lesson 2

Give a reasoned answer to the following questions:

1. Is it possible to say that Plato’s ideal aristocracy is a state of total subordination of the individual to the state, where the individual does not yet claim self-worth and complete autonomy in actions? Or does the Greek thinker's utopia simply secure the privilege of personal freedom for the highest strata of society? Justify your answer, paying special attention to how you interpret the concept of “personal freedom.”

2. Analyzing the problem of justice, Aristotle distinguishes between equalizing and distributive justice. Is distributive justice an essential feature of a civilized society? How is distributive justice related to a society's cultural value system?

3.According to Aristotle, land ownership should provide advantages in political life. Is this idea simply a defense of the interests of the landed aristocracy, or are there deeper cultural interests behind it? Give reasons for your answer.

4.Compare the approaches of Plato and Polybius to the process of degradation of political forms. What unites and what distinguishes these approaches? As you prepare your answer, pay particular attention to the nature of the evaluative criteria used by these thinkers.

5.What is the legal doctrine of mixed government? How, judging by the data of Polybius and Cicero, it was embodied in the Roman Republic of the 2nd century BC. e.?

6.Cicero believed that law and justice do not depend on the opinions and discretion of people. Analyze his views on justice and law. Using the results of your analysis, answer the following questions:

a) is it possible to avoid the influence of prevailing opinions and prejudices in society when determining justice, if it is understood as an order comprehended by reason?

c) what, besides reason, can become the basis for understanding justice?

Please indicate the correct answers:

1. Law is the expression of agreed upon, “mutual justice”, the sum of individual virtues, argued:

a) sophists

b) Roman lawyers

c) representatives of medieval scholasticism

d) representatives of medieval patristics

2. The concept of the “ideal state” belongs to:

a) Plato

b) Gorgias

c) Protagoras

d) Pericles

3. Plato believed that the ideal state is the rule of the best- This:

a) oligarchy

b) ochlocracy

c) democracy

d) aristocracy

4. According to Aristotle, polity, as the best form of state, combines its best sides:

a) oligarchies and tyrannies

b) oligarchies and democracies

c) democracy and tyranny

d) democracy and aristocracy

5. Aristotle called law:

a) democratic right

b) political law

c) aristocratic law

d) oligarchic law

6. The state (respublica) as a matter, the property of the people (res populi) was defined:

a) Titus Lucreius Carus

b) Aristotle

c) Ulpiai

d) Cicero

7. For the first time he proposed to separate all rights to public and private:

a) Cicero

c) Modestine

d) Ulpian

8. Which Laws were created before others (note their chronological sequence):

a) Laws of Manu

b) Laws of 12 tables

c) Draco's Laws

d) Hamurappi's laws

e) Solon's laws

f) Cleisthenes' Laws

9.Which of the statesmen of Ancient Greece implemented moral norms and social equality:

a) Cleisthenes

c) Dragon

d) Lycurgus

10.Who coined the term “REPUBLIC”:

a) Plato

b) Aristotle

c) Machiavelli

d) Cicero

d) Montesquieu

11. Who owns the following saying: “There is no city where two principles do not stand apart: the nobility wants to subjugate and oppress the people, and the people do not want to be subjugated and oppressed”:

a) Machiavelli

b) Aristotle

c) Ulpiai

d) Cicero

d) Modestine

12.Who owns the statement: “I see the imminent death of that state where the LAW has no force and is under someone else’s authority”:

a) Gorgias

b) Protagoras

c) Pericles

d) Plato

d) Machiavelli

13.Who argued that “the unity of the state is undermined if there are extremes between poverty and wealth”:

a) Irnerius

b) Gorgias

c) Aristotle

d) Pericles

The state is me?

The state is me (“L’etat c’est moi”). Extreme degree of arbitrariness of rulers and bosses. The expression is attributed to the French king Louis XIV (1638 - 1715). He allegedly said it in 1655 at a meeting of Parliament. The researcher Dulaure insisted on this in his book “Civil History of Paris” (“Histoire civile, physigue et morale de Paris”, 1853, p. 387). However, in 1901, the historian Roger Alexandre published the minutes of that meeting, and there was nothing of the kind in it. In May 1851, the English magazine in French “Revue Britannique” attributed this phrase to the English Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603).

“The State is I” by Louis XIV

The “Sun King” led France from 1661 until his death. During his reign, France reached the peak of its power. Became a great power. The practices at Louis's court were copied by other European monarchs, and fashion in Europe spread from Paris. France was a leader in the development of sciences and arts. Contemporaries of Louis were such outstanding cultural figures as Gassendi, Bayle, Descartes, Corneille, Racine, Boileau, Moliere, La Fontaine, Hardouin-Monsard, Lebrun, Girardon, Leclerc, Rigaud, Perrault. Under Louis, the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Music, the Academy of Architecture arose, Versailles, the Grand Trianon Palace, Les Invalides, the Louvre Colonnade, and the Gate of Saint Denis were built or improved. Louis was served by the wonderful administrators Colbert, Vauban, and Lavoie. Under him, France was enriched with new territories of 50,000 square meters. km. However, 30 years of endless wars: with the Netherlands, for the Spanish Succession, the League of Augsburg, internal conflicts with the Huguenots - completely ruined the peasants, caused a huge wave of Protestant emigration, so that on the day of Louis's funeral, when the funeral cortege with the coffin was heading from Versailles to Saint-Denis To the place of the last tranquility of the French kings, a river of folk festivities flowed rapidly along the road.

"The State I Am" by Queen Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I could also say: “I am the state”

Elizabeth has ruled England since 1558. The time of her rule is called the “golden age” of England. Conducting a wise, balanced Elizabeth's careful foreign and domestic policy turned England, torn by religious contradictions, into the mistress of the seas, a powerful state that the great powers of Spain, Holland, and France had to reckon with at that time. It was Elizabeth’s activity that allowed England to subsequently become the workshop of the world and a great colonial empire, displacing Spain in this position with the defeat of the Great Armada. Just as under Louis in France, Elizabethan England was famous for its world-famous cultural figures Spencer, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Bacon, Camden, Hooker, and administrators W. Cecil; R. Dudley, T. Perry, W. Relly, naval commanders F. Drake, W. and. J. Hawkins.

“The State is me”, we, everyone

- Residents of the village of Gubden in the Republic of Dagestan were forced to organize a fire department on their own - firefighters from the neighboring regional center took too long to arrive.
- Pensioners from the village of Volya, Voronezh region, decided to replace power line supports on their own. The multi-meter pillars tilted so much that they threatened to collapse on houses. Residents themselves raised money to install new supports.
- Residents of a house on Nikitina Street in Krasnoyarsk themselves struggled with icicles all winter. To do this, they cordoned off the yard, posted “Beware of Icicles” notices around the yard, and cleared the roof several times a week.
- Residents of the village of Yerkino, Arkhangelsk Region, used their own money to build a water tower, a playground, a nursing home, and renovated two houses for war veterans and a local first-aid post.
- A resident of the village of Spassk, Kemerovo region, Sergei Merkulyev built a wooden road bridge across the Kabyrzinka River. The asking price is 50 thousand rubles. The regional administration, although it did not compensate for the costs, recognized Merkulyev with a regional award.

Training tests for IPPU (P.1--20)

** Note the sequence (chronological) of the emergence of religions

a) Buddhism (No. 3 4th century BC) B) Brahmaism (No. 2 8th century BC) c) Hinduism (No. 1 11th century BC)e) Islam (No. 6 610g) f) Christianity (No. 5 1st century) g) Judaism (No. 4 516 BC)

**What is the name of the oldest surviving sacred text of Buddhism?

b) “Pali Canon”

** Who dreamed of destroying the “great harlot of Babylon” - the Roman Empire, which they called “the kingdom of the devil”, “the devilish world of evil and violence”?

c) early Christians

**What is the name of the oldest Source from the surviving sacred texts of Brahmaism?

a) Laws of Manu b) Vedas

* What do the social and moral principles of exogamy and endogamy mean?

e) permission to have sexual relations within the clan (tribe)

** The moral principles formulated by Moses are called

A) Decalogue B) Good news;

C) Moral Law D) Torah. e) Talmud

** What is the name of the oldest surviving sacred text of “Brachialism”?

b) Vedas

** Which Laws were created before others (mark their chronological sequence)

a) Laws of Manu (No. 6 2c BC) b) Laws of 12 tables (No. 5451 BC e.)

c) Laws of Draco (No. 2 593 BC) e) Laws of Hamurappi (No. 1 1750 BC)

f) Laws of Solon (No. 3 640 BC) g) Laws of Cleisthenes (No. 4 525 BC)

**Which of the statesmen of Ancient Greece implemented moral norms and social equality

e) Solon

** Who coined the term “REPUBLIC”
A) Plato B) Aristotle
C) Machiavelli D) Cicero E) Montesquieu

* There is no city where two principles would not stand apart: the nobility wants to subjugate and oppress the people, and the people do not want to be subjugated and oppressed


** Who owns the statement: “I see the imminent death of that state where the LAW has no force and is under someone else’s authority”

e) Plato

**Who argued that “the unity of the state is undermined if there are extremes between poverty and wealth”

b) Aristotle

** Who said that the government is a speaking law, and the law is a dumb government?

b) Cicero

** Who said: “The state is the need of people to live together”?

c) Cicero

** Who formulated the truest principle of the rule of law: “Everyone should be subject to the law”?

c) Cicero

*** Who believed that there is no state where power is based on violence and arbitrariness

d) Cicero d) Plato

T. Hobbes

e) T. Hobbes

e) T. Hobbes

*** Which of the ancient sages believed that the worst form of government is tyranny, oligarchy, ochlocracy?

a) Plato

e) Confucius

***What is the ideal (correct) form of state from Aristotle’s point of view?

a) tyranny b) oligarchy

c) monarchy d) polity

**Who first introduced the term "state" and argued that “state” comes from the word “sovereign”?

A) Locke B) Cicero C) Aristotle

D) Justinian E) Lycurgus G) Machiavelli

** Who argued in his work “The Sovereign” that people “should either be caressed or destroyed, because a person can take revenge for a small evil, but cannot take revenge for a large one”

b) Machiavelli

**What is the name of the oldest surviving sacred text of Buddhism?
a) Laws of Manu b) Vedas

c) Tipitaka d) Arthashastra f) Pali Canon

** The most complete (in the Other World) body of political knowledge about politics, a kind of encyclopedia of political art, is

g) Arthashastra

** The Laws of Manu were written in

c) Ancient India

* Which of the thinkers of the ancient world believed that people's names should correspond to their social status, so that everyone knew their place, their rights and responsibilities?

a) Seneca b) Plato

c) Lao Tzu e) Confucius

*** “If the palace is luxurious, then the fields are covered with weeds and the grain storage facilities are completely empty... All this is called robbery and bragging. It is a violation of Tao... The people are starving because the authorities take too many taxes... It is difficult to govern the people because the authorities are too active,” he thought

a) Confucius b) Buddha

c) Shan-yan d) Lao Tzu d) Cicero

** Which of the ancient authors argued that “if rights were established by the commands of peoples, decisions of leading people, sentences of judges... then there would be the right to rob, the right to commit adultery... if these rights could be approved by voting or by the decision of the crowd”

g) Cicero

neither a city, nor a nation, nor a race... nor the Universe itself can exist"?

b) Cicero

**What is the name of the oldest surviving sacred text of Brahmaism?
a) Laws of Manu b) Vedas

c) Tipitaka d) Arthashastra

*** “If the palace is luxurious, then the fields are covered with weeds and the grain storage facilities are completely empty... All this is called robbery and bragging. It is a violation of Tao... The people are starving because the authorities take too many taxes... It is difficult to govern the people because the authorities are too active,” he thought

a) Confucius b) Buddha

c) Shan-yan d) Lao Tzu d) Cicero

**Who owns the words: “If the nobility does not observe etiquette, rituals, traditions...then it will be difficult for them to govern the people”

b) Confucius

** A law that has a moral meaning: it reveals the nature of rebirths, each of which represents, as it were, retribution for a previous life... A lower rebirth is a punishment for a previous evil - this is:
a) sanksara b) karma

c) atman d) dharma g) yoga f) nirvana

** *This statesman Dr. Rima argued that “Without law and government, neither house, nor city, nor nation, nor race... nor the universe itself can exist”?
a) Socrates b) Plato c) Lycurgus

e) Solon f) Aristotle g) Cicero

** What did the term “ochlocracy” mean among ancient peoples?
a) the power of the people b) crowd power c) military power

e) the power of the elite (noble) f) the power of the rich

** What did the term “timocracy” mean among ancient peoples?

e) power of the elite (noble) f) the power of the rich

** What did the term “aristocracy” mean among ancient peoples?

a) the power of the people b) the power of the crowd c) the power of the military

d) power of the elite (noble) f) the power of the rich

*.Which of the statesmen of Ancient Greece pursued policies
social equality - abolished gold and silver money?

a) Solon b) Draco

c) Lycurgus e) Pericles f) Socrates

** Who owns the statement: “Without law and government, no home,

neither a city, nor a nation, nor a race... nor the Universe itself can exist"?
a) Solon b) Cicero

c) Lycurgus d) Seneca f) M. Aurelius

** Who owns the saying “People are powerless flies. The time of human life is a moment. The body is perishable. The soul is unstable. Fate is mysterious"?

c) Marcus Aurelius

* Who in Ancient Greece proposed a model of a perfect state (monarchy + democracy), which should be ruled by 37 rulers

(age 50-70 years)?

a) Heraclitus b) Democritus

c) Socrates e) Plato f) Aristotle

e) Democritus

**What does the term “lawyer” mean?

a) lawyer b) order c) lawyer d) fighter for justice

** Who said that the government is a speaking law, and the law is a dumb government?
a) Seneca b) Cicero

c) Spinoza e) Heraclitus f) Caesar

** Which of the statesmen of Ancient Greece, as a result of the reforms carried out, created the world's first Democratic Republic

a) Cleisthenes c) Lycurgus

c) Pericles e) Solon e) Dragon

**Where they were created in 621 BC. e. Draco's laws?

a) in Athens b) in Rome c) in Babylon

e) in Sparta f) in Sumer g) in China

**Where were the laws of Draco created?

a) in Athens

* This outstanding thinker Dr. Greece, in his work "The State", argued that "the unity of the state is undermined if there are extremes between poverty and wealth" and "the source of all social conflicts is private property, it must be abolished."

a) Heraclitus b) Aristotle c) Cicero

e) Democritus f) Plato g) Seneca h) Justinian

* This outstanding thinker Dr. Greece, in his work “Politics,” argued that “Law is the measure of justice, the regulating norm of political communication... and a person who lives “outside the law and right is the worst of all people.”

a) Seneca b) Cicero c) Aristotle

e) Democritus f) Plato g) Heraclitus h) Justinian

* This outstanding thinker Dr. Greece, in his work “Politics,” argued that “Law is a balanced mind,” but most people “obey necessity rather than reason, and fear of punishment more than honor...”
a) Heraclitus b) Aristotle c) Cicero d) Democritus

f) Plato g) Seneca h) Justinian

** Which of the ancient authors argued that “if rights were established by the commands of peoples, decisions of leading people, sentences of judges... then there would be the right to rob, the right to commit adultery... if these rights could be approved by voting or by the decision of the crowd”

a) Socrates b) Plato c) Lycurgus

e) Solon f) Aristotle g) Cicero

** Who in the era of antiquity developed a model of an “ideal state”, where philosophers should rule, where rulers and warriors will not have private property, only common property is established..., severe punishment is imposed for “godlessness”

A) Aristotle B) Democritus B) Plato D) Pythagoras D) Epictetus

** This Roman thinker was an emperor and a prominent commander, he owned the saying: “People are powerless flies. The time of human life is a moment. The body is perishable. The soul is unstable. Fate is mysterious"?

a) Epictetus c) M. Aurelius c) Cicero d) Quintilian f) Caesar

* * * Who believed that there is no state where power is based on violence and arbitrariness

a) Confucius b) Rousseau c) T. Hobbes d) Cicero d) Plato

*** Who carried out the most complete (serious) codification of Roman law in the 6th century?
a) Seneca b) Ulpian c) Cicero

d) I. Zlatoust f) Justinian g) Marcus Aurelius

** Who thought that democracy- is this the identity of despotism, the worst form of state power?

a) Socrates c) Plato

c) Lycurgus d) Solon f) Heraclitus

** Which of the ancient thinkers argued: “The state is the need of people to live together?” *

a) Aristotle b) Plato

c) Cicero e) Spinoza

** Which ancient Greek polis became the standard of ancient Greek democracy?
a) Sparta b) Corinth

c) Athens e) Thebes f) Rome

* * Aristotle believed that class is most useful for society
a) aristocrats b) farmers c) artisans

e) warriors e) poets and philosophers

* Which ancient thinker said: “Politics is the knowledge and ability (art) to manage people”?

a) Aristotle b ) Plato c) Lycurgus d) Cicero

** Which of the ancient thinkers believed that the state should be ruled by those who knew (the aristocracy of the wise)?

a) Plato b) Socrates c) Aristotle d) Heraclitus

** Who argued that “Politics is the knowledge and ability (art) to manage people”?
a) Aristotle b) Plato c) Lycurgus d) Cicero

** Who was the first to formulate one of the principles of the rule of law: “Everyone should be subject to the law”?

a) Aristotle b) Justinian c) Cicero d)Polybius

*** Which of the ancient sages believed that the worst form of government is tyranny, oligarchy, ochlocracy?

a) Plato b) Socrates c) Heraclitus e) Aristotle

** What does the term “justice” mean?

a) right b) order c) law d) justice

**What does the term "Lex" mean?

a) law b) order c) law d) justice

a) Augustine the Blessed c) Thomas Aquinas d) John Chrysostom) Seneca

f) Emperor Marcus Aurelius g) Emperor Justinian

** Who owns the works “Summa Theologica”, “On the Government of Sovereigns”?

c) Thomas Aquinas

** Which figure wrote "Commentary on Aristotle's Politics"
a) Augustine the Blessed c) Thomas Aquinas c) John Chrysostom d) Seneca c) Marcus Aurelius

*** Which figure introduced the concept of “sovereignty” into the IPPU?

f) J. Bodin

** Who is considered the founder of the French Enlightenment and modern political and legal theory? ... He also advocated universal suffrage


** Which figure introduced the concept of “sovereignty” into the IPPU?

a) M. Padua b) Thomas Aquinas c) C. Montesquieu d) G. Grotius f) J. Bodin

** Who is the founder of the rationalistic doctrine of natural and international law

a) G. Grotius

**Who in the work “Defender of Peace” (14th century) rejected the doctrine of the divine origin of the state?

a) M. Paduansky

** Which of the leaders of the Reformation believed that the ideal state was “Christian Union and Brotherhood”
a) Calvin b) Jan Hus c) T. Munzer d) Luther

** Which of the leaders of the Reformation believed that “Rebellion is like a great fire”

c) Luther

* ** who in the work “Defender of Peace” (14th century) rejected the doctrine of the divine origin of the state?

a) M. Paduansky b) Jan Hus c) Luther d) Calvin f) F. Aquinas

*** Who in the 14th century believed that “Divine law indicates the ways to achieve eternal bliss, determines the differences between sins and merits before God, as well as punishments and rewards in the other world, where Christ is the judge”

a) Spinoza b) Machiavelli c) Locke d) Hobbes e) M. Paduansky

** Who believed that “The state is unshakable if the government does not give rise to conspiracies and disturbances, if the fear of its subjects does not develop into hatred, and love into contempt”


** Who believed that “The most dangerous thing for a ruler is to encroach on the property of his subjects... People would rather forget the death of their father than the loss of an inheritance”


** Who, on the eve of the Reformation, condemned the Catholic Church and the clergy, presciently predicting that the Catholic religion was “close to its destruction or to painful trials”

A) Machiavelli

** Which of the leaders of the Reformation condemned peasant unrest and believed that “Rebellion is like a big fire”

a) Münzer b) Jan Hus c) Luther e) Calvin f) Jan Zizka

a) Ehrlich b) Aristotle c) Mentesquier d) Machiavelli

* * Who believed that “the state arises out of the need to protect private property”

a) Socrates b) Plato c) Lycurgus

e) Solon f) Aristotle g) Cicero

* * Who argued that it is better to kill than to threaten; by threatening, you create and warn an enemy; by killing, you get rid of the enemy completely?

a) M. Paduansky b) Machiavelli c) John Chrysostom d) G. Grotius f) J. Bodin

*Who in the 16th century developed issues of war and peace, the appointment of officials, the problems of trials and pardons, was he a supporter of monarchical power with elements of aristocracy and democracy?

a) M. Padua b) Thomas Aquinas c) C. Montesquieu d) G. Grotius f) J. Bodin

** This outstanding theologian and thinker of the Middle Ages substantiated the concepts of “theodicy” and “creationism”... Who is he?
A) E. Rotterdamsky B) A. Augustine (Blessed) B) F. Aquinas
D) I. Chrysostom D) Justinian E) D. Diderot

** Who, preaching creationism, said: “Everything that is created by God is absolute good, therefore absolute evil cannot exist... It is born in human activity”?

a) A. Augustin b) Marcus Aurelius c) E. Rotterdam d) T. Hobbes f) Aristotle


* Who owns the words: “Nobles are those who live idlely on the income from their huge estates, not caring about either cultivating the land or the people... Such people are harmful in any republic”

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli c) M. Padua d) T. Hobbes e) B. Spinoza

** Who believed that “The state is unshakable if the government does not give rise to conspiracies and disturbances, if the fear of its subjects does not develop into hatred, and love into contempt”

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli

** Who claimed that “The most dangerous thing for a ruler is to encroach on the property of his subjects... People would rather forget the death of a father than the loss of an inheritance”

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli c) Voltaire d) T. Hobbes f) B. Spinoza

** Which of the 16th century thinkers, on the eve of the Reformation, condemned the Catholic Church and the clergy, presciently predicting that the Catholic religion was “close to its death or to painful trials”

A) Voltaire B) La Mettrie B) N. Machiavelli C) Rousseau D) Holbach E) Montesquieu

* Who in his work “The Sovereign” argued that people “should either be caressed or destroyed, for a person can take revenge for a small evil, but cannot take revenge for a large one”

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli c) M. Padua d) T. Hobbes f) B. Spinoza

** Who at the beginning of the 17th century, when deciding issues of war and peace, distinguished between just (defensive) and unjust (aggressive) wars

a) G. Grotius b) Machiavelli c) T. Munzer d) T. Campanela f) Calvin

a) M. Padua b) Thomas Aquinas c) John Chrysostom e) G. Grotius f) J. Bodin

** Who is the founder of the rationalistic doctrine of natural and international law

a) T. More b) M. Luther c) G. Grotius e) Voltaire f) Spinoza

**Who developed the foundations of the contractual theory of the origin of the state at the beginning of the 17th century

a) B. Spinoza b) Machiavelli c) M. Padua d) D. Locke f) G. Grotius

e) T. Hobbes e) B. Spinoza

**Which thinker of the 17th century believed that “The state is the result of human creativity and the main condition for the cultural development of the people.” His ideal was monarchy and he opposed the separation of powers

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli c) D. Locke e) T. Hobbes e) B. Spinoza

** Who in modern times (17th century) developed a systematic teaching about the social aspects of society. He argued that the state is an “artificial body,” a “mechanical monster,” created not by the will of God, but by natural reasons... before the formation of the state, people were in a state of “war of all against all.”

A) D. Diderot B) T. Hobbes B) F. Bacon

D) Locke D) R. Descartes E) G. Leibniz

* Who at the beginning of the 17th century argued that the supreme power is the soul of the state, judges and officials are joints, advisers are memory, laws are reason and will

a) G. Grotius b) Machiavelli c) Montesquieu e) T. Hobbes f) J. Voden

** Who in the 17th century argued that “laws are like fences along the edges of the road, therefore an extra law is harmful and unnecessary”

a) G. Grotius b) D. Locke c) Montesquieu e) T. Hobbes e) B. Spinoza

** Who justified the separation of powers into executive, legislative and natural?????

A) Plato B) Voltaire C) Montesquieu D) Machiavelli E) Locke

** Who owns the statement: “Politics is the knowledge and ability (art) to manage people”?

b) Plato

** Who at the beginning of the 17th century decided on issues of war and pestilence from the standpoint of jurisprudence rather than politics?

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli c) G. Grotius e) T. Hobbes f) B. Spinoza

** This 18th century French thinker argued that society, like the universe, is subject to rapid change...This is rapid change substances colliding with each other and disappearing... and in society - social " classes devour each other"(“Ramo’s Nephew”)

A) Voltaire B) Montesquieu C) La Mettrie C) Rousseau D) Holbach E) Diderot

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli c) M. Padua d) Hobbes f) Spinoza

**This thought of the century explained why a person later, living in society, becomes bad, although by nature he kind and honest. The culprits, he believed, were: private property, social order, religion?

A) Voltaire B) La Mettrie C) Diderot C) Rousseau D) Holbach E) Montesquieu

** Who justified the separation of powers into executive, legislative and judicial??

A) Locke B) Voltaire C) Montesquieu D) Machiavelli E) Plato

** This thought of a century in his work “On the Spirit of Laws” he substantiated the socio-ethical concept of geographical determinism and the functional role of religion

A) Rousseau B) Diderot IN )Montesquieu C) Voltaire D) Holbach E) Descartes

*** Who in the 18th century formulated the principle of the regularity of the socio-political development of peoples... He understood freedom as “the right to do everything that is permitted by law”

a) G. Grotius b) Machiavelli c) Montesquieu e) Voltaire f) Spinoza

*** Who in the 18th century identified the following types of law: natural, divine, canonical, international, civil, private civil, family, law of conquest, etc.?

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli c) D. Locke d) T. Hobbes f) B. Spinoza

* Who is considered the founder of the French Enlightenment and modern political and legal theory? ... He also advocated universal suffrage

a) D. Grotius b) Machiavelli c) Montesquieu d) Locke f) Spinoza

**This great French philosopher and educator was an atheist. He believed - “The Church is the main brake on the path of progress and enlightenment...” “Crush the reptile”” (call to revolutionaries)...

A) Rousseau B) Diderot C) Montesquieu C) Voltaire D) Holbach E) Descartes

* Which French thinker believed that “if God did not exist, then he should have been invented... for the people, God is necessary as a reward and punishment...”

A) Rousseau B) Diderot C) Montesquieu C) Voltaire D) Holbach E) Descartes

** This 18th century French philosopher argued that there are “three stages of the origin of inequality: property inequality, generated by private property, political inequality, generated by the emergence of the state, and social inequality, generated by the despotism of power

A) Voltaire B) La Mettrie C) Diderot C) Rousseau D) Holbach E) Montesquieu

** In his work “Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality between people,” this thinker argued that “Society spoils a person who by nature is kind,honest..."

A) Voltaire B) La Mettrie C) Diderot C) Rousseau D) Holbach E) Montesquieu

** Which of the French enlighteners was a militant atheist, in his work “Christianity Unveiled” he wrote: “God has no place in the Universe, he did not create Nature... Philosophy should be concerned with the destruction of religious errors”

A) Rousseau B) Holbach C) La Mettrie D) D. Diderot D)R. Descartes E) Volyer

** The foundations of this teaching were formed as a result of the processing and combination of Hegel’s dialectics and Feuerbach’s materialism, the views of French enlightenment materialists, English economists, etc. Its founder was

a) Lenin b) Voltaire c) Rousseau d) Bakunin

d) Nietzsche f) Marx g) Fichte h) Heidegger

** Which of the Russian thinkers of the 19th century. argued that all laws, except the laws of nature, are externally imposed and despotic. “Freedom without socialism is a privilege, an injustice; Socialism without freedom is slavery and bestiality”?


**Which form of government has not a legal, but a religious nature, receiving from it a legitimate and state meaning?

a) presidential republic b) mixed form of government

c) absolute monarchy e) dualistic monarchy

e) estate-representative monarchy

* In which modern states does a parliamentary monarchy exist?

a) Belgium e) Japan Netherlands Great Britain

a) Anderson b) Payne c) Padua d) Hamilton f) Jefferson

**Who in 1776, criticizing the imperfection of the political system of England, proposed his name for the state that the colonists should form - this name is “USA”

A) Anderson b) Payne c) M. Padua d) Hamilton c) Jefferson

** Who believed that in “every republic there are two opposite directions: one is popular, the other is of the upper classes; from this division flow all laws made in the interests of freedom.”



* Who in modern times attached the greatest importance to legislation and law. He claimed that “Thanks to the laws of Lycurgus, Sparta existed for 800 years”?


b) Machiavelli

*Who believed that “the masses of the people are more constant, more honest, wiser and more judicious than the sovereign”


** Who believed that in “Every Republic there are two opposite directions, one - the people's, the other - the upper classes; From this division flow all laws passed in the interests of freedom."

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli c) Locke d) Hobbes f) Spinoza

*Who is considered the founder of the classical science of criminal law (18th century He protested against torture and the death penalty. “The death penalty is a war between society and the citizen”

a) Montesquieu b) Machiavelli c) D. Locke d) Ch. Lombroso e) Ch. Bekaria

** In his work “On Crimes and Punishments” (1764), he argued that the freedom of a citizen in his “right to do everything that does not contradict the laws..., but the authorities themselves must first of all strictly observe the laws,” cannot do without this to be a “legitimate society”, i.e. a legal state

a)*H. Bekaria b) Machiavelli c)*D. Locke d) Ch. Lombroso e) Montesquieu

*** In the work “On Crimes and Punishments” (18th century), this jurist spoke about the equality of everyone before the criminal law, “for there is no crime and there is no punishment without the law indicating that the severity of the punishment corresponds to the gravity of the crime”... these provisions became classic in criminal legal science

a)* D. Locke b)* Machiavelli c)* Ch. Bekaria e) C. Lombroso f) Montesquieu

state formation

d) Engels f)

** ** Who in the book “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State”,

outlined a version of the origin of classes, politics, law and state

d) Engels f)

*** Who in the 18th century formulated the principle of the regularity of the socio-political development of peoples... He understood freedom as “the right to do everything that is permitted by law”

d) Voltaire

a) Engels b) Weber c) Ehrlich e) Arcs f) Spencer

* Who believed that democracy is the total bureaucratization of society, the replacement of the capitalist class with a class of bureaucrats and managers?

a) Michels b) M. Weber c) Erlich d) L. Dugi

**Who in 1897 wrote the famous work “Suicide”, where he identified four types


a) Weber b) Durkheim c) Spencer d) Comte g) Locke

* The main types of suicides are highlighted in the work “Suicide” (1897)?

e) selfish

**Who in 1897 wrote the famous work “Suicide”, where he identified four types of suicide?

b) Durkheim

** Who introduced in the 19th century. the concept of “anomie” - when an individual is not satisfied with reality and does not want to follow general norms?

d.) E. Durkheim

** Who in the work (19th century) “The System of Positive Politics” is a manifestation of three stages (i.e., the transition of society; from one stage to another: theological - metaphysical - positivist? He also introduced the concepts of “prestige”, “bureaucracy”, "charisma"?

a )ABOUT. Comte b)G. Helmholtz c) G. Spencer d) E. Durkheim f) Weber

**Who is the founder of scientific sociology? He also introduced the concept of “sociology”?

O. Comte

* What are the main types of suicides highlighted in E. Durkheim’s work “Suicide” (1897)?

b) selfish

**This philosopher and sociologist in his work “The Decline of Europe” argued that culture, having gone through the stages of origin, growth, maturity, and “as if wasting the will to live,” dies, turning into civilization?

a) A. Camus b) F. Engels c) M. Heidegger d) W. Hegel

Yes. Schopenhauer e) F. Nietzsche g) O. Spengler

** Who said that the reason for the origin and basis of political power is conquest and violence?
a) D. Spencer b)E. Durkheim c) O. Comte

d) Kelsen d) Gumplowicz f) Marx

** Who believed that the subject of studying the theory of law consists of legislative norms, their elements, their relationships, the rule of law...

a) Austin b..) Kelsen c). Gumplowicz d. Jellinek d.) Spencer

** Who said that the sociological method examines the development and relationship of the state with other social phenomena, and the legal method examines the state from the position of legal positivism?

a) Austin b..) Kelsen c).Gumshevich d) Jellinek d.) Spencer

a) G. Spencer b) E. Durkheim c) O. Comte

G). Kelsen d) Gumplowicz f) Marx

** He argued that there are two types of morality... - the morality of masters and the morality of slaves... “Slave morality” is herd, depersonalizing, since it defends the interests of the community, not the individual... it equalizes all individuals. I thought so

a) Nietzsche b) Voltaire c) Schopenhauer d) Hegel f) Rousseau

* Who introduced the concepts of “social integration” and “social differentiation” in the 19th century? Is he considered the founder of the organic school in sociology and political science?

a) K-Marx b) E. Durkheim c) O. Comte

G). Kelsen d..) Austin, e) G. Spencer

*Who distinguished in the 19th century. two types of society: militarized and industrialized? He is also the founder of the theory of a unified industrial society... He owns the reactionary position: “Humanity must get rid of unadapted individuals”

a)* G. Spencer b) E. Durkheim c) Austin. d).* Kelsen d..) O. Comte f)* Marx

** Who argued that the purpose of legal theory is to provide the lawyer, judge, legislator with an understanding and description of the positive law of his country... “Law cannot exist without power”

a) Austin b.) ..Kelsen c).Gumplowicz d)Jellinek d)Spencer

*Who argued that law is a set of norms, principles and acts, the source of sovereign power?

a) F. Engels b.) Kelsen c).Gumplowicz d)Jellinek d)Austin.

** Who in the 19th century argued that the object of jurisprudence is life values, the interests of people? Is the state an organization of social coercion?

a)I. Kant b.)G. Spencer V). R. Iering , d)G. Kelsen d) L-Gumplowicz

*Who developed the concept of social solidarity (distinguished between mechanical and organic solidarity)?... He also introduced (in the 19th century) the concept of “anomie” - when an individual is not satisfied with reality and does not want to follow general norms?

a) M..Weber b) O. Comte c) E. Durkheim d)G. Tarde

* Which of the Russian thinkers in the 19th century. developed the doctrine of “cooperation”, of the “social ideal”, believing that the leading force of progress is the “critical personality”?

a) Chaadaev b.) Herzen c) Mikhailovsky d) Kropotkin d) Lomonosov

**Which of the Russian thinkers of the 19th century considered the rural community to be the foundation of the future of Russian socialism?

b) A. And Herzen

** Who in the 20th century argued that social systems of the modern type are formed under the influence of three revolutions (industrial (market relations), democratic and educational)?

a) K. Kautsky b)O. Kont c)E. Durkheim d)G. Tarde e) T. Parson

* Who in the 19th-20th centuries. classified social action as four ways to achieve
power (traditional, affective, value-rational and goal-rational)?

a) M..Weber b) O. Comte c) E. Durkheim d) G. Tarde

* Who did not support the idea of ​​the rule of law, arguing that “every right in the world must be achieved through struggle”

a) Austin b.) Kelsen c).Gumplowicz d) Spencer e) Iering

** Who in the 19th-20th centuries. introduced the concept and developed the theory of bureaucracy, its classification?
a) M..Weber b) Hegel c) E. Durkheim d) D. Tarde

** Who introduced the concept of “socio-economic formation”? "dictatorship of the proletariat"?

a) Kautsky b) Marx c) Lenin d) Plekhanov f) Trotsky

* Who introduced the concepts of “prestige”, “bureaucracy”, “charisma”?

a) M..Weber b) O. Comte c) E. Durkheim d) G. Tarde f) Feuerbach

* Who introduced the concept of “method of production of material goods”, “base and superstructure”?

a) Kautsky b) Marx c) Lenin d) Plekhanov f) O. Comte

* Who in the work (19th century) “The System of Positive Policy” said that the development of society
is a manifestation of three stages (i.e. the transition of society) from one stage to another
theological - metaphysical - positivist?

a) M. Weber b)* O. Comte c) E. Durkheim

e) G. Tarde f)* L. Feyebakh g)*G. Helmholtz

*Founder of the “theory of pure law”

a) Austin, b.) Kelsen c).Gumplowicz d)Jellnek d)E-Durkheim.

** Who said that “The social norm of solidarity is not to do anything that violates social solidarity...” The legal norm is the “upper layer of the social norm”

a) Austin. b.) Kelsen c) L. Dugi d) Jellinek d) E. Durkheim

** Who developed the concept of social solidarity (19-20 centuries), intending to transfer the class struggle into a reformist direction?

e) Dugi

** Which of the European thinkers of the 19th century believed that the idea of ​​law is universal freedom - 1st stage - abstract law, 2nd - morality, 3rd - morality

a) Hegel b) Rousseau c) T. Hobbes d) Mikhailovsky d) Kant

** This one is thoughtful. in his work “The Will to Power”** connected hopes for a new high culture with the war? “War is as necessary for the state as a slave is for society.” “One can say against war: it makes the winner stupid and the vanquished evil. One can say in favor of war: in both of these actions it barbarizes people...”

a) Kautsky b) Marx c) Lenin d) Plekhanov e) Nietzsche

** He is the founder of the sociological theory of law. In 1913 in the book “Fundamentals of the Sociology of Law” he argued that “law is rooted not in texts, but in life?”

a) Austin. b.) Kelsen c).E. Ehrlich d) Jellinek d) E. Durkheim,

A) F. Bacon B) Locke C) Voltaire D) Petrazhitsky E) S. Freud

** Founders of the theological theory of the origin of the state:

A) Hobbes and Spinoza B) Plato, Aristotle

C) Grotius, Rousseau D) F. Aquinas E) A. Augustine (Blessed)

** Who was the founder of international law?

G. Grotius

** Founders of the patriarchal theory of the origin of the state:

A) Hobbes and Spinoza B) Plato, Mikhailovsky

C) Grotius, Rousseau D) Confucius, Aristotle

** The concept of "Name Correction" was put forward

d) Confucius

** Representatives of the “theory of violence”

A) Gumplowicz and Spinoza B) Kelsen and S. Freud

C) Dühring and Gumplowicz D) Dühring and Kautsky

** Representatives of the contractual (natural law) theory of the origin of the state:

A)T. Hobbes, D. Locke B) Plato, Mikhailovsky C)G. Grotius, J. Rousseau

D) Confucius, Aristotle E) A. Radishchev, F. Aquinecius

** Founder of the organic theory of the origin of the state:

a) T. Hobbes b) Plato c) D. Grotius d)G. Spencer f) Aristotle

**Supporters of the materialist theory of the origin of the state:

A) Hobbes and Spinoza B) Marx and Engels C) Engels and Petrazhitsky

D) Marx and Dühring E) Lenin and Trotsky

* Who owns the statement: “Politics is the knowledge and ability (art) to manage people”?

b) Plato

**Who believed that people, before engaging in politics, art, or entertainment, should get food, build houses (that is, engage in the production of material goods)

A) Marx B) Hobbes D) Plato C) Spencer E) Aristotle

** Who put forward the concept of a circulation (cycle) of changing forms of state
A) Plato B) Aristotle C) Polybius

D) Justinian f) Marx g) Machiavelli

**Who first substantiated the principle of separation of powers

A) Locke, Montesquieu B) Locke, Marx C) Machiavelli, Montesquieu

D) Hobbes, Locke E) Plato, Aristotle

** The most significant codification of Roman law
A) the institution of Gaius B) the institution of Ulpian
C) Justinian vault D) “Prochiron” E) “Eclogue”

** In which state did the most ancient Laws appear?

A) in Egypt - the laws of Ptahhotep of the 28th century. BC e.

B) in Sumer - Shulgi laws 2112 - 2094 BC. e.

C) in India - the laws of Manu 2nd century BC. e.

D) laws in Babylon - Hamurappi 1750 BC. e.

f) China - laws of Shang Yang 4th century BC. e.

** Representatives of political and legal thought of Sumer and Babylon

d) Hamurappi

***Hamurappi's laws were written in


** The work “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” refers to

A) psychological theory b) patriarchal theory

B) materialist theory d) theory of violence e) organic theory

A) Marx B) Aristotle D) Engels C) Spencer E) Lenin

** What underlies the formational concept of the typology of states?
A) evolutionary development of society B) a method of producing material goods
C) religion and culture D) law and politics E) form and content

** What underlies the civilizational concept of the typology of states?
A) evolutionary development of society B) method of production of material goods
C) religion and culture D) law and politics E) form and content

** Leading theorists of the civilizational approach in the typology of states
A) Spengler B) Voltaire C) Machiavelli
D) Hobbes E) Marx G) Toynbee

** Leading theorists of the formational approach in the typology of states

A) Spengler B) Engels C) Machiavelli

D) Feuerbach E) Marx G) Toynbee

** Who thought that essence of the state in protecting the economic and social interests of the ruling class?

A) Montesquieu and Marx B) Marx and Voltaire C) Engels and Marx

D) Grotius and Nietzsche E) Plekhanov and Lenin

** In the Constitution of which state the basic principles were first enshrined rule of law

A) France 1789 B) England C) USA 1789

D) the Netherlands E) Germany G) the Russian Federation

**In which country first enshrined in the Constitution and the separation of powers is actually implemented

A) England B) Italy C) France D) USA E) Japan G) The Netherlands

**Who in the 11th century spoke about the historical significance of the adoption of Christianity in Rus', compared Judaism and Christianity

a) V. Monomakh b) Filofey c) Peresvetov d) I. Wise

f) Nestor g) Hilarion

**Who in Ancient Rus' touched upon the topic of Law and Grace

a) Hilarion

a) Peter 1 b) Filofey c) Peresvetov

e) Y. Wise f) I. Volotsky g) V. Monomakh

**Who said (in the 16th century) that the right of the church is ensured by property. "The Church must be rich"

f) I. Volotsky

**Who believed that the historical purpose of the Russian state was “to be not an Empire, but Holy Russia”

b ) Filofey

Who, in his messages (letters) to the king in the 16th century, proposed options for radical judicial and military reforms.

a) Peresvetov b) Speransky c) Filofey d) Kurbsky f) I. Volotsky

**Which was the leading code of laws in Ancient Rus' until the end of the 16th century.
a) “The Tale of Bygone Years”
b) “Zadonshchina” c) Moscow - the third Rome"

d) “Russian Truth” f) Code of Law 1550.

** On whose initiative the Code of Law of 1550 was adopted.

a) I. Volotsky b) Speransky c) Kurbsky d) Peresvetova f) Filothea

** Who said that “Two Romes have fallen, the third stands, but the fourth will never exist”

b) Filofey

** Which source of ancient Russian legal thought was the first to systematically set out the norms of customary law, the legal status of various layers of society, and the responsibility of the community for the crimes of its members

a) “Zadonshchina” b) “Russian Truth” c) “On Law and Grace”

e) “The Tale of Bygone Years” f) “The Tale of Igor’s Host” g) Monomakh

**The main ideologist of the “non-possessors”?

a) N. Sorsky

**Who said (in the 16th century) that the right of the church is ensured by property “The Church must be rich”

a) M. Padua b) Filofey c) Peresvetov

d)N. Sorsky e)I. Volotsky g) F. Aquinas

eleven*. ..Who in the 13th century was a supporter of the election of the highest executive power by the people? He also deprived (in his teaching) the clergy of the religious prerogative - to be a mediator between God and people (Paduan)

D) Berdyaev b) Herzen

** Which figure wrote the “Commentary to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics”

a) Augustine the Blessed c) Thomas Aquinas

c) John Chrysostom d) Seneca f) Marcus Aurelius

**Who owns the statement “Our soul is God, who has found shelter in the human body”; “Man is a shrine to man”


** Who said that “Two Romes have fallen, the third stands, but the fourth will not exist” a) N. Sorsky b) Filofey c) Peresvetov d) Y. Mudry f) I. Volotsky g) V. Monomakh

** Who, in their messages (letters) to the king in the 16th century, proposed limiting the supreme power to an estate-representative body?

a) Filofey b) Speransky c) Peresvetov e) Kurbsky f) I. Volotsky

** Who, in their messages (letters) to the king in the 16th century, proposed options for radical judicial and military reforms?
a) Peresvetov b) Speransky c) Filofey

**Which historical monument of the 15th-16th centuries. talks about the global purpose of the Russian state, that it is the center of Christianity

a) “The Tale of Bygone Years” b) “Zadonshchina” c) Moscow - the third Rome"

e) “Russian Truth” e) “0 Law and Grace”

** A collection of resolutions of the church council, held in the 16th century with the participation of the tsar and members of the Boyar Duma, regulated church life, property relations and issues of crimes and punishments - this

a) Chetii-Minea b) Stoglav

c) Code of Laws of 1150 e) Five Chapters

**Who demanded the rejection of all the wealth of the church and deprivation of its right to own inhabited lands

a) N. Sorsky b) Philotheus c) A. Blessed

e) M. Padua f) I. Volotsky g) Spinoza

* Who wrote that the purpose of human law is “a good life on earth.” Is the purpose of divine law eternal salvation?

c) M. Paduansky

** Which figure of late Rome wrote “The City of God”?

a) Augustine the Blessed

**Who in the 19th century proposed reforming Russia along the lines of the English constitutional monarchy

a) Muromtsev b) Pestel c) Kavelin

d) Muravyov f) Kovalevsky g) Speransky

**Who in the 19th century proposed reforming Russia on the model of the French Republic, and introducing a dictatorship for the transition period

a) Muromtsev b) Pestel c) Lenin d) Muravyov

f) Marx g) Speransky

*Who in the 18th century proposed to Catherine II a Manifesto on the establishment of an imperial council
and drafted a constitution?

a) Shcherbatov b) Panin c) Prokopovich d) Tatishchev

*Who for the first time in the history of Russian political thought put forward the idea of ​​“enlightened absolutism”, which passed through the entire 18th century?

a) Peter 1 b) Tatishchev c) Prokopovich d) Panin f) Lomonosov

** Who for the first time thoroughly (in 45 volumes) codified Russian law

a) Muromtsev b) Filofey c) Peresvetov d) Muravyov

e) Kovalevsky g) Speransky

** Which Russian jurist of the 19th century wrote the five-volume “History of Political Doctrines”? He acted as a liberal conservative and resolutely fought against the extremes of liberal and radical public opinion,

a) M. Bakunin b) N. Berdyaev c) Chicherin d)A. Khomyakov

e) P. Chaadaev e) V. Soloviev f) P. Kropotkin

** Which of the Russian thinkers of the 19th century believed that the basis of the world is the “total unity” of the supernatural spiritual principle of the Absolutely Existing (God) and the activity of the World Soul-Wisdom of God (Sophia)

c) V. Soloviev

*** Which of the rulers of Russia in the 18th century had N. Machiavelli’s work “The Sovereign” as a reference book? In his famous “Nakaz,” this ruler argued that autocracy is the best and only possible form of government, since “any other government would not only be harmful to Russia, but also completely ruinous.”

a) Peter 1 b) Alexander 2 c) Alexander 1

c) Ekaterina2 e) Nikolai 1 f) Alexander 3

**Which of the rulers of Russia included in his famous “Mandate” 250 articles from Montesquieu’s treatise “On the Spirit of Laws”, 100 articles from C. Bekaria’s treatise “On Crimes and Punishments”, as well as articles from Diderot’s “Encyclopedia”,

a) Peter 1 b) Ekaterina 2 c) Alexander 1 d) Nikolai 1 e) Alexander 3

** The ideas of which Russian philosopher contributed to the emergence of two main directions in views on the past and future of Russia (Westernism and Slavophilism)

A) Speransky b) Pestel c) Khomyakov d) Chaadaeva d) Herzen

** This Russian philosopher, in disputes with Lenin, argued that “Russian communism is a perversion messianic ideas of Russia”, that communism has “its own Truth"(overcoming social inequality and protecting the poor) and “one’s own lie” (UNIVERSAL humanization, “denial of the value of the individual”)

a)) V. Soloviev b) c) F. Dostoevsky d) Radishchev AL
e) P. Chaadaev e) N. Berdyaev g) P. Kropotkin

**Which thinker’s ideal was universal theocracy, “an entire society where the state is entrusted with the task of fighting under the leadership of the church against the external non-Christian world... At the same time, the church, being the highest principle of social relations, should not interfere in state and economic affairs..

**Who believed that communism included the following characteristic features: a thirst for social justice and equality, recognition of the working classes as the highest human type, aversion to capitalism and the bourgeoisie, a suspicious attitude towards the cultural elite, giving materialism an almost theological character?

** Who wrote in the work “The Origins and Meaning of Russian Communism” that communism in Russia took the form of extreme statism...? The people are actually made serfs dependent on the state... “Bourgeoisism will perhaps appear after the socialist state”?

* Who in the West wrote the work “Social Theory and Social Structure” in 1949, where he laid the foundations of social policy

a) R. Merton

** This Russian philosopher criticized socialism for his "thirst for equality" and anarchism for his "thirst for freedom", considering them "the last temptations of humanity"

a) V. Soloviev b) c) F. Dostoevsky d)
d)P. Chaadaev e) N. Berdyaev g) P. Kropotkin

** This Russian thinker argued that “Russian people feel the evil and sin of any power more keenly than Western Europeans,” he also criticized the social policies of the Narodniks, who “led the country to the abyss”

a) b) c) F. Dostoevsky d) N. Berdyaev
d)P. Chaadaev f) V. Solovyov g) P. Kropotkin

** Who believed that Russia, as a result of the revolution, moved from the old Middle Ages, bypassing capitalism, to a new kingdom with a strong totalitarian government, capable of changing the economic life of the country in any way?

A) b) Ilyin c) V. Solovyov d) Radishchev f) Dostoevsky

** Who is a representative of neo-monarchism and the author of the works “The Concept of Law and Force”, “The Doctrine of Legal Awareness”. “About resisting evil by force”? He claimed

that the state is a phenomenon “not so much useful, but also spiritual-legal and spiritually necessary, serving the highest value”

a) b) Ilyin

** Who wrote in the work “The Origins and Meaning of Russian Communism” that communism in Russia is a form of extreme statism...? The people are actually made serfs dependent on the state... “Bourgeoisism will perhaps appear after the socialist state”?

a) Muromtsev b) Ilyin With) e) V. Solovyov f) Lenin

**Who, exploring everything disastrous consequences a person’s refusal to believe in God said that if a person believes that “God, then there is no sin, there is no immortality, there is no meaning in life; It is impossible for a person to live without God, for “there is conscience without God. horror, she can get lost to the point of immorality”;

A) Soloviev B. S. b) V) G)
d) Muromtsev f) Ilyin

**Which of the Russian thinkers argued that recognition of God is the source of life and

reason, loving God is the highest law of life, “Christ is not so much a god as a social


A)B. Soloviev b) N. Berdyaev c) F. Dostoevsky d)

e) P. Chaadaev e) N g) P. Kropotkin

** Who in the 14th century believed that “Divine law indicates the ways to achieve eternal bliss, determines the differences between sins and merits before God, as well as punishments and rewards in the other world, where Christ is the judge”

a) M. Paduansky

** ** Which Russian thinker publicly accused the church of distorting the teachings of Christ (
why was he anathematized)? He said that the church violated the 4th commandment (“Thou shalt not kill”), so
how wars and cruelty were sanctioned: the Inquisition, the “Crusades”, etc.
a) V. Soloviev b) N. Berdyaev c) F. Dostoevsky d)
e) P. Chaadaev e) N g) P Kropotkin

**Who, in the works “State and Revolution”, “What to Do?”, “Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism”, substantiated the possibility of victory in Russia proletarian revolution, developed the doctrine of the revolutionary situation and the foundations of the socialist state A) Solovyov b) Kropotkin c) Berdyaev d) Lenin d) Bakunin

** This Russian thought of a century argued that religion is “collective madness”, and the church is a “heavenly tavern” where drugged people try to lose themselves in false dreams.

a) N. Berdyaev b) Kropotkin c) Nechaev

d) Herzen d) Chernyshevsky e) Bakunin

** This Russian anarchist thinker in the 19th century argued that the main opponent of freedom is state, created by the minority to keep the majority enslaved. The second enemy of freedom is religion, used to justify government power,

a) Bakunin b) Chaadaev c) Nechaev d) Herzen e) Chernyshevsky f) N. Berdyaev

** Which of the Russian thinkers of the 19th century. argued that “capitalism is not an obligatory stage for Russia,” did he consider the rural community as the foundation of the future “peasant socialism”?

A) b) c) Mikhailovsky d)

** Who are the founders of the elite theory, who argued: “Political life is the circulation of elites, politics is the struggle between the elite and the people..., democracy is a utopia”

A) Bentley b) Michels c) Pareto d) Mosca d) Ehrlich f) Duguya

** Who are the founders of the theory of bureaucracy and technocracy? They argued that the capitalist class was being replaced by a class of bureaucracy and managers... democracy was degenerating into a total bureaucratization of society.

A) M. Weber b) L. Dugo c) Burnham d) Kelsen d) Gumplowicz

Pythagoras (580 – 500)

* After deity and demon, parents and laws should be respected most

* Man is the measure of all things: man thinks, the animal only feels

* The human soul is immortal... It circles for three thousand years

* Save the tears of your children so that they can shed them at your grave

Heraclitus (530 – 470)

* Democracy is the rule of the unreasonable, incompetent

* The people must fight for laws as for their walls

Democritus (470-420)

**Who claimed that “Laws are a bad invention”

Plato (427 – 347) – “State”, “Politics”, “Laws”

* The world soul is the root cause of the world (sophists + Plato)

* The state arises from needs that people can satisfy only together

=* The source of all social conflicts is private property, it must be


=* Whose work “The State” is called a “communist treatise”?

* In an ideal state, the class of philosophers, that is, the wise, rules... Aristocracy is the best form of government

* There are three principles in the human soul: rational (mind), violent (emotions),

lustful (instincts)

* Who believed that the worst form of government (among legal ones) is democracy

=* Who believed that moral virtues are based on aspects of the human soul: wisdom is the rational side, courage is the strong-willed side, moderation is the affective side

=* Who claimed that “before it entered the body, the human soul lived in the higher world of ideas... In earthly life, the soul “remembers” what was “there”?

* The unity of the state is undermined if there are extremes between poverty and wealth

Aristo – 322) - “Politics”, “Athenian Politics”

* Law is a measure of justice, a regulating norm of political communication

* A person who lives outside the law and right is the worst of all people

* About what did Aristotle say: “Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer”?

* Who described 158 constitutions of Greek and barbarian states with his students?

* Law is a balanced mind

* “Most people obey necessity rather than reason, and fear of punishment more than honor..”

Cicero (106 – 43) - “On the State”, “On the Laws”

* Inequality of people is generated by private property

* A people is not any group of people, but only those who are bound by agreement in matters of law

* The state is the property of the people

* Government is a speaking law, law is a dumb government

* When the gun speaks, the laws are silent

* The welfare of the people is the highest law

* The greatest lack of rights exists where only the letter of the law reigns (i.e. formalism)

* “Without law and government, neither home, nor city, nor nation, nor race... nor the universe itself can exist”?

**Law is the defining principle of the state

*The state arises out of the need to protect private property"

****Whose ethics are eclectic (Stoics, Epicureans)? He recognized the presence in man of “something heavenly and divine,” but rejected belief in the afterlife

*** Who considered ethics as “the art of living correctly in order to achieve complete happiness”?

* Who connected the Greek political and legal culture with the Roman one, which later became the basis of Western culture as a whole: gave the definition of the state (Res populi)

Which of the ancient authors argued that “if rights were established by the commands of peoples, decisions of leading people, sentences of judges... then there would be the right to rob, the right to commit adultery... if these rights could be approved by voting or by the decision of the crowd”

* Law is the art of goodness and justice (Ius est boni et aequi)

Seneca (04 BC -65 AD)

* Who in 55 AD e. in his letter to a friend, he sets out the 10 commandments from Mount Nagorno

** Whose teacher was the famous philosopher Seneca? (Nero)

** “The soul is God who has found shelter

in the human body"; “Man is sacred to man”

* Who in the “Letters to Lucius” said that “all philosophers talk about the wrong thing?

how they themselves live, but how others should live”;

* “We are not dying, we are only hiding in nature. For our spirit is eternal... What should we mourn in this world? Everything is vanity..."


* Who argued in his work “The Sovereign” that people “should either be caressed or destroyed, because a person can take revenge for a small evil, but cannot take revenge for a large one”


**The masses are more constant, more honest, wiser and more judicious than the sovereign

* Who owns the words: “Nobles are those who live idlely on the income from their huge estates, not caring about either cultivating the land or the people... Such people are harmful in any republic”

* Who believed that “The most dangerous thing for a ruler is to encroach on the property of his subjects... People would rather forget the death of their father than the loss of an inheritance”

1* Who argued in his work “The Sovereign” that people “should either be caressed or exterminated, for a person can take revenge for a small evil, but cannot take revenge for a large one?”

* Which of the modern political figures believed that “religion is a powerful means of influencing the minds and morals of people... Where there is a good religion, it is easy to create an army”

**. Who in the work “The Sovereign” believed that political expediency is above


** Who first deduced the law: “Political events do not occur according to the will of God,

not at the whim of the leaders, but under the influence of the actual course of things")

F. Aquinas ()

* “Everything that is created by God is absolute good, therefore absolute evil cannot exist... It is born in human activity”

M. Padua ()

**Who in the work “Defender of Peace” (14th century) rejected the doctrine of the divine origin of the state?

B. Spinoza

* It only seems to a person that he acts freely: people are controlled by passions

* The incentives for human activity are egoistic interests and affects (desire, joy, sadness)


**Who believed that “The State is the result of human creativity and the main condition for the cultural development of the people.” His ideal was monarchy, and he opposed the separation of powers

* “Man is by nature evil and selfish, striving for dominance over others.”

(homo homini lupus est)

* The engine of human activity is emotions, passions, the desire for profit, power, wealth.”

Fr. Bacon

* Who in the 17th century proposed to stop talking about the soul and get down to “business”: he described the properties and patterns of attention, studied the volume of memory, as well as human reactions in various situations

Cesare Beccaria (1738 – 1794) - “On Crimes and Punishments”, 1764

* Founder of classical science in the science of criminal law

* He distinguishes between divine, natural and human justice

* Human justice is based on the social contract. She's changeable

* State laws are based on human justice

* Existing laws only serve to cover up violence... The reason for this is private property

* The freedom of a citizen is his right to do everything that does not contradict the laws..., but the authorities themselves must first of all strictly observe the laws, without this there cannot be a “legal society”, i.e. a rule of law state

* The causes of crime lie in social conditions

* Protested against torture and the death penalty. The death penalty is a war between society and the citizen

*** Whose ideas (18th century) – “about equality before the criminal law, there is no crime and

there is no punishment without specifying it in the law, according to the severity of the punishment

gravity of the crime" have become a classic direction in criminal law.

legal science (C. Bekaria)

A. Schopenhauer

* Who wrote in the work “Two Basic Problems of Ethics” that “the essence of the world - the will - is unreasonable and blind”?

* Who believed that getting rid of suffering is possible by overcoming the “will to live” and moving into silence?

=* Who said that our shortcomings are our best teachers, but you are always ungrateful to the best teachers?

=* Who argued that there are many morals. Among them is “slave morality”; does it dominate in Europe?

* “slave morality” is herd, depersonalizing, since it defends the interests of society, not the individual, ... it equalizes all individuals ...

* Who in the work “On the Genealogy of Morality” argued that the concept “evil is primary, is the personification of enemies..., the concept of “good” arose as the antipode of evil... it is transformed envy, unrealized revenge”?

* Who identified three stages of spirit: subjective (psychology), objective (law, morality, ethics), absolute (religion, art, philosophy)?

=* Who identified the following three classes of bourgeois society: substantial (landowners - nobles and peasants), industrial (merchants, manufacturers, artisans), universal (officials)?

** Freedom is a combination of reason and will, a recognized necessity...

** Arbitrariness is freedom of action that is contrary to morality

** Evil is the driving force of historical development and is considered (by Hegel)

as a positive factor

** He argued that it is impossible to elevate the convictions and conscience of an individual to the rank of law

I. Kant (1724 – 1804)

* Who identified three categories in law itself: natural law, which has its source in explicit, a priori principles; positive law the source of which is the will of the legislator; justice, a claim not provided for by law and therefore not enforced?

* Who identified the idea of ​​separation of powers with the principle of balance of power, highlighting legislative power, which belongs only to the sovereign “collective will of the people”, executive power, concentrated in the hands of a legal representative and subordinate to the legislative supreme power, and judicial power, formed by executive authorities?

J.-J. Rousseau ()

* Which French thinker believed that the basis of morality is a person’s natural desire for freedom and happiness, benevolence and sympathy

* Which French thinker linked the origin of social inequality

with the advent of private property...and he associated the next round of inequality with

the emergence of the state

O. Comte (1798 – 1857)

* Who is the founder of scientific sociology? He also introduced the concept of “sociology”?

*Founder of “positivism” in sociology

* Who in the work (19th century) “The System of Positive Politics” said that the development of society is a manifestation of three stages (i.e., the transition of society) from one stage to another: theological - metaphysical - positivist?

E Durkheim (1858 – 1917)

*Who developed the concepts of social solidarity (distinguished between mechanical and organic solidarity)?

==* Who introduced it in the 19th century. the concept of “anomie” - when an individual is not satisfied with reality and does not want to follow general norms?

=* Who in 1897 wrote the famous work “Suicide”, where he identified four types of suicide?

* Who in the 19th century tried to define the functions of religion and its role in society?

M. Weber (1

* Who in the 19th-20th centuries. was the founder of understanding sociology and the theory of “social action”?

==* Who in the 19th-20th centuries. introduced the concept and developed the theory of bureaucracy, its classification?

=* Who in the 19th-20th centuries. classified social actions as four ways to achieve power (traditional, affective, value-rational and goal-rational)?

=* Who introduced the concept of “prestige”. “bureaucracy”, “charisma”?

* Who introduced the concept of “symbolic interactionism” as a search for a unit of “social action and social meaning”?

* Who introduced the concept of “socio-economic formation”?

= - “method of production of material goods”?

= “base and superstructure”?

= “dictatorship of the proletariat”?

G. Spencer (1820 – 1903)

* Who introduced the concept of “social integration”?

- “social differentiation”?

* Who is the founder of the organic school in sociology?

* Who in the 19th century. wrote a work

"Progress: its meaning and causes"?

"Principles of Sociology"?

"Man against the State"?

==* In the 19th century. put forward a reactionary position: “Humanity must get rid of unadapted individuals”

* Distinguished between two types of society: militarized and industrialized? He is also
founder of the theory of a unified industrial society.

G. Tarde (1843 – 1904)

* Who developed the psychological direction in sociology and social policy?

* Who in the 19th century. in his works “Laws of Imitation”, “Personality and the Crowd” argued that all individuals (by nature) strive to imitate?

Mikhailovsky (1842 – 1904)

* Who in the 19th century. developed the doctrine of “cooperation”, the social ideal, believing that the leading force of progress is the “critical personality”?

T Parson (1902 – 1979)

==* Who argued that social systems of the modern type are formed under the influence of three revolutions (industrial (market relations), democratic and educational)?

R. Merton

=*In the 20th century. developed social theories of “mass communications” and “difference groups”?

* In 1949 he wrote the work “Social Theory and Social Structure”, where he laid the foundations of social policy

P. Sorokin (1883 – 1968)

= * Who introduced the concept of “social stratification”?

==* Introduced the concept of “social mobility”?

* Claimed that “society is subject to cyclical changes”?

=* Distinguished the following three classes of bourgeois society: substantial (landowners - nobles and peasants), industrial (merchants, manufacturers, artisans), universal (officials)?

Hans Kelsen () - normativism

* Believed that the subject of studying the theory of law consists of legislative norms, their elements, their relationships, the rule of law... Kelsen

* Argued that the pure theory of law regards its subject as “some
a copy of the transcendental idea"?

J. Austin () – legal positivism

* Argued that law is a set of norms, principles and actions; source -
sovereign power?

** Claimed that there is a contradiction between law, morality and religion?

Rudolf Iering () - sociological theory of law

==* in the 19th century he argued that the object of jurisprudence is life values, interests
of people? Is the state an organization of social coercion?

** Did not support the idea of ​​the rule of law, arguing that “every law in the world
must be obtained by struggle"?

* He proposed studying law not as a legal system divorced from everyday life

norms, but as the current legal order

Georg Jelinek ()-

=*Tried to combine the legal concept of the state with the sociological
direction in jurisprudence? He also denied the objective nature of the state.

* He said that the sociological method examines the development and relationship of the state with other social phenomena, and the legal method examines the state from the position of legal positivism? Jellinek

* Developed a theory about the legal self-restraint of the state, believing that the state

bound by the law it creates and a number of norms of international law

Evgeniy Erlikh (!8sociological theory of law

+* In 1913 in the book “Fundamentals of the Sociology of Law” argued that law is rooted

not in texts, but in life?

M. Paduansky

**This one is thoughtful. in his work “The Will to Power” he argued that the will

dominates throughout the world, but is especially evident in

society and politics. Will and power are free from morality; they stand above it.

**This one is thoughtful. in his work “The Will to Power” he argued that all

the history of mankind is a struggle for power: a struggle between the will of the strong (higher, aristocratic masters) and the will of the weak (the masses, slaves, crowds, herds)?

** This thought of a century in his work “The Will to Power” argued that “The aristocratic will to power is the instinct of ascent, the will to life; the slavish will to power is the instinct of decline, the will to death, to nothing. Therefore, the victory of the crowd in the last century testifies to the degeneration of humanity."

** This thought of the century, characterizing the state as the “death of nations”, an institution only for “superfluous” people... He calls for liberation from veneration of the state

** What thought of the century connected hopes for a new high culture with war? “War is as necessary for the state as a slave is for society.” “One can say against war: it makes the winner stupid and the vanquished evil. In favor of war we can say: in both of these actions it barbarizes people...”

** Which Russian jurist of the 19th century wrote the five-volume “History of Political Doctrines”? He acted as a liberal conservative and resolutely fought against the extremes of liberal and radical public opinion.

** Which Russian thinker of the 19th century believed that a constitutional monarchy goes through two stages: dualistic and parliamentary? At the first stage, the lower house is dominated by the big bourgeoisie, and the influence of parliament is insignificant. At the second stage, the determining role of parliament is established: “Parliamentary government serves as a sign of the political maturity of the people”


**Which of the rulers of Russia in the 18th century had work as their reference book?

N. Machiavelli “The Prince”. In his famous “Order” this ruler

argued that autocracy is the best and only possible

form of government, since “any other government would not only be

It’s harmful for Russia, but also completely ruinous.”

c) Ekaterina-2 d) f)

**Which of the rulers of Russia included 250 articles from

Montesquieu's treatise “On the Spirit of Laws”, 100 articles from the treatise by C. Becaria

“On Crimes and Punishments”, as well as articles from Diderot’s Encyclopedia.

a) b) Ekaterina11 c)

"New Left"

**For what ideological and political movement (Mills, Sartre, Marcuse, etc.), which swept many countries of the West and the “third world” in the 50-70s. twentieth century, were characterized by the following features: a critical attitude towards modern capitalism,

denial of the revolutionary role of the working class, political orientation towards the intelligentsia, etc.

*Which representative of the normative theory argued that the meaning of the rule of law

Not coercion to carry out what is prescribed, but sanctions: deprivation of life, health, freedom, material and other benefits (Kelsen)

** Who and the representatives of the sociological school of law in the five-volume work “Jurisprudence” (1959) argued that law is a special form of social control, carried out on the basis of government regulations within the framework of the judicial (administrative) process (Pound)

**The creators (Keynes, Galbraith, Myrdal) of which theory argued that capitalist

the state reflects the interests of all segments of society, it redistributes income in favor of workers, eliminates social inequality

c) welfare state d) democratic socialism

a) Socrates

b) Plato

c) Lycurgus

d) Aristotle

d) Cicero

28. Who owns the statement: “Politics is the knowledge and ability (art) to manage people”?:

A) Plato

b) Lycurgus

c) Aristotle

d) Cicero

d) Socrates

29. The concept of "Correction of Names" was put forward by:

a) Confucius

b) Lycurgus

c) Aristotle

d) Cicero

d) Socrates

30. Who put forward the concept of a cycle (cycle) of changing forms of state?:

a) Plato

b) Aristotle

c) Polybius

d) Cicero

d) Socrates

Lesson 2

Give a reasoned answer to the following questions:

1..Can it be argued that Plato’s ideal aristocracy is a state of total subordination of the individual to the state, where the individual does not yet claim self-worth and complete autonomy in actions? Or does the Greek thinker's utopia simply secure the privilege of personal freedom for the highest strata of society? Justify your answer, paying special attention to how you interpret the concept of “personal freedom.”

2. Analyzing the problem of justice, Aristotle distinguishes between equalizing and distributive justice. Is distributive justice an essential feature of a civilized society? How is distributive justice related to a society's cultural value system?

3.According to Aristotle, land ownership should provide advantages in political life. Is this idea simply a defense of the interests of the landed aristocracy, or are there deeper cultural interests behind it? Give reasons for your answer.

4.Compare the approaches of Plato and Polybius to the process of degradation of political forms. What unites and what distinguishes these approaches? As you prepare your answer, pay particular attention to the nature of the evaluative criteria used by these thinkers.

5.What is the legal doctrine of mixed government? How, judging by the data of Polybius and Cicero, it was embodied in the Roman Republic of the 2nd century BC. e.?

6.Cicero believed that law and justice do not depend on the opinions and discretion of people. Analyze his views on justice and law. Using the results of your analysis, answer the following questions:

a) is it possible to avoid the influence of prevailing opinions and prejudices in society when determining justice, if it is understood as an order comprehended by reason?

c) what, besides reason, can become the basis for understanding justice?

Please indicate the correct answers:

1. Law is the expression of agreed upon, “mutual justice”, the sum of individual virtues, argued:

a) sophists

b) Roman lawyers

c) representatives of medieval scholasticism

d) representatives of medieval patristics

2. The concept of the “ideal state” belongs to:

a) Plato

b) Gorgias

c) Protagoras

d) Pericles

3. Plato believed that the ideal state is the rule of the best- This:

a) oligarchy

b) ochlocracy

c) democracy

d) aristocracy

4. According to Aristotle, polity, as the best form of state, combines its best sides:

a) oligarchies and tyrannies

b) oligarchies and democracies

c) democracy and tyranny

d) democracy and aristocracy

5. Aristotle called law:

a) democratic right

b) political law

c) aristocratic law

d) oligarchic law

6. The state (respublica) as a matter, the property of the people (res populi) was defined:

a) Titus Lucreius Carus

b) Aristotle

c) Ulpiai

d) Cicero

7. For the first time he proposed to separate all rights to public and private:

a) Cicero

c) Modestine

d) Ulpian

8. Which Laws were created before others (note their chronological sequence):

a) Laws of Manu

b) Laws of 12 tables

c) Draco's Laws

d) Hamurappi's laws

e) Solon's laws

f) Cleisthenes' Laws

9.Which of the statesmen of Ancient Greece implemented moral norms and social equality:

a) Cleisthenes

c) Dragon