"By all means fall upon the enemy": the Ministry of Defense declassified documents about the first days of the Great Patriotic War. The Ministry of Defense declassified documents about the first days of the Great Patriotic War Declassified documents 1941

On Sunday, June 22, 1941, fascist Germany and its allies attacked our country with an invasion army unprecedented in history: 190 divisions, more than 4 thousand tanks, 47 thousand guns and mortars, about 4.5 thousand aircraft, up to 200 ships, only 5 million people.

The first blows were delivered by German aircraft at dawn. Hundreds of German bombers invaded the airspace of the Soviet Union. They bombarded airfields, areas where troops were stationed in the western border districts, railway junctions, communication lines and other important objects, as well as large cities in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova.

At the same time, Wehrmacht troops concentrated along the entire length of the State Border of the USSR opened heavy artillery fire on border outposts, fortified areas, formations and units of the Red Army stationed in its immediate vicinity. After artillery and aviation preparation, they crossed the State Border of the USSR along its entire length - from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. The Great Patriotic War began - the most difficult of all wars ever experienced by the country.

It is these events of the first day of the war that are illuminated by the documents presented at the exhibition "The Beginning of the Great Patriotic War".

Among them are orders, directives, operational reports, intelligence reports for June 22, 1941 of the top military leadership of the Soviet Union and the command of the fronts.

It is no less interesting to get acquainted with intelligence reports, reports and other documents of the German troops, reflecting the events of the first day of the war. Such two-sided coverage of the military situation at the beginning of the war will allow us to see the true picture, to feel its scale and tragedy.

On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, the Russian Ministry of Defense published unique archival documents that provide evidence of Nazi crimes on the territory of the USSR.
Kherson region: occupied in 1941, liberated in 1944
The Kherson region was occupied by the Germans for most of the Great Patriotic War. After the release, investigators began to work there, they documented the crimes of the Nazi troops, which they could confirm. Thus was born the report of the head of the political department of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Lieutenant General Mikhail Rudakov, which was declassified on the eve of the 62nd anniversary of the victory. He wrote "On the facts of the monstrous atrocities committed by the Nazi invaders in the city of Kherson" to the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army.
Here are some excerpts from a document published by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“On September 23, 1941, Jews in the amount of 8.5 thousand people were imprisoned and taken out of the city in cars, where they were all shot in the area of ​​agricultural colonies. According to numerous testimonies, it was established that the Germans killed children under 12 years old with a poisonous liquid, which they smeared on their lips. The Germans threw into the pits and covered with earth also those who were still alive.

“Seven kilometers from the city before the war, there was a well-equipped psychiatric hospital. Having occupied the city of Kherson, the Nazi executioners plundered the property of the hospital, and the 1,200 mentally ill who were being treated were shot, dumping them in quarries.

“During the occupation of the city of Kherson, the Nazi villains shot and tortured up to 17 thousand peaceful Soviet citizens in the Gestapo.”

“A German soldier raped the old woman Kharaimova Glikeria Zakharovna ... A German soldier-beast corrupted a five-year-old girl Svetlana, the daughter of a waterworks worker Gavrilov Petr Ivanovich ...”.

“The eyewitnesses A. M. Smetankin and O. M. Doroshenko, who live near the prison, said that in February 1942, on one day, the Germans took corpses out of the camp on 50 wagons. Many were still breathing, stretching their hands into the air and unconsciously whispering something... Before their retreat from the city, trying to cover up the traces of monstrous crimes, the Germans dug up several graves, doused the corpses with a special liquid and burned them.

“In the period from December 17, 1943 to March 12, 1944… All things and products belonging to the inhabitants of the city were looted and taken to Germany… All the churches of Kherson were robbed. Church utensils - icons, chasubles, gospels in silver frames, silver crosses, carpets and much more - were plundered by German soldiers.

“... A female corpse with a bent arm is noteworthy, in the arms of which there is a child wrapped in a blanket ... The absence of any injuries on the corpse of a child makes one think of another method of killing, perhaps burying alive, poisoning, etc. ... The presence of six-pointed stars on the clothing of most of the corpses testifies to their belonging to the Jewish nation. The discovery of household utensils in the pits (kettles, pots, etc.) ... give the right to assume that the dead were evacuated to the place of execution under the guise of resettlement or other reasons.

“Photographing any kind of executions is strictly prohibited. In particularly exceptional cases, when it is necessary to take photographs for purely official purposes, this requires the permission of an officer at least in the rank of division commander ... When carrying out such executions, the relevant military departments are obliged to ... Remove all spectators.

He ordered the border military districts to prepare for defense, follows from declassified documents about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, published on Friday on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

According to them, the German attack caught some units and formations of the Red Army by surprise.

Infidel Assault

The command and headquarters of the Baltic Special Military District in 1941 had data on the German attack on the USSR two to three months before the invasion, according to a declassified letter from Lieutenant General Kuzma Derevyanko, deputy head of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the North-Western Front.

Derevyanko also pointed out that the grouping of German troops on the eve of the war in the Memel region, in East Prussia and in the Suwalki region in the last days before the war was known to the district headquarters quite fully and in detail.

"The opened grouping of Nazi troops on the eve of hostilities was regarded by the intelligence department of the district headquarters as an offensive grouping with a significant saturation with tanks and motorized units," he wrote.

According to Derevyanko, starting from the second week of the war, much attention was paid to the organization of detachments sent behind enemy lines for the purpose of reconnaissance and sabotage, as well as the organization of reconnaissance radio-equipped groups behind enemy lines and radio-equipped points on the territory occupied by our troops, in case of their forced withdrawal .

“In the following months, the information received from our groups and detachments working behind enemy lines improved all the time and was of great value. Reports were made on the personally observed concentration of Nazi troops in the border areas, starting from the end of February, on the reconnaissance conducted by German officers along the border, the preparation of artillery positions by the Germans, the strengthening of the construction of long-term defensive structures in the border zone, as well as gas and bomb shelters in the cities of East Prussia," follows from a letter from the deputy head of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the North-Western Front.

Zhukov ordered

The Chief of the General Staff, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Georgy Zhukov was informed about the German attack planned for June 22, 1941 and ordered the border military districts to prepare for defense.

"During June 22-23, 1941, a surprise attack by the Germans is possible on the fronts of the LVO (Leningrad Military District - ed.), PRIBVO (Baltic Military District - ed.), ZAPOVO (Western Military District - ed.), KOVO (Kyiv Special Military District Okrug - ed.), ODVO (Odessa Military District - ed.). The German attack may begin with provocative actions," the ciphered message marked "Top Secret" says.

In the order, Zhukov, on the one hand, demanded not to succumb to provocative actions, but at the same time, the border military districts to be on alert, "to meet a sudden attack by the Germans or their allies."

In this regard, he ordered the troops to secretly occupy the firing points of fortified areas on the state border during the night of June 22, disperse all aircraft at airfields before dawn, and disguise other equipment, and put all military units on alert. He demanded to prepare blackout measures - to reduce lighting in cities and at strategic sites.

"No other events are to be held without a special order," the document says.

Bomb Köningsberg and Memel

The second Soviet order was the order for Soviet aviation to bomb Koenigsberg and Memel, to strike deep into German territory, but not to cross the border for ground troops.

"Destroy aircraft at enemy airfields and bomb the main groupings of his ground forces with powerful strikes by bomber and attack aircraft. Apply air strikes to a depth of German territory up to 100-150 km, bomb Koenigsberg and Memel. Don't do any raids on the territory of Finland and Romania until special instructions are given" , - says the document signed by People's Commissar of Defense Semyon Timoshenko, Chief of the General Staff Georgy Zhukov, member of the Main Military Council Georgy Malenkov.

“In connection with the German attack on the Soviet Union, unprecedented in its arrogance, I order: the troops, by all means and means, fall upon the enemy forces and destroy them in areas where they violated the Soviet border. From now on, until further notice, ground troops do not cross the border. Reconnaissance and combat aviation to establish the places of concentration of enemy aviation and the grouping of its ground forces," the document says.

The first titles of heroes of the Second World War - to pilots

"Under the influence of a heavy raid from the flanks of enemy aviation and tanks, parts of the division began to withdraw, fighting by the method of mobile defense, and by the end of the day on 22.06.41 to 12.00 on 23.06.41 they destroyed four enemy aircraft and up to 16 tanks," the head's declassified political report says. Department of Political Propaganda of the 42nd Infantry Division.

In the political report of the head of the political department of the 6th Rifle Division, the remnants of which became part of the 55th Rifle Division, it is written that the area of ​​the Brest fortress and the fortress itself were bombarded with exceptional force. With the first shells, the enemy put out of action most of the commanding staff who lived in the fortress itself or near it, as well as the artillery park, stables, garages, warehouses and headquarters.

As noted, up to two-thirds of the personnel and over 90% of the materiel of the divisional and regimental artillery were lost. However, the anti-aircraft battery on duty with two guns disabled seven enemy aircraft. Another battery fired at the crossings, preventing the enemy from occupying the territory. As of July 5, 1941, 910 people remained in the division (state requirements - 13691). Of these, privates - 515 people, junior commanding staff - 123 people, middle and senior commanding staff - 272 people.

As follows from the declassified decree on awarding orders and medals of the USSR to the commanding and enlisted personnel of the Red Army dated July 22, 1941, the commander of the gun of the first battery of the 141st GAP junior sergeant Ivan Andreev, the gunner of the 152-mm howitzer T. Medzhazhaev, the commander weapons of the 111th Infantry Regiment, Senior Sergeant Vasily Rasskazov, Deputy Head of the Political Propaganda Department of the Fourth Army Vladimir Semenkov, and Deputy Commander of the Battery for Political Affairs Vladimir Tumanov (Andreev and Semenkov - posthumously).

On the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War, the Ministry of Defense published on its website more than 100 pages of declassified memoirs of Soviet military leaders. Documents from the declassified funds of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense include the answers of the commanders of districts, armies, corps and division commanders to five key questions prepared by the Military History Directorate of the General Staff of the Soviet Army.

In 1952, in the Military History Directorate of the General Staff of the Soviet Army, a group was created under the leadership of Colonel General A.P. Pokrovsky, which began to develop a description of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Assignments were sent to the commanders of districts, armies, commanders of corps, divisions, who exercised control in the first days of the war.

The materials received by the Military Historical Directorate, authored by famous Soviet military leaders, were carefully studied and analyzed and formed the basis of fundamental scientific works describing the course of the Great Patriotic War from the point of view of military specialists.

lieutenant general
In 1941 - Deputy Head of the Intelligence Department of the Headquarters of the Baltic Special Military District (North-Western Front)

“The grouping of Nazi troops on the eve of the war in the Memel region, in East Prussia and in the Suwalki region in the last days before the war was known to the district headquarters quite fully and in large part and in detail.

The opened grouping of Nazi troops on the eve of hostilities was regarded by the intelligence department [of the district headquarters] as an offensive grouping with a significant saturation with tanks and motorized units.

Marshal of the Soviet Union
In 1941 - Head of the Operations Department of the Headquarters of the Kyiv Special Military District (South-Western Front)

“The troops that directly covered the state border had detailed plans and documentation up to and including the regiment. Field positions were prepared for them along the entire border. These troops were the first operational echelon.

"The cover troops, the first operational echelon, were stationed directly at the borders and began to deploy under the cover of fortified areas with the outbreak of hostilities."
"Their advance exit to the prepared positions by the General Staff was prohibited in order not to give a pretext for provoking war on the part of fascist Germany."

On June 22, on the Day of Memory and Sorrow, a unique electronic information resource dedicated to the events of the first days of the bloodiest war of the 20th century appeared on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. All documents have so far been classified and are being published for the first time. They contain a story about the first battles of the Great Patriotic War, about the directives of the NPO of the USSR, about the first award documents with descriptions of exploits.

We list the most relevant archive photographs due to numerous fake news and false fabrications about the beginning of the war. First of all, this is a copy of the Directive of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR N1 dated June 22, 1941, signed by Zhukov and Timoshenko and handed over on the night of June 22 to the commanders of the 3rd, 4th and 10th armies.

Special attention also deserves the declassified copy of the handwritten Combat Order of the People's Commissar of Defense N2 of June 22, 1941, personally compiled by the Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army Georgy Zhukov three hours after the start of the war - at 7:15 in the morning. The order instructs the troops of the Red Army "by all means and means to fall upon the enemy forces and destroy them in areas where they violated the Soviet border," and bomber and attack aircraft to destroy enemy aircraft at base airfields and groupings of ground forces "to a depth of German territory up to 100- 150 kilometers." At the same time, it was indicated that "no raids should be made on the territory of Finland and Romania until special instructions." On the back of the last page of this document is Zhukov's postscript: "T[ov]. Vatutin. Bomb Romania."

What does it mean: first do not bomb Romania, then bomb it? Employees of the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation explain that we have, in fact, the first combat order of the People's Commissariat of Defense, and between its lines, the attentive reader will see the colossal tension and tragedy of the first hours of the outbreak of war.

A trophy map of the initial stage of the "Plan Barbarossa", where, in addition to detailed deployment of Nazi troops near the borders of the USSR, the planned directions of the main attacks of the Wehrmacht troops in the first days of the war, is another exhibit of the virtual exhibition. As you know, the blitzkrieg failed.

And here is the story "from the trench." In one of the first battles, a battery under the command of Senior Lieutenant Borisov destroyed 6 enemy tanks with direct fire. The platoon of junior lieutenant Brykl also set fire to 6 tanks, and when the platoon's guns were put out of action, the officer fired from a gun found nearby, left without calculation, and destroyed 4 more tanks. After the shells ran out, the junior lieutenant put the heavy machine gun on the tractor and, together with its driver, continued to fight until the last bullet.

The published reports of the heads of the political departments of the 42nd and 6th rifle divisions, which received the blow of the Nazi troops in the western direction, will tell about the course of the fighting in the Brest region and for the legendary Brest Fortress. The details of the military operations of these formations will be real revelations even for professional historians.

Wehrmacht officers were advised to avoid clashes with the 99th Infantry Division, which covered Przemysl, in the future. Selected and consisting of the most brave soldiers - this is exactly the assessment given to her by the German command following the results of the first days of fighting for the city. The combat orders and reports also presented on the website of the Ministry of Defense give an idea of ​​the steadfastness and valor of these soldiers:

"On June 22, the division was in the city of Przemysl, where it received the first blow of the armored masses of the Nazi troops. As a result of a treacherous attack, the city was captured by the Nazis, but on June 23, parts of the division, together with other units, recaptured the right-bank Soviet part of the city and restored the border."

"On June 22, the Red Army soldier E.M. Balakar was on guard guarding the points of the city. At the time of the attack, he was not at a loss, occupied the pillbox, installed a heavy machine gun and for a day and a half repelled the enemy with machine gun fire and prevented him from crossing the San River. "

"During the first few days of fighting, the city changed hands three times. All this time, the enemy brought reserves into battle, persistently trying to seize the initiative in his own hands ... The division command decided to prevent the enemy from breaking through (...), continuing to hold the state border. It was thanks to professionalism command and directly the commander of Colonel Dementyev N.I., parts of the division were able not only to resist the massive onslaught of the enemy, but also put him to flight.

Among the published documents are dozens of award sheets for Red Army soldiers and commanders who distinguished themselves in those first bloody battles. Among them are descriptions of the exploits of fighter pilots of the 158th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Leningrad Military District, junior lieutenants Pyotr Kharitonov and Stepan Zdorovtsev, who on June 26, 1941 made the first rams of Nazi bombers in the sky over the city of Ostrov. For these air battles, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 8, 1941, they were awarded the high title of Heroes of the Soviet Union.