How to deal with homesickness while abroad. How to Help Your Child Deal with Homesickness About Homesickness

Recently, my husband and I moved from St. Petersburg to a small town in order to receive medical treatment and cheer up on sunny days. We planned to stay here for at least half a year, my husband's friends helped with work (already got a job). They help me too, but I am gnawed by the strongest homesickness, I have a feeling of antipathy to everything, even the pleasant words and caresses of my husband do not please me! We have only been here for 3 weeks, and I already want to return, although earlier this move even made me happy, I wanted a change of scenery ... But it turned out that I was not ready for this ... I reassure myself that we are not here forever, but it does not help ... I I break down, cry, swear with my husband over trifles. My depression makes it hard for me to think straight. Please tell me how can I cope with my condition!

Small town. There are no expanses of a big city, there are no familiar, familiar and native places, there are no those colors and lights that you are used to at home. The depression and homesickness of a person who is accustomed to completely different living conditions is not difficult to understand. It's harder to figure out what to do with it. Write it off as a temporary phenomenon or run before it's too late?

As system-vector psychology clearly shows, not one of our feelings and experiences appears without a reason. One cannot simply and without consequences ignore those signals that gives us the psyche . In total, there are eight elements of our Self - vectors, each of which sets its desires, its aspirations and needs. What is normal for one person is completely abnormal for another.

Let's start with the desire for a "change of scenery." People with skin and visual vectors crave new impressions, sensations, acquaintances with new places.

The skin vector gives a person a desire to move, to comprehend new things, not to stagnate in one place, therefore people with this type of psyche easily break away, change their home, work, choosing what is most profitable, profitable, interesting.

BUT! A person with a skin vector, all the more accustomed to living in a big city in a small town, will simply begin to suffocate and feel, as it seems to him, homesickness. In fact, he will not have enough space there, he will experience discomfort and a desire to return to the former spacious urbanized landscape.

Homesickness due to lack of colors and impressions

Let's explore your feelings further. visual vector. This type of psyche pulls a person to new places for emotions and impressions. The beauty of the surrounding world attracts the viewer like no one else, so he is ready to spend his life traveling, enjoying the amazing places of our planet. Spectators are great connoisseurs of art and culture. They like to go to exhibitions and theaters. There they satiate their need for new experiences. Spectators love to shine themselves in such places - they always dress beautifully and elegantly, attracting glances and attention.

In the atmosphere of a small and boring town, accustomed to a big city, and even more so, to a cultural capital, a visual person will gradually begin to suffocate. Lack of impressions will quickly lead him into a state of melancholy and melancholy. As a result, the viewer will become overly whiny, demonstrative, hysterical, he may begin to be overcome by fears that have not appeared before - all this manifestations of shortages in the visual vector.

But that's not all. The presence of another vector could also negatively affect your condition. The one that, on the contrary, in contrast to the first two vectors, does not strive either for new impressions or for new opportunities and changes. This type of psyche makes a person a homebody, tied to his home, a lover not of novelty, but of the usual way of things.

Departure to another city, and even with the prospect of staying there for a long time, engenders in a person with this type of psyche a longing for home, friends and family, which pulls him back with all his might, does not allow him to get used to a new place.

All together, these feelings mix and plunge you into a depressive, or rather, dreary state, which is very difficult to cope with without understanding yourself.

Realizing what lives with you, what gives rise to homesickness in your soul, you will learn to largely smooth out its manifestation. For example, you will find out what other ways of filling the owners of the visual vector have and where to direct the energy of their “skin”.

However, awareness can also lead to the fact that you will clearly understand that this town is not suitable for you and does not provide the necessary conditions for the realization of unconscious desires. And then the moment will come to think, or maybe you should return, explaining everything to your husband?

To better understand yourself, get rid of homesickness, and try to find new activities that can help you cope with homesickness, read these articles: iy-vektor ektor y-vektor

Answered by Olga Chuguryan

The article was written using materials

Question to a psychologist

Hello. My name is Xenia and I am 22 years old. A few days ago I left for Cyprus to work. I have a good, interesting job, my colleagues treat me well, the bosses do not like the soul, an amazing apartment, but there is one thing. I miss my home, family and friends madly! It gets ridiculous: I wake up in the middle of the night and start crying because I'm not at home. Literally everything drives me into depression: solving problematic issues related to my arrangement, lack of mobility, because. I don’t have a car, and it’s almost impossible to get around here on my own, on weekends I don’t know what to do with myself.
But the worst thing is that I have a contract here for at least 1.5 years, i.е. I can leave earlier, but with the loss of money, which I don’t want at all, because this will also lead to the loss of very important ties that could later help me in Russia. But as soon as I imagine that I will have to spend so much time away from home, family and friends, I just feel sick.
I understand mentally that this is an amazing opportunity that should not be missed (that's why I'm here), but mentally it's very difficult for me ... And I have no one to discuss this situation with, because. I don’t have any friends in Cyprus yet, and I don’t want to disturb my family again, because they are already very worried about me.
I do not know what to do! They just give up and want to cry for days on end. Help, I beg you!

Hello Xenia! such conditions often occur in people who leave their native place for a new job or study. The reason here is that the familiar external environment is being destroyed - what was safe for you - remains at home - relatives, friends, familiar places surrounding houses, people's voices, familiar shops, the taste of food, etc. all together created a sense of security and protection precisely by what was repeated in your life every day and acquired the status of a habit. Here, in a new place, you have nothing - there are no familiar walls, people, voices, buildings, taste of food, etc. This is perceived as a signal of danger, which is why there is a craving for home - it is a craving for a sense of safety and security. BUT - here you can help yourself, if you want to stay in that place, complete the terms of the contract, gain experience and new impressions, then you should master the outside world around you so that new things that are gradually turning into the category of familiar things appear in your life - communicate with colleagues at work, get up at the same time on weekdays, turn on one channel, listen and watch it, cook your usual breakfast, organize a trip to work; after work, go to a store near your house, buy something for dinner, have dinner, take a walk around the area in the evening, find out where you live (you can even on a map or draw a map of places around your house for yourself - explore and apply You objects - a park, a cafe, a shop, etc.), go to a cafe, enjoy the smells. And try to spend every day like this - gradually you will outline for yourself a circle of familiar places, you will go there, buy something from food in one store, enjoy coffee (or tea or a cocktail) and the aromas of cuisine in the same cafe, and in Weekends will go for a walk in a park. People will gradually appear in your field of vision when you master the minimum space around the house, master public places - take the bus and get to the last stop and back, or choose a route for the weekend and follow it - you need not be afraid of this place, but start it explore, choose comfortable places so that they become familiar, then you can regain a sense of safety and security, and communicate with your family via Skype, tell how the days go, what you find for yourself in this place.

Ksenia, if you need support - feel free to contact me (via Skype) - call or write - I will be glad to help you!

Shenderova Elena Sergeevna, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 6 bad answer 1

I work on Skype with patients who have such difficulties - students who have left home and lost all their emotional connections; people who have left for permanent residence, etc.

You can contact me by mail and we will decide how best to organize work with you.

G. Idrisov (I also work via Skype).

Good answer 5 bad answer 1

Ksenia, you need to understand what relationships with relatives and friends gave you, that is, what you lost when you left for Cyprus. Next, you need to understand what you have acquired by leaving for Cyprus. You have not satisfied some important need that needs to be satisfied, but this can only be done with a specialist. And your suffering will end.

1. I was moving at home because of this, after you drank with someone loaded, went out with his wife and son, they escorted them home and I went to the store, he lives in our house, I bought beer in Biysk on 148 Martyanova Street and carried it home but a Polesie van cut me off on the tart, there they asked me to sit down, I tried to explain that I live here, but they started talking about disobedience to the authorities, I sat down, they took me to a narcological clinic, I breathed there, they found alcohol in my blood, they took me, and the department of the Priobsky city of Biysk there I asked them let go I explained I didn’t do anything I behaved adequately, I didn’t talk to anyone, I didn’t stagger, but the duty officer explained that the report that I was drunk and dirty was drawn up on me, they wrote the same thing in narcology, I disagreed, I was clean and it’s just a wording, I didn’t do anything illegal, it was Saturday evening and I although I was drunk, I behaved decently, but they didn’t listen to me, they began to stuff me into the cell, I began to grab onto the bench, they resisted, they twisted my hands, expressing cruelty, they gave me the hall wash my hands that all the elbows are in the seniki the elbow of the right arm broke the loncheva bone with a displacement they put me in plaster they did a medical examination, which was confirmed by the picture it was 08/28/2019 they kept me there in the department for almost two days on Monday they took me to court there they gave me two days I was 4 hours sat out in IVS. In the department, I called an ambulance, referring to a sharp pain in the chest, where Ketorol asked for injections in the duty room. But right now they are judging me according to Article 319, that when they broke my arm and handcuffed me into the cell, it hurt me a lot, I yelled there, maybe how she insulted me, I don’t even remember how in a terrible dream I appeared neroimi, from where they put me in the car, they took me away from my family I have an imperfect child on a daily basis. I am disabled of group 3 indefinitely, but I don’t know the current, they scare me that they will close me in a psychiatric hospital, because this is the main reason for which they gave me a current disability on a general basis., and I have a conditional sentence of 3 to 1.5, I have been leaving for 5 months under article 228. part 2 for possession of marijuana, at first they tried to impute me 318, but there were cameras all around, and this was confirmed as I yelled at them in the cell, but I’m off. The pains and delayed me in my opinion, I was clean everywhere, although I yearned for the furniture, it could be scratched somewhere, but I didn’t think about it after that. The case is being handled by one investigator at 319, and the second is just being checked for the second week already, what can they do to me, can they change the measure of the court at 319 right now, and can they forcibly insist on the hospital for this, I didn’t do anything, well, I yelled at them from pain maybe he insulted me, but it hurt me and right now they scare me in every possible way, and even when they detained me, I had 1300 in the korman since when they released 200 they were lying and there weren’t 1000 and a hundred hours for beer that time I wasted this can also be confirmed by my wife, personal everything was in an envelope and the jacket was taken off separately with the money in the pocket. They gave me a lawyer free of charge and now they turn to 319 to go today, but their hand doesn’t seem to care what to do, where to turn, I don’t know.

Lawyer Ulanov A.S., 3490 responses, 2008 reviews, online since 09.12.2014
1.1. Hello!
Write a statement to the investigating committee about the hand. All other questions should be discussed with your lawyer.

2. Can I submit a commission on Homesickness?

Lawyer Medunov S.K., 14808 responses, 5603 reviews, online since 10/13/2010
2.1. For these reasons, there is no commission.

3. My name is Andrey. In the group VK parents there was such a conversation. Tell me what to do? How to find a compromise with Diana's mom. How to act according to the law? Thanks.

Taisiya Shupletsova 12:37


Such situation. Are there guys here? Who suffer from Diana?
Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 12:49

Last year there was a big problem with her. This year, mine said that she bit with some and put her hands on it. It’s also sad that if something is wrong with her, her older brother or sister intercedes for her, the problem is not new, unfortunately, and the root of evil is in the parent, her ma scribbles letters over their heads in the past, the patience of the parents reached the end and planned a meeting so that this child would be transferred to another place, class. School, but Diana calmed down unfortunately on time
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 12:54

Vick scratched her face last year. I talked to my mother but to no avail. Mater. Grieving for hair. Kicks in the stomach in the toilet. On the way, he feeds. Hits with a stick. Pushes on the road. What if her car gets hit? Yesterday she again began to mock Vika. Tired that Vika comes home with tears
Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 12:54

Lyubov Vladimirovna is too soft, but now Natalya Alekseevna, and here the quality of exactingness should play into the hands, I don’t even know. Does the NA know about the problems in the past year,
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 12:55

But I'll go for the time being. Children are suffering. Not a normal child. Maybe we'll get to the point where it will cut with a knife. You can get the parents together and solve this problem

At least I will go to the end. It wouldn't cost me. To spoil a child's childhood with eternal beatings and bullying
Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 12:56 I am FOR, as life shows, people do not change
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 12:56

Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 12:58 I call on Irina
Irina Korotkova.
Irina Korotkova 13:06

I'm here Not everyone goes to the meeting. Everyone needs to come
Ira Saburova.
Ira Saburova 13:06

Here the problem needs to be solved with Diana's mother. Everything comes from education. That year everything went down the drain
Irina Korotkova.
Irina Korotkova 13:07

On the course

LV warned her
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 13:07

We have to make a point.
Irina Korotkova.
Irina Korotkova 13:08

The meeting still needs to be. You only have to ask when
Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 13:09 is this at the end of the year which?
Irina Korotkova.
Irina Korotkova 13:10

Do not know. L V told me that Natalya Alekseevna was aware of all the affairs
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 13:10

You can judge, but I wrote what I thought. And I don’t worry about the fact that she will write a statement for insult.
forwarded messages.
Taisiya yesterday at 9:08
Kind. For your doni. Calm her down. Take to a psychiatrist. How much can you peck at my sister? If she is a porcupine for you, and Vika is calm, and if your daughter does not like her, then Vika is not to blame. For the last time, we warn you to calm down or we will contact you in pdn. IN PDN AND IT WILL BE REGISTERED. SHE IS UNMINDER WITH YOU. then he swears, then he scratches his face, then in the toilet he beats him in the stomach, then he calls him a bum. Look, a child from heaven will not take such words. This is what you say. So they took your daughter to school. Once again she will touch her. I'll take her ear to the police. My sister is dearer to me than someone who is not a minion.
Olga yesterday at 9:15
Good afternoon, you will talk like this with your girlfriends and parents this time, for insults from you, I will bring you to criminal responsibility! It's two! Thirdly, scare yourself in front of a mirror! It's three! And fourthly, you will sort it out with your sister, who is so dear to you! All clear!

They called me to school tomorrow. To talk with mom and teacher

Now we need to look at the wiki. So that her brothers and sisters do not beat her
Ira Saburova.
Ira Saburova 13:14

This lady can only write a statement and "yapping from behind the phone screen!" And apparently there is no way to raise a child
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 13:14

indoor eagle
Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 13:15 in fact, it’s really not worth it to be rude to this lady and threaten, write on the case, if a person has writing letters in the blood in the instance and not in the instance, then what the hell

Irin, I think you need to first call NA and say that the parents demand a meeting, and then set the time with the parents
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 13:16

I didn't threaten. I actually wrote. If it doesn't change. According to pdn
Ira Saburova.
Ira Saburova 13:17

Ilya Zholobov, in fact, it’s really not worth rude to this lady and threatening, writing on the case, if a person has writing letters in the blood in the instance and not in the instance, then what the hell.
That's why they complain! Due to the fact that no one answers her, and they walk like eagles
Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 13:18 oh well, let everyone have their own opinion, the topic of conversation is not the same
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 13:18

Excuse me. If I wrote something wrong. But for my little man. Don't care about organs
Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 13:18 when I offended mine, I also burned very much, I understand perfectly

Irin, why call NA or me? better for everyone :D
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 13:19

Give me a number

I'll call too
Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 13:21 let's do it this way, there are only 4 so far, judging by the correspondence. In the evening, parents will read everything.

Comrades Parents, write back at your convenience, and I hope you are FOR the meeting on this occasion. The sooner the better, but you need the maximum number of people whom it has affected, but who has not been affected, it is not known what will come into the head of a wonderful child
Elena Kropotina.
Elena Kropotina 13:57

I'll come write when

When your child is offended, it is very painful for parents to realize that something must be done, I understand you
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 14:33

thanks for understanding
Svetlana Fedorova.
Svetlana Fedorova 14:47

OF COURSE WE WILL COME TO THE MEETING, preferably after 17.00 today.
Taisiya Shupletsova.
Taisiya Shupletsova 7:57

If you write a statement to Diana in pdn. Then she will be registered. And put on record the one she offended. Since it can be said that allegedly Diana was called and the type for this she beat and so on and so forth. For name-calling put on the account in pdn. And do not exclude her from the class, since everyone has the right to choose where to study.

In general. They have been measured. But I will stand my ground

I am 1000 percent sure that it will be blown away in about 5 weeks. Bullying, etc.
Ilya Zholobov.
Ilya Zholobov 8:21 whether the meeting is necessary or not.
New messages.
Arthur Nika.
Arthur Nika 8:30

It seems to me that a meeting is needed, today they were measured, tomorrow Diana will find herself a new “victim” for the child and her parents can get away with it, it shouldn’t be like that, why wait for something irreversible, because we have, as is customary, until the rooster pecked specifically in the ass, which means you can get out of hand.

Lawyer Chernetsky I.V., 60619 responses, 18720 reviews, online since 09/18/2013
3.1. Hello! We don't read essays. What help is needed?

4. I need help. But first, briefly about myself. about family. It so happened that my husband was arrested, I was left alone (without work) with three children, the youngest for two years, well, my mother is also with us in retirement and her pension goes to loans, my husband worked alone, every day there was milk, then more what will bring, did not remain hungry. The investigator knew perfectly well that he was the only one working and still put him behind bars and knows perfectly well that there was a set-up. Well, so what if he uses it, he destroys himself and does not touch anyone, does not steal, works, thinks about children (how to feed them today), does not shy away through the streets. Ladies, work, well, sometimes the treasure will go up and, again, for yourself. And so it happened on that ill-fated day, he went with a well-known friend (later, as it turned out, not very much). each for his own, but together because the road would have cost dearly to one, now you just think it would be better if you went alone. It means he arrives and says that she didn’t have two addresses, I suspected that she was lying, well, how is it that he has one and everything is in place, and she has two and is empty. And they took the money from my mother and he wanted to quickly return it to her, and he took pity on "this one" and offered her that he would do half of his own, and she would give 1000. She agreed, but not painfully in a hurry, after three hours she showed up. Duck, they met and she stood in front of the windows (only then he realized why there) he took the elevator home, the elevator door opens and the bass is such a kick from the foot on the chest, he immediately guessed because of the money he tried to throw it off but it didn’t work out, the money was taken away immediately sealed in an envelope, that day he was closed for 4 days for refusing to take an analysis, so he came home somehow persuaded them to restore them back (personal belongings remained with the drug department), I calmed down, I thought everything worked out, but no, two weeks later, in the evening, my husband after The greyhounds were resting for work, of course they didn’t find anything with a search, but they took him away and said that it all depends on him when they let him go. And as it turned out, the trial took place the next day on Saturday. The investigator does not even want to take a statement from him so that I receive personal belongings, keys, 600 rubles from my mother personally about a thousand, I am silent, they probably let them into the case (although they told me that there was no marked money, so they took him to show off) and the phone why don't want to give? And I without a phone means go. But she herself will be covered in chocolate, she fed her children to her belly, stuffed herself at the expense of other children, left without a piece of bread, today her husband would receive an advance, and tomorrow there would be fresh milk. I read a glimpse of the paper for the search, I only found out what weight was 0.248, it seems so, but it should not be more than 0.25 because it divided from 0. 5 and the papers indicate another person to know we don’t know her. It would be fine to trade, it would not be so insulting. And now they are winding up the term due to the fact that he regretted not thinking soberly and the mother-in-law had to give the money back. Come on, give the girl a share, otherwise she uses it longer than him. I understand everything, you won’t get along without a deadline, I want at least to be at home until the court, the little one doesn’t forget her dad every day, she plays with a photo and laments dad, dad, and to see my tears runs up to soothe her, stroke her head, cuddle. And he's probably howling out of anguish, his daughter is the only one and late. Tell me please, can someone help me, but the problem is not the only one there is no money for a paid lawyer, but you don’t need anyone, I know there are people who come to the meeting just for show, there is only one “protection”. I still can’t get used to the fact that he won’t come, everything seems to me that he will soon open the door with a key. Please help me, I don’t ask for much, at least before the trial to be released, and I also read that less than 0.6 grams of narcotic salt does not give a deadline.

Lawyer Sharipov A.F., 4432 responses, 3231 reviews, online since 11/22/2016
4.1. Anna, I read your story. If you are officially married, then I recommend studying the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, To the Russian Federation ... and ask your husband to petition the court for your admission on an equal basis with the appointed lawyer as a defender. And of course, pray for your spouse!

Code of Criminal Procedure Article 49. Defender

1. Counsel - a person who, in accordance with the procedure established by this Code, protects the rights and interests of suspects and accused persons and provides them with legal assistance in the course of criminal proceedings.
2. Lawyers participate as defenders. According to the ruling or decision of the court, along with the lawyer, one of the close relatives of the accused or another person, for whose admission the accused applies, may be admitted as a defense counsel. In proceedings before a justice of the peace, the said person is also allowed instead of a lawyer.

5. Returning in 2019 in winter. In the fall, you need to go to school. How can I be commissioned under article 17 of homesickness, and will there be consequences if I do not want to work with shoulder straps?

Lawyer Belousov S.N., 91442 responses, 34146 reviews, online since 04/05/2009
5.1. Hello.

You can't.

If it is difficult for you to formulate a question, call the free multi-channel phone 8 800 505-91-11 a lawyer will help you

6. They want to commission my son under the article - homesickness. Can this be regarded as evasion from service, and sent to the disbat? Thanks.

Lawyer Bolshakov V.I., 27982 responses, 10710 reviews, online since 01/26/2013
6.1. I'm sorry where did you find such an article, it can't be someone was joking.

6.2. What kind of article is this? Are you joking?

7. My daughter is an IP, and I "manage" her "business". A small store where I work... a grandson was born, I really wanted to be with him more often... so I wrote an ad on the store door that a salesperson was needed... . A woman came, very pleasant-looking, well-dressed, 50 years old ... I talked to her ... she said that she lives nearby, her husband provides, but it’s boring to sit at home, she is very longing for communication, so she would like to work with us .. (we sell souvenirs and gifts)... We are clean, but she does not need employment, she already has everything ... I liked her competent speech ..., and I "hired" her, taking with only a photocopy of her passport. She started working, and I couldn’t get enough of it - the store was in order, she knows how to communicate with customers ..., only her stubborn unwillingness to fill out notebooks for receipts and sales was annoying ... A friend calls me, whom I asked to go out sometimes to the store, and says that a woman came and said that our wonderful seller worked for them and made them a big shortage ... that this news strained me, to say nothing ... but the person (the new seller) was so accommodating ..., I decided to talk to her. When I asked her about the accusation of a woman against her, she answered me that this was slander, that it was from envy, because she was all happy and successful, and these people for whom she worked were just envious ... Troubles began literally on the next day after the New Year holidays, my friend found a price tag on a cheap thing, twice as expensive ... the seller explained this by mistake ... Since January, there have always been such glued price tags. In August, I made an audit and found a shortage of more than 200 thousand. In addition, I found a product in the store, obviously not new, the appearance of which in the store was inexplicable .. There was an unpleasant conversation, she said that she had nothing to do with it ... I decided to take the keys to the store from her, went to her house at that address , which was indicated in a photocopy of her passport, but she did not live there ... Fortunately, there were people who suggested where she actually lives. She didn't open the door for me. I called her, she immediately answered (I understood that she was at home and so that I wouldn’t hear her phone ringing outside the door, she answered right away) that she was not at home now, and she would bring me the keys to the store tomorrow.
The next day, I arrived at the store earlier, and she literally immediately came up (although ha, the "work" time never came on time). I didn’t let her into the store, I said that she was a thief and wouldn’t go into the store ...
I won’t write that she wrote a complaint against me to the police, allegedly I beat her, then she wrote a complaint against my daughter that she allegedly did not give her things, although her daughter lives in another city and knows about business in the store only from my words. .. as a result, I found out that her husband left her a long time ago, and she provides her luxurious life (botox, massages, manicure, expensive clothes and shoes) herself ... it turns out, at the expense of our store ..
Now she wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office that she was not properly registered in our store. If I had evidence, then I myself would write a statement that she made us such a huge shortfall ... how can I justify my daughter? She tortured us with her slander... lost such a chic source of income ... What threatens my daughter in a situation like this?

7.1. Your daughter in such a situation faces a fine of 5 to 10 thousand rubles of the Code of Administrative Offenses, Article 5.27, while she can apply to the district court to recover property damage from such a citizen.

8. Please, my son was taken into the army after he served 1 month, problems with pressure began. 2 times he was in the hospital. The attending physician offers to write off under Article 17. In homesickness. His blood pressure rises nervously. Can he work with article 17 as an assistant driver. Thank you in advance!

Lawyer Burkovskaya Yu. Yu., 227 responses, 139 reviews, online since 09/19/2018
8.1. Article 17 is rather mild: its award speaks only of a person's inability to perform the work that military service requires of him. At the same time, the army situation itself is often the cause of neurosis, so in everyday life, out of context, a person can be absolutely healthy. In other words, in this case, a serviceman is not registered with a neuropsychiatric dispensary, he has the opportunity to freely obtain a driver's license and the right to have weapons. In addition, today, when commissioned from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, it is customary not to indicate the article on the military ID, which was the motivation for the transfer to the reserve. Thus, when applying for a job, there should not be problems associated with a commission even when requesting your military ID.

9. It is difficult psychologically for my son to be in the army, constantly homesickness, tears, cannot be in a large number of people, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, they suggested writing a report that he does not want to serve, he is afraid of the consequences if he is commissioned, and can they be commissioned if he can't get used to the environment.

Lawyer Okulova I. V., 48717 responses, 25102 reviews, online since 11/17/2015
9.1. Staying there, you must actively and constantly complain about your health, as well as independently record when, how and by whom a medical examination was carried out. Based on the results of the examination and on the basis of documents stating the state of your health before being drafted into the army, the VVK issues a conclusion. If it is not in your favor, then it can be appealed to a higher VVK or to the garrison court. The conclusion on the commission must be approved by a higher military medical examination.

Lawyer Shulga L.A., 5773 responses, 1920 reviews, online since 07/06/2012
9.2. Hello. He needs to write another report that needs the help of a psychologist. They can only be commissioned for health reasons, but not because they do not want to serve. Failure to serve may result in criminal prosecution.
And you, for your part, must set him up for service, because he is already a man, not a child. Let him overcome difficulties. Cheer him up, because everyone served.

10. What are the consequences if I, having a driver's license and a hunting firearm, receive a diagnosis of homesickness?

Lawyer Makarov V.A., 3314 responses, 2085 reviews, online since 06/09/2004
10.1. None, unless homesickness forces you to get into a car with a firearm and uncontrollable emotions. It is possible to restrict a person's rights and recognize a person as incompetent only by a court decision.

11. Once upon a time I was ...! An ordinary, earthly woman ... She got married, gave birth to a son, but after him it was impossible to give birth again ...! 11 years later, in 1995, she gave birth to a long-awaited girl with great difficulty .. Children for me were everything ... I loved them so much that I didn’t have time for myself ... I never scolded children, not to mention raising a hand against them ... When my daughter turned For 6 years, my husband left us... I never said anything bad about my father to my children and I was not allowed to speak badly... Time passed... My son graduated from school with a Gold medal, graduated from the University, Faculty of Journalism, but began to work as a Programmer (not by profile). I always respected the choice of children, did not impose my opinions ... My husband and I lived separately, but did not file for divorce (it was not before). My son got married, left for another city... My daughter and I were left alone... She didn't want to study, but she went to school with great joy... She didn't want to study, but the girl is comprehensively developed, she read a lot... After after the end of the 9th grade, she went to study at the Lyceum as a hairdresser ... After the second year, I was unexpectedly called to the Lyceum ... I arrived ... How painful and ashamed it was for me to hear that my Nastya had been missing classes for 2 weeks ... We we went home together ... I didn’t scold her, I was silent, scrolling the tape in my head where I didn’t watch her ... Arriving home, Nastya told me: - Mom, let me stay with my dad for a week ...? I called my ex-husband and after talking with him let her go for exactly a week ...! When Nastya left for her husband, I could not find a place for myself ... I blamed myself for everything! My ex-husband is a big businessman, but he never helped us, and I did not file for alimony, considering myself proud ... I worked as an Osteopath, Professional as a masseuse... I tried to earn extra money besides the hospital and at home... I took a license... Nastya didn’t come in a week... I called both her and her husband on the phone, but they didn’t answer me... How many times I went to him home, he answered through the intercom: -Go home, now my daughter will live with me ... Nastya exchanged me for her father's money ... HE bought her a car, she lost her account of money ... Once every six months she reluctantly called me, and I, like a small child, rejoiced that I heard her voice ...! My husband interfered in every way with our conversations, and even more so with meetings ... I really missed my daughter ... Then my son found out the whole story and they came to my hometown so that I would not be left alone ... Thanks to them for everything! Soon I I find out that my daughter is in a position ... I found out the name of her young man and the fact that he is 10 years older than her ... Thank God that he was not married ... My son and I, as poor relatives, were invited to the wedding, without even giving the address of the Cafe ... 2 days before they explained very dryly and sparingly where the celebration would take place ... I won’t and don’t want to describe the wedding, I don’t want to ... I knew that Nastya was due to give birth in a month ... They wanted to go to the Partner birth together with her husband, but he is very afraid of blood ... I went myself with my Nastya ... she gave birth to my grandson, on my birthday ... I immediately fell in love with my boy ... Discharged from the Maternity Hospital ... They continued to live with my ex-husband. .. I tried my best to help them... Every week I bought 84 diapers. in a package, Gong 1800 (so my daughter dictated to me, and I agreed with everything). I completely supported the child myself ... I helped them every month with money and food ... Now my grandson turned 2 years and 3 months old ... I suddenly fell ill ... A heart attack ... For a while I was isolated from work due to illness. .. I couldn’t help them like that anymore... Nastya immediately stopped her grandson’s visits with me... Reason: no money... I can’t help like before...! 29 days have passed since the illness, Nastya called me and said: - From tomorrow I go to work ... - I will work from 8:00 to 23:00 as a waitress ... I agreed to sit with my grandson, but at the same time I asked my daughter so that she finds a job with a schedule that is convenient for both her and me ...! She rudely replied that I would never see my grandson again...! I didn't know what to do..? I still felt very weak... A month passed... I couldn't get through to my daughter and my ex-husband... They put me on the Black List... I found out that my daughter and her husband bought an apartment in the house next door with mine ... I went to look for them ... I showed their photos to the neighbors and finally found their house and apartment ... Having bought a gift for them and my grandson, I went to them ... I called the intercom and heard a voice: -Motay back! - We accept people only according to the schedule and in general, no one has anything to do with us! Their neighbors told me that they were somehow inadequate ... They never saw the child at all ... I was very worried ...! The neighbors advised me to call the police, it is not known what happened to the child, and they are also not indifferent to the fate of my little grandson Herman! I called the police, they came pretty quickly...! My daughter and son-in-law opened the door for them... When the police came down to me, they said: It looks like the youth is in a sect...! THEY REJECT THEIR LOVED ONES THERE, ESPECIALLY FROM THE MOTHER. .. THEY ADVISED TO GO TO THE DEPARTMENT OF GUARDIANSHIP...! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I SHOULD DO WITH MY DAUGHTER AND GRANDSON... IF I GO TO THE GUARDIAN SERVICE, THEN THE CHILD CAN BE TAKEN TO THE CHILDREN'S HOME... THEY WON'T GIVE ME CUSTODIA FOR THE GRANDSON (DUE TO HEALTH CONDITION! PLEASE HELP ME WITH ADVICE ON WHAT TO DO FURTHER! MY ALL SOUL IS SICKED FOR THEM! I CRY ALL DAYS! I UNDERSTAND: MOSCOW DOES NOT BELIEVE IN TEARS!?

Lawyer Karavaytseva E.A., 57787 responses, 27417 reviews, online since 03/01/2012
11.1. Hello! It is not advisable to post a photo of a child on the Internet. To provide you with effective assistance, it is necessary to clarify legal information.

12. Once upon a time I was ...! An ordinary, earthly woman ... She got married, gave birth to a son, but after him it was not possible to give birth again ...! 11 years later, in 1995, she gave birth to a long-awaited girl with great difficulty .. Children for me were everything ... I loved them so much that I didn’t have time for myself ... I never scolded children, not to mention raising a hand against them ... When my daughter turned For 6 years, my husband left us... I never said anything bad about my father to my children and I was not allowed to speak badly... Time passed... My son graduated from school with a Gold medal, graduated from the University, Faculty of Journalism, but began to work as a Programmer (not by profile). I always respected the choice of children, did not impose my opinions ... My husband and I lived separately, but did not file for divorce (it was not before). My son got married, left for another city... My daughter and I were left alone... She didn't want to study, but she went to school with great joy... She didn't want to study, but the girl is comprehensively developed, she read a lot... After after the end of the 9th grade, she went to study at the Lyceum as a hairdresser ... After the second year, I was unexpectedly called to the Lyceum ... I arrived ... How painful and ashamed it was for me to hear that my Nastya had been missing classes for 2 weeks ... We we went home together ... I didn’t scold her, I was silent, scrolling the tape in my head where I didn’t watch her ... Arriving home, Nastya told me: - Mom, let me stay with my dad for a week ...? I called my ex-husband and after talking with him let her go for exactly a week ...! When Nastya left for her husband, I couldn’t find a place for myself ... I blamed myself for everything! My ex-husband is a big businessman, but he never helped us, and I didn’t file for alimony, considering myself proud ... I worked as a masseuse ... I tried work outside the hospital and at home ... I took a license ... Nastya did not come after a week ... I called both her and her husband on the phone, but they did not answer me ... How many times I went to his house, he the intercom answered: “Go home, now my daughter will live with me ... Nastya exchanged me for her father’s money ... HE bought her a car, she lost her money account ... Once every six months she reluctantly called me, and I’m like a small child I was happy to hear her voice...! My husband interfered in every way with our conversations, and even more so with meetings ... I really missed my daughter ... Then my son found out the whole story and they came to my hometown so that I would not be left alone ... Thanks to them for everything! Soon I I find out that my daughter is in a position ... I found out the name of her young man and that he is 10 years older than her. .. Thank God that he was not married... My son and I, as poor relatives, were invited to the wedding, without even naming the address of the Cafe... 2 days before the wedding, they very dryly and sparingly explained where the celebration would take place... I won’t and I don’t want to describe the wedding, I don’t want to ... I knew that Nastya was due to give birth in a month ... They wanted to go to the Partner birth with her husband, but he was very afraid of blood ... I went myself with my Nastya ... She gave birth to my grandson, on my birthday... I immediately fell in love with my boy... They were discharged from the Maternity Hospital... They continued to live with my ex-husband... I did my best to help them... Every week I bought diapers for 84 PCS. in a package, Gong 1800 (so my daughter dictated to me, and I agreed with everything). I completely supported the child myself ... I helped them every month with money and food ... Now my grandson turned 2 years and 3 months old ... I suddenly fell ill ... A heart attack ... For a while I was isolated from work due to illness. .. I couldn’t help them like that anymore... Nastya immediately stopped her grandson’s visits with me... Reason: no money... I can’t help like before...! 29 days have passed since the illness, Nastya called me and said: - From tomorrow I go to work ... - I will work from 8:00 to 23:00 as a waitress ... I agreed to sit with my grandson, but at the same time I asked my daughter so that she finds a job with a schedule that is convenient for both her and me ...! She rudely replied that I would never see my grandson again...! I didn't know what to do..? I still felt very weak... A month passed... I couldn't get through to my daughter and my ex-husband... They put me on the Black List... I found out that my daughter and her husband bought an apartment in the house next door with mine ... I went to look for them ... I showed their photos to the neighbors and finally found their house and apartment ... Having bought a gift for them and my grandson, I went to them ... I called the intercom and heard a voice: -Motay back! - We accept people only according to the schedule and in general, no one has anything to do with us! Their neighbors told me that they were somehow inadequate ... They never saw the child at all ... I was very worried ...! The neighbors advised me to call the police, it is not known what happened to the child, and they are also not indifferent to the fate of my little grandson Herman! I called the police, they came pretty quickly...! My daughter and son-in-law opened the door for them... When the police came down to me, they said: It looks like the youth is in a sect...! THEY ARE REJECTING THEIR LOVED ONES, ESPECIALLY FROM THE MOTHER... THEY ADVISED ME TO GO TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CUSTODY. ..! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I SHOULD DO WITH MY DAUGHTER AND GRANDSON... IF I GO TO THE GUARDIAN SERVICE, THEN THE CHILD CAN BE TAKEN TO THE CHILDREN'S HOME... THEY WON'T GIVE ME CUSTODIA FOR THE GRANDSON (DUE TO HEALTH CONDITION! PLEASE HELP ME WITH ADVICE ON WHAT TO DO FURTHER! MY ALL SOUL IS SICKED FOR THEM! I CRY ALL DAYS! I UNDERSTAND: MOSCOW DOES NOT BELIEVE IN TEARS!?

Lawyer Ligostaeva A.V., 237160 responses, 74614 reviews, online since 11/26/2008
12.1. --- Hello dear visitor, you should just pull yourself together and calm down. Nothing happened, the child lives with his parents, and you don’t have to worry about him. Don't want to see you? It also happens, meet your son and his family. Forcibly nice, as they say, you will not. Live calmly and do something to not be bored. Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

Lawyer Sedelnikov S.S., 6544 responses, 2578 reviews, online since May 15, 2014
12.2. Anastasia Alexandrovna, good afternoon!
First you need to determine the order of communication between the child and the grandmother in accordance with Article 67 of the RF IC
1. Grandfather, grandmother, brothers, sisters and other relatives have the right to communicate with the child.
2. If the parents (one of them) refuse to provide close relatives of the child with the opportunity to communicate with him, the guardianship and guardianship authority may oblige the parents (one of them) not to interfere with this communication.
3. If the parents (one of them) do not comply with the decision of the guardianship and guardianship body, close relatives of the child or the guardianship and guardianship body have the right to apply to the court with a claim to remove obstacles to communication with the child. The court resolves the dispute proceeding from the interests of the child and taking into account the opinion of the child.
In the future, if necessary, and if it is confirmed that they are members of any sect, then guardianship can also be determined for your son (the boy's uncle), talk to him about this.

13. I live in Kazan. Tell me, please, where to turn if the neighbor smells very bad. Neighbor over 60, drinks. He does not clean up at home, he yearns for everything from the trash can. Garbage in the apartment. Stinked the entire entrance from the 1st to the 3rd floor (3-storey house). In the summer it is not possible to enter the entrance at all. We turned to the district police officer, he will come to the remark and do everything. No sense. The presence of relatives is unknown.

Lawyer Kamenskaya D.I., 2133 responses, 793 reviews, online since May 28, 2014
13.1. Gulnaz, write to the prosecutor's office and Rospotrebnadzor. Since this is within their competence, they will resolve this issue. Do not forget to make one copy for yourself, so that you can be marked that your application has been accepted.

14. The following situation has developed. Help me to understand.
I live in a communal apartment. The apartment has three rooms, two for rent, one municipal. A man lives in the same apartment. This man lived in the apartment above and I met him because of my great love for dogs. He has a Dogue de Bordeaux. At some point, he quarreled with the tenants and the owner of his apartment asked him to move out. Then a neighbor turned to me for help. He asked to negotiate with the house manager, so that they would let him into the municipal room for a fee. I took pity on him and persuaded the house manager. The arrangement was for three months, since he had to move into the room of his girlfriend, who after this time was released. At this point, his friend decided to get himself a dog of the same breed. A neighbor took him to his breeder and a friend bought a puppy. Two weeks later, a neighbor's friend brought the puppy to him, as the puppy was chewing on his expensive furniture. And allegedly they agreed that he would find a new owner, or leave it for himself, and give him a new puppy from the offspring of the future .. in order to somehow compensate him for his waste. So the baby stayed in our apartment, we raised him, fed him, treated him and vaccinated him. The cost of the puppy was shared. It's time to draw up a pedigree for a puppy. And then, by a common decision, we issued documents for me. At the same time, the issue of reimbursement of funds to his friend was no longer raised. The owner who bought it provided all the documents to a neighbor. And I officially became the owner. After three months of the neighbor's living in the apartment, he began to ask if he should stay to live here, moving the guys from the second rented room. At that time everything was fine and I approved. And so I stayed in the apartment, he and two Dogs. At the same time, he was in no hurry to vacate the municipal one and move to a rented one, although I had already called the house manager and announced that the room was empty. At that time, I didn't care that he lived in the municipal. After all, at any moment he could move into a removable room. A few months ago, a nephew came to him, who seemed to have come to St. Petersburg completely. And they miraculously healed, one in a rented, the second in the municipal-free. Which made me a little stressed. I decided to talk to him about this topic .. because if the manager of the house had come, I would have received questions. She gave me the keys. To which I received the answer that they say, don’t worry, everything is seized .. only in a more rude form .. discord ensued .. swearing, dividing dog bowls and all that .. as well as threats that he and the person who bought the dog would take it away from me. I contacted a lawyer, I was assured that if the dog is registered for me, there is nothing to be afraid of. The law is on my side. We continued to live, with varying success .. after another skirmish, since I had no strength to endure impudence and rudeness, I called the owner of my room so that she would turn to the owners of his room and ask to evict the rebels who had bothered me and occupied two-thirds of the apartment . His mistress of the room lives far away, old and did not get involved in this. At the same time, the Neighbor began to refer to a friend who bought a dog and that I now have to pay for it .. At the same time, I never saw a friend who bought a dog to discuss this moment. My hostess talked with a neighbor (he justified himself in every possible way and even suggested that he rent my room), then the conversation turned to the dog, he gave the number of a friend and for some reason, she called him .. and he came indignantly and took the puppy to when I was not at home. I personally never saw this friend, and when I called him, without giving me much to explain, saying: I don’t know you, this is my dog, I paid for it, hung up. Asking a neighbor what he wants in order to return the dog .. he replied that a friend decided to keep him. As a result, now my dog, which I raised for two years, is with him .. he refuses to talk to me. Accordingly, it is not realistic for me to agree with him. I am ready to pay, pay what he says. I went to the police and wrote a statement .. I immediately received a forecast that there was no moment of theft and it is unlikely that there will be any business .. now I want to ask for help. What can I do in this case? Do I have any chance? Having talked calmly with a neighbor, he advised to wait, because the dog will be bored and they will return it, frightened .. after all, a yearning dog refuses to eat and may even get very sick. (he also misses the dog very much). At the same time, his friend turns out to occupy some not bad position in the administration. And the neighbor has only a temporary residence permit, no citizenship of the Russian Federation ..

Lawyer Belyaev A. E., 741 responses, 328 reviews, online since 01/13/2017
14.1. Hello!

Contact your local police department and file a complaint.

There is a possibility that the police will refuse to open a criminal case. But it is obliged to conduct a check and interview all participants in the events.

15. There was such a situation: in September I got a job in a printing house for an individual entrepreneur, there they didn’t turn on the heating for a long time and I became very ill, up to suspicions of serous meningitis (but the diagnosis turned out to be frontal sinusitis), having a hospital boss in her arms, she called me to work (I lay at home exactly 2 days and then it fell on my weekend) with a cry that I was letting the team down, humiliated me in every possible way. I got out, treated myself at home as best I could, everything seems to be fine, now it is January and I realized that something is very bad with my health. Today I just could not get out of bed in the morning with a wild headache, I decided to leave work and start going to the doctors. Now the crux of the matter: October, November and December (2017) I had a probationary period, in October the boss gave me a contract, she said that it was a simple standard contract, but she didn’t give me a copy, although now she says that I have everything when I leave and requires a 2-week working off before dismissal and generally thinks of dismissing me or not (I am the only cutter and prepress specialist and generally help the designer with layouts and orders). The person is very arrogant and at times it seems that she seems to be mocking while squeezing all the juices. Bottom line: I don’t know that I signed the TD or the GPA, then I was barely tired of my legs, and she said sign urgently and ran away (my mistake, I’m a fool, yes, but you don’t need to focus on this now), marks in the labor No, I didn't apply for a job. How can I quit my job now? What to appeal? How to defend yourself? I don’t need anything from her at all, and calculation too, the main thing for me is to escape from this hell and this exploiter away, and calmly be treated.
Thanks! Sincerely.

Lawyer Zhukalov V. V., 49 responses, 36 reviews, online since 01/12/2018
15.1. Good afternoon, you can quit without a 2-week work, write a letter of resignation and open a sick leave for these 2 weeks, notifying the employer.

16. I’ve been in the army for almost 2 months, I’ve been to a psychotherapist 2 times, I told him how unbearably hard it was for me and unbearable homesickness, he didn’t listen at all and wrote that I was healthy. There were 2 suicide attempts, the last time he jumped from a height just above the second floor, because of which he injured his feet, which he could hardly walk. The lieutenant colonel who came said that I was pretending and would continue to serve. Then, because of the temperature, I was sent to the hospital and told not to talk about the suicide attempt. Shouldn't I be commissioned? What can be done? For the third time, I will finally commit suicide.

Lawyer Shuk P.S., 124453 responses, 52628 reviews, online since 07.05.2012
16.1. Good afternoon, dear visitor!
YOU do not know what you are doing - IF YOU are commissioned (and they will do this if YOU insist) - Forget about RIGHTS to AUTO and good work - YOU will have a stigma for life

Good luck and good luck with your issue!

Lawyer Dorofeev A. V., 67 responses, 44 reviews, online since 04/04/2017
16.2. Hello. If your suicide attempts are confirmed, then you will most likely be discharged from the army, after passing the inpatient medical commission at the local PND. In the future, there may be problems with employment in certain positions. But, in any case, it's better than going home in a zinc. And the army will be calmer without you. IMHO

Hello, I have been serving for a month now, I want to be discharged from the army because of homesickness, or because of a personality disorder, I’m not a malingerer, I’ll say right away.
But I heard from an old-timer that the commander of my company would not allow me to do this, and the attitude towards me would also change for the worse.
Tomorrow we will go to write a test with a psychologist, which I have repeatedly failed by their standards.
What should I do if they don’t let me commit, I don’t want to serve, the army is not for me. Read answers (1)

17. The guy serves in the army for several days. Very homesick. It is difficult to serve him. Is it possible to write off under article 17 Homesickness. How to do it? What consequences?

Lawyer Nemirov O. V., 38194 responses, 15801 reviews, online since 08/19/2015
17.1. Good afternoon dear

No such article will soon get used to it and you will come to him for an oath.
Good luck to you and your loved ones!

18. I'm Roman homesick, I don't eat well, and I'm only sad, can I be fired from the army?

18.1. On this basis alone, it is impossible. The only thing is to see a psychiatrist. You should have it in the hospital. If there are grounds, then go through a psychiatric examination. The presence of the disease - dismissal from the army.

19. I'm Ivan, I'm 20 years old, I've been serving as a conscript for 3 months, I'm terribly homesick, everything that I don't immediately remember about the house like a film. He became whiny, anxious, constantly depressed, incomprehensible fatigue as a result of irritability and tears. Sometimes I hit something or lightly beat my head against the wall with strong anger, I bite myself. Since the age of 6 I have been registered with a neurologist with increased excitability, tearfulness and fatigue, I studied at individual training because of this. What should I do, how to be, I myself do not understand what is happening to me. I understand that it is necessary to serve, but everything infuriates me, I'm afraid to harm myself or someone else. If I run away and go to a psychotherapist in my city, and then go to court to be declared unfit, what threatens me and what is the best way to be?

Lawyer Gumbin D. Yu., 23 responses, 14 reviews, online since 23.09.2017
19.1. Hello Dear Ivan, in no case do not run away from the military unit, you will face criminal liability under Art. 338 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Desertion", you will face up to 7 years in prison, and not just in prison, but in a penal battalion, this is a special correctional colony for soldiers, and accordingly, after you leave, you will have a criminal record. It is not a fact that the garrison military court will recognize you as insane and appoint you to serve your sentence in a psychiatric hospital, which is even worse. You passed medical. commission, and were found fit, there is a neurologist on the commission, so it will be difficult for you to prove the opposite. I advise you to find friends in the company, or do something, read some literature, that is, distract yourself from thoughts about the house, but rather improve your physical fitness, hand-to-hand combat and general physical strength. Just get distracted, do not call up or text your family and friends every day, reduce communication with them to a minimum, for example, once a week, on weekends, tell your achievements for the week, or even less often. In general, improve yourself completely as you can, get distracted, learn more about weapons, technology, improve your knowledge. In extreme cases, you can contact the medical unit for an examination, or contact the company commander, or better, the unit, describe your problem, ask for help. But still I advise you to serve, to reduce communication with relatives to a minimum, to communicate more with colleagues, to improve yourself, to be distracted. You have a little time left to serve 1/4 of the service has already been completed, you will soon receive a rank. So do not be discouraged, do not think about the house and the service will fly by!
(And with desertion, nothing good will come of you, you will only break your life!)

Good luck, take care of yourself!

20. I am currently serving on conscription, and I have homesickness, I am constantly sad in my soul, I feel like crying. What will be the consequences if I am commissioned, and is it possible at all.

Lawyer Barabanova N. S., 633 responses, 349 reviews, online since 07/11/2017
20.1. Hello! The commission from the army should be understood as dismissal from military service for medical reasons. Symptoms which you describe hardly can lead to your commission.

Lawyer Babkin M.A., 49331 responses, 31017 reviews, online since 03/06/2017
20.2. Good afternoon! This is possible if there are health problems, if there are none, then it will not work out, in this case there is only one way out, all the same, to serve, so that then there would be no consequences and problems.

Lawyer Gavrilova A.Yu., 25514 responses, 8160 reviews, online since 10/25/2011
20.3. They don't commission. By such indications. They used to serve for 2 years. Nothing a healthy man can endure to fall apart. It's a shame at all.

21. A neighbor yearns for the courts, now she is going to file for the third time. The lawsuits concern the territory of the house, closely planted trees, windows supposedly looking at it, etc. In all cases, I went to the world. From the courts and asking for a permanent job, I started having problems at work. What should I do where to write?

Lawyer Kugeiko A.S., 86702 responses, 38690 reviews, online since 05.12.2011
21.1. Hello, You don’t need to write anywhere, you can’t forbid your neighbor to go to court and file claims

I wish you good luck and all the best!

Lawyer Shamolyuk I.A., 61033 responses, 25769 reviews, online since 07.11.2009
21.2. Good afternoon! You also have the right to sue your neighbor if you think she violates your rights. And initially plant trees and buildings in accordance with the Law, so that she would have no reason to go to court. If you win the court, you have the right to recover from her compensation for the time spent and non-pecuniary damage.

Lawyer Burykin E. A., 5333 responses, 3315 reviews, online since 04.11.2016
21.3. Good day!
Contact the district police officer, let him check her for a mental state. Well, not personally, of course, he will make requests to the PND (psycho-neurological dispensary).
Well, at work ... why do you constantly go to court? Does she involve you as a defendant? Don't go to court. If an absentee decision is made without your presence and not in your favor, you can appeal it.
Good luck to you!

Lawyer Beldyaeva N. A., 37431 responses, 21397 reviews, online since 02/12/2016
21.4. Good day. Every citizen has the right to apply to the court for the protection of rights, you may not go to the court session, submit a written response to the statement of claim and ask to Consider the case in your absence.

22. Due to difficulties at home, I decided to withdraw from the army through a psychologist, that is, homesickness, etc. The next question is how to do it right, at the moment I’m in the hospital, ask a psychologist and explain to him everything that I don’t want to serve etc. or at the end of treatment in the hospital, write a report that I don’t want to serve, but I’m afraid that everyone will find out about it. Because the part is small and morally I just can’t stand the mockery from my colleagues and officers, it’s just terrible with us ... And another question, if I nevertheless write a report or go to a psychologist, they will put me in a hospital or I will wait for everyone in the unit documents and after the examination... Please explain this process.

Lawyer Vanteev S.B., 14080 responses, 6776 reviews, online since 03/24/2009
22.1. It is not a psychologist who decides such questions, but a forensic psychiatric examination. Homesickness is not grounds for terminating a contract. You can not explain anything, but file a report for early termination of the contract.

22.2. Just like that, because you do not want to serve because of longing, no one commissions you, because no one wants to serve and everyone is homesick. So this plan won't work.

23. I want to commision on the article homesickness what are the consequences. Have this article.

23.1. Hello, in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to commission on any article, supporting materials are needed.

24. I can’t get along in a team, I’m constantly homesick because of this, I’m in a constant bad mood and have no appetite, what should I do?...

Lawyer Mukhin V.B., 4505 responses, 1135 reviews, online since 10/27/2007
24.1. You need advice not from a lawyer, but from a psychologist or psychotherapist. This issue is not within the scope of Russian legislation.

25. My wife survived me three years ago from home, the house was bought together, we have three children, I wander all over Russia in order to somehow stretch myself out to get money for her, I send money to her, she constantly skips them in taverns, and yearns for any crap.

Lawyer Mataev A.G., 40206 responses, 22127 reviews, online since 07/07/2011
25.1. hello
If the house was purchased during the marriage, then it is joint property.
Therefore, you have the right to claim half of it, you need to apply to the court for the division of property.

Lawyer Ivashchenko A. V., 2993 responses, 1526 reviews, online since 07.05.2016
25.2. Hello.
Apply to the court with a statement of claim for the division of jointly acquired property.
Regarding the festivities of your wife, you can contact the department of guardianship and guardianship to check the living conditions of the children.
Good luck.

Lawyer Nutfullina L. Ya., 14648 responses, 8055 reviews, online since 02/22/2017
25.3. Good day, Denis! Art. 39 RF IC.
When dividing the common property of the spouses and determining shares in this property, the shares of the spouses are recognized as equal, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the spouses.

Lawyer Toma A. V., 21795 responses, 10637 reviews, online since 02.11.2016
25.4. According to article 38 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, for the division of matrimonial property in court, the limitation period is three years. Thus, paragraph 1 of Article 200 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that the limitation period does not start counting from the moment of divorce. The starting point is the moment when one of the co-owners of the property found out about the violation of property rights. In your case, you have the right to file a lawsuit in court for the division of jointly acquired property.

Lawyer Pichuev S. L., 23488 responses, 8034 reviews, online since 01/14/2016
25.5. Hello Denis! Since the house was acquired during the marriage, it is joint property and half of it belongs to you; You have the right to live in this house, you can apply to the court to protect your rights. With respect and willingness to help, STANISLAV PICHUEV.

26. A soldier complains of homesickness, can he be sent to disbat if the diagnosis is not confirmed?

Lawyer Zamyatina O. A., 18060 responses, 8210 reviews, online since 05.10.2016
26.1. Hello Olga. There is no such diagnosis as homesickness. Let them complain less. Only serve one year. A real man can be patient.

Lawyer Derevyanko S.Yu., 155781 responses, 56963 responses, online since 08/15/2012
26.2. The soldier complains of homesickness, can he be sent to the disbat if the diagnosis is not confirmed? -This is the basis for sending him to the hospital, to the neuropsychiatric department and then they will issue a Military ID with such an article.

Lawyer Alekseev A.N., 3841 responses, 1667 reviews, online since 07.11.2016
26.3. can he be sent to the disbat if the diagnosis is not confirmed?
Good evening!
I guess not. What is the diagnosis? About homesickness? So this is not a diagnosis at all, there is no reason to send it to the disbat.
Good luck to you!

27. How can you get a commission from the army from outside? If, for example, I am a military girl? He has homesickness and adjustment disorder.

Lawyer Antyukhin A.V., 328986 responses, 123201 reviews, online since 08/16/2011
27.1. Hello! Conscripts with children, elderly or sick parents (mothers over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) are usually sent to serve near their place of residence (Instruction approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.2007 No. 400). To move a soldier closer. Those. to the place of residence of the parents, you can contact the military registration and enlistment office with a written application for the transfer of a serviceman.

Lawyer Zlatkin A.M., 35228 responses, 17114 reviews, online since 04/18/2015
27.2. No, if you were pregnant and you had nothing to feed your child, then there would be another case that could play. But I do not advise you to rush.

Lawyer Tseher G.Ya., 15628 responses, 4799 reviews, online since 29.08.2002
28.1. Before the army, everything was fine with me, category "A", but in the army appeared

Before the army, everything was fine with me, category "A", but in the army there was a strong homesickness, if I turn to a psychologist, he might think that I am deceiving him and will he send me to the hospital?

This is natural and overcome by active sports.
Sports help to maintain not only physical but also mental health, form endurance and stamina.

29. If there is a strong homesickness and depression in the army, is it possible to return home and what will happen to employment in the future?

Attorney Cherednichenko V.A., 193275 responses, 73805 reviews, online since 05/12/2015
29.1. If you serve under a contract, then you can try to quit of your own free will, if you come up with a good reason. But it won't be easy. If you can do this, then there will be no problems with further employment.

Lawyer Khokhryakov A.V., 10082 responses, 4040 reviews, online since 07/12/2015
29.2. is it possible to return homeIt is impossible to return home, the soldier took the oath, he is obliged to serve the Motherland. It's hard for everyone at first, everyone wants to go home.
Be patient Cossack, you will be an ataman.

30. My grandmother burned out in her own house while firefighters investigators were looking for a passport lost what to do?

Lawyer Shamolyuk I.A., 61033 responses, 25769 reviews, online since 07.11.2009
30.1. What to do? Go to the FMS, write a statement about the loss, pay the state duty and a fine, and get a new passport. If you didn’t lose it, then write a statement to the police, maybe they will release you from the fine ..

“Everything is different at my house, such cottage cheese is not sold here, but cottage cheese is not sold here at all, it is so noisy everywhere, and my friends would understand the joke” - you probably often compared your home with a place far away from it and missed it.

This is a normal reaction, especially if this is your first trip without your parents. But even if you are already an avid traveler and have traveled to different continents, homesickness can overcome you too.

Just don't be ashamed of it. This is your home and it is quite logical that you will miss it at certain moments of the trip.

Homesickness, homesickness and nostalgia for the homeland are deep feelings that many authors wrote about in completely different periods. Homesickness is great, but it can keep you from enjoying the real thing abroad.

We share the most practical advice on what to do if you miss home and how not to fall into melancholy.

The busier you are, the less time you have to think.

1. Celebrate your first anniversary

Homesickness is like breaking up with a loved one. First you need to get sick, eat ice cream, feel sorry for yourself for a few days, but then you need to move on. And here there is a hitch, because it is very difficult to stop feeling sorry for yourself.

What would you say if we offered to cheat the system? It's pure psychology! If we treat some moment in life as a tragedy, our brain will automatically reconfigure our emotional and psychological state according to these parameters.

What happens if we change our mindset? Try to arrange a holiday out of this. For example, "Day of Tosca", which you will dedicate to your usual things: native music, domestic cinema and food. Only for 24 hours!

After that, immediately go and get to know the new city. Stop sitting at home! Down with home nostalgia!

2. Plan your day

The busier you are, the less time you have to think. And the less you think, the less likely you are to become discouraged.

Try to make your day busy: go on excursions, meet new people, cook a new dish, go to an amusement park.

This will give you many new memories and diversify weekdays and weekends and help you cope with homesickness.

3. Find your favorite place

Favorite place in a foreign city plays an important role. It can be a bench in the nearest park, a cozy coffee shop next to the school, a place with a wonderful view.

Soon you will start meeting the same people, meet the same barista and just feel at home.

4. Beat the boredom!

When your brain has nothing to do, it looks for a way to occupy itself. What does he start thinking about? Of course, about the house. And this is where the emotional component comes in.

To prevent this from happening, be active: participate in common activities, go on excursions, explore the city on your own, communicate with your roommates and classmates.

You can start keeping a diary to remember each day of your trip. Who knows, maybe you have a talent for blogging! Homesickness can be your inspiration!

5. There is nothing more alive than the present

In the 21st century, we can stay connected 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Everyone knows where we are, what we do, who we meet and what we eat. It is enough to go to the page in Instagram.

It is very difficult to give up the opportunity to know everything about everyone, but sometimes you need to do it. You went abroad to experience something new and amazing! So be in the present, get off the grid for these days.

6. Meet new people

The people you meet can play an important role in your life. Always easy when you are at school or traveling in a group. You know these people and you can safely get in touch with them. But you never know what a relationship that goes beyond your comfort zone can lead to.

Such encounters include your temporary travel companions, roommates you didn't know before, the family you have to live with. Get out of your comfort zone to learn new things and meet interesting people!

And by the way, homesickness can be a great way to connect with fellow travelers like you - just share your feelings and you'll see how people respond with warmth.

The desire to retire from the army is not always caused by a simple unwillingness to serve, there can be many reasons why a young man wants to go home. Often this includes health problems, conflicts in the team, too difficult working conditions, troubles on the personal front. Many people dream of refusing to serve, but such a decision must be approached responsibly, because in the future you will have a lot of problems, even if you do everything according to the law. Is it possible to commission without consequences, what are the chances of success, and what is the algorithm of actions for a soldier?

Reasons for commission

The most common reason that will become a sure way to commission from the army is the state of health. When hiring doctors, they often miss important illnesses, they may not bother a guy at the present time, but the loads and busy daily routine do their job - the sores get worse. There is a whole list of diseases that have become a reason for care. But most of all, men who, although they were recognized as fit for service, have the most chances for early demobilization, but with restrictions.

Imagine a situation where a young man has asthma, constant treatment and a sparing daily regimen do their job: the tests are normal, the state of health does not fail. When the time comes to serve, everything changes: there is no time for exercises and breathing exercises, climate change and stress make themselves felt, and physical activity has an even more detrimental effect. This is where you can commission for health - the main thing is to follow the algorithm of actions.

The situation is similar with old injuries, if you are worried about already healed fractures or postoperative sutures, you can count on early dismissal. How fast will it happen? Most likely, it will take a couple of months that the guy will spend in the hospital, the medical examination will also take a lot of time, this option cannot be called optimal when you want to go home faster, but it is the most correct and legal one.

There is another possibility to get a commission - in psychiatry. This method is used by many young people who do not want to serve. In general, it is enough for you to demonstrate to the doctors some deviations in your health, for example, having escaped from the army before the oath, you will be sent for an examination, as a result of which you will most likely be fired. The main thing is to do this before the oath, so as not to be brought to military responsibility.

There is an opportunity to commission under Article 17 - the so-called homesickness is due to the constant worries of a serviceman and the inability to cope with the duties assigned to him. Depending on the decision of the VVK, you can be registered at the dispensary, or simply dismissed with restrictions on further service and recognition of partial unfitness.

Without further consequences, you can be commissioned for family reasons. For example, if your close relative died in the service or needs constant care, you are commissioned. The same applies to the case if your child lost his mother, became disabled, a second baby was born in a civilian, you became the guardian of a brother or sister.

Commission algorithm

To leave the army for family reasons, you should provide the management with an appropriate application with supporting documents attached. If you want to do this for health reasons, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Complain to the medical unit if you feel unwell. You need to write reports to get a referral for hospitalization;
  2. In the hospital, it is necessary to undergo treatment that will confirm the presence of an illness incompatible with the service. Moreover, if doctors recommend surgery, you have the right to refuse, it is better to carry out the intervention in a proven clinic after leaving home;
  3. The treatment should be ineffective, now you should initiate the IVC by writing a report to the head;
  4. Based on the diagnosis, the commission will assign a new category of fitness, the serviceman will be commissioned.

Keep in mind that the procedure turns out to be quite complicated, it will not be easy to commission, so it’s better to solve the problem at the draft stage - it’s much easier to do it in civilian life.

Possible consequences for a young person

Declaring you unfit for service on health grounds will have a number of consequences. For example, not every job will take you, so before you decide to take such a step, you should think, maybe it’s better to serve a year and get the opportunity to choose any job in civilian life? If you are commissioned "for a fool", in the future the road to public service and to many self-respecting companies will be closed.

It is not always possible to remove such a diagnosis, but there is good news: the grounds for the commission are not indicated on the military ID, so you can keep them a secret, unless, of course, you go to work with great responsibility: they will require a certificate from you and conclusion of the VVK.