Improving business career management. Analysis and improvement of the business career of the organization’s personnel Improvement of the system for managing the business career of employees


Each person, as a rule, works in one or several organizations during his working life, passing through a number of different positions in them, i.e. “makes a career” in one way or another. Career processes have a number of specific features, since they involve not only the workers themselves, but also the organizations in which they work, and even the state and society. Modern scientific theories define a career as an objective social-organizational process that has its own patterns, “pitfalls,” i.e. its implementation method. Whether the career path is correctly chosen and how adequately implemented depends on the employee’s satisfaction with his work destiny and life and, accordingly, his social and labor return, which directly affects both the efficiency of organizations and the economic stability of the state. This relationship gives rise to the need for effective management of career processes at all levels, which is simply impossible to implement without a scientific understanding of the fundamentals of this phenomenon.

Career management is one of the most important components of overall production efficiency improvement. Today, more and more attention is being paid to career management as the main component strategy for increasing employee productivity.

The goal of career management is to ensure the effective functioning of the organization, increase labor productivity based on developing employees’ ability to work in a team, modern economic thinking, maintaining and developing human resources, and improving the professional skills of employees.

A business career is the most important tool through which management has the opportunity to increase the potential of human resources and influence the formation of organizational culture.

Thus, the relevance of studying this final qualification work is justified by the fact that the business career of personnel is one of the most important components of the effective functioning of the organization. The development of personnel along the career ladder has a positive effect on employee motivation, has a direct impact on the financial performance of the organization, and also ensures a more favorable climate in the team and continuity in management.

The purpose of this work is to study theoretical approaches to the problem of career management and its role in increasing the efficiency of the organization.

Based on the topic defined above, the objectives of the work are: to consider the theoretical foundations of personnel careers; analyze the types, types and models of careers; study the theoretical foundations of business career management; analyze the financial activities of the State Unitary Enterprise “Tattehmedfarm”; consider the main directions for improving staff careers.

Subject of research: features of personnel careers in the organization.

Practical value. This work systematizes the basic concepts, models and stages of a business career, their improvement and subsequent implementation into practice.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of such authors as G.G. Zaitsev, G.V. Cherkasskaya, A.Ya. Kibanov, Egorshin A.P., devoted to the analysis of the personnel management system.

The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

Theoretical foundations of personnel careers in an organization

career personnel management organization

Market conditions create high demands on the level of qualifications of the personnel of a modern enterprise, knowledge and professional skills of workers. Under such conditions, the problem of effective promotion on the career ladder becomes a problem.

Only recently has human resource management paid serious attention to the paths followed by promotion and the type of planning that is needed to achieve a certain goal. The key to solving this problem is to understand that promotion is influenced not simply by factors and not by a person, their external or internal interactions themselves, but rather by the ways in which these important factors interact.

Managers of each production must know the principles of building a career for employees, filling vacant positions and forming a personnel reserve. Much attention should be paid to considering the features of the promotion of employees at all levels: managers, specialists and technical performers, and the problems of the impossibility of fully realizing labor potential.

The relevance of studying careers is justified by the fact that the career of personnel is one of the most important components of the effective functioning of an organization. The development of personnel along the career ladder has a positive effect on employee motivation, has a direct impact on the financial performance of the organization, and also ensures a more favorable climate in the team and continuity in management.

It must be said that the issues of studying careers in the specialized literature are considered only in terms of work activity (for hire) in any organization, most often commercial or government. A different career - in the family, household, in social regulatory organizations (public, charitable), its commensurability with the traditional career in hired work - is a relatively new phenomenon both in science and in life.

Meanwhile, such a formulation of the question has an unconditional right to exist. For example, since ancient times, effective housekeeping has required certain specialized knowledge. After all, the family as a social institution performs certain functions in society (reproductive, educational, economic, recreational, etc.). At the same time, family members carry out certain socially useful activities that society can evaluate and recognize, for which they must be appropriately prepared. Within its framework, family members have unlimited opportunities to improve their own knowledge, skills and work results, i.e. career growth in the generally accepted sense.

Let's take a closer look at the essence of a career. Different authors have different points of view on defining the essence of a career. In I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary this word is interpreted as follows: occupation, activity; the path to success, a prominent position in society, in the professional field, as well as the very achievement of such a position.

D.M. Ivantsevich and A.A. Lobanov, in one of the first publications on career issues in Russia, argues that a career is an individually conscious sequence of changes in views, attitudes and behavior associated with work experience and activities during working life.

According to V.A. Dyatlova, A.Ya. Kiban's career is the employee's subjectively conscious judgments about his work future, the expected ways of self-expression and satisfaction with work; advancement up the career ladder, changes in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the employee's activities; obtaining greater powers, higher status, prestige, power, more money.

Egorshin gives the following definition of career: an employee’s career in an organization is the sum of two components: the employee’s desire to realize his own professional potential and the company’s interest in promoting this particular employee.

As you can see, the definitions are very different from each other. Such discrepancies arose due to the fact that when analyzing the essence of the “career” category, the principles of the systems approach are not sufficiently used; the essence of this category and its relationship with other socio-economic processes taking place among workers are not traced. Let's try to figure this out.

a) a full-fledged career has internal (a person’s personal development, expressed in the real increase in his knowledge and skills - human capital) and external (a person’s mastery of social space as a result of personal development) components;

b) social space is multidimensional and has several vectors of development of each individual in the process of life and work: professional, official, status, monetary (economic, financial), spiritual, etc.;

c) in relation to any sphere of life, each person initially faces certain goals, defined by him in one way or another (verbalized, weakly conscious and unconscious, in the form of a certain image), which can change over time;

d) a person makes certain efforts to achieve these goals, achieving or not achieving success.

So career - this is an individually conscious sequence of personal development goals, structured in spiritual, professional, status or economic terms, determined by views, positions, behavior and experiences that change throughout life, and the process of achieving these goals as a result of work activity.

A career can be dynamic, associated with changing jobs, and static, carried out in one place and in one position through professional growth. It can be vertical, which involves promotion through the steps of the hierarchical ladder, and horizontal, which occurs within the same level of management, but with a change in the type of occupation, and sometimes profession. Combining these two approaches results in a so-called stepped career.

Careers can be administrative or professional. Many companies involved in knowledge-intensive activities, in order to retain highly qualified personnel and better use their creative potential, align their career ladder with a ladder of scientific degrees and titles (“parallel career ladder”, the highest ranks of which correspond to the positions of vice presidents). This prevents the transfer of the intellectual elite to administrative work, although at the lower levels a mutual transfer is still possible. Thus, we can talk about professional and qualification advancement, carried out as job promotion and growth in the qualifications of workers at the same time.

Another type of career stands out - centripetal, the essence of which lies not so much in movements as such, but in their real result, which consists in getting closer to the “core” of the organization. The point is that a person, even without holding any high positions, may turn out to be close to the leadership, admitted into a narrow circle of friends, included in the elite.

Consequently, career success can be viewed both from the point of view of advancement within the organization from one position to another, higher one, and from the point of view of the degree of mastery of a certain profession, its constituent skills and knowledge, and from the point of view of receiving special recognition from management.

Factors in a successful career may include chance giving a person a chance; realistic approach to choosing a direction; opportunities created by the socio-economic status of the family (education, connections); good knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses; clear planning.

Careers can develop at different paces. At domestic enterprises there is an increasing pace of employee advancement; Almost the same practice exists in the USA. Here, in order to be able to take a leading position in the management of a company, you need to be the manager of a large branch by the age of 39-44. In this case, preference is given to those who have worked for at least two years as an ordinary engineer in production or as an employee in the sales, marketing, business analysis department; for 2-4 years as the head of a group of engineers, for 3-6 years as the head of a division with several departments; Participation in emergency management and management of foreign branches is desirable. In Japan, a career begins only after about ten years of working in an organization.

Internal assessment of career success and failure occurs by comparing the real state of affairs with the personal goals and aspirations of a given person, and external assessment is based on the opinions of others, position held, status, influence. These assessments may not correspond to each other, and then the ground is created for the development of internal conflict, fraught with the most unfavorable consequences.

Any career is done for the sake of something, and thus has its own driving motives, which change over the years. Based on them, people make active efforts to achieve specific goals. Such motives include the following.

Autonomy. A person is driven by the desire for independence, the ability to do everything his own way. Within the organization, it is given by a high position, status, authority, merit, which everyone is forced to reckon with.

Functional competence. A person strives to be the best specialist in his field and be able to solve the most complex problems. To do this, he focuses on professional growth, and considers job promotion through the prism of professionalism. Such people are generally indifferent to the material side of things, but they highly value external recognition from the administration and colleagues.

Security and stability. The activities of employees are driven by the desire to maintain and strengthen their position in the organization, therefore, as their main task, they consider obtaining a position that provides such guarantees.

Managerial competence. A person is driven by the desire for power, leadership, and success, which are associated with a high position, rank, title, status symbols, important and responsible work, high wages, privileges, recognition from management, and rapid advancement up the career ladder.

Entrepreneurial creativity. People are driven by the desire to create or organize something new, to engage in creativity. Therefore, for them, the main motive for a career is to gain the necessary power and freedom that the corresponding position provides.

The need for primacy. A person strives for a career in order to be the first always and everywhere, to “outdo” his colleagues.

Life style. A person sets himself the task of integrating the needs of the individual and family, for example, getting an interesting, fairly well-paid job that provides freedom of movement, managing one’s time, etc. If a person does not have a family, then the meaningfulness of the work, its fascination, and variety may come first.

Material well-being. People are driven by the desire to obtain a position associated with high wages or other forms of remuneration.

Providing healthy conditions. The employee is driven by the desire to achieve a position that involves performing official duties in favorable conditions. For example, it is quite understandable when the head of the foundry shop of a plant strives to become deputy director of the enterprise and leave environmentally harmful production, and the head of a branch located above the Arctic Circle seeks a position that allows him to be closer to the south.

With age and increasing qualifications, career goals and motives usually change.

1.2 Models, types and stages of the business career of personnel in the organization

Business career - progressive advancement of an individual in any field of activity, changes in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the activity; moving forward along the once chosen path of activity, achieving fame, glory, and enrichment. For example, obtaining greater powers, higher status, prestige, power, more money.

There are several types of careers (Fig. 1.2.1).

Rice. 1.2.1. Types of business career

An intra-organizational career means that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through all stages of development: training, entry into work, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement. A particular employee goes through these stages sequentially within the walls of one organization. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

An interorganizational career means that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through all stages of development: training, entry into work, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement. An employee goes through these stages sequentially, working in different positions in different organizations. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

A specialized career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee goes through various career stages in the course of his professional activity. A particular employee can go through these stages sequentially both in one and in different organizations, but within the framework of the profession and field of activity in which he specializes. For example, the head of the sales department of one organization became the head of the sales department in another organization. Such a transition is associated either with an increase in remuneration for work, or with a change in content, or with the prospects for promotion. Another example: the head of the HR department is appointed to the position of deputy. Director of Human Resources of the organization where he works.

Non-specialized careers are widely developed in Japan. The Japanese are firmly of the opinion that a manager must be a specialist capable of working in any part of the company, and not in any particular function. When climbing the corporate ladder, a person should be able to look at the company from different angles, without staying in one position for more than three years. Thus, it is considered quite normal if the head of the sales department changes places with the head of the procurement department. Many Japanese executives worked in trade unions early in their careers. As a result of this policy, the Japanese manager has a significantly smaller amount of specialized knowledge (which in any case will lose its value in five years) and at the same time has a holistic view of the organization, supported by personal experience. An employee can go through the stages of this career either in one or in different organizations.

A vertical career is the type of career with which the very concept of a business career is most often associated, since in this case the advancement is most visible. A vertical career is understood as a rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy (promotion in position, which is accompanied by a higher level of pay).

Horizontal career is a type of career that involves either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain official role at a level that does not have a strict formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, fulfilling the role of head of a temporary task force, program, etc.). A horizontal career can also include expanding or complicating tasks at the previous level (usually with an adequate change in remuneration).

The concept of a horizontal career does not mean an indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy.

Stepped career - a type of career that combines elements of horizontal and vertical career types. Employee advancement can be carried out by alternating vertical growth with horizontal growth, which gives a significant effect. This type of career is quite common and can take both intra- and inter-organizational forms.

A hidden career is a type of career that is least obvious to others. It is available to a limited number of employees, usually those with extensive business connections outside the organization. A centripetal career means movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings inaccessible to other employees, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, the employee gaining access to informal sources of information, confidential requests, certain important instructions from management. Such an employee may hold an ordinary position in one of the divisions of the organization. However, the level of remuneration for his work significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in his position.

In the process of career implementation, it is important to ensure the interaction of all types of careers. This interaction involves the implementation of the following tasks: achieving a relationship between the goal setting of the organization and the individual employee; ensuring that career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs; ensuring openness of the career management process; eliminating “career dead ends” in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development; improving the quality of the career planning process; the formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions; studying the career potential of employees; providing a reasonable assessment of employees' career potential in order to reduce unrealistic expectations; identifying career paths, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

Practice has shown that employees often do not know their prospects in a given team. This indicates poor management of personnel, lack of planning and control of careers in the organization.

Planning and control of a business career lies in the fact that from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize the systematic horizontal and vertical advancement of the employee through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

One form of career planning is the lifetime employment system, common in Japan. This system arose after the Second World War and proved its viability and effectiveness. The essence of the system is that a person, having received an education, goes to work in a company and works there until retirement. During this time, an employee can change several places, change his field of activity, advance in his career - and all this within the same company. The advantage of lifetime employment is that each employee directly associates himself in his thoughts with the company for which he works, and understands that his personal prosperity depends on the prosperity of his company. The system creates confidence in the future; the employee is almost guaranteed against dismissal. However, lifetime employment has serious limitations: this system in Japan applies only to 25-30% of employees in large companies; if the financial situation worsens, companies still carry out layoffs; employment guarantee agreements are not recorded in official documents.

The Japanese lifetime employment system is a form of guaranteed employment. There is currently a growing interest in job security around the world. There are other reasons for this, besides those mentioned above: the fear of being fired creates a nervous environment and reduces labor productivity; fear that the use of new equipment will lead to job cuts slows down the technical development of production; High staff turnover is costly for an organization, especially when it comes to highly qualified personnel.

Ensuring job security is one of the most difficult problems of personnel management in organizations. Some managers do not even want to consider this problem, believing that in market conditions the entrepreneur himself decides when and who to fire. However, if organizational leaders expect employees to be willing to increase productivity, quality and efficiency, then they must provide them with certain guarantees of job retention.

Depending on the direction of the stages of an intra-organizational career (“decline”, “rise”), six types can be distinguished:

Target (linear) career. An employee once and for all chooses a professional space for his development, plans the appropriate stages of his progress towards a professional ideal and strives to achieve it.

Monotonous (stable) career. The employee outlines once and for all the desired professional status and, upon achieving it, does not strive to move in the organizational hierarchy, even if there are opportunities for professional improvement and improvement of his socio-professional status and financial situation.

Spiral career. An employee is motivated to change types of activities (with and without transitions between jobs of different social ranks) and, as he masters them, moves up the steps of the organizational hierarchy.

Fleeting (short-term) career. Moving from one type of activity to another occurs spontaneously, without visible purpose.

Stabilization (plateau-shaped) career. A personality grows to a certain level and remains there for a long time - more than eight years.

Fading (declining) career. An employee grows to a certain level and remains with this status until the moment when “attenuation” begins - a noticeable movement towards a lower socio-professional status in the organization. Most often, this happens due to personal reasons - alcohol abuse, illness, etc. Due to real reasons, the employee begins to not meet the requirements of the positions held and gradually sinks to a lower level.

Springboard model. Among managers and specialists, the “springboard” career is widespread. The life path of an employee consists of a long climb up the career ladder, accompanied by a gradual increase in his potential, knowledge and experience. Accordingly, the positions held are changed to more complex and better paid ones. At a certain stage, an employee occupies the highest position for him and tries to stay in it for a long time. At the end of working life there is a “ski jump” into retirement. The “springboard” career model for a line manager is shown in Fig. 1.2.2. The “springboard” career is most typical for managers during the period of stagnation in the economy, when many positions in central bodies and enterprises were held by the same people for 20–25 years.

Also, this model is typical for specialists and employees who do not set themselves any special life goals related to career advancement. For a number of reasons: personal interests, low workload, a good workforce, acquired qualifications, and other vital interests, employees are quite satisfied with their position, and they are ready to remain in it until they retire. Thus, a “springboard” career can be quite acceptable in a market economy for a large group of specialists and employees.

Rice. 1.2.2. Springboard career model

In cases where the work activity of a person whose lifestyle and interests are directly related to his position is forcedly terminated in this way, this “leap” can be fatal in the truest sense of the word. An example is a number of medium and small party and economic functionaries of the USSR, who lost their jobs in one fell swoop after its collapse and did not find themselves in market reforms in Russia and the former Soviet republics.

Rice. 1.2.3. Ladder career model

The “ladder” career model stipulates that each step in a career represents a specific position that the employee holds for a fixed period of time, for example, no more than 5 years. This period is enough to enter a new position and work with full dedication. With increasing qualifications, creative potential and production experience, a manager or specialist rises through the ranks (Fig. 1.2.3). An employee takes up each new position after advanced training. An employee will reach the top rung of his or her career during the period of maximum potential, when extensive experience has been accumulated and high qualifications, breadth of outlook, professional knowledge and skills have been acquired, and health has not yet been lost. Psychologically, this model is just as inconvenient for first managers because of their reluctance to leave the “first roles” as the previous one. Therefore, it should be supported by a higher management body (board of directors, management board) from the humane standpoint of preserving the health and performance of the employee.

After occupying the top position, a systematic descent down the career ladder begins, performing less intensive work that does not require making difficult decisions in extreme situations or leading a large team. Most often, a former manager and specialist can be involved as a consultant, advisor, etc.

The “snake” career model is suitable for managers and specialists. It provides for the horizontal-vertical movement of an employee from one position to another, each of which takes a short time (1 - 2 years). The “snake” career model for a line manager is shown in Fig. 1.2.4. For example, a foreman, after studying at a management school, works successively as a dispatcher, technologist and economist, and then is appointed to the position of workshop manager. This enables the line manager to study in more depth specific management functions that will be useful to him in a higher position.

Rice. 1.2.4. The Snake Career Model

Before becoming the director of an enterprise, the manager works as a deputy director for 6 - 9 years (for personnel, commerce, economics, etc.) and comprehensively studies important areas of activity. The main advantage of this model is the ability to satisfy a person’s need for knowledge of management functions of interest to him in a particular organization and the acquisition of relevant skills and knowledge, including knowledge of problem areas. Organizationally, this presupposes the constant movement of personnel in the management apparatus, the presence of a clear system of appointment and relocation, and a detailed study of the socio-psychological climate in the team. The figure also shows the reverse movement (decrease). If personnel rotation is not observed, the “snake” career loses its significance and can have negative consequences, since some employees with a predominant melancholic and phlegmatic temperament are not inclined to change teams or positions and will perceive it very painfully. Previously, such a system was used by many entrepreneurs as a form of professional training for successors (sons) to transfer the family business to them.

Rice. 1.2.5. The Crossroads Career Model

The “crossroads” career model involves, after a certain fixed or variable period of work, a manager or specialist undergoing a comprehensive assessment (certification), based on the results of which a decision is made on promotion, transfer or demotion (Fig. 1.2.5). This career can be recommended for joint ventures and foreign firms that apply employment contracts only in the form of a fixed-term contract. In its philosophy, this is an American career model, focused on a person’s individualism and the initial limitation of his useful life in a particular organization.

When planning a business career, there are six stages. At different stages of a person's career, they satisfy different needs.

In table Figure 1.2.1 shows the connections between career stages and needs. But in order to manage careers, we need a more complete description of what happens to people at different stages of their careers. For this purpose, special research is carried out in organizations.

Table 1.2.1. Career stages

Career stages

Age, years

Goal Achievement Needs

Moral Needs

Physiological and material needs


Studying, testing at different jobs

The beginning of self-affirmation

Security of existence


Mastery of work, development of skills, formation of a qualified specialist

Self-affirmation, the beginning of achieving independence

Security of existence, health, salary level


Advancement up the career ladder, growth of qualifications

Growing self-affirmation, achieving greater independence, beginning self-expression

Health, high level of pay


Preparing for retirement. Preparing for a change in activity.

Stabilization of independence, self-expression, growth of respect.

Maintaining salary levels and interest in other sources of income.


Engaging in other activities

Self-expression in a new field of activity, stabilization of respect

Pension size, other sources of income, health

In table Figure 1.2.1 shows the connections between career stages and needs. But in order to manage careers, we need a more complete description of what happens to people at different stages of their careers. For this purpose, special research is carried out in organizations.

The preliminary stage includes school, secondary and higher education and lasts up to 25 years. During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of an activity that satisfies his needs and meets his capabilities. If he immediately finds this type of activity, the process of self-affirmation as an individual begins, he cares about the security of his existence.

Next comes the formation stage, which lasts approximately five years from 25 to 30. During this period, the employee masters the profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, self-affirmation occurs and the need to establish independence appears. He continues to be concerned about the safety of his existence and concerns about his health. Usually at this age families are created and formed, so there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which is higher than the subsistence level.

The promotion stage lasts from 30 to 45 years. During this period, there is a process of growth in qualifications and career advancement. There is an accumulation of practical experience and skills, a growing need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence, and self-expression as an individual begins. During this period, much less attention is paid to satisfying the need for safety; the employee’s efforts are focused on increasing wages and taking care of health.

The conservation stage is characterized by actions to consolidate the achieved results and lasts from 45 to 60 years. The peak of improvement of qualifications is coming and its increase occurs as a result of active work and special training; the employee is interested in passing on his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creativity; there may be an ascent to new career levels. A person reaches the heights of independence and self-expression. A well-deserved respect for oneself and others who have achieved their position through honest work appears. Although many of the employee’s needs are satisfied during this period, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, but there is an increasing interest in other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of other organizations, shares, bonds).

The completion stage lasts from 60 to 65 years. This is where a person begins to seriously prepare for retirement. During this period, there is an active search for a worthy replacement and training of a candidate for the vacant position. Although this period is characterized by a career crisis and such people receive less and less satisfaction from work and experience a state of psychological and physiological discomfort, self-expression and respect for themselves and other similar people reaches the highest point for the entire period of their career. They are interested in maintaining the level of wages, but seek to increase other sources of income that would replace the wages of this organization when they retire and would be a good addition to the pension benefit.

At the last stage, the retirement stage, the career in this organization (type of activity) is completed. There is an opportunity for self-expression in other types of activities that were impossible during the period of work in the organization or acted as a hobby (painting, gardening, work in public organizations, etc.). Respect for oneself and fellow retirees is stabilized. But the financial situation and state of health in these years can make it a constant concern for other sources of income and health.

1.3 Personnel career management in the organization

Business career management is a set of activities carried out by the personnel service of organizations for planning, organizing, motivating and monitoring the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, opportunities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the goals, needs, opportunities and social economic conditions of the organization. Each individual employee is also involved in managing his business career. Business career management allows you to achieve employee devotion to the interests of the organization, increase productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully reveal a person’s abilities. Any person plans his future based on his needs and socio-economic conditions. It is not surprising that he wants to know the prospects for career growth and opportunities for advanced training in a given organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. Otherwise, the motivation of behavior becomes weak, the person does not work at full capacity, does not strive to improve his skills and views the organization as a place where he can wait some time before moving on to a new, more promising job. When applying for a job, a person sets certain goals for himself, but since the organization, when hiring him, also pursues specific goals, the person being hired needs to be able to realistically assess his business qualities. A person must be able to correlate his business qualities with the requirements that the organization and his work set for him. The success of his entire career depends on this. When hiring a job, a person must know the labor market. Without knowing the labor market, he can apply for the first attractive job that comes his way. But she may not be what he expected. Then the search for a new job begins. Let’s assume that a person knows the labor market well, is looking for promising areas of application of his work, and finds out that it is difficult to find a job for his knowledge and skills, since there are a lot of people who want to work in this area, as a result, strong competition arises. Having the ability to self-assess and knowing the labor market, he can select the industry and region where he would like to live and work. Correct self-assessment of your skills and business traits involves knowing yourself, your strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Only under this condition can you correctly set career goals.

A career goal cannot be called an area of ​​activity, a specific job, position, or place on the career ladder. It has deeper content. Career goals are manifested in the reason why a person would like to have this particular job, to occupy a certain step on the hierarchical ladder of positions. Career goals change with age, and also as we ourselves change, with the growth of our qualifications, etc. Forming career goals is an ongoing process.

As an example, here are some career goals:

Engage in an activity or have a position that corresponds to self-esteem and therefore provides moral satisfaction;

Get a job or position that meets self-esteem, in an area whose natural conditions have a beneficial effect on health and allow you to organize a good rest;

Occupy a position that enhances and develops capabilities;

Have a job or position that is creative in nature;

Work in a profession or position that allows you to achieve a certain degree of independence;

Have a job or position that pays well or allows you to simultaneously receive large side incomes;

Have a job or position that allows you to continue active learning;

Have a job or position that simultaneously allows you to raise children or run a household.

Managing an employee's career is the organization of his advancement through the stages of job and qualification growth, helping him to develop and implement professional knowledge and skills in the interests of the company.

In the activities of the personnel management service for managing the careers of employees, the most harmonious combination of the interests and goals of the company occurs (guaranteeing investments in the training of employees, ensuring their loyalty to the interests of the company, reducing turnover, effective use) with the individual interests and goals of the employees themselves (satisfying the needs for self-esteem and recognition , in achieving independence). This allows for the formation of productive and sustainable relationships between them. Therefore, career management work is based on an individual approach to opportunities for professional advancement and growth.

One of the hypotheses for personnel career management was put forward by Ostwald.

In 1909, the German scientist Ostwald (1853-1932), based on a study of the creative biographies of great scientists, discovered that people with different and even opposite character types achieved high results. At the same time, some of them, based on the manifestations of their character, were perceived by others as ordinary people. In his book Great Men, Ostwald formulated the hypothesis that it is not what we need to identify; what character traits are best for high results, and what conditions contribute to the greatest extent to the achievement of these results.

Today, Ostwald's hypothesis has received widespread theoretical and practical confirmation.

For personnel management, the conclusion from it is as follows. In conditions of growth of creativity in work, management should avoid unified methods of organizing and motivating work and take more care of an individual approach to stimulating employees, thereby creating the most favorable conditions for each of them.

Employee career management, to a certain extent, is a natural continuation and result of all the activities of the personnel management service. This process begins already at the hiring stage, during which the applicant must be provided with complete and reliable information about the opportunities and prospects for working in the company. A well-thought-out and organized program for training and advanced training of employees determines the implementation of career plans: promotion, relocation, etc.

Organization of work on employee career management includes:

familiarizing employees with the advancement opportunities available in the company in the form of training programs and consultations on individual plans for advanced training;

regular information and advice on training opportunities and vacancies opening in the company;

Development of support and psychological counseling programs to counteract career crises;

Movement of workers in three directions:

) advancement up the levels of qualification or career growth

) horizontal movement (rotation)

The process of planning an employee's business career begins at the time of hiring. A new employee needs to determine the prospects for his development in this organization and opportunities for career growth. This is the first stage of managing his business career.

The second stage is drawing up a plan for the employee’s individual career development. In other words, a list is compiled of the positions that an employee can occupy in the process of career growth.

It is worth noting that a career in an organization is not necessarily a continuous upward climb. It also implies horizontal movements - from one structural unit to another.

At this stage, the employee’s capabilities are compared with the requirements for a particular position. We must not forget that each employee is an individual. When drawing up career growth plans, you should take into account the individual characteristics of each person. And here the most active intervention of the immediate supervisor is required. It is he who can most objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages of the applicant, his potential.

It would be logical to assume that the next stage in managing an employee’s business career would be the implementation of a career development plan. This plan involves job rotation, various internships and individual mentoring (coaching).

At this stage, it is expected to constantly evaluate the results of the work. An employee must not only acquire new knowledge and skills, but also successfully use them in his daily work. Therefore, some tools are needed to control this process.

The assessment can be carried out in parallel with the regular assessment or as a separate event. The results obtained show how successful the employee was over the past period of time, which is worth paying attention to when planning his future career. As a rule, the assessment is carried out jointly by the immediate supervisor and the personnel management service.

Periodic assessment of the promoted employee allows you to understand what additional knowledge and skills he needs. Consequently, the formation of educational programs becomes more effective. The main thing when creating training programs is to clearly formulate its goals. Otherwise, it is difficult to avoid unnecessary waste of staff time and money of the organization. There are many methods and forms of training. The main selection criterion here is their compliance with the previously set goals.

Every process in an organization must be evaluated in terms of its effectiveness, and career management is no exception. The last stage of managing an employee’s business career is assessing the effectiveness of this process. You can evaluate the effectiveness of managing an employee’s business career using the following indicators:

Improving the efficiency of company management;

Productivity increase;

reduction in staff turnover;

the ratio of employees hired to key positions from outside with those who “grew” to such a position within the organization;

work on new projects as a factor in creating an innovative atmosphere in the organization.

Effective business career management has a positive effect on the organization’s performance: improving the quality of work and services, increasing the organization’s income, increasing staff stability, which is clearly shown in Fig. 1.3.1.

Rice. 1.3.1. Scheme of the influence of improving the management of employees’ business careers on the results of the organization’s activities

In general, the following conclusions can be drawn from this chapter.

A business career is understood as an employee’s advancement through the steps of the service hierarchy or a sequential change of occupations both within a separate organization and throughout life, as well as a person’s perception of these stages.

There are several types of careers: intra-organizational, inter-organizational, specialized, non-specialized, vertical, horizontal, stepped, hidden.

There are also five stages of a career: preliminary, formation, promotion, retention, and retirement.

Managing an employee's career is the organization of his advancement through the stages of job and qualification growth, helping him to develop and implement professional knowledge and skills in the interests of the company.

Analysis of the organization of State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

2.1 Analysis of the economic activities of the enterprise

The decision to create an enterprise was made by the Government of the Republic in 1999 at a time when state pharmacies found themselves in an extremely difficult financial and economic situation and could not provide social guarantees for citizens of the region. More than 80% of state pharmacies were unprofitable and had uncovered accounts payable.

The consolidation of most of the state pharmacies into a single structure and the centralization of funds allocated by the budget for the provision of medicines to the privileged category of citizens made it possible to optimize overhead costs within one system, purchase pharmaceutical products in large volumes, achieving lower purchase prices, and establish a system for monitoring the quality of products sold , ensure the profitability of the reorganized network, as well as strengthen control over the expenditure of budget funds.

Today, State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedpharm" is a dynamically developing wholesale and retail enterprise, which includes a pharmacy warehouse, the Republican Center for Pharmaceutical Information (RCFI) and pharmacy institutions.

The enterprise has created all the necessary conditions for the timely and high-quality provision of medicinal care to the population and medical institutions of the republic: logistics schemes for the provision of medicinal products to medical institutions and privileged categories of citizens have been established; Software tools have been developed that allow automated collection of applications and operational records of the dispensing of medicines with a comprehensive analysis; a multi-stage system for quality control of medicines has been established, which allows us to provide the greatest guarantees of protection against the receipt of counterfeit and substandard products.

State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedpharm" provides medicines to all state medical institutions of the republic. Every year, at their request, more than 50 million packages of medicines are shipped from the company’s warehouse.

The State Unitary Enterprise “Tattehmedpharm” has created and is successfully operating a scheme for the trouble-free supply of pharmaceuticals to the population and medical institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The enterprise also operates the Republican Center for Pharmaceutical Information (RCFI), which provides the population and medical workers of the republic with information on the availability of pharmaceutical products in pharmacies of the Republic of Tatarstan, paid medical and veterinary services, information on rejected and falsified medicines, makes reservations for medicines, and provides consultations on issues of medicinal science by multi-channel telephone “003”, as well as using the Internet site, cellular and SMS references. RCFI specialists daily service more than 2 thousand requests from the population.

The pharmacies of the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedpharm" constantly take first places in the competitions of medical and pharmaceutical workers held in the republic in the categories: "Best pharmacy of state ownership of the Republic of Tatarstan" (2006, 2007), "Best industrial pharmacy of the Republic of Tatarstan" (2006, 2007) , “For the best organization of pharmacy work in the DLO system of the Republic of Tatarstan” (2006), “Best district pharmacy” (2007), “Best pharmacy of the year: for integrity and social responsibility” (2008).

In Fig. 2.1.1 presents the management bodies and structural divisions of the State Unitary Enterprise “Tattehmedfarm”.

Rice. 2.1.1. Management bodies and structural divisions in the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

The Department for Planning and Coordination of Drug Supply includes:

department for coordination of pharmaceutical activities;

retail sales department;

department of preferential drug provision;

organizational and pharmaceutical department;


The accounting and reporting department organizes and maintains accounting records, compiling reports on the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, in accordance with current legislation and regulatory and methodological documents. Submission of information in a timely manner to government bodies about the activities of the enterprise, its property status, obligations and their movement. The department ensures timely financing of the territorial compulsory health insurance program and the national health care project, and carries out ongoing monitoring of the effective and efficient use of compulsory health insurance funds.

formation of effective regulatory and organizational personnel mechanisms for attracting and rational use of the enterprise’s human resources;

The Occupational Safety and Health Service performs a number of functions:

accounting and analysis of the state and causes of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors;

organization of workplace certification for working conditions;

development of plans and programs to improve working conditions and safety, prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases;

participation in the drafting of sections of the collective agreement relating to labor conditions and safety at the enterprise;

organizing investigations of industrial accidents;

conducting introductory training on labor protection with all persons entering work (including temporarily), business travelers, as well as students arriving for on-the-job training or internship;

organization of timely training on labor protection for enterprise employees;

providing structural units with local acts of the organization (rules, norms, instructions on labor protection), visual aids and educational materials on labor protection;

Conducting propaganda on labor safety issues using internal videos and films, wall newspapers, shop windows, etc. for these purposes.

Control is exercised over:

compliance by employees with the requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, and other local acts of the enterprise;

provision and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment;

implementation of activities provided for by programs, plans for improving labor conditions and safety, and the section of the collective agreement relating to labor safety issues.

The press center performs the following functions:

formation of a positive image of SUE “Tattehmedfarm” in the media;

communication with media representatives;

administration of the website of the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm".

Main functions of the property and lease relations department:

conclusion of lease agreements, utilities and operating services;

monitoring compliance with the terms of concluded contracts;

preparation and receipt of technical documentation;

control over the receipt of rental payments for property leased and subleased;

preparation of documents for the auction (competition);

participation in planning costs for renting real estate.

The supply department provides structural units with inventory items according to the needs of the enterprise.

Main functions of RCFI:

informing the population about the availability of pharmaceutical products in pharmacies, about paid medical and veterinary services in specialized institutions in Kazan;

consultation on medicinal issues;

providing various analytical information.

Tab. 2.1.1. Dynamics of changes in assets in the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

Change in thousand rubles

Change in %

I. NON-CURRENT ASSETS Intangible assets Fixed assets Construction in progress Other non-current assets TOTAL for section I II. CURRENT ASSETS Inventories including: raw materials, supplies and other costs in work in progress finished goods and goods for resale goods shipped deferred expenses Value added tax on purchased assets Accounts receivable (payments for which are expected within 12 months after the reporting date) including buyers and customers Short-term financial investments Cash Other current assets TOTAL for section II BALANCE

2654 200350 6755 17221 226979 68030 8977 16923 26661 - 15468 536 85098 75237 425 3494 1394 158977 385956

2374 187097 7692 22521 219684 66521 17233 8396 22651 364 17877 927 64203 51052 425 22028 1394 155497 375181

2234 179490 7720 22889 212334 91044 20379 17161 34614 - 18889 1092 89866 81511 1199 3878 1394 188472 400805

420 -20860 965 5668 -14645 23014 11402 238 7953 3421 556 4768 6274 774 384 0 29495 14849

84 -89 +14 +32 -7 +33 +127 +1 +29 +22 +103 +5 +8 +182 +10 0 +18 +3

From the data in table. 2.1.1 shows that assets for 2010 increased and amounted to 400,805 thousand rubles. The increase was due to the growth of current assets. In the asset structure of the balance sheet at the end of 2010, non-current assets amounted to 51%, current assets - 49%. This ratio of permanent and current assets is normal for such enterprises.

The following major changes have occurred in the composition of current assets:

The amount of cash increased by 10% and amounted to 3,878 thousand rubles;

Accounts receivable increased by 5% and amounted to 89,866 thousand rubles. the amount of inventory increased by 33% and amounted to 91,044 thousand rubles.

The next point of analysis is to study the dynamics of liabilities.

Table 2.1.2. Dynamics of changes in liabilities in the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

Change - in thousand rubles

Change in %

III. CAPITAL AND RESERVES Authorized capital Additional capital Reserve capital including: reserves formed in accordance with constituent documents Retained earnings of previous years TOTAL for section III IV. LONG TERM DUTIES Deferred tax liabilities TOTAL for Section IV V. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES Loans and credits Accounts payable including: suppliers and contractors debt to personnel debt to state extra-budgetary funds debt for taxes and fees other creditors Debt to participants (founders) for payment of income Deferred income TOTAL for Section V BALANCE

247596 2 1 1 18247 265846 4121 4121 25030 90938 82037 1859 159 4390 2493 - 21 115989 385956

247596 2 1 1 22821 270420 572 572 21761 79932 70498 1970 152 6964 348 2476 21 104189 375181

247596 2 1 1 36141 283740 7038 7038 3359 104171 93459 2481 799 4516 2915 2476 21 110027 400805

17894 17894 2917 2917 -21671 13233 11422 622 640 126 422 2476 -5962 14849

98 +6 +70 +70 -13 +14 +13 +33 +402 +2 +16 +100 -6 +3

From the table 2.1.2 shows that in 2010 the enterprise’s equity capital increased by 6% and amounted to 283,740 thousand rubles. The main source of increase in equity capital was the profit of the reporting year. As of December 31, 2010, the structure of equity capital is as follows:

Authorized capital - 87.26%;

Retained earnings from previous years - 12.7%;

The amount of liabilities as of December 31, 2010 increased and amounted to 117,065 thousand rubles. The share of loans and borrowings amounted to 81.7%. Compared to 2010, the amount of loans and borrowings decreased by 13%. The value of current liabilities decreased by 6%.

Analysis of the balance sheet of assets and liabilities indicates the satisfactory performance of the organization.

In table 2.1.3 presents the financial indicators of the State Unitary Enterprise “Tattehmedfarm”.

Table 2.1.3. Financial indicators in the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

Indicator name

Liquidity indicators: Absolute liquidity ratio Quick liquidity ratio Current liquidity ratio Capital structure indicators: Financial independence ratio (EQ/TA) Total liabilities to equity (TD/EQ) Profitability indicators: Return on sales (ROS), % Return on equity (ROE)% Return on current assets (RCA), % Return on non-current assets (RFA), % Business activity indicators: Fixed asset turnover (FAT), times Asset turnover (TAT), times Inventory turnover (ST), times

0.03 0.68 1.3 0.68 0.45 15.5 10.1 16.9 11.83 0.75 0.44 2.5

0.21 0.7 1.5 0.72 0.38 17.3 11.54 20.08 14.2 0.81 0.47 2.7

0.03 0.78 1.7 0.7 0.41 92.3 20.4 30.7 27.2 0.2 0.15 0.68

The external manifestation of financial stability is solvency. Solvency is the ability of an enterprise to timely and fully fulfill its payment obligations arising from trade, credit and other payment transactions. The assessment of the solvency of the enterprise is determined on a specific date. The ability of an enterprise to pay its short-term obligations on time and without delay is called liquidity.

The current liquidity ratio, which characterizes the company’s overall provision of working capital for conducting business activities and timely repayment of the company’s current obligations, is calculated as:

K= current assets / short-term liabilities

For 2008: K= 158977/115989=1.3

For 2009: K= 155497/104189=1.5

For 2010: K= 188472/110027=1.7

The current liquidity ratio increased at the end of the reporting period to 1.7.

Quick liquidity ratio, reflecting the share of current liabilities covered by cash and the sale of short-term securities:

K=(cash + short-term financial investments + accounts receivable) / short-term liabilities

For 2008: K= (3494+425+75237)/115989=0.68

For 2009: K= (22028+425+51052)/104189=0.70

For 2010: K=(3878+1199+81511)/110027=0.78

The quick liquidity ratio increased in the reporting period from 0.68 to 0.78.

Absolute liquidity ratio, reflecting the share of current liabilities covered exclusively by cash:

K= cash/current liabilities

For 2008: K= 3494/115989=0.03

For 2009: K= 22028/104189=0.21

For 2010: K=3878/110027=0.03

The coefficient of autonomy (financial independence), which determines the degree of independence of the company from external sources of financing and characterizes the share of its own funds in the balance sheet:

K= equity capital/total asset

For 2008: K= 265846/385956=0.68

For 2009: K= 270420/375181=0.72

For 2010: K= 283740/400805=0.7

The autonomy coefficient increased from 0.68 to 0.7.

The ratio of total liabilities and equity capital, which determines the amount of borrowed funds attracted by the company per one ruble of equity capital invested in assets:

For 2008: K= 120110/265846=0.45

For 2009: K= 104761/270420=0.38

For 2010: K= 117065/283740=0.41

Return on sales, reflecting the share of net profit in sales volume:

Profit / net sales proceeds

For 2008: R=(26869/172502)*100=15.5

For 2009: R=(31230/179946)*100=17.3

For 2010: R=(57900/62719)*100=92.3,

Increased to 92.3.

Return on equity capital of a company, which determines the efficiency of using funds invested in the enterprise:

R= profit / equity capital of the enterprise

For 2008: R=(26869/265846)*100=10.1

For 2009: R=(31230/270420)*100=11.54

For 2010: R=(57900/283740)*100=20.4,

Increased to 20.4.

Return on current assets, reflecting the efficiency of using current assets and showing how much profit a unit of the company's working capital brings:

Profit/current assets

For 2008: R=(26869/158977)*100=16.9

For 2009: R=(31230/155497)*100=20.08

For 20010: R=(57900/188472)*100=30.7,

Increased to 30.7.

Profitability of non-current assets, reflecting the efficiency of use of non-current assets and showing how much profit a unit of non-current capital of the company brings:

Profit/non-current assets

For 2008: R=(26869/226979)*100=11.83

For 2009: R=(31230/219684)*100=14.2

For 2010: R=(57900/212334)*100=27.2,

Business activity assessment

Fixed asset turnover:

О = proceeds from sales / first section of the asset

For 2008: О=172502/226979=0.75

For 2009: О=179946/219684=0.81

For 2010: O=62719/212334=0.2,

decreased at the end of the reporting period to 0.2.

Asset turnover:

О= sales revenue/balance sheet currency

For 2008: О=172502/385956=0.44

For 2009: О=179946/375181=0.47

For 2010: O=62719/400805=0.15,

Compared to 2008, it decreased by 33% and amounted to 0.15.

O= sales revenue / inventories

For 2008: О=172502/68030=2.5

For 2009: О=179946/66521=2.7

For 2010: O=62719/91044=0.68.

For 2010, net profit was received, which is 3% more than the same period last year. Net profit as a source of replenishment of working capital increases the financial stability of the enterprise.

Profitability indicators have increased compared to last year and are at a fairly high level, which indicates the efficiency of economic activities.

2.2 Analysis of the personnel management system in the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

The activities of SUE "Tattehmedpharm" in the field of personnel management were carried out in accordance with the enterprise development strategy, goals and objectives of personnel policy.

The most important priority for the successful development and competitiveness of the State Unitary Enterprise “Medical Equipment and Pharmacy of Tatarstan” is to ensure the high quality of the enterprise’s personnel potential.

The main tasks of the HR department are:

meeting the enterprise's needs for competitive personnel;

meeting the enterprise’s needs for maintaining personnel records on the principles of efficiency, rationality and efficiency;

formation of effective regulatory and organizational and personnel mechanisms for attracting and rational use of the enterprise’s human resources;

making proposals for the development of effective measures in the field of personnel policy of the enterprise, improving the social and professional status of management and pharmaceutical employees of the enterprise.

In Fig. 2.2.1 shows the structure of the HR department.

The HR department of the enterprise carries out a number of functions, including:

long-term planning of enterprise development in the field of personnel policy;

determination of current and future personnel needs;

formation of a data bank on the management and pharmaceutical personnel of the enterprise in various areas of personnel work;

formation of a reserve of management personnel for pharmaceutical institutions of the enterprise;

Rice. 2.2.1 Structure of the HR department.

establishing direct and long-term connections with State Budgetary Institutions Employment Centers, institutions of secondary, higher, and additional vocational education;

assistance in the employment of graduates of medical institutions of secondary and higher vocational education and their further adaptation at the enterprise;

advanced training of management and pharmaceutical workers of the enterprise;

intensifying work with veterans (retirees) of the enterprise;

creation of an information and analytical base on the labor dynasties of pharmaceutical workers of the enterprise; on awarding employees of the enterprise with state and departmental awards, forms of incentives for the enterprise;

holding professional skills competitions.

Table 2.2.1. Age composition of State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

The average age of personnel at the enterprise was 39.9 years (in 2008 - 40.3 years), while the proportion of personnel with higher education increased relative to 2008 from 34.5% to 36.7%.

From table 2.2.1. it is clear that the composition of young personnel is increasing, and the composition of personnel aged 30-45 years is decreasing.

Rice. 2.2.2. Number of personnel at the end of 2010

From Fig. 2.2.2 shows that in 2009 the actual number of people at the enterprise increased by 50 people compared to 2008 and amounted to 1,550 people at the end of the year. In 2010, the actual number of employees at the enterprise increased by 40 people compared to 2009 and amounted to 1,590 people at the end of the year.

Next, we will consider the qualitative composition of the staff of the State Unitary Enterprise “Tattehmedfarm”. In table 2.2.2 reflects personnel data on education at the end of 2010. According to the table, the majority of personnel have secondary vocational education, which is 42.07% of the total, and those with higher education - 34.2%.

Table 2.2.2. Qualitative composition of educational personnel of SUE “Tattehmedfarm” for 2010

In table 2.2.3 presents data on personnel by length of service for 2010. Basically, the personnel have work experience of up to 1 year - 24.65%, from 1-4 years - 24.52% and over 20 years - 20.56%.

Table 2.2.3. Qualitative composition of personnel according to work experience of State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm" for 2010

In table 2.2.4 presents data on personnel by category. It follows from the table that the main personnel consists of pharmacists - 33.4%, pharmacists - 21.8%, managers - 21.1%. Other positions account for 23.5% of the total.

Table 2.2.4. Qualitative composition of personnel by category of State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm" for 2010

In table 2.2.5 shows the gender composition of the enterprise.

Table 2.2.5. Gender composition of State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

Gender composition

From the table 2.2.5 there is a decrease in male composition. At the end of 2010, the female workforce increased by 27 people compared to 2008.

The staff turnover rate increased compared to last year and amounted to 42.57 (40.72% in 2008).

TK = average annual number of laid-off workers * 100 / average annual number.

For 2008: TK=(630*100)/1547=40.72

For 2009: TK=(639*100)/1587=40.26

For 2010: TK=(677*100)/1590=42.57

Rice. 2.2.3. Staff turnover rate

A high level of staff turnover almost always indicates serious shortcomings in personnel management and enterprise management as a whole; this is a kind of indicator of trouble.

The strategic directions of activities for training and development of personnel of the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedpharm" are defined as follows:

1. advanced training of specialists and managers;

2. development of management competencies of managers and preparation of internal personnel reserve;

Worker training.

Personnel training is carried out according to long-term and annual plans, which are the main part of the collective agreement of the enterprise, as well as in accordance with the Regulations “On continuous professional and medical training of personnel” and the enterprise standard “Human Resources” developed in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001-2000 (GOST R ISO 9001-2001) and ISO 14001-2004.

In table 2.2.6 provides information about employees who underwent advanced training and retraining in 2010.

Table 2.2.6. Employees who underwent advanced training and retraining in 2010

type of certificate






From the table 2.2.6 shows that in 2010, 205 employees of the enterprise underwent training. Training is planned on a budgetary basis, at the Department of Pharmacy of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Specialists of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development." Upon completion of advanced training courses, a Certificate of Advanced Training and a Specialist Certificate are issued.

Now let's move on to consider the system of motivation for work activity in the State Unitary Enterprise "Taatekhmedfarm".

In the organization under consideration, there is a certain system of motivation for work activity. It includes a list of incentives that affect the work activity of personnel. These include the system of economic standards and benefits, the level of wages and the fairness of income distribution, the conditions and content of work, relationships in the team, recognition from others and career considerations, interesting work, tough external teams and internal culture.

Wages consist of a fixed (tariff rate) and variable (bonus) parts. This makes it possible to ensure social protection of employees and motivate them to achieve the planned indicators of both their departments and the enterprise as a whole. The level of remuneration ensures the attraction and retention of personnel with the necessary professional and qualification characteristics at the enterprise. Management also uses non-material types of employee incentives. In 2008, for exemplary performance of work duties, as well as for special labor services to society and the state, more than 300 employees of the enterprise were awarded thanks, certificates and honorary titles.

In table 2.2.7 provides information on personnel remuneration.

Table 2.2.7. Remuneration of personnel in the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

From the table 2.2.7 shows that the amount of wages in 2010 compared to 2008 increased by 6 million rubles, and the amount of bonuses increased by 1 million rubles.

Employees' wages are paid once a month without delay, which in itself is an incentive to work. People are used to this, and therefore they have more confidence in the company, their confidence in their position grows, and they appreciate it.

The company has a tradition of congratulating employees on their birthdays or other significant dates in their lives, with the presentation of a bonus or a valuable gift. As well as joint celebration of national holidays, significant company events with the presentation of valuable gifts and letters of gratitude to the most distinguished employees, holding various shows, quizzes, and other entertainment events. This allows people to open up more fully in the team and unite, establish mutual understanding with everyone who works in the company.

The organization provides employees with interest-free or low-interest loans, for example, for moving, installing a telephone, or purchasing some expensive item. Payment for sick leave and vacations is provided. In the future, it is possible to provide the best employees with additional paid vacation days or travel packages entirely at the expense of the organization or at a discount.

In table 2.2.8 presents a list of incentives used in the company.

Table 2.2.8. Personnel incentive system in the organization of State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm"

Form of incentive


Remuneration, including basic and additional (bonuses, allowances) wages

Free time

Providing employees with additional days off for active and creative work; flexible schedule

Medical care program

Allocation of funds for the organization of medical care


Allocation of funds for catering in the organization

Labor incentives

Creative business trips, inclusion of creative elements in the work process

Expression of public recognition

Presentation of certificates, badges, posting photographs on the website

Personnel training programs

Covering the costs of organizing training (retraining)

Health insurance

Both the workers themselves and their family members

Many managers realize that it is necessary to encourage people to work for the organization. However, they believe that simple material rewards are sufficient for this. The true motives that force one to give maximum effort to work are difficult to determine; they are extremely complex. But, having mastered modern methods of stimulating labor, a manager will be able to significantly expand his capabilities in attracting an educated, wealthy employee to accomplish the tasks facing the organization.

Thus, the work of the HR department can be assessed satisfactorily. As a result of the analysis of personnel flow indicators, a high level of personnel turnover was identified, which indicates serious shortcomings in personnel management and enterprise management as a whole.

2.3 Features of the organization of personnel careers in the State Unitary Enterprise “Tattehmedfarm”

In order to effectively manage the development of human resources in

The enterprise has approved a regulation on the reserve of management personnel in pharmacy institutions.

This Regulation establishes the procedure for the formation, training and use of a reserve of management personnel in pharmacy institutions of the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedpharm" on the basis of federal legislation on the training of management personnel for national economic organizations, the draft Concept for the development of the healthcare system in the Russian Federation until 2012, and other regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan.

A reserve of management personnel is created in order to ensure the high quality of the enterprise's personnel potential, meet the needs of the enterprise and reduce the adaptation period for employees when appointed to management positions.

A reserve is a specially formed group of highly qualified and promising specialists, based on guiding criteria, who have the professional, business, moral qualities necessary for promotion, and who have also proven themselves positively in their positions.

In Fig. 2.3.1 shows a diagram of the process of working with the personnel reserve in the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm".

Rice. 2.3.1. Scheme of the process of working with the personnel reserve

The reserve of management personnel for pharmaceutical establishments of the enterprise is formed for the following positions:

head of a pharmacy;

Deputy head of a pharmacy institution.

The reserve of management personnel for pharmaceutical institutions of the enterprise is divided into two categories:

operational reserve - a reserve of specialists who are ready to start work in the near future or within 1-3 years and who best meet the requirements of the position;

promising reserve - young employees who have a high professional level and have leadership inclinations, who in the future (3-5 years) will be able to occupy leadership positions.

Candidates for inclusion in the management personnel reserve shall submit to the enterprise’s HR department:

personal statement;

Personally completed and signed resume;

The form “Assessment of the professional and personal qualities of the candidate”, filled out by the person who made the recommendation;

Additional materials characterizing the successes and achievements in the candidate’s professional activities;

color photograph 3x4 (2 pcs.).

Based on the results of studying the personal data and taking into account the presented materials, the HR department of the enterprise:

systematizes information characterizing candidates;

forms a unified list of candidates for the management personnel reserve with an attached conclusion on compliance with the requirements for each candidate;

submits a complete package of documents for consideration by the personnel commission of the enterprise.

The basis for considering inclusion in the management personnel reserve is:

completing targeted budget training in an internship at the Department of Pharmacy of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development".

The selection of candidates for inclusion in the enterprise's management personnel reserve is carried out by a personnel commission.

An open roll-call vote is held for each of the identified candidates. The decision of the commission is made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the personnel commission present at the meeting.

The composition of the personnel commission is approved by order of the general director of the enterprise. The personnel commission of the enterprise may include expert groups in certain areas of reserve formation, incl. for the reserve of management personnel of pharmacy institutions.

Based on the results of the meeting, the personnel commission (taking into account the opinion of the expert group) makes one of the following decisions:

on the inclusion of the candidate in the operational reserve of management personnel of the enterprise;

on the inclusion of the candidate in the promising reserve of management personnel of the enterprise;

on refusal to include a candidate in the enterprise's management personnel reserve.

The decision of the personnel commission is formalized in the form of a protocol signed by the chairman, members and secretary of the commission. The unified list of the management personnel reserve is approved by order of the General Director. The unified list of candidates for the management personnel reserve is revised as necessary (but at least once every six months).

In order to effectively use the reserve of management personnel and work with it, the HR department creates and maintains an electronic database of the reserve of management personnel, monitors vacant positions of management personnel in pharmacy institutions

A specialist enrolled in the management personnel reserve has a priority right to advanced training, internship, and performance of official duties of temporarily absent superior officials in accordance with the established procedure.

Monitoring possible changes in the candidate’s position: appointment to a position, exclusion from the reserve indicating the reason (dismissal, moving to another location, decrease in efficiency and effectiveness at work, etc.); carried out by the head of the personnel department on the basis of the order of the general director.

Specialists included in the management reserve are excluded from the list of management reserve in the following cases:

submitting a personal statement;

appointment to the position of head or deputy head of a pharmacy institution;

the occurrence or establishment of circumstances that impede appointment to a leadership position.

The efficiency and effectiveness of working with the management personnel reserve is one of the performance indicators of the HR department.

Main directions for improving personnel career management in an organization

3.1 Rationale for the project to improve personnel career management in the organization

Many managers who constantly interview employees about the reasons for their dismissals and transfers to another job have heard more than once that a specialist left due to the lack of prospects for career growth and because of the presence of this prospect in another company. Employees want to see the prospect of their professional and career development within the same company, and, if possible, they will work in the organization for a very long time. Otherwise, a standard situation arises - the dismissal of an employee and transfer to another company.

And as we see from the analysis of the second chapter, the State Unitary Enterprise “Tatekhmedfarm” does not have a clearly structured system of career growth.

Many savvy recruiters always ask the question at the first interview: “What position do you see yourself in in 1 year, in 5 years?” And they do it right. Because it is the awareness of the prospect of growth and receiving new benefits that will attract a potential employee to invest his efforts. Career growth is a process of regularly increasing a person’s status, associated with the growth of his material wealth, giving a feeling of security, increasing self-esteem and a sense of satisfaction with life.

Each stage in career advancement includes promotion (status), expansion of functions, acquisition of new knowledge and professional rights (self-realization), increased material income and increased benefits (security).

In order to effectively manage a career, it is necessary to build a career for pharmacists/pharmacists in the State Unitary Enterprise “Tattehmedpharm”.

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Federal Agency for Education

Federal State Educational Institution

higher professional education


named after P.A. STOLYPINA"

branch in Tolyatti


Discipline: "Organization Theory"

On the topic: “Analysis and improvement of the business career of the organization’s personnel (using the example of the organization RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC)”

Tolyatti 2010


1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of analyzing the business career of the organization’s personnel

1.1 The concept of staff’s business career, the main goals and rules for its construction

2. Analysis of the effectiveness of managing the business career of personnel at a catering establishment in the restaurant LLC "RIVE JOHN SILVER", Tolyatti

2.3 Assessing the career growth of the organization’s personnel using a questionnaire survey

3. Project of measures to improve the management of the business career of personnel at a catering enterprise, in the restaurant LLC "RIVE JOHN SILVER", Tolyatti

3.1 Organization of production and technical training courses for personnel

3.2 Calculation of the economic efficiency of the implemented measure




career growth personnel questionnaire


The relevance of the research topic is determined by the high social and economic significance of the problem of analyzing and managing the business career of personnel in organizations at the present stage of development of Russia. In conditions of growing competition and the increasing role of the human factor, the success of managing an organization directly depends on the effectiveness of the processes of formation, use and development of its management personnel. This is confirmed by the experience of successful foreign corporations, which have long realized the importance of how and who advances in the structure of the organization’s hierarchy and manages its resources, and who pay great attention to the formation of the business career of the organization’s personnel.

In personnel policy, management decisions about the distribution of personnel according to appropriate opportunities are key and involve the planning and development of the business career of each employee. Human resource managers must pay constant attention to the development of the professional skills of their employees, the professional advancement of personnel and their retention in appropriate jobs. As the production activities of an enterprise and its organizational structure change, the composition and quality of personnel changes. That is why all employees, especially managers, must take care of their own career advancement, since they are more interested than others in achieving the main goals of their business career, including the ways that lead to these goals. Career planning and personnel promotion should be based on the joint participation of employees and managers in organizing the process of continuous development and movement of personnel to higher positions.

The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations and methodological recommendations for analyzing the business career of personnel in an organization.

In accordance with the goal, the following main tasks are defined:

1. consider the concept of a staff business career, the main goals and rules for its construction;

2. study the stages of the business career of an employee of the organization;

3. review the main directions for improving the business career of the organization’s personnel;

4. using the example of a specific organization, analyze the effectiveness of managing the business career of personnel;

5. based on the identified problems, develop a project of measures to improve business career management in the organization under study and economically justify it;

The object of the study is the business career of personnel as an element of increasing the management efficiency of the enterprise RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC.

The subject of the study is the process of increasing the efficiency of enterprise management based on improving business career management in the organization under study.

The theoretical basis of the study was the provisions and principles of management theory, fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of labor economics, personnel management, sociology and career psychology.

During the analysis of the enterprise's activities, the following research methods were used:

Quantitative: methods for comparing relative, absolute and average values, groupings, methods for optimizing the solution of economic problems, etc.

Qualitative: methods of expert assessments, questionnaires, testing, observation, etc.

The purpose and objectives of the study determined the structure of the course work. It consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and an appendix.

1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of business career analysis

organization personnel

1.1 The concept of staff’s business career, its main goals and rules


In subjective perception, a career is the employee’s conscious judgments about his work future, the expected ways of self-expression and satisfaction with work; This is career advancement, achieving a certain position in society. However, a career has more than just a subjective side. The advancement of a person through the steps of the service hierarchy or a consistent change of occupation is associated not only with the personal perception of the subject. Career also has an objective side. Therefore, the business career of personnel should be understood as both their advancement through the steps of the service hierarchy, successive changes of occupations within different organizations throughout their lives, and the perception of these stages by others. Samygin S.I. Personnel management/S.I. Samygin, L.D. Stolyarenko - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007, P. 111

Business career is the progressive advancement of a person in any field of activity, a change in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the activity; moving forward along the once chosen path of activity, achieving fame, glory, and enrichment. Vikhansky O.S. Management: person, strategy, organization, process: Textbook. - 2nd edition/O.S. Vikhansky [and others] - M.: Gardarika, 2008, P. 155 For example, obtaining greater powers, higher status, prestige, power, more money. A business career is not only about promotion. We can talk about a career as an occupation or activity. For example, a managerial career, a sports career, a military career, an artistic career, a career as a housewife, mother, student. A person's life outside of work has a significant impact on a business career and is part of a career. A business career begins with the formation of the employee’s subjectively conscious judgments about his work future, the expected path of self-expression and satisfaction with work. In other words, a career is an individual’s individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout a person’s working life.

The following types of business careers are distinguished (in the organizational aspect) - (Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. Types of business career

Let's take a closer look at the types of business careers shown in the diagram:

Intra-organizational career is associated with the trajectory of a person’s movement in the organization. It can follow the line of vertical career, horizontal career, promotion within the organization, centripetal career;

Interorganizational career is a type of career that means that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through all stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, retirement;

Professional (specialized) career - type of career; characterized by the fact that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through its various stages;

Professional career (non-specialized). When climbing the career ladder, a person should be able to look at the company from different angles, without staying in one position for more than three years;

Vertical career - rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy (promotion in position, which is accompanied by a higher level of pay);

Horizontal career is a type of career that involves either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain official role at a level that does not have a strict formal establishment in the organization;

Centripetal career (hidden) - a type of career when there is a movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization, for example, inviting an employee to meetings inaccessible to other employees, gaining access to informal sources of information, etc. Polyakov V.A. Career technology. Practical guide/V.A. Polyakov - M.: Nauka, 2009, P. 15

Summarizing the above, we can give the following definition of the concept of “career”, reflecting various aspects.

A career is the result of a person’s conscious position and behavior in the field of work, associated with official or professional growth. A person builds his career, the trajectory of his movement, in accordance with the characteristics of intra- and extra-organizational reality and, most importantly, with his own goals, desires and attitudes.

A business career is a process of professional, status-role, personal development of a person in an organization, accompanied by his advancement through the levels of positions, qualifications, statuses, remuneration and fixed in a certain sequence of positions held in them.

1.2 Stages of the business career of an organization employee

Stages of a business career are segments of a person’s working life in any field of activity along the path to achieving their life goals. The contents of the stages of a business career are systematized in Table 1.

Table 1. Stages of an employee’s business career Samygin S.I. Personnel management/S.I. Samygin, L.D. Stolyarenko - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007, P. 152

Career stage

Age period

a brief description of

Features of motivation (according to Maslow)


Preparing for work, choosing a field of activity

Security, social recognition


Mastering the job, developing professional skills

Social recognition, independence


Professional Development

Social recognition, self-realization


After 60 years

Preparing for the transition to retirement

Maintaining social recognition


After 65 years

Engaging in other activities

Search for self-expression in a new field of activity

1) Preliminary stage. Includes schooling, secondary and higher education. Lasts until age 25. A person may change several jobs in search of a type of activity that would suit his needs and interests. When a place of work is found that satisfies a person at this stage, the process of self-affirmation begins both as a worker and as an individual. To successfully advance at this stage, you need to be prepared to come to terms with the awareness of your dependence on your superiors.

2) Formation stage. This period takes five years. The employee masters the chosen profession, acquires practical skills, qualifications, and his self-affirmation occurs. There is a need for independence. Having moved to the second stage of his career, the employee has the opportunity to become a professional in the chosen type of activity. The second stage is very important for the employee psychologically; he can fail, fall to the first stage and again find himself in a dependent position, but he can also establish himself, becoming independent. Vikhansky O.S. Management: person, strategy, organization, process: Textbook. - 2nd edition/O.S. Vikhansky [etc.] - M.: Gardarika, 2008, P. 77

3) Promotion stage. The employee continues to improve his qualifications, advance in his career, accumulate practical experience, and develop skills. The employee has a growing need for self-affirmation, to achieve a higher status, and even greater independence. At this stage, the employee begins to express himself as an individual. Simultaneously with job growth, the process of creative development often begins. Many workers with higher education strive to obtain an academic degree and title, begin teaching, pass on their knowledge to young people, and publish in the media. Budarin V.B. The role and tasks of personnel services of societies and organizations in the implementation of measures to increase the efficiency of production activities of labor collectives during the period of structural reform / V.B. Budarin - M.: Delo, 2009, P. 166 The main efforts of workers are aimed at increasing their income. They pay more attention to health. Professionals entering the third stage of their careers become mentors to those in the first stage of their careers. They strive to expand their capabilities, establish relationships with other organizations, and begin to work part-time. At the third stage of their career, employees are no longer responsible only for themselves, but also for their subordinates. At the same time, due to certain external circumstances, an employee may drop to the level of the second stage of his career. The employee reaches the heights of independence and maximizes the possibilities of self-expression. He begins to feel a sense of well-deserved respect for himself, his merits are recognized. An employee thinks about how to provide for himself after retirement and tries to find other sources of income for himself.

4) Career completion stage. It occurs between the ages of 60 and 65, when the worker is preparing for retirement. The main efforts are aimed at finding and training their own replacements, ensuring the continuity of their achievements. The main need of the employee at this stage is to maintain social recognition of his merits.

5) Pension stage (after 65 years). The person begins to engage in other activities, sometimes continuing to cooperate with the organization in which he previously worked, as a consultant, or working there for part of the salary. The main human need during this period is to search for opportunities for self-expression in new areas of activity (social, family, etc.)

In conclusion of this section, we can conclude that the typical working life of an employee consists of five stages

1 - preliminary stage: study and search for a profession;

2 - stage of formation: mastering the chosen profession;

3 - promotion stage: growth of qualifications and promotion;

4 - stage of conservation: consolidation of achieved results, achievement of peak qualifications;

Stage 5 of completion: preparation for retirement.

It should also be noted that the stages of a business career vary depending on the employee’s profession.


Effective business career management has a positive impact on organizational performance.

Business career management is a set of activities carried out by the personnel service of an organization for planning, organizing, motivating, monitoring the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, opportunities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the goals, needs, opportunities and social economic conditions of the organization.

The main directions for improving the business career of the organization’s personnel are presented in the idea of ​​the diagram in Fig. 3.

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Rice. 3. Directions for improving the business career of the organization’s personnel Polyakov V.A. Career technology. Practical guide/V.A. Polyakov - M.: Nauka, 2009, P. 147

Qualification level is a set of requirements for the competencies of employees, differentiated according to the parameters of complexity, non-standard work actions, responsibility and independence;

Qualification is: 1) the employee’s readiness to perform high-quality specific functions within a certain type of work activity; 2) official recognition (in the form of a certificate) of mastering competencies that meet the requirements for performing work activities within a specific profession (requirements of a professional standard).

The qualification level can increase throughout one’s working life, which increases interest in increasing qualifications and professional skills in the formation of a “broad profile” employee. As can be seen from the diagram presented in Fig. 2. An increase in the qualification level leads to an increase in the volume of work and services of the entire enterprise.

As can be seen from the presented diagram, the reserves for increasing the economic sustainability of the enterprise include reserves for improving the stability of personnel, which is ensured by the implementation of a rational personnel policy. The main directions of personnel policy at the enterprise are:

Determination of labor requirements, both in quantity and quality;

Forms of its involvement and addition, development of measures to improve the use of personnel (for example, improving the qualifications of workers) Vesnin, V. R. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook / V. R. Vesnin - M.: Triada LTD, 2008, P. 111

Consequently, reserves of sustainability lie in increasing the stability of personnel, in updating the knowledge of employees in various areas of their activities within the enterprise.

Measures to reduce turnover are aimed at preventing the causes of dismissals (primarily related to employee dissatisfaction with working and living conditions). Managing staff turnover at the level of an enterprise, organization, or industry is primarily about minimizing contradictions between the needs and interests of employees and specific opportunities to satisfy them. Depending on the nature of the reasons for turnover, content activities may be as follows:

Technical and economic (improving working conditions, improving the system of material incentives and labor regulation, management and organization of production, increasing the degree of mechanization and automation of work, developing new forms of labor organization, etc.);

Organizational (improving procedures for hiring and firing employees, professional promotion systems; work with youth, etc.);

Educational (formation in employees of an appropriate attitude to work, conscious discipline, culture of behavior, etc.);

Socio-psychological (improving the style and methods of leadership, relationships in the team, the system of moral encouragement, etc.);

Cultural and everyday (improving consumer services and public catering for workers, cultural and sports activities, increasing the provision of housing, child care facilities, recreation centers and homes, etc.).

As for the formation of the organization’s personnel reserve, its principles are:

Objectivity (assessment of professional and personal qualities and results of professional activities of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve is carried out collegiately on the basis of objective assessment criteria);

Enrollment in the personnel reserve is carried out in accordance with personal abilities, level of professional training, results of professional activities and on the basis of an equal approach to candidates;

Voluntariness of inclusion and presence in the personnel reserve;

Glasnost in the formation and work with the personnel reserve.

The principle of the relevance of the reserve - the need to fill positions must be real.

The principle of candidate compliance with the position and type of reserve - requirements for the candidate’s qualifications when working in a certain position.

The principle of a candidate's prospects is a focus on professional growth, educational requirements, age limit, length of service in a position and career dynamism. Career dynamism is an indicator of a professional path, indicating how quickly an employee climbed the hierarchical ladder. The indicator is based on the fact that on average, it takes about three years to successfully adapt and master a position; after five years, there is a decrease in labor efficiency in this position. A dynamic career is one in which, in a large number of cases, the employee held each position for three to five years. overall health status.

When selecting candidates for the reserve for specific positions, it is necessary to take into account not only the general requirements, but also the professional requirements that the head of a particular department, service, workshop, site, etc. must meet, as well as the specific requirements for the candidate’s personality based on analysis of the situation in the department, type of organizational culture, etc.

Sources of personnel reserve for management positions can be:

Managerial employees of the apparatus, subsidiaries of joint stock companies and enterprises;

Chief and leading specialists;

Specialists with appropriate education and a proven track record in production activities;

Young professionals who have successfully completed an internship. Vesnin, V.R. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook/V.R. Vesnin - M.: Triada LTD, 2008, P. 88

Thus, a personnel reserve is a group of managers and specialists who have the ability to perform managerial activities, meet the requirements of a position of a particular rank, have been selected and have undergone systematic targeted qualification training. Working with a reserve, like many other HR technologies, is complex.

So, to summarize the above, we can conclude that one of the main results of the modern stage of the scientific and technological revolution has been the transformation of man into the main driving force of production, therefore, today for an organization its personnel are the main wealth. Without people there is no organization. Members of an organization create its product, they form the culture of the organization, its internal climate, and what the organization is depends on them.

Due to this special position of personnel in the organization, they are the number one subject for management. Management forms personnel, establishes a system of relationships between people, includes them in the creative process of joint work, promotes the development of personnel, their training and promotion at work.

2. Analysis of the effectiveness of managing the business career of personnel at

catering company in the restaurant LLC "RIV JOHN"

SILVER", Tolyatti

2.1 Brief description of the organization

RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC was formed in 1996 and exists to this day. The mission of the organization is to satisfy people's needs for rest and food.

RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC carries out its activities in accordance with the laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation, the Samara region, regulations of local government bodies of Tolyatti, as well as the Charter. The organization is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, a bank account, a round seal with its name, is independent in the implementation of the management process, selection and placement of personnel, financial, economic and other activities within the limits established by law. The purpose of the organization is to earn profit from activities not prohibited by law.

The main task is to organize quality recreation and food for city residents. In order to meet public needs and generate profit, the main activities of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC are currently:

Sales of tourist packages through the travel agency RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC;

Sales of services for organizing leisure time and catering for people - services are sold through the cafe and bar-billiard room "Dynamic", which consists of two billiard rooms (VIP room - 1 gaming table, common room - 8 gaming tables).

All activities of the organization are carried out using premises at the address Tolyatti, Primorsky Blvd., 43 (space for an office, a cafe and a billiard room). The organization also has its own transport on its balance sheet.

RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC builds its relationships with organizations and citizens on the basis of agreements, agreements and contracts. The organization is free in the form of economic relationships that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the organization. The organization independently sets prices and tariffs for all types of services provided and goods sold in accordance with the regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In order to successfully compete in the modern market for the sale of restaurant business services, RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC is constantly and purposefully working to improve the quality of the services provided.

The main economic indicators for 2007 - 2009 of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC are presented in Appendix 1. Thus, the dynamics of the technical and economic indicators of the activities of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC allows us to highlight the following main trends in the development of the enterprise: growth rate of sales volume services outpace the growth rate of the number of employees (workers): thus, the growth rate of the volume of sales of services in 2008 compared to 2007 amounted to 104.4%, and the growth rate of the number of personnel over the same period amounted to 126.8%. A similar picture is observed with the relative growth rates of 2009 to 2008, where the growth rate of sales of services was 107.8%, and the growth rate of the number of personnel for the same period was 125.4%.

All activities of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC are managed by the General Director. He organizes all the work of the society and bears full responsibility for its condition and activities. The second “face” of the organization is the chief accountant, who carries out accounting and tax accounting of financial and economic activities. RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC has a linear-functional management structure, presented in Appendix 2. Such structures are characterized by an orientation towards small-capacity markets and increased requirements for the quality of customer service and lead time. The distribution of job responsibilities is carried out in such a way that each employee is maximally focused on performing specific tasks. All powers - direct (linear) - go from the highest level of management to the lowest. The organizational structure of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC is characterized by the fact that at the head of the company there is a leader - a single commander, who exercises sole leadership over the employees subordinate to him and concentrates all management functions in his hands. Moreover, each employee reports to only one manager. The management system creates a hierarchy of accountability and responsibility, which is the only type of organizational relationships in a linear structure.

2.2 Analysis of the structure and movement of the organization’s personnel

The analysis process used primary and static accounting data for 2007-2009. The dynamics of the enterprise's supply of labor are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Dynamics of the number of personnel of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC by category for 2007-2009.

Average headcount, people.


Growth rate, %

Growth rate, %

Workers, including

Key workers (cooks, bartenders, waiters)

Auxiliary production workers (cleaners, dishwashers)

Employees, including


Specialists, other employees

Total employees

Table 2 shows that the total number of employees of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC tends to constantly increase, which positively characterizes the activities of this enterprise. The average number of employees increases by 1.34% in 2009 compared to 2008 and by 2.42% in 2008 compared to 2007. The number of workers also increases every year: by 0.92% in 2008 and by 0. 91% in 2009

In all three years, the number of main workers increases by 2.59% and 5.04% in 2008 and 2009 respectively, while the number of auxiliary workers shows a decreasing trend. In 2008, their number increased by 2.50%, and already in 2009 it decreased by 9.76%. This is due, first of all, to the combination of two functions by one worker. The number of remaining workers does not change during the analyzed period, because in 2008 it decreases by 0.59%, and in 2009 it increases by the same percentage.

Thus, the number of auxiliary workers is decreasing at the fastest rate, but the total number of workers tends to increase, due to the constant increase in the number of main workers.

In the process of analyzing the state and use of labor resources, it is also necessary to analyze the dynamics of the personnel structure for 2007-2009. Data for analysis are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Dynamics of the structure of the number of employees of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC (%) for 2007-2009.

Number structure (%)

Deviation (+;-)

Number of employees, total

Incl. workers

Main workers of the production workshop

Production shop support workers

Workers (except for the production workshop)

Incl. employees


Specialists, other employees

Table 3 shows that during the analyzed period there are changes in the structure of personnel towards a decrease in the share of workers and an increase in the share of employees in the total number of employees by 0.30% in 2007 and 1.07% in 2008. At the same time, the share employees in the structure of employees increases due to an increase in the number of specialists by 0.43% in 2008 and 1.48% in 2009, while simultaneously reducing the number of managers (by 0.12% and 0.42% in 2008 and 2009, respectively) , which is a favorable trend in the activities of the enterprise.

The nature and level of personnel movement in the enterprise has a significant impact on the use of labor resources. Data for analyzing the movement of personnel at RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Personnel movement of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC for 2007-2009.

Indicator name

Deviation (+;-)

Average number of employees, total

Hired, total

Incl. production workshop workers

Totally fired from work

Incl. production workshop workers

Dismissed due to turnover reasons, total

Incl. production workshop workers

Frame acceptance rate, total (page 3/page 1)

Incl. production workshop workers (page 4/page 2)

Staff attrition rate, total (page 5/page 1)

Incl. production workshop workers (page 6/page 2)

Personnel turnover ratio, total ((page 3+page 5)/page 1)

Incl. workers of the production workshop ((line 4+line 6)/line 2)

Staff turnover rate, total (page 7/page 1)

Incl. production workshop workers (page 8/page 2)

Table 4 shows that in 2008, almost all indicators of personnel movement (except for the admission rate) tended to decrease, which positively characterizes the activity of the enterprise. However, in 2009, the situation changes, and all indicators (except for the turnover rate and the retirement rate of the main workers of the production workshop) increase, which indicates an imperfect personnel policy pursued at the enterprise.

We will analyze the personnel structure - by age, length of service, level and profile of education and identify the degree of compliance with the position of each employee. The average age of the organization's full-time employees is 32 years. To get a more complete picture, we present the following grouping of the age of the company’s employees in the form of a table (Table 5).

Table 5. Age structure of personnel of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC (%)

Table 5 shows that the age structure of the enterprise’s personnel is heterogeneous. The age group from 20 to 29 years old accounts for the largest percentage - 41%, a smaller percentage falls on the age group 40-49 years old - 24%. There are no employees under 20 or over 50. Considering the age structure of personnel by category, it should be noted that among managers the age of 30-39 years predominates - 50% and 40-49 years - 50%; here we can see a lack of managers at a young age. Among specialists, the largest share of 52.6% belongs to the age group of 20-29 years. This suggests that the company is interested in young specialists. The overwhelming majority of workers are between the ages of 20 and 29, the percentages are as follows: 20-29 years - 41.6%, 30-39 years - 29.2%, 40-49 years - 29.2. Thus, the lack of young workers among managers can be identified as a problem. Let's look at the age structure of personnel over the years (Table 6 and Fig. 4).

Table 6. Dynamics of the age structure of personnel (%)

Rice. 4. Age structure of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC personnel

In Fig. 4 clearly shows that 41% of the staff are under 30 years old, 35% are under 40 years old, 24% are under 50 years old.

From the dynamics of the age structure of the staff, it is clear that every year the staff is getting younger; managers are interested in young specialists. Thus, in 2007, 32.2% of workers (cooks, bartenders, waiters) and specialists were aged 20-29 years, and in 2009 - already 41%.

Most employees have higher and secondary specialized education, but not in their job profile, as can be seen from Table 7, Fig. 5, which is not always sufficient to perform job duties.

Ranking the educational structure of personnel, it can be noted that the largest percentage falls on workers with secondary specialized education - 45% of the total number of personnel, then with higher education - 33%, with secondary education - 22%. In general, the level of education is quite high.

Table 7. Educational structure of personnel (as a percentage of the number) in 2009

Fig.5. Educational structure of personnel of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC

Thus, the overwhelming majority are workers with secondary specialized education.

Of interest is the classification that reflects the relationship between position and level of education. So, for cooks, secondary and secondary specialized education is sufficient, depending on the specialty. 45.8% of cooks have secondary and 54.2% secondary specialized education. There are no cooks with incomplete secondary education. Specialists and managers have special educational requirements. Let's consider the structure of employees working by specialty and in accordance with their qualifications (Table 8).

Table 8. Analysis of the structure of employees working by specialty and in accordance with qualifications (%)

Table 8 shows that the number of permanent employees is increasing mainly due to employees with secondary specialized education and appropriate qualifications.

In 2007, 80.6% of the average number of employees worked on a permanent basis, 41.9% with higher education, and 16.1% of the total number with a specialty.

In 2008, 82% of the average payroll worked on a permanent basis, 35.9% with higher education, 17.9% with a specialty.

In 2009, 81.6% of the average payroll worked on a permanent basis, 32.6% with higher education, and 30.6% with a specialty.

This situation has a negative impact on the efficiency and dynamism of the workforce and on the competitiveness of the company in the market.

The organization also employs a number of employees who do not correspond to their positions in terms of their education (Table 9).

The personnel management service at the enterprise is represented by a secretary-assistant, who performs the functions of personnel accounting and mediation with the administration.

Table 9. Analysis of the discrepancy between the position held and the existing education

The director of the company has a higher education, but not a specialized one, although this is necessary for professional, effective management of the company. The working staff, in particular cooks, waiters, and bartenders, also do not have sufficient qualifications. And modern business imposes not only new professional qualification requirements, but also more complex psychophysiological requirements, such as the need for increased attention, operational thinking, and speed of decision-making.

The financial service at the company is represented by the accounting department, the chief accountant of which has a secondary specialized education. Since finance has a complex structure, and an integral part is financial analysis, which is based on accounting data, there is a need to assess the future facts of the company's activities. But informed and qualified decisions can be made only if you have the necessary knowledge and economic education. With this understanding of the role of the chief accountant in an enterprise, it will help to transform him from a simple recorder of facts of economic life into a financial analyst, consultant or manager.

The use of personnel must meet the goals of the organization and ensure strict compliance with labor laws in the process of this work. Also, the system for using personnel in the organization should be such that employees can give the greatest return at their workplace.

Having analyzed the problem of qualifications not meeting the requirements of the workplace, we can conclude that a comprehensive radical solution to the problem lies in creating a personnel training system. It is possible to obtain high results in the development of corporate culture only if the people working at the enterprise have the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that their efforts are effective and efficient. Training will ensure the development of their skills, which plays a unifying role in achieving the organization's main strategic goals.

2.3 Assessment of the career growth of the organization’s personnel using the method


Further research into the management of the business career of personnel in the organization RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC was carried out using a questionnaire survey to find out opinions about the personnel policy of the organization in the field of managing the career growth of personnel and the factors influencing the management of business careers in the organization under study. The form of the questionnaire is shown below in Fig. 6.

Fig.6. Questionnaire for conducting a survey of employees of the organization RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC

242 employees (51.9%) took part in the survey using random sampling.

Based on the answers to this questionnaire, we see the presence of weaknesses in the implementation of personnel policies in the field of career growth of personnel of this enterprise.

The questionnaire survey showed that the reasons for dismissal are the following circumstances: 30% are not satisfied with wages, 17% working conditions, 10% conflict with management, 15% do not see prospects for professional growth, career, 18% believe that the company does not have a developed social system benefits. The survey results showed that employees are dissatisfied with the distribution of remuneration, which entails a decrease in labor productivity, violation of discipline, and dismissal of employees. Some employees (30%) lack a sense of ownership. And since man is a social being, one of the most powerful psychological satisfactions that work brings is the feeling of belonging to something. Some people believe that work allows them to understand themselves as a person. The feeling of involvement in processes that arises among employees is not just a matter of the organization - it is also an emotional reaction. For those who have been working in the team for a long time, this connection will be something historical. For others, psychological reasons will matter.

Having analyzed the results of the questionnaire survey, we can conclude that the reasons for leaving were dismissal for insufficiently responsible attitude towards work on the part of employees. But a large share is occupied by the lack of interest of managers in the development, training, promotion of personnel, and motivation of personnel.

Summing up the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of managing the business career of personnel at the catering enterprise in the restaurant RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC, Togliatti, we can conclude that the organization under study has a number of the following significant problems:

The dynamics of personnel turnover of this enterprise is unstable; in 2009 there was a turnover of personnel, which indicates an imperfect personnel policy pursued at the enterprise;

There is a discrepancy between the position held and the existing education;

Lack of interest of managers in the development, training, promotion of personnel, and motivation of personnel.

Based on this, the next part of this work will be devoted to the development of project activities aimed at solving the above problems.

3. Project of measures to improve business management

career of personnel in a catering company, in

restaurant LLC "RIVE JOHN SILVER", Togliatti

3.1 Organization of industrial and technical advanced courses

personnel qualifications

As a result of the analysis of the activities of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC, it was revealed that the personnel of this organization need to be trained and upgraded, since this is the main way to obtain professional education, the process of mastering knowledge, skills, skills and methods of communication under the guidance of mentors, managers, etc. P. In this regard, the administration of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC decided to organize advanced training courses for waiters and bartenders. The system for organizing personnel training was carried out in stages according to the following scheme (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7 Scheme of implementation of a design solution for improving the qualifications of personnel at the enterprise RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC

To implement this project, it is necessary to complete the following set of works:

1. Appoint someone responsible for project execution and a working group;

2. Prepare and approve the project program;

3. Prepare and approve the project budget;

4. Conduct an analysis of the following operations in the labor market:

Existing methods of personnel selection,

Employee personality analysis assessment systems,

Needs for a new workplace,

Problems of adaptation of new employees,

The procedure for passing the probationary period and the practice of training personnel in other companies;

5. Conduct training for staff on developed and approved materials;

6. Carry out an analysis of the implementation of the implemented event.

To build a personnel training system at the enterprise RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC during a production meeting, taking into account the degree of responsibility and functional responsibilities, depending on their participation in the stages of training, participants in the implementation of the design solution were divided into the following categories (Table 10)

Table 10. Functional responsibilities of participants in the implementation of a design solution to improve the professional competence of personnel at the enterprise RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC

Participant in the implementation of the design solution

Functional responsibilities

Head of the enterprise RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC

approval of the training plan and budget, obtaining information about the financial condition of the enterprise, goals, objectives, development plans of the organization as a whole.

Determining staff training needs

Manager-administrator of the restaurant RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC

drawing up a program and plan for personnel training, creating new and selecting existing types, forms and methods of personnel training, determining the direct executors, forms and type of delivery of results.

Performer - specialist of the personnel development service Manager-administrator of the restaurant RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC

a person who directly carries out the training process for an individual employee (or a group of them)

Trainee - employees of the company RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC

a group of employees of an enterprise to whom organizational and economic activities in the field of training, retraining and advanced training are aimed

Let us consider step by step the implementation of this event in the organization RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC.

Stage I - training planning.

Based on an analysis of the needs of personnel in need of training, it was planned to improve the qualifications of waiters and bartenders in the amount of 5 people:

Stage II - organization of the learning process. It was planned to organize the training process for employees of the company RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC on its own through in-house training with the invitation of external specialists in order to obtain fresh knowledge from outside the organization. At this stage, in-house training programs were also developed, aimed at developing personnel and preparing them for changes in the organization, as well as tests for the final assessment of personnel.

Training was to be carried out with partial separation from production according to the following schedule:

Group lesson time: morning-afternoon-evening 2 hours a day

Frequency of training: Monday-Friday

Duration of training: 1 week.

The result of the staff development courses for RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC should be:

Systematization of existing experience and improvement of professional competence;

Formation of individual and intra-company style.

The training methodology developed by specialists from the personnel development service of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC included the following points:

Intensive, experiential training that provides an individual approach to each participant;

Micro-lectures, role-playing and situational games, discussions, individual exercises, demonstrations, video training and viewing of fragments of an educational video;

A set of teaching materials;

Conducting training.

The courses included various seminars and trainings, where the trained employees could gain knowledge on service in the restaurant business. The content of the program is presented in Table 11.

Table 11. Contents of the training program for advanced training courses for bartenders and waiters



A specialized room equipped for conducting practical classes on working out the stages associated with the service sector in a restaurant

1) Introduction to the profession of Waiter-Bartender. Basic requirements for bartenders and waiters

2) Psychology and etiquette. Service - what is it?

Platinum Rule of Service

Guest typologies

High quality service steps


Relationship between restaurant departments

Menu and wine list

"Special Offer" Strategy

4) Equipping the bar and sales area for the work of a waiter-bartender

Types of bars

Bar equipment

Creating an atmosphere in the bar

5) History and classification of alcoholic beverages

Tasting culture

Methods for preparing mixed drinks

Features and short range

Characteristics of alcoholic beverages

6) The bartender’s work methodology and the golden rule in the work of a waiter

7) Types and rules of table setting. Purpose of dishes and working with them

8) Guest service. Rules and methods of serving dishes. Practical exercises for waiters and bartenders

9) Types of banquets and their features

Knowledge control

Upon completion of the basic courses, tests are required, and there is no time limit: using a password, this can be done remotely online at any time. The database contains about 400 questions, the test offers a random sample of 100 questions, each answer is given 60 seconds, and to pass the test the student must answer at least 70 questions correctly.

Certificate of completion of courses

After successfully passing the exam, a certificate is issued with a two-year validity period. After this period, a free attempt to pass the test is provided, subject to updates.

Stage III - training. Personnel training was structured according to the following algorithm:

Familiarity with the content and logic of the lesson topic;

Passing a preliminary test on the topic of the lesson;

Studying educational material on a specific topic while working in a training session. Materials for study are presented in the form of notes, graphic diagrams and audio lectures;

Expanding knowledge on the topic under study through familiarization with specially selected additional materials;

Consolidating the acquired knowledge in practice when performing self-test tasks, during discussions, role-playing and situational games;

Control of acquired knowledge - passing a control test on the acquired knowledge during a training session.

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3.2 Improving the system for managing the business career of employees

Based on the analysis of the existing labor motivation management system for employees of the Novo-Savinovsky district administration, which we studied in the previous chapter, its identified shortcomings, taking into account the theoretical foundations of personnel motivation management, discussed in the first chapter of our thesis, in this chapter we will offer our proposals for improvement and increasing the efficiency of business career management as a motivation factor.

An analysis of the existing motivation management system showed that the organization does not carry out work on career planning for employees, despite the fact that many administration employees are convinced that they have a real opportunity for career growth. Based on this, we consider it necessary to use this significant potential to build a new motivation management system.

Note that there are two types of careers: professional and intra-organizational.

A professional career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee goes through various stages of development during his working life: training, entry into work, professional growth, support of individual professional abilities and, finally, retirement. An employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations.

An intra-organizational career covers a successive change of stages of employee development in one organization. intra-organizational career can be:

Vertical – rising to a higher level of the structural hierarchy;

Horizontal - moving to another functional area of ​​activity or performing a certain official role at a level that does not have a strict formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, fulfilling the role of head of a temporary task force, program, etc.). A horizontal career can also include expanding or complicating tasks within the level occupied (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration);

Centripetal - movement towards the management of the organization, for example, inviting an employee to previously unavailable meetings, meetings of both a formal and informal nature; gaining access to informal sources of information; confidential requests, fulfillment of certain important instructions from management.

An effective career management system should include three interconnected subsystems: performers (employees); jobs (jobs, positions); information support. We propose to organize similar subsystems in the administration of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan. At the same time, the performer subsystem should contain information about the abilities, interests and motives of employees, the work subsystem should contain information about all kinds of tasks, projects, individual roles, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the organization. The management information support subsystem combines information about performers, work and the accepted practice of moving employees, assigning them to certain types of work and positions, and thereby helps to achieve compliance between the requests of the performers and the characteristics of the work.

The subsystem of performers can be formed based on the results of certification and questioning of employees. To implement this function, there is no need for special programs, the formation of certain professional skills among personnel workers, etc. In this regard, the formation of a subsystem of performers seems to be not only necessary for the organization, but also more than possible.

Information on the personnel reserve can be used when forming a work subsystem. In this case, the personnel service is required to constantly monitor positions and specific tasks, which can be implemented using the executor subsystem.

The information support subsystem depends primarily on the organizational support for business career management, which, in turn, is associated with the participation in this work of many functional services and performers: specialists from the labor and wages department, administration departments, and managers. Prompt communication of information about the availability of vacancies in the organization to all employees is of great importance. In this case, it makes sense to turn to the subsystem in the “Personnel” ACS system.

Before planning the career of an organization's employees, it is necessary to adapt to it a number of principles according to which an employee's career should develop. This allows you to highlight the main elements, stages and features of a career as a process and take them into account when working with a person. Mandatory for their inclusion in the business career planning system are:

1. interest of the organization and its employee in career development;

2. selectivity when planning career development in accordance with the requirements;

3. stimulation (moral and material) of the employee’s work and his material support, taking into account the financing of the employee’s career development in the financial and other plans of the enterprise;

4. professional growth of the employee, including advanced training, increased professionalism (skills), etc.;

5. objectivity, which implies the exclusion of the influence of subjective factors on the part of managers planning and controlling career development.

Considering the fact that the majority of administrative employees are specialists, it should be taken into account that career planning for managers and specialists is an integral part of the organization’s personnel policy, which is organically included in the system of working with the personnel reserve. Career planning for a decision-maker and a specialist involved in their development and implementation is based on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, tariff and qualification requirements, standard qualification characteristics for municipal employees and other documents. Accordingly, when planning a career, it is necessary to take into account legal regulations and the interests of employees.

We propose to fill positions in the management hierarchy on a competitive basis, starting with the positions of leading specialist and heads of relevant departments. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

1. qualifications;

2. work experience;

3. certification results;

4. results of individual survey;

5. results of collective survey.

When drawing up a career growth plan for managers and specialists, we propose to implement the following actions:

1) consider the sequence of possible occupation of positions in line structures or management apparatus;

2) determine ways to develop abilities, training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists at various stages of their activities;

3) provide for systematic assessment and monitoring of labor results, cultural, technical and professional growth, accumulation of experience, and personal development;

4) evaluate fundamental knowledge, the desire for theoretical, strategic activities in conditions of market relations, knowledge of management, marketing, personnel management, auditing;

5) take into account that over time, when moving from one job category to another, with changes in areas of activity, the qualities of an employee change and the requirements for him, as a rule, increase.

It should be noted that the career plan of an employee can and should be adjusted in accordance with the passage of time and changes in the operating conditions of the organization as a whole and the individual employee in particular. Thus, the following may be subject to adjustment: the area of ​​career planning, the timing of occupying certain positions, the timing of advanced training, the movement of an employee within the administration, etc.

We consider it mandatory to create a career development plan for those employees who are characterized by:

High career motivation;

High level of quality of duties performed over the past few years;

Positive conclusion of the certification commission;

Professional competence and erudition;

Psychological adaptability to the required activity.

Note that we note career planning in the administration of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan as a motivational factor, i.e. The development of the business career of employees will be carried out in the case when all the principles and conditions for career development that we have specified are implemented.

We recommend that career planning for employees be carried out by the head of the department of organizational and personnel work in consultation with the head of the administration and his deputy - the chief of staff of the district administration. In this case, managers planning a career must have an appropriate outlook, know the development plans of the administration and the city, have data on personnel planning and their needs, etc. All this ensures the preparation of a competent and accurate employee career plan that meets the needs of the administration and the interests of the employee himself.

Thus, we have determined what actions the administration management should take in order to fully implement the proposed areas for improving business career management.

However, all measures taken to optimize the labor motivation system for employees of the administration of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan may be completely unrealized or disrupted as a result of the fact that the socio-psychological climate in the team will be unsatisfactory. In order to avoid such a situation, we will suggest ways to improve it, which will be the subject of the next section of the thesis.

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