Neon - what is it? Where is neon used? Use of gaseous and liquid neon in industry History of the discovery of the chemical element neon


Neon- tenth element of the periodic table. Designation - Ne from the Latin "neon". Located in the second period, VIIIA group. Belongs to the group of inert (noble) gases. The nuclear charge is 10.

Neon is a colorless, difficult to liquefy gas. The neon content in the air is 0.0015% (vol.). It is practically insoluble in water and poorly soluble in ethanol. Forms a clathrate of composition 8Ne×46H 2 O. Chemically inert, does not react with all other substances (simple and complex).

Atomic and molecular mass of neon

Relative molecular weight M r is the molar mass of a molecule divided by 1/12 the molar mass of a carbon-12 atom (12 C). This is a dimensionless quantity.

Relative atomic mass A r is the molar mass of an atom of a substance divided by 1/12 of the molar mass of a carbon-12 atom (12 C).

Since in the free state neon exists in the form of monatomic Ne molecules, the values ​​of its atomic and molecular masses coincide. They are equal to 20.1797.

Neon isotopes

Neon can be found in the form of three isotopes 20 Ne (90.48%), 21 Ne (0.27%) and 22 Ne (9.25%). Their mass numbers are 20, 21 and 22, respectively. The nucleus of an atom of the neon isotope 20 Ne contains ten protons and ten neutrons, and the isotopes 21 Ne and 22 Ne contain the same number of protons, eleven and twelve neutrons, respectively.

There are also sixteen unstable isotopes of neon.

Neon ions

Like helium, with strong excitation of atoms, neon forms molecular ions of the Ne 2 + type:

σ s 2 σ s * σ z 2 π 4 x,y π *4 x,y σ z *1 .

Neon molecule and atom

In the free state, neon exists in the form of monatomic Ne molecules.

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The Russian language is very rich and diverse. It often contains lexical units that came from other languages. It often happens that one word has several meanings at once. Uneducated people may confuse them and use certain terms inappropriately. To prevent this from happening, it is better to be interested in the origin of the word, its meaning and application. Today we will talk about neon.

What are the options?

It turned out that this word has many meanings. Neon is a chemical element and is also a type of fish. This is sometimes called billboards. And among teenagers, this word is often used as the title of a song or the name of a new chest in the game. Of course, these are not all the meanings that this word has acquired. But they are the most common, and therefore we will talk about them.


So, let's start with the most famous, popular meaning. Neon is a chemical element. It is located in group 18 on the periodic table. Its atomic number is 10. It is denoted as Ne. According to its properties, it is an inert gas; it has neither color nor odor.

Short story

Although neon actually appeared out of thin air, it entered the periodic table thanks to scientists William Ramsay and Maurice Travers. They obtained this after a chemical study in which oxygen, nitrogen and other components became liquefied. So in 1898, another chemical element became known to the world.

His name has Greek roots. When neon was discovered, the son of one of the chemists suggested that his father call the element “new” - in the Latin manner. But Ramsay decided to add Greek roots to this word. He believed that “neon” would sound better than “novum”.

Where to find?

Neon is a fairly common element. It can be found both in space and in the earth's crust. In the first case, it is distributed very unevenly. However, as stated earlier, it still ranks 5th. Most neon is found on the Sun and on all other “hot” stars.

But in the earth’s crust it is the least common relative to other elements. Although in its eighth group it ranks third after argon and helium. On our planet, this element is also present in the atmosphere, but in extremely small quantities. Due to its mass, neon does not linger on Earth, but is sent directly into the atmosphere.


Despite the small amount of this element, its use is still quite common. It is placed in cryogenic installations. There it plays the role of a cooler. It was also previously used as an inert medium, but then it was discovered that argon is a cheaper analogue. Most often, gas-discharge lamps are filled with neon. Therefore, many people know this element from signs, photocells, and radio equipment.

If you fill a tube with neon and nitrogen and pass current through it, it will burn orange-red. This technique can often be seen in advertising. Of course, it happens that the green glow can be called neon. But this is not entirely true, since most often in this case a different gas or fluorescent coating is used.

water world

Speaking about another meaning of this word, it is worth remembering the water world. In this case, neon is a fish of the characin family. Initially, these water inhabitants appeared in the Amazon. This name was given due to the chemical element that we talked about earlier. They were first seen in aquariums in 1938.

These fish are very popular. Photos of neons can be seen in many publications devoted to breeding aquarium fish. These are small and nimble individuals. Their body is a luminous blue-green color, and their tail is bright red. The domestic species can grow up to 4 centimeters.

The closest relative of neons is the neon iris. This fish lives in the river of New Guinea. At first glance they are very similar. But if you look closely, they have different shapes, sizes and colors.

A pet

It turns out that the content of neons is very simple. This is probably why you often see them in aquariums. These fish are unpretentious. Even a beginner in this matter can easily handle them. Some sources say that neons can live in water whose temperature ranges from 18 to 28 degrees. But in practice the situation is somewhat different. For neons, it will still be more comfortable to live at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. Then they will be able to stay in such an environment for up to 4 years.

In order for neons to please you longer, it is better to protect them from the stress associated with transportation or transfer. It is also better to place them where there are more of their counterparts. It is more comfortable for them to live in packs (at least 5-6 pieces). For aeration, it is better to use a sprayer to avoid a continuous flow. Well. Finally, neon babies need to be fed with any food except live or frozen bloodworms.

Game interpretation

Many teenagers are familiar with the game Warface. Neon for them is not a chemical element or fish, but a weapon case. He appeared in the game late last year. You can now buy it on the project website or in the in-game store for 4 thousand rubles.

For those who understand little about computer games, here is some brief information. "Warface" - The game is free and online. A well-known analogue of the project is “KS”. Despite the fact that the game is free, you can still donate to it, otherwise how would the project raise money for development?

Warface has cases containing special, improved weapons that allow gamers to dominate other players. One of these boxes is called “Neon”. It contains an assault rifle, a shotgun, a submachine gun and a sniper rifle. Each of them has improved destructive power, some have reduced recoil, some have received shooting accuracy and increased tempo.

The Neon case is a kind of booster that helps the owner become stronger than his opponent. The game developers also came up with special achievements for those who bought this arsenal.


As mentioned earlier, the word “neon” is quite ambiguous. It can be found not only in chemistry, biology or computer games, but also in music. Many people know the song “Neon” by Pharaoh. She appeared quite recently. Nowadays it is quite popular among the rapper's fans.

The author is the performer Gleb Gennadievich Golubin himself. Now 20 years old, he is not only a Russian hip-hop and cloud rapper, but also the leader of two large creative associations. By the way, Pharaoh recorded the track “Neon” together with musician LSP. He is also a very popular author and performer in the rap community. He is originally from Belarus.

About the song

The lyrics of the song “Neon” are quite unique. Still in the style of the two rappers. The premiere took place at the end of September 2016. The track is about a girl and how a guy wants to spend time dancing with her. The main character himself emits neon light: “In my neon, dance in my neon...” Otherwise, there is no need to talk about the meaning of the track, since it is more designed for a club party.

Other options

In addition to the above cases, you can find the word “neon” in the names of various establishments. These include clubs throughout the CIS, as well as dance and fitness studios. And also construction companies. But most often you can find advertising companies with such names that work on lighting design, production of signs, outdoor advertising, etc.

By the way, there are even a couple of works that are called “Neon”. Among them there are both specialized books for technologists and fiction. In the latter, neon is a metaphor or play on words.


Neon- a chemical element belonging to the class of inert (noble) gases. Located in the second period of VIII group A of the subgroup, if you look at the short-period table, or in the 18th group, if you look at the long-period table.

The serial number is 10. The nuclear charge is +10. Atomic weight - 20.179 amu.

Electronic structure of the neon atom

The neon atom consists of a positively charged nucleus (+10), around which 10 electrons move in atomic shells (orbitals). Since neon is located in the second period, there are two of these shells. The structure of the helium atom is shown in Figure 1:

Rice. 1. The structure of the neon atom.

The electronic configuration of the neon atom can be written in two ways:

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 .

Neon belongs to the family of p-elements. The energy diagram of a neon atom looks like this:

The energy level of the neon atom is complete, since the p-orbital can accommodate only six electrons. That is why neon is classified as an inert gas. Chemically it is inactive.

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The chemical element neon is widespread in the Universe, but on Earth it is considered quite rare. However, they have learned to obtain it without visits to outer space, and now it is used in industry, for the manufacture of radio and photographic equipment, as well as for deep-sea diving. What is neon? What properties and features does it have? This is what we will talk about.

What is neon?

In the Periodic Table of Mendeleev, this element is located in the eighth group at number ten. It is denoted by the symbol Ne. As a simple substance, it is a monatomic gas that is odorless, colorless and tasteless.

It exists in the form of three isotopes 20 Ne, 21 Ne and 22 Ne, which are stable in nature. The most common nuclide is 20 Ne. In the atmosphere of our planet, its abundance is almost 90%, while for the 22 Ne isotope it is 9.25%, and for the 21 Ne isotope it is only 0.27%. The last two isotopes are formed mainly due to cosmic radiation, which affects the nuclei of sodium, silicon, aluminum and other elements. That is why on Earth they are most often present in the air, and not in water or the earth’s crust. The source of formation of Neon-20 on our planet is still unknown. In addition to these isotopes, about 16 unstable nuclides are known to be isolated with a decay period from 9 zeptoseconds to 3.38 minutes.

History of discovery

What neon is became known only at the end of the 19th century. Before this, science had discovered only two inert gases - argon and helium, occupying the first and third periods of the periodic table. At the same time, the place of the second period remained empty, so the researchers assumed the existence in nature of at least one more similar substance. In 1997, the Scottish chemist Ramsay even dedicated a report to him, which was called “Undiscovered Gas.” And the next year he was lucky enough to discover the missing element.

To find it, the scientist analyzed helium and aragon, studied the composition of minerals, but success came when he turned to air. He liquefied and slowly evaporated the gas mixture, and then passed it into fractions through a special discharge tube with electric current. The undiscovered substance was supposed to have properties close to helium, so Ramsay hoped to find it in the lightest fraction, which would evaporate first.

And so it happened. Interacting with electrons in the tube, the first fraction of air began to glow, and next to the spectrum of helium and argon the scientist saw other lines. They became confirmation of the existence of a previously unknown gas. Ramsay gave the Greek name “neon” to the discovered element, which means “new”.


What neon is is best judged based on its physical and chemical properties. This gas is one of the lightest. Its density is 0.0089999 g/cm³. It boils at a temperature of −246.05 °C and melts at −248.6 °C.

Neon practically does not react with other substances. It is difficult to give up or gain electrons, so it is classified as a noble gas. In terms of inertness, only helium can be compared with it. So far, it has not been possible to obtain a single valence compound. It is slightly soluble in water, but is well adsorbed by activated carbon.

Like other noble gases, it has good electrical conductivity. If you pass a high voltage current through it, it will begin to glow. There are about 900 lines of different colors in the spectrum of the gas, but the brightest of them are red and orange. This property of neon has found wide application in the field of outdoor advertising. Twelve years after its opening, red luminous signs with the names of shops and cafes began to appear on the streets. The first patent for them was issued by Claude Neon Lights Inc.

Distribution in nature

Neon, or Ne, can be called an extraterrestrial gas, because there is much more of it in outer space and other astronomical objects than on our planet. There is especially a lot of it in the atmosphere of Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, in nebulae and very hot stars. In addition, it is found in meteorites and other cosmic bodies.

In the entire Universe, gas ranks fifth in abundance, behind hydrogen, helium, oxygen and carbon. Its content by weight is approximately 0.13% by weight.

On Earth it is considered a rare element. It is contained in the earth's crust about 7·10−9%, approximately 2·10−8% in ocean waters and salty reservoirs. The highest concentration of this chemical element is observed in the atmosphere of the planet, where its content is 1.82·10−3% by volume.

How do you get it?

Due to the low prevalence of neon in rocks and water, its main source is atmospheric air. Gas is obtained from it using strong cooling. At the temperature of liquid nitrogen, neon crystallizes and is easily separated from helium, which remains in a gaseous state.

It is also obtained as a by-product during the extraction of nitrogen and oxygen from the air. In this case, activated carbon adsorption is used to separate the gas. To determine neon, spectral radiation or chromatographic analysis is usually used.

Areas of use

The chemical element neon is still used in signs and advertising banners, and it is also mixed with other substances to produce different colors. Together with helium, it is used in the manufacture of lasers, and independently - for the production of photographic equipment.

Liquid neon has a better heat capacity than helium and is much cheaper. Together with hydrogen, it is used as a refrigerant for various refrigeration units. Cryogenic chambers based on these gases are needed in medicine for freezing living tissues. A mixture of neon and helium is used to alleviate the condition of patients with difficulty breathing, for this purpose it is distributed in rooms that are filled with nitrogen-free air.

Neon(lat. Neonum), Ne, a chemical element of group VIII of the periodic system of Mendeleev, belongs to the inert gases, atomic number 10, atomic mass 20.179. On Earth it is present mainly in the atmosphere, the content of Neon in which is estimated at 7.1·10 11 tons. There is about 16 cm 3 of Neon in 1 m 3 of air. Atmospheric Neon consists of a mixture of three stable isotopes: 20 Ne, 21 Ne and 22 Ne; 20 Ne predominates (90.92%). Neon was discovered in 1898 by English scientists W. Ramsay and M. Travers while studying the highly volatile fraction of liquid air; The name comes from the Greek neos - new.

Under normal conditions, Neon is a colorless and odorless gas. At 0°C and 760 mm Hg. Art. (101 kn/m2) density of Neon 0.900 g/l, melting point -248.6 °C, boiling point (at 101 kn/m2) -245.9 °C, solubility in water 10.4 ml/l; the crystal lattice of solid Neon is cubic; the unit cell parameter a is 4.52 Å at -253 °C. The Neon molecule is monatomic. The outer electron shell of the Neon atom contains 8 electrons and is very stable; Neon chemical compounds have not yet been synthesized.

Neon is obtained by separating air. The use of Neon is mainly associated with the electrical industry. Lamps filled with Neon, giving a red glow, are used in ports, airfields, etc. Liquid Neon is beginning to be used to obtain low temperatures.