Skyrim study of screams. How to make a "Dash" in "Skyrim"? Description of the shout and its use

Words of Power in TES5 are powerful dragon-tongue spells that make up Shouts. The first dragon teacher who began to share knowledge with people was Paarthurnax, who rebelled against Alduin, the World Eater, gifted, greedy and eccentric, as is often the case with the firstborn. Each Scream in TES5 consists of three Words of Power, most of which are written on huge black obelisks, or walls, scattered throughout Skyrim, the rest are learned with the help of teachers during the main plot. Huge black obelisks attract attention not only by size, but also by sound. If a characteristic ringing hum is heard during the journey, then there is a Word of Power nearby, which can be learned by standing close to it for 10 seconds. The words of Power alone are worthless, they are just a set of symbols. But to turn them into weapons, you need dragon soul which activates the Scream. Without activation, the learned Words of Power cannot be used.

Activating Words of Power in TES5 happens automatically if they are related to the main plot, or manually. To do this, press the [P] key, go to the "Shouts" tab, select the desired Shout, marked in gray, and press the [R] key. If there is a dragon soul in stock (their number is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen), then the Word of Power will be studied and will become available for use. They can be used individually or all together. The longer you hold down the [Z] key, the more powerful the effect will be. After each Shout, some time must pass before the voice rests. When the compass bar at the top of the screen turns gray, the Shout will be available for use again. Collect dragon souls needed in battles with them. Dragons in TES5 are divided into several types: ordinary, ancient, noble and legendary; souls do not differ among themselves. The latter are dangerous in that in battle they are capable of drawing health, magic, and strength from the enemy at once. They very often appear over major cities and settlements, and with the development of the plot will come across almost at every step. As a result, there will be enough souls to study all the Screams.

Information about the location of the new Words of Power in TES5 will come from various sources: from the owners of taverns, from messengers who will send letters from "friends" who have personally heard the Tu'um Dovahkiin (just go to the jarl's house or shout on the street among passers-by), or the Greybeards of High Hrothgar (the highest mountain in Skyrim). You can collect them throughout the game, except for the battle, they do not affect anything. The coordinates of the received places are recorded in the journal in the "Miscellaneous" section, from where you can instantly go to them by hovering the mouse cursor over the task and pressing the [M] key, but the quick jump, if the place is new, will be unavailable, so the nearest studied place should be selected, and from it already move to the Word of Power. If the obelisks with the Words of Power are located high in the mountains, the roads to them, most likely, run through caves or catacombs located somewhere nearby. There is no need to try to climb the steep slopes, it is wiser to find the entrance (although some places, with proper skill, can even be reached in this extravagant way).

All dragons are extremely dangerous, but some are more powerful than others: brown and green are usually weaker than their white and bronze cousins. Attacking the enemy with fiery or icy breath, the dragon speaks words in an ancient powerful language. A battle of two dragons is essentially a deadly verbal duel.

The location of the Words of Power for learning Screams in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  1. Ruthless force(Unrelenting Force): Stuns and knocks back with a sound wave.
    • Power(Fus): Exit from Bleak Falls Barrow, in the mountains northwest of Riverwood. The Scream is associated with the side quest "The Golden Claw", which is given by Lucan Valerius from the "Riverwood Merchant" in Riverwood or Farengar, the court mage, after a conversation with the Jarl of Whiterun in Dragon's Reach.
    • Equilibrium(Ro): Teaches Einart at the Temple of the Greybeards on the summit of Mount High Hrothgar, southeast of Whiterun, during the Way of the Voice storyline.
    • Push(Dah): Teaches Wulfgar at the Temple of the Greybeards at the top of High Hrothgar, after delivering Jurgen's Horn in the quest of the same name.
  2. Disembodied(Become Ethereal): Transforms into spirits and grants immunity to damage.
    • Disappearing(Feim): Deep in Ustengrav during the Horn of Jurgen quest given by the Greybeards of High Hrothgar.
    • Soul(Zii): At the top of the Outcast Stronghold at Lost Valley Redoubt, south of Roriksted village between Markarth and Falkreath.
    • Connection(Gron): In the room with Warlord Guthrick at Ironbind Barrow, in the mountains between Dawnstar and Windhelm.
  3. Dragon incarnation(Dragon Aspect): Huge weapon damage, thick armor and increased Shouts (Dragonborn DLC).
    • Power(Mul): In the hall with Zakrisosh in Raven Rock Mine, which is connected by a spiral staircase to Bloodskal Mound, north of Solstheim Pier. The task "The Last Descent" is associated with the Word of Power, which is given by Krestius Karellius at the entrance to the mine (you can get to him by taking the task of returning the pickaxe from the blacksmith Glovir Mallory in the port).
    • Armor(Qah): In the Hall with the Gatekeeper in the Shrine of the Temple of Mirak, at the northeastern tip of Solstheim Island. The Word of Power is associated with the "Temple of Mirak" story quest.
    • Serpent(Diiv): From the Black Book of Awakening Dreams in the realm of Hermaeus Mora. The book can be found on the counter in front of the exit from the Temple of Mirak in the storyline mission of the same name.
  4. Durnevir's challenge(Summon Durnehviir): Summons the dragon Durnehviir from the Cairn of Souls to help (Dawnguard DLC).
    • Curse(Dur), Never(Neh), Fading away(Viir): Teaches the ghost dragon Durnevir on the way back from the Cairn of Souls, which can be reached through the Volkihar Castle in the northwestern part of Skyrim, in the mission Beyond Death. To call Durnevir, the Cry must be directed to the ground, not into the air, while there must be enough space for calling, otherwise the massive body of the dragon simply will not fit, and the Cry will not work, breaking off in mid-sentence.
  5. Drain life energy(Drain Vitality): draws magic and vitality from enemies (Dawnguard DLC).
    • Power reserve(Gaan): On the Arcwind Point plateau, south of Ivarstead on the southeastern slope of the Throat of the World, the highest point in Skyrim.
    • Magic(Lah): In the room with the head warlord in the Crypt of the Night Nether, at the foot of the mountains southwest of Dawnstar. Associated with the Word of Power is the quest to free the vampire Serana "Bloodline."
    • Health(Haas): In the middle of an icy lake where two Voslarum water dragons appear, in the Forgotten Valley while searching for Auriel's bow and filling the initiate's jugs in the quest "Touch the Sky".
  6. Harmony Keen(Kyne's Peace): Calms wild beasts.
    • Keene(Kaan): Deep within Shroud Hearth Barrow, east of Ivarstead village at the foot of the Throat of the World, heading from Whiterun to Riften. The quest can be started in the tavern by talking to the caretaker at the counter.
    • Peace(Drem): In the first large hall at Rannveig's Fast, in the mountains south of Morthal.
    • The trust(Ov): Behind the sarcophagus of the dragon priest Otar the Mad at the Ragnvald Temple, in the hills north of Markarth.
  7. Voice cast(Throw Voice): Draws the attention of opponents to the target location.
    • Voice(Zul), Fool(Mey), Long away(Gut): On the plateau of Shearpoint Mountain, near the entrance to the Dwemer city of Irkngthand, west of Windhelm. The obelisk is guarded by the dragon priest Krosis, from whom you can take one of the magical masks, along with the dragon. The location of the location can be learned from the guards in the cities.
  8. Thunderous Call(Storm Call): Shakes the skies and awakens the destructive power of lightning.
    • Storm(Strun): Behind the throne room of Dragon Priest Wokun, from whom you can take one of the magical masks, in the High Gate Ruins, on the coast between Dawnstar and Solitude. The Word of Power is associated with the side quest "A Scroll for Anska", which is activated after talking with Anska at the entrance to the ruins.
    • Anger(Bah): On the balcony after the battle with the dragon priest Ragoth, from whom you can take one of the magical masks, in Forelhost, in the mountains south of Riften. Associated with the Word of Power is the Dragon Cult Hunt side quest given by Captain Valmir before entering the ruins.
    • Lightning(Qo): In the hall behind the diamond claw door in the second half of Skuldafn. The Word of Power can be obtained only once during the story quest "House of the World Eater", where Dovahkiin is delivered on horseback by the dragon Odawing. You cannot return to the location.
  9. Dragon slayer(Dragonrend): Makes the dragon fall to the ground.
    • Mortal(Joor), Limited(Zah), Temporary(Frul): After using the Time Rift at the top of the Throat of the World, which will open after reading the Elder Scroll found in the "Curse of Alduin" story quest.
  10. Friendship with beasts(Animal Allegiance): Turns wild beasts into allies.
    • Animal(Raan): On Ancient’s Ascent, east of Falkreath. You can get to the top through the Boncehill Passage. The side quest is given by Nenya in Falkreath in the Jarl's Long House.
    • Devotion(Mir): At the top of Ysgramor's Tomb, northwest of Winterhold. Associated with the Word of Power is the "Final Duty" quest given by the Companions in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • Flock(Tah): At the ancient temple of Angarvunde, near the entrance to the Dwemer city of Avanchnzel, in the mountains west of Riften. Associated with the Word of Power is a secondary quest to clear the dungeons from draugrs, which is issued by the Dren Madrasi at the entrance to the ruins.
  11. Slowing down time(Slow Time): Makes opponents freeze for a short time.
    • Time(Tiid): At the exit of the Hag's End, in the mountains west of Solitude.
    • Sand(Klo): On the lower level of the Labyrinthian, in the mountains between Morthal and Whiterun. Associated with the Word of Power is the quest of the College of Mages of Winterhold, The Staff of Magnus.
    • Eternity(Ul): In the crypt of Korvanjund, west of Windhelm. Associated with the Word of Power is the Jagged Crown story quest.
  12. Call of Valor(Call of Valor): Summons the legendary warriors of Sovngarde.
    • Hero(Hun), Defender(Kaal), Legend(Zoor): Teaches Tsun in Sovngarde after defeating Alduin. The Dragon Slayer storyline is associated with Words of Power.
  13. Call of the dragon(Call Dragon): Summons the dragon Odawinga for help.
    • Snow(Od), Hunter(Ah), Wing(Viing): Teaches Esbern at the end of the peace talks in High Hrothgar. Word of Power is associated with the "Endless Time" storyline.
  14. Fright(Dismay): Instills fear in foes and causes them to flee.
    • Fear(Faas): At the top of Dead Crone Rock, behind an outcast settlement, in the mountains south of Markarth. Associated with the Word of Power is the Shards of Past Glory side quest, which begins after speaking with Sil at the Dawnstar Museum.
    • The escape(Ru): In a dragon lair at Lost Tongue Overlook, in the mountains south of Riften.
    • Horror(Maar): In the central hall of the Shalidor's Maze in the Labyrinthian, in the mountains between Morthal and Whiterun.
  15. Ice form(Ice Form): Turns opponents into ice.
    • Ice(Iliz): at the exit of Saarthal, southwest of Winterhold. Associated with the Word of Power is the story quest In the Depths of Saarthal, which begins at the College of Mages of Winterhold after talking to Tolfdir.
    • Flesh(Slen): In the dragon's lair at the top of Mount Anthor, south of Winterhold.
    • The statue(Nus): Deep within the ancient temple of Frostmere Crypt, at the foot of the mountains southwest of Dawnstar, towards Whiterun.
  16. Frosty breath(Frost Breath): Allows you to breathe cold.
    • freezing(Fo): In the Crypt of Folgunthur, in the swamps southeast of Solitude. A side quest "Forbidden Legend" is associated with the Word of Power, which appears after reading the book of the same name.
    • Cold(Krah): In the dragon lair on Bonestrewn Crest, in the hills south of Windhelm.
    • Freezing(Diin): At the Skyborn Altar next to the sanctuary of Mehrunes Dagon and the Labyrinthian, in the mountains east of Morthal.
  17. Fire breath(Fire Breath): Allows you to breathe fire.
    • Fire(Yol): Teaches Paarthurnax at the top of the Throat of the World, southeast of Whiterun. The Word of Power is associated with the "Throat of the World" storyline.
    • Flame(Toor): At the exit from the ancient crypt in Dustman's Cairn, in the lowlands between Morphal and Whiterun. Associated with the Word of Power is the Trial of Valor quest given by the Companions in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • The sun(Shul): At the exit of the Sunderstone Gorge, northwest of Falkreath.
  18. Submission of the will(Bend Will): turns animals, humans and dragons into allies (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Earth(Gol): In the dragon's lair at Syringa Outpost, at the northern tip of Solstheim Island. The Word of Power is associated with the story quest "The Fate of the Skaals," which Storn Mountain Wanderer gives in the Village of Skaals after returning from the Temple of Mirak with Freya.
    • Intelligence(Hah): Teaches Hermaeus Mora before returning to reality after reading the Black Book "Sharp Feather", obtained from Nchardak with Nelot of Tel Mithryn, located in the southeastern part of Solstheim Island, in the quest "The Path of Knowledge".
    • The Dragon(Dov): Teaches Hermaeus Mora after discovering the secrets of the Skaals in the Human Gardener story mission.
  19. Disarmament(Disarm): Disarms opponents.
    • Weapon(Zun): At the shrine in the Snow Veil Sanctum, on the plateau southeast of Winterhold. Associated with the Word of Power is the Riften Thieves' Guild's Quest "A Conversation with Silence."
    • Arm(Haal): In the dragon's lair atop Eldersblood Peak, south of Morthal.
    • Defeat(Viik): In the ruins of the Silverdrift Lair, on the south side of the mountain range between Dawnstar and Windhelm.
  20. Soul break(Soul Tear): enslaves the souls of opponents and turns them into allies (Dawnguard DLC).
    • The essence(Rii), Tear(Vaaz), Zombie(Zol): Teaches the ghost dragon Durnevir from the Cairn of Souls, which can be reached through the Volkihar Castle in the northwestern part of Skyrim by learning three Words of Power from the Call of Durnevir Shout and summoning it three times during the battle in Skyrim.
  21. Death sentence(Marked for Death): Reduces enemy health, magic, stamina and armor.
    • Murder(Krii): In the chamber above Kuralmil's tomb in the Forsaken Cave, northwest of Windhelm. Associated with the Word of Power is the side quest "White Flask", which is given by an alchemist from the shop of the same name in the Windhelm market.
    • Exhaustion(Lun): In the dragon's lair atop the Autumnwatch Tower, south of Ivarstead on the southeastern slope of the Throat of the World, the highest point in Skyrim. The task to destroy the dragon is given by the manager of the tavern in Riften.
    • Suffering(Aus): In the general hall of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, west of Falkreath (you need to become the main thieves guild in Riften, kill Grelod the Good from the orphanage and go to bed for 24 hours).
  22. Rapid dash (Whirlwind Sprint): Momentarily moves a short distance.
    • Vortex(Wuld): Teaches Borri in the courtyard of the Temple of the Greybeards atop Mount High Hrothgar, southeast of Whiterun. Associated with the Word of Power is the "Way of the Voice" storyline.
    • Rage(Nah): On the top of Mount Volskygge, home to the dragon priest Wolsung with a magical mask, next to the Forest Redoubt and Hag's End, west of Solitude.
    • Storm(Kest): In the Dead Men’s Respite Throne Room, southwest of Morthal, where the Solitude College of Bards send for The Song of King Olaf in the Set Fire!
  23. Cyclone(Cyclone): Creates a powerful stream of wind and wreaks havoc (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Wind(Ven): In the room with Dukan guarding the Black Book, at the Shrine of the White Ridge Mound, in the mountains in northern Solstheim.
    • To let go(Gaar): In the final stage of excavation at Kolbjorn Mound, southeast of Raven Rock on Solstheim. Ralis Sedaris is excavating.
    • Hit(Nos): In the great hall of Benkongerik, in the mountains on the north coast of Solstheim.
  24. Clear sky(Clear Skies): Dispels bad weather and improves visibility.
    • Sky(Lok), Spring(Vah), Summer(Koor): Teaches Arngeir at the Temple of the Greybeards on High Hrothgar, southeast of Whiterun, before climbing the Throat of the World summit to Paarthurnax in the Throat of the World quest.
  25. Whisper of aura(Aura Whisper): Shows the life currents of each and every one at a great distance.
    • A life(Laas): In the dragon's lair at Northwind Summit, in the mountains northwest of Riften (outside the village of Shore Stone). You can get to the top of the mountain through the North Wind Mine.
    • Search(Yah): At the Elder's Cairn in Volunruud, northwest of Whiterun. Associated with the Word of Power is the "Silence of Tongues" quest, which begins after reading the book at the entrance to the ruins.
    • Hunting(Nir): In the southwestern part of the catacombs in Valthume, southeast of Markarth, towards Falkreath. The Word of Power is associated with the side quest "Evil Slumbers" to destroy the dragon priest Hevnorak, which becomes active after talking with the spirit at the entrance to the ruins.
  26. Elemental rage(Elemental Fury): Increases the speed of melee attacks.
    • Air(Su): In the dragon's lair atop Dragontooth Crater, northeast of Markarth.
    • Battle(Grah): At the exit of Shriekwind Bastion, north of Falkreath. Associated with the Word of Power is the quest "Totems of Hircine" given by Eila Ohoinitsa from Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • Grace(Dun): On the hill next to the Statue of Meridia, west of Solitude. The statue of Meridia can be reached in the quest "Dawn Dawn", which activates after finding in the Frost Cave (Rimerock Burrow) on the northwest coast of Skyrim. Guiding star Meridia.
  27. Fury of battle(Battle Fury): Improves the weapons of allies and increases the attack speed (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Loyal(Mir), Valor(Vuur), Inspire(Shaan): In the tomb of Valok, which the historian Tharstan from the Village of Skaal, in the east of Solstheim Island, suggests to go for research, after returning the map from the Thalmor from the north coast and obtaining the stalhrim for the blacksmith of Baldor Ironkroi. The blacksmith disappears during the main plot, and is held captive by the Thalmor in an abandoned inn in the center of the island.

What is that "mind and with what it is eaten"?

Dragon Shouts (also known as the Voice or Tu'um) are phrases or words in the dragon tongue used to release potential energy (similar to magic). Dragons have a natural ability to use Shouts, but among humans, only a few have it. As a Dragonborn, your character can use Shouts as freely as Dragons. You can learn up to 20 Shouts, each of which consists of 3 Words of Power.

To learn Dragon Scream, the following conditions must be met: ---

1. Find the Wall of Power.

The Word Wall at Windy Peak.

2. Read the Word of Power on the Wall. The Words of Power are individual runes that are displayed on the Wall.

Near the Wall with the Word. Magic energy comes from the right Word.

3. Kill the Dragon and consume his soul.

Dragonborn absorbs the dragon's soul in Windhelm.

4. After killing the Dragon, use his soul to open the Word of Power(For especially dull ones - R (English layout)).
5. Explore a new Scream. In the beginning, you will be able to learn the weakest variant of the Shout. To unlock other, more powerful versions of this Shout, you will need to study two more Words of Power and absorb two Dragon souls.

Following the main storyline, Dovahkiin learns about 15 different Words of Power from other characters through the storyline, after which these words will be revealed. The first word of the Scream "Ruthless Force" will be revealed immediately after the death of Milmurnir (The soul will automatically be applied on the undiscovered cry of "Ruthless Force"). To open the rest of the Words for Shouts, it will be necessary to absorb 44 more Dragon souls.

This is how the Scream looks like in real life (Enjoy watching!):

Finding the Dragon Screams

1. Some Words of Power can be learned only at certain points in the main storyline, while others require access to locations that are unlocked by completing various factional quests (Thieves Guild, College of Winterhold, Companions, etc.). But most of the Words are available for study at any time.

2. When you use Shout in a city, inhabited dungeon or camp-settlement, a messenger can run up to you and transfer "Letter from a friend"... Each such letter will open a side quest that will help you find the Walls of Words. New letters can only be obtained after completing the previous letter-related quest. The courier can find you anywhere in Skyrim and will deliver letters until all the Words of Power have been learned by your character.

3. After completing the quest Horn of Jurgen the Windcaller, you can ask Arngeir if the Greybeards know the location of the Words of Power, and he will direct you to the Wall of Words, marking it on the map. Arngeira signs and courier letters can be used in conjunction with each other. Arngeir will stop indicating where the Walls are after you have studied all the available Words of Power.

Dovahkiin's initiation after completing the quest Horn of Jurgen the Windcaller.

Unavailable Dragon Shouts

In addition to the Shouts that the player can learn, there are several that are used by NPCs and Dragons:

1. Alduin has a Scream known as Dragon Thundercall... It is similar to Lightning Call, but causes a meteor storm instead of a lightning storm, and the sky turns red instead of gray. Clear Sky can stop its action.
2. Alduin also has a Scream called "Cry of Resurrection" who resurrects dead Dragons. The dragon's soul will restore his body. The power words of this Shout are "Sleen," "Teed," and "Wo." It is noteworthy that the player can learn the Words “Teed” and “Sleen” for use in other Shouts.
3. Mist Trap for Souls that Alduin created in Sovngarde is not technically a Shout, but a script. He appears where Alduin hides and feeds on the trapped souls. The words of Strength for him are “Ven”, “Mule”, “Rick”, which translate as “wind”, “strong” and “storm”.
4. The Shout that Tsun uses to send the Sovngarde player back to Nirn is another inaccessible Shout. His Words: “Nal”, “Dal”, “Vus”, which means “live”, “return”, “Nirn”.
5. Shouts used by Dragons are modified versions of Shouts used by the player and NPCs.
6. There is a Scream that the Greybeards use to create ethereal dummies on which you can practice your Screams. His words are “Fik”, “Lo”, “Sa”, which means “mirror”, “deceive”, “phantom”. This is another Scream that is not available to you. However, it can be opened with the “psb” console command. This Scream appears to have been originally created for player use, as it is voiced for all races.
7. While studying "Rapid Dash", one of the Greybeards (Borri) will open the gate with Shout "Becks"... It is also not available for player study.

The locations of the Walls of the Words of Power in Skyrim. Part 1

This section will describe the location of all the Walls of the Words of Power in Skyrim (Solstheim does not count):

1."Ruthless Force"
(Pushing and disorienting the enemy. Cooldown - 15,20,45)
Where to look: The first in the location "Windy Peak"(discovered by killing the dragon Milmurnir near Whiterun), the second and third from Greybeards.

2."Swift Dash"
(Cover the distance in a matter of seconds. Recharge - 20,25,35)
Where to look: The first in the story quest, at the Greybeards. Second - "Rest", third - "Wolskigge".

3."Death Sentence"
(Decreases the enemy's stamina. Reload time - 20,30,40)
Where to look: First - "Autumn watch tower" Second - Forgotten Cave, third - "Hideout of the Dark Brotherhood"(only after joining TB).

4."Thunderous Call"
(Thunderstorms (only in open areas, not indoors) hit your enemies, the weather changes to "Thunderstorm". Reload time - 300,480,600)
Where to look: First - "Forelhost"... Second - "Ruins of the High Gate", third - "Skuldafn"(only for the story quest).

5."Slow down time"
(Slows down time. Recharge - 30,45,60)
Where to look: First - "Corvanyund"... Second - "Labyrinthian"(on the quest of the College of Winterhold), the third - "Witch's Nest".

6."Call of Valor"
(Heroes of Sovngarde come to the rescue. Cooldown - 180,180,180)
Will become available after completing the last quest of the storyline.

7."Call of the Dragon"
(Summons Odawinga to help you. Cooldown - 5,5,300)
Receiving - from Esbern. Needed to complete the quest from the storyline. Becomes freely available after completing the storyline.

8."Dragon Slayer"
(Makes the dragon fall to the ground. Prevents it from flying for the duration of the shout. Cooldown is 10,12,15)
Becomes available through the storyline.

9."Clear sky"
(Dispels fog. Recharge - 5,10,15)
Available only through the central quest - from the Greybeards.

10."Frosty breath"
(Freezes and slows down the enemy. Cooldown - 30,50,100)
Where to look: First "Folguntur"... Second - "Altar of the Heaven Born", third - "Skeletal crest".

11."Ice form"
(Turns the enemy into a block of ice, he has no ability to move and attack. Cooldown - 60,90,120)
Where to look: First - "Saartal"(based on the quest of the College of Winterhold) .Second - "Mount Antor", third - Frostmere.

12.Elemental Rage
(Increases attack speed temporarily (useful if using a weapon in 2 hands). Reload - 30,40,50)
Where to look: First - Dragontooth Crater.Second - "North Bastion Screaming Wind", third - "Statue of Meridia"(to the left of it).

13."Fire breath"
(Fire Damage Recharge 30,50,100)
Where to look: First - "Throat of the World", at Paarthurnax, according to the storyline. Second - "Divided Gorge", third - "Ancient Cairn"(Based on the Quest of the Companions).

14."Animal Friendship"
(Beasts come to your aid. Reload time - 50,60,70)
Where to look: First - "Angarvund"... Second - "Tomb of Ysgramor", third - "Move of the Ancients".

(You rip the weapon out of the enemy's hands. Reload time - 30,35,40)
Where to look: First - "Peak of the Ancients"... Second - "Silver Lair", third - "Shrine of the Snow Veil"(Only for the Thieves Guild quest).

16."World of Keene"
(Animals lose interest in Dovahkiin. They do not attack him, but they do not run away either. Reload Time - 40,50,60)
Where to look: First - "Abode Rannveig"... Second - "Ragnwald", third - "Mound Burial Fire"(at Ivarsted).

17."Voice cast"
(A cry to distract attention. Dovahkiin whispers words, enemies hear them as "words of insult" and are looking for the source from which these words came. Reload - 30,15,5).
Where to look: All three words in "Two-headed dive"(Be careful. In addition to the dragon, there is a dragon priest!).

18."Whisper of aura"
(Dovahkiin whispers words and he begins to feel all living souls around. Recharge - 30,40,50)
Where to look: First - "North Wind Summit"... Second - "Valtum", third - "Volundrud"(on the quest of the Dark Brotherhood).

Dragonborn, the protagonist of the Skyrim game, is able to use Dragon Shouts on a par with dragons. He can learn up to twenty Shouts, each of which consists of three Words of Power.

To study Dragon Cry, you need to fulfill some conditions. The first one is to find the Wall of Power. Then you need to read the Word of Power (individual runes) on the wall, then kill the dragon and absorb his soul.

After you have dealt with the dragon, use its soul to open the Word of Power and the Scream associated with this dragon.

Initially, only the weakest of the three variants of the Shout is available to us for study, and to discover others, which is stronger, we will have to study two more Words of Power and absorb two more dragon souls.

About fifteen different Words Forces the main character learns, passing the main storyline. The first word of the Scream, Ruthless Force, will be revealed immediately after the death of Milmurnir. But to open the rest of the Words for the Screams, you will have to absorb the souls of forty-four more dragons.

At the same time, some Words of Power are available for study only at certain moments of the main quest, while others require access to locations that are opened when completing various faction quests. But most of the Words can be studied at any time convenient for you.

Applying the Scream in the city or else locality, you can see the messenger come running, who will transmit the "Letter from a friend". Each such letter opens a side quest, and that, in turn, will give you the opportunity to find the Walls of Words.

New letters will be given to you only after you have passed the previous quest related to the letter, and the courier manages to find Dovahkiin anywhere in Skyrim until the moment when all the Words of Power are studied by the main character.

After completing the "Horn of Jurgen the Windcaller" quest, you can ask Arngeir if the Greybeards have become aware of the location of the Words of Power. He will send you to the Wall of Words, even kindly mark you on the map beforehand.

Courier letters and Arngeir signposts can be combined seamlessly, using one with the other. Arngeir also ceases to indicate the places where the Walls are if you study all the available Words of Power.

To open Shout, you need to click on the button at the top of the screen by hovering over it.

Shouts are available as well as inaccessible for study. The latter include those that you will not be able to get even after completing the entire single player campaign, an example of this is Alduin's Cry - Dragon Thundercall. He causes a meteor storm, the sky turns red.

And you will not be able to study this good, as well as a number of analogues. But for every action there is a reaction, in the latter case, Clear Sky will help you, so there is nothing to regret.

Shouts are words of power in Draconic. These are powerful spells with great magical potential. To study the Screams, you will have to wander in search of the Walls on which the words are written.

Each wall has one word written on it, and the walls are located throughout Skyrim. Most of them consist of three words, and accordingly you need to find three walls, the words of which are part of a particular cry. However, finding a wall and getting the word out isn't enough. You also need to know how to learn shouts in Skyrim. And for this, the word must be charged by killing the dragon and getting his soul, with the help of which his power will be activated. The location of the walls will be prompted by the Greybeards. Among them there is a certain Arngeir, a very talkative character, from whom you can from time to time find out what has become known about the whereabouts of the walls. There is also a shout map that will tell you where to find a shout, thereby simplifying the search.

If all the conditions are met correctly, the words are received, and the dragons are killed, then the player can put into practice this powerful weapon. The only thing left to do is to learn how to use shouts in Skyrim. To do this, you need to press and hold the Z button and the longer you hold it, the more words sound and the more powerful the action. However, remember that after using the cry, the hero will need time to restore the ligaments. Accordingly, the stronger it is, the longer the recovery time. For those who are not looking for difficult paths, there is an opportunity to use codes for shouting in Skyrim. They will help the player to acquire the necessary qualities at the beginning of the game. However, both those who wander in search of walls, and those who do not want to waste time wandering, should know the scope of this or that shout, as well as have information about its composition, i.e. about the words of which the battle cry is composed.

Ruthless Force: Foos Ro Da... Knocks back and stuns enemies around you.
Fright: Fas Ru Maar. Enemies flee from you in terror.
Dash Dash: Woold Na Kest... In the blink of an eye, it will carry the hero forward.
Ethereal: Faym Zi Gron... Deprives the hero of the bodily shell, making it easy to avoid injuries.
Elemental Fury: Su Gra Dun. Accelerates the delivery of blows.
Clear Sky: Locke Wa Kor Dispels fog and clouds around the character.
Fire Breath: Yol Tol Shul... Throws a wave of fire in the direction indicated.
Dragon Slayer: Jor Za Frul... Makes the flying dragon land. And if the dragon breathes fire, then it suppresses its attack.
Dragon's Call: Od A Wing... Summons a dragon for help.
Slowing Times: Theed Klaw Uhl... Everyone except the hero freezes.
Call of Valor: Hun Kal Zor... Summons a ghost from Sovngarde for help.
Frosty Breath: Fo Kra Din... Throws a wave of frost in the specified direction.
Friendship with the Beasts: Wang Mir Ta... Calls for help from all the animals around.
Whisper of Aura: Las Ya Nir... Shows all living things in a large radius.
Death Sentence: Kree Lun Aus... Decreases defense, health and strength of the enemy.
Thunder Call: String Ba Quo... Summons a thunderstorm that strikes all living things around with lightning.
Kin World: Kin Dream Ov... Calms hostile creatures and beasts.
Voice Cast: Zul Mei Gut... Distracts the attention of enemies to the specified location.
Ice Form: From Slen Nus.Curns the enemy into ice.
Disarmament: Zun Khal Vik... Knocks out the weapons of their enemies hands.

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Dragon screams (Voice or Tu "mind) are words of power in the dragon language, used to reveal a powerful magical effect. Dragons have always been able to Scream, this skill is inseparable from their nature, Scream for a dragon is as natural as breathing and speech. Well then. concerns people ... In ancient times, the goddess Kynareth gave them the ability to speak the language of dragons, but most take many years to learn the simplest Scream. Speech of dragons is in their blood, it is given to them without much effort. Your character is a Dragonborn - a warrior with a dragon soul in a mortal body, although at first no one knows about this. The ability to use Shouts will become available after completing the Dragon Rising quest, after absorbing the soul of the first slain dragon.

To open a new Scream or improve a known one, you should approach the Wall of Words and learn the Word of Power, then spend the absorbed dragon soul to unlock the word (R button), and if there is no available dragon soul available, you will have to kill some dragon and absorb his soul. All Shouts are made up of three Words and each time you master a new Word, your Shout becomes more powerful: unlocking the first word from the Shout unlocks its weak version, the second and third increases the intensity, duration, etc.

In order to Shout, you must press the Z button (by default). A simple press on the Scream button gives out a weak version of it, as a result of a short hold, you get a medium version, and a long hold will cause the strongest Scream. After Shouting, it takes some time to "recharge" before you have the opportunity to Shout again (watch the outlines of the compass passing from blue to white).

A total of 20 Shouts can be learned. As you progress through the main quest, you will learn 15 words from various Shouts (no dragon souls are required to unlock them). You will need 44 Dragon Souls to unlock all the other Power Words available. Some Words can be learned only in certain places when completing the main quest and completing quests of various factions (see tables below), while most are open for study at any time (the order does not matter). To make it easier to find the Walls of Words, there are two ways to obtain information about their whereabouts:

1. It is worth shouting more often in cities, settlements, camps and dungeons, after which expect a messenger with a "Letter from a Friend" containing a hint about the place with the next Wall of Words. Messengers will continue to bring such letters until all the words of Power currently available are found. However, keep in mind that you will not receive a new "Letter from a friend" until you complete the quest associated with the previous letter you received.

2. After completing the quest "The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller", you can also ask Arngeir of the Masters of the Way of the Voice, the Greybeards, if they have learned something about the places of power, and he will mark them on the map. Once you know all the Words of Power currently available, Arngeir will stop giving you clues.

Unrelenting Force

Word Walls Location: The first word you will recognize at Bleak Falls Barrow, it is automatically unlocked after killing the dragon Mirmulnir in the main quest, the second and third will be taught by the Greybeards during the main quest.

Become Ethereal

That mind reaches the Void, changing your form so that neither you can harm anyone, nor anyone - you.

The location of the Word Walls: Ustengrav, where you will have to look during the main quest, Ironbind Barrow and Lost Valley Redoubt.

Throw Voice

The mind is heard, but its source is unknown, and those who have heard begin to search for it.

Word Wall Locations: You will recognize all three words at the Shearpoint.

Storm Call

The scream shakes the skies and awakens the destructive power of Skyrim's lightning.

The location of the word walls: Skuldafn Temple, where you will have to look during the main quest, Forelhost, High Gate Ruins.

Dragon Slayer (Dragonrend)

Location of Word Walls: Throat of the World, during the main quest.

Animal Allegiance

A cry for help to the wild creatures, and they come to fight by your side.

Word Wall locations: Ancient "s Ascent, Angarvunde, and Ysgramor" s Tomb.

Slow Time

The scream makes time obey the order, and everything around freezes.

The location of the Word Walls: Labyrinthian, where you will need to visit on the quest of the College of Winterhold, the Witch's End and Korvanjund, where you will get on the quest for the Imperials or the Stormcloaks.

Call of Valor

Word Walls location: Sovngarde, during the main quest.

Call Dragon

And the weak of this mind will be afraid, and they will run away, seized with terror.

Word Wall locations: Lost Tongue Overlook, Shalidor's Maze, and Dead Crone Rock.

Ice Form

Your tu "mind turns your opponent into a block of ice.

Word Walls are located in Saarthal, where you will need to visit on the quest of the College of Winterhold, Frostmere Crypt and Mount Anthor.

Kyne's Peace

Word Wall locations: Shroud Hearth Barrow, Ragnvald, and Rannveig's Fast.

Frost Breath

Your breath is winter, your that mind is a blizzard.

Word Wall locations: Bonestrewn Crest, Skyborn Altar, and Folgunthur.

Fire Breath

Breathe in the air and breathe out the fire - this mind is the flame itself.

Word Wall locations: Throat of the World during the main quest, Dustman's Cairn for the Companions quest, and Sunderstone Gorge.


Steel is subject to this cry - you pull the weapon out of the hands of the enemy.

Word Wall locations: Snow Veil Sanctum, Thieves Guild quest, Eldersblood Peak and Silverdrift Lair.

Death Sentence (Marked for Death)

Word Wall locations: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Forsaken Cave, and Autumnwatch Tower.

Whirlwind Sprint

That mind rushes forward, taking you with it with the speed of a whirlwind.

Word Walls Location: The Greybeards will teach you the first word during the main quest, the rest will be learned in Dead Men 's Respite and Volskygge.

Clear sky (Clear sky)

Skyrim itself obeys this "mind" - the fog clears and the weather becomes clear.

Location of Word Walls: High Hrothgar, during the main quest.

Aura Whisper

Word Wall locations: Northwind Summit, Valthume and Volunruud.

Elemental Fury

The mind empowers your hands with the speed of the wind, allowing you to strike faster with your weapon.

Word Wall locations: Shriekwind Bastion, Dragontooth Crater and northeast of the Statue to Meridia.