The guiding star is shining. Cosmos women 1 Russian woman who visited the international space station

When this "RG" number was signed for publication, the Soyuz TMA-14M manned spacecraft was already "under steam" at the Baikonur cosmodrome. The time was counting down: start - at 00.25 Moscow time.

On board - an international crew, two Russians and an American. But the most important thing: in the same team with Alexander Samokutyaev and Barry Wilmore, flight engineer Elena Serova flies to work in zero gravity. After a 17-year hiatus, a Russian woman finally flies into space!

An excellent professional, clever - male colleagues speak about her. And they add: and also a beauty. Elena is not just the fourth woman-cosmonaut in the country, who will share all the hardships of the complex, albeit literally, stellar life on an equal footing with them. It is she who will become the first Russian woman to cross the threshold of the ISS and register at the station for 170 days.

On the eve of the start, Elena Serova gave an exclusive interview to the "RG" correspondent.

Elena, Russians have not flown into orbit for the last seventeen years. Is it true that Svetlana Savitskaya, the first woman-cosmonaut who went into outer space, told you: "Hold on, they can put a spoke in the wheels to the last!"?

Elena Serova: Yes it's true. Svetlana Evgenievna told me to "hold on to the last." And I am very grateful to her for the moral support.

Have you met with Valentina Tereshkova? What is her parting word?

Elena Serova: Valentina Vladimirovna came to see off our crew at the Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City. She wished us a successful start, good work at the station and an easy landing.

Do you have a "personal" callsign? Or is it the same as for the entire crew?

Elena Serova: Yes, I have my own callsign. But our crew has the call sign of the commander "Tarkhany", and I will work with the call sign "Tarkhany-2". This is the law.

What is the most interesting for you in the flight program?

Elena Serova: Everything is insanely interesting to me. The crew has a large scientific program- 59 experiments. It is difficult to highlight anything. For example, there are very important studies to study the effect of microgravity on the human body. Their results will be extremely useful when planning missions to other planets.

We will monitor the dynamics of the radiation situation along the flight path and in the station compartments. In particular, the accumulation of dose in the spherical and anthropomorphic phantoms, which are located inside and outside the station. In general, I'm not afraid to say that there are just unique biotechnological and geophysical experiments ahead.

Will you keep your blog or diary in orbit?

Elena Serova: Necessarily. Both.

Are there any special elements psychological support for a female astronaut?

Elena Serova: There is no such profession - a woman astronaut. There is a profession of a test cosmonaut. The selection of astronauts is very tough. Certain abilities must be built in so that we can fulfill the flight program efficiently. And the floor has nothing to do with it.

And the "elements of psychological support" are the same for all crew members. These are regular video conferences with loved ones, communication with friends and family via IP telephony. This is watching your favorite films on board and reading interesting books in your free time. For example, I really love Russian science fiction.

Are you planning a lesson from space for schoolchildren?

Elena Serova: There will be several sessions of radio amateur communication with schoolchildren. This is a great opportunity for the children to learn more about the work and life of astronauts on board the station, ask questions and get comprehensive answers. In addition, educational films will be made as part of the Great Beginning project. Our crew will tell you about the purpose of some experiments and demonstrate how they are implemented in zero gravity conditions.

Will you have a spacewalk?

Elena Serova: No. The flight program does not provide for such an opportunity for me.

I know that an astronaut can take 1 kg of "personal" cargo with him to the station. What have you taken?

Elena Serova: I seem to have even less. I took mostly photographs, various notes, gifts for other astronauts.

You have been preparing for this flight for eight years, practicing. Is it very difficult to wait for your finest hour?

Elena Serova: Yes, indeed, many years have passed since the beginning of training in the cosmonaut corps. But when you work, putting all your strength and soul into your work, time flies very quickly.

Some astronauts say that the hardest part of space training is survival training. Others - fighting sleep in the isolation chamber and changing into a spacesuit in the descent capsule when it seems impossible to move ... And what was the most difficult for you?

Elena Serova: I always say this: any job cannot be easy. To achieve the best result, you must constantly work on yourself, overcome yourself. This is the most difficult test.

You have two degrees: an engineer and an economist. And now you are an astronaut. What attracts you the most in your work? An engineering start? Mathematical clarity? An opportunity to test your endurance in extreme conditions?

Elena Serova: The ability to realize in oneself the intellectual and physical component one hundred percent. I enjoy my work immensely. The cosmonaut's profession involves working with complex and specialized equipment. You need to be able to quickly and competently analyze any situation to solve the most difficult problems. You need to keep in mind a huge amount of information. But I know that this is very important information, so it is easy to digest.

We had a desert survival program. I have gained invaluable experience of survival in almost any extreme conditions. Now, for example, I know that in the desert you can get water even from a camel thorn.

More than 50 American women and only three Russians have visited orbit. You will be the fourth. Are you worried? Are you proud?

Elena Serova: The fact is that there was not a single Russian woman on board the ISS. And I am very grateful to God that I will live and work on board the International space station.

Is space flight the pinnacle of an astronaut's career?

Elena Serova: The pinnacle of any career is retirement. And for an astronaut, as for any pilot in love with the sky, it is very important to fly as long and often as possible.

They say that space couturiers have made very beautiful space clothes for you. Tell us what is included in your "star" wardrobe.

Elena Serova: Yes, indeed, the Falcon spacesuit, which is always sewn individually for each cosmonaut, is simply perfect. I personally tested it for two hours in a pressure chamber and did not feel any discomfort. According to the current regulations, this procedure is performed by each cosmonaut. Perhaps this is the most stylish "suit" of my star wardrobe.

You have long hair. How will you take care of them at the station, where there is not only a shower, but also "free" water?

Elena Serova: So are my American astronaut colleagues. They even made a five-minute training film that clearly shows how to perform this procedure for long hair quickly and efficiently.

Do you think a woman will enter the first crew to fly to Mars?

Elena Serova: There is a great saying: man proposes, but God disposes. Wait and see.

What are they talking about in the space kitchen?

Crew of the Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft after trying on spacesuits: everything is fine! And the mood too. Photo: RIA Novosti

Elena, your husband is also an astronaut. In a space family, what is more talk about in the evenings in the kitchen? About new ships, about a child's marks, about rent? ..

Elena Serova: Yes, a little about everything. You don't have to think that we are having any special conversations. We discuss the past working day, plan weekends, pay utility bills, etc. We live, work, solve everyday problems. Everything is like everyone else.

Admit it, have you dreamed of flying into space with your husband?

Elena Serova: A very good idea, but space flight is not a pleasure trip. Astronauts literally risk their lives every day. Working in space is a daily hard work, a huge responsibility.

Your daughter, who is also named Lena, is eleven years old. What did she tell you before the flight?

Elena Serova: She is a very wise girl for her age, with a great sense of humor. And she told me the same thing that she says from an early age: "Mommy, I love you very, very much!"

Are you a strict mom? Do you have any kind of parenting program for your daughter? Or - how will it go?

Elena Serova: I believe that you cannot control a child. You need to be friends with him and talk, support him in difficult times. Often, the parents' own selfishness does not allow understanding elementary things: the child needs to be able to hear, consider the potential in him and help to reveal him.

What are your hobbies in your free time?

Elena Serova: I have very little free time. I like to read popular science literature, for example the magazine "Science and Life". Watch various popular science documentaries... I am fond of astronomy, history, archeology. In general, I love everything that is cognitive and new. The world does not stand still, science is moving forward, making more and more new discoveries. And it is interesting for me every time to discover the world in which I live, to learn more about the history of the Earth. He who knows his past knows his future.

direct speech

Oleg Ostapenko, head of Roscosmos:

There is no division into male and female astronautics. There is simply manned astronautics. Maybe some subjective element played a role here. I don't see any problem. There are enough capable girls in Russia. The doors to the cosmonaut corps are open. Welcome!

Who flew

They say that at one time the Americans voluntarily ceded the palm in women's astronautics to us. Back in 1960, distinguished female pilot Jerry Cobb was the first to pass the initial space test barrier, but in July 1961, NASA closed the women's flight training program.

But now the American women fly with might and main: more than fifty astronauts worked in orbit.

But over the past more than half a century, only three women have visited space. But, of course, what!

Valentina Tereshkova became the world's first woman astronaut. She made her space flight on June 16, 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft. It lasted almost three days. During the start, Valentina said famous phrase: "Hey sky! Take off your hat!".

Svetlana Savitskaya welded and soldered in open space. Photo: RIA Novosti

Svetlana Savitskaya was the first of the women twice, in 1982 and 1984, to work in orbit. She is the first in the world of the fair sex, who went into outer space. Savitskaya, together with cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov, carried out the first works on cutting, welding and brazing outside the station, which are of great applied importance for the development of astronautics.

Elena Kondakova became the first star "long-liver" .. Photo: RIA Novosti

Elena Kondakova flew twice, in 1994 and 1997: she spent 178 days in zero gravity and became the first stellar "long-liver". And the second time she flew as a specialist on the American ship Atlantis.

Elena Serova joined the cosmonaut corps in 2006. Before her, Nadezhda Kuzhelnaya had been preparing for the flight for ten years, but she was forced to say goodbye to space, and did not work in orbit.

And in total in the country to space flight 16 women were trained. On a par with men, no indulgences. As, however, and now.

Among the current candidates for astronauts there is also one girl - Anna Kikina.

Elena Serova is a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute(national research university) became the first Russian woman to visit the ISS. At a meeting with space enthusiasts at the Starcon Festival, she spoke about how astronauts cope with their daily activities.

Elena Serova became the second Russian woman who visited space after the collapse of the USSR. She completed the expedition in 2014 as an onboard engineer for the Soyuz TMA-14M manned spacecraft. No woman from Russia has ever been on board the ISS before.

As part of the Starkon festival in St. Petersburg, she spoke about the difficulties of training cosmonauts and the organization of life on board the International Space Station: how to cook food, take a shower and clean up when you are in zero gravity.

Road to sky

Elena Serova: - Once upon a time people dreamed that they would ride cars, not horses. Once upon a time, those who talked about the flight to the moon were called dreamers. And today we launch satellites and explore other planets - all thanks to the dreamers.

I dreamed of becoming an astronaut back in school, for this I entered the aerospace faculty of the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in engineering. There I met my future husband, together we went to work at RSC Energia. When the opportunity arose to enroll in the cosmonaut corps, I decided to take a chance. One of the most difficult stages was the medical one. Our doctors joke that there are no healthy people, but there are under-examined people. Indeed, the further technology develops, the more difficult it is to get tested.

Then I had to pass three exams, after which I became a candidate for astronauts and trained for about two years: from working out normal and emergency situations on board to survival courses in the desert and winter forest. For example, in three days of survival training in the desert with a temperature of +50, we lost 5 kilograms of weight each.

Only after that I became a test cosmonaut at Roscosmos. Now I am a flight engineer for the expedition to the ISS No. 41-42. The expedition lasted about six months: we started on September 26, returned back on March 12. On the ISS, we performed flight services, replaced various systems and just lived and worked.


At the MIR station there was a complex installation, something like a cocoon, from which water was then pumped out with a special device.

We joked that after cleaning this shower room, you need to wash again. On the ISS, everything is arranged differently.

We have special wet wipes and hygiene products to help you tidy up.

There is, for example, an indelible hair product with the cosmic name "Aelita" - it contains vitamins and extracts of more than 10 Russian herbs.


Astronauts sleep in a sleeping bag with a removable liner instead of bed linen. According to the regulations, it should be changed once every 20 days, but you can do it more or less often. Acts on the principle of the "Caucasian captive", only it has slots for the hands. With ropes, he is tied to the wall so as not to "float away" in a dream. It feels like a very soft feather bed.

There are no problems with sleep, because during the flight we work a lot and get very tired. The windows have to be closed at this time, because in space day and night change 16 times per day - the sun can interfere with sleep.

Personal belongings

The astronaut is allowed to take on board no more than a kilogram of personal belongings. My kit included mostly gifts for our team and American colleagues at New Year.


The daily diet of an astronaut aboard the ISS includes 3000 Kcal, for the most part these are freeze-dried substances like dry mashed potatoes. We breed them in a hot water dispenser, which we call "our teapot". Such food is well known to hikers. Tin cans store meat dishes, scrambled eggs, stewed cabbage with meat - all this can be heated in the oven on board the station. Among the delicacies are jars of pressed caviar.

Everyone has different tastes, so before the flight, we are allowed to taste the food that will be delivered to the ISS, and in the questionnaires, mark what we liked best.

Free time

The ISS has a large film library, a library, and a lot of music. You can devote some time to a hobby. Someone prefers to additionally engage in physical education. For example, I like taking pictures.

On weekends, we wake up, have breakfast, have a morning conference and start cleaning up the station. After - a private conference with the family, which according to the regulations should last 15 minutes, but usually drags on up to an hour. Then a private conference with the doctor, 2 hours of physical education, dinner, sleep. In fact, time flies by - both work and free.


Astronauts are already accustomed to the fact that the most popular question is: "How do you go to the toilet in zero gravity?" In order not to go into details, I can only say that the space toilet operates on the principle of a vacuum cleaner adapted to the characteristics of the human body. Waste is divided there into fractions and disposed of separately.

There is a device on board that collects all moisture from the air and all liquids on board and distills it all into a clean one. drinking water... The Americans have the same attitude in their segment.


In zero gravity, convection does not occur, that is, mixing of air media.

Therefore, fans blow air endlessly throughout the station.

If this is not done, the person can suffocate from their own carbon dioxide, which accumulates around him.

Dust still appears on board, so every weekend we carry out cleaning: we wipe the surfaces with wet wipes, where possible, we go through with a vacuum cleaner.

Everything is at home.

How to get used to the ground

An astronaut's daily schedule on board the ISS includes at least two hours of physical education. If you ignore sports, muscles atrophy - after all, in zero gravity, you do not need to make an effort to move. Calcium is washed out from the bones, the cardiovascular system suffers, and so on. Therefore, there is a small gym at the station.

Having landed after the expedition, we almost immediately began to walk. This suggests that we managed to maintain good physical shape. There are also means of rehabilitation - for example, suits for adaptation. When you return to Earth, a redistribution of blood occurs, and it again rushes to the legs. The special pants create additional pressure and help the body gradually get used to gravity.

What can be seen at night

The earth at night is a mesmerizing sight. Especially in cloudless weather. Big cities very well visible through the porthole. It is difficult to describe: like a cluster of stars that form circles and cobwebs. It is easy to distinguish Moscow, you can even see the route that leads to St. Petersburg. And St. Petersburg itself is also noticeably shimmering with lights.

Another view from space allows us to understand that our planet is not so small. When I hear talk about overcrowding, lack of water and other resources, I don’t believe it.

We have enough of everything, and the conditions will be suitable for a comfortable life for a very long time - this can be seen even with a simple look from the side.

The malfunction was corrected after docking

Participants and organizers of the next expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) breathed a sigh of relief - the manned transport ship Soyuz TMA-14M with an unopened solar battery, launched from Baikonur six hours ago, docked to the ISS automatically, a representative of the Roscosmos agency said.

Participants and organizers of the next expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) breathed a sigh of relief - the manned transport Soyuz TMA-14M, which launched from Baikonur six hours ago, docked to the ISS automatically, a representative of the Roscosmos agency said.

The cosmonauts who arrived at the ISS opened the transfer hatches and "sailed" to the station, a representative of the Mission Control Center (MCC) later said. "The new arrivals were warmly greeted by the crew on the ISS. At the moment, the new arrivals pass along the so-called emergency route. It is customary that the new owners of the ISS must first carefully study the so-called emergency exit route," the MCC said.

Earlier, a representative of the MCC told reporters that one of the solar panels for some reason was not disclosed.

“Fortunately, there was no need for the cosmonauts to intervene in the Kurs rendezvous and docking system.

As it became known later, the jammed solar battery on the Soyuz TMA-14M manned spacecraft, which delivered a new crew to the ISS, opened after successful docking to the station. "Two minutes ago, at 6.50, the battery opened," Oleg Ostapenko, head of Roscosmos, told reporters.

The Soyuz TMA-14M manned spacecraft with an unopened solar battery, launched from Baikonur six hours ago, docked to the International Space Station (ISS) in automatic mode. Earlier, a representative of the Mission Control Center told RIA Novosti that one of the solar panels was not revealed for some reason.

Recall that for the first time after a seventeen-year hiatus it flies into orbit. Elena Serova is accompanied by Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Samokutyaev and NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore in the Soyuz capsule.

- Elena Olegovna, how did your space page in your biography begin?

- It was in first grade. About space, mysterious and incomprehensible, I heard from my teacher Vera Sergeevna Vorobyeva. I remember how after school we ran to buy stamps, postcards on the topic of space at Soyuzpechat kiosks, collected newspaper clippings. Already in high school she was fond of astronomy. You know: the fact that our universe has no boundaries can hardly fit in the head. It is not surprising that after school I made the decision to enter the aerospace faculty of the Moscow Aviation Institute.

- How did you get into space?

- At the institute, I met my future husband, Mark Serov. Together with him, we decided to try our luck and pass the selection of specialists to work in the Energia rocket and space corporation. We went to the Mission Control Center in Korolyov, and since then our fate has been inextricably linked with space.

- How long did you have to wait for the flight into orbit and how did the years of preparation go?

- The preparation took eight years. During the final stage, we took survival courses for two years in real conditions: in a winter forest, a desert, on water and in zero gravity.

The training program includes not only physical activity. Applicants also study foreign languages... We teach English, Americans - Russian. But Europeans and Japanese have to master both languages. In parallel, we are going through a serious scientific training... In space, we conduct various experiments, and without knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, remote sensing (observation of natural phenomena, catastrophes. -"Moskvichka" ) , possession of photo and video equipment is indispensable. And the most important thing is that we must know the device inside and out. spaceship how to act during a freelance situation.

- Is preparation for space flight different for men and women?

- An astronaut is, first of all, a professional. And the concept of "woman astronaut" does not exist. There are regulations for astronauts in terms of food and clothing. In my opinion, if an applicant takes a training course and passes all the standards, then it does not matter what gender, race or religion he is. Meanwhile, there were no women in the cosmonaut training unit for 17 years. Now there are two of us - me and Anna Kikina.


- You've come a long way, was there something that made you believe in your guiding star?

- I lived with the dream of space, hope, and without these feelings you cannot live. My secret to achieving goals is simple - daily work.

- Are there any traditions that you follow before the start?

- We definitely watch the movie "White Sun of the Desert". And we never say the word "last." Always only - "extreme".

- Remember how you felt when you entered orbit?

- During takeoff, we had a force majeure - the solar battery did not open. But the team worked harmoniously, and in the end everything worked out. When I looked out the window, I admired our planet - it is of immense size. And, of course, an indescribable feeling of weightlessness. It can only be compared with flying in a dream.

- Your spouse is also involved in the space industry. Do you discuss working at home?

- We are constantly discussing work with our spouse. Daughter Lena sometimes takes part in our discussions. If she suddenly comes and says that she wants to become an astronaut, then I will support. There are dynasties of astronauts in our country. So why not the first dynasty of astronauts to appear?

- Do you have someone you turn to for advice?

- Yes, for me such a mentor is Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov. When at one of the meetings I was offered to try my hand at politics, I came to him for advice. And he supported. After that, I decided to participate in the primaries. (preliminary vote from the United Russia party - took place on May 22, 2016. -"Moskvichka" ) and won.

History repeats itself: ten years ago I was selected for the cosmonaut corps, and now I have managed to enter the team of potential candidates. I hope that now my guiding star will lead to my goal.


Elena Olegovna Serova. Born on April 22, 1976 in the village of Vozdvizhenka, Primorsky Territory. In March 2001 she graduated from the Aerospace Faculty of the Moscow Aviation Institute. On September 26, 2014 she started as flight engineer-1 of the Soyuz TMA-14M manned spacecraft. On March 12, 2015 she returned from a space expedition. She is married and has a daughter.