Grains from Plevla: Hollywood Cynonian Overview. Watch the new Russian documentary about GMOs "Grain and Plealls Review of the film Grain and Pleallies

Against the background of the growing popularity of the theme of genetically modified organisms around the world, and in particular in Russia, as well as because of the imposed sanctions by the European Union, the United States and a number of countries by the director Konstantin Semyin and Nikolai Dyakov was filmed a film about GMO. The authors of the documentary attempted to understand the history of the creation of transgenic crops and for the reasons why there was so contradictory confrontation between the supporters of these organisms and their opponents.

The film begins with conversations with Vietnamese residents who experienced the horrors of war and its consequences. We'll see different people, both adults and children whose visible defects are visible on their organisms and all of these consequences of using the American army of the notorious mixture of defoliant and herbicides production of Monsanta "Agent Orange". This toxic chemical was used to fall out of foliage in the jungle and it was easy to see the helicopters to see WitKongovkov, after which it was possible to kill them as efficiently as possible - the main purpose of using the Monsanthth mixture.

We believe that the history of the appearance of herbicides, as well as companies that have become their processes, now these companies are trying not to remember the sad experience. It was the most company that delivered the mixture of chemicals that killed and continues to kill Vietnamese. Later, the company was engaged in the development of genetically modified organisms and on this moment It is considered the most influential in this sector.

You will also hear famous research scientists negative consequences GMO on living organisms like a French scientist Seraliniwho published the results of his 2-year exploration of GMO on rats; Stephanie Sefffwho published a number of scientific articles about GMOs, opponents of GMO as an Indian public figure Vandan Shina. There are statements and the opposite side, which advocate the introduction of genetic engineering in modern agriculture, as Arkady Zlochevsky, President of the Russian Grain Union; Konstantin Scriabin, Director of the Center "Bioengineereria" Russian Academy science

The film also assigned a place for the current situation in Ukraine, which has developed in the food market. Today's Ukrainian authorities opened the gate for the cultivation and production of transgenic crops, which used to be prohibited. This will take advantage of transnational companies, because in Ukraine there is a very good land.

None without the United States, who became the main cradle of genetically modified organisms, it is in this country that the largest number is grown. But, despite this, the GMO product was not introduced in the country, currently in some states continue campaigns that are aimed at oblige manufacturers of products in which GMO marked their products.

We will see the different attitude of the governments and the population to the GMO in countries such as Vietnam, the United States, India (GMO Cotton is grown in the country), Hungary (it is forbidden to grow and implement transgenic cultures), Pakistan (in the country it is allowed to grow transgenic cotton in the country). And of course, it will be focused on Russian achievements in the field of genetic engineering, Russian scientists really have something to boast, both in the achievements of traditional selection and in the field of Transgenesis.

You will also see the famous World Granary Storage - Svalbard seed repository, created with the support of several dozen countries. There are also interesting stories on the topic of Evgenika, for some reason, many associate her appearance from fascism in Germany, but her fascists adopted among Americans, who at that time were stiguously engaged in research in this area. But most of all terrify the words of one scientist: "We have too many people," it smacks new Holocaust, launch Eugene 2.0?

The documentary tells about poorly promotional, but extremely important processes that occur in the global food market. Fighters "For" and "against" genetically modified organisms in last years A more actively break a spear in disputes about the dangers and benefits of GMOs, but is it only about this? The transgenic product industry, as they found out the authors of the film, is an iceberg, at the top of which are the very disputes about "plastic apples" and "growing horns." But what happens outside the field of view of journalists and activists?

Why are some countries in transgenis thousands of hectares of land, while others are running from them like from fire? Why do GMO manufacturers can be counted on the fingers of one hand? What is their policies in food markets and why is it more and more reminds world monopoly? What is this corporation at all and what goals lie under their promises to feed the whole planet? Scientists and experts from all over the world will tell about all this - from India to the United States. They will explain why in their time the self-suite-sensitive - terminator-seeds were invented, why seed banks are protected by no worse than nuclear facilities and, as using transgenes under the control of individual corporations, whole states fall.

Last weekends were marked by the next premieres of Hollywood films. And, if last week, the world saw another massacre in the painting "Texas chainsaw" and, of course, did not fail, as it should cleaned it, the current weekend is Hollywood puts into the course of more impressive and representative fighters.

Vintage action director Ruben Fleister "Hunters on Gangsters" and "Quartet" Dustina Hoffman are designed to please the public and give it the opportunity to enjoy supposedly excellent Hollywood films.

In addition, a parody of the superlitty genre of "found films" "house with paranormal phenomena" comes to the rental, the first scenario experience of Colver Rock Zipper and the relaxed criminal comedy "Coastal Disco" with Billi Bob Tornton in the lead role.

While the Russian viewer anticipates the viewing of these paintings, we will turn your eyes towards American film critics who have already managed to watch these films and, of course, to evaluate them in dignity.

On film rating was 10%, top critics - 14%.

Another parody of "paranormal phenomenon" and other horror proceedings found. Here too often wit is replaced by grazing, - Frank Schnk notes in Hollywood Reporter.

Primitive, unbelievable, perfectly made - here are the main disadvantages of the film. The incompetence of the plot makes him the disaster, is the "house ..." in Msn Movies James Roches.

Homophobia, which is filled with a "house with paranormal phenomena" - not the best object for jokes, - writes on the site Jordan Hoffman. - She grows out of hate feeling. The authors must be more responsible.

Safety and infinite satirical comedy. Such can get into the goal only if the target is very light, - Evaluation of Joe Leedon from Variety.

« Lightning strike»

"Lightning strike" everything on the same site of "rotten tomatoes" scored a rating of 24%. Top critics amounted to 15%.

Colfer is still too young, but he should already know that False is not a point of view, "says film critic Newark Star-Ledger film director Stephen Whitty.

There is nothing to speak very much, "the film critic NPR Ella Taylor is chucking away from the picture. "Isn't it that this film is one of those optional adolescent films that appear in cinemas in early January - a tomb for paintings with which no one knows what to do.

Characters "Lightning strike" flat. The exception is perhaps the monstrous mammy performed by Ellison Jenny and grandmother with Alzheimer's disease, which Bergen Polallium played, "says Stephen Holden in New York Times.

All the charm of Chris Colver from "Choir" goes into a sick-hacker in an unnaturally black comedy about the schoolboy-loser, "will summarize his opus in Hollywood Reporter Frank Shek.

« Coastal disco»

16% - such is the rating of the paintings of Barry Battles on the "tomatoes". Top critics - 27%.

Kosonaya dialogues and incoherent scenario, - said it was sliced \u200b\u200bLou Lumenik in New York POST.

Creepy film - Stephen Whitty from Newark Star-Ledger disappointed. - It becomes even more terrible from when you begin to think, and for whom the authors tried at all, creating this film ...