Short message about the death of the poet Nikitin. Ivan Savvich Nikitin - interesting data and facts from life

In the history of the domestic literature, there are "Negrict" names, the names of writers and poets of the second row, which are obscured by the noisy "pop poetry", then modernists with claims for genius. Time passes and puts everyone in its place. It turns out that there was a lot of "broken and false gestures" in the modernity, and a lot of "broken and false gestures", and nothing worthwhile for noise. But the strength of true dating passes across decades and continues to be felt for a long time. Especially when the artist's dating itself comes from the ground, from the soil, from the deep awareness of his blood connection with the fate of the entire people. So it was with our contemporary Nikolai Rubtsov, and also, even earlier, with and Ivan Nikitin. Rows of the latter about winter we learn from elementary school

Biography Ivan Nikitina (1824 - 1861)

Voronezh ... Land, which gave the world and Russia of two great sons - Alexey Koltsov and Ivan Nikitin. However, here I left the reference to the 30s. The last century poet, who left eloquent recognition about that: "I'm around Koltsov, like falcon, has been scarce ..." Speech - about the external non-free. Only and Nikitin rings were hardly free to the end. Both oppressed the need to engage in hated trades, because there were simply no other sources of income. To live in Russia to the Writer for fees from its works - the luxury, which falls very few elected.

Nikitin, until the end of his short life, remained son of time, century and a representative of a merchant class. On the latter it is worth stopping particularly. Not so in soviet years They loved to advertise the fact that the first generation of Russian merchants came out of the Old Believers. And there were large families, loyalty to traditions, love for work with young nails. And they did not consider the first Russian merchants for themselves and plow, and sow, and mow, and drink vodka with commoners, because they always remembered, with someones they rose themselves. In the future, the merchants turned into a bourgeois, and communications with the past weakened.

The father of the future poet was a candle merchant, ruined due to a tender to drunkenness and a brown fit. Nikitin's system formation did not receive, was forced to leave training in the seminary and become the owner of the inn, bringing it a small, but permanent source of income. The disadvantages of the formation of Nikitin tried to fill in reinforced self-education, which was a lot of succeeded. Already closer to the end of life, the loan received from the local patron of Kokorev, Nikitin was able to open in the book bench with the reading room. They quickly became a cultural focus of the province.

Looking at a photo Nikitina and knowing that he left his classic, the fateful for Russian (and not only) the poet of age is 37 years old, it is difficult to get rid of the thought that it looks much older than his years. He stunned him not only a beard, but also suffering in childhood, the need to beat every piece of bread. In those days, people generally adults and stood up, apparently, much faster than now ... Chakhotka (she is tuberculosis) was considered an incurable disease. She also brought Nikitina to the grave. He is buried next to Koltsov, what is deep truth and symbolism. However, about it below.

Creativity Ivan Nikitin

The early poems of Nikitin inevitably worn imaturing and interesting now except that historians of literature. In search of his voice, he turned to folklore and the experience of predecessors. And among them was not only countryman Alexey Koltsov. The genre of the "Russian Song" in the domestic literature was tried to root another A.I. Nellensky-molec and A.F.Momplach, then Anton Delvig's lyceum friend. So Koltsov had already, whose experience to take into account. Not all of the poems that had a headline "Russian Song" really became songs and went into the people. In the latter ear, it immediately catches the slightest falsehood, the retreat from authenticity, the idleness of the folk poemy.

During the lifetime, Nikitin managed to publish two poems compilation. They caused the most dispensable responses, which, however, naturally, there were those who took the work of the poet, and those who treated him as a self-impaired and even weak. As noted above, Nikitin's readership consciousness enters mainly as a singer of his native nature and already secondly, as a god-writer of a severe peasant fraction, hopeless need and exhausting work.

Nature in the perception of Nikitin is an inexhaustible source of poetic inspiration, the very power that is capable of healing spiritual and even physical wounds, reconcile with deep social imperfections and stratification. Undoubtedly, his own character affected Nikitin's poetry character. Unlike much more emotional koltsov, Nikitin was, if we use the expression of the philosopher I.Kanta, "thing in yourself." Surround expressive means, minimum metaphor and other verbal "decorations", exterior simplicity and even idleness. But they also affect the strongest! For this external restraint it is easy to overlook the nature of passionate, rebellious, looking for, irreparable.

Few of the poets are compared with Nikitin for some kind of physiological accuracy of descriptions, on the naturalistic sensations, such as, for example, in the textbook lines of the poem, the stars are embarked and go out. In the cloud flame ... "and what truly cosmic, universal scope in the first original Nikita poem" Rus ", where and" Tenter blue skies", And" distance steppes ", and" chains of the mountains. " Nikitin invariably went to the awareness and comprehension of Russia through Voronezh, his " small homeland", Whose limits left only once, for the trip to the capital.

  • When at Soviet power The Mitrofanian cemetery in Voronezh was broken and eliminated, it was possible to defend only the burial of Koltsov and Nikitin - a kind of provincial "literary walkings".
  • Nikitin was written on Nikitin's poems, who ran up on behalf of the author. By this day, they are perceived as Russian folk - so the author managed to penetrate the folk spirit. The most famous thing of this kind - "Avaria-merchant was driving from the fair ..."

A wonderful Russian poet lived in the times of Tsarist Russia in the nineteenth century in a difficult pre-reform period. This circumstance had a huge impact on the development of his talent and on all his work. From early childhood, he was familiar with the life of a simple people and fortress peasants filled with deprivation and suffering. In all his creations, the permissibility, hopelessness, the need and serious work of people from the lower estates, which belonged to the overwhelming share of the Russian population were reflected.

Representatives of these estates of the poet sincerely sympathized and treated them in accordance with Christian traditions, supporting those who need only good wordBut I also provide them with real help. The bulk of the writer is a poetic landscape lyrics, which, among other things, contains a religious bias and has a philosophical orientation. By your creative style is the successor of traditions laid by Koltsov.

The poet came out of a merchant family

Ivan Savvich Nikitin was born on October 3, 1824 in Voronezh in poor, but quite secured merchant family. His father was the owner of a small plant for the production of candles, which would be more correct to call the handicraft workshop. He had a shop in which he traded with candles.

Literacy trained his shoemaker

Little Ivan leveed with a diploma. He helped his neighbor, who was a shoemaker. Just learning how to put letters, Ivan began to compose his first poems.

Study in the seminary

When Ivan was eight years old, his father sent him to the spiritual school. After graduating from the school, he expressed the desire to be a priest and entered the spiritual seminary. The seminary played a big role in the formation of the poet, but he was not satisfied with the existing education system and the orders taken there. Later he will write about it in the "Seminarian diaries".

Studying in the seminary, Nikitin was seriously carried away by poetry and composed a lot. The fascination of the literature discovered new horizons in front of him, he managed to break out the limits of the Meshchansky worldview and to gain internal freedom.

The owner of the inn

The Seminary Ivan Nikitin never finished. Heavy character and drunkenness of his father ended up with ruin. Then his mother died. The current circumstances forced Ivan to throw their studies and make the content of the inn, which was purchased instead of the plant sold. For more than ten years, he constantly spends communicating with the arriving people who represented various social groups and class.

I had to perform both black work, including the yard sweeping. Then a long time had to pay accumulated debts. But in spite of everything, a beginner poet did not throw hobbies of literature and continued to write poems. Support and approval of creativity at the Father, who was a commitment of burghers, he never found.

First publications

For the first time, Ivan Nikitin decided to publish his verses in 1853. They were printed in the Gubern Sedomosti newspaper published in Voronezh. Soon the poems of patriotic content appeared on the pages of other publications, which was quite relevant, since in those years there was the Crimean War. In 1856, the first collection of verses of Nikitin is published. The next collection is coming out in 1859. Critics put the work of Nikitin for one level with Koltsov and saw in it the masters of the landscape and the champions of the difficult fraction of the simple people.

In 1857, the poet completed the work on the poem "Kulak", which enjoyed great success from readers and received recognition and high evaluations of critics. Her the main character, Karp Lukich, was a broken merchant, lived at the expense of small deception and could not get out of poverty. In the family, he was a real despot and a disobedic drunkard. The hero of the poem is strongly reminded by the warehouse of the character of the father Nikitina.

Opening of Nikitin in the Book Store Voronezh

In 1859, the poet thanks to the promotion of friends takes a loan in the amount of three thousand rubles, as its own fees for the realization of his plan was not enough. On this money, he opens in Voronezh book Shop. At the same store, a reading room was organized, which allowed him to become one of the main centers of culture in Voronezh.

Disease and death

In 1855, Ivan Nikitin became very sick, having witrated when bathing. The disease was dragged and turned into a car. In the spring of 1861, he again seriously colded, which caused a sharp deterioration in the overall state of health. The tuberculosis process accelerated significantly. The level of medicine of those years practically did not leave hope for recovery. The poet was died on October 16 of the same year at the age of only 37 years. Buried him in Voronezh, where the poet lived all his short life.

Reflection of the creativity of the poet in musical culture

His works perfectly lay on music and served as a source of inspiration for many Russian composers. Nikitin was written over 60 songs and romances, among which many became popular. There are songs that have turned into folk. Perhaps the most famous of them is the "merchant". Here, however, it should be noted that the text folk version Songs have undergone significant changes that influence the initial semantic content.

Memory of the poet

  • In honor of Ivan Nikitin, the streets in Voronezh, Lipetsk, Novosibirsk are named.
  • In the Nikitinskaya Square of Voronezh in 1911, a monument to the poet was opened, the project of which was developed by the sculptor I.A. Shuklin.
  • In 1924, in Voronezh in the house in which Ivan Nikitin lived since 1846, a literary memorial house-museum of Nikitin was formed.
  • One of the gymnasium Voronezh is named after the poet.
  • In the USSR, postage stamps with the image of Nikitin were produced, and in 2011, Russian Post released the circulation of postcards, on which the above mentioned monument to the poet in Voronezh.

Ivan Nikitin, whose biography causes sincere interest among admirers of real deep poetry, is the Russian original poet of the 19th century. His creativity brightly describes the spirit of the distant time.

Nikitin Ivan Savvich: biography for children

Ivan Savvich was born in the city of Voronezh on October 3, 1824 in the family of a wealth of a wealth that traded candles. Literacy learned early thanks to the neighbor, a shoemaker, he read a lot and loved to be in nature, the unity with which he felt from birth. At the age of eight, he entered the spiritual school, then continued his studies in the seminary. The end of the study led to the ruin of his father, his destructive passion for alcohol and the death of the mother, which forced the young man to take care of loved ones. Ivan, deducted due to frequent absence in classroom and weak progress, became instead of working in a candle shop, which later, together with a candlery plant was sold for debts, and this money acquired a dilapidated innovative courtyard.

Difficulties of being

The biography of Nikitina, who worked at the courtyard in the courtyard, describes his difficult monotonous life. But despite the difficult circumstances, the young man did not fall spiritually, he tried to read the books in any free minute, to compose poems that seemed out of his heart. Poetic lines Ivan began to write in the seminary, in printing his creations decided only in 1853. The publication took them to the "Voronezh provincial statements", when the young man was 29 years old. The works of the author were rewritten and passed from hand to hand, began to be printed in "domestic notes", "Library for reading." The poet nugget, who loved the nature since childhood and the beauty challenged her, - Nikitin Ivan Savvich. short biography For children conveys his ability to finely feel the world, sing sophisticated shades of paints. He was capable of alone with the stroke of the pen inspired and piercingly described the world around. Ivan Nikitin, whose biography describes his true in the work showed itself as a talented landscape.

Love for people is one of the main topics in creativity

The brief biography of Ivan Nikitina for children tells about the fact that a significant place in the work of the poet, sincerely worried about his people and missing his trouble through his own heart, occupy poems, outlining the usual versators ("Wife of the Yamchik", "Pakhac", "Mother and Daughter "," Beggar "," Street Meeting "). They are brightly expressed deep to their people, the hot sympathy of his grave fate and a huge desire to improve his position. Together with this, Nikitin did not idealize the people, looking at him with sober eyes, painted him truthfully, without hiding the gloomy sides and negative features of a folk nature: family despotism, rudeness ("damage", "Stubborn Father", "Delete"). Nikitin in full understanding of the word was a city resident, although he visited the surroundings of Voronezh, but he stayed in rich landlord estates, in a real village, in the peasant house never happened and did not feel life ordinary person. Material for drawing living conditions ordinary people Nikitin received from cabers who stayed at his inn and came to Voronezh peasants. However, Ivan Savvich, who had some limited observation people's LifeFor this reason, it was not possible to fully draw a comprehensive wide picture of the life of the people, and it turned out only fragmentary information.

Ivan Nikitin: a brief biography of the poet nugget

Nikitina N. I. Second, enthusiastically, Nikitina introduced him into a commander of the local intelligentsia, introduced him to the Count D. N. Tolstoy, who published poems in Moskvatian and released his first compilation in St. Petersburg (1856). Ivan Nikitin, a biography for whose children tells about the growing popularity of the poet at that time, she still lived hard. Father dartlessly drank, however, family relationships improved a little; The situation of the inn one was no longer as oppressed by a young man who was rotating in the circle of intelligent people, sincerely arranged to him. In addition, as biography describes, Nikitina began to overcome the disease. In the summer of 1855, he was cold during swimming, heavily weakened and did not get up with bed for a long time. In such difficult minutes, Vera came to the rescue, which prompted the appearance of poems with religious themes.

Religious motifs in nikitin poetry

The theme of the human faith with a red thread passes through all the poetic creativity of Ivan Nikitin: "New Testament", "Prayer", "Sweetness of Prayer", "Praying about the Bow". Seeing the holy grace in everything, Nikitin became the most penetrating singer of nature ("Morning", "Spring in the steppe", "Winter Meeting") and enriched Russian poetry a large number of landscape lyrics. For the poems of Ivan Nikitin is written more than six dozen wonderful songs and romances. In 1854-1856, the poet worked on his own self-education, he studied French and read a lot. After leaving Voronezh in 1857, the second, who became a close friend, as well as after the collapse of the Second Circle, the poet with a degraded sharpness felt the severity of the family and life situation, the pessimistic mood captured him with greater force.

Bookstore Ivan Nikitina

In 1858, a big poem Nikitina "Kulak" was published, brightly describing the bosomism, sympathetic perceived critics and had success among the public. The circulation of the work went to less than a year, bringing a good income to the poet. Despite the painful condition and oppressed mood, Nikitin continued in 1857-1858 to closely follow the Russian literature, from foreign reading Shakespeare, Cooper, Goethe, Hugo, Shhenie. Also began to learn german, Translating Heine and Schiller. In 1857-1858, he worked in "domestic notes", "Russian conversation". Fees from publishing poems, savings accumulated over several years, and a loan in 3000 rubles from V. A. Kokorev allowed him in 1859 to acquire a bookstore, which became a favorite place of meetings of the city inhabitants, a kind of literary club. Next - new hopes and plans, creative rise, a new collection of poems, encountered somewhat cool, but the vitality was already on the outcome.

Recent years of the poet's life

Nikitina's biography was very difficult: the poet constantly sick, especially acute in 1859. His state of his health was constantly alternated, the short improvement was replaced by a long worsening. In the second half of 1860, Nikitin worked a lot, from under his feather the work of the "Diary of the Seminarist", written in prose. In 1861, St. Petersburg and Moscow visited in local cultural work, in the formation of a community of literacy in Voronezh, as well as in the institution of Sunday schools.

In May 1861, the poet was very cold, which caused the exacerbation of the tuberculosis process. On October 28, 1861, Nikitin Ivan Savvich died from Chakhta. Biography for children is interesting to the fact that for a short life, the poet was written about two hundred beautiful poems, three poems and a story. He was 37 years old. He was buried at the Novo-Mitrofansky cemetery, next to Koltsov.

The contribution of Ivan Nikitina to Russian literature

The life and biography of Ivan Nikitina are brightly transferred in his work, where the poet seeks to comprehend its existence, understands the sense of dissatisfaction of his own being and strongly suffers from the inconsistency of the available reality of the presentation; Sootling he found in nature and religion, reconciled him for a while with life. In the work of Nikitin, a lot of autobiographical element with prevailing sad tones, sadness and sorrow caused by the same tightening disease. The source of such tight sadness was not only personal adversity, but also the surrounding life with human suffering, social contrasts, constant drama. The biography of Nikitin and today is interesting to the young generation, who wants to feel the spirit of the past time and at least through the word of the poet to touch him. The writings of Ivan Savvich were withstanding a large number of publications and diverged in a huge amount of copies.

Complicated life Path Voronezh poet Ivan Nikitina.
Nikitin Ivan Savvich is a Russian poet who was born in the usual family. His father was the name of Savva Evticievich Nikitin, at that time he traded paraffin products in Voronezh.
The boy was trained in the spiritual seminary of his city. He partially transferred from it to the "Diary of the Seminarist" from 1861 negative experience and disagreement with the education system. He was not interested in learning and sad.
After buying the father of Nikitin hotels on a korchny street in 1844, the life of the whole family has changed not for the better. Savva Evticiyevich was a man with a bad character and weakness to the spirits, which later brought a lot of trouble and deprivation later, forcing Vanya to leave learning to maintain the work of the hotel. Despite the responsibility for the work of the Father, the young man found time for self-education. So, he was very interested in literature different countries and time foreign languages. Under the end of the 50s for money taken by loan from the Kokorina's benefactor known at the time, opened the book bench. Over time, the book's shop has become a very famous place in the city.
The first published poem of Ivan Savvich was "Russia", created at the beginning of the fifties, but only a couple of years later in the "Voronezh provincial statements". After that, there was a close acquaintance with local circles of the literary elite, friendship with the leadership of this society - the second Nikolai Ivanovich. Also in the circle, Mikhail Fedorovich was held in the circle - a close friend, a future showpric, biographer, and later the editor of many publications of Nikitin's works.
Many early essays who missed the descendants had the principles of imitation to other authors. The larger part of his creativity was published in the magazines known at the time "Moskvatikan" and "Domestic Notes". In 1856, Ivan Savvich released his first compilation. This book united several different topics in itself, and left the people with a two-way impression after reading. Three years later, the second collection was printed, and after another two years in prose's format, the "Diary of the Seminarist" was released in the "Voronezh conversation for 1861".
Nikitin is most famous for the descriptions of their native corners and is recognized as a master of the poetic landscape, however, in his work he paid a lot of attention to adversity and tightness, severe work, the hopeless existence of lower estates and injustice of being.
October 16, 1861 Nikitin I.S. He died of a consumers in Voronezh. The cemetery, on which he was buried, Koltsov A.V. And others, it was liquidated, and in its place they built a circus. The graves were fenced and proclaimed "literary necropole".

Ivan was born in the family of Savva Evticiyevich Nikitin (-).


The earliest of the preserved poems belong to 1849, many of them are intelligent. He made his debut in the press of the poem "Rus", written in 1851, but published in the "Voronezh provincial Vedomosti" only on November 21, 1853, that is, after the beginning of the Crimean War. Patriotic paphos poem made it very topical. On December 11, 1853, it was reprinted in the newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" with the following comment:

Is it not true that something familiar hears in this poem, in the feeling that it is imbued with, in the receptions, in the texture of verse? Is it really possible to resurrect rings in Nikitin? .

In the future, Nikitin's poems were printed in Moskvyatian magazines, "domestic notes" and other publications.

In the first separate collection (), poems were entered into a variety of topics, from religious to social. The collection caused disruptive responses. The second collection of poems came out in 1859. Prose "Seminarian Diary" printed in "Voronezh Interview for 1861" ().

Nikitin is considered a master of Russian poetic landscape and the successor Koltsova. Main topics in Nikitin poetry - native Nature, grave work and irreversible life of peasants, the suffering of the urban poor, protest against an unfair device of life.

Basically, he, being courageously restrained and cautious, apparently, in the most intimate, deeply burned, hidden his human suffering for a sense of beautiful in nature. In the way, nature sounded in it, and he in her, the deeper it was all in the soul of the reader.

Poem "Kulak"

The largest poetic work of Nikitin, the poem "Kulak", began in October 1854. The first edition was completed by September 1856. The second edition, in which the poet made significant corrections was completed by the beginning of 1857 the first publication - a separate publication in G . (Date of censorship permit - August 25, 1857).

The word "fist" marked at the time of Nikitin not a wealthy peasant, as it was established later, but completely different social type. According to G., Kulak - "Otkatchik, countdresser ... In the bazaars and marins, the money itself, lives in a deception, an account, measured." In the center of Nikitin's poem - the image of such a fist, Voronezh Promanin Karp Lukich. This ruined merchant hardly mines the means to live with small fraud on the market, can not be embarrassed from cruel poverty, drinks and tyranny his home. The poet shows us in different life situations The nature of this person, the inner life of his house, the fate of his home (wives and daughters). In the poem, autobiographical features are strong: the main character and his wife are largely reminiscent of the parents of the poet.

The poem caused approving reviews of Dobrolyubov and other critics. In an anonymous review of the Moscow Review, it was said:

Some stunning scenes in their drama, in places the same comic and always warm sense of universal love ... Live transmission of reality, typically defined characters and wonderful descriptions of nature to complete the charm produced by this fresh and truly poetic creation The young, but already chibantly unfolding his writer's creative forces.

Poetry Nikitin and Russian Musical Culture

For the words of Nikitin, more than 60 songs and romances are written, many - very famous composers (direction, Kalinikov, Roman Korsakov). Some nikitin poems laid on music became popular folk songs. The most famous "worn merchant" ("drove to the Fair Ucha-merchant ..."), who was subjected to, however, in the folk version of the reduction and alteration, which completely changed the moral meaning of the poem.


  • In Voronezh in 1911, a monument to the poet on the draft sculptor I. A. Shuklin was established at Nikita Square.
  • In Voronezh, in the house, where the poet lived since 1846, since 1924 there is a literary-memorial house-museum of Nikitin (Voronezh Regional Literary Museum named after I. S. Nikitin).
  • In honor of Ivan Savvich, the street is named in the city of Voronezh.
  • Voronezh Regional Universal scientific Library Wears the name of the poet.
  • In Lipetsk, there is Nikitina Street.
  • In Novosibirsk, there is Nikitina Street. Many Novosibirsk people mistakenly believe that Athanasia Nikitin is devoted to Athanasia.
  • In Voronezh, the Gymnasium named after I. S. Nikitin is functioning.
  • In and 1974, postage stamps of I. S. Nikitin were released in the USSR.
  • In 2011, the 425th anniversary of Voronezh Russian Post has released a postcard depicting a monument to I. S. Nikitin (Sculptor I. A. Shuklin).
  • In Barnaul, there is Nikitina Street.
  • Postage stamps of the USSR

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Excerpt characterizing Nikitin, Ivan Savvich

Prince Andrei felt that either of all cases held by the Military Minister, the actions of the Kutuzov army could less interest him, or it was necessary to give it to feel the Russian courier. "But I'm absolutely anyway," he thought. The military minister moved the rest of the paper, counted their edges with the edges and raised his head. He had a smart and characteristic head. But at the same moment, as he turned to the prince Andrei, the smart and solid expression of the face of the military minister, apparently, was familiar and consciously changed: on his face it was stupid, a feigned, not hiding his pretense, a smile of a man who hosts one after another many seekers .
- From General Feldmarshal Kutuzov? - he asked. - I hope good news? Was a collision with marita? Victory? It's time!
He took the dispatch that was in his name, and began to read it with a sad expression.
- Oh my god! Oh my God! Schmit! He said in German. - What misfortune, what misfortune!
Sitting the team, he put her on the table and looked at Prince Andrew, apparently, something that think.
- Oh, what misfortune! Case, are you talking resolute? Mortier did not take, however. (He thought.) I am very glad that you brought good news, although Schmitt's death is a dear fee for victory. His Majesty, right, wishes you to see, but not now. Thank you, relax. Tomorrow be at the output after the parade. However, I will give you to know.
Disappeared during the conversation, a stupid smile again appeared on the face of the military minister.
- Goodbye, very much thank you. The sovereign of the emperor probably wishes you to see, he repeated and tilted his head.
When Prince Andrei came out of the palace, he felt that all the interest and happiness delivered to him the victory were left to them now and were transferred to the indifferent hands of the military minister and the courteous adjutant. The whole warehouse of thoughts instantly changed: the battle was introduced by him long-standing, distant memories.

Prince Andrei stopped in Bunnne at his acquaintance, Russian diplomat.
"And a cute prince, no more pleasant guest," said Bilibin, going to meet Andrei prince. - Franz, to my bedroom the prince's things! - he turned to a servant who defeated Bolkonsky. - What, Victory Bulletin? Perfectly. And I sit sick, as you can see.
Prince Andrei, waving and dressed, went out into the luxurious office of the diplomat and sat behind a cooked lunch. Bilibin sat down at the fireplace.
Prince Andrei not only after his journey, but after all the hike, during which he was deprived of all the facilities of the purity and grace of life, experienced a pleasant feeling of rest among those luxurious living conditions to which he was accustomed from childhood. In addition, he was pleased after the Austrian admission to talk at least not in Russian (they spoke French), but with a Russian man who, he assumed, shared the general Russian disgust (now a particularly tested) to the Austrians.
Bilibin was a man of thirty-five years old, idle, one society with Prince Andrey. They were familiar back in St. Petersburg, but even closer I got acquainted at the last arrival of Prince Andrei to Vienna with Kutuzov. As Prince Andrei was a young man who promises to go far on a military field, so, and even more, promised Bilibin on diplomatic. He was still a young man, but already an elderly diplomat, as he began to serve from sixteen years, was in Paris, in Copenhagen and now in Vienna occupied a rather significant place. And the chancellor and our messenger in Vienna knew him and treated them. He was not from the large number of diplomats who are obliged to have only negative advantages, not to make well-known things and speak French in order to be very good diplomats; He was one of those diplomats who love and know how to work, and, despite her laziness, he sometimes spent the night at the desk. He worked equally well, whatever the essence of work. He was not interested in the question "Why?", And the question "How?". What was a diplomatic affair, he was still; But make a skillful, metro and elegant circular, memorandum or report - in this he found great pleasure. The merits of Bilibina are valued except written works, also in his art to handle and speak in the top spheres.
Bilibin loved the conversation just as he loved work, only when the conversation could be elegantly wit. In society, he constantly waited for the chance to say something wonderful and engaged in a conversation not otherwise, as under these conditions. The conversation of the Bilibina was constantly crouched by original incentive, complete phrases that have a common interest.
These phrases were manufactured in the inner Laboratory of Bilibin, as if on purpose, portable properties, so that insignificant secular people could comfortably remember them and transfer them from living rooms in the living room. And indeed, Les Mots de Bilibine Se Colportaient Dans Les Salons De Vienne, [Bilibin reviews were dispersed in the Viennese Living Room] and often had an impact on the so-called important things.
A thin, exhausted, yellowish face it was all covered with large wrinkles, which always seemed so clean and diligently washed as fingertips after a bath. The movements of these wrinkles constituted the main game of his physiognomy. I wrinkled my forehead with my wide folds, the eyebrows climbed up, then the eyebrows went down the book, and large wrinkles were formed at the cheek. Deeply delivered, small eyes always looked straight and fun.
"Well, now tell us your feats," he said.
Bolkonsky most modestly, never mentioning about himself, told the case and reception of the military minister.
"ILS M" ONT RECU AVEC MA NOUVELLE, COMME UN CHIEN DANS UN JEU DE QUILLES, [they took me with this news, how they take a dog when she prevents the game in the bow, "he concluded.
Bilibin grinned and dissolved the folds of the skin.
- CEPENDANT, MON CHER, - He said, examining from afar of his nail and picking up the skin over the left eye, - Malgre La Hause Estime Que Je Professse Pour Le Orthodox Russian Hospipe, J "Avoue Que Votre Victoire N" Est Pas Des Plus Victorieuses. [However, my dear, with all my respect for the Orthodox Russian army, I believe that your victory is not from the most brilliant.]
He continued everything as frenchBy pronouncing only those words in Russian that he contemptively wanted to emphasize.
- How? Do you have a mass of our masters in the unfortunate Morty at one division, and this ship is out of your hands? Where is the victory?
"However, seriously speaking," Prince Andrei answered, "all the same we can say without boasting, that it is a little better ulma ..."
- Why did you not take us one, at least one marshal?
- Because not everything is done, as expected, and not so regularly, as on the parade. We believed how I told you, go to the rear to seven o'clock in the morning, and did not come to five pm.
- Why did you not come to seven o'clock in the morning? You had to come at seven in the morning, "Bilibin said smiling," it was necessary to truth at seven o'clock in the morning.
"Why didn't you inspire Bonaparte with a diplomatic way, what should he better leave the genome?" - The same tone said Prince Andrei.
"I know," interrupted Bilibin, "you think that it is very easy to take Marshals, sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace." It's true, but still, why didn't you take it? And do not be surprised that not only the Military Minister, but also the August Emperor and the King of Franz will not be very desperate with your victory; Yes, and I, an unfortunate secretary of the Russian Embassy, \u200b\u200bI don't feel any need for the joy to give my Frank Taler and release it with his Liebchen [cute] to Pratra ... True, there is no pratra.
He looked right on Prince Andrew and suddenly lowered the collected skin from his forehead.
"Now my turn ask you" Why ", my dear," said Bolkonsky. - I confess that I do not understand, maybe there are diplomatic subtleties above my weak mind, but I don't understand: Mac loses the whole army, ERCGERCOG Ferdinand and Ertzgercog Karl do not give any signs of life and make mistakes for mistakes finally, one Kutuzov wins the actual victory, destroys the Charme [charm] French, and the military minister is not interested even to know the details.