How are things in German Russian letters. Free Russian-German translation of online text

All Russian-German online translationinternet chiki are assembled on this page. With these translators, you can over a couple of seconds to translate any phrases, texts, e-mail messages, books and even sites on german. Translation is performed completely free.

Free Russian-German translation

Lit is possible free translation from Russian to German? Of course possible! On the Internet you can use free online translators who will translate any text to German in a couple of seconds. These online translators will use you on travel, for study and work, to transfer documentation to write a letter to your friends in Germany or translate resume. As well as for any other purposes.

Free translation from Russian to German from Google

Russian-German online translator IMTRANSLATOR

IMTRANSLATOR - the most popular online internet on the Internet. Its opportunities are just amazing: Support 35 languages, dictionaries, translite, buttercaster, spelling check, virtual keyboard, and others. It is safe to say that IMTRANSLATOR is an indispensable language tool for any Internet user.

Here the IMTRANSLATOR version is presented to transfer texts from Russian to German. Simply insert the text in the translator, and click the "Translate" button. In total, after a few student, you will get a finished result of translation into German. It can be printed or sent by e-mail.

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To properly work the Russian-German translator, you must include support in your browser Javascript..

Russian-German online translator

Online translator to transfer texts from Russian to German from Pragma. Due to the presence of a large number of translation subjects, you can affect the efficiency of the translator. When transferring text to German, choose the theme most appropriate translated text.

If when translating from Russian to German, encoding problems arise, try typing directly on the official website of the online translator.

Russian-German online translator

Free Russian-German online translator with automatic definition of text language. To increase the efficiency of the translator, you can choose the topic of translation. At a time can be translated into a German text no more than 1000 characters.

In the event of an encoding problem when translating Russian to German, try using this online translator on official page translator.

Russian-German online translator

Translator of texts from Russian to German from the site Maximum 500 characters at a time.

Russian-German online translator INTERTRAN

Intertran is one of the most famous online translators in the overseas Internet. He was taught his popularity thanks to the support of a large number of languages \u200b\u200b(27). But this free translator There is a disadvantage - the quality of translation is low. INTERTRAN is designed to translate frequently used phrases and expressions.

With the Russian-German translation, encoding problems may arise. In this case, enter the text for translation directly on the official page of the InterTran translator.

Russian-German online translator WORLLINGO

WorldLingo online translator is very popular in the foreign online. It is based on the development of the company of the same name engaged in the creation of machine translation systems. On the official page of the translator, you can also transfer websites from Russian to German.

A little about German language and Germany

German refers to the Indo-European family of languages. Before the beginning of the XX century. Gothic font was used in the language, and now the German alphabet is based on Latin letters. German names and names are transmitted in Russian according to the traditional system. The initial transcription form is taken by a nominative case.

Widespread word Deutsch. Educated from Starokermansky thioda., thiodisk.. It translates as "Talking in the language of the people", "People".

In German in the period of Middle Ages, there were territorial divisions. This led to the formation of a large number of different german dialects. At the beginning of the XIII century. In the poets environment, it was decided to avoid dialects to expand the circle of readers. This period is considered the first attempt to create a communal language.

Today, german literary language It is a cross between different dialects. This makes it different from the languages \u200b\u200bof other European countries, where the literary language is usually based on the dialect of the capital.

German spelling It was formed during the XIX century, and at the next time various reforms were carried out on its simplification. The final version of the reform to simplify the German spelling system was published on August 1, 2007. The reform abolished 87 of 212 spelling rules. Separate wordswho have previously been written from the capital letter, now they must write from the line, and vice versa. The reform also touched the punctuation: only 12 rules remained (for example, commas can now be set at will). However, these innovations have taken less than 10% of all residents of Germany.

We want the Russian-German dictionary to be the best online Dictionary is free! The Russian-German dictionary makes the translation from Russian to German very convenient and always free. Our dictionary and translation in particular need your help. Users adding words and vote for faithful and incorrect options make a translation better. They make our Russian-German dictionary to be effective making a translation from Russian efficient and completely free! English Online Translation into German can vary greatly depending on the field of science and knowledge. The Russian-German dictionary can have several values, making a translation from Russian to German more extensive. Our task to make the German online dictionary is better to make German translation most effective
Register and join the community today. For example, every time you add a new word in German online dictionary BAB.LA, you get glasses and participate in world ranking. Challenge your friends, close to other users, competing at first place in Ranking and make the Russian-German online dictionary best. If you are not sure and want to translate from Russian to German differently, use the German Forum? On the forum you will meet with other users of BAB.LA to discuss the translation into Russian, German online dictionary, and the existing Russian-German stock of words, and other topics, to add to the German online dictionary. You can also discuss Russian and its difficulties to explore, try to translate from the German word to other users.

Before talking about personal (personal) pronouns (seats.) In German, remember what places are. in its general sense.

Places. In German, this is a word or part of speech, which indicates the subject, but not calling it. The main function of the pronouns is to prevent long repetitions of nouns (or own names) several times. The most frequently used places. In German, the lich. places. (Personalpronomen).

Personal places. point to the person performing the action (1 person), the person to which the speech is addressed (2nd person), and the person about which this is speech (3rd face).

For example:

Doktor Thess Arbeitet in Diesem Krankenhaus. - Dr. Tais works in this hospital. ER ARBEITET HIER SCHON SEIT 15 JAHREN. - He works here for 15 years.

In this sentence of a personal. places. ER indicates the name of the Own (Doktor Thess), without calling it.

Lich. places. Single number:

eS - it (this)

Lich. places. Multiple number:

Special attention should be paid to the fact that in the German language two designations of personal sites are distinguished. The second person of the plural: 1) IHR, if they turn to the group of persons, to each of which appeal to "you"; 2) A polite form of SIE, if they turn to one or several persons, to each of which appeal to "you".

Examples of personnel use.:

Ich Schreibe Gedichte Gern. - I love to write poems.

Willst Du Einen Neuen Artikel Schreiben? - Do you want to write a new article?

Sie Sieht Heute Ganz Gut Aus. - She looks good today (pretty good).

ES IST Sehr Angenehm, Dich Wieder Hier Zu Sehen. - Very nice to see you here again.

Wir Sehen Filme Jeden Abend Zusammen An. - Every evening we look together movies.

HABT IHR DIE AUFGABE VERSTANDEN? - Did you understand the task?

Sie Hören Die Gleiche Musik An. - They listen to the same music.

Möchten Sie Eine Tasse Kaffee Trinken? - Do you want to drink a cup of coffee?

Lich. places. The proposal can serve both subject to and addition.

For example: ICH RUFE IHN JEDEN TAG AN. - I call him every day.

Lich. places. inclined by cases.


Note that the genitive case of personal seats. (Genitiv) is used in very rare cases when its use is associated with the control of individual verbs (usually outdated) or adjectives.

For example: Gedenken verb (memorizing, remember, honoring memory) requires a noun or lich. places. In the parental case.

Die Sowjetischen Soldaten Hatten Eine Überragende Rolle In Der Geschichte Unseres Landes Gespielt. Wir Gedenken Ihrer. - Soviet soldiers Played a huge role in the history of our country. We honor their memory.

There are a number of certain predictions that require a genitive case that can be used from the site: wegen (because of), Statt (instead), Um ... Willen (because of, for the sake of).

For example:

ICH HABE DIE ÜBUNG STATT DEINER GEMACHT. - I did this exercise instead of you.

The combination of pronouns and prepositions of Wegen and Um ... Willen are built in a special way: DeinetWegen (because of you), Um DeinetWillen (for you, because of you); Unsertwegen (because of us), UM Unsertwillen (for us); Ihretwegen (because of you), UM IhRetWillen (for the sake of you), etc.

Deinetwegen Wird Sie Heute Nicht Spazieren Gehen. - Because of you, she will not walk today.

Um Ihretwillen Riskierte Er Sein Leben. - For you, he risked his life.

Millions of people speak German, not only in Germany, but also in Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and in other places throughout the world. Of course, to freely talk in German, you will have to study for a long time, but the simplest phrases can be seized very quickly. Whether you go to the German-speaking country, whether you want to make an impression on someone or just get to know a little more language, you will have advice from this article. We will teach you how to welcome people, meet, say goodbye, thank, ask elementary questions or ask for help.


Part 1

Greeting and farewell

    Use standard greeting forms. Each German-speaking country has its own special greetings. However, the standard forms below will be appropriate in any of them.

    • "Guen Tag" (Guten so) - "Good afternoon" (used as the most common greeting during the day)
    • "Guten Morgen" (Guten Morgen) - "Good morning"
    • "Guten Abend" (Guten Abant) - "Good evening"
    • "GUTE NACHT" (Gute Nazt) - "Good night" (according to sleep, usually only between loved ones)
    • "Hallo" (Halo) - "Hi" (used anywhere and ever)
  1. Remember the difference between the formal and informal appeal in German. In German, as well as in Russian, it is customary to contact in different ways to unfamiliar and unfamiliar people (formally, on "you") and close familiar (informally, on "you"). However, in contrast to Russian, in German polite "you" in the singular and "you" in the multiple - these are two different words. For example, to ask someone's name, you will say:

    • "WIE HEIßEN SIE?" (vi Hayisan Z) - "What is your name?" (formally)
    • "WIE HEIßT DU?" (vi Hyst Du) - "What is your name?" (informally)
  2. Stop goodbiness. Forms of farewell, like greetings, may differ depending on where you are and with whom you are talking. However, in general, you will not be mistaken if we use one of the following:

    • "Tschüss" (Che CC) - "While"
    • "Ciao" (Chao) - "While" (this word is Italian, but often used by the Germans)

Part 2

Beginning of conversation
  1. Ask a person how it is. You will not only show politeness, but also demonstrate your knowledge in German!

    Tell me how are you. If you ask the question "WIE GEHT ES IHNEN?" Or "WIE GEHT" s? "You can answer differently.

    Ask a person from where he. A good start of the conversation will ask the source from which city or country. For this there are the following phrases (both formal and informal).

    • Woher Kommesen Sie? " (Wahr Koman Z) / "Woher Kommst du?" (Whare Comst Du) - "Where are you from?" / "where are you from?"
    • "ICH KOMME AUS ..." (Eyes Coma Aus ...) - "I'm from ...". For example, "ICH KOMME AUS RUSSLAND" (IME COME AUS RUSTLAND) - "I am from Russia".
    • "WO WOHNEN SIE?" (in Wonen Z) / "Wo Wohnst DU?" (in voist do) - "Where do you live?" / "where do you live?". The verb "Wohnen" is used with the title of the city, street, exact address; For a country or continent (but often for the city, too), "Leben" is used - "WO Leben Sie?" (in Leban Z) / "WO LEBST DU?" (in Lebst Du).
    • "Ich Wohne in ..." (Ich Lebe In ...) or "Ich Lebe In ..." (Leba In ...) - "I live in ...". For example, "ICH WOHNE / Lebe in Moskau" (ICE / Leba In Moskaau) - "I live in Moscow."

Part 3.

Further communication
  1. Learn a few more simple useful phrases. "JA" means "yes", "nein" (nain) means "no".

    • "WIE BITTE?" (VI BITE) - "I apologize?" (if you need to write)
    • "ES TUT MIR LEID!" (Es the world here - "I'm sorry!"
    • "ENTSCHULDIGUNG!" (Entshuldigung) - "Sorry!"
  2. Learn to say "please" and "Thank you." In principle, there is a formal and informal way of expressing gratitude, but the usual "Danke" (DANCE) - "Thank you" - can be used in any situation.

  3. Learn to formulate simple requests and questions about items. To find out if there is something or other in the presence in the store, restaurant, and the like places, you can ask "Haben Sie ...?" (Haban Zi ...) - "Do you have ...?" For example, "Haben Sie Kaffee?" (Haban Zi Kafa) - "Do you have coffee?"

    • If you want to ask about the price of something, ask the question "WIE VIEL KOSTET DAS?" (VI FIVE CORTATION DAS) - "How much does it cost?"
  4. Learn to ask the road. If you are lost or you want to find some place, you will use the following phrases.

    • To ask for help, tell me: "Können Sie Mir Helfen, Bitte?" (Konenzi Mir Helfeng, Bete) - "Could you help me, please?"
    • To ask about the location, tell me: "Wo IST ...?" (Toast ...) - "Where is ...?". For example, "WO IST DIE TOILETTE, BITTE?" (To the East Di toilet, - "Where is the toilet?" Or "Wo Ist Der Bahnhof?" (Toast Dair Bahnhof) - "Where is the station?"
    • So that your question sound more polite, start it with an apology: "ENTSCHULDIGEN SIE BITTE, WO IST DER BAHNHOF?" (Entshuldigan zi Bite, in East Dair Bahoe) - "Sorry, please, where is the station?"
    • To find out if a person says in another language, ask: "Sprechen Sie English (Russch, Französisch ...)?" (Sprekhen zi Englysh (Russice, French ...)), that is: "Do you speak English (in Russian, in French ...)?"
  5. Learn to count in German. In general, German numerals obey the same logic that Russians or English. The main difference is that in numbers from 21 to 100 units are put before dozens. For example, 21 is "EINUNDZWANZIG" (Ainutsvantiy), literally "one and twenty"; 34 is "VierundDreißig" (Firuntrixih), literally "four and thirty"; 67 is "Siebenundsechzig" (Zibenintschychi), literally "seven and sixty" and so on.

    • 1 - "EINS" (Ains)
    • 2 - "ZWEI" (Tswei)
    • 3 - "DREI" (Dry)
    • 4 - "Vier" (FIR)
    • 5 - "Ünf" (FUNF)
    • 6 - "SECS" (SEX)
    • 7 - "Sieben" (Ziben)
    • 8 - "Acht" (ACT)
    • 9 - "Neun" (Noin)
    • 10 - "Zehn" (Cain)
    • 11 - "ELF" (Elf)
    • 12 - "ZWölf" (Cellelf)
    • 13 - "DREIZEHN" (Dryzaine)
    • 14 - "Vierzehn" (Firtsain)
    • 15 - "Ünfzehn" (Funfzain)
    • 16 - "SECHZEHN" (Zechseyn)
    • 17 - "Siebzehn" (Zipzain)
    • 18 - "Achtzehn" (Akhtzain)
    • 19 - "Neunzehn" (Neunzain)
    • 20 - "Zwanzig" (TsvanCih)
    • 21 - "EINUNDZWANZIG" (AinuntSvantih)
    • 22 - "Zweiundzwanzig" (Zweantsvantsich)
    • 30 - "Dreißig" (Drury)
    • 40 - "Vierzig" (Firzih)
    • 50 - "Ünfzig" (Funefzih)
    • 60 - "Sechzig" (Sechzih)
    • 70 - "Siebzig" (Zipzich)
    • 80 - "Achtzig" (Ahtzih)
    • 90 - "Neunzig" (Noinzih)
    • 100 - "Hundert" (Hundert)

We want the German-Russian dictionary to be the best online dictionary for free! The German dictionary makes the translation from German in Russian very convenient and always free. Our German-Russian dictionary and translation in particular need your help. Users adding words and vote for faithful and incorrect options make a translation better. German Online translation into Russian can vary greatly depending on the science area. The German-Russian dictionary can have several values, making a translation from German into Russian more extensive. Our task to make German-Russian online dictionary is better to make German-Russian translation most effective
Register and join the community today. For example, every time you add a new word to the German dictionary BAB.LA, you get glasses and participate in world ranking. Throw the challenge to your friends, close and other users, competing for first place in Ranking and make German-Russian online dictionary best. If you are not sure about correctness and want to translate from German into Russian differently, use the German-Russian Forum? On the forum you will meet with other BAB.LA users to discuss German translation, German online dictionary, and German-Russian existing vocabulary, and other topics, to add to the German online dictionary. You can also discuss German and try to translate other users from the German word.