Free Russian-Finnish translation of online texts. Free Russian-Finnish translation of texts online Russian Finnish translator online

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Glosbe is a house for a thousand dictionaries. We offer not only the Finnish dictionary - Russian, but also the dictionaries of all existing pairs of languages \u200b\u200b- online and free. Visit the main page of our site to choose from available languages.

Translation Memory.

Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can see not only translation into the language of Finnish or Russian: We provide examples of use, showing dozens of examples of transferring proposals containing translated phrases. This is called "translation memory" and very useful for translators. You can see not only translation of the word, but also how it behaves in the sentence. Our translation memory comes mainly from parallel buildings that were made by people. Such a translation of proposals is a very useful addition to the dictionaries.


Currently we have 139 137 translated phrases. Currently we have 5,729,350 translations


Help us in creating the largest Finnish - Russian Dictionary online. Just sign in and add a new translation. GLOSBE is a combined project and each can add (or delete) translations. This makes our dictionary Finnish Russian hereby, as it is created by native speakers, which uses the language every day. You can also be sure that any error in the dictionary will be fixed quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you have found an error or you can add new data, please do it. Thousands of people will be grateful for it.

You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but ideas about what these words mean. Due to this, due to adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.

Traveling in Finland, this is the best holiday for those who believe in fairy tales. Here everything reminds the pages of favorite children's stories: Mumina-Trolo, and the Snow Queen, as well as many others. Winter holidays are great here. You can visit beautiful ski resorts, stroll through the wonderful cities of Finland, to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of this wonderful country. All you can prevent you from relaxing well, or will cause discomfort, this is a language barrier. In order to avoid confusion related to the wrong translation of some words and phrases, we created a wonderful site, on which there are all sorts of phrases, one of which is Russian-Finnish. Such a phrasebook you can easily download, print directly from the site and, of course, watch online.

The Russian-Finnish Phrasebook will become an indispensable assistant and a personal translator for traveling. Thanks to him, any conversation in Finnish, for you will be as clear as in Russian. The biggest advantage is that this translator does not need to pay, any of the converters presented on our website, inclusive with the Russian-Finnish, are completely free.


Standard phrases

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
How are you?Mita Kuuluu?mitya Kululuu
How are you?Enta Teille?enti Taylle
How do you?Enta sinulle?enti Sijanul
Thank you, fineKiitos, Hyvaa.kiitos Hüvia
My name is…Nimeni ON ...nIMI ON.
My surname…Sukunimeni ON ...sUKUNERY ON.
What is your name?Mika Teidan Nimenne ON?mika Teydan Nimene he
What's your last name?Mika Teidan Sukunimenne ON?mika Teydan Sukunimenne he
His name is …HANEN NIMENSA ON ...hanen Nimena O.
Let me introduceSaanko Esittaytya?sahanko Esstyatyuya
Nice to meet youHauska Tutustua.hausk Tutastua
Let me introduce youSaanko Esitella Teille ...?sahanko Esitelle Taylle
Let me presentSallitteko esitella teille ...?sallitteteco Esitelle Taille
my husbandMieheni.mikey
my wifevaimoni.waimoni.
my friendystavani.justian
my friendyustavattareni.justyattearni.
What country are you from?Mista Maasta Olette (Kotoisin)?mirati Maasta, Molety (Kotoysh)
I'm from…Olen (Saapunut) ...deer (Saipunut)
This is a lord ...Tama On Herra ...had he island
This is Mrs. ...Tama On Rouva ...time he row
This is my business cardTassa On Kayntikorttini.he is Kyyuntikorttini
I wanted to meet youHaluaisin Tutustua Teihin.haluaysin Tutu-stua Tayikhin
I cameTulin ...tULIN
as a representative of the companyfirman Edustajana.firman Edustayan
on a business triptyomatkalletyuumatkalle
like a touristturistina.tourist Republic
What city are you from?Mista Kauupungista Olette?miratina Kaupun-Hist of the South
I'm from…Olen ...olen.
St. PetersburgPietarista.petarette
I have friends in ...MINULLA ON YSTAVIA ...he minued Justavia
Sorry, I do not knowAnteeksi, Mutta Mina En Tiedaannexi Mutta Mina Er Tedy
Sorry for lateAnteeksi, Etta Olen Myohassaannexi Ettya deer Muyhyasya
Nothing wrongEI SE MITAANhey Mityan
could you help me?Voisitteko Te Auttaa Minua?voyitteteko those outtaa mina
Of course nowHetkinen, Olkaa Hyvahatkinen Okaa Hyvi
I'm here for the first timeMINA OLEN TAALLA ENSIMMAISTA KERTAAmina Deer Tyalyl Ensimmyist Kertaa
Truth?IHANKO TOTTA?iganko Totta.
Can we negotiate two?Sopiiko Kello Kaksi?sopico Kello Kaky.
Yes it suitsKylla Se Sopii.culla Ce Sopia
Unfortunately I can notValitetTavasti Se Ei Sovivalitttavasti SE Ey Owl
Yes it suitsJoo, Sovittu.joo Sovitut
I hope sotoivottavasti.toyVottavasti
What a joy!Voi Miten Hauskaa!howl Mitten Hauscaa
What a luck!Kyllapa ONNISTI!cülllight Onnishi
I am very hurryMINULLA ON KOVA KIIREhe was minued Kova Kirira
I have to goMinun Taytyy Menna.caught up with Menna
I'm not quite healthy todayEN OLE TANAAN OIKEIN TERVEen Ole Tyassayan Okain Terev
Are you Finn / Russian?Oletteko Suomalainen / Venalainen?yAOTEKO SUMALYINEN / VENAYNENEN
I am GermanOlen Saksalainen.olen Saksalash
I am not FinnEn Ole Suomalainen.en Ole Suomylenylene
Do you say ...?Puhutteko ...?pukhutteteo ...?
in Finnishsuomea.somome
in Swedishruotsia.rotxia
in Germansaksaa.saksaa
in Englishenglantia.englantia
in Russianvenaja.venya
Yes i sayKylla, Puhun.küll, Pukhun
good enoughmelko Hyvin.melko Hyuvin
I study FinnishOpiskelen Suomea.oblase Suomea
Do you understand me?YMMARRATTEKO MINUA?yummyaryttete Mina
Yes, I understandKylla, ymmarranküll Yummyaryan
No, I do not understandEn ymmarraen Yummyar
You say too fastPuhutte Liian Nopeasti.pukhutte Liian Nopeasti
Would you speak slower, please?Voisitteko Puhua Hitaammin?dVIITTEKO Pukhua Hitammin
Be kind, repeatTistakaa, Olkaa Hyvatoystaka, OKAA
Sorry, but I do not speak FinnishAnteeksi, Mutta Mina En Puhu Suomeaannexi Mutta Mina En Puhu Suomea
Do you speak English?Puhutteko Te Englantia?pukhutteteo those Engentia?
What, sorry?ANTEEKSI, KUINKA?annexi Cyanka?
Could you repeat?Voisitteko Tistaa?voizitteteo Toystaa?
I'm sorry but I do not understandAnteeksi, Mutta Mina En Ymmarraannexi Mutta Mina En Yummyra
You understand?Ymmarratko sina?yummyarytkoy Sinya
Yes, I understandKylla, Mina Ymmarranküll Mina Yummyaryan
No I do not understandEI, MINA EN YMMARRAhey Mina En Yummyar
You know?Tiedatko Sina?tedyatkoy blue
I dont knowMina en Tieda.mina En Tedy
Could you not translate ...?VOISITTEKO KAANTAA ...?dVIITTEKO KYANYANYA
this wordtaman Sanan.timan Sanan.
this is a sentencetaman Lauseen.trimyan Lausien
How to pronounce this word?Miten Tama Sana Lausutaan?mitten Tame Sana Lausutan
What does this word mean?MITA SE TARKOITTAA?mitya Se Tarkittaaa
Thank you, I understood)Kiitos, ymmarsin.kiitos Yummyransin

At the hotel

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
What hotel would you recommend?Mita Hotellia Voisitte Suositella?mitya Wednessed Dvositte a hateler?
Is it near the center?Onko SE Lahella Keskustaa?onko Sea Lyhyel Keskusta?
How much time cost?Paljonko Tama Huone Maksaa Vuorokaudelta?paloyenko Tarmerary Huon Maxa ViorokaaeduTel?
Is there anything cheaper?Onko TEILLA Jotakin Halvempaa?onko Tayl Yotakin Halvempaa?
Could you book a room for me?Voitteko Varata Minulle Huoneen?voitteko Varata Minleel Huleneen?
Do you have available roomsOnko Teilla Vapaita Huoneita?onko Teill Vapight Huongeit?
Sorry, but no placesAnteeksi, Mutta Hotelli on Taynnaannexi Mutta wanted he Tryunny
Is there another hotel nearby?Onko Lahella Tista Hotellia?onko Lyhyel Toysta wanted?
I would like a room with ...Haluaisin Huoneen Jossa ON ...halwaysin Huonen Joss he
I would like the numberHaluaisin ... Hengen Huoneenhaluaysin Hengen Huonen.
Is there an air conditioner in the room?Onko Huonessa ilmastointilaite?onko Huongesta Ischestylate?
Is there a hotel ...?ONKO HOTELLISSA ...?onko likely?
pooluima-allasta.uyma Allasta
cable TVkaapeli TV.caepelli te-ve
I would like to stay for another nightHaluaisin Viipya Viela Yhden Yonhalwaysin Viypuya Villa Yuhden Yong
Can your passport?VOINKO SAADA PASSINNE?warco Saad Passinne?
Fill the guest card, pleaseOlkaa Hyva Ja Tayttakaa Matkustaj Akorttiokaa Hüvya Ya Pulling Matkustay Akortti
Where did you stop?Minne Te Majoituitte?minna those Mayitutite?
What street do you live on?Milla Kadulla those asutte?mill Kadulla Te Asutte?
I live on the street…Asun ... kadullaasun ... Kadulla
I live on Gorky StreetASUN GORKIKADULLA.asun Gorkykadulla
Please give me your addressAntakaa Minulle Osoitteenne, Olkaa Hyvaantakaa Minill Osrattenen, Okaa Hyva
I constantly live in HelsinkiMina Asun Helsingissa VakituiseSestimina Asun Helucingissa Vakituyissti

Walk in the city


Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
Fire Departmentpalokunta.palkunt
I have…olen ...deer ...
Spare out varahlofinteien
Emergency exit varahlofinteien
Pharmacy pipes
insurance policyvakuutus.vacuutus


Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
0 zeronollanolla
1 oneyksi.yuksi.
2 twokaksi.caty
3 threekolmecolme
4 fourneljänelia
5 fiveviisi.wise
6 sixkuusi.kuusi.
7 seven.seitsemän.saithereyan.
8 eightkahdeksan.kahdexan
9 nineyhdeksän.yuhdeksyan
10 tenkymmenen.kyummenen
20 twentykaksikymmentälikethemy
30 thirtykolmekymmentäkolmekymmatya
40 hundredneljäkymmentäneliacumMenta
100 hundredsATA.sata.
135 one hundred thirty fivesatakolmekymmentäviisi.sata Kolmekyumman Wise
200 two hundredkaksisataa.kati Sataa
300 three hundredkolmesataa.colme Sataa
1000 thousandtuhat.tukhat.

Seasons and dates

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
What time is it now? pal'onko Call he?
Day paila
A week viko
Month kuukausi
Year voi
spring cEVAT.
summer cESA
fall suxury
winter talvi
today tanyayan
yesterday eilen
tomorrow khomenna
day before yesterday tOURSAPYAYAYA
day after tomorrow yulihomenna
Now chit
soon pian
now nyut
in the morning aaamulla
day pyozyllya
in the evening illarla
at night yulel
mENT hatkinen
i have no time mINOUT EI OLE AIKAA
i'm ready olen Valmis

In the shop

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
swap meetkirppTori.kirputeri.
sporting goodsurheilutarvikkeita.urgeilutar Vickeita
department storetavaratalo.tavaratal
fruits and vegetableshEDELMIA JA VIHANNEKSIAhelelmia ya Vikhanneksia
When is open?MILLOIN ON AVUNNA?millina he Avunna
where is …?Missa ON ...?bowned
shop diagramkauppakaava.kaouppackava
Could you help me?Voitteko Auttaa Minua?wordtote Aymmaa Mini.
I'm looking for …MINA Etsin ...mina Etshin
Could you show me ...?Voitteko Nayttaa Minulle ...?spenting nyuttya minill
How much does it cost?Paljonko SE Maksaa?palindo CE Maxaa
It's all?Onko Tama Kaikki?onko tame kaikki
Anything else?Saako Olla Muuta?sahanko Olla Muuta
Nothing more, thank youEi Muuta, Kiitoshey Muut Kiitos
I wanted something not very expensiveHaluaisin Jotakin Ei Kovin Kallistahaluaisin Jotakin Hey Covina Callista
What / which is ... Do you want?Minka ... Haluaisitte?mincia ... Halueisitte
What amount do you have?Kuinka Paljon Rahaa Teilla on Kaytettavissa?cocking Palon Rahaa Tayl he cited
Is there a warranty?ONKO TAKUUTA?onko Takuuta
Is there an instruction?Onko Kayttohjetta?onko Kyutteooletta
It's not exactly what i would likeSE EI Ole Aivan Sellainen Kuin Haluaisinxi Hey Ole Avan Sellylainen Queen Haluaisin
It is very expensiveSE ON LIIAN KALLISbes he Lian Kallis
I take thisOtan Taman.otan Tsyyan
Where can I pay?Minne Voi Maksaa?minne Howl Maxaa?
I'm crying …Maksan ...maxan ...
by credit cardluottokortilla.lottokortlla
I have no minor moneyMINULLA EI OLE PIENTA RAHAApassed hey ole drink Rahaa
Can I check?Saanko Kuitin?sahanko Quitinta
Please give rye breadSaisinko Ruisleipaa.sisshko Ruisley Piece
I would like to …Haluaisin ...haluaisin
grams of sausagegrammaa Makkaraa.grammaa McKaraa
Please…Saisinko ...sisinko
a carton of milkmaitotolkin.maitotelkin
kilogram sugarkilon Sokeria.kilon Sockeria
Where is?..Missa ON ...?bowned
meat sectionlihaosasto.likhaosost
fish Departmentkalaosasto.kalaosost
How much is a kilogram ...?Paljonko Maksaa Kilo ...?palitone Maxa Kilo

The phrasebook consists of several important topics in which all the necessary phrases and words are collected, to communicate with the local population of Finland:

General phrases - The topic, the words of which will help you read any sign, explain who you are and from where, to ask where the institution you are interested in. And also here are simple words Type: Yes, no, please, thanks, etc.

Hotel - All phrases that will help you, settled in the hotel, explain what you need a room, find out the cost of rooms and a list of services that hotel offers.

Store (purchases) - If you decide to make purchases in the store, this topic will help you in acquiring the necessary goods. There is a list of the busiest and common goods, and other phrases that will be needed in the store and on the market.

Transport - With the help of these words you can clarify where the bus parking, car service, parking lot and much more, which is associated with motor vehicles.

Emergency cases - the vital topic, here are collected by phrases and words that will help you call an ambulance, police, fire service, and also tell passersby that you feel bad, or call the police and report a robbery, fight, etc. .

A restaurant - Thanks to this topic, you can easily order in the restaurant any dish, to suggest a waiter, find out what a dish about what it consists, ask to ask you to bring to you and so on.

Free translation

The Russian-Finnish translator is available online, so the translation does not take much time. It is enough to start the site and enter the word / text to be translated. The rest of the service will make for you. Translate Finnish has never been so comfortable. Translation architecture is not tied to a specific device or platform, so there is no difference where you open the window of your browser.

How to use the translator?

Easy and clearer

Finnish online translator was created as simple as possible and it is clear that even a child can use it without any problems. From the user accessible functionality:

  • automatic definition of the incoming language
  • fast switching of translation directions
  • word dictionary meanings
  • alternative translation values \u200b\u200bfrom Yandex and Google
  • ability to copy, send translation results
  • refractory and non-degree basis

Facts about Finland and Finnish

    1. 5.4 million people say in Finnish
    2. this is 1 out of 24 EU official languages.
    3. writing: Latina
    4. since 2010, in the world there is an increase in interest in the Finnish language
    5. there are three Finnish dialects: East, Western and Traditional
    6. Finland gained independence since 1917
    7. the population according to 2015 estimates is 5.5 million people
    8. capital: Helsinki
    9. wired connection to the network in 29% of the population
    10. mobile Internet access in 102% of the population, since each user has an average of several portable devices

0/5 (total: 0)

Mission Online translator is that all languages \u200b\u200bhave become more understandable, methods of obtaining online translation - simple and easy. In order for each person to translate the text to any language in a matter of minutes, from any portable device. We will be very pleased to "erase" the complexity of the translation of German, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arab and other languages. We will understand each other better!

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The TranSer® free online translator will correctly translate words, phrases, suggestions and small texts from any of the 54th foreign languages \u200b\u200bof the world presented on the site. Software implementation of the service is based on the most popular Microsoft Translator translation technology, so there are restrictions on entering text up to 3000 characters. TRANSER will help overcome the language barrier in communicating between people and in communications between companies.

Advantages of translator TRANSER

Our translator is developing

The Microsoft Translator Developer Team works tirelessly on improving the quality of translated texts, optimizes translation technologies: new dictionaries are updated, new foreign languages. Thanks to this, our online translator TRANSER becomes better than a day day, more efficiently copes with its functions, and the translation becomes better!

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The main advantage of the online translator is the simplicity of use, speed automatic translation And, undoubtedly, free!) Operatively get a completely meaningful translation in just one click of the mouse and a couple of seconds is unmatched. However, not everything is so cloudless. Note that no automatic translation system, no online translator can translate the text also qualitatively as a professional translator or translation agency. It is unlikely that in the near future the situation will change, therefore, for the implementation of high-quality and natural translations, positively proven itself in the market and having an experienced team of professional translators and linguists.

Here are all collected free online translatorsallowing you to translate from Russian to Finnish.

Why do you need a Russian-Finnish translator?

Russia and Finland are countries located nearby. Neighborhood always involves the development of certain partnerships, cooperation. And, of course, there is always a problem with the linguistic barrier. We come to the rescue modern technologies - Machine translation systems from Russian to Finnish.

If you have the need to translate something from Russian to Finnish, online translators will be a good free alternative to professional translations and services of professional translators. Online translator in just a few seconds will translate text to Finnish, and will do it completely free.

Russian-Finnish online translator Google Translate

Try the translation to Finnish from the Google Translate system. The system provides fast and free translation No extra effort. Just insert the text and press the button. The result of translation to Finnish opens in a new window. Automatic translite.

Russian-Finnish online translator IMTRANSLATOR

This online translator allows you to translate any words, phrases, suggestions, songs, texts from Russian to Finnish. Free Translator Features: Support 35 languages, dictionaries, virtual keyboards, text pronunciation, built-in translite, transcoder, printing results.

To transfer the text from Russian to Finnish for free, insert the text in Russian to transfer to the online translator, and click the "Translate" button. The translator almost instantly will transfer to Finnish, and displays the result. You will only have to correct the results of the translation using the dictionary.

[+] Disclosure IMTRANSLATOR [+]

For the proper operation of the Russian-Finnish translator, it is necessary to include on your browser support for frames.

For the proper work of the Russian-Finnish translator, you must include support in your browser. Javascript..

Russian-Finnish online translator INTERTRAN

Intertran online translator version for translation of texts from Russian to Finnish. Online translator supports 27 languages, and is designed to translate small texts and short sentences. The best texts consisting of frequently used words are best. Quality with Russian-Finnish translation leaves much to be desired.

The Russian-Finnish translator allows you to translate a maximum of 1000 characters at a time. If the dimensions of your text to transfer to Finnish more of these restrictions, translate it with parts.

A little bit about Finnish and Finland

Finnish refers to the Baltic-Finnish branch of Finno-Ugric language familyand is considered to be agglutinative. In Finnish, the majority of the Finnish population, as well as Finns, living in Sweden, Norway and in diasporas of other countries. In Finnish, approximately 15 cases. The declination by cases is carried out by adding different endings (as in Russian and other synthetic languages).

In Russia, more than 54 thousand people speak Finnish (according to 2002 data). Most of them are the Ingermanlanders who moved in the XVII century to the territory of modern Leningrad region. In the 1920s, Finnish was used as official language in the Karelian Republic.

Today, Finnish is taught in Russia in a number of schools, there are even specialized schools with in-depth study of the Finnish language. The language is also studied in a number of universities, for example, at the Faculty of the Baltic-Finnish Philology and Culture of the University of Petrozavodsky, at the Department of Finnozhnogo Science of St. Petersburg State University.

Finland is a state in the north of Europe, a member of the European Union and the Schengen Agreement. The name of the country in Russian and many other languages \u200b\u200bcomes from Swedish Finland., and on Finnish it sounds like that - Suomi.. A significant part of Finland is located behind the northern polar circle. This is the country of the lakes (approximately 190,000), rivers (approximately 2000) and forests. Country with beautiful Northern Nature, a popular place among tourists.