National composition of Dagestan for the year. Dagestan, population: ethnic composition and number of Lyudmila Garkavaya

Dagestan is the unique region of Russia: in a small territory there are more than hundreds of peoples and ethnic groups. What nationalities in Dagestan live today? Reply to this question in the article.

The nationality of the republic is an extensive list. Historically conditioned and some modern processes affect the number of one or another nation present in the republic. Dagestan left the peoples, new nationalities appeared. Attitude towards the national palette and her perception was not always positive, which immediately affected the development of social and economic spheres. And the more the Dagestanis develop tolerance to each other, the easier it is to solve common problems.

Nationality of the Republic of Dagestan

The first attempt to calculate the population of Dagestan was undertaken by the military department of the Russian Empire at the end of the nineteenth century. But more accurate data were obtained by census in eleven years. It turned out that almost 590 thousand people lived in Dagestan in the boundaries of that time.

If you compare these figures with the 2010 Population Census 2010, then they have increased almost five times - 2 million 323 thousand people. The population growth is marked from the mid-20s to the 40s. last century, also decade to 70s. and from 1989 to 2002. The lowest population in Dagestan was noted in the period from 1897 to 1926, as well as from 1939 the next twenty years.

Civil War, drought the beginning of the 20s also affected demographic indicators. At the same time, Dagestan begins to leave Russian, Ukrainians and Jews, followed emigration to Turkey of the Dagestanis. This led to a drop in population population by 20%.

However, after the mid 20s of the twentieth century, a sharp increase begins. It is associated with a natural increase that has reached more than 20%. Influenced the influx of Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Tatars, Jews and representatives of other nationalities. People moved to the Dagestan Republic in search of work.

Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in Dagestan, almost 970 thousand people lived. The population of the republic, as well as other territories, influenced the attack of fascists to the Soviet Union. Mobilization covered more than 160 thousand men, some of which did not return from the battlefields. Since the beginning of the 50s. Demographers note the highest birth rate and natural growth - almost 34%.

Nationalities who live in Dagestan

Answering the question of which nationalities live in Dagestan, we note immediately that today the republic is in the top three of the most numerous national republics of Russia, inferior to Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. In the North Caucasus Federal District among the seven subjects, Dagestan ranks first in terms of population - more than 30% of the total population of the district. The Iceland, Latvia, Estonia, Montenegro, Qatar, Cyprus, Kuwait, and Bahrain is superior to this indicator. However, the last decades there is a tendency to reduce fertility.

Speaking about how many nationalities in Dagestan, you should contact the numbers carried out by censuses and modern data.

According to Rosstat, more than three million people live in Dagestan in 2017. This is the 13th place in the population in Russia. The absolute increase in the population was 26 thousand people - 5th place in the country. 12th place in terms of relative increment - 0.86%.

In the list of Dagestan nationalities, the largest groups are Avarians, Darginians, Kumyki, Lezgins and Lakges. In the languages \u200b\u200bof these peoples, books are printed and media work. The small ethnic groups of Dagestan: Chukchi, Arabs, Serbs and Slovaks.

The population in the 1459 census was a little more than one million people. In 1970 - about one and a half million people. Nine years old - two hundred more people. In 1989, the population increased by two hundred people - 1 million 800 thousand. The census spent fifteen years ago showed that more than two and a half million people live in Dagestan. 2010 census gave data with increasing - 2 million 900 thousand people.

How the population changed

Of nationalities living in Dagestan, Avarians remain the most numerous:

  • 1959 - 22.5%;
  • 1970 - 24.4%;
  • 1979 - 25.7%;
  • 1989 - 27.5%;
  • 2002 - 29.4%;
  • 2010 - 29.4%.

The second largest group is Darginians:

  • 1959 - 14%;
  • 1970 - 14.5%;
  • 1979 - 15.2%;
  • 1989 - 15.6%;
  • 2002 - 16.5%;
  • 2010 - 17%.

Third Group of Number - Kumyki:

  • 1959 - 11.4%;
  • 1970 - 11.8%;
  • 1979 - 12.4%;
  • 1989 - 12.9%;
  • 2002 - 14.2%;
  • 2010 - 14.9%.

Data on Russian and Jews show an increasing decline.

  • 1959 - 20.1%;
  • 1970 - 14.7%;
  • 1979 - 11.6%;
  • 1989 - 9.2%;
  • 2002 - 4.69%;
  • 2010 - 3.6%.
  • 1959 - 2.3%;
  • 1970 - 2.0%;
  • 1979 - 1.6%;
  • 1989 - 1.44%;
  • 2002 - 0.13%;
  • 2010 - 0.08%.

What other peoples live in Dagestan

The list of Nationalities of Dagestan includes dozens of nominations of peoples. The last data census showed the following data on other peoples: Georgians - almost 700 people, Laktsi - more than 160 thousand, Lezgins - almost 390 thousand, Nogai - 40 and a half thousand, Ossetians - less than 900, Tatars - almost 4 thousand, Kazakhs and Persians - More than 500, Ukrainians - one and a half thousand, Chechens - almost 94 thousand, Tsukhura - about 9,800 people.

If you consider how many nationalities live in Dagestan, you can detect very curious data. Analysis of the population census has shown that the nationalities have become less, the part of the nations left Dagestan, but those who were not there were also appeared. Sometimes the names of nationalities to which some residents are counted, forced researchers to smile.

Changes in national groups:

  1. 2002 - 121 nationality. 2010 - 117 nationalities and ethnobroups.
  2. At the 2010 population census, among the inhabitants no longer found Bagulalov, Americans, Carlimony, Vepes, Karaimov, Tuvintsev, Urine, Nagaybakov, Nanaysev, Pashtunov, Eskimos, Yukagirov and Yakuts, which were previously listed. Representatives of the Afghan nation, Albanian, Bulgur, Columbian, Nigerian, Turkic, Serbian, French, Ethiopian and Japanese nations settled in Dagestan.

Interestingly, almost 450 people, denoting nationality, called themselves as Ahtynts, Buinaks, Dagestanis, Makhachkala (so-called residents of the city of Makhachkala, but there are no separate nationality) and Tsumadinians, as well as metis, Russians, and even Afrorsius. Fifteen years ago, more than 350 people ranked with an amazing and extremely unusual in the sound of ethnic groups and nationalities.

The number of Cossacks has grown - almost 700 people. In 2002, the Cossacks called themselves 11 residents of Dagestan. Prior to this Cossacks were present only in the census data 1897.


In Dagestan, the most numerous peoples of anvarians, Darginians and Kumyki.

Avarians are resettled mainly in the territories of Mountain Dagestan, they speak several dialects and dialects. Avartsev's literary language is called a guest language or troop language. Arab graphics gave the basis of Avar Writing in 15-16th centuries. But for the thirtieth year, the twentieth century Avartz began to massively master the Russian language, because they passed their training. In 1938, representatives of nationality begin to use Cyrillic. Children in schools first taught in their native language, and in middle classes - already in Russian. Today, Avarians own the language of their people, and Russians, which allowed them to be easily integrated into the cultural space of Russia.

Avars for religious affiliation are considered to be Muslims-Sunni.


Dargins in the civil war began the struggle among the first: they rebelled against Denikin and defeated the white-to-Cocakian gorge. This people are very hospitable. Earlier, Dargins revealed blood revenge, but the community in the face of Elders gradually made changes to this in the Dargian Code of Honor. For example, killers began to cast out of the community.

Islam as a religion at the Dargians was established by the fourteenth century. They are Muslim-Sunni - Mazhab. The Islamic faith worshiped the forces of nature were pagans, as well as the original Russian population before the adoption of Christianity.


Kumykov are also indigenous people of Dagestan. They are Muslims of a Sunni sense. It is believed that the language of Kumykov began to take shape in the Domongolian era. Kumykia crossed all travelers of the Great Silk Road. The first National Theater in Dagestan appeared precisely from this nation.

Kumykov is very proud of their scientists, artists (artists, writers) and athletes. The special pride of the people - the Hero of the Soviet Union Abdulkhaim Ismailov, who, together with Kievanov, Alexey Kovalev and Minskhan, Leonid Gorichyev, waters the banner of victory over defeated Reichstag in Berlin. Two representatives of the Kumyk people became full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

Russians in Dagestan

Russians no one thousand years old lived side by side with the mountaineers. And in Soviet times, they massively went to the republic to teach children in schools, treat people in hospitals, build houses and work on other professions. Soviet distribution after universities and schools made the most respected and revered in Dagestan profession of the teacher. Therefore, it is no coincidence that a monument is established in Makhachkala dedicated to the work of Russian teachers.

Today, Russians in Dagestan are more than 8%, it is about one hundred and fifty thousand people. A large proportion of Russians in Makhachkala and Caspian, half of the Russian population lives in Kizlyar. In the nineties, Dagestan left a lot of indigenous Dagestan Russians due to the growth of the national movement, radical and cruel. At that time, a sharp decrease in the population was noted - from the republic were seven-eight thousand Russian citizens per year.

However, recently, Caucasian Russians are returned. Specialists associate this with a longing of the small homeland and the land of ancestors, as well as a special Dagestan character. But they are not returning not in such quantities, in which Dagestan left: for ten years, only about five thousand people returned to a small homeland.

In addition, today the protection of the interests and security of the Russians in Dagestan is paid to special attention from the government. Gradually decreases the number of cases of infringement of human rights on the national basis.

Language Composition of Dagestan Residents

Avar language owns almost seven hundred thousand people, Darginsky - about 420000, Kumyksky - almost 360,000 citizens. Lakski knows about 1,40,000 people, Lezginsky - almost 360000. Owning 500 people, caretic - 230, Botlichsky - more than 180, Guinukhsky - just one citizen. This is the data of the last All-Russian census of the population, which occurred in 2010.

More than two and a half thousand Dagestanis constantly use Russian in everyday life. From foreign languages, citizens allocated English, German, Arabic, French, Turkish, Persian, Hindi and Japanese. Two answered that they knew Esperanto.

Only Russian is used almost half a million people, they know two languages \u200b\u200b- more than two million, three languages \u200b\u200b- 115 thousand, four languages \u200b\u200b- 10 thousand, five languages \u200b\u200b- just seventeen people.

Young Dagestan

More than thirty percent of the population of Dagestan are young people. The average age of the Dagestanians does not reach thirty years. Even less in Chechnya - twenty-five years. Demographers believe that such a forecast in the region will continue for the next eighteen to twenty years. The difference between the age of the younger population in Dagestan and the elderly people of the republic is almost fifteen years.


The nineties were seriously affected by Dagestan, when a little bit of the struggle for sovereignty almost broke the multinational region on dozens of small groups and did not lead to large victims among civilians. They, of course, were so. Echoes of that time still feels the society in the region and the demographic situation. But the population of Dagestan by nationalities is still very diverse.

According to the 1989 census, representatives of 102 nationalities were recorded on the territory of Dagestan. At the same time, to the number of the so-called. The indigenous includes peoples belonging to three language families:

The Dagestan-Nakh branch of the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages \u200b\u200bincludes anvarians (together with 14 ethnic groups that have independent, but close to Avar, languages, namely, the Avakhas, the cavalry, and Begestors, Gunzibans, Ginuchans and Archings), Darginians (including Kubachinsev and Kaitagtsev), Lezgins, Laksa, Tabasarans, Rutults, Aguly, Tsakhura and Chechens.
The Turkic Group of Altai Language Family includes Kumyki, Azerbaijanis and Nogai.
The Indo-European language family belongs to the Russians, tats and mountain Jews who speake the Tat language, which belongs to Iranian languages.
There is a so-called in the republic. "Title Nationality", but its political attributes currently have 14 nationalities of Dagestan:

Avarza is the most numerous ethnos of Dagestan. Currently, they are in the republic 577.1 thousand people, which is 27.9 percent. population of the republic. The main area of \u200b\u200bresettlement is the regions of Western Mountain Dagestan. The rural population of Avars residents is 68 percent. and resets mainly in 22 districts of the republic. In Ahvakh, Botlikh, Gunbilsk, Humbetovsky, Gunibsky, Kazbekovsky, Tlyaratinsky, Unzucul, Hongzakh, Tsumadinsky, Tsuntinsky, Charodian and Shaminian districts, Avartsez make up 98-100 percent of the population. In the Kizilyurt district, the share of Avars rose almost up to 80 percent., In Khasavurtovsky, Kizlyarsky, Buynaksky and Kumurgali, they constitute a third, and in Tarumovsky, Babayurtovsky, Levashinsky and Novolaksky - to a quarter of the whole population. In the cities and towns of urban type there are 32 percent. Avar population. In Makhachkala, they make up 21 percent. In Kizilyurt, South Sukhokumesk and Buynaksk - 43-52 percent, in Khasavyurt, Kizlyar and Caspian - 12-22 percent. Avars make up a significant part of the population of urban-type settlements: Bavtugai, New Sulac, Shamilkal, Dubki, Shamhal.
Dargins - the second in number of Dagestan ethnos - amount to 16.1 percent. The population of the Republic (332.4 thousand people). The territory of the traditional settlement of Dargrins is the mountainous and foothill regions of Middle Dagestan. About 68 percent. Dargintsev are resettled in 16 rural areas. In Akushinsky, Dahadaevsky, Kaitagsky, Levashinsky and Sergocali districts, Darginians range from 75 to 100 people. Their share in kajanth and karabudakhkent regions (43 and 36 percent, respectively). They also live in Tarumovsky (19 percent), Kizlyar (15 percent) and Buynakian (14 percent) areas. In Derbent, Nogai, Agul, Babayurtovsky, Khasavurtovsky and Kumtorkali districts, the share of Dargintsev varies from 4 to 9 percent. population of these areas. Dargins - citizens live in Election (57 percent. Population of this city), in Makhachkala (12.4 percent), Kizlyar (7.3 percent), Buynaksk (6.6 percent), Khasavyurt (4.2 percent) and Dagestan lights (9 percent. ). The factory Dargian Aul Kubachi belongs to city type villages. Many Dargins are also in the villagers of Acchis, Manasquent and Mammadkala.
Kumykov numbered 267.5 thousand people and make up 12.9 percent. population of the republic. The territory of their traditional settlement is the terro-Sulak lowland and the foothill areas of Dagestan. More than half of Kumykov (52 percent) live in 8 areas of countryside. In Kumtorkalinsky district, they are 67.5 percent., Carabudakhkent - 62 percent., Buynaksky - 55 percent., Kayakentsky - 51 percent., Babayurtovsky - 44 percent, Khasavyurtovsky - 28.5 percent. Kizilyurtovsky - 13.6 percent., In Kaitagsky - 9 percent. population regions. In Makhachkala, they make up 15 percent. The population, in Buynaksk - a third, Khasavyurt - a quarter and Kizilyurt - the fifth of the population. Election - 17 percent. and Caspian - 10 percent. In Derbent Kumykov less than one percent. Some of the Kumykov is resettled in urban villages: in packages - 91 percent. Population, Tube - 36 percent. Linkeent - 31.3 percent. Kyakhulae - 28.6 percent., Albincheste - 27.6 percent., Shamhahala - 26.8 percent., Manasken - 24.9 percent.
Lezgin in Dagestan is currently 250.7 thousand people, which is 12.2 percent. population of the republic. The main territory of the settlement of Lezgin is Nagorno, pre-saying and plain southern Dagestan. Rural population (about 64 percent) is resettled in 9 districts. In Akhtynsky, Docupart, Kuhran, Magarasque and Suleiman-Stalsky districts, they range from 93 to 100 percent., In Khivsky - 37.3 and Rutulsky - 8 percent. population. Part of Lezgin lives in Derbent (15 percent) and Khasavurtovsky (6 percent) areas. Lezgins - citizens are focused mainly in Derbent (26 percent), Dagestan lights (22 percent), Caspian (16 percent), Makhachkala (9.5 percent) and esifier (8 percent). They constitute the main population of the village of Beliji and about 10 percent. Mammadkala village.
Russians are considered one of the peoples of Dagestan. Now they are in the republic 150.1 thousand people (7.3 percent of the population). More than 80 percent. Dagestan Russians are resettled in all cities and towns of urban type, but only in Kizlyar they constitute more than half of the population (54 percent). Pretty significantly, their share in Makhachkala and Caspian (17-18 percent), in other cities their share varies from 3 to 10 percent. population. Russians constitute the main population of the village of urban type Komsomolsky (81 percent), relatively many of them in Dubs (16 percent) and Sulaca (12 percent). The rural population of Russians (Terek Cossacks) is concentrated in the lower reaches of the Terek and its ducts in the territory of the Kizlyar and Tarumov districts, where their number, both relative and absolute, in recent years has noticeably decreased (27.2 and 30.4 percent, respectively). A minor number of rural Russians also lives in Babayurtovsky (1.5 percent), Khasavyurt (0.4 percent), Nogai (1.8 percent), and Derbent (0.7 percent) regions.
Lakges are resettled historically in the central part of the mountain Dagestan in the territory of Laki and Kulinsky districts. Currently there are 102.6 thousand years in the republic or 5 percent. from the total population. In these mountainous areas, they constitute 94 and 99 percent, respectively. population. The rural population of Laksev also lives in the plain Novolak district (48 percent of the population of the district), Akushinsky (5 percent), Rutulsky (5 percent) and Kizlyar (3 percent). However, the majority (64 percent) Laksev lives in the cities of the republic. Of these, more than half focused in Makhachkala, where they make up more than 12 percent. Population, in Caspian - 14 percent., In Buynaksk and Kizilyurt - about 8 percent. population of these cities. In a number of urban-type villages - Sulac, Acisus, Kyakhulay, Manaskent, etc. Lakges make up from 3 to 9 percent. population.
Tabasarana numbered 93.6 thousand people, which is 4.5 percent. Dagestan population. The main territory of their settlement is Southeast Dagestan. Most (64 percent) Tabasaranov lives in the countryside in the Tabasaran area (80 percent), Khivsky (62 percent) and Derbent (15 percent) a small number lives in Kajanth and Kizlyar district. Citizens are focused mainly in Derbent and Dagestan lights (up to a third of the population in each), and in Makhachkala and other cities, the number of Tabasarans is insignificant.
Azerbaijanis numbers 88.3 thousand, which is 4.3 percent. population of the republic. Around half of them live in rural areas in Derbent (55.7 percent), Tabasaransky (18 percent), also in Rutulsky (4 percent) and Kizlyar (3 percent). The citizens' Azerbaijanis live mainly in Derbent and Dagestan lights, where they make up about a third of the population, as well as in Mammadkala settlements (22.4) and Belidges (7.3 percent). In Makhachkala, Azerbaijanis are now a little more than 6 thousand or 1.6 percent. Population of the capital of Dagestan.
Chechens in Dagestan Currently 92.2 thousand people. Their number in the last two years has increased significantly. Back in 1994, their number in Dagestan was 62 thousand. Without a doubt, such a sharp increase is associated with military actions in the territory of the neighboring Chechen Republic. They now make up 4.5 percent. population of the republic. The rural population constituting about 48 percent., Focused in Khasavurtsky district (25.6 percent. Population of this area), Novolaksky (13 percent), Kazbekovsky (13 percent) and Babayurtovsky (8 percent). The Chechens-citizens live mainly in the three cities of Dagestan - Khasavyurt (35.6 percent of the city), Makhachkala (4.3 percent) and Kizlyar (6.5 percent).
Nogayans numbered 33.4 thousand people in Dagestan, 16 percent. population. The main area of \u200b\u200btheir resettlement is the territory of the Nogai steppe in the north of the republic. The rural population of the Nogai is about 87 percent. All Nogaites are resettlete in four districts: Nogai (82 percent of the region), Babayurtovsky (16), Tarumovsky (8) and Kizlyar (7.8 percent). In the village of Sulak, they constitute more than half of the inhabitants. An insignificant number of Noga residents lives in Makhachkala, Kizlyar and Khasavyurt.
Tats - Dagestan ethnos, speaking at Tat language (Iranian branch) and historically confessing Judaism. Specify their number is currently somewhat difficult because many of them are recorded by Jews and fall into the total of nationality with them. Jews together with tatami in Dagestan now 18.5 thousand people. It is less than one percent of the population of the republic. Their number decreases noticeably, especially in recent years due to mass departure to Israel. The overwhelming majority live in cities - 98 percent., Main in Derbent, Makhachkala, Buinaksk, Khasavyurt, Caspian and Kizlyar.
Rutults - a small ethnos of Dagestan, numbering 17.1 thousand people (0.8 percent of the population of the republic). The main territory of the settlement is the Verkhovaya R. Samur in South Dagestan. Rural population (about 70 percent) Rutulists are resettled in Rutulsky (55 percent. The population of the district) and Docupa Court (2.3 percent), as well as small groups of several hundred people in Kizlyar, Magaraccent, and Derbent regions. Most Rutult Maudesman live in Makhachkala and Derbent.
Agules only 16 thousand people. The main range of their settlement is the Swimming pool of the Chiragcha and Kurakh rivers in the highland southern Dagestan. Rural Agultsev is about 67 percent and they live mainly in the Agul district (90 percent. The population of the district). Aaguly citizens live in the villages of Shamhal and Tube and in the cities of Makhachkala, Derbent and Dagestan lights.
Tsakhuras are the smallest people of Dagestan, numbering 6.3 thousand people. (0.3 percent of the population of Dagestan) - Live in the upper reaches R. Samur. Rural Thaws are 82 percent, which live mainly in the Rutulsky district. City Tsakhurz residents live in Makhachkala, South Sukhokumesk and Derbent.
The modern ethnic composition of the population of the republic is characterized by dynamism. According to the All-Union Census of the 1989 population in Dagestan, representatives of 102 nationalities were recorded, which belong to the three language families:

Nakh-Dagestan branch of the North Caucasian family (Avarza (and included in their composition 14 small peoples: Avakhasha, caretakers, Andians, Botlihs, Godobernts, Tyndles, Camalalats, Bagulala, Hvarshina, Didoisy, Plants, Gunzibans, Ginuchi, Archintsev), Darginians (including Kubachirs and Kaitagtsev), Lezgins (Cürinsey), Laktsi (Kazikumukham), Tabasarana, Rutults, Aguly, Tsakhura, Chechens);
Turkic group of the Altai Language Family (Kumyki, Azerbaijanis (Turks), Nogai (Karanoga), Tatars);
Indo-European language family (Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Gorski Jews, Tats, Armenians and other nations).
Ethnic composition, the main trends of the ethnodemographic development of modern Dagestan determine its most numerous nationalities: Avarians, Darginians, Kumyki, Lezgins, Russians, Lakges, Tabasarans, Azerbaijanis, Chechens, Nogai, Jews, Rutults, Aguly, Ukrainians, Armenians, Tatars, Tsakhuras, The share of which accounts for 99.9% of the population.

The ethnhemographic characteristics of the most numerous nationalities of Dagestan is presented in the following data on 01/01/1995:

Avarza - 577.1 thousand servants. The most numerous people of the republic is 27.9% of the total population. The main territory of the settlement is the extensive area of \u200b\u200bWestern Mountain Dagestan, limited by closed ridges: Andysky, Gimrinsky, Saladau, etc.

About 69% of all Avars residents live in rural areas, 22 districts of the republic.

Dargins - 332.4 thousand people - the second largest people of Dagestan, is 16.1% of the total population of the RD. The main territory of the settlement is the mountainous and foothill zones of the Middle Dagestan in the pools of the Khalochork rivers, Akush, Bugam and Ullchachai (before the foreguides). Most of them (68%) are resettled in 16 areas of countryside.

Kumykov - 267.5 thousand people, are 12.9% of the population of the RD. They are mainly located on the territory of the Terco-Sulak lowland, stretching from the Terek in the north to R. Toulryha in the south, and the foothill areas of Dagestan. About half (52%) Kumykov live in 8 areas of countryside.

Lezgins - 250.7 thousand servants, are 12.2% of the population of the republic. The main territory of the settlement Lezgin is the first and pre-saying of South Dagestan. The main part of the Lezginese Aules is located on the pools of the Samur Rivers, Curanes, Gulgery. The rural population (about 64%) is resettled in 9 regions of the RD.

Russians - 150.1 thousand servants, make up 7.3% of the population of the republic. Remainted mainly (more than 80%) in all cities. However, in places of traditional resettlement of the Russian population (Kizlyar, Tarumovsky districts), only in the city of Kizlar, they constitute more than half of the population (54%).

Lakges - 102.6 thousand people, are 5% of the population of the RD. The region of resettlement is the central part of Nagorno Dagestan, in the pool R.Kazikumukh Koisu. The rural population of lacquers focuses mainly in three districts and is 36%.

Tabasarans - 93.6 thousand years, constitute 4.5% of the population of the RD. The main territory of the settlement is Southeast Dagestan, in the River River Basin and Chiragchay, and in the upper reaches R. Karchagsu.

Azerbaijanis - 88.3 thousand years, which is 4.3% of the population of the RD. About half of them live in rural areas.

Chechens are 62.1 thousand servants, which is 3.2% of the RD. The rural population is about 48%.

Nogai - 33.4 thousand people, it is 1.6% of the population. The main area of \u200b\u200btheir resettlement is the territory of the Nogai steppe in the north of Dagestan. The rural population is about 87% of all the nogates is resettled in four regions of the RD.

Jews are 18.5 thousand servants (they include European Jews, mountain Jews and Tatsi), which is less than one percent of the PO population. They overwhelmingly 98% live in cities.

Rutults - 17.1 thousand servants, are 0.8% of the population of the RD. One of the small peoples of Dagestan. The main territory of the settlement is the Verkhovaya R. Samur in South Dagestan. The rural population is 70% of all routons.

Aguly - 16.0 thousand people, about 0.8% of the population of the RD. Remainted in chiragchay and chickens in highland southern Dagestan. Rural inhabitants make up 67% of all Agules.

Tsakhura - 6.3 thousand years, which is 0.3% of the population of the RD. The main territory of their settlement is the rover R. Samur. Tsakhuras in the overwhelming majority - rural residents (about 82%).

Ukrainians - 6.6 thousand servants, which is 0.3% of the population of the RD. The overwhelming majority (about 90%) live in the cities of the republic.

Tatars - 5.3 thousand servants - this is 0.3% of the population of the RD, which are mostly concentrated in the urban area.

The Dagestan Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic of the RSFSR was formed on January 20, 1921, since 1991 - the Republic of Dagestan.

The Republic of Dagestan is the most southern region of the Russian Federation, has direct access to the international naval ways.

The republic borders on land and sea with five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran.

Industrial production index (by types of economic activities "Mining mineral production", "manufacturing production" and "production and distribution of electricity, gas and water") for 2016 compared with 2015 amounted to 136.3%.

According to the results of the first quarter of 2017, the growth of industrial production -. Partially growth occurred due to the development of industry under the Import Protection Program.

The defense enterprises of the republic are carried out to attract additional orders for military equipment and components, phased implementation into the production of a certain nomenclature of import-substituting products. In 2016, the plant "Dagdizel" increased its production by almost three times, the Gadzhiev plant - 1.6 times, OJSC Concern Kamz and Azimut OJSC - 1.7 times.

The Caspian Sea is the most important fisheries in the country, whose bioresources include world reserves of rare and valuable fish of sturgeon. 70% of the global stock of sturgeon, more than 60% of the large particle are concentrated here.

Dagestan's foreign trade turnover in 2016 amounted to $ 252.6 million, exports are $ 46.4 million, imports - $ 206.2 million.

In Dagestan, 255 sources and 15 deposits of mineral healing waters were revealed. In the republic there are more than six thousand monuments of history and culture, of which 173 - federal significance, the most famous Derbent fortress "Naryn-Kala", recognized by UNESCO a monument of world importance.

The authorities expect that the development of the tourist infrastructure will significantly increase the annual tourist flow to the region.

In 2017, within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Internal and Entry Tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011-2018, Dagestan will receive from the federal budget for the construction of the tourist and recreational complex "Golden Dunes" in the village of Crane and the reconstruction of the tourist center "Golden Sands" in the village of Michurino 8 million rubles for the same goals will be allocated from the republican budget.

In 2017, Dagestan joined the project to return the overseas Leopards in the Caucasus. To do this, through the accession of the Kobobo-Keleb and Plagets regional reserves.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Dagestan, whose population is about 2,711,000 people, is the largest of the North Caucasian republics. On the territory of 50300 square kilometers can fit almost two Armenia. GDP (internal gross product) is more than a billion US dollars. Nature here is extremely picturesque and therefore attracts a huge number of travelers to these edges, this edge chased the most famous writers, poets and artists.

The side of the mountains and mysteries in them - Dagestan. The population is characterized by its hospitality, but at the same time, the cruel customs of blood revenge is not completely eradicated. The wealth of customs is unique, and, that is characteristic, nowhere will they do not even here as here. The beauty of the mountain landscapes is in question, but the war of the century's impact was conducted here - for the possession of this land, many thousands of years fought a variety of different people - from Mongol-Tatars, Turks, Arabs and Khazar to Romans and Gunnov.


Now, after the collapse of the USSR, Dagestan, the population of which is subject to the most different religious sentiments, became the most southern and borderline republic in Russia, besides the largest. Borders with Azerbaijan and Georgia on land are not impenetrable now, so the threat of Islamic terrorism is constantly hanging from the south over Russia. By sea, Dagestan has borders with Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, where the situation is also not too calm.

If you managed to cut off a terrorist threat in these territories, it would be impossible to find a better place for the development of tourism. There are not only magnificent mountains, but also a lianan subtropical forest, the only one in Russia, there are and a steppe with a disintegration, woven from a variety of colors, alpine glaciers. The whole population of Dagestan is more than two and a half million people, and everyone would have been occupied if not in the field of tourism, then on the development of mineral resources. Oil and gas reserves in Caspians are very high, and in the south of Dagestan, the largest copper field is open.

About population

The population of the Republic of Dagestan is a unique ethnic community, the only thing in the world, since there is no other such not too large territory, where more than a hundred nations and nationalities live in harmony. About 600 thousand people have chosen a place of residence in the capital of the republic. This is Makhachkala, the cultural and administrative center of Dagestan.

Dagestan occupies an extremely favorable position as a transport and important strategic node, since it is at the junction of Asia and Europe. Here we always ran the largest ways for trading, which joined the West and East. The medieval legendary route called the Great Shelkovaya path also took place here. And now the map of the republic is written by dottediers and lines of the most important automotive, rail, air, sea routes and pipeline pathways. All of them have federal significance.


Economic potential is very high, it is supported by the transport and fuel and energy complex, the industry and agriculture are actively involved in the process. The population of the Republic of Dagestan is constantly growing. According to Census 2002 and 2009, it has increased by more than one hundred eleven thousand people, given only a natural increase. The share of industry in the shaft regional product is sixteen and a half percent, in the priority of the food production industry, the chemical industry and mechanical engineering. The climate in the republic for agriculture is favorable, soil resources are diverse, the ecology is unique, therefore many crops are grown here, among which one of the most important - winemaking.

Ninety percent of cognac products is made in Dagestan, and it is appreciated at many international exhibitions, being the basis of the country's alcohol fund. How many people in Dagestan would not be, in the bulk of these Muslims that do not consume alcoholic products, because all the winemaking is aimed at export. The Republic of this Primorskaya, and the fishery complex is developed perfectly: the production of salmon and trouts have been established here. And sheep-flower is a permanent occupation, which population in Dagestan is practicing many centuries, and therefore the number of goats and sheep is the largest in the Russian Federation.


The history of Dagestan, his original and unique culture, his art is the main heritage of the republic. Monuments of antiquities - stone fortresses, acting mosques, minarets and towers - the population of the Republic of Dagestan keeps as Zenitsa Oka. Silhouettes of Aulules have chasing lines of silhouettes, and mountain roads are whimsically with winding.

Also, modern civilization is adjacent to gray antiquity. All this is a reflection in the works of Kubachinsky masters, in the song of the carpet patterns of Tabasarans, in the dishes made by the Balharian potters, in the singing tree of the Untzucultsev, in the patterns of silver of Gotsatlinic chasters. Customs is holy thank, the native land here loves selflessly, the elders and the past of their people are unshakly respect.


The constellation of nations in Dagestan is unique: close to the Azerbaijanis, Avarians, Agules and Dargins lived Kumyki, Lezgins, Lakatsi, Nogai. Russians are adjacent to the rudors and Tabasarans, Tatami and Thai, Chechens and Accinants. Languages \u200b\u200band dialects are completely different, cultural traditions and purely household peculiarities are also often not similar.

Dagestan is the country of the mountains and the mountain of languages, as used to say in ancient times, describing this edge. Three main groups can be distinguished by language diversity: North Caucasian, Altai and Indo-European. Some scientists insist on more fractional division. As well, that there is such a beautiful and understandable Russian, which is state and has taken on all the problems of interethnic communication!


The rural population of Dagestan is a little more than half - 57.6%, and the urban - the remaining 42.4%, in addition, according to government republican data, to 2,711,700 people need to add approximately 700,000 living outside of Dagestan. The density of its population is 54 people per square kilometer. The population of Dagestan areas confessionally shares as follows: before the ninety-six percent of believers are Muslims, and shiites among them only five percent, the rest are Sunnis.

Orthodox Christians are very small - only four percent. Birth rate in the republic is very high, above only in Chechnya and Ingushetia, and it constitutes almost twenty people per thousand population. Less than three children in Dagestan families does not happen. Until the forties of the last century, Germans lived in Babayurtovsky, Khasavyurt and Kizlyar district - about six thousand, which were resettled at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in Central Asia.


The oldest city in Russia, located in the West - at the Caspian Sea, where the fathers of the Golf Caucasus are hardly bathed in it. Total three kilometers of the coastal strip is a narrow strip of the plain. City Fortress There is a one and a half thousand years. Derbent is significantly older than Rome. It was built on the seaside lowland, where in ancient times the Caspian Way was launched - the only way, relatively comfortable, for traveling from Europe to the Middle East. (From where and now appear in our areas of Middle Eastern terrorists - the opposite way.)

The fortress citadel was built on a high plateau, inaccessible walls were rejected from her - stone and high, two of them reached the sea, and the third went far into the mountains. This unique building is compared with the Great Chinese Wall. Numerous strong gates were built in the walls, and the city name itself from the Persian "Derbent" means "Castle of the Gate" or "Gate Node".

Kizlyar and Khasavyurt

The center of the richest agricultural district of Dagestan is Kizlyar. It has long been a famous city associated with the residence of the most prominent personalities - writers, artists who have been created by memorials. Most recently, this city became sadly famous - after capturing the terrorists of the school and the death of a plurality of hostages.

Khasavyurt - the second in the meaning of the Dagestan city, is inferior in magnitude only Makhachkala, which is located in the ninety kilometers. About one hundred forty thousand people live here. It was here that an agreement was concluded that was deprived of Russia's victory in the first Chechen war. There is still a calm situation so far.

It has a mixed population. Many say that Dagestan is the constellation of peoples, because among the population in 3 million people, the Dagestanis themselves do not exceed 30%. The number of nationalities here compare with the number of stars in the sky. What frequently encountered ethnic groups live here, how many of them, what religions do they confess and in what languages \u200b\u200bthey say? Tell me.

Ethnic composition of the population of Dagestan

Let's start with ethnic composition. This area of \u200b\u200bRussia is inhabited by the most diverse nations whose number exceeds a hundred. According to their tongue, they can be attributed to three groups: Turkic, Nakh-Dagestan branch, Indo-European branch.

The first group is part of the Altai family. Approximately 20% of the entire republic speak in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Turkic group. The Nakho-Dagestan branch belongs to the family of Iberian-Caucasian languages, most often heard in the republic. In Indo-European languages, the rest of the peoples speak. An interesting fact is that only 14 peoples are officially recognized.

Turkic nations. Almost 15% of the entire population of Dagestan are Turks. Only Kumykov from the entire population of Dagestan for 2018 is 13% - about 415 thousand people. In places of their habitat are the foothills, the Terek-Sulak lowland. Approximately equal to the number of Turks population distributed over the cities and countryside of Dagestan.

Nakh-Dagestan peoples. Nakhskaya and Dagestan family are the main representatives of this land. The most numerous ethnic group among these families are anvars, which more than 1 million people are more than a third of the entire population of Dagestan for 2019. There are areas in which only Avarians live - Ahvakhsky, Shaminist, Kazbekovsky. Next go dargins. Their number is approximately half a million people - about 18%. Mix basically in rural mountainous areas. In addition to them, the Nakh-Dagestan family represent Laksa, Tabasarans, Chechens.

Indo-European family. There are Russian residents among residents of the republic. They constitute about 300 thousand people - about 10% of the total population of Dagestan for 2019. Most often, Russians can be found in Kizlyar, most of the population of the city, Makhachkala, Caspian. Sometimes there are Ukrainians and Belarusians. Not more than 1% make up Tatinese Jews. Every year they are less and less - many are moved to Israel.

National Composition in Dagestan

The 2010 population census argues that in Dagestan more than a hundred nations. It is almost impossible to call the exact figure, because some nations do not even have their own writing. This is clearly seen when comparing the 2002 and 2010 census, where the number of ethnic groups decreased from 121 to 117. The most numerous peoples were called: Russians, Kumykov, Avars, Dargintsev, Chechens, Lezgins and Laksev - they amounted to about 95-99%.

The population of Dagestan

The population of Dagestan for 2018 is 3,063.885 people. As many inhabitants in Rome or on Jamaica. The Dagestan Republic ranks fifth largest population in Russia. The average life expectancy is 75 years. Every year the population increases by about 13%.

Language variety in Dagestan

90% of residents are owned by the Russian language, 28% know Avar, 18% - Darginsky. About 10% speak Kumyk, Lezgin, Chechen, Azerbaijani.

Religion Dagestan

The main religion is Islam, the Shiites, Jews, Christians are less common. What a number in Dagestan can be judged by the census of the population of the last cities. This is one of the few administrative units in Russia, where the number of residents from year to year increases.