Argentina Religion. Culture Argentina

Tourists will be very surprised by a variety of Argentina. In this South American country, there are huge steppes - pampas, also lunar landscapes and tropical forests, stunning glaciers and subnutrctic nature, famous Waterfalls Iguazu, historical monuments, rich history, a variety of tradition and distinctive culture, ski resorts and excellent beaches, some of which are considered best in all South America. You should not also forget about the megapolis Buenos Aires, Argentine Football and about the Argentine Tango - all this is very much in Argentina!

Geography of Argentina

Argentina is located in the southern part of South America. In the West and the south of Argentina bordered by Chile, in the north - with Paraguay and Bolivia, and in the northeast - with Uruguay and Brazil. In the east, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. total area of this state, including islands, - 2,766,890 square meters. km, and the total length of the state border is 9,665 km.

In the center and in the east of Argentina are fertile lowlands, which are called Pampas, in the West - the Mountain chain of the Andes, in the north-west Volcanic Plateau Pune, in the north - plain Gran Choo. The highest local vertex - Akonkagua Mountain, whose height reaches 6,962 meters.

The main Argentine Rivers - Parana (4,880 km), Pilkomoyo (1 100 km), Paraguay (2 621), Colorado (1,000 km) and Rio-Negro (550 km).


Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. The population of this city is now more than 3 million people. The Spaniards founded Buenos Aires in 1536.

Official language of Argentina

Official language - Spanish.


More than 92% of the inhabitants of Christians (of which 70-90% consider themselves Catholics).

State Argentina

According to the Constitution, Argentina is this constitutional republic led by the president, who is elected for 4 years. The executive authority belongs to the President, the Vice-President and the Cabinet of Ministers as part of 15 ministers with the Chairman.

The two-bearet Argentine Parliament is called the National Congress, it consists of a Senate (72 senator) and the Chamber of Deputies (257 deputies).

Maintenance political parties - "Front for the victory", "Civil Coalition", "Socillary" and "Civil Radical Union".

Administratively country is divided into 23 provinces and one federal District With the center in Buenos Aires.

Climate and weather

The climate is moderate, in the south-east - arid, and in the south-west (Patagonia) - subanctic. The climate in pampas, despite their irritability, evenly. The precipitation is most falling in the West, and the least - in the east of the country. In Buenos Aires, the average annual air temperature is + 16c, and the average annual precipitation is 94 cm.

The warmer month in Argentina is January, and the coldest - June and July. In Buenos Aires, you can relax all year round, because There is a soft winter (May-September) and hot summer (November-March).

Waterfalls Iguazu can also be attended year-round, although in the summer months (November-March) there can be especially hot and humid.

The best time to visit the lakes in the mountains is from November to March, when the weather is similar to the climate in Northern Europe. In Central Argentina, you can travel all year round - there is a good continental climate.

Ocean off the coast of Argentina

In the east, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the coastline is 4,989 km. Winds S. Atlantic Ocean Have a very noticeable impact on the Argentine climate.

Rivers and lakes

River Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay form the main river system in this country. Not far from Buenos Aires of the River Parana and Uruguay join each other, forming the Liman Rio de la Plata. On the Iguazu River, which is the influx of Parana, are the famous Waterfalls Iguazu.

Other great Argentine Rivers - Pilkomoyo (1 100 km), Colorado (1,000 km) and Rio Negro (550 km).

In National Park, Navel Huapi, in North Patagonia, is the most beautiful Argentine Lake - Navel Huapi.

Culture Argentina

The culture of Argentina had a huge influence of immigrants from Europe. Not only Spaniards, Portuguese, the British, Scandinavians, Italians, but also Ukrainians were driving into this South American country in bulk. Therefore, you can only represent the diverse nature of the Argentine culture.

Every year in January, February and March, festivals and holidays are held almost without a break - the Tango festival in Buenos Aires, the Luis-Palau festival in Mendos, Feriagro-Argentina Festival, a passion week in Salta. Therefore, we recommend tourists to choose these months if they want to visit Argentina.

Argentina is the homeland dance "Tango". Despite the fact that the Tango now belongs to the "ballroom" dance, for the Argentines he is still a folk dance.

Kitchen Argentina

Argentine cuisine was formed under the influence of culinary traditions of local Indians, Spaniards, Italians, and even the French. Italians, for example, brought various pastes and pizza to Argentine cuisine, and the French are baking. Be prepared for the fact that in Argentine Pizza there will be a lot of filling (such is local specifics). In some areas, Argentina has even German and Welsh dishes, because There are compactly set out the people from Germany and Wales. Most of all, this country is famous for its fried beef dishes (Patagonia is dominated, however, meat dishes are goat and lamb).

Argentine steaks made of beef are very tasty by themselves, but local residents add olive oil and spices to them, which makes such a dish just fantastic.

In addition to steaks, in Argentina, tourists we recommend trying "Asados" or "Parillas" (grilled beef), "Locro" (pork stewed with white beans and corn), "Carbonado" (beef with fresh vegetables, apples and peaches), "Cazuela Gaucho" (chicken with pumpkin), "Humitas" (corn pie), pancakes with meat, "Tamales" (cornpings with meat).

The most popular local dessert is "Dulce De Lech", which can be attributed to a kind of condensed milk.

Traditional soft drinks - fruit juices, milkshakes, coffee, and, of course, "Paraguayan tea" Mate (toning drink from Holly leaves), which drink hot or cold.

Traditional alcoholic beverages - Wine (Argentina enters the top five largest wine producers in the world), whiskey, gin and beer.

Attractions Argentina

Argentina offers tourists a huge number of attractions that need to be visited. True, for one trip, even a small part of them cannot be seen - just not enough for all time.

On the River Iguazu, near the border with Brazil and Paraguay, are the famous Waterfalls Iguazu. In the area there are 275 waterfalls, the most ambitious of them - Waterfall Iguazu, whose width reaches 4 kilometers. Every year, these waterfalls attend more than 1 million tourists.

Many tourists visit the Southern Patagonia in order to see the Perito-Moreno Glacier, whose area reaches 250 sq. M. km. Scientists argue that in this glacier is one of the largest stocks in the world drinking water. The Perito Moreno glacier is located within a short drive from El Calafate, and about three hours of flight from Buenos Aires.

We also recommend paying attention to Argentinean reserves, parks and botanical gardens. This is, above all, national parks Iguazu, Los Menhiras, Los Cadons and botanical Garden Near Puerto-Iguazu city.

Cities and resorts

The biggest cities are Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, La Plata, Tucuman, Mar del Plata, Santa Fe, as well as Buenos Aires.

About 400 kilometers from Buenos Aires is a beach resort of Mar del Plata, which many consider the best sea resort in all South America.

Other popular Beach Argentine resorts - Tigre, Pinamar (thick pine forests grow in its surroundings), Miramar. We also recommend that you pay attention to the resort town of Las Gottas in the province of Rio-Negro in Patagonia. This resort is very popular with Argentinese.

Family couples for beach recreation often choose Entre Rios, which does not apply to noisy resorts, but in its vicinity there are hot springs, forest and lakes.

In the south in Patagonia at an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level, there is the most famous Argentine Ski Resort Bariloche. There are 70 kilometers of trails for skiers of different qualifications (these tracks serve 20 lifts). Other popular Argentine ski resorts - Chapelko, Kavuha, Castor, La Hoya, Penitenthes and Bayo.

In general, the Skiing Season in Argentina continues from May to September.

Souvenirs / Shopping

Most often from a trip along Argentina, tourists bring leather products (belts, purses, wallets, bags), summer clips "Espadrili", various football souvenirs, Latin American condensed milk "Dulce de Leche", Calebas with bombillary (pitcher with a tube for mate cooking ), Wine.

Work hours of institutions

Mon-Fri: 09: 00/10: 00 -15: 00

The shops:
Mon-Sat: 09: 00/10: 00 - 18: 00/21: 00


Ukrainians to visit Argentina should be issued a visa.

Argentina currency

The name of the country comes from Spanish Argento, meaning "silver".

Capital Argentina. Buenos Aires.

Area Argentina. 2766890 km2.

Population of Argentina. 43.42 million people (

GDP Argentina. $540.2 mLR. (

Argentina location. Argentina is a state in. In the West borders with Chile, in the north - with a paragument and, in the east - with and Uruguay. In the southeast is washed by water.

Administrative division Argentina. The state is divided into 22 provinces, the federal (metropolitan) district and national territory.

The form of the Board of Argentina. Republic.

Head of State Argentina. President elected for 6 years.

Higher Legislative Argentine. Double Parliament - National Congress (Senate and Chamber of Deputies).

Argentina's highest executive body. Cabinet ministers.

Big cities Argentina. Cordoba, Rosario, Mar del Plata, Salta, Mendoza.

State language Argentina. Spanish.

Religion Argentina. The overwhelming majority of the population are followers of the Roman church - 92%.

Ethnic composition of Argentina. 85% - (mainly their descendants) 15% - metises.

Climate Argentina. The climate on the territory of Argentina is diverse, which is due to the length of the state from north to south by 3,700 km. Traditionally, 6: kuyo and northwest, interfluve and northeastern region, Choo, Pampas, Patagonia, and Area Lakes, Islands Fire Earth. In the interfluve (so called the territory between rivers and) - the climate, the characteristic feature of which is very hot summer. In Patagonia (south of Rio-Colorado) - and arid. The fiery ground is characterized by a soft marine. In winter, the southern (Pampier-F) cause freezing even in the north of the state. In Patagonia, frost reaches - 33 ° C. Sewing from East to the west of 1400-1600 to 100-300 mm per year, on the eastern slopes of the Andes falls 2000-5000 mm.

Flora Argentina. Argentina's territory covers wet, subtropical forests (palm trees, rosewood, tannin). Eucalyptus, Sicomora, Acacia are brought. At the foot of the Andes spread spruce, pine, cedar, cypress.

Fauna Argentina. Representatives of the animal world Argentina - Monkeys, Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, Lama, Barny, Ants, Tapir, Lisa. Out of Birds inhabit Ostrich Nanda, Flamingo, Parrots, Hummingbirds, Hawk, Falcon, Partridge.

Attractions Argentina. In Buenos Aires - Building Congress, National Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Cinema, National Historical Museum, Colonial Architecture, Many beautiful parks. The symbols of Argentina are Gaucho (Cowboys), Tango, Drink Mate.

Helpful information for tourists

It is customary to give tips, which make up 5 - 10% of the service account, in expensive institutions often they are already included in the account.

By tradition, I will summarize all the above and systematize all the impressions about Argentina.

1. Our main impression of Argentina is practically nothing distinguishes it from Russia. In Argentina there is no special exotic: the cities are absolutely European; People dress and look also, because Most of the population - white-skinned; The food is approximately the same, nature is very beautiful, but we have mountains with lakes, the weather is sometimes very cold, and in the south there is snow at all ... that is why Argentina is very comfortable, but not particularly exciting, because Traveling is waiting for something unusual.

2. Perhaps the main distinctive trait Argentina -. As I wrote, the Argentines drink Mate everywhere: on picnics, in cars, buses, at meetings, for walks - just everywhere and always! If a big company is going to, about five matters are brewed, and they are all transmitted in a circle. Mate drink people of all ages and a different social status. On the streets to drink alcohol it is impossible - youth drinks mate and rejoices!

3. In many regions, Argentina has Siesta. The city falls asleep from 13 to 17, all shops, cafes, etc. are closed. Employees can go home at this time, spend time with family.

4. The Argentines are generally very shifted. In all its manifestations. For example, all meetings, parties and dinners are prescribed for 22-23 hours and last to 2-5 am even on weekdays. And in 22, they have a really full, tight dinner, and in 18-19 something like a punch.

The second aspect of this phenomenon is the creation of a family. Here the wedding often takes closer to 40 years. 0.O.

5. All cities in Argentina are built in one scheme. The main squares look absolutely the same, the names of the squares and streets are repeated from the city to the city, all the cathedrals in the colonial style look absolutely identical and outside, and inside.

6. In Argentina, it is customary to call the streets in honor of cities and countries. Most streets are named this way, occasionally meet the names of local heroes.

7. In Argentina, the distance is measured by blocks. If the Argentine will explain to you how to get to some place, he will say: "It's total in three blocks from here" or "It's far away, about 20 blocks, it is better to take a taxi." Block is essentially our quarter. In Argentina, all cities are built on perpendicular lines, resulting in these very blocks.

8. The famous revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara was born in the Argentine City of Rosario, but his childhood spent in little city Under Cordova - Alta Grace. Now there works by the Che Hevars Museum, which attracts a lot of tourists. Che with her family moved under Cordo because of a good mountain climate, because Ernesto suffered from asthma.

9. Argentina is very peculiar spanish language. Moreover, the pronunciation is noticeably different from the region. For example, the pronoun "I" - "Yo" in the classic Spanish sounds like "Yo", in Buenos Aires "sho", in the north of Argentina "JO". Argentines insert hissing "sh" and "w" everywhere.

10. Also in Argentina there are special words that are not in other Hispanic-speaking countries. For example, there is a popular appeal "Che", which means the type of "Hey, You", only politely. By the way, that is why Che Guevara took the nickname "Che" - in order to emphasize his Argentine origin.

11. Argentina has a black (or as it is called "blue") the currency market. Therefore, go to Argentina with bank cards is very unprofitable. Usually, all tourists are advised to bring dollars and change them on the black market, there they are one and a half times more expensive than the official course! But in the hotel you will never tell about it, only local can advise.

Also from Argentina it is impossible to translate money to other countries, buying dollars for local is very limited - hence the black market. Today, Argentina adopted a lot of measures to reduce the export of money from the country.

12. Argentines, like Brazilians, maximum individualists. The feeling of "society" they have no completely. For example, in a night bus at night, the guy can include music on the full volume, singing, clap in your hands and nobody will say anything to him. If you do not like something - these are your problems. There is also no such reverent attitude to the sleep of other people, as in Russia. If someone sleeps in the apartment - it does not care anyone, the party will be on a full time day on a weekday.

13. Argentines believe that there is no delicious meat and condenses anywhere in the world. They belong to the condensed milk with indescribable delight, eat it very often and advise all tourists to try it. In response, in Russia, too, there is a condensed milk, they laugh and think this is a joke.

14. Argentina is also proud and famous for its wine. To date, Argentina is one of the world's leading manufacturers. Wine and truth is very tasty and relatively cheap. Many regions have special tasting tours.

15. Argentina is one of the most developed countries in South America. Despite this, there are many poor people in the country, and the standard of living as a whole is not the highest.

16. On the streets here and there are for sale with pirated films and even "screen". And, which is surprising, they are popular with buyers!

17. Railways Argentina has long been abandoned and trains as such. But the bus service is incredibly developed. There are more than 50 competing bus companies in the country !!! At the station you feel in full confusion, because There are no idea what company to choose!

18. Argentines love dogs very much. It seems to me that every Argentine has one or more dogs! Often you can see people walking with a whole bundle. And on the streets just hordes homeless dogs that feel very good and calm. They are affectionate and cute.

19. Argentines are very religious! The number of churches in the cities offshore. The main religion is Catholicism.

20. Five years ago, same-sex marriages were legalized in the country.

21. An integral attribute of the Argentine toilet - bidet. It is said that the Argentines who visited other countries are very surprised by his absence. We have not met a single toilet without a bidet.

22. Poor population of Argentina earns cleaning shoes, car wash and juggling on traffic lights - while cars are standing. Also in the country there are parkers - useless people who formally help with parking, and in fact they simply require tips. In tips it is better not to refuse.

23. Argentina is a country of rebounds and protests! Protests they go constantly, and there is even a public holiday in honor of the national protest. On this day, no one works, and everyone goes to the streets with transparencies, often overlapping movement.

24. The Argentineans are difficult to call clean. At home, they go to street shoes, they are not often cleaned, and very dirty on the streets. Especially in the capital. It is impossible not to hone in a dog poop.

25. In general, Argentines are polite people. Often apologize, smile. But I can not say that they are directly very open and benevolent to unfamiliar. Ordinary such people.

26. At the meeting, Argentines kiss the cheek. With everyone, as in Brazil. No matter, you are familiar or not. If you spend time in one company, but I have never even talked, you still need to kiss.

27. In general, Argentina is safe. There is no comparison with Brazil. Although the Argentineians themselves believe that there is a lot of crime in the country. Nevertheless, you feel calm on the streets.

28. Study at the university in Argentina takes about 10 years, and even more. Usually university finish after 30, because According to them, learning here is very difficult. There are classes in the night shift, which end to 12 nights. During the graduation students, the guys shave, put on the car and carry around the city. At this time, friends and familiar graduates should rush in him every nasty. Girls are a little clipping hair, and the rest is the same.

29. Argentines are very focused on football, Diego Maradona - National Hero. But Messi nobody respects. He did nothing outstanding for the Argentine national team. He was sold to Barcelona when he was still a child. 0.O.

30. Many people speak English, to travel around Argentina is easy. Each small town has a tourist center.

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A rich and diverse culture of Argentina. Here every day reigns a festive mood. Here, for example, the beginning of the year, namely January 16, it is arranged here a big carnival. This is a tradition that has developed many years ago and still does not lose its relevance. There are a lot of such examples.

Hot, festive, actual culture of Argentina

It is worth noting that Argentina - This is one of the countries where much attention is paid to different directions of culture, holidays, science, art, and so on. There are established dates of celebrations, which have state importance, religious, territorial and other. Culture Argentina Very versatile, always shows and pays special attention to relevant, acute topics and plots.

Christianity is considered to be the dominant direction of faith in the country, somewhere around 90% of the population take it. State religion Argentina - These are Catholicism, about 75% of the people of Catholics. Protestants highlighted a part of 8-9%, there are also Jews and Muslims. Other religions also have, but expressed in very small quantities, but still have the right to exist.

Thanks to geography of Argentina Very comfortable, here there are a variety of minerals, you can grow a number of cultures, develop a multifaceted tourist business. It has many positive factors and foundations for successful development, stabilization. That's just in 2001, the country came to the state of the technical default, there was also information about a similar phenomenon in 2014, but not authorized confirmation.

Many people who have made a great contribution to world science, were from Argentina. Now there are currently developing nuclear programs, the medical industry and others. Therefore, science Argentina It has great importance Not only for your state, but also for the whole world.

Big attachment due to which culture Slla's countries known worldwide, has become art of Argentina. Now every second can call at least one famous great artist of these edges. For example, Sabato Ernesto, a copy, Gabriel Kondratyuk and others.

The combination of Spanish sophisticated dishes with Italian uniqueness, as well as the embodiment in one African, Indian and Creole features - is kitchen Argentina. This direction, has a great influence of the European style and its features.

So it happened that customs and traditions of Argentina Very much similar to features from other countries. But at the same time, they are unique and unique.

Sport Argentina

The country actively develops the direction of the media: telestations, radio stations and other. Sport Argentinaactively broadcast throughout the territory, the results of the games, the news of this category, the facts are set forth in special columns or magazines, programs that are directly intended. There are a lot of lovers of different sports directions, tournaments, competitions, contests of different age categories are often held.

And one federal. The state territory form: the southeastern region of the South American mainland, the East area and several nearby islands (etc.).

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general information

The name of the country can be translated as "silver". Although it has nothing to do with this precious metal. The main wealth of Argentina is primarily huge pastures and fertile lands. Today, the country is able to surprise tourists with the richest architectural and cultural heritage, and the capital - many more often call the southern Paris.

State device : federal RepublicThe chapter is the president (current president -), whom, by national voting, elect for 4 years with the possibility of prolongation of the presidency for the 2nd term. The Supreme Body of Legislative Power is the National Congress. Full list of Argentina presidents see.

State language: Spanish, here are also talking in Italian, French and German.

Religion: most Catholicism.

Currency: (ARS).

Favorite sports games: First of all, football; Basketball, Autosport.

Relief area

Because of the long-length length from the north to the south, the amazing landscape diversity is characteristic: the flat tropical savanna, turning into subtropical steppes - Pamppa, is spreading in the north, turning into the subtropical steppes - Patagona, famous for its harsh climate in the south.

The extensive territory of the country is divided by 4 Natural Zones:

  • mountain District of Andes;
  • northern plains (with part of the Grand Character and Mezhdrachy Parana and Uruguay);
  • Pamppa - Popular, flavored plains lying south of Grand Character, east of the Andes and the north;
  • - Extensive steppes, south of Rio Colorado.

From the West, the boundaries of Argentina are bordered - a massive mountain system consisting of parallel to each other ridges and a variety; South Andes are drawn into a single ridge with glaciers and snow fields.

The boundary of eternal snow is increasingly rising to the north, the mountains are gradually moving into an extensive lake area of \u200b\u200bArgentina in Rio-Negro and Neuken provinces, with a delightful lake. The area with a lot of picturesque lakes stretches through the territory of Chile.

Short story

It is difficult to believe, but at the beginning of the 20th century Argentina was considered the richest country of the world. There was even walking the saying: rich as Argentine. Many thousands of Europeans rushed to the picturesque foothills of the Andes, in the hope of finding well-being, - Italians, Pyrenean basks, Catalans, Galicians, Germans, Austrians, Swiss, Irish and Scots, Russians with Ukrainians and Jews. The government's efforts to populate the empty territories of the state were not crowned with success, because most immigrants were settled in the metropolitan district.

Due to the fact that Patagonian Indians, like Africans, were almost completely exterminated in wars with Paraguay and Brazil, in the South American continent, "white" or "silver" Country: Catholic - for religion, Spanish - by the method of communication, and French - Lifestyle.


Until the XVI century The territory of today's Argentina inhabited numerous Indian tribes:

  • in the North-West, the Diagians who led a spedish life, engaged in various crafts;
  • in the north-east, they lived in guers who were mainly engaged in agriculture;
  • in the eastern part of the country (in Pampa), small nomadic tribes (Kerandi, Charrua, Puellche and Hat) lived;
  • Patagonia was inhabited by the tribes of Araucanov, Teulche, Alcalufov, who traded the fabrics and skins with neighboring peoples.

In the XVI century The Spanish colonization of South America began. As with all the continent, in Argentina, it was accompanied by the ruthless extermination of the indigenous population. At the beginning of the XX century, the Indians under the onslaught of European immigrants were pushed into the most deaf corners of the country. To date, a minor number of their number lives in the north - in the provinces of Formosa (Iz. Formosa) and (CHACO); in the north-west - in the provinces of Jujuy (Jujuy) and Salto (Spanish Salto); And in the south - in Patagonia (Patagonia). Today, small groups of the Indians rushed into cities where they work in the service sector, but the main part of the Aboriginal prefers to live in the old manner, apart from society.

In the northeast, European colonization was carried out by missionaries - Jesuits, which arrived to appeal to the local population in Christianity, and, ultimately, to turn them into frozen and submissive servants of the Spanish crown. Among Jesuits were mostly Spaniards, Italians, Germans, French and Poles - that is, it was the first influx of immigrants from various European countries.

In the era of the Spanish expansion, access to Argentina to other foreigners was strongly limited, because to get permission to enter, it was necessary to live in Spain at least 5 years. Only after receiving the state of independence, a free entry into the country was opened, so the government carried out policies to attract immigrants to master the incomplete territories of the state.

It was the immigration that had a significant impact on the formation of the national composition of the population, largely determined its placement and demographic structure.

The national composition of immigrants was characterized by a wide variety, but the Spaniards and Italians prevailed. The rest of the immigrants was represented by the French, Poles, as well as refugees from pre-revolutionary Russia (Russians, Ukrainians, Jews and Russified Germans), which created agricultural settlements along (Sp. Rio Parana).

Argentina has a law, according to which everyone who was born in the country is Argentine. In the current form, the Argentine nation is formed by European immigrants in the XIX-XX centuries, therefore, more than 85% of the population refers to the white race. Today, the Argentians consider themselves about 97% of the state's population (mainly metis - descendants of mixed marriages of European immigrants and indigenous Indians), only 2% call themselves Indians. Therefore, today the country is one of the most Europeanized Latin American states. In addition, guests from Europe, Asia and from the neighboring South American countries live here.

The population of modern Argentina is mainly increasing due to a natural increase, today it is about 42.6 million people, this is the third national group in South America, they are ahead of only Brazilians and Columbians.

Argentina is ahead of the level of living many Latin American states. For example, the average life expectancy of local residents from the mid-50s of the twentieth century. It has increased in men - from 60 to 73 years old, in women - from 65 to 80 years.

Population accommodation is characterized by high concentration in the coastal Pamppace region and high levels urbanization. In general, Argentina and today is not a densely populated country (with an average density of 10 people / 1 km²).

In the current Argentina, 83% of the population lives in cities, among South American countries in the share of urban residents, it is inferior only by Uruguay. Bright a distinctive feature The country's resettlement is the so-called capital hypertrophy - more than 1/3 of the population and more than 2/5 of the population lives in the capital, Buenos Aires, this city is among the ten largest world agglomerations.


The climate is completely unique here: in the north - subtropical; in central regions - wet tropical; In the south - soft, moderate. Note that winter / summer in the southern hemisphere coincide with ours, only exactly the opposite.

In the mountainous area of \u200b\u200bthe Andes prevailing rainy weather in the morning with severe heat in summer, with snow cover in winter, with frequent dry winds - "probes". In wet, virgin forests and savannas of the plain areas, pouring rains are frequent. Average temperature indicators: in January about + 5ºС, in July + 20 ... + 22ºС.

Traveling through the southern Andam and Patagonia is best in the summer (December - February). A visit to the northern and northwestern areas can be planned for the winter (May - September).

In the spring and autumn, you will spend a great time in Buenos Aires, foothill areas, interfluve, in provinces and la-rioja. And the snow-covered hits of the Andes from May to October await fans of skiing.

Natural and historical sights

On the territory of the country with an area of \u200b\u200balmost 3 million km², with various climatic and geographical belts, many all natural scenarios develop. Nature phenomena are harmoniously combined with the sophistication and the identity of the city of Buenos Aires. Patagonian plateau, stretching south of the lake edge, is famous for its grand glaciers. Between the Atlantic Rocky coast in the East to the Great Andes in the West, where the seven thousandths reigns -, the virgin expanses spread. The list of natural miracles of Argentina is closed by the magnitude of Antarctic.

The territory of Argentina is rich in monuments related to UNESCO World Heritage Site:

  • national Parks "" in Patagonia and Iguazu (Mission Province);
  • jesuit missions tribes;
  • cave (Santa Cruz Province);
  • luxury Talampaiya and Schigalalaist Parks, there are ancient flora and fauna, which emerged 230 million years ago;
  • buildings of jesuits in the vicinity;
  • natural and historical artifacts in the valley, along the famous; And many others.

Here you can walk along the snow-covered and horseback horses, swim near the sea cats, dolphins and whales, to hang out with penguins in Patagonia, watch exotic feathers in the American Serengeti.

The famous resort is located south of Buenos Aires, in a soft climatic zone, about 600 thousand inhabitants live here, and guests and tourists have up to 6 million people per season! There are many parks where tourists are offered a show with marine quotes, dolphins and sharks. Eco-tourism is becoming increasingly popular - excursions to farms, where you can see how the sheep is cut and feed the newborn lambs, and also enjoy. The wine festival with incendiary dancing, enchanting show and the election of the queen regularly passes in Mendos.

A wonderful excursion to the city, the second largest in the country, but not inferior to the capital from the point of view of architecture. The city has the best historical museum in Argentina.

Natural Attractions - National Parks,