What changes occur in the national composition of the CBD. Territory and population - historical information, modern condition

The settlement of the Russian territory of Kabardino-Balkaria began in the middle of the XVIII - the second half of the XIX century, when the first villages appeared - the soldier, the cool-inhabitants of which were Russian and Ukrainian peasants, retired soldiers and others. In the 70s and 1980s of the XVIII century, during the construction of the Caucasian cordon line, a number of fortresses and stans were founded on the territory of the cabarda, (Ekaterinoogradskaya) where the Don Cossacks moved. In 1818, the fortress Nalchik was laid, which later became Sloboda. In the 20s of the 1920s of the XIX century, Russian villages were converted to the village on the territory of the Kabarda, and their inhabitants are ranked in the Cossack tiles. During this period, the military Cossack colonization prevailed, one of the components of the Russian population in the region was formed - the Teress Cossacks.

The II stage of the settlement by the Russian population of Kabarda began after the peasant reform and the end of the Caucasian War. Russian small-earth peasants hoped to get sections of fertile land. For the period from 1868 to 1880 the population North Caucasus It has increased more than a million, and by 1892 more than 3 million people have already reached. The royal government interested in the growth of the Russian-speaking population in the Caucasus did not prevent the relocation of peasants from the various provinces of Russia to the south. By law of 1889, they could move organized, with the help of the government, or at their own risk and risk. Especially rapid pace was settled by the Russian peasants.

In the 80s -90s of the XIX, more than a thousand families moved to Nalchik district and settlements were formed: Novo-Ivanovo (1886), Novo-Konstantinovskoye (1888), Nikolaev-Alexandrovskoe (1895), Kremenchug-Konstantinovskoye (1896) and others.

According to the administrative reform of 1888 in the TERSK REGION OF THE STANS COOL, SOLDYSKY TO CABARDE, included in Pyatigorsky (Cossack) department, and small cabardium has been attributed to the Sunzhenskoye Department (returned to Nalchik district in 1905). In connection with these transformations, the Russian population decreased in the district to 15 thousand people.

The settlement of the North Caucasus by Russian and Ukrainians was voluntary. Some of the immigrants settled in the Cossack Stitzi, the other got into the discharge of nonresident, which are not eligible for the ownership of the Cossack lands. Such "non-residents" in the Teresk region lived in 1897 more than 92 thousand people, that is, 11% of the population. The third group of immigrants settled on state and landlords. By 1897, Russians constituted a little more than 42% of all immigrants, Ukrainians are about 34%.

In 1889, 250 thousand Russians lived in the Teresk region, 182 thousand Chechens, 82 thousand Ossetians, more than 5 thousand Jews. At the same time it should be noted that the Russians and Ukrainian peasants moved to the Caucasus in search of land and salvation from hunger.

Cossacks, which made 19.5% of the Turkish population owned 60% of the plane land, deprived the bulk of the local population of the existence of the Earth. This caused not only food difficulties, but also an interethnic confrontation. Highlanders at their original land lived much worse than the Russian-speaking population. It was a state policy aimed at both the local population and to dismember the labor Russian population in the Cossacks and the "non-resident" men. If "Cossacks possessed the best lands - from 9 to 11 tits per soul, then the non-resident population was forced to rent land at the Cossacks, and the mountains even live on the land leased from the Cossacks, for example, Ingush Aul Galashka. Many Cossack Stitsa, some other years ago belonged to the mountaineers. "

With the development of capitalism in Russia, the economy of the Russian-Cossack population became the path of market relations, which resulted in strengthening economic and social contradictions. The richest ingogetic and Cossacks rented land at the Kabardian landowners. Nalogeneous residents of Sloboda Nalchik annually rented about 230 tents. Subarend developed and on its basis speculation. In the village of cool, wealthy Cossacks rented state land 30 kopecks per tenth, and passed it to small-earth peasants and Cossacks for 20 rubles.

In the Teresk region at the beginning of the twentieth century, more than 314 thousand people lived. From 1904 to 1914 their number increased by 30%. According to the census of 1897, about 33 thousand Russians were engaged in agriculture, 3,715 - construction, 2,922 trafficking, 1,485 - perception, 741 - animal husbandry, 2 thousand Russians served railways6 thousand people served in the armed forces. They were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. The Russians constituted most of the population in the cities who were independent administrative-territorial units and centers of district and departments.

Russian and Ukrainians accounted for a significant part of the urban population and industrial centers, while significantly prevailed. Most of these were officials and workers.

In the 1960s of the XIX century, the population of Nalchik exceeded 1,100 people; In 1914, it increased 7 times and reached 7,589 people, including 1,418 mountain Jews, 240 Kabardians, 100 Armenians, 62 Georgians, 52 Germans and 14 Balkarians. In 1897, the progress of Nalchik's population was 1,898 people, including Russians, 1166 or 61.43%.

At the end of the 19th century, the Russians lived in Kabardian, and in Balkarian villages. According to the census materials, there were 72 people of Orthodox religion in Balkarian societies, and in Kabardian villages - 229.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of Russian and Ukrainian people in the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria continued to increase. In 1903, 13,105 Russian and Ukrainians lived in Nalchik district., I.e. 1.4 times more than in 1897.

Up until the First World War, the number of Russian population around the district increased. Although the new settlements during this period almost did not appear, or a small farm appeared, for example, the Kolrashinsky farm next to the village of Novoivanovsky. In 1914, 12,944 people lived in Russian villages and farms. In 1913, 4,380 Russian and Ukrainians lived in Nalchik in 1913, thus, the total number of Eastern Slavic population of the Bolsh Cabardia was approximately 17 thousand people in 1914. By this time, the boundaries of Nalchik district changed, a small cabardium was included in its composition. About 2 thousand Russians and Ukrainians lived on its territory (modern borders), and in Nalchik district as a whole - up to 19 thousand people.

Over the limits of the district, about 35 thousand people still lived. (including 11,275 "non-resident who have sedrates" or "temporarily living"), and total number East Slavic population on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria approached 54 thousand years., which is 1.8 times more than in 1897, of them, Cossacks were less than 22 thousand people, i.e. Less than half. The number of peasantry and other classes on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria exceeded the number of the Cossacks, which was the result of the peasant colonization of the late 19th - the beginning of the twentieth century.

According to the All-Russian agricultural census of 1916, about 181 thousand people lived in the Nalchik district, including Kabardians - 135 thousand, Russians about 15 thousand and Jews 1,327 people.

The growth of the Cossack and non-resident population is also observed in the villages of the Kurban, Kotlyarevskaya, Alexandrovskaya and amounted to 2,779 Cossacks and 48 nonresident in 1878; 6,346 and 843 people, respectively, in 1914.

There is a half-population growth. The growth and non-price population of the villages is noticeable, which is associated with the cessation of the registry in the Cossack estate, it was granted the right of the Cossacks to pass their land for rent, giving it the same "non-resident" to take it for rent and work.

The ruin of the peasants during the crisis of 1899 - 1903. intensified. With the Cajda year, a little-earth grew, accompanied by insignificant and hunger tens of millions of peasants. Such a state was experiencing a cabardium with Balkaria.

The head of the Nalchik district in the annual report for 1900 was forced to recognize the uneven distribution of land between the inhabitants, since Large owners have the best and most part of the Earth, and most of the population suffers from small-earth.

In an extremely difficult situation during this period, Russian migrants, the so-called "non-resident" turned out to be the influx of which to the North Caucasus continued in connection with the ruin of the peasantry of the central provinces of Russia.

With increasing small ground, the conditions for renting land for non-residents every year began to deteriorate; The owners inflicted rental prices or simply refused to rent land. This circumstance forced many peasants from the number of nonresident leaves from the cab.

There were also other circumstances that forced the peasants to leave the land of the Kabarda - the Tsarist Bureaucracy (notary, the court and others), supporting major land tenure, thereby created unresolved contradictions in land relations.

The position of temporary huts was much harder than Russian non-residents. This is also explained primarily by the general smallness of the urban population, including indigenous people, which made it difficult for land rental by temporary. Cossack Stitsa had excessive lands that were rented non-resident. It should also be noted that the mountain peoples were in a more powerful position than the Russian population, while temporarous was even more powerful.

About their heavy position of Zagolov. I wrote: "the elders and other individuals turn with them as the beings of the lower order. Take everything for everything. It is almost not for the fact that temporary-bodies breathe with one air with the gentlemen of indigenous people. "

In the Teresk region in the rental of nonresident in 1903 there were 13,133 pre. Spare military land, 260 015 dec. Public ground and 9,185 pre. Cossack dull land. The non-resident of the TERSKY region was rented by state-owned and private owner, so the peasants of a number of farms of Nalchik district were rented annually at the 20 years of the Mountain Ladowners, Kazarev and other hundreds of the Earth.

At the end of the 19th - early 20th century, changes and among the Cossacks of Terek occurred in socio-economic. The support of the tsarism was collapsed - Cossacks, now no longer represented the whole, despite the preservation of the medieval orders of community and military life. Land and the Cossacks became a sharp social issue. Cossacks poorly strengthened the struggle for the land for the destruction of major land tenure.

Low-earth in Kabarde and Balkaria increased both among the indigenous population and among non-resident and Cossacks. This process of decomposition of the peasantry was inevitable in the development of capitalism on the outskirts of Tsarist Russia.

There is no doubt that the colonization of the North Caucasus, and in particular the Kabardian plain by Russian settlers, had a progressive importance for the evolution of agriculture of Kabardia and Balkaria. It is enough to indicate that until the end of the 19th century in the cabarda, the main cultures were millet (occupied 38.5% sowing) and corn (27.8%). The rest accounted for wheat, barley and other cereals. There were almost no winter crops. Everyone was singing with spring cultures. Gardening and gardening was in the infancy, and their development went under the influence of Russian immigrants.

The population of Russian villages and Kabarda farmhouses grown different field and garden crops, given the needs of the market, winter crops were widely introduced - it all had a fruitful influence on the development of the Kabarda agriculture economy and the Balkaria. The capitalist elements of the capitalist elements in the Kabardian and Balkar village began to penetrate the capitalist elements, decomposing the patrogal feudal relationship.

Agricultural relations in the country at the beginning of the twentieth century were even more aggravated. The royal government is not considered with the lack of land in the Caucasus took measures to settle the Caucasus with Russian migrants.

The vicar of the Caucasus Vorontsov-Dashkov, a faithful servant of tsarism, demanded some slowdown in the government and insisted in caution in a migrating policy in the Caucasus. He proceeded from the fact that the rapid relocation in the Caucasus of Russian peasants can create many new troubles for the royal administration and prepare the new 1905 year.

The prisoner of the Caucasus was hardly taken care of the settlement of the Caucasian Region by Russian peasants and demanded large allocations for the preparatory activities in the displaced business. I argue that for resettlement it is necessary to take people not from the inner provinces of Russia, that is, from among the peasants, completely not adapted for life in the Caucasian outskirts. They should be recruited from the Russian population of the North Caucasus - Kuban and Teresk regions, where they accumulated by 1907 to 1 million 500 thousand shower of landless peasantry (up to 1 million tenants and 500 thousand agricultural workers). It was about the methods and forms of a migrating company and initial attempts to prevent interethnic conflicts.

According to the materials of 1897, it is fairly difficult to determine the total population on the territory of the Kabarda and Balkaria, because only the total population population has been published. The bulk of the population of the current Kabardino-Balkaria was part of the Nalchik district, and the rest was part of the Pyatigorsky and Sunzhensky districts and to allocate them possible only indirectly and approximately on the national basis (village with the predominance of a native people). The total population of the Nalchik district in the census of 1897 was 102,915 people: Kabardians - 64 746, Balcarians -23 184, Russians - 4,811, Ukrainians - 4,745, other nationalities about 5 thousand.

The III stage of migration from Central Russia begins in Soviet times, when the migration was rather spontaneous in nature than a planned, despite all state attempts to streamline this process. Most of the Russian population of the republic appeared here in the period of expanding the scale of migrations into post-revolutionary and pre-war years (the famine of the early 20s and the early 1930s, industrialization, collectivization).

If in 1913 in the Kabarda of the Russians, there were 20,061 people in 1921, in 1921 there were 24,942. According to the 1921 census, 151 thousand shower of both sexes, in Balkaria, 27,535. Khristianovich V., such a high population increase (2 , 05% per year) explains for such reasons as evasion from registration at a 1920 census or staying then in the run of the population and a significant influx of Russian immigrants, extinguished from the Kabarda at the beginning of the revolution, partially returned to their return to Kabarda after 1920.

Drought and crumbs of 1920-1921 caused hunger in 34 provinces of Russia with a total population of 30 million. In early 1921, the total number of refugees from starving areas to the city's republic was 30 thousand people. For them, hostels were opened, but most of them were placed in the houses of the mountaineers. Highlanders took orphans on education. In the villages of the Kabarda and Balkaria, specially highlighted hunters shot a game for starving.

In 1920, about 25 thousand Russian residents of Stanitsa Sunzhenskaya, Aki-Yurtovskaya, Tarskaya, Ermolovskaya, Mikhailovskaya, Samashkin, Feldmarskaya, were resettled in the Terch District (Essentuksky, Minelovodsky, Prokhaladnsky, Mozdok district) in connection with the land management of the Chechens and Ingush.

The All-Union Agricultural Census was held in August 1920 in the face of the still incidental civil war. If in Central Russia martialctions They were already stopped, on the Don and the North Caucasus, they were still fierce. It was in August in August, Wrangel landed the landings on Don and Kuban. Therefore, a number of villages were not covered by the census.

In the Teresk region, it was not possible to rewrite residents of 159 settlements with the number of farms more than 19 thousand and above all in the mountain strip. Under the conditions of military operation, the population was afraid of props, hid data on their farm. So according to the statements of the census leaders in the Teresk region, rural residents reduced the number of crops, agricultural vehicles, livestock, birds are about 10% for each district.

Territorial changes also made their adjustments to the 1920 census data. The Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Region came out of the city council of September 1, 1921, on January 16, 1922, the Balkaria and the region received the name of Kabardino-Balkarian. In fact, the merger occurred only in August 1922 after the end of the census of the Kabardia. Until the autumn of 1921, Kabarda and Balkaria together accounted for Nalchik district of the Republic of Gorsk Republic, and before the formation of the Republic of Milk Republic.

Such a frequent change of administrative boundaries interferes with the comparison of the data, however, the changes in the territory and population of the change have not been great. The post-revolutionary Nalchik district, and then (under the Soviet Republic) - the Kabardian district differs from the pre-revolutionary only accession in 1921 to the Kabarda of the three Cossack Stanitsa - Kotlyarevskaya, Prokrabskaya, Alexandrovskaya with farms and a population of 8,609 (1921). In addition, in 1920, the Ossetian village of Lesken was seized from the Kabarda, which joined the Digorsky District of the Republic of Gorsa. In Leskeken, there were 2,425 people (1921).

Thus, the Kbao Square was 10.6 thousand VC. km, and the area of \u200b\u200bKbasss - 12.8 thousand square meters. km. By 1933, since in 1932, the Caboral, Ekaterinoograd and Soldiers' villages were included in the KBAO.

Nationally, the population of Kabardino-Balkarian JSC looked like this: Kabardians - 64.5%, Balkarians - 15.3%, Russians - 13.7%, Ossetians - 2.4%.

The starting breakdown of the economic structure in the village, hunger, the closure of factories and factories, resulting in mass unemployment, civil War, crumbs of 1920 and 1921, the epidemic "Spanish" and a rapid typhus - all of this caused the mass migration of the population in the 20s in the 20s, to the Urals and Siberia, although the North Caucasus was not coincided. Particularly powerful migration process was observed in 1925-1926. Subsequent years are characterized by a decline. So, at 1925/26 it was 10.7%, 1926/27 - 3.3%, and in 1927/8 - 1.3%, and in 1928/29 - 0.5%.

The Kabarda Square by 1921 increased by 27,840 tents compared with 1889 due to the included part of the former Sunzhenian department (small cabardium).

Further, the number of Russian people continues to grow moderately. According to the 1921 data in the Kabardino-Balkarian autonomy of Russians - 23 737, in 1926 - 26,982, in 1931 - 107 243, and in 1939 according to the All-Union Census - 129,067 people.

In 1939, the census registered the growth in the proportion of Russians in the North Caucasus to 68% with a decrease in the share of Ukrainians from 30.5% to 3.1%. In the Teresk province, the percentage of Russians decreased from 41.1 to 36.1 (due to the lower natural growth and smallness of Ukrainians). Since 1867, the Russians were the largest ethnic group of the region, and in 1939 the proportion approached 70% of the total population.

In the late 19th - early twentieth century. All the peasants of Stavropol have distinguished themselves from the Caucasian Cossacks, and from the "Russian" (as they said) the peasants. The population of Russian and Ukrainian villages distinguished themselves also from each other, although this opposition was not antagonistic: when concluding marriages and other contacts, ethnicity was never taken into account.

The trend towards the rapprochement of the culture of Russian and Ukrainians in the North Caucasian environment, reflected in the process of language assimilation of Ukrainians. Apparently, there was a "enlargement" of ethnic self-consciousness on the basis of the East Slavic community in the condition of the social and psychological opposition to the surrounding foreign medium. Ukrainians often ranked the local population to the Russians, and in the stative census of the population of 1920, they did not indicate at all. Information about them is found only in 1926. According to the 1926 census, there were 10,244 people, and in 1939 - 11 142 persons with families.

In all republics of the Russians there were quite a lot, and they were in constant contacts and communicating with each other. The history and reality of Russia and the country as a whole in the mass consciousness of Russians was largely identified. Nationally, although it is not constitutional, Russian. It was obligatory in the education system. The movement of nations to independence in the republics cannot not complicate the positions of the Russians here, since in the new situation they begin sharper than before, feeling "not at home." And then you have to either adapt, or align, or emigrate.

A characteristic feature for economic and social Structure The densely populated Kabardino-Balkaria was a significant predominance of small-handed production. In 1921, 92.6% of the population (Kabardians, Russians, Ukrainians) were engaged in agriculture, about 5.5% - craft. The mountainous areas of the Kabarda and Balkaria had a large number of natural type farms.

During his stay in Kabardino-Balkaria, Mikoyan A.I. He noted: "One of the important achievements of Soviet power is the national world between the Kabardians, Russians and Balkarians and mutual confidence between these peoples, the desire to surrender to peaceful work."

According to archival data in 1926, the absolute number of the population of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Region was 196,943 of the person: from them Kabardians - 127 619, Balkarians - 28 163, Russians - 26 982. However, Gonov A.M. Certains several other data - "According to the results of the 1926 census, there were 230,932 people in KBA. The number of the population as the development and hardening of state entities increased. And in 1929 there was a slightly reduction in the population, which, obviously, was explained by all the same political measures from the state (collectivization, delamination, etc.) and amounted to 215,500 people. And already in 1935, the population of the region amounted to 316,900 people. "

Along with more numerous peoples (Kabardians, Russians, Kalmyks, Ossetians, Jews) in 1928, 33,121 lived in the region, and by the end of the 30s - 38,776 Balkarians.

In the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Region in 1926, the majority of the population lived in rural areas and was engaged in their peasant economy. The village population was 93.7%. The growth rate of the population from 1926 to 1928 was quite high and amounted to about 4.5%. Representatives of fifty nationalities lived on the territory of the region, the most numerous ones: Kabardians, Balkarians, Russians and Ukrainians, who were 92.6%, accounted for 7.4% for the share of other nationalities.

Thus, in Kabardino-Balkaria, at the end of the 20s, the Kabardians dominated (60.1%), Balkarians (16.3%), Russians (11.5%), Ukrainians (0.5%).

The North Caucasian Republic was formed in Soviet times from the historical territories of neighboring peoples of Kabarda and Balkaria, on the principle of a good neighbor - better than a distant relative. Since the Kabardians and Balkarians are not related peoples and their languages \u200b\u200brelate to different language groups. In the past three years, it grows gradually, mainly due to natural growth.

general information

The republic is located on the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, in its central part. Rights with such Russian regions as Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and North Ossetia - Alanya, bordered by Georgia in the south. It occupies an area of \u200b\u200b12,500 sq. Km.

The population density of Kabardino-Balkaria is 69.43 people / km 2 (2018). It takes 10th place in this indicator in Russia. Residents live for the most part in the cities (Nalchik, Baksan, Cool), on flat and foothill, on the territory located above 2500 meters above sea level, no one lives.

Education of the Republic

The two neighboring people in the whim of Soviet power existed first in one autonomous region (since 1922), and then as part of one autonomous republic (since 1936). Even the "separation epidemic" after the collapse of the USSR could not destroy this union.

From 1944 to 1957, the republic was called the Kabardian ASSR, because the Balkarians were deported to Kazakhstan and Central Asia. In 1956-1957, the decision on repression in their respect was considered illegal. Balkarians were allowed to return home. The Republic again became Kabardino-Balkaria, two Caucasian people began to dominate the national composition of the population.

The history of entry into Russia

Even the history of entry into Russia, the Kabardians and Balkarians are completely different. Kabardians fought for their independence from 1763 to 1822. When russian troops Under the command of General Yermolov finally occupied the North Caucasus, according to some estimates, the population of Kabardino-Balkaria decreased from 300 to 30 thousand people. Most died in battles, many died from the plague epidemic, others went to other regions of the Caucasus. Finally, most of the cabarda was included in the composition Russian Empire In 1825.

Balkarians became part of Russia in 1827, submitting a petition from all of its communities to enter the empire, provided that the ancient customs, Muslim religion, thesis structure, are preserved. From this time, the Amanata (hostages) from the number of Balkarian nobility were in Russian fortresses, then many of them fought as part of the royal army.


Four years after the formation of the autonomous region in 1926, the population of Kabardino-Balkaria was 204,006 people. According to the latest pre-war data of 1931, 224,400 citizens lived in the republic. The population has increased in many respects at the expense of specialists arriving from other regions of the Soviet Union.

In the war years, a significant part of the republic was occupied by the Germans, many of its inhabitants fought as part of the Red Army. At the end of the war, the Balcarians were deported. Therefore, how many people in Kabardino-Balkaria lived in those times, was definitely failed. According to the first post-war data of 1959, 420,115 people were registered in the region. According to the national composition, the greatest share was occupied by the Kabardians - 45.29% of the number of residents of the republic, then the Russians - 38.7% and Balkarians - 8.11%. The change in proportions in the national composition is connected, firstly, with industrialization, because then many Russian specialists come to the republic, and secondly, many Balkars remained in departing places.

In the future Soviet years, the population of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria has grown rapidly. Already in 1970, 588,203 people lived in it. The number of inhabitants increased both due to natural growth and due to a large migration inflow. In the post-Soviet maximum value, the indicator reached in 2002. Then, according to the census, the population was 901,494 people. In subsequent years, until 2015, the population of Kabardino-Balkaria was mainly reduced. It was associated with the unfavorable economic situation in the region. People left for earnings in the central regions of the country. According to 2018, about 865,828 people live in the republic. The national composition has changed slightly, the prevailing groups is still the Kabardians, Russians and Balkarians.


According to the management of migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the CBD from 2011 to 2017, 37,146 people dropped out of Kabardino-Balkaria. Every year, an average of 5,306 people leaves! At the same time, at least 17-18 thousand Meskhetians, Meskhetians arrived in the CBD from the republic's republic over the past few years. None of the local ethnic groups know such rapid population growth. They changed places with Ossetians, taking the fourth place in terms of population in the CBD.

Nalchik, April 30, Caucasus Times. Migration processes in the CBD have its own characteristics in contrast to industrialized cities and regions of the country. This is connected not only with natural and geographic differences, but also by other equally important factors.

First, the CBD is one of the most tightly populated regions of Russia. Here on the square of 12.5 thousand square meters. KM., 1/3 of which are occupied by forests and mountains, 8,8,800 people live according to the 2010 census. Depending on the districts per 1 square. km. Does 80 to 180 people. On average, almost 80 people. In Russia, the population density indicator for 1 square meters. km is 8.4 people. It can be seen that the density of the population in the republic is 10 times higher than the average Russian indicator.

Secondly, the republic with a memorable of all the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of a full-scale systemic crisis to date is an employment-free region. In 2009, it served as a formal reason for the refusal of the CBD government from participating in the federal program, which gave the possibility of returning "compatriots living abroad."

Minister economic Development And the trade Mr. Musukov A. substantiated his refusal, referring to " high level Unemployment "(about 20% of the economically active population) and the lack of demand" in attracting additional labor from abroad. " By what line he adheres to so far (now he is the Chairman of the CBD government), there is a reason to think that it was not worried about economic and social problems, but easily guessing political considerations.

Over the past three decades, the nature of demographic flows in Kabardino-Balkaria has changed a lot both by national composition and in the degree of intensity. In the 1950s and 1970s, the Russian-speaking population was mastered in the CBD. It was associated with the rapid development of the industry: mechanical engineering, instrument making, construction industry, etc.

In 1964 in the village. Hasanya for permanent residence arrived the first families of the Meskhetians Turks. In 1969, with the consent of the leadership of the Republic, the Meskhetians group group of 25 families (for another version 350 people) settled in the village. Darking uranium district. Most Turks arrived in the republic, including in the village. Nartan in 1970-1980. At the same time, small groups of Turks began to penetrate the neighboring regions: the North Ossetian Republic, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory. The first Turks considered the North Caucasus as an intermediate stage of the path to their homeland.

In the CBD, the Turks took the nuclear land, equipped in all respects so that they adapt to local conditions. In 2012, their number reached on official data. 13,334 people. To date, their no less 17-18 thousand. None of the local ethnic groups know such rapid population growth. They changed places with Ossetians, taking the fourth place in terms of population in the CBD.

Since the 90s, along with the Meskhetians, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Roma, Chechens began to arrive in the republic. At the same time, in these years, Germans and especially many mountains of Jews left in mass order, which many old-timers of Nalchik recall with regret with regret.

During Patriotic War1941-1945. The Kabardians defended Jewish families from the German occupiers, but in the 90s could not protect against the racketers that were supplied.

For such movements of the population on ethnic and social attribute, there were serious causes of both objective and subjective order. In general, it should be noted that these changes, contrary to the statement of the migration service, began to be seriously affected not only on the demographic situation in the republic, but also on the problems of sociocultural and national-cultural nature.

According to the majority of experts at the present stage, the main causes of migration processes, especially the outflow of the population, are socio-economic factors. First of all, this started with the 90s of the last century of deindustrialization and the crisis in the agricultural sector of the economy, which led to the excess of the working-age population in the field. The outflow of the working-age population is directly related to unemployment, with the unclaiming of specialists in the economy of the republic.

In search of work in 2010 from the republic left 4 736 people, which is 19% higher than the 2007 level. In subsequent years, this trend intensified. According to the management of migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the CBD from 2011 to 2017, 37,146 people dropped out of the republic. Every year, an average of 5,306 people leaves! Worker-bodied people from 20 to 45 years old from cities and villages of the CBD to other cities in Russia and abroad.

By nationality, it is basically Russian, Kabardians and Balkarians. According to informal data outside the republic, more than 100 thousand people are located outside the republic. This is too much for small Kabardino-Balkaria.

Against this background, the threatening nature acquired a massive, practical uncontrolled process of immigration to the Republic of Meskhetians Turkov, Roma, etc. In 2016-2017. The Turks of 488 people arrived in Kabardino-Balkaria. These are officially registered in the management of the Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the CBD. At meetings with representatives of the municipal authorities, the power of the Claladnoy, May and Uranan districts, it turned out that there are quite a lot of "visiting" from relatives for years. Yes, the Republic of the hospitable, Kabardians, Balkarians and Russians in their relations are tolerant to other nationalities and cultures. They are always ready to help those who need help and support, if there is a real need. Therefore, the CBD became multinational since the time of tsarism. But the framework of hospitality and support cannot be infinite at all times. This is evidenced by events in the Fergana Valley of 1989 and in the Krasnodar Territory of the 90s.

Today, Meskhetian Turks live in almost all plain areas and in the city of Nalchik. In the Uranian district - in such rural settlements as Dark, Shithala, Marzoch, Black River and Narcala; In the Prokhaladnensky district - in the s / n proletarian, grape, Ulyanovsk, progress, Krasnoselskoe, steppe, guards, given; in the Maysky district - in the village of Slavyanskoye, Krasnaya Polyana, Zarechnoe, Runvang, Kabardinka, Calprasinskoye, Sarah, Novo-Kursky, Novo-Ivanovo; In the Teresk district - in the village of New Balkaria, Krasnoarmeyskoye, experienced, coumen; In the Chegemsky district - in the s / n Narna, Chegem-2; In the Leskensky district - in the s / n Yeroko, and Lesken-2. As one of the world's veterans noted from the May district, the Turks, as the hereditary farmers, were purposefully settled in the CBD in places where the most fertile lands are located.

The largest number of Meskhetians Turks falls on the Prokhaladna, May and Uranian districts. According to the 2010 census data in the Prokhaladna district in the village of 960 residents of 209 (22%) are Meskhetian Turks, in the S / P of Proletarsk, from 2,394 inhabitants of 586 (24.4%) Meskhetin Turks, in C / P Ulyanovsk from 1,444 inhabitants 767 (57%) Meskhetians Turks, etc. In the most district center, a rather large number of recent migrants lives. The intensity of migration in the Prokhaladna district shows the fact that in 2009 185 people arrived here, in 2010 - 360, in 2011 - 730, in 2015 - 254, in 2016 - 285, in 2017 M - 269.

According to official data, 60 people of Turkish origin arrives annually in this area. In total, more than 5 thousand Meskhetians Turks live here. It can be seen that in the area the number of migrants is growing in a very rapid pace, but leaves even more from among the Russian population, on average, from 250 to 300-330 people per year.

In the May district, the above-mentioned villages live from 5-6 to 20-25 Turkish families (yards) in each. They even set up villages and individual houses at railway stations, which used to live exclusively Russian families. Here their total achieves more than 4 thousand people. In 2017, the number of Turks arriving in the May district is 82 people, then as he left 232 Russians. This is despite the fact that in the area by the end of 2017 it was 5,099 unemployed. There are no longer working enterprises in industry. The social well-being of the Russian population, as in the Prokhaladna district, is catastrophically worsen every year.

By the way, the Civil Society Institutes are poorly developed in the Prokhaladna and May regions. There are no active public organizationsDefending the socio-economic interests of its population. The activities of all kinds of advice under the municipal authorities are little effective. And more organized Cossacks are occupied only by their corporate (economic and class) interests. Organs local governments A rural link with their meager budgets is so helpless as in other regions of the republic, which cannot significantly affect the situation. Therefore, in the context of the deindustrialization of district centers and the republic as a whole, Russians, without maintaining competition with migrants for life resources in the agricultural sector of the economy and trade, leave to other Russian regions in search of work by profession in the field of industrial production. Turks could not comply with the competition not only Russian, but also Koreans, whose work was in advance in the Prokhaladna, Maysky and the Uranian districts. Therefore, their departure from these areas also became an iconic event of recent years (see table for 7 pages. This article).

In the Uranan district according to last census Lived 3,690 Turks. Today they have become even more. In the Kabardian village of the village of 380 courtyards (1,824 people), 230 yards (1,100 people) are Turks (about 70%).

The ratio of fertility between the cabardians and the Turks in this village is 1: 5. Every year, the Kabardians in this village are coping with 3-4 weddings, while Turks -40-42. According to 2010, 238 students studied at the local school (now more of them), of which the Turks make up more than 70%.

Both in the district center, in Natkala, there are pre-school institutions, where in individual groups, the children of the Meskhetians are 40-50%. In 2012, the administration of the village. Digkelors allocated the villagers under the individual construction of 4 land plots. They went to the Turks, although there were rigorous indigenous inhabitants. Under such conditions, it is not wonderful that migrants assimilate the indigenous population, and not vice versa, as it usually happens in life.

According to experts in the republic there are quite a few migrants that do not have registration and registration. In general, the member of the Meskhetians Turks is complicated by the fact that before the 2002 census they were not taken into account as the Meskhetians Turks, as they were recorded by Azerbaijanis and Georgians. Only during the 2002 census due to the fact that ethnicity was taken into account by self-consciousness, such an ethnic group appeared as the Meskhetian Turks. The last few years, the Meskhetian Turks prefer to identify themselves just by the Turks. Therefore, today we have information only about those who have a permanent resistance and calls themselves the Turk. And the transformations in their ethnic self-espower is associated with a political situation abroad. For financial feeding from Turkey it is more convenient to be just Turks. By the way, Turkey is ready to take on preferential terms of all the Turks from around the world, including from Russia as ethnically close by origin. According to Internet sites, tens of thousands of Turks returned to the historic homeland from the Krasnodar Territory, Ukraine, America and various regions of Russia, which are provided with civil rights as migrants, good-quality apartments in special new buildings.

In the CBD to the present, the trend of mass outflow of Russians, Kabardians and Balkarians in Russian cities and regions and the rather large influx of Turks and Gypsies continues.

In general, the population of CBD 7 years after the 2010 census decreased by 21,610 people. In the plus only migrants of Turkish nationality. We focus on these indicators on the following, in our opinion, important reasons: FirstlyThis process acquires an irreversible nature, which may eventually lead to a noticeable imbalance between indigenous people and migrants. Exceeding the threshold, that is, the optimal relationship between the number of migrants and the subject-forming ethnic groups threatens a significant deterioration in the social well-being of the indigenous population. SecondlyThe high outflow of young people and the productive population has already begun to lead to deformation in the age structure of local residents. That is, the population of the republic is aging (in 2018, at the next meeting of the Parliament, the CBD sounded that "every year our republic ages for a year and a half"), the birth rate decreases. In January-September 2017, compared with the year ago, the number of born in the republic was reduced by 10.5%. In some areas even more. Over time, it may become that pensioners will be more than working. Thirdly, the intellectual level of the population of the republic is reduced, as the most educated and active part of the population leaves. A significant part of young people after the end of the prestigious universities of the country, as a rule, is not refundable due to the fact that in the republic there is no opportunity to work out. Their place comes to us, as a rule, small (not knowing even Russian) and the unskilled population. This leads to the accumulation in the republic as a whole, a poorly educated part of young people and the unclaimed amount of labor. Fourth, in the conditions of labor-drawing of the republic, the uncontrolled influx of migrants to us in any option is not profitable. The fact is that the work of migrants finds the use of mainly in agricultural production, at the subtense lands and in seasonal work. Therefore, they do not become taxpayers, for the use of the Earth they only pay the main tenants, i.e., local oligarchs. From them, the Republic (State) does not receive contributions to the tax service, nor in the Pension Fund, etc. But at the same time they use all social benefits of society and over time they replenish, like all other citizens of the country, the number of retirees by age. Thus, Kabardino-Balkaria actively participates in the formation of "hole" in the country's pension fund.

Among other factors that affect the social well-being of the indigenous population, especially Russian, in connection with the migration processes in the Prokhaladna, May and Uvan region, experts are called: rise in price in the real estate market, tensions in the labor market and trade, increase corruption, etc. They also believe that compared with the past years, religious extremism has become one of the factors of public security.

Recently, conflicts between youth groups of migrants and local residents have also become frequent at the household level. So far, such a character, conflict situations manage to extinguish local law enforcement authorities without giving them wide publicity. But there is a danger of emergence in the future and other socially dangerous (resonant) events.

Local residents above these areas have developed a sustainable opinion that the Turks are all living questions, including land, places in the markets and in children's institutions, registration, design of property rights and others are solved successfully on the corruption scheme. Therefore, in the competitive struggle for the vital resources, the Turks turn out to be in better conditions than locals. This is also one of the reasons why the Russians leave the republic. To keep them, the measures taken by local authorities are insufficient. And the federal level of the structure it seems that they look at this problem according to the principle, "the worse, the better," accusing the indigenous inhabitants in extrusion from the Republic of Ethnic Russians.

J. .BUT. Kalmykov, K.I., Member of the Public Chamber of the CBD, especially for Caucasus Time.s.

About how the demographic situation is changing in the CBD as a result of migration processes, digital data of the following table say:

Information on the external migration of the population in the CBD for 2011-2017.

(excluding retired and arrived from the countries of near and far abroad)

By nationality 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 For 7 years
Choose Prib Choose Prib Choose Prib Choose Prib Choose Prib Choose Prib Choose Prib Choose Prib +
Russians 3176 2374 4181 1078 3847 1294 3262 1110 2946 947 2799 1079 2415 1200 12644 9082 3562
Kabardians 876 471 1034 431 1181 319 1006 431 998 380 1030 418 1014 483 7109 2933 4176
Balkarta 293 193 265 120 319 103 213 94 231 110 219 111 160 87 1700 818 882
Turks 116 229 128 180 112 112 128 202 148 193 124 192 112 237 868 1355 487
Koreans 159 32 96 52 131 39 56 44 137 53 131 58 87 58 896 336 560
dr. nationality 13929 1484 12545

Caucasus. The edge is beautiful and strict. The world where everything is constantly changing and unchanged centuries. Here, as anywhere, a very sensation of infinity of the time and the Mig existence. The land here stretches to the sky, and nature takes the soul in captivity. And it is also a unique ethnic diversity edge. The edge of the mountaineers. Surprisingly, as peoples managed to keep their culture, identity, historical traditions over the centuries, historical traditions, their own languages.We have in the hands " business card»Kabardino-Balkaria.

"... A silver chain of snow vertices stretches on the edge of the horizon, starting Cazbek and ending with a double-headed Elbrus ... Fun living in such Earth! A special feeling is dismissed in all my veins. The air is clean and fresh, like a kiss of a child; Sun brightly, sky blue - what does it seem, more? "

(Mikhail Lermontov)

Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

Republic of the Russian Federation. Located mainly in
the mountains of the North Caucasus, the northern part - on the plain. From the Russian republics, Kabardino-Balkaria is bordered by North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, as well as with the Stavropol Territory. In the south, it is adjacent to Georgia.
It is curious that from Kabardino-Balkaria to the North Pole approximately as many kilometers as to the equator.

Population - Approximately 895 thousand people. Kabardino-Balkaria is a multinational republic where representatives of more than a hundred nationalities live. Of these, the cabardians make up about 55 percent, Balkarians - 11.6, Russians - 25.1, Ukrainians, Ossetians, Tats, Georgians and representatives of other nationalities - 8.3 percent

Capital of the Republic - City of Nalchik. The population is about 300 thousand people.

Flag and coat of arms Kabardino-Balkaria

Biography of one of the main resort centers The south of Russia and the city of military glory began in 1724, when the foot of the Mountain Caucasus Range appeared aules of the main princes of Kabarda - Aslanbek Kaitukina, Jambot Tatarkhanov, Kuchuk Dzhanhotov.

Nalchik is located in a semicircle of the mountains and resembles a horseshoe. Maybe hence the name? And from Balkar, and from the Kabardian word "cash" translates like Horseshoe.

There is another version. If you believe historians, in this place in this place there was a viscous, impassive dirt - such that with horseshoe horseshoes. Anyway, horseshoe today on the emblem of the city, and on the site of that, legendary, dirt - rapid prospectuses resting in the mountains.

The main decoration of Nalchik - Park, which is rightfully considered one of the best in Russia and the largest in Europe. Park shady allys merge with surrounding forests. In the park - 156 species of trees and shrubs, including rare and even relic. Such, for example, as Gingko Biloba.

By the way, Gingko: There is a museum in the German city of Weimara, whose employees lead the register of all wonderful trees on earth. Nalchik instances are also listed in this "Red Book."


Pearl of the Republic - Dual-service Elbrus, which goes into the sky in its highest point by 5642 meters. It is not surprising that the image of his snow-covered vertices decorates the flag and coat of arms of Kabardino-Balkaria.

In addition, it emphasizes a long-term connection between two close peoples, Kabardians and Balkarians. But the Creator, when he created this edge, as if there was little Albrus.

Within the republic, there are still five mountain gigids, the height of which is more than 5,000 meters: Dykh-Tau, Koshtat Tau, Shhara, Dzhangi-Tau, Pushkin's peak.

Sparkling glaciers, picturesque gorges, noisy waterfalls, emerald lakes - in Kabardino-Balkaria there is everything to love these places for life.


Kabardino-Balkaria says on three state languages: Russian, Kabardian and Balkar.

Kabardian language belongs to the Abkhaz-Adyg group of Caucasian languages. Writing in this language was created after the October Revolution. The literary language arose based on a large cabardy dialect.

Balkar language belongs to the northwestern branch of Turkic languages. He retained an ancienturk root clean - with its help, oriental scientists explore the ancient-test languages \u200b\u200bof the Turkic system. The modern name was received in the 1950s - until that time, he was called the Gorsko-Tatar, Gorso-Turkic, Tatar-Jagatai.

At the celebration of the 450th anniversary of joining Russia. Nalchik, September 2007


Islam Sunni direction - Muslim in the republic professes about 75% of the population. Islam came to the territory of the republic in the XIV century - it is known that the Kabardian and Adygei princes swore the Russian prince "in their faith and the Muslim law."

From the first half of the XIX century, Islam became the dominant religion of Kabardians and Balkarians. In addition to Islam, Christianity is presented in the republic, as well as Judaism. There are representatives and other denominations.


Hospitality. Kabardino-Balkaria, like other Caucasian republic, is characterized by breadcrumbag. In the house of each potsend, the travelers will feed and warm up. However, the treat is not the same for everyone. For example, women instead of a national drink - beams, clutch sweet tea. Men - On the contrary. For a random guest, the national halva is not prepared, but it will be sure to put it on the table, if the visit was known in advance.

Wedding. The groom, departing for the bride, escort the evening beer, which is going to all the village. Procession with the bride on the way there are friends and relatives of the groom - in the field they arrange a feast, raise toasts, dance. After that, guests are accompanied into the house and walk until the morning. A rider who manages to penetrate the bride on horseback, treat a large bowl of beams, lacquer, meat. The most authoritative woman of kind smears daughter-in-law lips with oil with oil so that the new family is for her as sweet and pleasant.

Birth of a child. Kabardians and Balcarians with a scope note this event. But special celebrations are arranged in the family, in which the boy appears on the light - the successor of the family. Invite many guests.

The person who trusts to be slaughtered for a sacrifice of a ram or bull, pronounces prayer. He asks God to make the boy strong, strong, give him many years of life.

In the courtyard of the house there is a pole with a crossbar, to which round smoked cheese is suspended - it is necessary to get to it along the rope and bite the piece. The winner is awarded the prize.


Kabardian horses. One of the best mountain rocks of the horses. According to the legend, the breed went from the Alps stallion, which came out of foam sea waves.

As a result of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, the livestock of Kabardian horses has sharply decreased, it costs to restore tremendous difficulties.

These horses are characterized by good memory, live temperament, caution in the mountains. Breed - worthy of his homeland.


Buza (Makhsima) - Low-alcohol, the ancient and most popular drink in the republic. It is usually prepared from corn or millet flour, sugar or honey, barley malt. Cooking for a wedding, on the occasion of large holidays and ritual events.

Lakuma - Soft and air product from the dough. Each hostess has its own recipe, which, as a rule, is not disclosed.

Halva - Favorite delicacy of Kabardians and Balkarians. Not everyone can prepare a real halvah. Often in the family, where a big feast is planned, a special master is invited, which is famous for the preparation of Halva.

Hychina - Balkar cuisine dish, the finest pies made of fresh dough with all sorts of fillings: potatoes with cheese, cottage cheese, fresh mint, meat. To visit the republic and do not try Hychini - it means nothing to learn about these places.

The recipes of Hychinov and Lakmes can be found in our magazine in the section
("Pir the Mountain - two-headed").

A business card was Alexander Lastin

Photo: Sergey Klimov, Zhanna Shogenova

The population of the region according to Rosstat is 860 709 person. (2015). Population density - 69,02 person / km2 (2015). Urban population - 52,25 % (2015).

  • 1 population
  • 2 population density
  • 3 National Composition
  • 4 settlements
  • 5 General Card
  • 6 Notes


Population size
1926 1959 1970 1979 1989 1990 1991
204 006 ↗420 115 ↗588 203 ↗674 605 ↗759 586 ↗762 288 ↗780 768
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
↗794 380 ↗803 318 ↗810 033 ↗821 149 ↗834 504 ↗846 310 ↗860 502
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
↗870 822 ↗878 990 ↗886 698 ↗901 494 ↘901 051 ↘898 948 ↘896 938
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
↘894 014 ↘891 299 ↗891 338 ↗892 389 ↘859 939 ↘859 792 ↘859 063
2013 2014 2015
↘858 946 ↘858 397 ↗860 709

100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 700 000 800 000 900 000 1 000 000 1926 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Fertility (the number of people born per 1000 people)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
19,7 ↘19,1 ↗20,6 ↗22,0 ↘19,9 ↘13,7 ↘13,0 ↘12,7 ↘12,6
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘11,6 ↗11,6 ↘11,3 ↗11,6 ↘10,3 ↗10,5 ↘10,0 ↗10,4 ↗12,8
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗13,5 ↗13,6 ↗14,6 ↗14,9 ↗15,9 ↘15,5 ↗15,7
Mortality (the number of died per 1000 people of the population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
6,6 ↗7,3 ↗8,0 ↗8,1 ↗8,5 ↗10,4 ↗10,4 ↘10,1 ↗10,4
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↗10,5 ↗11,1 ↗11,1 ↗11,4 ↘10,2 ↘9,7 ↗10,1 ↘9,8 ↘9,5
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↘9,1 ↗9,4 ↗9,4 ↗9,4 ↘8,9 ↗8,9 ↘8,8
Natural population growth (per 1000 people of the population, sign (-) means natural loss of the population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
13,1 ↘11,8 ↗12,6 ↗13,9 ↘11,4 ↘3,3 ↘2,6 ↗2,6 ↘2,2
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘1,1 ↘0,5 ↘0,2 ↗0,2 ↘0,1 ↗0,8 ↘-0,1 ↗0,6 ↗3,3
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗4,4 ↘4,2 ↗5,2 ↗5,5 ↗7,0 ↘6,6 ↗6,9
at birth (number of years)
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
71,0 ↘70,5 ↗70,6 ↘68,9 ↘68,7 ↗68,8 ↗68,8 ↗69,6 ↘69,5
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘69,2 ↘69,1 ↗69,2 ↘69,1 ↘68,8 ↗69,8 ↘69,3 ↗70,1 ↗71,2
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
↗72,5 ↘72,1 ↗72,1 ↗72,4 ↗73,3 ↗73,7

Population density

Population density - 69.02 people / km2 (2015). According to this indicator, the Republic takes the 10th place among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. But the population in the republic is unevenly posted. So above 2500 meters there is no permanent population, and most of the population of the subject lives in the foothill and flat zones of the republic.

The greatest population density is observed in urban districts (Nalchik, Cool, Baksan). Among the districts, the highest density of the population in the Uranan district, the lowest in the Cherkoe district.

National composition

% 1989
% 2002
total 420115 100,00 % ↗753531 100,00 % ↗901494 100,00 % ↘859939 100,00 %
Kabardians 190284 45,29 % ↗363494 48,24 % ↗498702 55,32 % 55,32 % ↘490453 57,03 % 57,18 %
Russians 162586 38,70 % ↗240750 31,95 % ↘226620 25,14 % 25,14 % ↘193155 22,55 % 22,49 %
Balkarta 34088 8,11 % ↗70793 9,39 % ↗104651 11,61 % 11,61 % ↗108577 12,63 % 12,66 %
Turks 0,00 % 4162 0,55 % ↗8770 0,97 % 0,97 % ↗13965 1,62 % 1,63 %
Ossetians 6442 1,53 % ↗9996 1,33 % ↘9845 1,09 % 1,09 % ↘9129 1,06 % 1,06 %
Armenians 1421 0,34 % ↗3512 0,47 % ↗5342 0,59 % 0,59 % ↘5002 0,58 % 0,58 %
Ukrainians 8400 2,00 % ↗12826 1,70 % ↘7592 0,84 % 0,84 % ↘4800 0,56 % 0,56 %
Koreans 1798 0,43 % ↗4983 0,66 % ↘4722 0,52 % 0,52 % ↘4034 0,47 % 0,47 %
Gypsy 416 0,10 % 2442 0,32 % 2357 0,26 % 0,26 % 2874 0,33 % 0,34 %
Circassians 166 0,04 % 614 0,08 % 725 0,08 % 0,08 % 2475 0,29 % 0,29 %
Tatara 1608 0,38 % 3005 0,40 % 2851 0,32 % 0,32 % 2375 0,28 % 0,28 %
Azerbaijanis 257 0,06 % 2024 0,27 % 2281 0,25 % 0,25 % 2063 0,24 % 0,24 %
Chechens 0,00 % 736 0,10 % 4241 0,47 % 0,47 % 1965 0,23 % 0,23 %
Georgians 1486 0,35 % 2090 0,28 % 1731 0,19 % 0,19 % 1545 0,18 % 0,18 %
Laktsi. 481 0,11 % 1587 0,21 % 1800 0,20 % 0,20 % 1462 0,17 % 0,17 %
Germans 903 0,21 % 8569 1,14 % 2525 0,28 % 0,28 % 1462 0,17 % 0,17 %
Ingush 84 0,02 % 664 0,09 % 1236 0,14 % 0,14 % 1271 0,15 % 0,15 %
Karachayevtsy 420 0,10 % 1202 0,16 % 1273 0,14 % 0,14 % 1028 0,12 % 0,12 %
Jews 1310 0,31 % 1726 0,23 % 1088 0,12 % 0,12 % 835 0,10 % 0,10 %
Lezgins 0,00 % 855 0,11 % 867 0,10 % 0,10 % 767 0,09 % 0,09 %
Kumyki 213 0,05 % 624 0,08 % 713 0,08 % 0,08 % 699 0,08 % 0,08 %
Belorus 953 0,23 % 2022 0,27 % 1194 0,13 % 0,13 % 696 0,08 % 0,08 %
Adygei 207 0,05 % 828 0,11 % 584 0,06 % 0,06 % 524 0,06 % 0,06 %
Uzbeks 0,00 % 424 0,06 % 290 0,03 % 0,03 % 451 0,05 % 0,05 %
Dargintsy 178 0,04 % 535 0,07 % 504 0,06 % 0,06 % 438 0,05 % 0,05 %
Avars 196 0,05 % 480 0,06 % 386 0,04 % 0,04 % 425 0,05 % 0,05 %
Abazines 103 0,02 % 468 0,06 % 514 0,06 % 0,06 % 418 0,05 % 0,05 %
Persians 217 0,05 % 485 0,06 % 511 0,06 % 0,06 % 418 0,05 % 0,05 %
Kurdi. 0,00 % 143 0,02 % 301 0,03 % 0,03 % 321 0,04 % 0,04 %
Nogai. 384 0,09 % 501 0,07 % 409 0,05 % 0,05 % 289 0,03 % 0,03 %
Mordva 305 0,07 % 727 0,10 % 490 0,05 % 0,05 % 282 0,03 % 0,03 %
others 5199 1,24 % 10264 1,36 % 6364 0,71 % 0,71 % 46602 5,42 % 5,43 %
indicated nationality 420105 100,00 % 753531 100,00 % 901479 100,00 % 100,00 % 857670 99,74 % 100,00 %
did not indicate the nationality 10 0,00 % 0 0,00 % 15 0,00 % 2269 0,26 %


Main article: Popular points of Kabardino-Balkaria Population facilities with a population of more than 10 thousand people

General Map

Legend card (With a label, the actual population is displayed):

  • Capital, more than 200,000 people.
  • from 20,000 to 60,000 people.
  • from 10,000 to 20,000 people.
  • from 5,000 to 10,000 people.
  • from 3,000 to 5,000 people.
Karachay-Cherkessia Stavropol region North Ossetia Georgia Nalchik Chill Baksan Natkala May Tyrnyauz Dugulubhey Terek Chegem Narta Islamey Zayukovo Chegem second Shalushka Hasania Salokokoja Kenezha Arguan Sarmakovo Kahun. Baxagon Malka Anzoria PsyganSu Old Cherk Kenderlen Elm Kamennikovoy Atajukino Urvan. Altud. Kashhatau Cuba Aushiger Kishek Daeysh Primalkynsky Urum Soldier Lechinkai Upper Balkaria Germenchik Hatue Aleksandrovskaya Nizhny Kurburg Ekaterinoogradskaya Babuger Planovskoye White River Kotlyarevskaya Kamenka Zhamtala Elbrus. Nizhny Cherk Upper Kurburg Cuba-Taba Popularities Kabardino-Balkaria


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2015. Checked on August 6, 2015. Archived from the original on August 6, 2015.
  2. Evaluation of the number of permanent population on January 1, 2015 and on average for 2014 (published March 17, 2015)
  3. All-Union Census of the 1926 population. M.: Edition CSB Union of SSR, 1928. Volume 9. Table I. settlements. Cash urban and rural population. Checked on February 7, 2015. Archived from the source on February 7, 2015.
  4. All-Union Census of the 1959 population. Tested on October 10, 2013. Archived from the original source October 10, 2013.
  5. All-Union Census of the 1970s. The number of cash population of cities, urban-type settlements, districts and district centers of the USSR according to the census on January 15, 1970 in the republics, edges and regions. Checked October 14, 2013. Archived from the source October 14, 2013.
  6. All-Union population census 1979
  7. All-Union Census of 1989. Archived from the original source August 23, 2011.
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The number of permanent population on January 1 (person) 1990-2010
  9. All-Russian Census of 2002. Tom. 1, Table 4. The population of Russia, federal districts, subjects of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - district centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand and more. Archived from the original source February 3, 2012.
  10. 1 2 3 The population of the CBD in the context of settlements on the results of the All-Russian Census of the 2010 population. Checked on September 21, 2014. Archived from the original source September 21, 2014.
  11. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities. Table 35. Evaluation of the number of permanent population as of January 1, 2012. Checked on May 31, 2014. Archived from the original source on May 31, 2014.
  12. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table. 33. The population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements). Checked on November 16, 2013. Archived from the original source November 16, 2013.
  13. Evaluation of the number of permanent population as of January 1, 2014. Verified April 13, 2014. Archived from the original source April 13, 2014.
  14. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  15. 1 2 3 4
  16. 1 2 3 4
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  18. 1 2 3 4 4.22. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  19. 1 2 3 4 4.6. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  20. Fertility rates, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2011
  21. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2012
  22. Fertility rates, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2013
  23. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2014
  24. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  25. 1 2 3 4 4.22. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  26. 1 2 3 4 4.6. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  27. Fertility rates, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2011
  28. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2012
  29. Fertility rates, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2013
  30. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2014
  31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Life expectancy at birth, years, year, the value of the indicator for the year, the entire population, both
  32. 1 2 3 Life expectancy at birth
  33. Demoscope. All-Union Census of the 1959 population. National population in the regions of Russia: Kbasss
  34. Demoscope. All-Union Census of 1989. National population in the regions of Russia: Kbasss
  35. All-Russian population census of 2002: population by nationality and ownership of the Russian language in the subjects of the Russian Federation
  36. The official website of the All-Russian Census of the 2010 population. Information materials about the final results of the All-Russian Census of 2010
  37. Chechnya Chuvashia The edges

    Altai Transbaikal Kamchatka Krasnodar Krasnoyarsk Perm Primorsky Stavropol Khabarovsky


    Amur Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Belgorod Bryansk Vladimir Volgograd Vologda Voronezh Ivanovo Irkutsk Kaliningrad Kaluga Kemerovo Kirov Kostroma Kurgan Kursk Lipetsk Leningrad Magadan Moscow Murmansk Nizhny Novgorod Novosibirsk Omsk Orenburg Penza Oryol, Pskov, Rostov Ryazan Samara Saratov Sverdlovsk Sakhalin Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula Tomsk Tyumen Ulyanovsk Yaroslavl Chelyabinsk

    Cities of federal significance

    Moscow St. Petersburg Sevastopol

    Autonomous region


    Autonomous districts

    Nenets1 Khanty-Mansiysk - Ugra2 Chukotka Yamalo-Nenetsky2

    1 Located on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region 2 located on the territory of the Tyumen region

    Population of Kabardino-Balkaria Information about