Business card of a rural librarian presentation. Best library

The Ohloevsky rural library has functioned since 1937 as the hut-reading room. In the first years there were about 100 books. Manukhin L.P.P. G. has 1165 books. 8 newspapers issued, 8 magazines. Number of readers-99. In 2000, the General Book Foundation-8842 copy. The number of readers-600. Serves settlements: Irhkasy, Ochoevo, Xinyal-Orata, Torinkenkass, Yatmankino, Shupos. Currently, the library serves 645 readers. Annually subscribe to periodicals. Library readers have the opportunity to get acquainted with newspaper and magazine names.

Since 1950, Belskaya Olga Mikhailovna Since 1950, she worked as a master serving 39 years, was a neat, disciplined worker, helped librarians in their difficult work.

Ilina Zoya Ilinichna Library was famous for the frames. Good word Remember the head Ilyina Zoya Ilinichna. She was an energetic professional who miserable to rally people acquired deserved popularity from the villagers.

Yerzhakova Galina Valerianovna G. She was an energetic worker and knew her job.

List of librarians worked in the Ohloevsky library. Manukhin Luka Petrovich (1937) Manukhin Nikit Petrovich (1938) Sergeev Guriy Sergeevich (GG.) Belskaya Olga Mikhailovna (GG.) Lepihkin Anton (GG.) Surikov Alexander Petrovich (GG.) Sofronov Herman Egorovich (GG.) Moses Peter Ivanovich (GG.) Ershov Leonid Kuzmich (GG. Efimov Veniamin Pavlovich (GG.) Stepanova Evgenia Stepanovna (GG.) Fadeeva Galina Semenovna (GG.) Semenov Nikolai Semenovich (GG.) Ilina (Barinova) Zoya Ilinichna (GG.) Yerzhakov Galina Valerianovna (GG.) Krasnov Konstantin Ilyich (GG.) Yershova Zoya Dmitrievna (1980) Yatmanova Love Andreevna (GG.) Illarionova Rimma Semenovna ()

As part of the Decree of the President of the Chuvash Republic "On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic" on June 21, 2007, a model of the Orata Library opened. Currently, a computer, printer, scanner, color TV, Du-player work in the library for users. The library has been replenished with traditional electronic resources: periodic publications and books, audio video cassettes, CDs and databases on various media, electronic presentations.

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"Let the world blow the winds of change, but the library will always live, and the books of oblivion and Tlen will not touch the books ..." Reading room Subscription department of the acquisition and processing of the Cabinet of legal information Methodical department

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The first mention of the library in the "Description Chernihiv province", T.11 1899 p.377. 1897: "The libraries in the next settlements are open in the Mallza district: ... Red Rog, .. the town of Pochep." In 2012, the Podle Inter-Seless Library will celebrate its 115th anniversary. During the years of its existence, the library was located in different buildings. In 1966, a new building was built for her, in which it is and is still.

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Place is historical. In the XIX century, the Palace of Count Kirill Razumovsky was touched here, in which the richest library was collected. Alexey Mikhailovich pearls were born here. The cousin A. K. Tolstoy, one of the creators of the image of Kozma Prutkova., The poet, who left the "trail of an elevated dream in Russian literature, and the sorrow of the sincere, and the Duma humane." The library has a memorial plaque indicating this event. Palace of Cyril Razumovsky. .g. Poise Inter-Sectical Library G. Pochep2011

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At all stages of its development, the library performed and performs an important educational mission, it is constantly in the center of public life. The main mission of the library is to create a convenient, comfortable space for reading, communicating, enlightenment, the development of information culture, as well as spiritual and cultural Development Personality. Objectives and objectives of the library: Promotion of a book and reading in accordance with the goals and objectives of the National Program for Support and Development of Reading; Organization of exhibitions, information materials on the activities of the authorities and the implementation of national projects in the country, region, region; Collection and provision of various information for the population of the municipal district. Information support in the formation local governments; Educational work to help the legal, environmental, patriotic education of local history activities. Propaganda Books and Libraries Research work in the framework of the library program "Studying, Promoting Life and Creativity of the Russian Poet and Dramaturgore AK Tolstoy"; Creating comfortable conditions for communication, leisure in the library;

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Folk wisdom reads: "One book of thousands of people teaches" "The time of the ages of the Book Grow a person" "The mind without a book that the bird without wings" is the motto of our library. The library has a huge wealth. It has 53648 copies of various editions. 3844 users are serviced annually, which are issued about 80 thousand copies of various documents. . Library - guardian and promoter books. And in the books the wisdom of the centuries, the experience of generations, dreams of the future. With the book we find the way to heart, soul, good the way to each our reader. In this, social partners are provided for us in an invaluable service:

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We promote a book using various forms Readers service. Doors to the library are open to everyone.

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One of the main directions of work is patriotic education. Together with all of Russia, the poles were held on the thorny path of the Great Patriotic War. Pochevsky partisan detachment named after Fourmannov, who has in its ranks up to 400 folk avengers, did not give rest during the day or night. The seven glorious sons of the Podle Land were awarded the title Hero Soviet Union. The glorious combat traditions continued sons and grandchildren, fulfilling their civil debt in Afghanistan by the North Caucasus. Our task through books, meetings with veterans and participants of battles, participation in district events convey the concept and awareness of the involvement of each present to understand the essence of the "War" phenomenon

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Children's book of memory is the family work of our young readers, their parents, grandparents. The presentation of the exhibition "Holy Memory of War" was held at the Central Square of Pochep. It traditionally collects people around the city and the area, because It contains a rich local lore material.

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To the 25th anniversary of the accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant In the Inter-Seless Library, the Day of Information "Chernobyl: 25 years later" on which participants in the elimination of the accident residing in the Pochele region were invited. The library took part in the regional virtual scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP (Maslenko S.M., "The work of libraries to help social adaptation Liquidators accident at the Chernobyl NPP).

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The research work of the Brochure "Holy Memory of War" is a collective work of librarians of the Pochevsky district, it contains all information about the monuments of the war located in the territory of the Pocheney district.

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The library initiated the holding of a round table on the topic "Preservation and development of cultural traditions of the Pochevsky district". The round table collected a variety of representatives of the public, clubs, associations, managers, local historians, invited to the participation of the leadership of the district. The result of the event is the need for software, targeted solving problems of preservation and development of cultural heritage.

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It was a tradition to the Day of the Orthodox book to hold events with the participation of the adolescent district of Archpriest Father Vitaly, the Museum staff, school students. Exhibition of Orthodox Literature, Execution of Spiritual Music, Reading Orthodox Pies, Presentation of Church Books - All this can be seen and hear on the thematic evening in the library "Transferring the Slavic Slavic" library with the Orthodox Church

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"He is happy who is happy at home" L.N. Tolstoy Library systematically promotes literature, chasing family values, and from the moment of the institution of the holiday dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty (July 8), made the initiator of the regional event dedicated to this Day. It traditionally passes together with the leadership of the district, regions of the register, guardianship and guardianship, center children's creativity, representatives of the clergy.

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"Touching the Mirozdan, which left us Tolstoy ..." Over the years, within the framework of the district program, the library has been working to study and popularize the life and creativity of A.K. Tolstoy. This name is known and expensive to every resident of the Pochepsky district, because the village of Red Rog-spiritual Motherland of the wonderful Russian poet, prose and playwright. The literary living room in the library is a favorite venue of events.

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The library has clubs for interests, where employees offer each club participant to know the new and reveal their talents.

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Local Lore Club "Nemigi" Library keeps work on the preservation and development of national culture, education of love for his country, native land, family. In order to identify and popularize local lore information, the supporting initiatives of local history lovers in the library was created by the Local Lore Club "Nemiga", the name of which is associated with the name of the Nemigi River, which has eaten by its waters of the ancient inhabitants of the prick. During the year, events are held in the club.

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literary-musical evening "... in sadness of the nodded, the heart remains mine ...", dedicated to the work of V.Sapunov

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Literary-musical evening " Malaya Motherland, or point in the universe "dedicated to the literary, poetic, musical, executive, artistic creativity Summary.

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Literary-musical evening "Like a restless continuation", dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Gregory Isaevich Stapleeyev, a native of the village of Setolo Pokhiyansky district took part in Tatyana Grigorievna Emelyanova - Daughter G.I. Stafeev

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Presentation of the Book of a native of the village of Nikolao Nikolai Feoflovich Nikitina "Rus Righteous." The purpose of the event is the introduction of young people to reading historical literature, an increase in historical knowledge.

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Coordinates the work of the Nemiga club, the lead bibliographer of the Inter-Sensitive Library - Svetlana Mikhailovna Maslenko. Thanks research work The library received materials and photos from personal family archives of local residents. Card file creative people, natives of the Pochetsky district, replenished with 25 new names. Previously published book "Pages of the History of Pochevsky District" (compiler Maslenko S.M.) Because of his relevance reissued in 2011.

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Club "Ogorodnik" in the library Successfully operates the club "Ogorodnik". It is very popular among residents of the city. His meetings are held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Participants in the club at meetings are offered not only the topics concerning gardening, gardening, but also cognitive information clocks dedicated to the work of readers, poets, composers.

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The "Interlocutor" Club emphasizes in working with young people we are doing at events that contribute to the formation of active civil position in young people, an increase in the level of legal knowledge that youth are needed in all spheres of public life.

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Club "Overcoming" The library has become a venue for people with disabilities. Since 2001, the Club "Overcoming" has been working, in which literary-musical evenings, reviews of new books, information clock, conversations are held. Participants are looking forward to regular meetings in the club.

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During the year, librarians spend conversations with disabled victims at the meetings of the Society. Together with Bryanskaya regional library For blind and visually impaired in the Inter-Sectory Library, a special literature is opened and operates

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Club "Fatherland" his poems reads Lyudmila Grechko's oldest member of the Fatherland Club by A.N.revonenko since 2003 for lovers of the poetic creativity of local authors, promoting books of writers of Bryansk region and our countrymen living outside the region, the club operates in the library. Fatherland ", whose name is consonant with the Pokhiy Literary Association" Fatherland "(Head A.T. Kozyar)

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New is well forgotten old. So it is possible to say about the promotional service of readers, in the sense that this work began to be carried out in a new format. The librarians of the District have always worked for Books, delivering to the house of books to those who cannot visit the library. In 2011, 43 readers were served at home. The 21st century has made their own adjustments to the out-bymentar service: a complex of information library service (CIBO) appeared in the bonber (Cybo), with the help of which G. Vochep and S. Alkesevsky were served in the Pochele region. For 2011 65 readers issued 355 documents. With the help of the Cybo information base and the possibility of accessing the Internet, residents of S.Alekshevsky were able to satisfy information requests to perform course work, school reports. DVDs and CDR discs used in children and adolescents. Readers of older - social networks. Employees of the deployment of the deployer service of the bonber im.F. Tyutchev provided assistance to employees of the Inter-Seless Library in advanced training: Pogrebnaya O.V. Consultation "Enter entries to the electronic catalog"

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Library We go to the presentation prepared Dubinina Elena Vladimirovna Pedagogue-librarian MBOU "Khomutovskaya Sosh"

You look at the outside: the house is like a house, but there are no residents of the usual in it. In it, the books are interesting to rows of close: both Chernomor, and the king Gvidon, and good grandfather Mazay. What do this house call? Try guess!

What is a library?

The library is a set of books that one person or many people have gathered with love and keep with care.

Readers - those who read to whom the works of literature are addressed; Those who visit the library.

Library Form - Card Card Set Sample Applied in Library Work

Subscription Reading Hall PC

Subscription is a place where books are issued to the house.

The reading room is a specially equipped room with a library for reading and classes with books.

Book switch - book storage room

School Library of the School Library Foundation 4270 Ex. textbooks 9 624 copies. fiction

Collection of books B. library Fund Books in the library are placed in a certain order. People learned to group information, combining it on the basis of general signs.

Collection of books in the library fund help to find the necessary book by the shelf dividers

Catalog - Card Cards with any information located according to certain rules.

The rules for using the library in the library must behave quietly, because Noise interferes with other readers. Books need to return on time, because they are waiting for other readers. In our library, the book can be taken on 10 days. With library books, it is necessary to treat particularly carefully so that they can read as much as possible guys. Library books can not be lost, otherwise not a single book will remain in the library. Books in the library (from the open access fund) must be put exactly to the place where you took them. Otherwise, the librarian will not be able to quickly find this book for another reader.

The history of the library of the Thinekasinsky rural library opened in March 1996. The library is located on the territory of the Schirelposin rural administration of Cheboksary district. Its users are residents of D.Novy Tagnets. The library is located on the first floor of the nursery building - Rodnichok Garden. The main activities of the library: aesthetic education of young people, regional studies, leisure activities and an increase in the information culture of the population. Book Foundation Library of thousand units. Storage. In 2003, the entire copy of books and brochures was received. 1661 people live in the library service zone, of which the library users are 616 people, incl. children - 240 people. They visited the library once. For 2003, the bookman made up thousand copies. Library Square - 50 sq.m.

Children's Theater "Stray Artists" The main activities of the library: aesthetic education of young people, regional studies, leisure activities and an increase in the information culture of the population. The library employs a children's stray artists, whose participants are the students of the Thinkasinskaya Sosh and the pupils of the nursery-garden of the Spring. Spectators were presented such performances as the fairy tales of Grannushka Arina, or the magician of the Pagan Rus, the adventures of literary heroes at the New Year tree.

"The theater of the book" Masks "In 2002, the library became a diploma of the republican competition of innovative and variable programs in the field of state youth Policy, presenting the project theater of the mask book, in 2003 the library prepared a project to create a model library on the basis of the Thinkasinsky rural library "

Library - education Centre The library has intensified work as an educational center. Coordinating their activities with the school, it collects and provides information from a psychological, economic, medical nature on the main aspects of the choice of profession, forms a database of educational institutions Russia, Chuvash Republic and the conditions of reception in them.

Friends of the Library also established cooperation with Nasry - Spring Garden, Thinekasinsky Rural Club: Joint events are held, such as literary - family game Family, home, pedigree, folk holiday fun on Maslenitsa, literary journey We are still in a hurry for miracles, etc.

OJSC "Chuvash Broiler" has been established cooperation with OJSC Chuvash Broiler. " OJSC "Chuvash Broiler" is one of the leading and promising enterprises in the meat poultry industry in the Chuvash Republic and the Volga region, which specializes in the production of dietary, environmentally friendly chickens - broilers. Director of OJSC "Chuvash Broiler" - deputy of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic Vadim Ivanovich Nikolaev. OJSC Chuvash Broiler represented by the Director General of V.I. Nikolaev, provided sponsorship aid in the amount of 10 thousand rubles for the purchase of furniture and books.

Model Library In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Chuvash Republic on the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic, comfortable conditions for users were created, the libraries' premises were repaired. Computer, audiovideo apparatus are installed. The library provides readers of 13 newspapers and magazines. September 30 will be a presentation of the Thinkasin model library. Cost: S.A. Mikhailova - head. Omo.