What questions are worried by students in institutions. What cares students? Formation of youth policy and the value of the new generation

20 years ago, employees of the pedagogical university decided that the problems of young people should discuss its representatives, and collected students to the first conference.

The first 20 reports student read in April 1998. Then they talked about professional self-determination, religion, politics, cultural values, health, development of student self-government. This is also told now, but only in more detail, it is not only voicing problems, but also offering options for their solutions.

"I study on the fourth year of the History Faculty, has already passed through the production practice at school and that is why at the anniversary conference raised its importance for students - tells Alexey Filippov.- It happens that, coming to school, a student can hear from the teacher: they say, forget everything you were taught in the university, everything is different. Not really. University teachers give the necessary knowledge that will help adapt in practice. Students can quickly switch, only need to keep in them interest in the profession. "

Who to control?

This year, students from Belarus, China, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, as well as from Moscow, Voronezh, Saratov, Yekaterinburg and Tula became participants in the conference. Future teachers, psychologists, lawyers, economists, engineers, agrarians told their peers about those problems that exist in their countries, cities and settlements. Something close to everyone, and something becomes the scourge of only one country.

"My report about Mate," says freshman Alexander Imp. - The speech portrait of our society looks worse because of the fact that the younger generation uses in his speech mat. This is a serious social problem. First of all, to solve it, it is necessary to control the means of a mass of information and the Internet, since not only in everyday life we \u200b\u200bhear on the street, but often from TV screens, and I generally keep quiet about video videos.

Where to go young?

But the most Russian, and foreign students are worried about employment.

"In Afghanistan, in 2014 there were 25% unemployment, in 2016 this figure rose to 40%," says Miras Haru. - Problems of employment apply to the youth. Moreover, they affect its stronger, because a young specialist is so difficult to settle: everywhere requires experience. "

One of the solutions can be a quota in production for young professionals, but this still has a lot to learn to representatives of power.

The high fee for training is the main problem that concerns students of Russian universities, testifying the survey data conducted by the research center of the Superjob.ru recruiting portal. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year in Russia there were about a thousand institutions of higher professional education, in which approximately 7 million students are trained, of which 3 million have chosen full-time education.

About a third of students (28%) is most worried about high training in high school. "It is very expensive today to learn. Although on a commercial basis, at least on the budget. It worries that the fee for learning every year more and more," the respondents say. The fifth of Russian students (20%) does not care anything at all. "There are no problems now. I'm on the fifth year, so it bothers me," says the participant of the survey. The need to combine work and study is concerned about 15% of respondents. According to respondents, training suffers from this most.

"The main problem is that employers are not released on school leave. You have to go to normal, or in general to skip the session. Much time goes to work, therefore, the time to delve into the training material less than I would like," the students will do. A minor part of the students (10%) is concerned about the difficulty of employment at the end of the university and the lack of a graduation distribution system. "The university does not bother the further fate of the student. No distribution, no connections and agreements with enterprises," say respondents.

The poor quality of education and the low professional level of teachers concerns 7% of respondents. "It is concerned that by completing the institute, I can hardly work for the profession for which I am learning because I understand that I don't understand anything in it. I just keep quiet about ignorance," the survey participant shares. Despite the fact that the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov intends to declare war bribery and plagiarism in Russian universities, the students themselves, this topic practically does not care. Only 4% of students are concerned about corruption, bribery in the field of education. "Nowadays everything is sold and bought," the respondents say.

An even smaller number of students (2%) worries the lack of practice while learning in the university. "At the university give a minimum of practical knowledge. There is no base for practical classes, you will not leave any lectures. There is no provision by the University of Industrial Practice," say students.
The survey was conducted on November 13-16, his participants became students of universities of all regions of the Russian Federation who wish to combine work and studies or already combining. Sample size - 500 respondents.

survey of students of universities Vladivostok on identity values

Value orientations of students in the context of the development of youth policy.


V. E. Chalnichenko, student G. BPS-11

One of the most important indicators of the state of society is the situation of youth. The prospects for the development of young people largely depend on regulating from the state. With the transition of Russian society to a new path of development, youth policy is becoming a significant social phenomenon. On November 29, 2014, the President of the Government of D. Medvedev approved the "Fundamentals of the State Youth Policy until 2025", aimed at raising citizenship and patriotism, the formation of the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle and the family institution. One of the priorities of the State Youth Policy is to form a system of values. To solve the tasks set, it is necessary to study the value orientations of modern youth. This knowledge will help in finding answers to the question which technologies can be the most optimal and effective.

Modern domestic psychology develops a non-classical approach to the study of values \u200b\u200b(D. Leontyev), the main feature of which is the provision on the inseparable communication and mutual influence of the three components:

Public ideals and value content of public consciousness

Subject embodiment of ideals in people's activities

Value orientations of individual

In other words, the broadcast in the society of value content occurs through activities (a huge contribution to the world psychology was the development of the Soviet psychologists of the concept of an activity approach). Awareness and positive attitude to value is not enough for assimilation by their individual, in order for this social value to become personal value. A prerequisite for the interiorization (assignment) of the identity of the Company's values \u200b\u200bis the inclusion of a subject in activities (preferably collective). An example is the assignment of the values \u200b\u200bof the reference for an individual of a small group.

At the department of the FUE, together with students of 4 courses within the framework of the PIO, socio-psychological studies are held. The first study was guided by studying the assessment of the quality of the educational process and the identification of value orientations of students. The size of the sample was 242 people. 1 and 3 courses of different preparation directions.

To study the value orientations, the modification of the method of R.Inglhart was used. The most significant values \u200b\u200bof the families were family well-being - 30% - 1 course and 27% - 3 course and material wealth 20% - 1 and 3 course. Such values \u200b\u200bas "the ability to enjoy democratic freedoms" and "construction of a more humane and tolerant society" scored the minimum amount of 2 to 4%.

The results obtained can be analyzed using a three-level model of the identity system, allowing to identify orientation on values:

Adaptation (survival and safety);

Socialization (social approval);

Individualization (independence and self-development).

In the first place in students, both the first and third courses are the type of socialization values \u200b\u200b- 45% - 1kource and 51% - 3 course, i.e. focus on family, career, public recognition. On the second, the type of values \u200b\u200b"Adaptable" - 36% i.e. focus material wealth, health, order. On the third, the type of valuables "individualization" - 19% and 16% i.e. focus on self-realization, freedom, tolerance.

Next technique: "Express - diagnostics of social values \u200b\u200bof the individual", which revealed basic values. The priority values \u200b\u200bare physical (health values \u200b\u200band outdoor activities), the average value is 18.5%, intellectual - 15.5%, professional 16%, then family - 14.5%, financial - 14%, less significant values: spiritual - 6% and public - 5.5%.

The third methodology "Methods of identifying life values" Ivanova, Kolobova is a kind of verbal projective tests (unfinished proposals).

When analyzing the results obtained, you can make the following conclusion with the most priority values \u200b\u200bconsider:

Professional values \u200b\u200b- 29% - 1 course and 42% - 3 course;

Material values \u200b\u200b- 18% - 1 course and 21% - 3 course;

Social values \u200b\u200b- 29% - 1 course and 21% - 3 course.

It is also interesting to analyze the choice of negative (harmful people and society) phenomena. The most negative phenomena students consider drug use of 23%, abortion - 12%, pollution of nature - 10.5%, suicide - 9.5%. The minimum number of points scored a divorce - 3%, lies - 3%, income hiding - 1.5%.

The slogan that comes to the lifestyle: the most topical slogans "always forward" - 20.5%, "Hurry to do good, leave after yourself, something good" - 18%, "Enjoy life" - 19.5%.

The main problem of Russian society is to solve a housing problem of 41.55, 11.5% of respondents chose the activation of youth policy.

In conclusion, I would like to cancel that the predominant majority of students, more than 90% estimated their performance as excellent and good, while he learns "Easy" and "very easily" 77% of respondents.

The second study was aimed at studying the priorities of the development of youth policy, the questionnaire was developed by the GMUP Department, 76 people 1 and 3 courses participated in the survey. The following areas are priority: Social support for student youth; warranties in the work of labor and employment of student youth; Creating conditions for self-realization of student youth; maintaining and developing additional educational programs; Formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth.

Little priority: the development of the cultural exchange of youth of other cities, regions, states; support for the activities of student associations; The involvement of young people in the management of the university.

The third study is aimed at studying the value orientations of students of various universities in Vladivostok (TGMU, FEFU, Moscow State University named after Nevsky, Two MIA Russia, the Customs Academy). At the moment, TGMU data are processed and they have a greater correlation with the results obtained in the VGUES. In the future, it is planned for a comparative analysis of the results on various universities, in the direction of training and depending on the score of the USE.

Summarizing the results of research can be concluded that modern students have the values \u200b\u200bof material, professional and intellectual, as well as the value of a healthy lifestyle, on the other hand, public and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare not priorities. Consequently, such tasks of youth policy as "formation of a civil position", "patriotism", "national idea" will remain simulats (empty forms), while we do not realize that it is possible to fill them with content only with specific cases. That is, given that system of life priorities, which has developed at modern students, as part of an educational institution we can talk about material incentives, opportunities for additional education, the implementation of sports aspirations, to create the conditions for the implementation of various projects in the activities.

Its vision of the further activities of the Social Assistance Foundation to students "Studdlebond" are told by his head of Anna Lapenko and the head of the "Mutual Service" of the Roksan Gabrielyan Foundation.

What is "studddond"?

In early 2016, on the initiative of the "Young Guard", the Fund of Social Assistance to students who fell into a difficult life situation, "Studdledd" was established. The activities of the Foundation are aimed at providing legal, psychological, social assistance. Within the framework of the "Mutual Assistance Service", working on the "Studfund", in need of students, apply to targeted social assistance, as well as assistance and support for universities and dsces in emergencies.

In more than 80 subjects of the Russian Federation, the Fund represent regional human rights defenders who understand each field situation.

About 60 legal clinics are open on the basis of Russian universities, where students can seek help and advice. In addition, students can talk about their problems on the Studfund's hotline or on the studies of Studfond.rf. Since the beginning of the current year, more than three thousand calls have received a hotline phone number.

What help do students need?

In most cases, students are worried about legal issues: delay in scholarships, recovery of training after academic leave, social benefits, curfew, improper household living conditions in hostels, compliance with sanitary standards and pricing in student canteens, work and service of medical offices in universities, benefits for Pregnant students, compliance with fire safety in student dormitories, raising prices for training in connection with inflation and much more.

The most resonant cases this year were: appeals about the improper state of the dormitories, the temperature regime in the rooms, the cancellation in a number of regions of transport benefits for students, a delay in a number of universities of scholarships, deprivation of accreditation of some universities and translation of students to other universities, closing educational institutions.

Below we will tell you more about the most resonant situations whose permissions achieved "Studdle".

Unworthy living conditions in the hostel?

After numerous appeals of students of the Astrakhan region, the fund began monitoring of hostels universities and custody of the region. Activists visited the hostels of the Astrakhan State Medical University. During the week, bedrooms, food block, showers were tested, measured the temperature regime and rated the safety of electrical wiring in hostels during educational institutions. According to the results of the test, the temperature in the residential premises turned out to be higher than the norm, but other problems associated with accommodation were identified. Similar monitoring was held in the Khabarovsk Territory, and at the moment it takes place in St. Petersburg.

Did you cancel benefits for student travel?

In regional media, there were reports at the beginning of the year that students are canceled by preferential passage in public transport. Journalists referred to statements by representatives of the authorities, who call this measure forced and explain its insufficient funds in the regional budget. In some regions, human rights defenders really began to come similar complaints from students. The inspections have shown that in reality the problem did not acquire a global scale, and the media reports are often exaggerated, and the authorities of a number of regions (Rostov region, the Khabarovsk region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, the Saratov region) or preserve benefits to the full, or abbreviations are only partial.

In early January of this year it became known that the municipality Veliky Novgorod canceled preferential student travel. Because of this, for students, the cost of the travel ticket was the disproportionate of the resulting scholarship, the size of which is about 1,200 in the university and 500-800 rubles in college. After a number of students' appeals, a meeting was held with students of universities of Veliky Novgorod. Within the framework of the round table, young people were invited to develop their proposals on solving this problem and discuss them with representatives of municipal and regional power. On January 25, a meeting was held with the Governor of the Region Sergey Mitin, representatives of the Administration of the Veliky Novgorod and students of Novgorod universities. As a result, the benefits for individual categories of students were saved.

In early October, information appeared in the media that Samara region The fee is significantly raised both for one-time passage and on preferential tickets in public transport. After the dialogue initiated by the "Studdle", the dialogue between the student and representatives of the region in the city mayor's office signed a resolution, according to which limited cards were introduced on 20 and 40 trips worth 300 and 600 rubles, respectively.

University deprived accreditation?

At the end of March 2016, letters were sent to the heads of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of education and science with a request to consider the possibility of revising the regulations for depriving the accreditation of the university or specialty.

The reason for such an appeal was discontent of students across the country the need to translate into other educational institutions during the educational process, as well as addressing the organization with a request to help solve the difficulties associated with the translation. Almost every day, the supervisory department deprives university licenses regardless of the time of the school year, the time of release of students or sessions.

The initiative is related to graduate students who are at the final stage of learning, in the event of a review by Rosobrnadzor accreditation, it is necessary to protect thesis and take final exams in another university.

In circulation, it was proposed to initiate the formation of a permanent working group for the operational solution to the problems arising, which must be logged in: Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, Rosobrnadzor, the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, Public Chamber, Mger and Public Opinion Leaders among young people.

Earlier, students of Russian universities were treated with a complaint about the incomprehensible transformation mechanism to another educational institution: Moscow State Linguistic University, the Irkutsk branch of MGLU, Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship and others.

Delivered a scholarship?

In mid-January, the hotline received calls at once from several regions of Russia. Students reported that they were delayed scholarship. Such complaints began to actively discussed in social networks and checked by the media. After checking the information, the causes of delays were found. Such questions arose in the Amur region, the Tyumen region, the Saratov region, the Irkutsk region, the Sverdlovsk region and other regions. Activists of "Studfund" on the ground found out from representatives of universities and the subjects of the reasons for the delay and, if necessary, provided legal support to students.

Inaccessible Wednesday for Students with Disabilities?

On the eve of September 1, the social assistance fund, students launched the monitoring of the accessibility of universities. The action was due to complaints of students from different regions that there are no ramps, specially equipped toilet rooms and elevators in many educational institutions. Following the monitoring, a map of the accessibility of universities and custody for people with disabilities was developed: studelfond.rf / Map. Now the map contains about 400 higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia. Each educational institution has a detailed description of how much the available environment is developed. The card continues to be filled with relevant data on the state of the barrier-free environment.

How should Studdle to work in the future?

Head of the Foundation of Social Assistance to Students who fell into a difficult life situation, "StuddleAnna Lapenko:

In addition to the daily monitoring of situations around the country and operational intervention in new stories of offenses in relation to field students, the Foundation will work in the Regions in the following main areas:

1. Violation of the rights of students for affordable education when improving the educational institution of accreditation / license.

2. Inadequate living conditions in student hostels.

3. Violation of the rights of small groups of the population for affordable education.

4. The problem of passing practice in educational institutions.

5. High prices and low nutrition and maintenance quality in student canteens.

All these problems not only rose sharply throughout the year, the students themselves say about it, which means that it is necessary to work in these directions. In addition, much attention this year can be given to lawyers. For example, you can form a public council with specialized departments, which will include students themselves, they will also be able to solve the problems with which they themselves face.

Head of "Mutual Assistance" Service Foundation of Social Assistance to students who have fallen into a difficult life situation, "Studdledd"Roxana Gabrielyan:

The direction of targeted social support for students is new, but in a short period it became apparent that the direction is necessary. We managed to establish a relationship with representatives of large business companies and charitable foundations that are already our partners. We opened the platform of a socio-humanitarian warehouse, where everyone can bring things for students who need one or that help. In the future, you can spend several large charitable events. Much attention is invited to pay volunteer students - they are ready to organize and hold events in our team. You can also create a Board of Trustees for the long-term solution to the problems of students who have fallen into a difficult life situation, which may be included in the leaders of public opinion, show business stars, representatives of major business companies.

It is believed that student organizations in Russia are developing at a rapid pace: youth actively takes part in the computation by universities, in regional politics and the formation of a federal agenda. "Our University_online" talked to an authorized for students in the Russian Federation by Artem Chromov about what Russian student worries.

What problems are the most worried students?

The overwhelming majority of students are concerned about the problems of transferring students of liquidated universities, raising the fees, unfavorable living conditions in hostels, transparency of fellowship, extortion of bribes, complexity of employment and much more.

Often, it is necessary to face new stories when graduates Masso did not pay scholarships or students did not allow the elections, violating the direct indication of the federal authorities.

Our main task with the team is to ensure that the student promptly receive advice, and also accompany and maintain the anonymity of the student to solve the problem painlessly and without negative consequences.

Implementing what initiatives, in general terms, do you achieve?

I am currently bothering me that the overwhelming majority do not have the ability to receive educational loans with state support that we are completely unrealized by intraartarian academic mobility, worry the facts of violation of students' rights in the liquidation of universities, as well as the fact that the student lunch standard has not been created, in Universities and colleges do not comply with fire safety rules and so on. And I will do everything possible to achieve the implementation of the outlined progressive reforms that the problems will solve.

Let's remember a recent case with cutting scholarships for Ukrainian students, the result of which was the launch of the cake in the Deputy Minister. How are the situation of such a plan usually solve?

In fact, in all countries of the world, student organizations have achieved decades in order to be able to influence youth politics. In some countries, it is still taken to carry out street events, in others - to conduct public debates, thirdly - to achieve results through the negotiation process.

Basically, serious protest sentiments arise when unpopular and tough reforms are held, which reduce the social obligations of the state.

In Canada and South Africa, students turned the cars and fought with the police, speaking against the commercialization of education. But there are protests that are due to other reasons: Mexican students protested, demanding an objective investigation into the abduction of young people with gangsters, Georgian students staged a strike, demanding honest elections at the university.

But most often the causes of protest are related to the fact that decisions are accepted opaque or roughly joined. At the same time, many European independent student organizations rarely express discontent, since all decisions are initially discussed and coordinated.

In Russia, in recent years, important issues of youth policy are being actively discussed with student organizations, the powers of student organizations are expanding, our universities are being implemented by the procedures of universal direct elections of student leaders. But you need to continue to increase the openness of decision-making, improve the forms of public debate.

Resonance caused a story with a "naked" dedication to KSU, a story with unsuitable conditions in the dormitories of the DVFU is also discussed. Is the phenomenon of such a "loud connection", or internal problems still have to solve "without leaving home"?

I think these are different stories. Why did the public hurt the story in kgu? And just the event was conducted by the University staff, and it seems to many that in other universities initiations could occur in absolutely similar. It turns out that the topic is socially significant, so it has become resonant.

And local social and household conflicts become public when they are not solved or "closed". Here's as a student who is calling to do on the mind and not to violate the established procedure, will refer to the fact that it is in violation of the law and with the words "you know what!" They are evicted from the hostel, do not transfer to a budget place, extort a bribe? He will seek justice all legitimate ways.

Today, Yakutia for foreign students is not a cold unknown land, but a real house, a place not only for study, but also for scientific research. How should the "exchange" direction in the future?

Currently there is a state program "Global Education", which involves full payment of training and residence to students who will come to foreign universities.

But it seems to me that it is important to develop domestic Russian academic mobility.

Would you like to learn half a year in South Afu or get a double diploma of SVFU and St. Petersburg State University? So I would go with great pleasure to study for some time in another Russian university. Currently, we begin to actively prepare for the implementation of this project in Russia.

If you compare foreign student and Russian, what are their main differences? And what is the difference between education in our country and in other countries?

There are enough problems in the Russian education system. But really our education is very competitive. It is not by chance that our graduates are dragging major foreign corporations with all their forces. And it's not by chance that we rose lately in foreign ratings ... and our students are smarter, more interesting and more beautiful!

Little role playing a policy in the life of young people? Does the current intense political situation in the world affect Russian student?

There is no doubt that current student leaders are the future political elite of our country. Nevertheless, education and science should always be out of politics. Therefore, I do not like the attempts of foreign partners to influence academic mobility and joint scientific activities. But propaganda cannot affect the friendship of the smart and good people, which the world is full. Let's live in peace!

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