Home online learning. Home learning in school - what is it? Individual training at home

InternetUROK educational video portal is open to those who for any reason cannot attend school. Here you will find a full course of secondary education in all subjects that can be remotely.

InternetUROK home school is high level teaching staff, modern teaching methods and independent choice of the form of preparation. Choosing a class, you are assigned a curator who helps to navigate the service, makes a schedule of classes and checks the knowledge gained.

InternetUROK: School Home Training Program

Parents can control the performance of the child by conducting tests after passing the program. By subscribing to the newsletter, disciples and parents will always be aware of new events. The lessons are saved on the computer, and you can additionally study the materials in your free time.

Lessons pass according to the scheme:

  • Getting and learning a video tutorial.
  • The recommendations of the teacher regarding the material issued.
  • Simulators for complete assimilation.
  • Tests on the lesson.
  • Online consultation and homework.

By visiting the portal, you will learn how to go to home learning and make an individual schedule of classes. Start doing and you will see that the InternetUrok school gives full and quality knowledge.

Home learning (homeskling, from English. Homeschooling - home learning) In the USA and Canada, has many years of practice. In Russia, home learning, although fixed legislative, causes Skepticism from educational institutions. And parents have to be literally pioneers.The teacher-psychologist and mother of the studying house of the child Anna Nyatka talks about the advantages, minuses and nuances of homework.

What for?

We will start with the fact that every parent who is interested in home learning is important to clearly understand its motives - what tasks in the family want to solve with home education. Someone wants to give her child a better education than at school, reducing the clock of general educational items, such as music and drawing, and increasing the clock profile items - for example, physics, history, biology. For some of the parents, the issue of preserving the health of the child is acute. And teaching it at home, they hope to avoid overload. Someone with family education combines the beginning of a child's sports career and training.

What types of home learning are

Learning a child at home is decided not all homesklers. Currently, you can choose a public or private school that will help you adhere to a plan for subjects on subjects.
There are an internally correspondence type of training.When a child is once twice a week studying at school all day, and the rest of the time is doing at home. For one or two days, children are learning new Material And work out it with parents at home. In this case, the learning process is clearly tracked by parents and teachers.

You can also translate the child in a regular school on correspondence education.In this case, the order of study, the provision of homework and checking performed, consulting with teachers - all these nuances are pronounced with the administration of the selected educational institution, and B. different schools may differ.

Family education in family schoolssuitable for those parents who are interested in more frequent visits to school children. Children go to school 3-4 times a week. Such schools allow education in small classes with a thoroughly balanced learning load.

Legal side

Home learning is governed by laws. The Law "On Education" of July 10, 1992 gave parents the right to choose a form of training - to teach a child at school or in a family. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in Russian Federation"This right also confirmed.

Than attractive home learning

An individual approach. Family education allows you to build such a schedule and a learning system that is suitable for your child. Also allows us to approach the learning process creatively, through the game, which is especially important in elementary school.

You can learn from anywhere in the world.. Since the main participants of the educational process are parents and a child, it allows you to learn from any country and combine travel, life in other countries with education in Russia.

You can choose the environment of the child. Children on home learning docking "in interest." And if we talk about the company "Homeskulyat", among them prestigious to know a lot and compete with each other on the topic "Who more knows" and "who will tell more interesting." For a child, such an environment is an additional motivation to learn. However, this plus is easy to attribute to minuses - after all, children can be allowed to choose the environment, and not to pick up only "good boys and girls".

You have a circle of like-minded people.. When you start homely learning a child, meet the same parents interested in learning who are ready to communicate, be friends with families and help each other.

Child learns to build relationships with different people And respect the dissimilarity of people. With teachers, friends, parents of friends - Homeskulta, it is better to understand that all people are different, everyone has their own point of view, they are better oriented in new rules and communicating with new people and sincerely do not understand how it is to be "like everyone else."

What is unattractive in domestic training

The child can be boring and lonely. No matter how much a child's lifestyle was organized, there are moments when the company does not hurt - for example, when parents are engaged in work, and the child is granted in the next room. Humeklera parents will support us - so that the child does not miss, you can take care of additional meetings with friends, for example, to invite someone to visit.

Danger of gadgets. If the child stays one at home, it is important to put temporary limiters on computers, tablets and phone numbers. We work for a prevention of computer addiction.

Alone at home. It is important to think about how much time the child can stay at home alone, and can someone from relatives help and look after him.

Educational services. Usually, in the process of home education, parents attract tutors, and their work costs money. Also attaching to school can be both paid and free. If you do not want to leave a child one, you have to pay for nanny services.

What you need to be ready to parents

In general, choosing family education, parents must clearly understand their motivation. Based on it, it is important to register goals for a year, and for all that time when the child will learn in the family. Besides the goals, it is important to designate the criteria for controlling the quality of education - whether these are made tasks for the school, or the assessment of the teacher, or the exam.

Parents should pay attention to the education of the child's self-motivation. This is important in any training, but since the teacher additionally controls the child at school, and at home the child can sometimes do the lessons himself until the mother works next to the computer - it is important that the child himself wants to make lessons to make lessons and independently. Moorotivation and self-control - what can parents can teach. It is not necessary to rush in this question, the education of these qualities should be spent at least six months and then maintain these qualities.

Responsibility for the result of learning is divided into several parts. The first and most part of the responsibility lies on the parents - on how they organize the learning process, will be invited to the rehearsals for profile subjects, whether the child will explain the importance of classes and good education. In short, whether parents will be able to create an external motivation from the child.
The responsibility of the child is that he is sincerely interested in learning and tries to perform tasks on time and as possible.

Be prepared that at home education the child will be more often located next to you, so your schedule of work, sports, meetings with friends will be in constant dependence on the schedule of the child's life. Understand yourself - are you ready for this.

Yes, and the home learning process itself requires the close attention of parents. For example, a child can hardly do lessons all week, and on Saturday it turns out that he did only English, and for six months ahead. And on Saturday came to parents for help with mathematics. That is, parents will have to constantly keep the hand on the pulse, in some sense, the role of the width.

It is important to choose an adequate for the child and its age the pace of study of items. So you will avoid overload and save the child's interest in learning. And if the child wants to read something additionally, learn more deeply - he always has the opportunity to do it independently or ask parents to help.

1. General provisions

This personal data processing policy is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law No. 27.07.2006. №152-FZ "On Personal Data" and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the safety of personal data of the Chow "First Folk School" (hereinafter - the operator).

1. The operator puts his the most important goal and the condition for carrying out its activities to respect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in the processing of its personal data, including the protection of integrity rights private life, personal and family mystery.

2. This operator policy on personal data processing (hereinafter referred to as policies) applies to all information that the operator may receive about visitors of the HTTPS website: //home-school.Syt.

2. Basic concepts used in politics

1. Automated personal data processing - personal data processing using funds computer equipment;

2. Blocking personal data - temporary termination of personal data processing (except in cases if the processing is necessary to refine personal data);

3. Website - a set of graphic and information materials, as well as computer and database programs that ensure their accessibility on the Internet on the network address https: //home-school.site;

4. The personal data information system is a set of personal data contained in databases and ensuring their processing information technologies and technical means;

5. Defending personal data - actions, as a result of which it is impossible to determine without the use of additional information to affiliate personal data to a specific user or other personal data entity;

6. Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) committed using automation tools or without the use of such funds with personal data, including the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), Removing, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), depersonal, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data;

7. The operator is the state authority, the municipal body, legal or individual, independently or together with other persons organizing and (or) processing personal data, as well as determining personal data processing purposes, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) committed with personal data;

8. Personal data - any information related to directly or indirectly to a specific or defined user of the HTTPS: //Home-school website;

9. The user is any visitor of the website https: //home-school.site;

10. Providing personal data - actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons;

11. Distribution of personal data - any actions aimed at disclosing personal data by an indefinite circle of persons (transfer of personal data) or familiarizing with personal data of an unlimited range of persons, including the publication of personal data in the media, accommodation in information and telecommunication networks or providing access to personal data in any other way;

12. Transboundary transfer of personal data - transfer of personal data into the territory of a foreign state by the authority of the authority of a foreign state, a foreign physical or foreign legal entity;

13. Destruction of personal data - any actions, as a result of which personal data is destroyed irrevocably with the impossibility of further restoring the content of personal data in the information system of personal data and (or) the result of which material carriers of personal data are destroyed.

3. The operator can handle the following personal data of the user.

1. Surname, name, patronymic;

2. email address;

3. phone numbers;

4. Also, the site collects and processing discomposed data on visitors (including cookie files) using Internet statistical services (Yandex Metric and Google Analytics and others).

4. Personal data processing goals

1. The purpose of processing personal data of the user is to inform the user by sending emails; Providing access to the user to services, information and / or materials contained on the website.

2. Also, the operator has the right to send the user notice of new products and services, special offers and various events. The user can always refuse to receive information messages by sending an operator to an email address [Email Protected]the site marked "Refusal of notifications about new products and services and special offers."

3. Disconnected user data collected using Internet statistical services serve to collect information about users on the site, improving the quality of the site and its content.

5. Legal basis for personal data processing

1. The operator processes the user's personal data only if they are filling out and / or sending them to the user independently through special forms located on the https site: //home-school.site. Filling the appropriate forms and / or sending your personal data to the operator, the user expresses its consent to this policy.

2. The operator processes the intelligent user data in the event that this is permitted in the user browser settings (the cookie file saves and using JavaScript technology).

6. Procedure for collecting, storing, transferring and other types of personal data processing

The safety of personal data that is processed by the operator is provided by implementing the legal, organizational and technical measures necessary to fulfill the fulfillment of the requirements of the current legislation in the field of personal data protection.

1. The operator ensures the safety of personal data and takes all possible measures to exclude access to personal data of unauthorized persons.

2. Personal data of the user never under any circumstances will be transferred to third parties, with the exception of cases related to the execution of current legislation.

3. In case of detection of inaccuracies in personal data, the user can actualize them independently, by sending the operator to the operator's e-mail address [Email Protected]the site marked "actualization of personal data".

4. The timing of personal data is unlimited. The user may at any time withdraw its consent to handling personal data by sending the operator to the notification via email to the operator's email address [Email Protected]the site marked "feedback consent to handling personal data."

7. Transboundary transfer of personal data

1. The operator prior to the implementation of transboundary transmission of personal data is obliged to make sure that a foreign state, to the territory of which it is assumed to transmit personal data, provides reliable protection of the rights of personal data entities.

2. Cross-border transfer of personal data on the territory of foreign countries that do not meet the above requirements can be carried out only if there is an agreement in the writing of the subject of personal data on the transboundary transmission of its personal data and / or the execution of the contract, the party of which is the subject of personal data.

8. Final provisions

1. A user can get any explanations on questions about issues relating to the processing of its personal data by contacting the operator using email [Email Protected]website.

2. B. this document Any changes in personal data processing policies will be reflected by the operator. The policy acts indefinitely before replacing it with a new version.

3. The current version of free access policies is located on the Internet at https: // Home-School ..

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There are opportunities for distance learning

Preparation for the exam and gia
There are classes of preparation for the exam

HOME SCHOOL OF INTERNETUURIKY (InternetUrok.ru) is an affordable source of digital educational resources for students, their parents and even teachers. On the pages of the site posted video tutorials for the main subjects school program For the entire period of learning for everyone. In most cases, the home school becomes a useful addition to ordinary school classes, but sometimes it can be a complete replacement of the usual form of lessons.

Internet mask - home school with the possibility of official enrollment

For modern children, the school at home is becoming increasingly relevant. The InternetUROK project allows you to get full secondary education remotely. In class programs from 1 to 11, all mandatory school subjects are presented. Enrollment is carried out in any month, there is the possibility of learning in the summer months. Home school lessons are designed to take into account the age characteristics of the listeners.

Home School InternetUrok.ru - an ideal solution for those who:

  • not satisfied with the quality of generally accepted education;
  • experiencing problems with the contingent of students;
  • travel a lot or misses occupations for other reasons;
  • seriously engaged in sports or creative activity, so it does not have the opportunity to spend several hours in classes;
  • experiencing difficulties with the assimilation of the material in its traditional submission;
  • does not want to spend time to listen to the answers of other students in the lessons, extra explanations;
  • in this moment Does not live in Russia, but wants to get a state Russian certificate or not to lose knowledge in Russian.

School of home education has a number of benefits:

  • there are several training options (independently, with a teacher, on a family plan, with enrollment);
  • the home school is open every day around the clock, InternetUROK works without days off and vacation;
  • enrollment official, is carried out remotely, does not require the presence of a child and his parents;
  • teaching is characterized by maximum efficiency due to a special approach to the presentation of the material. 1 class of home school can be passed in accelerated mode by reducing the training time;
  • internet mask teachers - experienced teachers of Moscow and St. Petersburg, ready to answer questions, quickly check the homework, explain the complex moments in an interactive form;
  • it is possible to order the service "Personal mentor" or at any time to contact the project of the project curators;
  • service Service educational process It will make it possible to follow the performance, rationally expect time, engage in the most convenient graphics.

The InternetUROK home school not only guarantees a high level of education, but also provides students with a maximum of free time. With it, you can do in any convenient place, and even permanent access to the Internet is no longer required.

Interneturok.ru - the main objects of the school program in the form of video times

Video tutorials - the main filling of the educational site of the Internet. Over the years, the remote home school has accumulated an impressive amount of resources, which include classes on major school subjects for students of grades 1-11. In the InternetUROK database, you can find materials in Russian and english language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, social studies, etc.

Project site The home school has the most simple structure, an attractive design, a clear menu. To start work, it is enough to choose an object of interest and class on the main page to get a list of available online lessons. Already, their number is calculated by thousands, while the replenishment of the site interneturok.ru is constantly continuing. The home school project is large-scale, so part of the sections is still in development.

Online school classes are developed, compiled and are issued by methods. Creating each lesson is a multistage and complex process that can be left to several weeks. Before the appearance of the material on the portal of Internet mask, professionals check its quality. If an error was allowed during the preparation, the roller is forwarded. The ability to quickly make adjustments to content is one of the significant advantages of remote online learning. To make such a textbook, you have to produce an absolutely new batch.