College of MES reception year. Technical fire and rescue college named after the hero of the Russian Federation V.M.

The work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) of Russia is specific. Therefore, before you dedicate yourself to this profession, you need to think well. Because employees of services, especially this concerns fire divisions, face great difficulties and tests. Training of future employees spend in different institutions. There are a fire and rescue college among them, there are academies.

In view of the uniqueness of the rescuers in Russia today there are seven educational institutions. Three of them provide secondary special education. In the two "highest", the issue of expanding the educational process is solved to bring it to the average special.

Here is a list of firefighters of Russia:

Voronezh Fire and Technical School

This institution is equal to the college. Here is the most modern technical and training base. Graduates of the schools do not remain without work. These are high-class specialists. Link to the site:

Cadets of the school learn at full time and correspondence branches. Students receive students from 17 to 25 years old, for the second employees and employees of fire divisions of age no higher than 35 years. The one who wants to learn from the full-time department should contact the office of the fire service of his city or district.

The training process consists of seven cycles. All cadets necessarily undergo practices in the existing fire divisions.

Moscow Technical Fire Rescue College

It was opened in 1999. And today it is the only college that can be attributed to the category of "full-fledged". In 2005, the fire college united with Vocational School No. 51. Now this training institution is called - Fire College No. 57.

This is one of the most equipped educational institutions in Russia. There is a car repair shop with six full-fledged posts for the repair of domestic and foreign techniques, a band of obstacles, a fire tower, warm-water chamber.

College consists of four buildings, each of which has a sports and assembly hall, a library and a dining room.

Moscow Cadet Corps under the Ministry of Emergency Situations

This is a boarding school. It is impossible to compare it with a college, because in it teenagers who have not reached majority are trained. That is, there is a secondary education with a firefighter bias. By clicking on the link, you can familiarize yourself with the historical certificate of the corps, the strategic goals and the mission of the educational institution, the material and technical base, the organization of the educational process:

It should be noted that the goals of opening the cadet corps were several reasons:

  • performing the functions of the training center;
  • strengthen working with adolescents in terms of patriotic education, sports and recreational;
  • give secondary education;
  • becoming a spring to continue studying in secondary and higher educational institutions of profile.

The Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps is located on the territory of the Civil Protection Academy, and cadets can enjoy all available areas, premises and training classes.

Higher educational institutions

The remaining educational institutions refer to the category of "higher". But in some of them, divisions are organized today in which students will receive and secondary special education.

  1. Academy of Civil Protection. The institute cannot be called this institution, because there are training and retraining of the current employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In fact, it is an educational and methodical center. Link to the site:
  2. Academy of State Fire Services. This is the main educational institution of the country of this profile, is located in Moscow. It gives not only higher education, but also the secondary special. So partially the Academy can be attributed to colleges. Link to the site:
  3. Institute of State Fire Services, located in St. Petersburg. From here there are engineers with higher education. Link to the official website:
  4. Academy of State Fire Service, located in Ivanovo. One of its divisions is the Cadet Corps. Today, the issue of expanding the number of students' students by receiving secondary special education is decided. That is, the Academy will additionally be college. Link to the site:

The choice of fire college is small. Competition in these educational institutions is always big. The fact is that the work of the fireman is not only dangerous, but also prestigious. Salary of state fire protection officers are worthy. The state of workers always provides housing. But the requirements for firefighters are high. Not everyone can become. Because when entering colleges, not only high physical training is required, but also knowledge of secondary education. Cadets hand over several exams upon admission, on the basis of which they are accepted or not.

Before the introductory exams, college candidates undergo a medical commission, which allows or not before testing. The choice of incoming not wide. You can hand over documents for a specialization "Fire" or "Technician". To get a specialization in eliminating emergency or emergency situations, it is necessary after college to enroll in a higher educational institution of the profile type.

The fire school (every higher designated) is engaged in preparing for entrance exams, that is, in each college there are so-called preparatory courses. In them, students begin to engage in December.

It should be noted that until 1990, there was no separate ministry in Russia, which would be engaged in emergency situations. Accordingly, there were no educational institutions that would be trained in a rescue case. Studying the experience of foreign countries, the government decided to create a scientific and technical base that would prepare highly specialized employees for the divisions of firefighters and rescuers.

Educational institution with the previous title Fire College No. 57 was created by merging 2 educational institutions - Gou Fire College and GOU Professional School No. 51 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of Moscow of October 19, 2004 No. 724-PP and the Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated December 1, 2004 No. 816 "On the reorganization of a state educational institution Fire college, a state educational institution Vocational school number 51.

Professional Professional Professional Education Professions

Hardware and Software

Usually engaged in a set or processing of any information on a computer: sorts materials, performs arithmetic calculations, draws tables, summies, etc. In addition, it monitors the status of a computer, monitor, printer and other technical means.

High visual acuity is needed, the stability of clear vision, sufficient mobility of the brushes and fingers, accuracy and coordination of movements; High focus of attention, good rapid memory.

Activities are contraindicated by people suffering from eye diseases, spine (radiculitis), neuropsychiatric diseases.
It is allowed to master the profession and performing work in the presence of myopia of small and medium degree.

Must know the basics of electrical engineering and electronics, the technical characteristics of the computer used, the rules of their operation and control, ciphers and codes, the basis of switching and setting up the computer. Must own the skills of work on a computer ("running" to work on the keyboard, well to navigate in the working area), be able to perform calculations and control the media.
5. Related professions
Banking employee, accountant, employee of insurance and other social services, secretary-typist, secretary-referent, scorecode.


1. General characteristics of the profession
A car mechanic is a working wide profile that performs maintenance and repair operations, controls the technical condition of the vehicles using diagnostic equipment and instruments, manages motor vehicles.
2. Requirements for individual features of a specialist
Physical endurance and power, good vision and eyemeter (linear and volumetric), mobility, coordination and accuracy of the movements of brushes and fingers, thin muscular and hearing sensitivity, good shaped and rapid memory, technical intelligence, high volume and distribution of percentage, and Also observation, patience, discipline and responsibility, quick response to emergency signals.
3. Medical contraindications

4. Requirements for training
Auto mechanic - should know: safety regulations; device principles of operation of repaired equipment, power plants, aggregates and machines; properties of processed materials, anti-corrosion lubricants and oils; Methods for restoring worn parts; Technical conditions for testing, adjustment and. acceptance of nodes, mechanisms and equipment after repair; tolerances, landing and accuracy classes; Device and methods for using special devices and instrumentation tools. Knowledge of mathematics, physics are needed. The ability to perform work on disassembly, repair and assembling nodes and mechanisms.
5. Related professions


1. General characteristics of the profession
Those who wish to become firefighters should be able to use the rescue equipment, know the safety equipment, be able to work at height. It is necessary to possess excellent health, high endurance, physical strength (not by chance for those who wanted to enter such a service a hard medical selection is held
The representative of this profession should know the rules for the provision of first aid, have a strong psyche, high stress resistance - after all, events are developing unpredictable, and not all people manage to save, sometimes they are dying in their eyes, and it is necessary to survive. To develop this profession is recommended to people with decisive, bold, responsible, having a firm character, the power of will, clear coordination of movements, the speed of reactions. Contraindications for such work quite a lot, it is necessary to have simply excellent health, here the medical commission is even more strict than the military.
2. Pros of the profession:
Of course, the fires of the high category of complexity are rarely happening, but even in the calm watches, the fire protection does not sleep. The whole day is painted almost a minute. After changing Karaula, learning telephones and orders. Constantly you have to train on the fire tower, fulfilling the next ascent, check fire and technical weapons, combat clothes and gear.
3. Cons Profession:
risk to the health and safety of life
4. Personal qualities:
To become a firefighter, you must first have excellent health and the corresponding age (from 18 years).
5. Education:
If you intend to seriously build a career in the framework of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is better to get a specialized education.
6. Place of work:
Fire parts.
7. Career and salary:
Fire parts are a budget structure, so income here are small - about 14 thousand rubles. However, cash premiums pay and issue awards, for example, "for excellent service of service" or "for the fulfillment of tasks in the salvation of people."

Hairdresser (NGO)

Qualification: The hairdresser
Little time: on the basis of grades - 2 years 5 months.

Work of the hairdresser - This is the provision of haircut services, shave, twist, coloring, creating hairstyles, styling and other procedures. The hairdresser owns modern hairdressers. If necessary, can advise the client on the care of new hairstyle (for example, African pigments, dreadlocks), advise possible ways of laying a new haircut, as well as products for hair recovery and scalp.
The hairdresser Easily focuses in the manifold of its professional tools. For example, when creating one model haircut, it can use different types of scissors, a milling (dangerous) razor, hair clipper. In the arsenal of the hairdresser there are dozens of combs, hair curlers, various electrical appliances, hairpins and decorative elements.
The hairdresser - This is a designer, artist and sculptor. It has spatial and creative thinking, a good taste and knows how to realize the wishes of the client or his own ideas in life. He is needed and knowledge of fashion trends. So that the hairstyle or haircut is harmonized with the external appearance of a person, with his face form, the hairdresser should be good in the types of appearance, be able to mask flaws and emphasize the advantages of appearance. Master of the hairdresser has a good eye, solid hand and high sensitivity to color.

Professions of secondary vocational education

Maintenance and repair of road transport

Professional maintenance and repair activities of road transport as a technique at the enterprises of the motor transport complex of various organizational-legal forms of ownership, in research, design and technological organizations, motor vehicles and auto repair enterprises.

Principal activities of TEKHNIKA:

production and technological - maintenance and repair of road transport and transport equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents; selection of knots and car units for replacement during the operation of automobile transport; carrying out maintenance and repair work; efficient use of materials, technological equipment of enterprises; adjustment and operation of equipment for maintenance and repair of vehicles; carrying out technical control in the operation of transport and transport equipment; conducting standard and certification tests; participation in ensuring environmental safety of operation, storage, service, transportation and transport equipment;

organizational and managerial - organization of the work of the team of performers; planning and organization of production work; Organization of safe maintenance of maintenance and repair of road transport; work with the clientele; the choice of optimal solutions when planning works in conditions of non-standard situations; implementation of quality control; participation in assessing the economic efficiency of production activities; the choice of rational regulations of operation, maintenance, repair and storage of transport and equipment; carrying out technical control of products and services; Ensuring safety equipment at the production site;

design and technological - design of sites and workshops of operational and re-monte road enterprises; Development of design and technological documents for repair, modernization and modifications of vehicles.

2. Requirements for individual features of a specialist
Physical endurance and power, good vision and eyemeter (linear and volumetric), moving, coordination and accuracy of movements of brushes and fingers, thin muscular and listening sensitivity, good shaped and RAM, technical intelligence, high volume and distribution of attention Ince, as well as observation, patience, discipline and responsibility, quick response to emergency signals. Sufficient physical strength and endurance.

3. Medical contraindications
Work is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory, kidney and urinary tract, musculoskeletal system (impeding movement), nervous system that has reduced indicators of view and hearing, allergies.

4. Requirements for training

Must know: Technical maintenance and repair technology, classification, main characteristics and technical parameters of road transport, methods for assessing and quality control in professional activities, the main provisions of the current regulatory documentation; Basics of organizing the activities of the enterprise and management of them, the main indicators of the production and economic activity of the enterprise, the rules and norms of labor protection, the basics of transport management and vehicles, taking into account technical, financial and human factors.

Should be able to:
Develop and implement the technological process of maintenance and repair of cars, to calculate the main technical and economic indicators of the activities of the site, the workshop, evaluate the effectiveness of production activities; To carry out technical control of the operated transport, to organize its work, independently formulate objectives and determine how to solve them in the framework of professional competence, carry out an independent search for the necessary information to solve professional problems using modern information technologies, to own computer methods for collecting.

5. Related specialty
Fitter for the repair of rolling stock, a mechanic of travel machines and mechanisms, a mechanic for repairing road-building machines and tractors.

6. Scope
Master at the service station, garage mechanic, technician, senior technician, designer technician, vehicle training manager, car sales manager, spare parts, fuels; Head of Garage.

Information Systems (by industry)

Specialization: monitoring and predicting emergency situations.

1. General characteristics of the specialty

Professional activities to develop typical technological processes of automated information processing, the development of components of automated information systems, implementation and maintenance of automated information systems.

Production and technological:
Analysis of the subject area in terms of automation of information processing;
formalization of the task of automated processing of information;
development of the technological process of automated processing of information based on typical solutions;
determining the composition of the necessary information and hardware and hardware;
development of components of typical information and software information systems of automated information systems;
adaptation and implementation of typical technological processes of automated information processing;
Setting up typical components to provide automated information SIS-Top;
information and software operation of automated information systems and computer networks;
Organizational and managerial:
organization of the work of the team of the performers;
planning and organization of work;
the choice of optimal solutions when planning works in conditions of non-standard situations;
participation in the quality assessment and economic efficiency;
Providing safety.

2. Requirements for individual features of a specialist

Developed verbal and logical and other types of memory, high level of development of attention characteristics, high level of abstract symbolic thinking, the ability to competently express their thoughts, flexibility, responsibility, organization. The tendency to work with signs and techniques.

3. Medical contraindications

Activities are contraindicated by people suffering from eye diseases, spine (radiculitis), nervous psychological diseases, it is allowed to perform work in the presence of small and medium-sized bones.

4. Requirements for training

Must know:

Structure of automated information systems; processes and stages of the life cycle of automated information systems, methods of designing automated information systems, the main stages of the design technology; Typical components of automated information systems, classification of automated information systems, architecture and specifications of personal computers, characteristics and capabilities of languages \u200b\u200band programs of programming, technology development and operation of databases, features of the use of client-server technology in automated information systems, characteristics and features of operation Computing networks of various types, principles for constructing distributed information systems, the composition of the software of automated information systems, methods for ensuring information security of automated information systems, the main provisions of the current regulatory documentation, the basis of the organization of the activities of the industrial enterprise (organization) and the management of them, the main indicators of production - economic activity Enterprises (organizations), rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial Anitarians and fire protection.

Should be able to:

To develop typical technological processes of automated information processing, development, modification, adaptation and maintenance of typical components of auto-matzed information systems, make installation, adaptation, maintenance and operation of typical software of automated information systems, select the necessary information and hardware and hardware when forming and modifications of automated information systems, to operate automated information systems, develop instructive documentation based on automated information systems, evaluate the economic efficiency of technological processes used in automated information systems.

5. Related specialty

System Programmer, Database Architect, Application Programmer. Service Technician, Network Administrator, PC Maintenance Technician, IT Department Specialist

6. Scope

It can work as a technician in organizations (in enterprises) of various sectoral orientation.

Fire safety

1. General characteristics of the specialty

Conducts work on fires with the use of fire and technical armament, equipment to save people and evacuation of material values. Performs work on opening and disassembling structures of fire objects.

Contains sample states of fire and technical armament and equipment, maintains its maintenance and troubleshooting that do not require special training. Enjoys radio core and negotiation devices existing in service fire. Performs assignments to the service at posts, in the watch, in the domestic guard in accordance with the requirements of the statutes and instructions.

Improves its professional skill. Carries out a check of the fire state of buildings, structures and other residential and household facilities. Uses various mechanical and automatic devices, fire and technical armament. The work is carried out in a variety of conditions, is associated with risk for life. Replacement regime, night duty, on weekends and holidays.

The graduate should be ready for professional activities as a technique for the implementation of technical and functional measures in the field of fire safety, steaming fires, the operation of fire equipment in fire protection divisions.

Types of professional activity:

organizational and service - implementation of government measures in the field of fire safety; Organization of the work of the team of performers to ensure the security of the personality, property and society from fires; the choice of optimal solutions when planning activities in a non-standard situation; Organization and implementation of controlling the guard service of the personnel; Organization of operation and maintenance of fire equipment and equipment; Conducting fire propaganda and training of citizens, facilities personnel by fire safety rules; ensuring the safety of life and maintenance of health in the implementation of all activities; Development of preliminary planning documents of fire units and their practical development;

supervisory-prophylactic - conducting surveys and targeted checks of objects, buildings and structures; Development of measures to ensure the fire regime; supervision of the co-observation of the requirements of the norms and rules of fire safety in the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of facilities, buildings and structures; accounting of fires and their analysis;

Operational-tactical - organization and conduct of combat training of personnel; extinguishing fires and carrying out associated priority rescue work; Action by combat actions in fires.

2. Requirements for individual features of a specialist

Organizations, discipline, perfection, collaboration, courage, the ability of Ra-nerd in conditions life-threatening, physical endurance, emotional-volitional resistant.

3. Medical contraindications
Work is not recommended for people who have poor health, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bad vision and hearing.

4. Requirements for training

Must know:

The role and place of fire protection in the field of fire safety of objects of various forms of ownership and settlements, its structure, functions and objectives; The main provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety issues; requirement of existing norms and rules of fire safety, charters and instructions; Basics of analysis of fire hazard of objects, technological processes, electrical installations, ventilation and air conditioning systems and the procedure for developing measures to ensure their fire-explosion-proof operation; The procedure for organizing fire extinguishing service; the tactical possibilities of fire units and the principles of their use; Tactical and technical characteristics of fire equipment and equipment; Norms and rules for labor protection and environmental safety.

Should be able to:

Properly apply legislation in practice, regulating relations in the field of fire combating, standards, norms and rules of fire safety; analyze the fire hazard of objects, buildings, structures, main technological processes and develop measures to ensure their fire safety; conduct surveys and targeted checks of existing, under construction and reconstructed objects; organize fire extinguishing and carrying out priority emergency workshops on various objects and in settlements; Develop and conduct official documentation on the organization of fire extinguishing service; Organize the service of the personnel of the guard guard, operation and maintenance of fire equipment and equipment.

5. Related specialty
Plumbing, gas worker, tow truck, rescuer, military.

6. Scope
Can work as a commander of offices, assistant chiefs of guard of fire parts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Fire safety instructor in organizations, institutions and enterprises

Emergency protection

1. How does:

Depending on the nuances and place of work, the rescuer monitors the order, prevents situations in which people can harm their health or lose their lives, goes on the challenge in emergency cases. Moreover, the latter can be different: it and the collapse of the house with numerous wounded, which is necessary to learn from the dawns in operational procedure, it is also assistance in children's pits, when, for example, too, the inquisitive kid managed to push his head in the opening of the stair railing and get stuck .

2. Pros of the profession:
The rescuer plays the same important role as medical workers.

3. Cons Profession:
risk for life;

4. Personal qualities:
impeccable state of health;
tolerance of physical and moral loads;
Desire to help people and risk life for the sake of rescue people

5. Education:
Perhaps medical education is both special and higher. As well as special courses preparing rescuers.

6. Place of work:
Ministry of Emergency Situations, supervision services for order.

7. Career and salary:
A lifeguard working in a state institution receives a salary depending on the nature of the work and work experience. A beginner lifeguard-privately (parachute centers, private beaches, etc.) earn more.

Additional professional education

  1. Electronic Computer Operator
    Qualification - electronics and computing and computing machines 2 discharge machines
    Life term - 5 months.
  2. Car repair mechanic
    Qualification is a mechanic for repairing a car 2 discharge.
    The term of study is 4 months.
  3. Car driver
    Qualifications: Driver of vehicles category "B", "C"
    Lifetime - 206 hours.
  4. Fundamentals of emergency rescue work
    Qualification - Rescuer
    Training date - 72/144 hours.
  5. Fire and Technical Minimum
    Training date - 72 hours
  6. Participation in the preparation of voluntary fire triggers (DPD)
    Qualification - Druzhinnik
    Life term - 3 months.
  7. Industrial alpinism
    Qualifications - Industrial Mountaineer
    The term of study is 62 hours.
  8. Kinologist
    Qualification - Cynologist - Rescuer
    Lifetime - 180 hours.
  9. Gas production makeup
    Qualification - gas coaster
    The term of study is 80 hours.
  10. Fire safety technician
    Qualification - Technician
  11. Driving school

The term of study is 2-2.5 months.

Every boy dreams to be the Ministry of Emergency Situations, since it is this profession in his mind that is the personification of courage, valor and courage. However, adults to the question of how to enroll in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after grade 9, recommend to their offspring several times to think and only after that make a final decision. To date, you can enroll in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after grade 9, but in this case we are talking about secondary special education. To go above by post, at the end of the school it is recommended to enter the university, and there is a real opportunity to take advantage of preferential receipt conditions. Having finished studying at the university, the student receives a higher education, and in the Emergencies Ministry division, he is expensive. However, so far it is too early to talk about it, to begin with, it is necessary to successfully graduate grade 9 and safely pass all entrance exams. It is necessary to approach the realization of your dreams gradually, to act logical, and not spontaneously.

First of all, it is necessary to find out all possible options where to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations after grade 9 have real chances. There are plenty of such educational institutions in the Russian Federation, the truth is not in every city. Therefore, it is possible that the first holiday after admission will have to temporarily leave the father's house and settle in the hostel. This is what the modern education system offers to all interested and ambition applicants. The Ural Institute of GPS invites graduates of grades 9 on the only specialty in the direction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - fire safety. This is a good start, especially, such a profession is currently especially in demand in the labor market. In addition, there is a specialized college in Yekaterinburg, which is also engaged in the preparation of valuable personnel in the specified direction. Immediately it is worth noting that only a full-time learning form is offered.

If the applicant has already finally decided in the future to become an employee of the Emergencies Ministry, then there must be tightened tails on their studies, pay special attention to its physical training. It is these indicators that may be decisive on the entrance examinations, contribute to the fate of the future freshman. In fact, the applicant is not waiting for anything new, but he will have to pass the classic entrance examinations. This requires to pick up the certificate of incomplete secondary education, additionally prepare a package of entrance documents. Only after that, the former nine-grader can count on admission to the entrance exams. To find out which documents are needed, it is recommended to look at the site of the selected educational institution and carefully examine the information valuable for applicants. Such information is discarded by half of the questions.

The list of entrance exams can also be explored in the World Wide Web, but most often it is mathematics, Russian, physics, physical training. Applicant must have a decent certificate of secondary education and stay in excellent physical form. In addition, an important indicator is an assessment of the mental state of a former schoolboy. The work is physically and emotionally heavy, so it is necessary to have steel nerves, differ in psychological stability. Separately, it is worth noting that the applicant must be healthy under medical reasons, otherwise he does not do. Even if the diseases do not interfere with the active lifestyle and learn to be perfectly, this is contraindicated for further receipt of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. So, parents should think about this since childhood, who will be their offspring in the future. Health in this issue is of great importance.

Since working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is prestigious and honorable, the competition for admission reaches 6 people in 1 place. Competition is tough, and go to the first year only the best. Therefore, if the schoolboy learns poorly, it has "tails" for one or other subjects, should tighten them in a timely manner. Otherwise, his chances of successful arrival are minimized. Very often, parents make a decision to hire in the 9th grade of a tutor to those subjects that are included in the list of entrance exams. This is the right decision, and such financial waste in the future will reappear. The main thing is that the schoolboy to the issue of receipt reacted with special vigilance and seriousness, then everything is in his hands. Special attention should be paid to both physical training, and to do this more sport, it is advisable to consist in any sports section.

After receiving secondary special education, the chances of entering the university increase, with such graduates can immediately enroll in 2 or 3 course on preferential terms. This is a good start of the bright and heroic future. Separately, it is worth noting that the availability of literacy, thanks and other marks about the active lifestyle is only welcome, so they are required to be required upon admission after grade 9 in school or college of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In order to choose to choose an educational institution, it is necessary to study existing specialties in advance, the conditions of admission, the conditions of preferential receipt, the number of budget places, the cost of learning. It remains only to add that everyone has chances.

Deploy content

Academy of Civil Protection

Preparation of civil defense specialists for the domestic territorial entities of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and the Elimination of Results in the AGZ EMERCOM of Russia is carried out at the highest level. Due to the state budget, training is carried out for four or five years. Students are located at a barrmyndal position as cadets, and after receiving a diploma, graduates are awarded the title of lieutenant.

As one of the oldest higher educational institutions (organized in 1933) at the beginning prepared engineers of fire defense in the Leningrad Institute of Municipal Construction Engineers. The educational institution was replied to the Moscow region and is now located in Khimki.

At the moment, the Academy employs the following faculties:

  1. Technosphere security.
  2. Preparation of scientific and pedagogical frames.
  3. Faculty of absentee learning.
  4. Training of foreign specialists.
  5. Fire safety.
  6. Educational structures on a fee basis.

On 25 departments there are teachers who have scientific titles and degrees, of which more than thirty are laureates of the honorary rank of Russia. Training on specialties with the qualifications of skills Bachelor and specialist is carried out in the following areas:

  • Fire and technosphere safety.
  • State and municipal management.
  • Technology and.
  • Forensic examination.

Cadet Corps of the Academy of Civil Protection Emergencies Ministry of Russia

In 2013, within the framework of the Academy, the Cadet Training Center was created, which in 2015 was transformed into the Cadet Corps. The reception in the body is carried out by the young men of 14-16 years old who graduated from 9 classes, and as of health, they can study in specialized educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There is a prerequisite for the accommodation of legal representatives of applicants (parents) in the territory of the Central Federal District. They have a predominant right when admitting applicants whose parents are military personnel and EMERCOM employees. The same right enjoy the children of parents dismissed from service on objective reasons, with the condition of presence of at least twenty years of experience. In the process of training, the cadets, in addition to the general secondary education, they receive knowledge by profession "Rescuer".

Academy of State Fire Services

Excellent educational and laboratory base made it possible to form 10 scientific schools. The level of training of specialists says the fact that over 1600 graduates of the university for the entire period of existence were awarded government awards in the Soviet period and in the Russian Federation. In addition to the Moscow Educational and Methodological Center, official representative offices in Kazan in Stavropol are engaged in the organization of the educational process.

Scientific and innovative activities

In conducting active scientific research, scientists and teachers are involved in the complex decisive organizational and managerial problems, and seven educational and scientific complexes in certain areas. The forces of scientific personnel are carried out:

  1. Determining the objectives of improving the regulatory framework of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  2. Development of modern equipment for emergency and rescue work and fire protection, techniques and means providing different objects to fire protection.
  3. Study of organizational and managerial challenges of fire service at the state level.

The dissertation councils are being protected in two dissertation councils. In the sphere of interests of the Academy there is licensed activities, product certification. In addition, work is performed and services are provided to individuals and legal entities of Russia and abroad. Employees of the Academy constantly published reference, scientific and educational and methodical literature, participate in international scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

The total number of students exceeds three thousand, 43 student is studying at work with foreign citizens. The permanent Council of young scientists and specialists of the Academy attracts students to scientific activities, creating conditions for creative self-realization.

Among the universities, the subordinate to the ministry, the educational institution is the most oldest and honored learning institution. In 1906, the twentieth century, the departments of the Cultural Capital Management Authority, the Duma of St. Petersburg, adopted a legislative act on the opening of courses of fire technicians, and it can be considered a period of the beginning of the entire educational system for training professionals in the Russian fire safety system. For a very long period, the Leningrad Fire College, in which courses in the early 20th century have been transformed, remained the only institution, which is preparing managers in fire extinguishing and organizers extinguishing fires for the largest cities and production facilities.

In the late 80s, the school made a new breakthrough, becoming a higher educational institution, and renamed Leningrad (since 1991 St. Petersburg) Higher Fire and Technical School. The Institute conducts training professionals, more than 90 important areas of activity in the field of fire extinguishing, security of strategic objects. In Murmansk and Vladivostok, the institutions of the establishment work, and in many Russian regions there is its separation of full-time from the remote form of training.

Along with the main specialty of students at the departments, specialized training is carried out on specialties:

  1. System analytics and manual.
  2. Legislative support and legal regulation of the activities of the EMERCOM of Russia.
  3. Budget accounting, marketing in EMERCOM institutions.
  4. Fire and technical expertise and investigators.

Created by professors SPMA GPS EMERCOM of Russia fundamentally new methods of training, prepare specialists, for rescue action in a special risk area. The personnel of the university includes 83 doctors and 282 candidates of science, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Among them are three laureate of the State Prize in the field of accurate science and technology.

International law

Treaty on the start of cooperation was signed with two dozen leading institutions in the countries of Europe, Asia and the American continent. As a member of the Fire and Rescue Association, which unites fifty countries of the world, the University organizes and conducts seminars on the expertise of fires, ensuring security on developing elevated complexity, design.

Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy

The title of an independent training institution, SIBPS EMERCOM of Russia awarded not so long ago - in 2015. Prior to that, she was considered part of the St. Petersburg Institute. The training work of professors of the Academy covers 500 students with daytime learning and near the seven of applicants on the correspondence form of teaching. The main direction of employment of the Academy is the training of personnel of the highest category, providing fire safety in the territory of the northern regions of the country.

Training of employees is made in several main directions:

  1. Fire protection officer.
  2. Fire safety.
  3. Lawyer.
  4. Judicial expert (forensic examination).
  5. Judicial examination (specialist).
  6. Psychology of service activities.
  7. Technosphere safety (bachelor).

Educational institution performs public order employees on a budget basis, as well as under contracts for training for the Northern Federal District.

Specialized training includes specific items, such as fire safety management, biological and methodological foundations of security, as well as on production standards, metrology and certification of work. In addition, electrical engineering, engineering graphics and other technical disciplines are also necessarily included in the training plan. Naturally scientific and mathematical training cycles have their differences, taking into account the specifics of the educational institution. For example, besides standard disciplines, training is carried out, according to objects such as combustion theory, noxology, ecology. The scientific and teaching staff of the Academy are highly qualified and on ten departments work doctors and candidates of science.

Research Development

Despite the relatively short period of existence, the Academy is known for its scientific work in the field of ensuring territory, increasing the security of objects, taking into account their characteristics. Working within the framework of the educational institution holds:

  • research and development work;
  • develops software in their field of activity;
  • inventive and patent information activities.

In the work of the Center, cadets and students of the Academy are actively involved. Going to an educational site you can get specific information on all issues.

Ural Institute of State Fire Services

Since 1928, when the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee decided to establish the Ural Regional Fire and Technical Curses and so far, the Ekaterinburg Educational Institution (Sverdlovsk) is carried out on the training of a leading personnel in the field of fire commission. In 1999, the Fire and Technical College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was transformed into a branch of the St. Petersburg Academy, and in 2008, cadets were held under the program of higher professional education.

Education in the institution is conducted at the rate of higher and secondary professional formation for the fulfillment of the duties of the supervisors of the highest and middle level. In the faculties of fire and technospheric safety, bachelors and specialists are prepared with the assignment of the title "Lieutenant". For correspondence training, and the period of study is 12 semesters, or 6 years.

There is another faculty of educational services on a fee on the following work profiles:

  • Fire safety.
  • Protection in emergency situations.

On the basis of full secondary education after five years of study, by full-time, the qualification "Specialist" or "Engineer" is assigned. On the basis of the 9th grades, the qualification "technician" is assigned. At the faculty of 12 programs of retraining and advanced training, managers, employees and specialists, officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, receive additional vocational education.

Provision of services Uri GPS EMERCOM of Russia

For the entire period of the existence of an educational institution, graduates and employees have repeatedly differed on the extinguishing of the most difficult fires. A high level of teaching staff, a large scientific potential allows a wide range of services in the following areas:

  1. Expert assessment of decisions providing fire protection.
  2. Scientific and technical substantiation of norms and rules and practical application in the field of fire protection.
  3. Checking the compliance of projects for the construction of various objects with the requirements of countering the possibility of fires.
  4. Checking the correct calculation of the risk of fire, both to ensure fire safety of people and functional buildings.
  5. System support from fire protection.

Created in 2011 on the basis of the Institute, an organization that has a public status contributes to the development of fire protection at voluntary principles, in the city, holding preventive measures to strengthen fire safety in Yekaterinburg.

Voronezh Institute of State Fire Services

The system of educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of WGPs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is considered the main in preparation of fire safety professionals of the highest category. Introducing yourself not just an educational institution, but a whole complex of education and science, it ensures the following programs:

  1. Getting medium and higher education.
  2. Training in graduate school, adjuncture.
  3. Retraining and advanced training.

The first set in the educational detachment of future firefighters was in 1968, 2 groups were staffed: the first - on the preparation of junior inspectors and assistants of instructors of prevention, the second - on the preparation of commanders of offices. It was this small group of volunteers that served as the basis of the Institute. On February 16, 1970, a detachment was already 150 people. Currently, in the five faculties, more than two thousand future firefighters, technologists, specialists, students, listeners receive education. In addition to the high-quality training base and training landfill with the ability to apply in practice the knowledge gained, there is a library, a gym and a stadium. To ensure the activities of the Institute in full at the present level, the construction of educational buildings, a landfill, and the entire necessary infrastructure on a plot of 33 hectares, transferred to the Institute in 2009, is underway.

Educational activities

In total, the institute employs 15 departments, the main number of which is focused on teaching special disciplines. In addition to narrowly aimed at the specialties of the Department, act:

  • Socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines.
  • On speech culture and foreign languages.
  • Sports disciplines and physical education.
  • Justification of burning processes.

Reception of applicants, conducting practices that allow in practice to consolidate theoretical knowledge, initial training is carried out on the basis located near the village of the city where the river.

At the expense of the federal budget takes place in the main specialties. Perhaps training on the basis of agreements with the payment of the cost of training. In the magistracy in the specialty "Technosphere security" (a period of 2.5 years) study in absentia under contracts and "state employees". Correspondence training in adjuncture is carried out for 4 years. In the same direction of technospheric security, upon completion of learning, the qualification of the researcher teacher is assigned.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of State Fire Services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense Affairs, Emergency Situations and Eliminate Disaster Consequences" (hereinafter - Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy) and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " The Voronezh Institute of State Firefire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Elimination "(hereinafter - the Voronezh Institute) is reorganized in the form of joining the Voronezh Institute to the Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy as a separate structural unit (branch).

The history of the Ivanovo Institute began in the mid-60s, when a fire and technical school was founded in the city with a number of variable composition of 500 units and a constant composition - 170 units. Decent learning results, thanks to the qualifications of the scientific and teaching staff, were noted by renaming the Academy to a full-fledged higher education institution. The significant event occurred at the end of January 2015. Since that time, the number of applicants and students has radically increased, the teaching staff suffered weighty changes.

To date, the modern educational and scientific complex teaches about one and a half thousand simple employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Rescuers, the total number of students more than two and a half thousand. Reception of applications from applicants is carried out on training at the expense of budget and on a commercial basis.

Located on the territory of over 20 thousand square meters, the educational base consists of lecture halls, educational laboratories of a multifunctional educational complex, laboratories, and specialized classes.

On a specially equipped field of educational institution, practical classes are held on important to future rescuers to disciplines:

  1. Conducting in case of emergencies on landslides, duties, so on.
  2. Fire extinguishing and elimination of emergency situations in aviation and on railways.
  3. Classes in reservoir parks.
  4. Psychological training on strips of firing preparation.
  5. Development of behavior in the road accidents of varying severity.

Much attention is paid to physical development. Preparation of academy students is one of the best in the country, which is carried out in a specialized educational building using sports playpen. Cadets can improve skills in the sports and wrestling hall. Competitions are regularly held on the field of their own stadium with running tracks. The stadium is equipped with podiums for support groups designed for 350 people. Sports town, modern library with Internet access, the 550-seater club allows you to satisfy a variety of interests.

Practice - the main factor of successful learning!

A feature of the educational process in the IPSA of the GPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is that listeners and cadets are actively involved in the elimination of PE of different nature, extinguishing fire. In the central territories, starting in 1972, the consolidated partitions of the educational institution. For the professional and decisive actions of the consolidated detachment of the institute in the extinguishing of forestry fires (2010) in the Ivanovo and Vladimir regions, 150 employees and cadets are marked by government awards and governors.

Director - Alexander Mitrofanovich Manaenkov

GBPO technical fire and rescue college named after the hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maximchuk - Educational institution connected in its structure a two-stage education system, the purpose of which is to create the necessary conditions for obtaining:

Initial vocational education (NGO) along with the receipt of medium (full) general education
Secondary vocational education (SPO)

College carries out social partnership with state structures, emergency response services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Agencies on cooperation with agencies to ensure civil protection activities of the CAO and YUAO of the city of Moscow, the main management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the city of Moscow, the UMC of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow.

College graduates depending on the received profession or specialty are employed:
- firefighters, inspectors of Mrs., Chiefs of the Karaula in the fire part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow;
- operators of computer and techniques of ACS to the CS monitoring and forecasting centers, the management center in the crisis situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the city of Moscow, the management center forces;
- Auto mechanics and techniques for maintenance and repair of special equipment to a specialized fire and rescue squad of the civil protection management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the city of Moscow;
- in search and rescue units of the Civil Protection Agency for Administrative Districts.

Directions of learning:
Fire safety (SPO)
Qualifications: technician. Little time: On the basis of grade 9 - 3 years 10 months. Examinations: Russian, physical training
Emergency Protection (SPO)
Qualification: Technician - Rescuer. Litchime: based on grades - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian, mathematics, physical training
Maintenance and repair of road transport (SPO)
Qualifications: technician. Litchime: based on grades - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian, mathematics
Information Systems (SPO)
Qualifications: Technician for information systems, specialization: monitoring and forecasting emergency situations. Litchime: based on grades - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian, mathematics, computer science
Automated information processing and management systems in the RSCS (SPO)
Qualifications: technician. Litchime: based on grades - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian, mathematics, computer science
Fireman (NGO)
Qualification: fireman. Ladies of study: based on grades - 2 years 5 months. Entrance exams: physical training
Auto mechanic (NGO)
Qualification: car repair mechanic. Ladies of study: based on grades - 2 years 5 months. Entrance exams: no
Hardware and Software Studyer (NGOs)
Qualifications: hardware and software adjuster. Ladies of study: based on grades - 2 years 5 months. Entrance exams: No /

Additional education
- spoken English
- Operator of electronic computing machines
- car repair mechanic
- Car driver
- Fundamentals of emergency rescue work
- fire and technical minimum
- Participation in the preparation of voluntary fire fights (DPD)
- Industrial alpinism
- Cynologist
- Gas production fabric
- Fire safety technician

Mugs and sections: Of, Boxing, Fire and Rescue, Military Patriotic Association "Cadet", Football, Athletics, "Fireburs", Young Fireman, Activity, Ho, Basketball, Volleyball, Volunteer Movement, Hand-to-hand fight, Team of musical creativity "Orange" , Arm wrestling, fight sambo, circle "Inspiration", a circle of decorative and applied art