What is the profession of information systems by industry. Profession "Information Systems and Technologies": What is this specialty

Professional specialty 09.02.04

Information Systems (by industry)

Qualification -

Description of specialty

Information Systems (by industry - trade; tourism): a basic level of training based on grade 9 (basic general education) - full-time learning. Learning date - 3 year 10 months; Basic level of grade 11 training level (secondary education) - full-time learning. Life term - 2 year 10 months. Qualification - " Technician for information systems ».

Region professional activity graduates: the creation and operation of information systems that automate the tasks of the organizational management of commercial companies and budgetary institutions; analysis of requirements for information systems and business applications; a combination of methods and means of developing information systems and business applications; implementation of project specifications and business application architecture; Regulations of modifications, optimization and development of information systems.

Professions: Operator of electronic computing and computing machines, technological equipment adjuster

The objects of professional activities of graduates are:

· programs and software components of business applications;

· languages \u200b\u200band programming systems of business applications;

· instrumental tools for documentation;

· descriptions and modeling of informational and communication processes in information systems;

· project management tools;

· standards and methods of management organization, accounting and reporting in enterprises;

· standards and methods of information interaction of systems;

· primary labor collectives.

Technician for information systems Preparing for the following activities:

operation and modification of information systems; participation in the development of information systems; Performance of work on one or more professions of workers, employees.

Programmer technician must have professional competencescorresponding to the main types of professional activities:

Operation and modification of information systems:

· collect data for analyzing the use and operation of the information system, to participate in the preparation of reporting documentation, to participate in the development of project documentation for the modification of the information system;

· interact with the specialists of the adjacent profile in the development of methods, means and technologies for the use of occupation of professional activities;

· make a modification of individual modules of the information system in accordance with the working task, document the changes made;

· participate in experimental testing of information systems at the operation phase, fix the identified coding errors in the developed modules of the information system;

· develop fragments of documentation for the operation of the information system;

· participate in assessing the quality and economic efficiency of the information system;

· installing and configuring the information system as part of its competence, document the results of work;

· advise the information system users and develop fragments of the methodology for learning the information system users;

· fulfill the regulations on updating, technical support and recovery of information system data, work with technical documentation;

· ensure the organization of access of the information system users as part of its competence.

Participation in the development of information systems.

· participate in the development of technical specifications;

· program in accordance with the requirements of the technical task;

· apply the methods for testing developed applications;

· form reporting documentation on the results of work;

· make out program documentation in accordance with the adopted standards;

· use the criteria for assessing the quality and reliability of the information system.

Technician for information systems is a specialist in developing typical technological processes of automated information processing, developing components of automated information systems, implementation and maintenance of automated information systems.

Different information systems are found in our everyday life, Whether you are at work or at home, go on the way, or move by car. And it is so difficult for us to imagine life without them! Information systems are our assistants. And any company or organization today cannot fully exist without the availability of an informational and analytical system.

The easiest example of the information system, which we meet in everyday life can be considered a telephone directory, where the recorded subscribers and the name of the subscriber name is the name of the relevant subscriber.

Information management systems are widely used in the enterprise. The use of information systems will significantly facilitate the lives of all mankind, it is invaluable assistance, because one or group a person cannot keep a list of data in the head either on paper, which, for example, in a computer occupy a hundred terabyte of RAM, but there is little such information, it is necessary still systematize and adapt to a convenient search.

Information systems are divided into two main groups, these are information directories and information databases. In turn, each of these systems can be divided into many different systems of specific orientation, such as medical, geographical and other different subjects. That is, for each sphere of human activity there is its own information system.

The main feature that any information system is haunted is a collection, storage and search for information. A huge amount of information often makes it difficult to find necessary, it takes a lot of time and effort. Information management systems are the main assistant in finding the necessary information. It is fast, convenient and very practical. Moreover, information in electronic form will replace paper documents in the future, as it turns out electronic documents - It is much easier, faster and more economical.

By scale, information systems are made to three main groups:

· individual, these are systems intended for one user and containing personal, personal data entered into this system by the user by the bright example of which a notebook can serve.

· collective is a system designed for a small group of people and containing information available only to them.

· corporate, this system, which can cover from the smallest to the largest enterprise.

Common Fefession and Special Training:

· Basics of architecture, device and functioning of computing systems

· OS

· Computer networks

· Metrology, Standardization, Certification and Technical Documentation

· Device and operation of the information system

· Basics of algorithm and programming

· Basics of Database Design

· Technical means of informatization

· Elements of higher mathematics

· Special courses based on the platform "1C".

230401 Information Systems (by industry)

Modern world cannot exist without information systems. They are everywhere: at airports and plants, in banks and state institutions. Of course, these systems must function correctly, they need to be ordered correctly, to debug in failures and, of course, you must be able to explain to users how to properly use all these software. With such tasks, only a real professional, who received excellent basic training and consolidated his knowledge in practice. Such professionalism and teaches our technical school.
Specialty 230401 Information systems (by industry) - the specialty on which there has always been, there will be a big contest. And it does not surprise, because our teachers teach future technicians:

  • the ability to develop the processes of automated processing of information arrays,

  • modify automated control systems,

  • evaluating the economic profitability of technological processes used in automated information with systems.

Graduate qualifications: technician.
Regulatory term (learning date): - on the basis of the main general Education (9 classes) - 3 years 10 months.
Full-time form of education.Training is carried out in a specialty free basis.
A set of students in the specialty is carried out without entrance tests, According to the results of the competition of certificates.
At the end of the technical school issued a diploma of the state sample.

Employment in the specialty after training in the technical school.

Every person living in a modern progressive world knows what is an IT sphere. This is the sphere of information technology, to be a specialist in whose area is considered not only prestigious, but also highly paid. Having received education in our technical school in the specialty 230401 Information Systems (by industry), you can go to work in any industry and the sphere where the accumulation systems, processing and analysis systems are used. In other words, you can get a job in any enterprise, organization and companies, where there is a need to create and apply databases, software, etc. If the graduate student will make a desire to continue learning in the highest educational institution Favorite specialty information systems (by industry), our technical school assists in admission.

What is teaching

Students study elements of higher mathematics, mathematical logic, probability theory and mathematical statistics, device and operation of computing systems, operating systems, computer networks, metrology, standardization, certification and technical documentation. Among the professional modules is the operation and modification of information systems (which includes methods and means of their design), participation in the development of information systems.

Whom to work

Operator of electronic computing machines and technological equipment adjustment - the main positions that are occupied by specialty graduates. They produce a modification of individual information system modules in accordance with the working task, participate in experimental testing of the information system, record the identified coding errors in the modules developed, are involved in the assessment of the quality and economic efficiency of the information system, they will install it and configure it.

The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activities of graduates:

application of automated information processing and management systems using computer networks, their software and maintenance;
creation and operation of information systems that automate the tasks of organizing management of commercial companies and budgetary institutions;
analysis of requirements for information systems and business applications;
a combination of methods and means of developing information systems and business applications;
implementation of project specifications and business application architecture;
regulations of modifications, optimization and development of information systems.
The objects of professional activities of graduates are:
languages \u200b\u200band programming systems of business applications;
instrumental tools for documentation;
descriptions and modeling of informational and communication processes in information systems;
project management tools;
standards and methods of management organization, accounting and reporting in enterprises;
standards and methods of information interaction of systems;
primary labor collectives.

So today we will explore "Information Systems and Technologies" (specialty). Graduates of this direction are very often faced with the problem of employment. Initially, everyone says that there will be no such phenomenon - everyone received a diploma without any problems will arrange where he wants. But only in fact everything turns out a little differently. Therefore, it is better to know what a career can "shine" you, if you select "Information Systems and Technologies" (specialty). Let us try to figure out which vacancies are always open to graduates of this direction. There are a lot of them. And many applicants do not even guess who they can get to work in the future.


The first option, which can only be offered (especially men), is a job as an engineer. - The specialty that is created specifically for this idea. That is, to produce graduate engineers. Only about this fact Not many universities are told. After all, B. lately This vacancy is considered not the most popular among young professionals. So, "Information Technology and Communication Systems" is a specialty to learn a few.

Plus, the salary of the average engineer in Russia is not so high. But the responsibility and responsibilities are huge. Of course, only a small amount of applicants will decide on such a step. And for this reason you have to entrust new students with loud promises regarding future employment. But is it all right in fact?


Specialty 090302 ("Information Systems and Technologies") allows future graduates to choose an independently future place of work. The main thing is that it is associated with IT technologies. And now, in the century of computer progress, finding something worthwhile will not be difficult. Only here competition is huge here. Therefore, sometimes graduates of the direction are found in very "interesting" places.

For example, in schools. Any graduate can make a job there. For example, in computer science. After all, work in the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies" implies demonstrating their skills about technology. In addition, occasionally, students who released from the destinations are found as teachers of labor.

But school work is not the prospect that it should attract a young student to study as many as 5 years. Now the teacher can take the work of any person who has informed his knowledge in a particular school subject. Yes, and salary from such workers, just say, small. But the responsibility (as well as the engineers) is a lot. So it is not the most better place for work. Of course, if only you do not "lie" to this activity. In other cases, students try to first find out in detail about the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies", then to study future jobs, and then decide on admission and further training. What else can you offer such graduates?

Communication service

Recently, people are very striving to get to work towards different Internet providers or other communication services. Moreover, the first place is considered more prestigious than the second. Who to work here?

There is a lot of alternatives - from the usual consultant to the installer or engineer. As a rule, the "installation of equipment" is selected. There will have to apply all the skills obtained during the training period in practice. Plus, if you studied well, this lesson will not give you trouble. But the salary is likely to be happy. What exactly do? Establish problems on the program lines, as well as install the necessary equipment to customers and correct malfunctions. For example, come to the apartment, pave the cable and connect the Internet modem and cable TV with the console.

True, sometimes the engineer in the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies" is able to quickly settle an accident at the station, which "cuts" Internet communication and telephony from customers. And such specialists are extremely valued. Their salary also pleases, only the responsibility and tasks performed too much. The working schedule can "call" you from the rest if this will require this situation. For this reason, this position does not enjoy great popularity. But graduates have a lot of different alternatives to build a career. What exactly?


Specialty "Information systems and graduates get different. But all of them, in most cases, are associated with further employment. And the more prestigious place, the better opinion.

Just do not be happy that everything is very good here. The thing is that in the specialty it is possible to work only by a small number of graduates. The rest are forced to look for at least some place to build a career. And often you can meet them as telecom operators.

More precisely we are talking About telephone operator-consultant. To be honest, even a person without education can be made to this position. Nevertheless, some graduates prefer this place. Depending on the activities of the company you will need to just give advice or sell some product or service. And for this to receive money. In truth, not a particularly "dusty" worker, which brings average income.

Only here are information systems and technologies, the specialty that this direction of learning gives is a difficult and demanding thing. And learning there, then to work as the most common operator on the phone, is stupid. After all, as already mentioned, this position may even occupy a person without higher education. Increasingly and more often, schoolchildren from 14 years begin to work as telephone operators. Hence the conclusion is the complete absence of career growth. Thus, you have to look for alternative places to build your own career. Especially if you are young and ambitious


Have you decided to finish the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies"? Who to work after the release is what should worry you while admission to the university. The thing is that exactly how it was repeatedly noticed, affects the success and popularity of the direction. It seems to be all in today's order. Only here to find the place of work in reality turns out to be a very difficult task.

Therefore, many just prefer to get settled "where to take". And a very common vacancy is the "Sales Manager". For this career, you will not have to recognize the specialty code of "Information Systems and Technologies", to study there for a long time, protect the diploma and so on. It's just enough to come to the employer and show your desire to work. Occasionally, this vacancy requires at least some diploma.

Career growth is sometimes present here, but not very big. The schedule of work is usually quite flexible. And the wage holds at the average level. Plus to everything, the work by sales manager gives at least some guarantees for stability. This is what is required to young graduates. Stability is a pledge of great success in almost any career. But there is one minus here is a huge competition. Sales managers are now so much. So, if this career is satisfied with you, hurry to find yourself the most prestigious place to work.

Individual entrepreneur

The following version of the development of events is the path of an individual entrepreneur. This "vacancy" (if it can be called it) is available, in principle, all and everyone. You will need to just come up with an idea for your own business, and then implement it.

Individual entrepreneurs work very many graduates of various specialties and directions. Why? All thanks to freedom of action - your career is entirely and completely depend on only your own aspirations and success. Just like your own earnings. How many worked - so much and got.

And here it does not matter who you are a philologist, physicist, manager, economist or programmer. The main thing is that you have ideas. The most popular occupation here is the maintenance of accounting, the opening of small shops, as well as beauty salons or sports halls. What is so necessary to people.

Writing texts

Have you graduated from "Information Systems and Technologies" specialty? Who to make a release? If you are not yet ready to work for a penny or build your own business, then it's time to try yourself as ... Freelancer. More precisely, we are talking about copying and rewater.

What is the job? In writing texts under the order. Regarding IT technologies now you can find quite a lot of different orders. They are paid decently (from 50 rubles for 1,000 characters without spaces), and the work schedule is usually selected by a copywriter personally. You can make orders since the morning in a few hours, and then rest all day, or to "stretch" them for a long time. As a job, you can choose different freeline exchanges. They will help you find customers, and constant. And this is the real guarantor of stable income.


The next vacancy that can be suggested is a writhe. Do not confuse it with copywriting or rewriting. Indeed, in the first case, you need to write books and literature, and in the second - the most ordinary, short (and sometimes not very) texts.

In truth, only a small number of graduates of the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies" choose the way writing activity. After all, it, as a rule, can also deal with any person. Even without education. All that will be required of you is time and fantasy. Naturally, if you have "well, you can get hung up for writing different methods, as well as specialized literature that will help students. Only this, again, is extremely rare phenomenon.

Usually writers become together with some other work. After all, the written books bring income not immediately. And always needed money. Therefore, you can try in free time Write a story or did it happen? Then you can continue further.

Office Manager

Also, any graduate can work as a manager. This vacancy is popular among young girls. Regardless of the ending direction, they with a huge hunt go to work in the office, until they found a more prestigious place.

As a rule, office managers perform office work and "contact" with important securities. Only in practice, such workers usually sit at the computer, process information and play games until the bosses sees. Earnings are low for men, but the average (sometimes high) for women. Stable work schedule. This attracts young professionals.

System Administrator

Of course, it is impossible to bypass the side of this vacancy as a system administrator. In truth, "Information Systems and Technologies" is a specialty that this position implies one of the profiles. The work of the sysadmin is considered quite prestigious. Especially if you know your business for sure.

Schedule of the system administrator flexible. Plus, there is a perspective of career growth. Also graduates attract salaries. On average, labor pay is about 15-20 thousand rubles per month. And all this in combination with a flexible working schedule, as well as with pretty simple tasks and a little responsibility. What else is needed for a successful career?


In fact, if you have a diploma for information systems and technologies, almost any vacancy is open before you. With the exception of the children's caregiver in the garden and the doctor. Therefore, students often begin to build a career while learning.

In addition to system administration, graduates choose programming directions, 3D design and information processing on a computer. In other words, all vacancies that are somehow connected with PCs are suitable. The main thing is to carefully choose a place to work and pay attention to the necessary tasks to perform in the workplace.

Information Systems Specialistengaged in developing, maintaining and implementing various information systems. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

The information system is a system of automation of organizations, which includes:

  • technical support (a complex of technical means for system operation);
  • software and mathematical support;
  • informational support and technology;
  • organizational and methodological and legal support.

The main purpose of the information system, for example, in the economy - the creation of an infrastructure for effective activities and management of the company. Thus, the information system "1C: Enterprise" is intended to automate all accounting processes in the enterprise. Information systems for organizational management will automate the activities of leadership staff in hotels, banks, trade. In manufacturing enterprises used systems of automation of technical personnel functions: streamlines, microcircuit production, assembly. Automation of design processes is information systems as creating project and graphics documentation, modeling objects.

Professional standard of this profession developed and approved relatively recently - 11/18/2014 by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 896n "On Approval professional Standard "Specialist in Information Systems".

Information systems are initially created based on users who are experts in their subject area, but do not speak special knowledge in the field of IT. Therefore, information systems applications must be as simple as possible, comfortable, easily mastered, intuitive.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a specialist information system can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Creation and maintenance of information systems:
  • negotiations with the customer in order to clarify its information on the information system;
  • collection of information for modeling the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe project and the requirements of future users of the system;
  • drawing up with the customer of the technical task to develop an information system;
  • development of the information system and interaction with all project participants during the work;
  • deploying jobs of the information system from the customer;
  • installation and configuration of application software required for system operation;
  • setting technical equipmentparticipating in the work of the system;
  • integration of the information system with technical support customer;
  • conducting internal system testing with setting parameters;
  • experienced operation of the information system in the enterprise;
  • liquidation of claims of users of the system after an experienced operation;
  • detection and elimination of errors in the process of work.
  1. Technical support:
  • installation of the information system;
  • support of the system during operation;
  • coding of software for specific tasks;
  • development of instructions for operation and technical documentation.
  1. Interaction with system users:
  • training of users of the information system techniques of work with it; consulting information system users;
  • creating presentations I. demonstration versions systems;
  • drawing up a report on learning outcomes.

At each stage, a group of specialists can work, depending on the volume of the enterprise and the tasks.

Pros and cons profession


  1. Restability.
  2. High wages of qualified professionals.
  3. The development of useful ties and dating in business.


  1. User training on initial stage associated with their misunderstanding and opposition.
  2. The need to convince and repeatedly explain the elementary things to users who do not have special qualifications in the field of information technology.
  3. Frequent business trips are possible.

Place of work

A legally specialist in information systems is an IT employee who develops information systems, but it works in the enterprise in the period of implementing the system. The structure of the enterprise itself sometimes creates a department for supporting implemented information systems so that, after training and pilot operation, its own specialists can identify and eliminate possible incidents.

Important qualities

  • Analytical mind;
  • systemic thinking;
  • communicability;
  • ability to work with groups of people;
  • the ability to create a constructive interaction of IT specialists and user users;
  • attention to detail;
  • a responsibility;
  • discipline;
  • knowledge of English language For reading technical literature.
  • Professional skills
  • knowledge of the architecture and operation of modern information systems;
  • knowledge of the principles of analysis and storage of databases;
  • possession of the basics and programming languages, modern methods testing information systems;
  • knowledge of automation standards of various processes (ERP, CRM, MRP, ITIL, ITSM, etc.);
  • the ability to quickly delveue and understand the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe projected information system;
  • it is desirable knowledge of the foundations of economic activity and management of the enterprise;
  • the ability to work with information: collection, processing, analysis.


Salary on 09/17/2019

Russia 25000-65000 ₽

Moscow 40000-100000 ₽

A novice information system specialist can count on salary from 60 thousand rubles. Specialist with experience in more than 3 years can receive from 100 thousand rubles. In the metropolitan region.

Stairs Career and Perspectives

Specialist in information systems can start their career with the operation of the system in the enterprise, then go through all the steps from a simple specialist to the main ones of the introduction of information systems. The next step is the head of the project implementation project, further is the level of information system developer.

Types of information systems

Classification for the purpose and use of the system:

  • organizational or administrative management systems;
  • technological process management systems;
  • automated scientific research systems;
  • automated Design Systems (CAD).

According to the organizational level, 4 types of information systems are distinguished:

  • systems for dialogue processing in the operating level Transaction Processing Systems (TPS);
  • knowledge Level Systems, Knowledge Work System (KWS) and Detarating Automation Systems - Office Automation Systems (OAS);
  • management Systems Management Systems Management Information Systems (MIS) and decision support systems - Decision Support Systems (DSS);
  • strategic Level Systems Executive Support Systems (ESS).

Information systems folled modern world. They are almost every sphere: state. Institutions, banks, factories, airports, etc. Therefore, today specialists who serve such systems are in demand.

Consider the level of income of information systems specialists, what kind of salary for the technique in different places.

Statistics of income by profession in Russia

On average in Russia in technicians of information systems salary in the range 20 000-75 000 rub. per month.

  • Experiencers without experience can count on wages from 7 000 rub.
  • Wizards with work experience more than 3 years in major cities Receive 110 000 rub. and more.

Technicians who are responsible for providing information security of automated systems, a salary on average in the country - 45 000 rubles.

Information systems technician who knows on sufficient level and programming, salary in the range 25-120 thousand rubles.

Good The specialists in this area fall into the field of vision of Western companies.

They often lure them in large salary in 3000-10000 $ per month.

Slashing by region (rub. / Month.):

  1. Oryol region - 70,000.
  2. Kamchatsky region - 65,000.
  3. Moscow region - 56 500.
  4. Sverdlovsk region. — 50 000.
  5. Tomsk region - 45 000.

Profit for various specializations

It is worth noting that information systems may vary by industry, so the salary will also be different:

  • Specialware of information security of automated systems, salary in large cities at the initial level - 40-60 thousand rubles. With work experience 3-6 years old - 75-150 thousand rubles. For example, in London, employees with experience in a similar position receive 60-90 thousand £ / yearthat translated into rubles is equal 400-600 thousand rubles per month.
  • Specialists who are responsible for the information security of telecommunication systems earn 40 000 rubles. You should deal with electronics and circuitry, hardware data systems, to know programming methods, etc.
  • There is also a specialty: information systems for the provision of urban planning activities, salary of a novice specialist 20 000-40 000 rub. In senior positions you can earn 2000-3000 $ and more. It should be understood in the assessment of land and real estate, to be able to process the results of geodesic measurements, to maintain the cadastral information base using automated systems, etc.
  • Work in the specialty information systems and technologies, a salary of a young specialist - 30 000-40 000 rub. / Month., With experience from 3 years you can earn 70 000-100 000 . Possible positions: Web administrator, SIS. Analyst, programmer, admin and database developer, etc.

Remuneration in the capital

Average s / n in Moscow - 80 000 rub.

At what kind of specialist information systems salary affects his experience (rub.):

  1. without experience - up to 50,000.
  2. from 1 year to 70,000.
  3. from 2 years to 100,000.
  4. from 3 years to 150,000.

In St. Petersburg, the initial income is 28 000-40 000 rub. Maximum salary figures reach 120,000 rubles.

Open vacancies and offered salaries:

  1. Systemotechnics of technical support for information systems, salary from 32,000 to 37,000 rubles, work in the retail network MAGNET. Conditions: Official s / n, chart 5/2, Compensation of fuel, depreciation of the car, corporate telephone, preferential and free trips.
  2. Technician for maintenance of SIS-M Safety, salary from 35,000 to 75,000 per hand. Work in OOO " Profroy", Moscow. Official employment, full-time, probationary period - 2 months.
  3. Technician Information Technology Department, Salary: 21,000-26 500 rubles, Employer GAU then MFC, Tyumen. Replacement schedule, full-time. Required experience - 1-3 years.

Slant in the USA

IP technician earns middle Salary in size $ 41 USD in year.

Earning fluctuate from $ 25,000 to $ 81,000 per year.

According to the statistics of the PAYSCALE recruiting portal, 90% of employees working under this profession in the US are men.

  1. 60% of employees under this specialty under the age of 30 years.
  2. 93% have higher education.
  3. 85% of men.
  4. 60% have the rights category V.
  5. 60% own English on medium and conversational level.

The level of s / n affects:

  • experience,
  • place of work,
  • region of work.


To work the technician of the informant. Systems and technologies in most cases receive higher education, cost - from 400 to 800 thousand ₽ For 5 years of study.

You can also finish courses that will cost from 30 to 150 thousand ₽.

Career and prospects

The technician can become a leader in the introduction of information. Systems (IP). At the next stage, you can become a developer of IP.