The best places to live in the world. Find the best place to live in Russia - the most comfortable and favorable cities

The Economist Intelligence Unit, a reputable analytics firm, has unveiled its 2011 ranking of the world's best cities to live in. It is noteworthy that two Russian cities also appear in the ranking: St. Petersburg is in 68th place, and Moscow is in 70th place. .
The criteria for assessing the standard of living in 140 cities of different countries for the company's experts were 30 parameters. Among them are security, the level of healthcare, stability in social sphere, education, level of infrastructure development, availability of goods and services, ecology and diversity of cultural life.

1. 10th place. Auckland, New Zealand with a score of 95.7
10th place in the ranking is occupied by the largest city of New Zealand, Auckland. Its population is 1.3 million people, and this is a quarter of the total population of the country.
Today, New Zealand's economic and cultural life is concentrated in Auckland. Alas, there are not many historical sights in the city, but the hearts of all those who come here for the first time will surely conquer its picturesqueness and beauty.

2. Auckland is home to the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere: the Sky Tower, which is 328 meters high.

3. Auckland at night.
Auckland is washed by three sea bays. 48 extinct volcanoes are located within the city.

4. Panorama of Auckland from the Sky Tower.

5. 9th place. Adelaide, Australia with a score of 95.9
9th place is occupied by the capital and the most Big city State of South Australia, the fifth largest city in the country - Adelaide. Its population is more than 1.1 million people

10. The city got its name in honor of the Queen - the wife of the King of Great Britain and Hanover, William IV, who occupied the throne from 1830 to 1837.
The city is located on the ocean. The small central part of Adelaide is built up mainly with high-rise buildings, there are also several modern skyscrapers here. In general, the city has one or two floors. The three integral components of Adelaide are perfect cleanliness, neatness and impeccable decoration of buildings.

11. Victoria Fountain.

12. Kangaroo Island.
In Adelaide, tourists are also attracted by the third largest island in Australia called Kangaroo. This is a nature reserve wildlife, there is a colony of sea lions, and the coast is ideal for fishing.
Average level income per worker in Adelaide is the same as the national average. However, the standard of living and the cost of real estate here is much lower than in other major cities in Australia.

13. 8th place. Perth, Australia with a score of 95.9.
Perth is largest city and the state capital of Western Australia. Its population is about 1,200,000 people. He is on the coast indian ocean.

14. The city is one of the main economic centers of Australia. Here gold, diamonds and nickel are mined. Moreover, it is in this region that the world's largest deposits of gold and nickel are located (in the Kalgoorlie region), and the world's largest diamond-bearing region, Kimberley, is the main competitor of diamond deposits in South Africa and Yakutia.

15. The city landscape of Perth is unthinkable without modern skyscrapers.

16. Perth is often referred to as the "Pearl of Australia". Ancient architecture, a convenient pedestrian zone in the center, a beautiful view of the river - Perth is a real Mecca for tourists.

17. One of the attractions of Perth is the Wolf Creek meteorite crater.

18. The mild Mediterranean climate, wonderful beaches, restaurants, bars and nightclubs in Perth attract many tourists.

19. 7th place. Sydney, Australia with a score of 96.1.
Sydney is the largest city on the southeast coast of Australia. Its area is twice that of another giant city - New York. Thus, all travelers here face the same problem - how to have time to see everything.

20. A huge number of parks and green areas is the main difference between Sydney and other major cities on the planet: 34 hectares of the territory of the Royal botanical garden.

21. In the summer, active life in Sydney leaves the City and moves to the beaches. Sydney has over 20 city beaches and a dozen harbours. The most famous beach is Bondi. This is the best place in Sydney for surfing.

22. Evening Sydney is indescribably beautiful: on the waterfront, the lights of skyscrapers are reflected in the water of the harbor. The building of the Sydney Opera House is a peculiar business card Sydney.

23. Another of the main attractions of Sydney is the Harbor Bridge, the largest bridge in the city. In addition, it is one of the largest steel arch bridges in the world.

24. Sydney, Harbor Bridge and Sydney Opera House: aerial view.

25. 6th place. Helsinki, Finland, 96.2 points
Helsinki is the capital and largest city of Finland. The population is 578 thousand people.

26. The streets of the city are washed by bays, bridges are thrown between nearby islands, and ferries carry out communication with remote islands. Helsinki is enveloped in the smell of the sea, and in the ports here there is an incessant noise from arriving and departing ships.
Helsinki is the center of business, education, culture and science in Finland. There are 8 universities and 6 technology parks in Greater Helsinki.

27. View of the city center. The Cathedral is one of the landmarks of Helsinki.

28. 70% of all foreign companies operating in Finland are located in this city.

29. Helsinki is a maritime city. It is located on the peninsulas and islands of the Baltic coastline.

30. 5th place. Calgary, Canada with 96.6 points
Calgary is the largest city in Alberta, Canada. This is an area of ​​foothills and prairies, located about 80 km east of the watershed of the Canadian Rockies.

31. The sun shines here on average 2400 hours a year, so the city is one of the sunniest in Canada.

32. Calgary is located in the transition zone between the foothills of the Canadian Rockies and the Canadian Prairies. It is to this factor that it owes its rather hilly relief. The center of Calgary is located at an altitude of approximately 1048 m above sea level.

33. The center of life in Calgary is oil production. Oil fields were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. Paradoxically, at the same time, this city is considered by many organizations to be one of the cleanest in the world.

34. Olympic Plaza. Another well-known landmark is noticeable in the distance ––––– Calgary Tower (Calgary Tower), whose height is 91 m. It is famous for its design - swaying slightly in the wind, the tower maintains its stability even with very strong gusts.

35. Downtown Calgary, photo taken in 2010.

36. 4th place. Toronto, Canada, with a score of 97.2.
Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the capital of the province of Ontario. The city received its current name in 1834.

37. Toronto is considered the most multicultural city in Canada. Immigrants make up about 49% of its residents. View of the city from a helicopter, November 2010.

38. It is in Toronto that the longest street in the world is located - Young Street, listed in the Guinness Book of Records due to its length of 1896 km. In addition, Toronto is home to the largest zoo in the world. Its area is 283 hectares. About 5,000 animals are kept here in conditions close to their natural habitat.
Aerial view of Toronto from the other side.

39. The world's tallest TV tower, the CN tower, was built back in 1976. Its height together with the spire reaches 553 meters, and at a height of 446 meters there is a closed observation deck.

40. The TV tower is visible from anywhere in Toronto.

41. The Toronto Islands are a great place to relax and have picnics. This place is often chosen by both locals and tourists. View of the city from the island.

42. Without a doubt, the main attraction in the vicinity of Toronto is Niagara Falls. It is located 140 km from Toronto between lakes Ontario and Erie on the border with the United States.

43. And this is the Toronto of the near future

44. 3rd place. Melbourne, Australia with a score of 97.5.
Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia and the capital of the state of Victoria. Its population is about 3.8 million people. Melbourne is a major commercial, industrial and cultural centers country. In addition, it is often referred to as the sports and cultural capital of Australia.

45. Melbourne rightfully bears the title of the most picturesque city in Australia. Exquisite Victorian architecture is combined with wonderful nature here.

46. ​​Connoisseurs of Victorian architecture should take a walk along the main street of the city. It's called Swanston.

47. If you want to see all of Melbourne at once, go up to the observation deck of the Rialto Tower. This is a skyscraper whose height is 253 meters.
View of Melbourne from the Rialto Tower.

48. One of the attractions of the city is the art center of Victoria.

49. Yarra River, Melbourne.


51. 2nd place. Vienna, Austria, with a score of 97.9 points.
Vienna is the capital of Austria. The city is located in the eastern part of the country. The population of Vienna, including its suburbs, is about 2.3 million.

52. Vienna is the world capital of music, thanks to a galaxy of famous musicians who lived and worked in this city. Among them are Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert.

53. Vienna, spread out on the banks of the Danube, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

54. Vienna has everything: luxurious palaces, squares, cozy streets and numerous squares. One of the most recognizable buildings of the city, its “visiting card” is the Town Hall.

55. The Hofburg was the main seat of the imperial court in Vienna and a favorite winter haunt of the Austrian Habsburgs. Currently, the Hofburg, consisting of 2600 halls and rooms, is the official residence of the President of Austria.

56. Not far from the capital is the Vienna forest - an Austrian mountain range. This is a wonderful forest area with its own towns and hotels, resorts and thermal springs - a wonderful recreation area.

57.1 place. Vancouver, Canada, 98.0 points
So, here we come to the first place. Analytical company Economist Intelligence Unit believes that the best city on Earth to live is the Canadian city of Vancouver.

58. Vancouver is located at the foot of the Pacific coastline of the North American Cordilleras on the west coast of Canada, on the shores of a picturesque bay.

59. Vancouver is the third largest city in Canada. Its population is 2,433,000 people. It is also the largest city in the province of British Columbia.
Vancouver looks like this from a height of 500 meters.

60. Vancouver at night.

61. Vancouver is one of the most picturesque cities in the country. It is surrounded by dense coniferous forest, snow-capped mountains and fjords.

62. Vancouver has many rivers. Their banks are connected by 20 bridges, 3 of which are drawbridges.

63. This is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, located by the ocean. Spacious beaches, picturesque parks, majestic architecture of buildings - distinctive features Vancouver. High-class hotels, an abundance of museums, shops, restaurants and sports centers attract many tourists from all over the world.
Vancouver has a mild climate. The fact is that it is part of a unique ecosystem - a temperate rainforest. Summers are not hot here, and it rarely snows in winter.

64. Science Center.

65. On the hill of Little Mountain is the famous Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver.

There are many places in the world that will please a person. If you love the sea, then Belize, Mexico or Spain will do. If you like clean air and mountain scenery, you might want to take a closer look at Chile, Ecuador and Italy.

Sometimes it’s impossible to choose the best place for a person’s life right away, it’s not such an easy task. To deal with this time and again, experts from International Living examined 192 countries and compiled under the name "The best climate on Earth" (The best climate on Earth). According to these data, the mildest climate on planet Earth is in Zimbabwe and Malta.

The British Economist Intelligence Unit conducted its own research and ranked the most comfortable cities in the world. Last place it was occupied by the capital of Zimbabwe, the city of Harare. Following in the lowest place is Dhaka in Bangladesh, Lagos in Nigeria, Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. In total, 140 countries are represented in the ranking. Melbourne in Australia came first, Vienna in Austria second, and Vancouver in Canada.

Which places are "right"

Gerontologists believe that peoples with longer than average life expectancies are simply in the "right" places. For a long time there was an opinion that people were only in the mountains. But quite recently it turned out that the rarefied air of the highlands does not have the best effect on the body, and "longevity" is in fact nothing but a fiction.

Sea air is very useful for the body. It is free from harmful impurities, ozonized and absorbs emissions. The best climate is not unreasonably considered temperate continental, since it does not have sharp changes in average annual and average daily temperatures. Because of this, the highest life expectancy is observed in Japan, Sweden, Switzerland and Finland.

However, there are several paradoxes in modern times. For example, scientists are thrown into a stupor by the harsh climate of Yakutia. It is extreme for a person, but the life expectancy of people living here is the highest in Russia.


If you still have not decided which place on the planet to choose to live, pay attention to the rating of countries with the best climate. This includes Malta, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Australia, Argentina, Uruguay, South Africa, France and Italy. If finances allow, in each of these countries you can feel great for many years.

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Happiness is a relative concept. According to statistics, the level of happiness is directly proportional to the standard of living. Where in the world to live well, and where - not so much? Where are people mostly satisfied and happy? The best country to live in - what is it like?

If most happy person in the world it is difficult to name, the place where you can live happily -. High is not only material wealth and the amount of money savings, not only the wealth of natural resources and a stable economy, not only high level culture and care of the state about its citizens. It's… all of the above combined and more. Namely, joy. Everyday life, confidence in the future and a sense of happiness. How can you "calculate" this? Ask the residents different countries whether they are doing well, and then compare the data.

Why Norway is thriving

This is what annually scientists from the London Legatum Institute. They make up the Legatum Prosperity Index, which allows you to evaluate and compare the level of prosperity in various countries peace. The Prosperity Index differs from other statistical studies in that it is the most global one. It is not limited to individual macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP per capita, but tries to measure the degree of well-being and the level of happiness.

There are 142 countries in the rating for the last year. And Norway is again recognized as the best place. It is she who occupies the first line of the rating. This tops the rating for 5 years in a row. And in 2013, 77% of the inhabitants of Norway were satisfied with life in it. There is high prosperity, ever-increasing incomes, absolute safety of savings, low inflation and a high level of population. But the most important thing is that in Norway people trust each other more than anyone in the world, come to the rescue and help a person in need. Norway is followed by Switzerland and Canada. This is what the top three of the most prosperous countries on the planet look like.

Money can not buy happiness

Further in the top ten: Sweden, New Zealand, Denmark, Australia, Finland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg.
At 11 in terms of prosperity - the United States. The UK itself occupies only 16th position. And even the richest United Arab Emirates are in a much lower position - 28. So, happiness is definitely not in wealth. The criteria include comfort of living, economic, environmental, climatic, political, religious conditions, the degree of freedom, the attitude of the population towards each other and towards foreigners.

The top three outsiders from the bottom are Chad, the Central African Republic and the Congo.

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  • Legatum Institute

A lot of people are thinking about changing their place of residence today. Some want to change the climate, others want to give their children an international education, others want to enjoy their earned pension. Those who choose a “new homeland” often wonder which country in the world is better to live in.

Where is it better to live: world ranking

Every year, various magazines, portals, world-class institutions conduct research in the field of "the good life", which makes it possible to determine the best country in the world to live in. Some of the most reliable results are published by the Legatum Institute (London). The well-being index of a country is calculated not only from economic, political, social, climatic and other indicators, but also from residents. In the world, the results from the Legatum Institute are considered the closest to reality.

Norway has been named the world's best place to live this year. The Scandinavian country has a stable economy and a high standard of living. Also in Norway, human rights are strictly respected. Residents of all ages feel secure both socially and economically. It is worth noting that Norway has been at the top for five consecutive years (since 2009).

Looking for " a better life» It is worth paying attention to other countries. Switzerland is in second place. Over the years, the country has gradually risen higher and higher in the rankings. Experts note that the improvement in the position is associated not so much with economic indicators as with social ones. Residents of Switzerland have become more loyal to migrants and ethnic minorities. The freedom of choice has also increased significantly.

Canada ranks third in the ranking of countries in terms of quality of life. small in number Natural resources provide a stable economy. The increase in migrants does not scare the locals: Canadians are very tolerant. It is worth noting that, according to the rating of the Economist Intelligence Unit (analytical company), Vancouver is the best city in the world to live.

Fourth place among the best countries is occupied by another Scandinavian country - Sweden. The closest neighbor of the leader has overcome three positions in a few years. Improvements in this economically stable country are mainly related to improved security. Residents note that the streets have become much calmer than before.

In fifth place is distant New Zealand. Unfortunately, the country has dropped several positions (compared to the 2009 ranking). The main reason for this was a decrease in the level of security - the influx of migrants affects. However, the country remains in the top five countries in the world in terms of living standards. The main pillars of New Zealand are education, opportunities and nature.

The best country in the world: selected indicators

When choosing a country to live in, it is difficult to focus on the overall ratings. After all, everyone is looking for something “their own”: for one, the level of security is important, for another - education or healthcare. So Research institute simultaneously examines countries according to individual criteria.

Canada was named the best country. Residents of the North American state have a high level of personal freedom. In Canada, they are very loyal to visitors. This moment covers both social guarantees and employment, and mutual understanding between people.

In terms of socialization, Norway. Here people trust each other and are always ready to help not only relatives, but also a stranger. This country also has the highest economic indicators (criteria: increase in income, employment of the population, safety of savings, etc.). In the region, the palm tree is near Luxembourg, and the most satisfied with their government and the manner of governing the country in Switzerland.

Start a business with state support, the easiest in Sweden. Hong Kong is the safest country in the world. But there are two best places to get a quality education in the world: New Zealand and its closest neighbor Australia.

Northern Japan
The temperate island of Hokkaido belongs to the northern part of Japan. Local weather conditions are characterized by harsh winters with high rainfall. The average winter temperature reaches -10°-15°C, which is accompanied by daily snowfall. In the cold season, blizzards and snowstorms often occur. Spring frosts can last until mid-April, provoked by cold air masses from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In summer the air warms up to +26°С, in August the temperature reaches +30°С. Throughout the year, there are about 300 rainy days on the island of Hokkaido, which is reflected in the very high humidity.

central part
Most of the country is central, it includes the islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kushu. A milder subtropical climate prevails here. A short warm winter is characterized by rare snowfalls. Temperatures during the cold season reach 0°C at night and +5°C during the day. Spring comes according to all the laws of nature in March. By the end of the month, the air temperature warms up to + 15 ° C and the famous cherry blossom begins. This is the most favorable time to visit the Japanese islands. Summer in central Japan is hot and rainy. Temperatures in the first half of summer reach +25°C, and in the second half they are +30°C. Only on the coast of the country are the most comfortable conditions established, softening the heat with a cool sea breeze. At the beginning of autumn, the rains stop, and the second successful time to visit the country begins.

southern islands
The most remote islands of Japan are Okinawa and Ryukyu, which are located in the south of the country. A monsoonal climate prevails here with warm winters and hot summers. The great remoteness from the continent contributes to the softening of weather conditions in winter. The air temperature at this time of the year reaches +10°C at night and +17°C during the day. Throughout the summer, consistently high temperatures of +25°C at night and +30°C during the day. The high humidity is moderated by fresh sea breeze.

Weather in Tokyo
Cold weather in Tokyo starts in December and ends in March. From May to October, residents of the capital and guests of the city mainly use their summer wardrobe. An umbrella in this season on any day will not be superfluous. In mid-April, Tokyo usually has spring weather, cherry blossoms. This is the best time to visit the city, an abundance of flowering vegetation, numerous flower festivals, and comfortable weather. In August, the city welcomes tourists with heat, with the advent of September, the typhoon season begins. Winter in the capital of Japan is dry, sunny, the air temperature usually does not fall below 0 °C.

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Excellent employment opportunities, efficient healthcare, well organized public services, good ecology and world class education system will make any city comfortable for living. Unfortunately, not all cities in the world are so comfortable to live in. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has published a ranking of the world's best cities to live in 2015. According to the Global Liveability Ranking 2015, there are 11 most livable cities in the world in the top ten, there is no 6th place in the ranking, and two cities each rank 5th and 10th in the list. The ranking took into account 30 factors related to infrastructure, stability, healthcare , education and environment in 140 cities. Unfortunately, not a single Russian city made it into the top 10 cities. Australia and Canada are overall winners.

Melbourne has been ranked #1 among the most livable cities in the world for the fifth year in a row. The city has a low crime rate, developed infrastructure and almost ideal living conditions. In addition, Melbourne is a multicultural and cosmopolitan city. People from over 140 nationalities call Melbourne their homeland or simply choose to live here. Home to 10 internationally recognized universities, Melbourne provides a world-class education. Melbourne is also a global art city with many different galleries and museums. The city provides world-class medical care, which is free for local residents and people with a permanent visa.

When it comes to ranking cities, Vienna is almost always on the list. And the list of the best cities to live in is no exception. Vienna is known for its low crime rate, stable political system, developed economy, excellent infrastructure, rich and diverse culture and temperate climate. The city offers a highly efficient and affordable education system and first-class medical care.

Vancouver is known for its green spaces and is a dream come true for anyone who appreciates a high quality of life. Located on Canada's west coast, Vancouver is a clean city boasting an amazing natural beauty. The city has a very low crime rate, no corruption, a strong economy, high quality education and healthcare. Vancouver offers excellent job opportunities, making it one of the best cities to live and work in. University. Simon Fraser and the University of British Columbia are among the largest universities that attract many international students from different parts of the world. the globe. Vancouver aims to be the greenest city in the world by 2020.

Another Canadian city that offers a great work-life balance, strong economy, amazing environment, free medical care and sophisticated culture. Toronto is a fairly safe city. The crime rate is extremely low and public transport is well developed. Regular music concerts, performances on the streets, you will not be bored in Toronto.

Yes, you are not mistaken. Canada and Australia dominate the list. Clean, wealthy, beautiful and safe, Calgary is definitely one of the best cities to live in. The cost of living is very low and the salary is relatively high. The city has no sales tax and generally low taxes. Calgary provides world-class services to education and healthcare, and ecological system transportation.

The list is not number 6, and Adelaide is also ranked fifth on the 2015 list of the world's best livable cities. This coastal, peaceful, clean and affluent city has a low cost of living, affordable healthcare and a high quality education system. Adelaide is known for its fabulous beaches, spectacular parks, impressive architecture, unique museums, fun music bars and top-notch restaurants. Adelaide offers free bike rentals throughout the city. I think this is a great way to prevent air pollution.

Sydney is one of the best cities for the best quality of life and is also one of the best cities to live in. Sydney is a great business center with great job opportunities, world class healthcare, research centers and a high quality education system. Thanks to its wonderfully friendly environment, the city is ideal for family life.

And again, Australia. This list makes me believe that Australia is the perfect place to live and work. The most isolated administrative centers of the world from the wider civilization, the city of Perth provides a first-class education system and healthcare, developed infrastructure, high employment and high wages. The city boasts captivating beaches and offers many exciting outdoor activities.

New Zealand also has one of the most livable cities in the world. Auckland boasts a strong economy, a high quality of life, great business opportunities, an affordable and high quality education system, free medical care and a breathtaking environment. The city is safe and devoid of corruption. The crime rate is very low.

Finally, Finland! In addition to Canadian and Australian cities, Helsinki is another incredible city for a happy life. With a high standard of living, friendly locals, one of the best education systems in the world, a high quality healthcare system, and strict environmental laws, Helsinki deserves to be on the list of the most livable cities. Statistics show that people live longer in Helsinki. Zurich is another city that ranks tenth, read on…

The largest and most popular city in Switzerland, Zurich is a safe and beautiful city to live and work in. The crime rate is very low. Food, health care and education top quality. With very low tax rates, Zurich is known as one of the most profitable financial centers. In addition to the economy, the city boasts of its beauty.

I'm not a big fan of ratings, because I think that we are all equal. However, if you are looking for the best place to live, work or study, this ranking can help you. The list is a little confusing because there are two 5x places and two 10x places. In any case, every city is unique in its own way.

Various reasons force people to move to neighboring cities and countries, to change their permanent place of residence. In order to get an answer to the question of where to move to live in Russia, it is recommended to first study the statistics of wages, housing prices, view current jobs, and so on.

This analysis will allow you to choose the best option for yourself. This article invites readers to explore the advantages of some regions and cities of Russia, let's figure out where it is good to live in Russia, where high salaries are, where to go to calmly meet old age, where it is comfortable, safe, cozy and beautiful.

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The most favorable climate in Russia for living

Human health and general well-being largely depend on climatic conditions. However, not only the air temperature has an effect. This also includes the following climatic factors:

  • number of windy days and wind speed;
  • air humidity;
  • solar radiation;
  • Atmosphere pressure.

Based on the above criteria, scientists have established the most favorable, one might say the best place in Russia for human life. Possessing sustainable weather conditions, small interdiurnal variability or, in other words, a sharp jump in temperature and atmospheric pressure.

This place is the foothills of the North Caucasus.

The Black Sea coast is characterized by the highest average annual temperature, which is plus 14 degrees Celsius, and the warmest winter season with temperatures in January plus 4.7 degrees Celsius. The Caucasus Mountains and the sea breeze also provide the most comfortable summer.

Based on this, it should be concluded that, according to climatic conditions, the most prosperous cities for living in Russia are:, Sochi, Anapa.


After them in the list comes the Kaliningrad region, which is distinguished by soft European climatic conditions.


Comfortable weather conditions are possessed by:, Krasnodar, and.

The most prosperous cities in Russia

The most prosperous places in Russia for a person are:

  • Kazan;
  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg.

  • average salary;
  • ecological situation;
  • medical service;
  • the level of education;
  • infrastructure and much more.

The described moments in most cases are concentrated in cities with a population of over a million, since material support are significantly higher than in other regions of the country.

Saint Petersburg

In order to better understand the benefits of safe places for human habitation, you should study each of them in more detail:

  • The capital of Tatarstan has become a home for more than one million three hundred people. Kazan is gaining momentum in infrastructure and private business from year to year. The city is famous for good roads, beautiful architectural projects, and a large number of educational institutions. Also, the city is very well maintained, there are picturesque parks and squares;
  • Moscow is the largest and most populous city Russian Federation. Total population living has exceeded twelve million people. The center is famous for its high salary, good roads, well-established housing and communal structure, higher educational institutions, scientific centers, cultural and entertainment places;
  • Krasnodar attracts with its warm climate, high-quality medical services, and new residential buildings. The population today is more than 850 thousand people;
  • Tyumen is also recognized as one of the safest places in Russia. The number of residents is more than 700 thousand people. The rapid pace of development is due to the oil and gas industry involved;
  • The second capital of the Russian Federation is the city of St. Petersburg with a population of over five million people. Also St. Petersburg can be called the most beautiful place in Russia. What are its palaces, squares, canals, parks. The city has a high level of healthcare, higher education, well-established housing and communal structure. Many students choose the universities of the Northern capital for admission.

The worst cities in Russia to live in

The list of the most unfavorable cities for living in the Russian Federation is compiled taking into account the environmental situation, the quality of medicine, the pace of construction, the criminal situation and other factors.

  • First on the list is the industrial city of Magnitogorsk. It has a very poor ecological situation, poor quality education, uninteresting and dilapidated architecture. Every minute industrial smoke emitted into the atmosphere affects the health and overall life expectancy of local residents;
  • Second on the list is Artem. Devastation, crime, alcohol and drug addiction ate the city that flourished in the past. The poor environmental situation and the lack of jobs are forcing city residents to move to other more prosperous cities. According to the opinions of local residents who decided to move, it is impossible to live in peace and raise children in such a city;
  • Yakutsk - although it is not considered a city with poor ecology and developed crime, it repels immigrants with a harsh climate, poor transport infrastructure, and lack of housing;
  • Nizhnekamsk is characterized by poor environmental conditions, lack of good medical care and education. All this forces young people to move to other places in search of good living conditions;
  • Arkhangelsk is also included in the rating of unfavorable places in Russia. Arkhangelsk has a very large number of visitors from Central Asian countries. This is due to the fact that local residents leave their jobs and move closer to the capital. Qualified personnel are forced to leave by poor environmental conditions, low wages, lack of good infrastructure and career growth.

Which city in Russia has the highest salaries

Salary is an essential criterion when choosing a permanent place of residence.

The best places with high salaries include the following:

  • The first city on the list is the capital of Russia - Moscow. In the capital, for any person, qualified or with a lack of experience and education, there is a vacancy. The average salary is almost twice the average salary in the country and is about 56,000 rubles. By the way, it is in the capital that you can find food at very low, cheap prices, you can’t find this even in St. Petersburg;
  • About 45,000 rubles is the average salary in Tyumen. As already mentioned, not only a good salary attracts a flow of immigrants to this city, but also a developed infrastructure, high-quality medicine;
  • About 40,000 rubles is the average salary in St. Petersburg. At the same time, it should be noted that there is the same large number of vacancies as in the capital;
  • Kamchatka Krai is also on the list of places in Russia with the highest average salary, which is about 52,000 rubles;

Take into account: The Kamchatka Territory is gaining momentum from year to year - the infrastructure is improving, the level of education is growing and great contributions are being made to the development of medicine.

  • And the last on the list is, whose average salary is about 30,000 rubles. A well-formed industrial sector and a well-established service market have a positive effect on the employment of those who come to Yekaterinburg.

Do you know that: relatively inexpensive housing in a million-plus city. Therefore, it will not be difficult for a working family to acquire their own house or apartment.

Where is it better to live in the south of Russia

The question of where it is better to live in the south of Russia was answered above - in the Krasnodar Territory. This choice is explained by moderate climatic conditions without sudden temperature changes. More than one million people live in the city of Krasnodar, but there is absolutely no fuss there, on the contrary, life is measured and unhurried.

Also, the city has a good ecological situation, there are no large industrial facilities at all, and there are no problems with jobs. In Krasnodar, individual entrepreneurship is developing at a very good pace. The average salary is about 35,000 rubles. This is a comfortable, promising city, where many decide to leave for permanent residence.


From all of the above, we can conclude that in Russia there are good cities, you just need to be able to catch on there. The final choice on the topic of which city in Russia is better to move to live is recommended to be made after a preliminary search for housing and an actual workplace.

The main thing at the same time is the desire to work, invest, develop and raise your children in the conditions that you have chosen.

We bring to your attention a video with an overview of the best cities in Russia for living:

The 21st century has just begun, and Russia has already managed to endure 3 grandiose economic upheavals. And now we are waiting for the improvement to come, and our capricious "Mr. GDP" (we are talking about the gross product!) Will slowly but surely begin to gain height. Together with it, our well-being will grow, but for now, we are making plans for tomorrow, for a week, for a year. We read the news chronicle, we are interested in where this notorious place is, where everyone is fine, and we think why we are still not there.

Read the works of the American psychologist Maslow. In one of his treatises, he draws a direct link between the level of development of the city (its infrastructure, climate, economy, the ability to provide the population with jobs) and the possibility of procreation. In developed settlements it is more convenient to start a business and make a career, get an education and even relax.

Russia, of course, is united, but the regions within the country are developing differently. Why this happens is a topic for another discussion. Our goal is to find out in which city of our state the highest standard of living, respectively, where it is more convenient for us to live, raise children, study, work. Since this issue is of great interest to ordinary citizens, most rating agencies and social institutions are involved in clarifying it.

The level of confidence in such a large-scale study depends on the purity of the experiment, the selected evaluation criteria, and the status of its organizers. In general, it is a personal matter for everyone - to believe or not to believe. In our case, when compiling a rating of Russian cities in terms of living standards, analysts used several effective approaches to give an adequate result. There is no question of lobbying someone's interests, because:

  • researched by the Department of Sociology Financial University(a body operating under the Government of the Russian Federation);
  • the analysis was conducted among 38 largest cities;
  • the opinion of ordinary citizens, obtained during surveys, and information from Rosstat were taken into account.

The assessment was carried out according to important criteria:

  • social sphere: level of well-being, types of educational services, their availability, efficiency of healthcare services;
  • the functionality of utilities, the presence of new buildings in the city, emergency housing, the quality of roads;
  • migration indicators: the ratio of the number of people who left / moved to the city and permanent residents, satisfaction with important areas of life, willingness to leave for another region.

Where in Russia to live well

The outsiders of the top ten are:

10: Orenburg (0.51%). Leading in terms of healthcare, quality and construction of roads, maintenance of housing stock

9: Novosibirsk (0.48%). A large industrial center, the capital of the region with many attractions. The third largest city in the Russian Federation after Moscow and St. Petersburg in terms of population.

8: Krasnoyarsk (0.54%). Million city. Developed hydropower, engineering industry, non-ferrous metallurgy. An important sports and educational center.

7: Yekaterinburg (0.55%). The largest transport interchange connecting the North and South, East and West of the country. City-industrial, the fourth largest population. There are many prestigious educational institutions. Excellent prospects for young people.

6: Chelyabinsk (0.46%). Center of the Southern Urals. A pantry of minerals with a well-developed industry. Much attention is paid to ecology, scientific progress, and improvement of the quality of roads. The negative point is the low level of the average salary (about 30 thousand rubles).

In the top five:

Fifth in the ranking is northern capital(0.61%). City of Peter the Great and revolutionary changes. It is unique in all criteria, including location and climate. Thanks to the richest historical heritage, beauty and location on the high water, many draw an analogy with Venice. The cultural capital has become a favorite place of residence for 5 million people. Russian metropolis with a developed culture and education system. Center of pilgrimage for our and foreign tourists. Its drawbridges are ingeniously designed, they are a unique sight against the backdrop of white nights.

The wonderful capital of the Russian granary of the Kuban and 4th place in the rating (0.65%). The construction of new microdistricts is carried out at a frantic pace. The number of people wishing to stay permanently in the southern city is increasing even faster. People are attracted by the mild climate, warm winters, the opportunity to live 100 km from the Black Sea and at the same time get a good education to be able to open your own business. The city noted minimal amount unemployed.

The third city in terms of quality of life with an index of 0.66%. The government runs many programs to improve welfare. Many new European-level roads are being built. In the capital of Tatarstan there is one of the oldest Universities, which is the center of education in the region. Much attention is paid to maintaining the cultural level of the national majority. Developed infrastructure attracts. 96% of respondents expressed their satisfaction with life.

The golden-domed capital is in 2nd place (0.70%). Approximately 70% of indigenous people believe that this is the most favorable city for living in the country. Almost every industry is represented here. National economy. The reconstruction of Moscow and the region is in full swing, the pace of construction is extremely high. The most beautiful city of the state is also the most expensive.

The Siberian city, the main one in the 72nd region, bypassed all the small and great capitals of the central regions. This cannot be a mistake, if only because the citizens give Tyumen the lead for the second time in a row. Of course, he takes first place in the sum of all criteria. It is still far from absolute superiority - according to the opinions of the polled citizens, the level of education, public services and road construction are recognized as the best.

We will be grateful for any feedback reflecting the quality of life in your city.