June 13, England. Graduates of Buryatia about EGE in English: "All mid-level tasks

Today, June 13, in the Ministry period in Buryatia passed the exams on biology and written part of the ege by foreign languages. For eMEE In these subjects, 35 examinations (PFE) were involved.

Application for participation in the written exam english language 28 people filed, the turnout was 345 people. The written exam in German and French in the main period passed 2 participants.

Examining work in foreign languages \u200b\u200bconsists of four partitions, including 40 tasks. The execution of the examination work is given 3 hours (180 minutes). Set minimal score The exam in foreign languages \u200b\u200bis 22 points.

I think I coped well. In fact, the exams are not so complex and they are based on the school program. Therefore, it is quite realistic to pass them on high points, "the graduate of the lyceum boarding board No. 61 G. Ilan-Ude Anastasia Abrosimova shared.

My expectations about this exam were fully justified. The exam was quite complicated, but I was prepared to it. I advise everyone who will pass exams in the future, it is better to pass school Program, pay special attention to the passage of times. You should not be afraid of the Ege yourself, we are passing during school training, - advises graduate of Gymnasium No. 14 Danil Ovchinnikov.

I can say that the tasks were not so complicated. In particular, the "Audience" section. The main thing is to listen carefully and listen to key phrases. Mostly all tasks were average. I would advise future generations just to deal with more and listen to English more. The cameras in the audiences are not tighted if they simply do not pay attention to them, "said School graduate No. 35 G. Ilan-Ude Vladimir Marktayev.

The participants of the EEG on biology will be recognized no later than June 27, the participants of the exam in foreign languages \u200b\u200b- no later than June 30th. According to available information in eME time According to biology, one of the participants tried to use the phone, after which he was removed from the audience. In total, the biology passed 1164 participants.

The main period of the EGE-2017 is held from May 29, 2017 to July 1. In Buryatia, more than 5 thousand people are planning to take part in the exams.

This material is published on the BEZFormata website January 11, 2019,
the following date is indicated when the material was published on the primary source website!

Latest news Buryatia on the topic:
Graduates of Buryatia about the exam in English: "All Mid-Level Settings"


In the republic, there were exams on biology and the written part of the exam in foreign languages \u200b\u200bin Buryatia, June 13, in 35 points passed the exams on biology and the written part of the exam in foreign languages.
17:32 14.06.2017 Administration of the Republic of Buryatia

Graduates of Buryatia about the exam in English: "All Mid-Level Settings" - Ulan-Ude

According to the schedule of one state exam 2017, June 13, in the Ministry of Justice, examinations on biology and the written part of the exam in foreign languages \u200b\u200bare held.

Applications for participation in the EGE on biology of the main period have submitted more than 130 thousand people. For the exam on this subject, 2.8 thousand examinations (PFE) will be involved in this subject.

Examination on biology consists of two parts, including 28 tasks. It takes 3.5 hours (210 minutes). The established minimum score on the ege on biology is 36 points.

About 76 thousand people were submitted to participate in the written exam in the English language, the exam will be held in 2280 PPE. Written exam exam german language In the main period, 1.8 thousand participants intend to pass, french - more than 1 thousand participants, spanish language - 179 participants.

Examining work in foreign languages \u200b\u200bconsists of four partitions, including 40 tasks. The execution of the examination work is given 3 hours (180 minutes). The established minimum score on the exam in foreign languages \u200b\u200bis 22 points. The oral exam exam in foreign languages \u200b\u200bto the participants of the main period of the EGE-2017 will be to be held on June 15 and 16.

The course of examinations in the regions will be monitored public observers And Rosobrnadzor employees.

The participants of the EEG on biology will be recognized no later than June 27, the participants of the exam in foreign languages \u200b\u200b- no later than June 30th.

The main period of the EGE-2017 is held from May 29, 2017 to July 1. In the exams, about 703 thousand people are planning to take part, of which about 617 thousand people are graduates of the current year. Examinations are held in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in 52 countries abroad.

Single State Staff is one of the elected tests in eME system. Now it is held in the form of a two-day test, which includes such innovations as: auditioning and oral.

The trial version of the foreign language exam is currently published on official portal single exam And, apparently, it is designed to increase the number of people who want this subject.

As the exam is held this year and when to wait for its results, we will tell below.

When can I find out the results of the exam?

The unified state exam in a foreign language is not mandatory in the EGE system. The need to pass it arises from those schoolchildren who plan to continue their education in the specialties when entering the results of the EGE.

The Ministry of Education is discussions on the choice of additional mandatory exams for a couple of Russian - mathematics. They may be history and foreign language. On the this moment The decision on this issue is in the project stage.

The exam consists of two parts - written and oralthat are surreated in different days.

EGE in foreign language 2017 Command in the following dates: June 13. (written part) and June 15-16. (orally).

  • The written exam takes 3 hours and represents 4 types of tasks:
  • audition
  • reading,
  • letter,
  • grammar, vocabulary.

This is a mandatory part of the exam in which you need to dial a minimum for passing the exam. The written part can maximize 80 points.

The oral exam is surrendered at will Schoolchildren. If he was commissioned successfully, then the points obtained as a result of his passage will be added to the results of the main part. In the failure of this part, the result will not count. In this part of the exam, you can mostly earn 20 points.

What minimum threshold For the successful surrender of a foreign language in the current year? It is 22 points out of 100.

FZ №273 "On education in Russian Federation", Which is the main regulatory document for the USE, clearly determines terms of verification results Exam and their publication:

  • Kim scanning, checking on regional level - up to 4 days;
  • Shipment scanning work to check on federal level - up to 7 days;
  • Sending the results of work in the regions - 1 day;
  • Familiarization of state examination commissions with the results of the exam and confirm them - 1 day;
  • Publication of results - 1 day.

The maximum period of publishing the results of the EGE is 14 days. EME results According to a foreign language 2017 will be known no later than June 30. This concerns the results of both parts of the exam, which are published together.

Where to learn about the results?

Exam results are published in various sources. It:

  • The official website of the unified state examination Ege.edu.ru;
  • Sites public institutions education (committees, control of the region, city);
  • Site State Service;
  • Hotline lines under the management of regions;
  • Information stands in schools, other places of the EGE, government agencies for the management of education.

How can I find out your result? This will require:

  • Surname, name, patronymic of the examiner;
  • Number and passport series;
  • Identification code issued when registering on the exam.

Not only schoolchildren who have surrendered the exam can familiarize themselves with the information, but also their parents. Details are provided free of charge.

The procedure for filing an appeal

The system of the Unified State Exam provides for the procedure for filing appeals:

  • Due to the violation of the procedure for the exam;
  • Due to disagreement with the results.

In the first case, the appeal must be submitted on the day of the exam. The reason for this may be:

  • Violation of the timing of the tasks from the organizers;
  • Failure to comply with the conditions of the exam, leading to violation of tasks from schoolchildren.

It is important to understand that violations of the rules themselves for the examinations themselves (lateness, the prunity of prohibited materials, the violation of silence, etc.) do not give the right to appeal.

You can apply for an announcement of the results if there is disagreement with them. This is given for several days.

If the scores are called doubts, then your work can be viewed. Her scan is laid out in personal Cabinet On the portal EGE.

  • Approval by the Commission of previously exhibited points;
  • Change estimate.

Foreign Leagon

The system of the State System allows us to take objects ahead of schedule. To do this, it is necessary to have a valid reason:

  • Treatment for the period of passing the main stage of the EGE;
  • Participation at this time in the Olympics, Competitions, etc.

The early stage of a foreign language was held in early April: 3rd numbers The oral part of those schoolchildren who decided to participate in it were handed over; 5thpassed the written part of the exam.

Foreign language in the list of optional objects It is rare enough. The leading is English, German, French, is much less frequently. In the early exam in 2017, about 3 thousand people. A significant part overcame at least 22 points.

Date of crossing the exam in a foreign language

Recreasing the exam, that is, the delivery of the failed exam in the fall is available only for compulsory items. Objects on the choice of which the foreign language belongs can be repeated only next year.

News and statistics

Participation in the exam in foreign languages \u200b\u200bin 20117 was taken by about 80 thousand schoolchildren. Of these, English passed 76.5 thousand, German - 1.8 thousand, more than a thousand - French and about 200 Spanish.

Minimally graduates need to gain 22 points for the successful exam.