13 Summer shot in a classmate. Tragedy at school: Schoolgirl shot seven classmates in the Kurgan region (video)

On Thursday, October 19, a 13-year-old teenager brought a pneumatic pistol to school. Deciding to play with him, injured his classmate, accidentally shot in the face. As it turned out, PE occurred in the 12th school. Syktyvkarian blogger Nikita Chernov found out the details of the immediate witnesses of the incident. This is what the classmate "Arrow" told:

We had physical education and after it we went to change clothes. Everything happened in the men's dressing room. The boy who brought a gun, decided to play and began to instruct a weapon on a nearby classmates. At first he sent a weapon on one boy, but he deviated. Then the hooligan sent the "pneumat" on the other guy and fired. He thought that he was not charged. The boy who suffered was taken to the hospital. He sent us a photo of his eyes, everything seems fine, only the injured region has been swollen, "says schoolgirl.

The girl also said that the "arrows" and before that was a problem student, allegedly the child is constantly being built with teachers, a frequent guest in the office of the width due to behavior. Odnoklassniki even caught him on theft. According to schoolgirl, the boy grows without a father. She also claims that she had previously heard that he had a pistol. A classmate told his friends that he bought a weapon for 4 thousand.

When a shot occurred, one of the boys immediately ran for class teacher, said that the victim flows blood from the eye.

After they called an ambulance, everyone was raised on the ears: teachers, parents, width, socialized money, police. Immediately, as he made this act, he escaped, did not even take the jacket. The boys ran to the street, began to look for him, but did not catch up. Then the police had already caught him.

After Nikita talked with a classmate, in which he originally aim " the main character" events:

At first he wanted to scare me, but I did not see it, because at that moment the shoelaces tied. Then he sent a gun on the victim.

At the same time, the boy noticed that he did not conflict with a hooligan. At the same time, the teenager said that he was a rather "criminal" guy: "arrows" supports Aueu-subject.

The school's leadership from commentera flatly refused, the reason for the fact that the result is still a consequence, they are not entitled to tell anything.

According to Svetlana Ivanovna's dog, an ophthalmologist from the PSS-Honey polyclinic consequences for the victim can be the most different:

The consequences can be the most different: from the east of the eyeball to the full loss of the eye. To prevent them, you need to examine and observe a specialist: only it can assign proper treatment and determine its timing. But it is necessary to pass the treatment to the end, because not all the consequences of injury can manifest itself immediately: so, after some time after receiving injury, a person can begin to detach the retina of the eye.

Now investigators find out all the details of what happened.

Seven students of school №15 of the city of Shadrinsk Kurgan region They suffered as a result of firing from a pneumatic pistol, which was arranged a 13-year-old schoolgirl. This was reported in the press service of the regional police.

"This morning, in one of the schools of Shadrinsk, during the change, a girl was 13 years old from a pneumatic gun, which belongs to her father, produced several shots. As a result of the accident and abrasion, pre-received seven students of the 7th grade. Currently, the school works The investigative group that establishes the causes of what happened. Educational institution It works in normal mode, "the agency's interlocutor said.

According to her, doctors went to the PE place and examined the affected school students, hospitalization most of them did not need. "According to preliminary data, the ambulance took one of the children, I can't clarify the diagnosis," said the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the apparatus of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in the Kurgan region. TASS reported that the Children's Ombudsman went to the scene to find out the details of what happened.


Many health care I did not need, but one schoolboy was hospitalized for a more detailed examination.

According to police officers, the culprit of the incident from a completely prosperous family. Circumstances of what happened.


One of the students of this school told Znak.com, as the events unfolded according to his data.

"Three girls closed the office and started shooting. One person was taken away in the ambulance, he was in the temple from the pneumat," the young man told him. According to his information, girls also had knives. "Most likely, we decided to repeat the case with Columbine," he suggested.

According to the schoolchildren, the shooting occurred in 7 "b" class during the geography lesson. "One girl said that she was bad to be held to a doctor. And the other girl closed the office while the teacher did the first one, that is, they had a plan," the student suggested. After only schoolchildren remained in the class, one of the students and produced shooting. According to him, the girl asked him for forgiveness before the shot in a classmate.

The teenager clarified that the teachers are now asking for all school students not to distribute information about what happened.

The director of the school Alexander Yurchenko refused to talk to the Znak.com correspondent and threw the phone. Deputy heads also did not comment on the situation.


March 21, 11:43 According to the Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Kurgan Region, Herman Khmelev (his deputy Edward Abramov went to the scene), possible reason Shooting - quarrel with classmates.
"Two students - the 7th and 8th grades - with a pneumatic pistol went to the 8th grade and opened a shooting. It happened in the area 10 o'clock in the morning. Previously, a quarrel with classmates," said Khmelev.

According to him, none of the schoolchildren received serious injuries: basically bruises and abrasions.

The official clarified that the girls "did not cause anxiety." They studied normally, occur from "adequate" families.

This morning in Shadrin school №15 occurred by emergency. A 13-year-old schoolgirl shot his classmates. Seven people suffered.

According to representatives of law enforcement agencies, the shooting at the Sadrinsk school of the Kurgan region occurred as a result of the conflict of the girl with his classmates. According to Shard.info, the girl took a pneumatic gun from the house at the father. It was imperceptible to carry a weapon because of the lack of metal detectors at the entrance.

According to Znak.com, it is possible that the shooting girl had a "companion". The correspondent refers to information received from the Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Kurgan Region Herman Khmelev. The official clarified that the girls "did not cause anxiety." They studied normally, occur from "adequate" families. According to the site, shooting occurred during the geography lesson. One girl said she was bad, and asked the teacher to spend it to a physician, at that time another schoolgirl closed the office from the inside, and shooting began. At the same time, the girl asked him for forgiveness before the shot in a classmate.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Kurgan region, currently at school the investigative-operational group is operating, which establishes circumstances and causes of what happened. The educational institution works in normal mode.

School number 15 of the city of Shadrinsk

In the city of Shadrinsk Kurgan region, a 13-year-old girl carried to school №15 Pneumatic gun and opened fire on his classmates. According to Gazeta.Ru, two cousins \u200b\u200bwho study in different classes participated in the attack.

"They made a plan to bring the teacher from the class. Then they closed the office, they began to threaten the disciples and opened the shooting. They fell one boy three or four shots in the back. One boy was taken to the hospital. The rest of the bruises, bruises, "the school students told.

It is reported that one of the schoolgirls took a pneumatic gun without demand, which, shortly before the incident, her father acquired for himself. Seven classmates girls got light injuries in the form of bruises and abrasions. One of the children was taken to the hospital, others are inspected by the "ambulance" doctors.

School №15, in which the shooting occurred

School No. 15 left the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the governor of the Kurgan Region Alena Lopatina. She said that schoolgirls who started shooting were aimed at a medical examination in a psychoneurological dispensary.

"Two schoolgirls participated in the incident, they are cousins, but learn in different classes. One of them, which fired, was disliked by his class, to some part of it, but an open conflict, according to our data, was not, "explained to Lopatina.

Photo: Evgeny Kuzmin / RIA "News"

Mother of the 13-year-old girl, who today arranged shooting at school, agreed that "missed" his child. The fact that the woman recognized the guilt in the upbringing of his daughter, writes "360".

According to Mother Natalia (the name is changed), she knew about all the friends of schoolgirls. However, it was not able to call the cause of the cruel act of the child. A woman raises the offender alone. Transitional age turned out to be a difficult test for Natasha. The woman recognized that missed the moment of upbringing. Until she managed to talk to his child. In what happened she blamed himself.

Now the girl together with other schoolchildren is interrogated in Investigative Committee. Children's ombudsman of the region of Alena Lopatina, and the Governor of the Kurgan region instructed to understand this incident, arrived at the scene.

It is necessary to figure out what caused a schoolgirl act, why adults made this situation. Conclusions While to do it early, law enforcement agencies are now working at the scene, "said Governor of the Kurgan region Alexey Kokorin.

: A 3-year-old student from the city of Shadrinsk Kurgan region began to shoot on a change from a pneumatic pistol, which belongs to her father. Seven schoolchildren suffered. One child was hospitalized to the hospital.

This morning, in one of the schools of Shadrinsk, during a change, a girl of 13 years old from a pneumatic gun, which belongs to her father, produced several shots. As a result of the incident, the bruises and abrasions, pre-received seven students of the 7th grade. Currently, the school has an investigative-operational group, which establishes the causes of what happened. The educational institution works in staff mode, "TASS reported on Wednesday in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the region.

According to preliminary data, the schoolgirl began shooting due to the dispute. What exactly was the cause of the conflict, unknown. Doctors examined the victims and assured that they do not need hospitalization.

As Znak's schoolboy told, the shooting occurred in 7 "b" class during the geography lesson.

One girl said she was bad to be held before the doctor. And the other girl closed the office while the teacher accompanied the first, - that is, they had a plan, "the student suggested. After only schoolchildren remained in the class, one of the student and firing. According to him, the girl asked him for forgiveness before the shot in a classmate.

Three girls closed the office and started shooting. One person was taken out at the ambulance, he was in the temple from the pneumat, "the young man told. According to his information, girls also had knives.