Mental causes of Louise Hay diseases. Possible solution contributing to healing

Vitiligo is bright spots on the skin, which have no pigment melanin.

There was one woman. She was not married and met a good man who fell in love and with whom he spent the beautiful few months. He came to her, spent spent the night, they went to her friends to visit, they walked a lot. And once this woman went to the city for purchases, and there in the city, an elderly lady turned to her. This woman greeted our heroine and said that she saw her in the park with the man with whom she met, after which it was good-natured and, apparently, without a rear thought, asked to convey Hi also his wife and children.

Our heroine, of course, immediately realized that the man was deceiving her, and immediately broke up with him. However, a few days later, the manifestations of vitiligo began. What happened? What experiences led to such a disease?

It turned out that she could not postpone this story, she felt extremely blurred, dirty. This dirty manwho deceived everyone, touched her here, here and here and as if left his dirt there. She literally wanted to wash away from this mud. Where, as she subconsciously seemed that he was blocked, and white spots were manifested, "spots of purity" vitiligo. Thus, the body is symbolic, through white skin color cleared it.

After she appealed to a psychosomatics specialist, and together found her experience, she stopped feeling dirty and, accordingly, stopped subconsciously wishing to cleanse - the skin restored its color.

1) Thus, one of the reasons for vitiligo is the suffering from the fact that you are not too clean and the desire to "wash".

Vitiligo may be a disease of people whose conscience is not clear, and they understand it. Or those who can blame themselves too much, objectively not being guilty. However, we remember that for the brain that makes the decision to hurt - not to hurt, there is no word "as if". There is a feeling of guilt - there is suffering from his wrongness - there is a solution to the brain "help" through the "cleansing" of the skin by clarifying. And it does not matter whether a person really is to blame or considers himself guilty.

2) In nature, the albinos animals dramatically stand out on a general background. This program is "not like everyone else" can work in a person.

A small child can be loved and desirable, but a brother or sister appears, and parents begin to pay attention to the baby. The child suffers from forced separation with parents at such moments. He wants to stand out "on a general background", attract attention. The body can "help" to him with the original solution - through vitiligo.

3) White spots on dark - it's like a light that breaks through in the dark.

The metaphor, as you understand, can be "wide" used by the body.

For example, a daughter with mom lives alone. Mom is hard to physically and moralize one child. Between mom and daughter very warm a good relationship. The daughter sees that mom is often sad and physically bad. The daughter suffers and does not know how to help mom. Mom often repeats: "You are the only light of my darkness." So the girl begins to "shine" by mom through vitiligo.

If you are looking for the cause of this disease, then be sure to look at your own story, especially on the experiences that happened when the disease began (the development of the disease is to).

Success and see you

The idea that each disease has its psychological, and emotional reasons arose for a long time. This was spoken by the best healers over the Millennium. For many centuries, healers tried to determine the relationship between the psychological state of the human body and his physical disease.

A unique Table of Diseases Louise Hay is a real hint that helps reveal the reason for the psychological level and find a short way to eliminate the disease.

Thinking about body health, people often overcome the need to ensure the health of the soul. Forget to ask yourself questions about how clean their thoughts, emotions, do they live in harmony with them? The saying in a healthy body a healthy mind is not entirely true, because the comfort at the psychological level is even more important. These two components of the defining health of the body cannot be considered separately, and only measured, calm, comfortable life will be a pledge of physical health.

Often the situation when a person with any pathologies needs not so in therapeutic assistance, as in psychological. This fact is confirmed by leading practitioners. Close correlation in the human body of his physical and psychological health Proved and officially recognized. The direction of medical psychology considers these aspects within the framework of psychosomatics. The table of psychosomatic diseases was created by the leading specialist and a unique woman Louise Hay, will help anyone to determine the cause of the development of the disease and to help.

Table of diseases and their psychosomatic reasons Louise Hay was developed and created with a single goal - help people. This woman can be called a pioneer in the study of the emotional and psychological causes of many pathologies, worsening human health.

Looking for similar reasons she had full right. Her life was very difficult, from the moment of early childhood. As a child, she experienced and experienced constant violence. You can also be called a simple period in her life. After the forced interruption of pregnancy, the doctors informed her about infertility. In the end, Louise Hay threw her husband after a long year of living together. Ultimately, the woman learns that she has an oncology of the uterus, this news did not hit her, and did not destroy. At that time, she considered metaphysics, engaged in meditation, was, and then experienced positive affirmations that carry a positive charge.

As a lecturer and consultant, she communicated with many parishioners of the Church of the Science of Mind, and already knew how constant uncertainty in herself and their own, resentment and negative thoughts with a negative charge ranked her life and affected her physical condition.

Studying information sources, she realized that her illness, cancer of the uterus, had no coincidence, there was a reasonable explanation for this:

  1. Oncological disease is always devouring a person and displays the inability to let go of an unpleasant situation.
  2. The uterus disease reflects the sensations of the unrealisticity of themselves as a woman, mother, Bereginy family hearth. Often arise against the background of inability to withstand humiliation from the sex partner.

Similar descriptions are shown in the Louise Disease table and their root cause. Deciding the reasons for their own pathology, she found an effective tool for healing - Louise affirmation. Faithful affirmations helped a woman to defeat a serious illness in just 3 months, the doctors confirmed this by medical conclusion. Laboratory studies have shown that the growth of tumor cells is stopped.

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This moment proves that the psychological causes of disease still exist, and aspects of emotional and physical health are associated with dense thread. After that, the psychologist Louise Hay had a goal, she began to share their experience and knowledge with like-minded people, who need help and support. The causes of Louise Hay disease identifies very accurately, and its unique disease tables are confirmed.

The world-famous woman, wonderfully found healing, rides the world with various lectures. He introduces his readers and like-minded people with their developments, leads his personal column in a famous magazine, broadcasts on television. Full Table of Diseases Louise Hay will help a person to find affirmation and get help. Her technique helped many people, they sorted out in themselves, received answers having questions and healed themselves.

Is it possible to heal?

Its works are quite peculiar, the book begins with a bulk heading, in which Louise considers psychosomatic diseases and their causal factors. She herself understands and is trying to explain to his reader that many of the reasons that doctors appeal are outdated.

To comprehend psychosomatics Louise Hay is quite difficult simple man. She is trying to explain what people themselves form stereotypes as follows:

  • remembering children's psychological injuries;
  • disregardingly related to yourself;
  • living in dislike with himself;
  • being incomprehensible society;
  • taya in the soul of fears and resentment.

Louise Hay: "Psychosomatics, the main cause of diseases, and only revising this aspect can be improved its emotional, psychological and ultimately physical position."

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Treatment and gaining health depends on the desire of a person. Individual should want to help himself first. Louise Hay in the table described the possible causes of the disease and instilled prompts, answered questions to how to treat the disease. In order to get rid of the disease, you need to destroy its emotional source. While the patient does not find the right causes of their problems, the disease will not disappear.

Affirmations, according to Hay, are a starting mechanism to begin changes. From this point on, the person himself takes responsibility for what is happening with him.

  1. Affirmation can be taken from the list given in the Louise Hay table or create personally.
  2. It is important that in the text of the Scripture there is no particle "not". This is an important point, the human subconscious mind can wrap such affirmation, and give the opposite effect.
  3. Send text out loud daily as much as possible.
  4. Cheat text with affirmation around the house.

It is necessary to work with affirmation as often as possible this will speed up the process of positive psychological changes.

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We work with a table according to the rules!

The table discusses the names of diseases in alphabetical order. It is necessary to work with it as follows:

  1. Find the name of pathology.
  2. Identify the emotional reason, it is necessary to be difficult to read, but to realize to the fullest. Without awareness of the effect of treatment will not
  3. In the third column there is a positive affirmation that needs to be priced before improving well-being.
  4. After a short period of time, the first result will be achieved.
PROBLEM Probable reason New approach
Abscess (Jump) Worrying thoughts about resentment, disregard and revenge. I give thoughts freedom. With the past, finished. I'm calm in my soul.
Adenoids Friction in the family, disputes. The child who feels unwanted. This child is needed, he is desirable and adored.
Alcoholism "Who needs it?" Feeling vainness, guilt, inconsistencies. Rejection of his own personality. I live in today's day. Every moment brings something new. I want to understand what my value is. I love myself and approve of my actions.
Allergy (see also: "Hay Fever") Who don't you take out? Denial of own strength. The world is not dangerous, he is a friend. I do not threaten any danger. I have no disagreement with life.
Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation 6 or more months) (see also: "Women's diseases" and "menstruation") Unwillingness to be a woman. Dislike for yourself. I am pleased that I am as I am. I am a perfect expression of life, and menstruation always passes smoothly.
Amnesia (Loss of Memory) Fear. Escapism. Inability to stand up for yourself. I always have a mind, courage and a high assessment of my own personality. Live - safely.
Angina (see also: "throat," tonsillit ") You hold back from rude words. Feel the inability to express yourself. I discard all the restrictions and gain freedom to be.
Anemia (Malokrovia) Relationship type "Yes, but ..." shortage of joy. Fear of life. Unimportant well-being. I do not harm the feeling of joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
Sickle-cell anemia Faith to their own infringement deprives the joy of life. The child within you lives, breathing the joy of life, and feeds on love. The Lord creates miracles every day.
Anorectal bleeding (presence of blood in feces) Anger and disappointment. I trust the process of life. In my life only the right and beautiful.
Anus (rear pass) (see also: "Hemorrhoids") Inability to get rid of the accumulated problems, offended and emotion. It is easy and pleasant to get rid of everything that will not be needed in life.
Anus: Abscess (Jump) Anger on what you want from getting rid of. Relief is completely safe. My body leaves only that I no longer need it in life.
Anus: Swistz Incomplete getting rid of garbage. The reluctance to part with the garbage of the past. I'm glad to break up with the past. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: itch Feeling guilt for the past. I gladly forgive myself. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: Pain Guilt. The desire for punishment. With the past, finished. I choose love and approve of myself and everything I'm doing now.
Apathy Resistance to feelings. Emotion suppression. Fear. Feel - safe. I go to meet life. I strive to go through life tests.
Appendicitis Fear. Fear of life. Blocking all the best. I'm safe. I relax I expect a stream of life happily flowing further.
Appetite (loss) (see also: "Lack of appetite") Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life. I love and approve myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (excessive) Fear. Need protection. Condemnation of emotions. I'm safe. There is no threat to my feelings.
Arteries At the arteries flows the joy of life. Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life. I am overwhelmed with joy. She spreads in me with every heart impact.
Arthritis of fingers The desire for punishment. Censing yourself. Such a feeling that you are a victim. I look at everything with love and understanding. All the events of my life I consider through the prism of love.
Arthritis (see also: "Sustaines") The feeling that you do not like. Criticism, resentment. I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve my actions. I look at other people with love.
Asthma Inability to breathe for your own good. The feeling of depression. Cutting sobs. Now you can safely take your life in your own hands. I choose freedom.
Asthma in babies and older children Fear of life. Unwillingness to be here. This child is in full security, it loves him.
Atherosclerosis Resistance. Tension. Unshakable stupidity. Failure to see good. I fully open up life and joy. Now I look at everything with love.
Hips (top) Stable body support. The main mechanism when moving forward. Long live hips! Every day is filled with joy. I'm firmly standing on my feet and I use. freedom.
Hips: Diseases Fear of movement forward in the fulfillment of the main solutions. Lack of purpose. My stability is absolute. I am easy and joyfully go ahead in life at any age.
Belie (see also: "Women's diseases", "Vaginit") The conviction that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex. Anger on a partner. I create situations in which I turn out. Power I need me - I myself. My femininity pleases me. I am free.
White acne The desire to hide ugly appearance. I consider myself beautiful and beloved.
Infertility Fear and resistance to the life process or the lack of need for the acquisition of parental experience. I believe in life. Making the right thing at the right time, I always find where you need. I love and approve myself.
Insomnia Fear. Distrust of the life process. Guilt. With love, I leave this day and gave a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of himself.
Rabies Evil. The confidence is that the only answer is violence. The world settled in me and around me.
Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis (Lu Geriga disease; Russian Term: Charcot's disease) Lack of desire to recognize its own value. Non-recognition of success. I know that I am standing man. Achieving success is safe for me. Life loves me.
Addison disease (chronic adrenal cortex failure) (see also: "Adrenal: Diseases") Acute emotional hunger. Anger aimed at himself. I take love to take care of my body, thoughts, emotions.
Alzheimer's disease (type of dememoracy) (see also: "Larovoye" and "Old age") Unwillingness to take the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger. There is always a newer, the best way to enjoy life. I forgive and betray the past oblivion. I

i am giving joy.

The thought is material, it is embodied in our affairs, in relations with people, in our diseases and general well-being.

This statement B. lately Almost no one surprises and finds a lot of supporters. Thinkers and healers of antiquity adhered to the same opinion.

Psychosomatics - Science at the junction of medicine and psychology, It believes that the connection of the soul and body is so strong that unstable emotions and unbalanced human behavior leads to the appearance of diseases.

Who is Louise Hay?

One of the authorities of psychosomatics - Louise Hay, an American researcher in this problem. She tested the mechanisms of diseases.

She was diagnosed with uterus cancer with which this woman coped in a few months. Such successful cure was preceded by a long way of reflection and analyzing our own life.

Louise Hay knew about the negative impact of unsolved problems and unspoken offenses on any, the strongest organism.

The Louise Hay applied to the psychosomatics came to the conclusion that her illness appeared as a result of inequalization to let go of the situation, as a result of her belief in his own inferiority as a woman.

She chose as a conviction of affirmation - beliefs compiled by special rules.

These affirmations, repeated for several months, made it a healthy person and confident a woman.

Louise Hay did not stop at this, she decided to help other people and began to promote his experience.

According to the results of research, it was drawn up a table of causes of the appearance of diseases, known as the Louise Hay table, which communicates between the disease and the emotional problems of a person.

Table Louise Hay - What is it?

The stereotypes of our thinking are formed on the negative experience gained by a person. This postulate of psychosomatics and the disease table are closely connected with each other.

If you change these solar beliefs, you can completely get rid of many problems and diseases. Each incorrect installation leads to a certain disease:

  • cancer is the most disadvantage;
  • thrush - a subconscious rejection of his sexual partner;
  • cystitis - deterrence of negative emotions;
  • allergy - the unwillingness to take something or someone in his life maybe even himself;
  • problems with thyroid gland - dissatisfaction with quality of life.

Louise Haye believes that the cause of the disease will disappear after a person's awareness of an emotional problem. The disease does not appear simply, it is sent to each person in order to think about her psychological reasons. Easy these searches and intended Table Louise Hay.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay

  1. First you need to find your problem in the first column, where the diseases are located in alphabetical order.
  2. The right is the likely reason leading to the disease. This information should be carefully read and be sure to reflect and comprehend. Without such a study, it is not necessary to use this table.
  3. In the third column you need to find affirmation corresponding to the problem, and repeat this positive belief several times throughout the day.

A positive effect will not make himself wait a long time - the established mental equilibrium will entail an improvement in health status.


Probable reason


In this book, Louise Hay writes that all diseases we create ourselves, and they themselves are capable of flying them to their thoughts. Thoughts are material, no one is no secret. But, little to know that thoughts are material, you need to learn how to direct them constantly in the right direction, not allow negative thoughts into your head, try to be always on a positive.

With the help of techniques and affirmations, which reveals the author of the book, you can gradually get rid of many negative stereotypes that firmly sat down in our heads and interfere with us to live calmly and happily, without disease.

Do you have skin problems? Consider metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of skin problems and diseases.

Dr. N. Volkov Writes: "It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological reasons. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but it is still to establish this connection in the future ... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions are occupied by one of the main places, and physical factors - supercooling, infection - act again, as a starting mechanism ... "

Dr. A. Meneghetti. In his book, Psychosomatics writes: "The disease is a language, a subject's speech ... To understand the disease, it is necessary to disclose a project that the subject creates in its unconscious ... then a second step is needed to make the patient himself: he should change. If a person psychologically change, then the disease, being an abnormal strength of life, will disappear ... "

Consider metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of skin problems.
This is what world-famous experts in this field and the authors of books on this topic are written about it.

Common skin problems

Liz Burbo
The skin, the outer cover of the body, consists of a lower layer (dermis) and the surface layer (epidermis). It protects the body and ensures its constant contact with the outside world.
Emotional blocking:
At the metaphysical level, the skin represents the ability of a person to appreciate itself in the face of the surrounding world. As a shell of the body, she reflects that a person thinks about himself. To the one who wants to know that he actually thinks about himself, it is enough to describe my skin. Example: Gentle skin means I consider myself gentle. If the skin is dry, see also the ichthyosis article.
Any skin problem suggests that a person is ashamed of himself. He attaches too much importance to what others think about him. He does not allow himself to be himself and rejects himself too hard. Its internal integrity is easily violated by even weak effects from the outside. Such a person is very sensitive to what is happening around him, too easy allows others to hurt him for living and cannot love themselves as it is.
If the problem with the skin is accompanied by the isolation of the pus, this suggests that a person or the situation is so unpleasant to you that you are trying to get rid of them with the help of this disease.
Serious skin disease is a great way to move away from people. The skin allows a person to come into contact with other people, she allows him to isolate himself from people. A person can be as much as much as he refuses to enter into relations with other people using his skin disease as an excuse. It becomes untouchable. He would like to have new skin, that is, to completely change.
When a person is trying to close with someone and encourages indifference or neglect, it causes his shame and insult, which, in turn, can cause skin cancer.
If the skin disease causes a person to be constantly, see also the article itching.
A disease that affects only the surface layer of the skin (for example, vitiligo), suggests that a person is hard to survive a break, separation or termination of relationships. He feels rejected. Such a person will always crave to save others, especially representatives of the opposite sex.
The affected part of the body represents the sphere of life in which the cause of the disease should be sought (an example: a person's defeat speaks of fear to lose his face). Appointment of various parts of the body You can learn from this book.
Mental lock:
Your skin is very clearly visible to you yourself, and others. The more seriously the problem, the stronger you are worried about your attitude to yourself. You must change your ideas about yourself. To do this, you must list your positive qualities on a sheet of paper and complement this list every day with one new item. If you have difficulty, contacting those who know you well. Skin disease is an important signal that you have to give yourself the right to be imperfect and not count at the same time that you do not stand. You have the right to make a decision without a sense of guilt, which will allow you to save your skin, even if this decision does not like those who you love. Your value is the fact that you are in your heart, in your unique individuality - and not in the events and things of the physical world.

The skin is an organ that relieves us from the surrounding world. It represents the outermost border of our material being. Through the skin, we are in contact with the world. Therefore, the skin symbolizes odds and contact. External skin properties can tell us a lot about a person who is hidden under it. So, a sensitive person often has a thin skin. Thick, capable of resistance skin make it possible to make a conclusion about the thickness of the personality. The sweaty skin points to uncertainty or fear, reddened skin - for excitement. The distinction from the surrounding world can be broken or from the inside, for example, with an inflammatory process, rash or abscess, or from outside - through skin damage, wound.
If you have skin problems, you should always ask yourself how things are doing with your ability to contact, tenderness and the like.
Perhaps you burned out too much from others, see if there is something in you something that would like to try this barrier.
A session of Reiki's treatment will help break through the border separating you from the surrounding world, and to establish contact with him filled with love. Let's go in the specified direction using a mental treatment method Additional impulses and shoulders additionally those areas of the skin where you have problems.

The skin protects our individuality. In addition, it is a huge area of \u200b\u200bperception by area and opportunities.
Skin diseases:
I believe that skin disease does not happen at all. There are internal diseases with external manifestations on the skin. Therefore, ointments are absurdity and even harmful. After making the external manifestations, we are therefore driving the disease inside. The use of external means is not a treatment, but the suppression of the disease. Any disease is a signal that a person in his life makes detrimental actions or admits negative thoughts and emotions to his soul. Especially this is obvious with skin diseases.
In the lessons of histology in the medical institute of future doctors, the nervous tissue and skin in the formation of the fetus occur from one embryo sheet. So why does medicine still do not pay any attention to this fact and continues to assign ointment with rash with rashes, and also hormonal?
Personally, I recognize only three "skin" diseases (and that with a large stretch), in which external means can be used. This is scabies, deprive and stitching (pediculosis). But in such cases, along with the use of external means, it is necessary to carry out deep "cleaning" of the body and subconscious.
Skin disease is an old, deeply hidden torment, dirt, something disgusting, striving up. The skin in this case acts as a safety valve through which all this comes out. Skin manifestations of disease are deeply depressed emotions, polluting the soul, from which the body seeks to free. It may be anxiety, fear, feeling of constant danger. Or irritation to anyone. Framelessness and impatience. As well as anger, hatred, offense and feeling of guilt.
Other possible reason - You feel defenseless. After all, the skin performs a protective function. Your healthy and calm perception of the surrounding world is violated.
Here are some phrases that may indicate the reason:
Something annoying;
Hands and itching to do it;
Itching to some things;
I stained myself.

The reasons:
Reaction to anxiety and fear. Failure to accept responsibility for your own feelings.
Method of cure:

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the emergence and healing of skin problems:
Anxiety. Fear. Wellness precipitate in the shower. I'm threatened.
Harmonizing thoughts: I will protect myself with love with peaceful, joyful thoughts. Past is forgiven and forgotten. Now I have complete freedom.

Dr. Oleg Torsunov

The health of the skin is associated with such qualities of character as: cleanliness, peace, kindness, openness, fearlessness.
Clean skin and mind contributes to the normalization of the excretory function of the skin.
-Harus of the skin, slope, uncleanness cause inflammatory processes in the secretory glands of the skin.
- Mind-mind (mental dirt) violates the normal activity of the secretory glands. Characteristic sign Such violations is the deterioration of the smell of the skin.
- Making gives the skin the opportunity to have a normal feeling.
- Diversity, conflict leads to an increase in skin sensitivity.
- Decreased nature reduces skin sensitivity.
-Forked in character contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the skin, which leads to the ability to endure both heat and cold.
"Essential desire to cause a good attitude to themselves overly enhances blood circulation in the skin, which causes an increased sensitivity of a person to hot weather.
- Loss leads to a decrease in blood circulation in the skin, which causes increased sensitivity to cold.
- Operation increases skin protective forces to infections.
-Clocked causes a decrease in skin immunity.
- Difficult, the squeezing causes impaired skin immunity.
- Thestly normalizes the sensitivity of the skin receptors.
-Stores, puffiness increases skin sensitivity.
-Gressiveness excessively reduce skin sensitivity.

Skin diseases cause: anxiety, depravity, uncleanness, fear
The skin is a protective body, it is also associated with the mind, like everything in our body. If there is anxiety, then the skin begins to suffer. Calm makes the skin healthy. Anxiety often arises from lack of protection. What does a person be unprotected from? The first reason is the lack of faith. If there is no faith in justice, in God, then there is no possibility to feel calm. The second reason is egoism. When a selfishly tuned man, as a result of dissatisfaction, cannot be peaceful, it is annoying everything, he does not feel protected.
Also anxiety arises from our incorrect relationship between people. Quarrels greatly allocate the mind and deprive peace. The same thing makes unbridled desires. Anxiety can lead to severe irritation in the mind, which in turn often gives increased skin sensitivity and causes the development of skin diseases. So skin diseases begin simply on the nervous soil. Sometimes restless people have skin very sensitive and begins to react at first easily portable stimuli - soap, washing powder, not boiled water etc.
To treat concerns, it is necessary to streamline your life by the day of the day, to start making breathing exercises that disciplines the mind, as well as to engage in Hatha yoga. A regular hearing of spiritual music, especially chasing holy names, very quickly leads a person to a state of pacification, since this practice is recommended by the Vedas to purify consciousness into our age.
Often skin diseases, such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema is difficult to tremble and cause a lot of concerns. These skin diseases sometimes arise as a result of the fact that last Life This patient was engaged in debauchery. Depravity deprives a person inner purity, immunity is disturbed, the nervous system leads to disorder. Thus appear chronic hard lesions of the skin, which are associated with violations: metabolism, nervous regulation and immune functions.
Vedas argue that debauchery deprives a person of many good qualities, and also reduces the duration of his active life. Husband and wife are constantly mentally connected with each other, their happiness is divided in half. Therefore, if someone from the spouses changes, he connects his life with another person. Any sexual contact firmly connects two people with each other. Thus, the wrong spouse is the cause of suffering for the whole family. It brings cold in a relationship, indifference, worn, deception and as a result of all this dissatisfaction, discord, cruelty. As a result, in the next life you have to pay heavy chronic diseases. Thus, loose people usually suffer from severe chronic diseases. Medicine is trying to learn how to treat them, but since diseases are given as a punishment, then the change of those that are easily treated new, which are much heavier to treat modern methods. We know many examples of such diseases - AIDS, various fungal lesions of sex tract, giardiasis, etc. Only understanding, as you can really be happy in relationships with a loved one, you can defeat loyalty. Happiness, even in the usual understanding of this word, is incompatible with lies, careful, cruelty. Only the establishment of warm, loyal, disinterested relationships in the family will give a feeling of family happiness. Especially happy those families in which the whole family is accepted to live for God and for the benefit of society.
I am striking the skin both directly and through the secondary violation of immune functions. External dirt leads to the introduction of microbes in skin tissue and their reproduction. Dirt on the body, defiled mind, violates its control of the immune functions of the body. So there is a reduced sensitivity to alien factors, which makes it possible to unhindered to multiply by bacteria or increased sensitivity, which leads to allergic reactions on the skin. Uncleanness gives rise to numerous problems in all spheres of life, as the mind suffers from it. Therefore, the debt of any person aspiring to be reasonable is to make a complete ablution every day in the morning. There are many different cleanliness rules that deprive a man of desecration, and make life joyful. This will be said in the section "Rules of Purity".
Strong fear can increase skin sensitivity and cause urticaria or other similar skin reactions. Fear overcomes only through the study of our deep spiritual nature.
Treatment of skin diseases begins with purity of both external and internal. Interior purity depends on our actions, and the external purity of the relationship to itself. The feeling of self-esteem and pride is just opposite things. A sense of self-esteem means faith in your ability to progress and comply with the established life principles. It clears a person from the inside. Pride is the arrogance and manifestation of the mind in ignorance, she desets consciousness. For cultivation of both external and internal purity, it is necessary to get rid of pride and develop a sense of self-esteem.

Delicious skin diseases cause: aimlessness, overwork, greed, slope, uncleanness, stress.
A few character traits can cause these diseases differently.
The lymph system suffers from the aimlessness, which programms the destruction of bacteria - decrease in immunity. Breeding, cause the recycling of abscess or any other microbial skin infection. Microbes can quickly begin multiply.
Joyless Labor\u003e Overwork\u003e Limphocyte Development Violation\u003e Reducing Immunity - Such is the sequence often causing infectious diseases
Excessive attachment to things, causes a violation of hormonal functions in the body, also suffers from metabolism, it often leads to violation protective function Skin and as a result of the development of infectious processes in it.
Sanidity, uncleanness:
Naturally leads to skin infections. The cleanliness of the skin directly depends on the number of consciousness. Some people live very clean, others are very dirty. From a person can smell 5 meters. It simply does not perceive the smell of a dirty body as bad. If there was an understanding, then there would be a desire to go clean. No understanding that is bad and that good is a clear sign of dirty consciousness. Numerous sinful deeds make the mind polluted. Dirt in mind allows a person to live like a pig.
Vedas recommend performing full ablution at least once a day. It is interesting to note that the smell of sweat is also associated with the way of life and behavior, and even the mood of man.
If you talk about how to determine the level of the development of the consciousness of one or another person, many different test systems will immediately appear. However, the level of consciousness is easily determined as soon as a person opens his mouth and starts talking. The sound has the deepest information in itself, and the clean mind can quickly decipher it. Depending on his interests and the mood, one can judge the level of consciousness. Purity of thoughts is the criterion. Purity of thoughts means - the absence in speech: envy, criticism, hatred, flattery, lies, politicalness, greed, rudeness, etc. Purity speech depends on many factors, including from the purity of the body. The dirty body desets the mind of a person, and it becomes harder to distinguish between good and bad.
For example: Often, coming after work, we begin to find out with your close relationships, and then wonder - where does this spoiled mood come from? The fact is that on the way home outily or unwittingly, a few tired after the working day, falls under the influence of the thoughts of different people who encountered him. The one who understands that in the mind of something not, before starting to communicate, goes into the bath and takes a shower. The wish to swear immediately disappears. You ask - "And if I'm not dirty, then why wash." Water cleans a person not only from coarse mud, but also from thin. Therefore, after a cool soul, the mood is always improved.
Now you see that compliance with the rules of cleanliness gives us the opportunity to avoid stress, which can also cause the development of purulent skin diseases.
Frequent stresses:
They cause a breakdown of the normal work of immunity and at the same time violate the metabolism, which leads to intoxicating the body. These two reasons give fast development infectious skin diseases. For this reason, soldiers often sick with skin infections, although the lack of skin purity in this case should also be taken into account.

Elevated skin pigmentation. Often happens from greed. A type of greed such.
Reduced skin pigmentation. The opposite arises, from carelessness. The windmill happens, Daltonism, when a person is born in general without pigmentation. This means that in the past life, a person from his duties, from the world, but at the same time he did not live as a holy man, but simply used this position for life. It is like one of the reasons.

Dr. Loule Viilma
Skin (defects) wounds, ulcers dry:
Permanent exhort to malice. Shame of own honesty.
Skin diseases:
Evil. Protest against affection.

Sergey N. Lazarev In his books, "Diagnostics of Karma" (books 1-12) and the "Future Man" writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficit, lack, or even the absence of love in the soul of man. When a person puts something higher than love for God (and God, as they say in the Bible, there is love), then, instead of finding Divine love, it rushes to something else. To the fact that (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationship, ability, order, morality, knowledge and many to many other material and spiritual values \u200b\u200b... But it's not a goal, But only funds for finding the divine (true) love, love for God, love, like God. And there, where there is no (true) love in the shower, as feedback from the universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. It is necessary so that the person thinks, realized that he was not going there, he thinks, he says and does something wrong and began to be corrected, became on the right way! There are many nuances, as the disease is manifested in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from books, seminars and video seminars Sergei Nikolayevich Lazarev.

Abscess, dust, ucknik

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Abscess is a deposit of pus in one place. Distinguish hot and cold abscesses. With a hot abscess (it is much more common), the pus accumulates very quickly and all four signs of inflammation are manifested: a tumor, redness, temperature and pain. Cold abscess is characterized by a slow accumulation of fluid in one place without signs of inflammation.
Emotional blocking:
Abscess is a sign of an depressed anger, which, in turn, gives rise to despair, feeling of powerlessness and failure. The joy of life is sinking in sadness and anger. Since abscess usually hurts, the feeling of guilt is added to this depressed anger. In order to determine which field of life this anger is, it is necessary to analyze the place in which an abscess arose. If he originated on one of the limbs, a person is dissatisfied with the direction that takes his life, its future or place in which he is going to go.
Mental lock:
Do not forget that in thoughts, as in the rest, the lack of order leads to the emergence of dirt and infection. Maybe you think bad about yourself or about other people? Is your anger associated with the desire to cause evil to someone? Maybe anger has already reached the limit for which you can no longer hold back it? Probably, you also feel shame in connection with the fear that hides inside you.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of abscess:
Worrying thoughts about resentment, disregard and revenge.
Harmonizing thoughts: I give thoughts freedom. With the past, finished. I'm calm in my soul.

Acne or acne

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
As a rule, acne, or acne, arise only on the most fatteids of the skin of the face. They appear in the early adolescence And disappear for years to twenty, although some people annoy a good ten years ...
Emotional blocking:
It can be said that acne is a sign of your subconscious desire to push others, not to consider themselves, especially close. This skin disease suggests that you do not love yourself, you can't love yourself and do not respect yourself. Acne is a sign of very sensitive, but closed nature. Probably, that is why we most often see them on the faces of adolescents, which, as a rule, impose increased demands and often shame themselves. Instead of hiding, they repel their people from themselves skin disease. Acne often arise in people who, to delight those who love them, or those who love them, try to be not as they are.
Mental lock:
If you are a teenager and suffer from acne, try to reconsider your attitude towards yourself. Find out what exactly in your thoughts prevents you from being yourself, to show your true individuality. Maybe you want to become like a father or mother, and maybe, on the contrary, you will not approve of the words and actions of the father or mother, that you make yourself be completely dissimilar on them. And in the first, and in the second case you are not ourselves. Ask other people how they perceive you. Compare their opinion with your.
If you have already come out of adolescence, but still suffer from acne, try mentally back to that age and carefully analyze everything that happened to you in those times. If acne does not disappear, it says that you continue to suffer from psychological injury, obtained in adolescence, and that you have to reconsider your attitude towards yourself.
If acne appears in a mature age, it may say that in adolescence you suppressed some negative emotions, in particular, associated with an encroachment on your individuality. Analyze everything that happened in your life immediately before the appearance of acne - it will help you understand what you are suppressed in your adolescence. In this case, Akne is a message: your body helps you to free yourself from emotions that are hiding deep inside you and which you are no longer in abundance. Suppression of any emotion requires a large amount of energy. Your body tells you that you should respect yourself and recognize your inner beauty.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov In his book "Love your illness" writes:
Dissatisfaction with his appearance is the main reason for the appearance of acne. Acne, as a rule, appear during puberty, and just at this time, the young men and girls acute the question of their appearance and attractiveness. At this time, any rejection of himself and his appearance will immediately affect the face.
How much effort has to spend young people to hide "shortcomings" and improve at least a little their appearance! With this disease, they pass the lesson of love for themselves and learn to take themselves and their sexuality as they are.
New, unknown relevant energy begins to manage the life of a young man. It requires exit outside. And at the same time constrained, rushes inside under the influence of morality. During this period, adult support is very important. In many tribes, special dedication rituals have still been preserved.
During puberty, the sebaceous glands begin to actively work. For what? Yes, in order to lubricate the body, improve contact. In the occurrence of acne, the glands are clogged, clocked and inflamed. Therefore, it is very important to clear your consciousness from "dirty" and "inflamed" thoughts regarding the opposite sex and sex. You need to open up for a new one in your life. Need to calm down. Perceive sexuality as the natural strength of this world. Everything has its time.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila
In his book, "Reiki" - Universal Energy of Life "write:
If you have acne, then this is a sign that something in you wants to break through, become visible, but you suppress it from a sense of fear, uncertainty or shame. This conflict and manifests itself on your skin like acne. In adolescence, it manifests itself your fear of an unknown one more sexuality entering your life. Acne demonstrate unconscious protection against possible bodily contact with another person, even if you are internally and you want it. The internal conflict breaking on the material level wants to show you that it is necessary to overcome the boundaries of your own "I" to find "you".
Respect all the strength and all changes in you. Sexuality is something natural and beautiful. Open yourself to another.

According to Sergey S. Konovalov
("Energo information medicine on Konovalov. Healing emotions"):
The reasons. Disagreement with you, the lack of love for yourself.
Method of cure. Pay attention to the influx of healing emotions through the energy of love and people. In addition, radically change your idea of \u200b\u200blife. To do this, establish the right lifestyle (read about it in the book), conduct meditations with a book, to go more often to contact me, ask me, your teacher, healing energy.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of acne:
The desire to hide ugly appearance.
Harmonizing thoughts: I consider myself beautiful and beloved.

Dr. Oleg Torsunov In his book, "Communication of Diseases with Character" writes:
The acne rash arises from: aimlessness, sludge, laziness, pessimism, greed.
The acne rash is often found in adolescents during puberty. As a result of the intensification of the activities of the lower centers during this period, the disadvantages of character hidden in man are wanted. It is interesting to note - in inexperience, the young man thinks not he, and all the surrounding began to treat worse. This is a rather difficult period in the life of a teenager and therefore, all relatives and teachers must be maximum indulgent. Activation of sex hormone activities is a vital process. However, in parallel with this, the egoism of the teenager increases.
He is trying to establish himself in society. The mind of 12-15 summer young men or the girl is not yet ugly, so it is difficult to surround the feeling of its significance, scholarships and, accordingly, the addition of the merits, all those around people. There is also an increase in attraction to the opposite sex, and all goals go to the background. Thus, the young man does not know what to do with these new feelings. As a result, he arrives in confusion, pessimism and various violations of the functions of sex hormones can begin. The same result appears when another extreme occurs - an increase in the promiscuity. All this excessively activates the lowering of prana down through its stream, which is called Aphan. Excessive activation of the Apana leads to a violation of the hormonal functions unstable at this age. Because of their violation, an increase in sewage seals appears, and then as a result of the angry rash.
Treat with medicines here is ineffective, since this is a mind disease. A young man can help permanent employment. We must remember about your interests and again actively engage in activities in their inclinations. Especially favorable activity that raises energy up through stream activation is well. Sign of raising energy up is a feeling of happiness, peace, optimism and an increase in enthusiasm in achieving their goal. The lowering of prana down also increases enthusiasm, but already in the direction of the opposite sex. Excessive attachment to the opposite sex speaks of a weak self-control, and usually such young people cannot find a good satellite in life. Loor-speakers always cause subconscious antagonism. Therefore, in Vedic culture, first of all, adolescents were taught to control their feelings in relation to the opposite sex. Self-controlling strengthens not only the mind, but also mental and bodily health.
We pay 90 percent of attention to the development of your children. It is considered that the most best education - It is to give as much knowledge as possible in various sciences. However, the Vedas recommend focus on the development of the mind. It is necessary to start this process with the upbringing of good characteristics, which does not fill the mind of information, but cleans the character of a person, which makes his life successful. Then develops the character traits that reinforcement and strengthening minds are: self-control, dedication, humility. All of them contribute to the achievement of the goal.
All the above characteristics of the character, contributing to the development of this disease, lead to the same result - the energy (the stream of prana which is called aphanas) begins to excessively fall down, which leads to a violation in the activities of sex hormones. Further, the activity of the sebaceous glands is violated and as a result, acne appears.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
A wart - is a benign skin tumor having an outflow form. See Articles on Altar and Leather (Problems), taking into account the following: if the wart uroduces the appearance of a person, this suggests that he considers himself ugly in the sphere of his life, which part of the body indicates where the wart appeared.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila
In his book, "Reiki" - Universal Energy of Life "write:
Warts show you that you think something inside yourself is terrible, in something you consider yourself guilty.
You must understand that everything in you is only an expression of the game of life in its most different options. Therefore, everything has the right to exist and in its own way beautifully - if you do not judge and condemn. And you yourself are also beautiful and worthy of love. If you finally realize this, you no longer need warts.

Louise Haye
In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of warts:
Small expression of hatred. Vera in ugliness
Harmonizing thoughts: I am the love and beauty of life in its full manifestation.
Warts Fituctal (Horny): The future disappoints you all the stronger and stronger.
Harmonizing thoughts: I'm moving forward easy and confident. I trust the life process and boldly follow him.

Dr. Oleg Torsunov In his book, "Communication of Diseases with Character" writes:
Warts often arise from: aggressiveness, hatred, disgust, squeamishness, dedication.
All skin diseases arise as a result of improper communication. Such heavy, chronic skin diseases as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema are also associated with poor karma of incorrect relationships with the opposite sex: debauchery, conflicts between spouses. Mostly this bad karma comes with past lives. Also bad climate and other external factors can contribute to the development of these diseases.
However, the specific listed flaws in the character indicate the possibility of developing warts on the skin. Therefore, the struggle with the following disadvantages contributes to the activation of the protective forces of the body, destroying this disease. If a person has these problems, but as a result of working on himself, they are not strongly reflected on mental state The people around him, then the likelihood of skin lesions is not high. Skin lesions always indicate the wrong behavior from which someone suffered. Behavior happens:
1. action,
2. Word I.
3. In the mind.
Incorrect behavior in action is most reflected on the skin, in second place is the verbal conflict and on the third mental. To neutralize bad behavior in relation to a particular person, it is necessary to make something pleasant to him and ask for forgiveness, rudely said the word is neutralized, just asking for forgiveness. Bad thought ceases to act badly, if you ask for forgiveness in mind. The place of the appearance of the wart is also not accidental. Any zone on the body corresponds to a certain quality of consciousness. Hand fingers personify our mental activity, creative work. Footpaths are associated with physical labor and movement. Each phalanx of each finger has a connection with some planet. For example, the last (nail) phalanx of the index finger resonates with Jupiter who adjusts the human mind and gives the ability to believe. If you are disappointed in what you believed and you will perceive everything with disgust, entering conflicts, that is, the probability of the appearance of warts on the nail phalange of the index finger. If you are the cause of conflict, the wart may appear on right hand Or leg, if you can not forgive those who conflict with you, that is, the probability of the appearance of a wart on his left hand or leg.
This is a product of non-violence in relation to surrounding, greed, cruelty. Disposherness causes a painful desire to do everything in its own way, and not the ability to endure the opinion and actions of others. Greed forces not a humble person to seek his at any cost. Cruelty allows the greedy and not a humble person to act aggressively.
This state of mind, in which the envy of someone is combined with the presence of cruelty in character. Hate this is a severe lack of a person's character, which is very difficult to eradicate by simple methods, for example, with the help of a conversation. This is only possible if the hating will humbly listen to the mentor, which is unlikely. Most often, haters learned as a result of fate strikes. Hate always gives birth to cruel fate.
Disgust, disgust:
It causes constant defilement not only mind, but also prana. It arises as a result of a combination of negativism with a strong sensitivity of man. Negative causes the mind to adjust the shortcomings of others. It can be compared with a fly, which flies everywhere and finds only trash. Increased sensitivity binds a person to the shortcomings alone and introduces the mind into a state of disgust. Since women are more sensitive in nature, then this character trait is more inherent in them. Woodiness is a type of disgust, rather this is the initial stage of development of disgust.
We have already discussed in detail in detail due to hypertension. In this case, the type of dedication takes place when a person is inclined to communicate, but behaves dry and impregnable, thereby causing negativism among the people around him.
In the treatment of this disease, it should be resorted to the help of herbs, which can destroy the pathogen of the disease - this is the root of Celebre, the root of the yarrow, the root of the field. However, if you stay with your negative qualities at the same time, the wart will be on the same place or will be released at some other.

Vitiligo (Pega Leather)

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov In his book "Love your illness" writes:
This is a feeling of complete alienation from everything or from a lot in this world. Self-isolation. You, no matter how in your circle, do not feel like a full member of society.
One patient has a very young guy, a few years ago Vitiligo began. Depigmented stains appeared on the body and on the face. The young man was very thin, shy, with a subtle quiet voice resembling the girl. He has formed a complex of inferiority, which led him to alienation from his circle of communication. The young man literally insulated himself from communicating with peers.
I appointed him homeopathic medicines, as he had other concomitant diseases, and together with him we created new ways of behavior.
Already after the first course of treatment, the young men have some spots decreased, and the plagment islands began to appear on others.

Louise Haye
In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of vitiligo:
Feeling complete alienation from everything. You are not in your circle. Not member of the group.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am in the very center of life, and she is full of love.

Dr. Oleg Torsunov
In his book, "Communication of Diseases with Character" writes:
Vitiligo arises from the lack of kindness in the past, from excessive tension in character. This, too, as if the disease of the mind and treat it is very difficult.

In the book of Alexander Astroor "Confession of sores" in an exciting form, all diseases themselves talk about themselves. Here are some excerpts from the confession of the sore of vitiligo:
You all have a favorable nutrient medium for me, woven from your feelings, thoughts, emotions and desires. Here I am good and coming to them, I enjoy your energies that you carefully support them for my existence ...
Your doctors will not soon realize the reason for my trial, until they get acquainted with karmic medicine, which claims and proves that any disease is the spiritual cause of the person himself.
I will settle on your skin, which you come into contact with the outside world. What do you need from this world, what are you looking for in it, how trying to establish yourself in the world of people, is this desire to climb from the skin for their benefit or ambitions? So I gave myself! And what is written in the pen, they do not cut down and the ax. Yes, I will settle on the body of those people who climb from the skin to prove something to someone, or trying hard to give out something for themselves. It is not by chance that my drawings on the skin have torn forms and are not at all aesthetic, like a person: trying to snatch something for himself, allocate himself among people around him, while not particularly choosing aesthetic agents and methods. So I highlight them with my mark. I only have the name beautiful, and everything else that is ugly there is in a person, I paint the ugly forms of native painting. That's why you use cosmetic technique from decorative creams to hide your true face ...
All attempts to climb leather will bring only suffering and new dissatisfaction. In the Basna of Krylov "Two Dogs" we hear the recognition of one of them: "... Meanwhile, as I rushes from the skin in vain ...". And in another Basna: "From the skin we climb ok, and it's not a move" (swan, cancer and pike). So climbs a man from the skin to prove that I am one of the whole family, a working team, I have one higher education, car, I'm more expensive on the ruble and head smarter than you ...
If I, Vitiligo, hiding under the clothes or in the hair of a person, then this suggests that the person still skillfully hides his true intentions. But if I struck open areas of the skin, like this woman, then this is a sign that a person does not hide his true intentions, he is already openly talking about his vices, but he is stubbornly oppressed his line, his benefit, imposing his ego, Arriving his will ...
Some people almost get rid of me using the complex cleansing of the body: change the power mode, refuse alcohol, smoking, are engaged in sports or physical education. At the same time, a change in lifestyle is also occurring, thoughts are cleared, feelings change, emotions are started differently, desires change. There is a restoration of metabolic processes. And the results of the cure do not slow down to affect ...


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Volchanka is a skin disease that affects mostly women. With chronic lupus on the skin, usually in the field of face, peeling red spots appear. For this very persistent disease, relapses are characterized. Scattered lupus, which is much more dangerous than usual, can affect any organ and proceeds unevenly, with fluctuations in intensity and remissions. Volchanka often causes rise to temperature, indisposition, fatigue, anorexia and weight loss.
Emotional blocking:
If we are talking about chronic lupus, see the Leather Article (Problems). As for the scattered lupus, it suggests that the person is inclined to self-dispersion. He does not see the meaning in life and would like to die, but can not decide on it. In the depths of the soul, he still wants to live and find the meaning of life. This is usually very weakly accuracy and person subject to someone else's influence.
Mental lock:
Since the name "Volchanka" comes from the word "wolf", you may think that you behave ruthlessly and brutally towards your loved ones - and hate yourself for it. As for your desire for self-destruction, it is most likely, in your life there were some serious difficulties; But return to the decision that "life does not make sense and therefore it is better to die", never late. Try to give yourself time and understand what you want; Put in front of you a clear goal. Remember that the path to a thousand miles begins with one step. Moving to this purpose, even if very slowly, you will find the meaning of life in which you need so much.

Louise Haye
In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of the lupus:
Hands are lowered. You'd better die than to stand up for yourself. Anger and punishment.
Harmonizing thoughts: I can easily and calmly stand up for myself. I argue that I completely manage myself. I love myself and approve. My life is free and safe.

Itching, rash

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Itching is a feeling of skin irritation and the desire accompanied to him to scratch irritated place.
Emotional blocking:
Itching occurs in a person who is experiencing some strong desire, but does not allow himself this desire to implement, as well as in a person who feels drove into the angle by some people or circumstances. It is too concerned, and therefore full of impatience and irritation.
Mental lock:
If you suffer from itching, I decided exactly in which part of the body he arises, and then you can guess, in what area of \u200b\u200blife you feel drunk in the corner or constrain your desires. Think about the functions of this part of the body, read the appropriate explanation in this book. Since itching is associated with the skin, and the skin is associated with the person, the likelihood is that you restrain yourself from fear to touch someone or cause someone discontent.
Instead of bringing your desire to the inner itch, think about how real it is. If it's just a whim, stop thinking about him, if this is a real, feasible, boldly become face to face with your fears, formulate your intentions and act.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov In his book "Love your illness" writes:
Raw bread is any irritation overlooking the skin. Something does not suit you, and you hide your feelings. But all the hidden becomes clear - your skin gives your emotions.
It can also be a sense of guilt. You "stained" yourself with some actions.
A woman with peeling stains on his face came to me at the reception. The reason is the feeling of guilt in front of her husband.
A few months ago, she changed him and thus "stained" his honor, his face. On the one hand, I wanted to confess him in everything, and on the other, I was afraid. And the subconsciousness made her feelings apparent.
You can bring the suppression of our desires to itch. Remember the expression: "Hands itching to do it." Or you have the desires that you are not at the Nutra and do not fit with reality.
Dissatisfaction in life can lead to itching and redness of the skin. Itching is a subconscious analogue of libido, and skin combing replaces symbolically acts of satisfaction. That is, you want to get satisfaction, but it does not fit with your moral beliefs.
One of my patient had itching outdoor genital organs. Almost every evening, it lies in bed, she broke this place. Cause - dissatisfaction sex life With her husband. Thus, her subconsciousness gave her the opportunity to draw attention as a woman.
The rash in children is a signal to parents to revise their behavior, relationships to each other. Any negative emotions of the mother during pregnancy, and even a year before pregnancy, can cause severe diseases in children.
In my office sits a young mother with a little girl. In the girl lymphatic diathesis. The skin is dry and covered with a rash, which the child is constantly combing. Ointments and tablets have already been tried and did not give results.
Testing a subconscious program of behavior, we found out that the cause of diathesis in the behavior of the mother during pregnancy. First, she first did not want to give birth to a child. Thus, I launched a self-destruction program in the girl's subconscious.
Secondly, almost all pregnancy was accompanied by conflicts with her husband. As a result, in a year they divorced.
The child showed his mother's disease that she needs to change his behavior.
I gave my mother homeopathic medicine for a child, moreover, we compiled a special prayer for neutralizing its negative thoughts against children and men, which she had to read for a certain time. After a month, the skin of the child was clean.
An irritated skin gives you a signal that in your life there is not enough peace of mind and affection, attention and stroking. Pay attention. Get in need of your body.

According to Sergey S. Konovalov ("Energo information medicine on Konovalov. Healing emotions"):
The reasons:
Desires, reaching against character, dissatisfaction, repentance.
Method of cure:
Core change your idea of \u200b\u200blife. To do this, establish the right lifestyle (read about it in the book), conduct meditations with a book, to go more often to contact me, ask me, your teacher, healing energy.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of itching:
Desires, reaching a contrary to character. Dissatisfaction. Repentance. The desire to get out of the situation.
Harmonizing thoughts: I peacefully and calmly where I am. I accept everything good in me, knowing that all my needs and desires will be satisfied.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of the rash:
Irritation about delay. Children's way to attract attention.
Harmonizing thoughts: I love and approve myself. I am reconciled with a vital process.

Impochigo or merged deprived

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Impetigo, or rotable deprived, - infectious skin disease, striking predominantly children and adolescents. It is characterized by the formation of a yellowish crust, similar to honey. Most often, this disease is striking people with weakened protection, both physical and emotional. See the Leather Article (Problems), as well as the description below.
Emotional blocking:
The impetigo appears in a person who tries not to react emotionally for the words and actions of other people. So he wants to protect himself, as it is afraid to get under whose influence. He develops stiffness and suppresses his feelings.
Mental lock:
This skin disease suggests that you should no longer occupy a defensive position. Give yourself the right to need others. Being tightly closed is much worse than from time to time to react emotionally or experience someone's influence. You should no longer believe that sensitivity is a sign of weakness and that you can not protect yourself when it will be necessary.

Vladimir Zhikaretsev

Full and deep faith in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. Public shame. Belief in Kara Lord. Rejection of the genital organs.
Harmonizing thoughts: My understanding of God supports me. Everything is fine in me and naturally. I enjoy my body and your own sexuality. I am beautiful / beautiful and perfect / perfect.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Shingles is an infectious skin disease, characterized by the appearance of painful rash in the course of large nerve trunks and their branches. Pains arising from this skin disease have neuralgic character and resemble pain from burn. See the Leather Article (Problems), with the addition that some person or situation causes a strong anger in a patient. He has a feeling that he is forced to reptiles to someone and cannot live as he wants. His soul fills bitterness. What is happening greatly frustrating it, but the fear prevents him from to withstand difficulties.
His body sends him an urgent message, since his nervous system suffers increasingly from his relationship to the current situation. A forgiveness process is needed, the steps of which are described at the end of this book.

Vladimir Zhikaretsev In his book "Path to Freedom. The karmic causes of problems or how to change their lives "indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing deprivation:
Daily sling: Waiting for another boot falls off his legs. Fear and tension. Too much sensitivity.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am relaxed and feeling inside myself, because I trust the process of life. Everything in my world is fine.
Daily ringing: Permission to others get to your skin. Do not feel good enough or quite clean.
Harmonizing thoughts: I love and approve of myself. Nothing has the strength of me - not one person, no place, no thing. I am free / free.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila In his book, "Reiki" - Universal Energy of Life "write:
Lishe shows that for a long time you have internal tension, uncertainty or indecision. Testing pain is a consequence of aggressiveness that was not released and sent therefore against you.
You have to ask yourself, what do you know? What can you do not decide? Trust the flow of life, without fear, meet what is happening, it will correct you. Believe that everything develops the most optimal manner for you.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Ichthyosis is characterized by constant dryness of the skin and lunning the skin. Most often, this disease is manifested immediately after the birth of a child or in the first months of his life.
Read the description below and the Leather Article (Problems).
Emotional blocking:
Since this disease is striking a man in early childhood, its reasons will most likely be sought in his past life. Any dry skin speaks about dry, not enough to be soft attitude to something or someone. Since the skin represents the part of our personality, which we show others, by her state you can unmistakably judge what person wants to seem other people. Dry skin says that he does not want to show his vulnerability, its softness.
Mental lock:
If you have ichthyosis or dry skin, your body wants you to become softer towards yourself and other people. You no longer have to create some kind of definite image and all the time control yourself. Watch one of your friends who allows themselves to be soft, and you will see that it is not more vulnerable than everyone else. Try to be more flexible and soft, and your life will be much more pleasant.
If your child is sick by ichthyosis, read this explanation to him - his soul will definitely understand everything.


Carbuncoon - acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous fiber around the group of hair bags and sebaceous glands, which has a tendency to quick distribution.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of the carbunkula:
Poisonous anger about their own unfair actions.
Harmonizing thoughts: I betray the past of oblivion and allow you to heal the wounds ever applied to me.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Keratosis - thickening of the horn layer of the skin, usually on the palms and the soles of the stop, that is, where this layer is thicker than in the rest of the body. See articles leather (problems) and hands or feet, in
depending on the situation.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Urticaria is an allergic skin reaction characterized by the appearance of WOLD-Ray, a strong itching and edema. See Articles Skin (Problems), itching (problems) and swelling, with the addition that the urticaria wears an approachability, that is, the symptoms then appear, they disappear. As a rule, these attacks are caused by strong emotions and fear of some kind of uncontrolled situation.

Louise Haye
In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the emergence and healing of urticaria:
Small, hidden fears. The desire to do from the fly of an elephant.
Harmonizing thoughts: I will find peace and peace in my life.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov In his book "Love your illness" writes:
Hardwriter, allergy. This disease is a sign of the lack of emotional self-control. Your subconsciousness thus displays the feelings and emotions that you suppress in yourself (literally - which pollute your soul). For example: irritation, resentment, pity, anger.
If you are allergic, it means that you do not carry someone or something in your life, do not accept. It can be someone from people, some kind of life or some situation. Products or substances that provoke an allergic reaction is not the cause of allergies. Cause inside, not outside.
A man with a wretched man came to the reception. We found out the subconscious causes of the disease. They were irritability, anger and offense. The disease began three days ago, after he had a conflict with the boss. He could not keep negative emotions in himself.
I explained to him that the reason conflict situation At work is hidden in himself, and instead of accuse the authorities, he must understand himself and change the attitude towards his work (which he, by the way, did not love), to himself and the boss.
Literally the next day after he realized the causes of the conflict, the skin was completely cleaned. This man did not smear the disease or suppress it with pills. He perceived it as a signal. Thus, the disease for this man was an impetus for self-development.
Allergies are often in children, as children, unlike adults, have not yet learned to control their emotions. Allergic reaction in children is a reflection of the behavior of parents.
Parents with children - allergies often come to me. Homeopathy has always gave a wonderful effect. And when I began to combine the reception of medicines with the "cleaning" of the subconscious, the results became even better.
Here at the reception I have a woman, the mother of two children: one nine years old, and the other is four.
"Tell me, Doctor," she asks me, "why the older has no allergies, and a very strong allergic reaction?" Any diseases, even colds, it tolerates in very hard form.
- And what was your emotional background during the first pregnancy and during the second? - I ask.
"I understood what you are talking about," the woman answers. "Indeed, during the first pregnancy I was calm, but the second ... My mother insisted that I did an abortion, but I did not listen.
- Why?
- She said that the second child was early, that we did not master it materially.
- That's exactly your relationship with her, and now, too, too, and there is a reason for the allergies of your younger son. Your negative thoughts and emotions and thoughts of your mother are now creating an allergic background.
"But how could I still react to this?" - Woman is surprised.
- Well, first, your mother just reflected your own fears and doubts. Secondly, she insisted on abortion, wanting to you material well-being. Now you have a child and money. It turns out that your mother helped you and in the other. And you retain dislike for her and resentment.
- So what should I do?
- Revise all events of that time with new feelings and emotions. In the first place should be a sense of love. You need to forgive your mother and change the attitude towards it, thank it. Remember: "read your parents." You must realize that the reason for the behavior of your mother was hidden in you.
Scientists have discovered an interesting fact: allergic reactions under hypnosis or under anesthesia are absent. That is, it is consciousness that plays a primary role here.
This disease explicitly indicates your intolerance to anything in this world.
If you are allergic, then you hide, inhibit aggression. All these feelings are looking for a way out.
To cure, you need to turn inside yourself, honestly and boldly see what you avoid. Reconsider your attitude. No need to make the world sterile. No need to fear life. Take all its manifestations. Remember the golden rule: "Any power in this world can be used for good."

Lepar or leprosy

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Lrap, or leprosy, is an infectious disease that begins with the appearance of small dark specks on the skin and light nervous disorder. The affected areas form rings around healthier skin. Soon on the skin, the dark plaques of a diameter of about one centimeter or more begin to distinctly stand out. Sensitivity in these areas is reduced or in general disappears.
Emotional blocking:
Since the external manifestations of this disease are disgusting, she says that a man completely rejects himself, does not consider himself a beautiful enough or clean enough to cause interest among others. He constantly torments himself regret and goes into itself that actually turns off from external world And from life. It seems to him that he is unable to influence the course of his life.
Mental lock:
This disease is practically defeated in the United States and Europe, but still distributed in some other countries. Patients with leprosy usually shame their illness and do not want to confess the surrounding in the fact that they are sick. If you fell ill with a leprosy, aware of the shame, which so long torments you; Understand that you feel helpless and rejected only because I decided so. You allowed your ego to convince you that you're not standing in any other people in your own eyes. Only you can change this image of thoughts.
Your body wants you to immediately restored contact with your unique entity. Start praise yourself and describe your talents and abilities on paper. Think about what benefit you bring peace and people around you.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of leprosy:
Complete inability to manage your life. Old faith in their own unsuitability.
Harmonizing thoughts: I tower over all the shortcomings. I fill me and inspires divine power. Love heals everything.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Thief is a small benign skin tumor.
Emotional blocking: Any thigh is an extra cloth for the body and suggests that a person suffers long enough from some kind of grief. He does not give himself to live by the real, since too much survived in the past or something strongly regrets. As the growths look very unaestore, they say that it is difficult for a person to see beauty in himself. The appointment of a part of the body on which growths appear, indicates whether problems have problems in this person.
Mental lock:
Your body says you're time to see beauty in yourself. In addition, you must choose growth and development, and not infinite regrets of the past. Stop considering yourself bad only because you follow our desires. Turn the page, forgive yourself and others and try to do what your heart suggests (see the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book). Read also article articles (problems) and, if there is a need, warts.

Redness of the skin

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
The following description refers to skin redness, which are not accompanied by pain or itching.
Emotional blocking:
Rednessing the skin can say that a person holds back herself, trying to match some kind of image, and in the end he begins to feel the prisoner of the selected role. He forces himself, as it is afraid not to fit the ideal created by him. In order to find out in which area of \u200b\u200bhis life a person hesitates himself, it should be found out the appointment of a part of the body on which redness appear.
Some people often have a nearest neck and face. As a rule, such redness say that a person suddenly felt fear. It may be the fear of not justifying the expectations of other people, that is, do not fit the perfect image. Such a person is usually difficult to take himself as it is.
Mental lock:
Your body tells you that you create a difficult ideal for yourself and that others are waiting for you much smaller than you think. Talk to them and kill it.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Pimple is a small tumor on the surface of the skin.
Emotional blocking:
If you have time from time to time, several acne appear and disappear, it speaks of impatience and reluctance to accept the disorder of plans; impatience is accompanied by a slight depressed anger. In order to find out which this sphere of your life is connected, this impatience is connected, pay attention to the appointment of that part of the body where acne appear. If acne does not disappear and give you serious inconvenience, see the Leather Article (Problems).
Mental lock:
If you are impatient, you should learn better to control yourself and show great flexibility when your plans are violated. First of all, you must learn to calmly perceive surprises. Very often unexpected and unforeseen turns of fate lead you to the right experience or tell you a much better solution than what you have cooked.
If you suddenly appeared acne on your face, it suggests that you are afraid of losing a face, to flatten into some situation. Stop thinking that others are as demanding to you like you yourself.

Louise Haye
In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of acne:
Disagree with me. Lack of love for yourself.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am a divine expression of life. I love and accept myself in my current state.

Dr. Loule Viilma
In his book, "Psychological Causes of Diseases" writes:
Purulent processes. Acne.
Humiliated evil.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Psoriasis is a very common skin disease that affects both sexes and all ages. At psoriasis, characteristic scales appear on the skin, especially in the so-called traumatic zones - on the elbows, knees, the scalp, the palms of the hands and soles of the stop. Sometimes psoriasis can be manifested in other parts of the body. Scales are formed by plates that lay down on each other. Old plates are thicker, whitish and in contact with clothing turn into white dust.
See the Leather Article (Problems), with the addition that a person wants to change the skin, that is, to change. He does not feel comfortable in his current appearance. Perhaps it seems to him that he is not recognized or perceived somehow not so. He may even have a desire to change his identity, to become someone else. It is difficult for him to reconcile with himself. Psoriasis tells him that he must recognize himself as it is now, with all its shortcomings, fears, weaknesses, advantages, talents, etc. He must accept himself, without experiencing shame or fear to be rejected.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov
In his book "Love your illness" writes:
The strong sense of guilt and the desire of the self-telling can cause the development of psoriasis.
A young man with psoriasis came to me at the reception. The disease appeared a year ago. We set a contact with his subconscious, and he appealed inside:
- What kind of behavior led to the disease?
As he asked the question, the color of his face began to change and the whole face flooded the paint shame.
"Doctor, I realized what is the reason," he said. - Can I not tell you about it?
"Of course you can," I replied. - Any information you get from your subconscious mind, you have the right to leave with you.
"No, perhaps, I will tell you," a man.
He told me how a year ago "stained myself," having changed his wife with his friend's wife. And this is a "double" feeling of guilt led him to the disease. It is also interesting that his wife was also psoriasis. And when he looked at his stains, he immediately recalled his wife and experienced a sense of guilt.
I discovered that psoriasis arises after stressful situations. During such excessive mental stages, people literally kill some of their feelings, such as confidence, love or security.

One man began a psoriasis after he was deceived, as a result of which he lost a large amount of money.
"After this situation, I lost confidence in people," he told me.

The woman began psoriasis after the death of his father.
"I lost my loved one in my life," she said with tears. - What should I live now?
I also noticed that patients with psoriasis are very squeaming. Some of them are literally "pointer" on purity. And you remember from the first part of the book that the feeling of squeaming reflects strong hatred and contempt for anything in this world. The renunciation program works in the subconsciousness, and it affects the skin.
"I hate this country," the young man says me. His disease has long been. - I hate these dirty streets. I despise the fun and villains, envious and lets. The greatest enjoyment for me, he holds it, is to lie all day in a clean stagnant bed with a clean woman and drinking good wine, there is a good food.
With this disease, the skin's energization is unnatural. The skin in the affected places becomes rude. This is a clear indication that a person wants to defend himself from the world.
The patient with psoriasis is important to understand that he lives in a clean, harmonious and safe world. And it doesn't just live, but creates it himself.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila In his book, "Reiki" - Universal Energy of Life "write:
Psoriasis is a kind of shield that close very sensitive people from fear over an emotional insult. Now nothing will come out and nothing penetrates inside - the border is perfectly protected. So the conflict is manifested between the desire for the proximity and simultaneous fear of it. Scars and open wounds are an indication of what needs to be revealed, even if it means vulnerability.
Open life, in whatever shape it came to you. Be also ready to experience emotional pain and insults, do not close the fear of them. Just watch them, then they will very soon cease to hurt you. Let your feelings again flow freely both inside and out.

According to Sergey S. Konovalov
("Energo information medicine on Konovalov. Healing emotions"):
The reasons. Fear of being offended, increased sensitivity and varying, refusal to take responsibility for their feelings.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the emergence and healing of psoriasis:
Fear that you will be offended. Loss of self-session. Failure to accept responsibility for your own feelings.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am open to all the joys of life. I deserve and perceive all the best in life. I love and approve myself.

Dr. Oleg Torsunov In his book, "Communication of Diseases with Character" writes:
Psoriasis. This is a skin disease. In the past there were some problems with the opposite sex. Also occurs from tensions, impudence of the inner. This may not be manifested in humans.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Strya is small stripes on the skin in the places of its stretching. As a rule, stria appears during pregnancy or when a person is gaining weight too quickly.
Emotional blocking:
Since Stryy is formed due to the rupture of the elastic leather tissue, their metaphysical message is that a person should be more flexible in relations with other people. He should not surround himself impermeable armor. Stria in a pregnant woman says that she is too strained, believing that pregnancy obliges it to be more restrained and responsible. She needs to be kept more natural and afford to be non-perfect.
Mental lock:
At that moment, Stria appeared on your body, you wanted to seem strong and for this put on myself a stiffeness mask. You considered it the right decision. Now your body tells you that you have to relax and change your image of thoughts. In order to find out in which sphere of your life tension is manifested, you must determine the appointment of that part of the body where Stria appeared. See also Leather Article (Problems).


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
The crack is a slight skin damage. In addition to the description below, read also an explanation of the appropriate organ or part of the body. So, if the crack is in anus, read the anus article (problems).
Emotional blocking:
The crack is formed when a person feels that burst between two people or situations. He must make a decision, but he fluctuates, and it causes his rage. The painful crack, the very painful situation.
Mental lock:
Instead of breaking into parts, you must listen to your heart and decide what you really need. Then you must act consciously and consistently. You'd better learn how to live your own life, and not try to justify the hopes and expectations of other people.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Furuncul, or chirny, is an infectious painful subcutaneous inflammation, as a result of which a dust with a large number of pus is formed. The furuncle arises around the hair bag. See the article Abscess, with the addition that some situation poisoned a person life, causing him a strong anger, anxiety and fear. These negative emotions are so intense that they interfere with the body to get rid of naturally from harmful substances.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila In his book, "Reiki" - Universal Energy of Life "write:
The furuncle indicates the current inner anger that wants to break through the road, block air.
Sit down more comfortably and put hands on the sunny plexus. Do not suppress your anger, wearing health as your anger wants, and so long as he attracts your attention to him. Consider it carefully - this is a very interesting phenomenon. And suddenly he will suddenly disappear. You will be free and open. And in the furuncule there will no longer be necessary.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov In his book "Love your illness" writes:
This is anger outgoing. Permanent boiling and drilling inside.
I recently go to my friend, and his wife had a huge furuncle on the right cheek. They are already familiar with my model, and therefore the wife immediately asks me:
- Tell me what is it connected with?
- Don't you know yourself? Who are you angry lately?
- How to whom? - she answers. - on her husband, of course.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of the furuncle:
Anger. Boiling. Confusion.
Harmonizing thoughts: I express joy and love. My soul is calm.


Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes:
Scabies are non-hazardous, but very contagious skin disease transmitted with direct contact. If it does not get rid of it in time, it is as a result of a secondary infection in the field. See the Leather Article (Problems), with the addition that a person suffering from this skin disease is too subject to other people's influence. His annoying any little thing. Since the scabies cause an insurmountable desire to be hung, see also the article itching.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila In his book, "Reiki" - Universal Energy of Life "write:
Something in you itches, excites your skin. Perhaps this is unsatisfied desire, perhaps - an unconditional desire for bodily contact or anger that bites you. Something rushes from the inside to the surface of the skin and wants you to finally drew attention to it.
Dream-ka is better in your mind, what is it saczy? We respect your desires and anger as an expression of life, but do not project them on others. Then you will soon find a solution to the problem.

Louise Haye In his book, "Healed himself" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the appearance and healing of scabies:
Infected thinking. Allow others to act on the nerves.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am a living, loving and joyful expression of life. I only belong to myself.

Eczema, Neurodermit

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov In his book "Love your illness" writes:
This is extremely strong antagonism, rejection. You reject someone or something in your life or rejected.
The man was very offended by his wife, and after some time he first had inflammation of the head of the penis, and then eczema on his right hand. Moreover, as it turned out, he was in the subconscious, the program of the destruction of women, expressed in distrust of them acted in the subconscious. The disease for some time neutralized this program. It turns out that he will be able to recover from the disease only if he changes his attitude towards women and to himself as a man.
As a rule, mental breakdowns lead to eczema and neurodermit, that is, strong stress. At such moments of life, there is a colossal aggression.
A man with eczema hands came to me at the reception.
- Here, doctor, look at me with my hands.
It is impossible to endure. Do something.
Hands were in a terrible condition: covered with purulent crusts, from under which he fused the pus. Ointment and other funds were tried, but nothing helped. The patient suffered and suffered from unbearable itching and burning.
He turned to me as a homeopath doctor, but at that time I studied hypnosis and decided to learn about the causes of the disease from the subconscious. We easily set contact with the subconscious, and I asked him:
- Tell me, were there any events in the past, who served the cause of the development of this disease?
"Yes," the patient answered, being in a transcendent.
"Tell me about these events in more detail," I asked him.
"It happened two months ago," he began. - I have long suspected that my wife changes me. And once I found her with a lover in the car. There was so much resentment, hatred and anger that the desire to hide the car with gasoline and burn them there.
-What then does he need this eczema then? I asked, turning to the subconscious.
"In order to keep it to do it," the man answered me on behalf of the subconscious.
So jealousy may cause the development of skin disease.

Eczema in children necessarily associated with the behavior of the parents. And later, when the child grows, he already forms a disease itself, based on the old thoughts of his parents and on the oldest workers.
A 18-year-old girl came to repeat reception. With three years old, she has eczema or neurodermatitis (the name is not important) on the bends of the joints. Parents all this time smeared the affected places with ointments, thereby driving the disease deeply inside. The first course of homeopathy gave a strong exacerbation, after which there was a noticeable improvement. I already knew that if such cases were treated only by homeopathic means, it takes a very long time and perseverance.
- Doctor, and whether it is impossible to recover quickly? -All a patient's question for me.
- And how much is your desire to recover faster? - I asked her in response.
"I really want this very much," she said. -I is ready to perform everything you say. My mom spoke
to me that you inspire something in the subconsciousness, and the disease passes.
"I don't inspire anything," I replied. - I just help my patients to realize the true causes of the disease and eliminate them. But I only help. The patient himself eliminates these reasons. It all depends on his own effort and desires. After all, people themselves create diseases, which means they themselves should eliminate them. The doctor does not treat the disease - it helps the patient to become healthy.
- I'm ready. Tell me, what are my reasons?
- How do you feel about your father? I asked her, looking into her eyes.
"OK," she answered indifferently and somehow cold, pulling out her eyes aside.
- Explain to me, please, what does it mean "normal"? I asked her.
On the eve I talked with her mother, who herself turned to me for help, and found out for himself the causes of illness as a mother and daughter. Mother to the father of the girl almost never had warm feelings. He often drank. And a woman lived with him together for the sake of a child. Love from their family has long been gone, but only old resentment remained, irritation, condemnation and contempt. And recently, even indifference and indifference appeared.
"I just try it to not be noticed," the girl said, but her voice has already changed. - Previously there were insults and contempt, but now some kind of indifference.
"You told me that I'm ready to fulfill everything, just to cure." So, you can have healthy skin only when there is love for your father in your soul.
- I can't do it.
- Why?
- And for what I love him? - says the girl with a trembling voice. "He humiliated me all my conscious life and my mother, did not give us normally to live, drunk. And for this, should I respect it?
- No, not for it. And for what he is your father. You must understand that your mother herself chose a man to themselves. Yes, and you also chose her father.
- How did I choose it myself?
- God gives us just such parents, what we deserve. Lift above earth logic.
Acceptance and love of your father just for what he is your father and gave you life. And for the fact that he is the best father for you. Start noticing in it only good.
In relation to parents, there should be only love and respect, not contempt and resentment. One of the commandments is reading: "read your parents." Love can not and should not depend on anything in this life, nor from what earthly values. Your mother did not like himself or your father. And I drank your father precisely because of the deficit of love.
- How do you know that?
- I talked with your mother on the eve. If you revive love in your soul, then you have a chance not only to cure yourself, but also help your parents. When a person loves, he creates the space of love around him, which is very influenced by the people around him.
I see that the eyes of the girl became wet, the features of the face are softer. Another would probably have broken up long ago, but she keeps. Nevertheless, changes were made inside it. - Do you love yourself? - I ask her after not a big pause.
- Probably not very. Sometimes I hate myself.
We continue the conversation further.
In such cases, recovery can come only after a lot of work on itself. If the child is already an adult, then you can work with it, and if small, then you need to change to parents. Not the skin needs to be cleaned, but thoughts. Cleaning from the inside leads to cleaning outside.

According to Sergey S. Konovalov ("Energo information medicine on Konovalov. Healing emotions"):
The reasons. The patient with neurodermit has a pronounced desire for physical contact, depressed by the restraint of parents.

Louise Haye In his book, "Healed itself" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) related to the emergence and healing of eczema:
Irreconcilable antagonism. Mental breakdowns.
Harmonizing thoughts: Peace and harmony, love and joy surround me and constantly stay in me. Nobody threatens me and nothing.

Dr. Loule Viilma In his book, "Psychological Causes of Diseases" writes:
Panic evil.

Searches and studies of metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of skin problems continue. This material is continuously adjusted. We ask readers to write your comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!


  1. Louise Hay. "Heal yourself".


Vladislav, good afternoon!
I agree to undergo diagnosis so that you work with my energy ...
I didn't believe in all this for a long time, in energy, etc., but after reading on the site of your arguments and after detection (then I finally believed) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe left edge, slightly below the dark bunch, I do not know where he is, but he is I finally believed. I would really like you to work with my photos, made some conclusions, and then we can communicate on Skype.

Regarding the history of Vitiligo in general terms, I know where to start, it all started suddenly, I do not see some reason, stressful situationwhat could affect, just once waking up in the morning I found a little white spot in the wrist area. It all started almost 3 years ago. At first did not pay attention, then when it began to grow, began to turn to doctors, and they just waved their hands, saying that you need to live with it. In 2009 - a year before the appearance of Vitiligo, I moved to Moscow, someone told me that it was associated with a variety of residence, with stress at work, etc. They also appeal to clairvoyant, everyone had different answers, starting with the evil eye, ending with some other disease. In 2011, there was Cuba, I still use melangenin with superfluous, it helps in fact, but it eliminates the result, and not the reason.
When they started talking about energy, I don't know how to explain it, perhaps you will understand me, there is no so harmony in my soul, there's a war, as if the heroice of something, which I can not understand and with Vitiligo it comes to dead end.
I will wait for information from you, I need your help, I'm tired of hearing from doctors who do not know anything about it that it is incurable.


Diagnostics did you, I write below the results in the sequence as everything happened. At the end of the letter I will describe a picture of structures and levels.

When I watched the karmic cause of vitiligo, I saw such an episode. You are 3-5 years old, you are a little girl. We float in the boat, my mother-in-law is lucky on it, Mom Stephima. You are not a native daughter of her son, your mother gave birth to you from someone else. And the mother-in-law does not want her son to raise you, she thinks that if you are not, then the daughter-in-law will give birth to her son more children, relatives. And so she is lucky from home to leave one.

She leaves you somewhere far away in the countryside. Do not die, but to not find you mother. There is a nearby village, or the village, or the farm. Local residents sheltered you left. You grew up my life lived there was a peasant.

And all my life tormented you and disturbed the question: what's wrong with me? Why did I leave me? What did I do wrong? Why rejected me? I'm not so?

The mother-in-law did not really think about the child. She was not important what he was, the meaning had only that was not native. And the child accepted it all at his own expense and crashed himself, condemned, looking for reason, thought he was some unworthy, wrong. All your life felt loose and suffered from it. These feelings were not live and a real understanding of the situation in that life never came. Therefore, those feelings from past life affect the events of this.

Further. When your mother was pregnant with you, somewhere at the beginning of the second trimester (7-8 months, about), she quarreled with someone. I saw a picture when a man struck her face and left. She cried overnight and worried very much: what's wrong with me? Why? There was a very strong feeling of longing, resentment, disappointment and injustice.

I do not know specific circumstances that exactly and how it happened. Perhaps your mother only perceived everything emotionally and in fact no one hurt her strongly. The bottom line is that her perception of the situation was exactly the same - very strong and disturbing. And these emotions touched upon a child.

The experience of a very strong stress led to the fact that the forming structure of the aura was damaged. If you look at the structural level of the aura, it looks like an old sweater, from which free threads stick out, chatted as a fringe, threads are disheveled and stretched, the structure is not so durable as it should be. If you look at the car from the outside, then it is null. However, damage to its internal structure makes it more vulnerable and fragile than other people.

Further. The episode of this life, when you were about 5 years old (plus-minus). You look at the boy who is older than you. And he likes you so much, so good what you think: I want in the future he become my husband (or the same as he). And ask yourself a question: what should I be married to me? In response, you have the perfect, in your opinion, the image you should become to love you. And since then learn how to create this image.

Further. Next picture. Your age is about 16-20 years, the period of youthful love and romantic relationships. Near the boy (or similar to him). He is already an adult and still you like. However, you and your diligent ideal image he does not perceive seriously, does not notice as a woman. Meets on the other.

Moreover, the feeling of the image of this boy's boy is quite native, familiar and close. Such a feeling seems to be a close friend, or a senior cousin, or a family friend - something in such a kind. Or just a boy who all the years was somewhere near - classmate, neighbor, etc.

At some point you understand that it is hopefully hopefully to hope for a relationship with him. You may be tired of attempts to establish contact with him, perhaps he marries. However, at the time of this understanding, disappointed from the fact that all your efforts to create perfect ourselves were not justified, you decide that in principle are unable to such relationships as you want. Think that since it didn't work out here, it never could have happened. Decide that some is not such that they are not able to attract it or the same man in principle. In fact, refuse to have such relationships that you want. Refound from yourself.

Notice the sequence: in the past life, decide that some is not so. In childhood, decide that to attract a boy you need to become some other. Begin to embody this invented image into reality. When the boy in response does not pay attention to you, instead of realizing that the approach itself is wrong, take everything on your own expense and again feel the rejected and refuse yourself (trying to be someone else, not, and when it does not work, Accuse to).

In fact, refuses to have the desired relationship itself, deprive themselves the chance of their implementation, causing that they are unable to it. And prohibit yourself even thinking about it, because it hurts.

As a result, this refusal begins to destroy you, your energy and your body. And this process, a few years later, leads to the appearance of vitiligo. Moving to Moscow only aggravated it all, accelerated the process, but he was not the reason. Perhaps the decision itself to move to Moscow was caused by the desire to escape from himself, his memories and disappointments - this I do not know.

Now in the picture of energy and physiology. In Aura, structural damage (wrote above, torn threads) in the abdomen. Disrupted the flow and fullness of the thyroid energy (I recommend checking the thyroid on the nodes and hormones). At the level of consciousness, some thoughts and reflections are blocked and depressed, which is why energy does not flow and does not circulate. At the Aura level, this is manifested as a shortage of energy in the thyroid. In a psychological plan, this corresponds to the inability to express itself, be ourselves, manifest itself in society. Manifest itself true, its real feelings and desires.

In the causal plan, vitiligo corresponds to the impossibility of energy flow in those areas that were blocked by consciousness. Those. There are no violations as such, there are consequences decisions taken. If consciousness says: I can not and I will not (myself), then the energy is responsible - it means that the energy is not needed there, where you will not. And the energy does not flow.

In the spiritual plan, the order, in the body matrix, too, there is no significant violations related to vitiligo. At the level of the spiritual nucleus there is a violation, but they do not have relationships to vitiligo, if you want to tell you separately, there is a karmic.

Now according to the process of healing.

Need to work with energy and with psychological moments. With energy, I work remotely, at a distance, spending sessions, restoring energy damage and giving energy for the process of restoring the physical body.

For working with consciousness I use the process of processing, I am engaged in Skype. The method allows you to live and rethink the events of the past, deepening your understanding of your life. This understanding, in turn, allows you to change the attitude to the issues that need changes.

In your case, you need to start working immediately and with psychological moments, and with energy, in parallel. He asked the highest strength about the possibility of your healing, they said like this:

"When the path is passed to the end, the healing will occur."

Those. It is necessary to heal and correct all these errors that were committed, to restore the energy structure and heal karma. Then the process of self-destruction will stop, and the body will start recovering, healing will occur.