The formation of value orientations in adolescence. Formation of value orientations from senior adolescents Formation of values \u200b\u200bin adolescents

Cardinal changes in the political, economic, spiritual spheres of our society involve radical changes in psychology, value orientations and actions of people. The study of changes occurring in the consciousness of modern youth is particularly acute today. The inevitable reassessment of values \u200b\u200bin the conditions of the prevalence of the prevailing obscures, their crisis is most manifested in the minds of this social group. The study of value orientations, the vital priorities of modern youth is very relevant, as this characterizes the state of modern Russian society.

In our school, there were no studies of the vital priorities of adolescents, and we were interested in this question, since we are the first generation of the new time, on which the future of our country depends.

Based on the above, the purpose of the work is: a description of the system of value orientations of senior schoolchildren in the sample of adolescent villages of Kosturnowkova and the city of Novokuznetsk.

The object of our research is the system of value orientations of senior schoolchildren, the subject - the peculiarities of the value orientations of schoolchildren 15-16 years of the village of Kosnunkova and the city of Novokuznetsk.

The working hypothesis was put forward: regardless of the social environment and a place of residence, the system of values \u200b\u200bof schoolchildren 15-16 years old has similar traits.

64 respondents were surveyed - adolescents 15-16 years old: 30 respondents Students of Kostenkovskaya High School, 34 - Students of School No. 91 of the Central District of Novokuznetsk.

To identify the value orientations of adolescents, M. Rokich technique was used (Ropeach, 1973) "Value Orientations".

The results of the study were presented at the school scientific and practical conference. At the meeting of the School Council of Health for teachers, a message was made about the place of health among other life values \u200b\u200bof students of 9-10 classes of Kostenkovsky school. In addition, the high school students familiar with the results of the study.

Theoretical part

Value orientations are a complex socio-psychological phenomenon that characterizes the focus and content of the active person, which is an integral part of the personality relationship system, which determines the general approach to the world to the world, to himself, giving meaning and direction of personal positions, behavior, actions. The value orientation system has a multi-level structure. The top of it is the values \u200b\u200bassociated with the ideals and life goals of the person.

The relevance of the study of the value orientations of young people led to the emergence of a number of works devoted to different aspects of this problem. In social and psychological and psychological and pedagogical studies, the structure and dynamics of the value orientations of the person in youthful age are studied, the relationship with professional orientation, etc.

Value orientations (TSO) (from Franz. Orientation - installation) - a method of differentiation of objects by individual by their significance. Value orientations are formed during the assimilation of social experience and are found in order to, ideals, beliefs, interests and other manifestations of the person. In the structure of human activity, value orientations are closely related to the cognitive and volitional parties. The value-orientation system forms the content side of the identity orientation and expresses the internal basis of its relationship to reality. The value-orientation system forms the content side of the identity orientation and expresses the internal basis of its relationship to reality. In the process of joint activity, which determines the relations of people in groups, multiple TSOs are developing. The coincidence of the most important CSC Group members ensures its cohesion (as a value-orientational unity).

The typology of value orientations is one of the methods of scientific knowledge, which is based on a structural and systemic approach to dismember and group object systems using a generalized, idealized model. Many scientists: philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, teachers - an attempt to streamline and describe the value system. Naturally, in the process of typology, researchers relied on identifying the similarities and differences in value orientations, in search of methods to identify them.

The Tyology of N. Owker has wide fame, it is noted with what the needs, interests and desires of a person are associated

Table 1

Typology of Values \u200b\u200b(N. Rebelcher)

Material and Physical Health, Comfort, Physical Safety

Economic Economic Confidence, Performance, Efficiency

Moral honesty, justice

Social charity, politeness

Political freedom, equality, legality

Aesthetic Beauty, Harmony, Symmetry

Religious humility, lunizing, enlightenment of consciousness

Intellectual knowledge, clarity, logicality

Professional recognition, success

Sentimental love, attraction, friendship

The most successful attempt to develop a classification of values, which is widely used in socio-psychological studies, belongs to M. Rokich. According to the teachings of the psychologist R. Rokich there are two classes of values: 1) Terminal - beliefs in the fact that some ultimate goal of individual existence is worth striving for it (what a person strives for it): Health, Freedom, Career, Education , family, etc. - are values \u200b\u200bfor purpose; 2) Instrumental values \u200b\u200b- beliefs in the fact that some kind of action or personality property is preferable in any situation (helping to achieve the main goals).

table 2

Typology of values \u200b\u200b(M. Rokich)

Values \u200b\u200btargets (terminal values \u200b\u200b- means (instrumental values)


Active, active life 1. Accuracy (cleanliness, ability to contain their own things, order in cases)

Life wisdom (maturity of judgment and common sense, achieved 2. Pupil (good manners)

vital experience)

Health (physical and mental) 3. High requests (high defaults)

Interesting work 4. Cheerfulness (sense of humor)

The beauty of nature and art (the experience of the beautiful in nature and in 5. Independence (the ability to act independently)

Love (inner disinterested need for a growing person) 6. Incomparable to flaws in itself and other

Materially secured life (lack of material 7. Extension (discipline)


Availability of good and faithful friends 8. Education (knowledge latitude, high total culture)

General good furnishings in the country, in our society, saving 9. Responsibility (sense of debt, ability to keep the word)

peace between nations (Cat condition of prosperity of everyone)

Public recognition (respect for the surrounding, team, colleagues) 10. Rationalism (skill and logically thinking, make deliberate decisions)

Cognition (the possibility of expanding its formation, outlook, 11. Self-adjusting (restraint, self-discipline)

common culture, intellectual development)

Equality (equal opportunities for all) 12. The courage in defending his opinion, his views

Independence as independence in judgments 13. Solid Will (ability to insist on its own, not retreat before difficulties)

Freedom as independence in acts of action 14. Tolerance to the views and opinions of others, the ability to forgive other errors and delusion

Happy family life 15. Latitude of views (ability to understand someone else's point of view, respect other tastes, customs, habits)

Creativity (the possibility of creative activity) 16. Honesty, (justice, sincerity)

Self-confidence (freedom from internal contradictions, doubt.) 17. Efficiency in affairs (hard work, productivity in work)

Pleasure (life is complete pleasures, entertainment, pleasant 18. Sureness (caring)


The famous psychologist Viktor Francan allocated three groups of values: the values \u200b\u200bof creativity, the values \u200b\u200bof the experiences and value of the relationship. These values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to three main paths that a person cannot find sense in life. The first - that he gives the world in his creations; The second is that he takes from the world in his meetings, experiences; The third is the position that he takes towards his position (if he cannot change his fate).

Table 3.

Typology of values \u200b\u200b(V. Frank)

Value groups by V. Franklu Path to understanding life

Values \u200b\u200bof creativity using the fact that we give life (our creative work)

Values \u200b\u200bof experience with the help of what we take from the world (experiencing values)

Relationship values \u200b\u200bthrough the position that we occupy in relation to fate

The typology of the terminal values \u200b\u200bof Yu. M. Plusnin, developed on the basis of the integration of well-known options for the typology of values \u200b\u200bM. Rokich with the typology of the needs of A. Oil. Five valuables were identified in accordance with the model of the needs of the needs of A. Maslow, according to which values \u200b\u200bfrom M. Rokich's list were distributed with the addition of such values \u200b\u200bas a "simple life", "human life." At the same time, the researcher united the category "work" of the values \u200b\u200bof "active life" and "interesting work", and the values \u200b\u200bof "self-confidence" excluded from the list of values. Thus, typology includes the following:

Table 4.

Typology of values \u200b\u200b(Yu. M. Plusin)

Values \u200b\u200bGroups in accordance with the needs of A. Maslow Values \u200b\u200bby M. Rokich

A group of lower values \u200b\u200bof the "organic" series (values \u200b\u200bassociated with a simple life, life in pleasure, well-being.

satisfying physiological needs)

A group of values \u200b\u200brelated to the satisfaction of security, safety, health, human life.

personal and Social Security

Group of values \u200b\u200brelated to the satisfaction of social love, family, communication contacts, interpersonal connections

A group of valuables related to the satisfaction of self-esteem, public recognition, independence, equality achievement

Group of higher values \u200b\u200brelated to self-acting personality Freedom, creativity, knowledge, understanding, beauty

Thus, the appeal to the typology of values \u200b\u200b/ value orientations suggests that in the philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature there are many approaches to the systematization, interpretation and operationalization of value phenomena. This is primarily due to the fact that scientists proceed from various theoretical and empirical grounds, arguing this with the specifics of the phenomenon and the multifaceted manifestations.

The specific role of the meaningful and structural and dynamic characteristics of the system of value orientation of the personality in their connection with the identity features and the factors of socialization in youthful age are investigated. For this age, in addition to the traditional values \u200b\u200bof society, the orientation of personal communication is of particular importance, therefore, in the formation of a system of value orientations, communication with peers plays an important role, the situation of collisions with opposite views, opinions. However, the process of becoming a system of value orientations can also be inhibited, leading to the emergence of the phenomenon of moral infantilism, which has recently causes concern more and more psychologists and teachers.

Youth age is a period of intensive formation of a system of value orientation that affects the formation of the nature and personality as a whole. This is due to the appearance on the age stage necessary for the formation of value orientations of the prerequisites: mastering conceptual thinking, accumulation of sufficient moral experience, the occupation of a certain social situation. The process of forming a system of value orientation is stimulated by a significant expansion of communication, a collision with a variety of forms of behavior, views, ideals. The appearance of belief in youthful age indicates a significant qualitative fracture in the nature of the formation of a system of moral values.

It was during the period of youth for a person one of the main most important tasks is to create its own system of values. This period is one of the brightest, creative periods of life, the young man is directed to the future, he no longer can and does not want to live "a stranger mind" and must determine for himself, which is important, and what is not, it is very important not to miss the time, Do not spend it on thoughtless submission or thoughtless entertainment, it is in this age period that young people especially need to be understood by others and, of course, careful, caring, tactful attitude of adults.

The system of values \u200b\u200bof society is inconsistent and determined by many factors, including economic, political, ideological. Our social situation has been characterized as an unstable one for more than decades. This is manifested at different levels of the device of society, in its various fields, including on the psychological level of personality. The situation of instability is expressed, in particular, in the breakdown of old stereotypes, norms and values, in a sharp change in value priorities, in the impossibility of choosing and unambiguously solving some problems. Undoubtedly, all this is reflected in the process of socialization of adolescents, and more specifically - on the peculiarities of their behavior and self-consciousness.

I went to the story of myth that "we have the way everywhere." What is today Russian youth, which guidelines are based on or does young people rest? On this occasion, V. D. Lisovsky writes "Today's young Russians are doubly put extreme conditions: the coup in the socio-economic structure is accompanied by a crisis of value consciousness. Young comes to decide what is more valuable - enrichment by any means or the acquisition of high qualifications, ensuring the ability to adapt to new conditions; denial of the former moral norms or flexibility, adaptability to the new reality; Unlimited freedom of interpersonal interpovers or family as a stronghold of successful existence. "

The system of value orientations is not an absolutely ordered and fixed, it is contradictory and dynamic, reflects both the main, essential, rod changes in the interdependence of personality with the world and the change of current, fleeting, to a certain extent random life situations.

Research part

We conducted a psychological study aimed at studying the value orientations of students of 9-10 classes of Kostenkovsky school and the city of Novokuznetsk. A technique of studying the value orientations of M. Rokich was used. The respondents were presented two list of values \u200b\u200b- terminal, instrumental. Values \u200b\u200bneeded to run significantly. The most significant value is the first place, less significant - second, etc. Next, we calculated the sample value of value, then by each value we have been assigned a specific score that we used to build value rating. What the score is lower, the more significant value and the above place in the rating of values.

Having received the results of the study, we allocated three groups of terminal values \u200b\u200bfor significance: in the first group - a significant to the highest degree (in descending order of significance): 1) Health (4,2), 2) Love (4,7), 3) Availability of good faithful friends (5.5), 4) Happy family life (7.9), 5) self-confidence (8.7), 6) independence in actions (8.75); in the second - meaning at the average level - 1) interesting work (8,8), 2) career (8.9), 3) financially secured life (9), 4) active active life (9.5), 5) pleasure (10.3), 6) knowledge (10.5); Third - meaningful in low degree - 1) Public recognition (10,7), 2) Vital wisdom (11,2), 3) Creativity (12.4), 4) Beauty of nature and art (12,6), 5 ) Good atmosphere in the country (13.9), 6) Glory (14.4).

We see that high school students are more oriented, first of all, on fairly universal values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to their age - love, friendship. This is due to the physiological and psychological characteristics of this age.

Comparing the results of the study of rural and urban adolescents, some differences can be noted: so rural schoolchildren on the first place are health, and urban presents the fourth place. Probably, such a choice is due to the fact that the Kostenkovskaya school introduces health-saving technologies into practice.

Urban and rural adolescents coincide some significant values \u200b\u200b(love, friendship), as well as significant in a low value (situation in the country, glory, the beauty of nature and art, creativity). An unstable position occupy such values \u200b\u200bas active life, knowledge, self-confidence, career, health, vital wisdom.

Significant differences are found in the value orientations of girls. The girls of the Kostenkov school "Active life" put on the 16th place, and the citys for 8, "independence in the actions" of rural girls ranks 12th, and urban - 6.

A large number of obvious differences was found in the young men among the following values: independence in actions; self confidence; materially secured life; interesting job.

Similarly, we analyzed the instrumental values \u200b\u200bof adolescents (then with what personality is achieved) and received the following results

the first group is highly significant - fell: pupil (5,8), education (5.9), honesty (6.2), self-control (7.4), responsibility (7,8), cheerfulness (8) ; In the second - significant at the average level - solid will (9,1), courage in defending views (9.3), independence in actions (9.5), accuracy (9.5), hard work (9,6), latitude views (10,2); to the third - significant in a low degree - tolerance (10.9), sensitivity (11.2), rationalism (11.6), the perference (11.8), high requests (14.7), irreconcilability to flaws in itself and in others (15.2).

The instrumental values \u200b\u200bof rural and urban high school students also have only minor discrepancies: so accuracy of rural adolescents stands on the 6th place, and urban at 13; Creation of Rural Will in 11th place, and urban at 5. In general, the value priorities are similar, there is only a displacement of 1-2 places

Perhaps this is due to the peculiarity of the social situation in which the teenager is taking place.

According to our research, you can make a portrait of a modern high school student. This teenager is not a vain, with a low culture that is not interested in politics, not inclined to work. Most of all appreciates good relations with peers, seeks to seek the goals with the help of such qualities as a pupil, education, honesty, self-control, responsibility, cheerfulness.


Thus, the hypothesis nominated by us received confirmation. The value orientations of adolescents of Kostenkovskaya school slightly differ from the value orientations of the high school students of Novokuznetsk.

Perhaps a review of data on the state of value orientations of high school students will help in planning the educational work of class managers, in addition, these results can be used with a professional definition of adolescents.


3. System of value orientations of adolescents

3.1 Intellectual and educational values

3.2 Moral and Cultural Values

3.3 Political values

3.4 Family values


List of used literature


The system of value orientation, being a psychological characteristic of a mature personality, one of the central personal entities, expresses the meaningful attitude of a person to social reality and in this capacity determines the motivation of its behavior, has a significant impact on all parties to its activities. As an element of the personality structure, value orientations characterize the internal readiness for committing certain activities to meet the needs and interests, indicate the direction of its behavior.

The problem of the formation of value orientations is devoted to the work of the classics of foreign and domestic science, which in their theories rely on the concept of personality, since value orientations are closely related to it, as well as with the study of human behavior and motivation. In the works of the so-called. Malkan, Z.I. Ravkin, V.V. Serisikov et al. The essence of moral values, and value orientations, their place in the personality structure are considered.

Modern psychologists, philosophers and sociologists N.S. Rosov, B. Feeger, et al. Also appeal to the problem of the formation and development of value orientations of the individual, considering them as a component of the personality structure, which characterizes the focus and the content of the activity of the individual, which determines the general approach of the person to the world to the world, to itself, gives meaning and directing personal positions, behavior, actions.

In adolescence, a sustainable circle of interest is begins to form, which is the psychological base of adolescent orientations. There is a switching of interest from private and concrete on distracted and general, there is an increase in interest in the issue of worldview, religion, morality and ethics. Interest in its own psychological experiences and experiences of other people is developing.

The problem of the formation and development of value orientations in adolescents is today relevant. Relevance This topic is due to socio-economic transformations, reforming the education system, on the one hand, and the increase in the number of crimes among adolescents who use alcoholic beverages, the deformation of values \u200b\u200bin the adolescent environment - on the other.

Objectstudies are value orientations of modern adolescents. Thing - the formation and development of various types of value orientations.

purpose of work - reveal the essence and content of the characteristics of value orientations in adolescence. To implement this purpose, the following tasks must be solved:

Explore the concepts of "value orientations" in the historical aspect;

Explore the process of forming value orientations;

Determine the system of value orientations and its main elements;

Explore the types of value orientations.

1. The definition of the concept of "value orientation" in the historical aspect

Value is an idea that holy for humans, a team, society as a whole, their beliefs and ideas expressed in behavior. In a narrow value, the requirements, norms acting as a regulator and the purpose of human relations and activities are understood. It can be said that the level of cultural development of society depends on the values, the degree of civilization.

With the concept of value, the concept of "value orientation" is closely connected, which for the first time began to be used in American sociology, in particular, T. Parsons. Value orientation is an individual and group ranking of values \u200b\u200bin which one attaches great significance than others, which affects the choice of objectives of activity and their achievements. Value orientations are an essential element of personality consciousness, they refract moral, aesthetic, legal, political, environmental, economic, ideological knowledge, ideas and beliefs.

The significance of values \u200b\u200bin the life of the personality and society was also aware of the antichest philosophers. Attempts were made to formulate questions regarding the sphere of value orientation of a person: is there any higher happiness? What is the meaning of a person's life? What is the truth? What do you need to love and hate what? What is beauty? Philosophers noted the inconsistency of the nature of value: beautiful things can provoke a person for a crime; Beautiful words - to hide non-custody designs, and beautiful appearance is spiritual deformity.

The category "value orientation" is a focus, which converges the point of view of the branches of scientific knowledge to the person. It is associated with all the basic concepts that were developed in philosophy, sociology, social psychology, pedagogy.

Value orientations are the most important component of the personality consciousness, significantly affecting the perception of the environment, attitude to society, the social group, on the idea of \u200b\u200ba person about himself. As an element of the personality structure, they reflect its inner readiness to meet the needs and goals, give the direction of its behavior in all fields of activity.

The specificity of value orientation is that this category is most closely associated with the behavior of the subject, manages this process as a conscious action. Value orientations are a specially structured and hierarchized system of value representations expressing the subjective attitude of the personality to objective living conditions, actually detect the actions and actions of a person, and show themselves in practical behavior. Value orientations are a rod, basic characteristic of the individual, social property of the individual.

The ancient Greek philosopher Herclite considered the whole world, which he considered as a living organism. The measure of all things he considered man. According to Herclite, only God is above him. Democritis as a higher value considered a wise person. Socrates made the definition of such ethical concepts as "justice", "Valor", "Happiness", "Virtue". Happiness does not reaches not because it does not want him, but because he does not know what it is. The thesis "No one is wrong voluntarily" emphasizes the value of knowledge that allows you to distinguish the real good of what is not. Aristotle believed that in addition to material goods, there are those who are outside the body and soul - honor, wealth, power. However, he considered the spiritual benefit "highest."

Most modern authors define value orientations as a personality installation on certain social values \u200b\u200bcaused by the public character of human existence. They are more movable, changeable, are under the direct influence of people. Among them are the values \u200b\u200bof universal importance (production, public relations, work, discipline, education, morality, etc.). They appear as the living conditions of people, the ways of their action that must be transmitted are fixed and are learned by subsequent generations.

Philosopher A.N, Maksimov believes that value is the primary form of the object of reality in which it appears before consciousness through the value of a person to this subject. He is convinced that "a meeting with any subject immediately implies the inclusion of the evaluation mechanism, value relationship.

P.I. Smirnov argues that "the value is considered to be any material or ideal phenomenon that is valid for a person, for which he acts, spends strength for which he lives." The scientist emphasizes that the personality realizes its potential only with a support for value orientations and the object remains the same - the behavior of the personality, and life itself is.

In value orientations, the level of personality claims, ideas about the moral values, willingness or non-negotiations in accordance with the moral norms and the rules are concentrated. Value orientations are a self-regulating mechanism of personality behavior.

There is a definition of value orientation as a system. The value orientations of today's younger generation is the system of values \u200b\u200bof the historical entity, in the conditions of "time fracture". Value orientations are a system of valuable identity relationships not to individual subjects and phenomena, but to their aggregate, which determines the direction of the individual to certain types of social values. In modern conditions, the process of the formation of value orientations of the younger generation proceeds against the background of the reform of society itself. These changes are leading not only to change the system of economic relations, but also the most directly affects the spiritual climate, interpersonal relationships and relationships.

2. Formation of value orientations in adolescents

The problems associated with human values \u200b\u200bare among the most important for sciences engaged in the study of man and society. This is due primarily because values \u200b\u200bare an integrative basis both for a separate person, and for any social group, the nation and all mankind in general.

Value orientations are the most important component of the personality consciousness, significantly affecting the perception of the environment, attitude to society, the social group, on the idea of \u200b\u200ba person about himself. As an element of the personality structure, they reflect its inner readiness to meet the needs and goals, give the direction of its behavior in all fields of activity. The specificity of value orientation is that this category is most closely associated with the behavior of the subject, manages this process as a conscious action. Value orientations are a specially structured and hierarchized system of value representations expressing the subjective attitude of the personality to objective living conditions, actually detect the actions and actions of a person, and show themselves in practical behavior. Value orientations are a rod, basic characteristic of the individual, social property of the individual.

The teenage period is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood, awareness of themselves as an adult personality, the appearance of the desire to be and reckoned with adults, reorienting values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of children, on the values \u200b\u200bof the world of adults.

The appearance of a feeling of adulthood as a specific neoplasm of self-consciousness is the structural center of the personality of the teenager, the quality in which a new life position is displayed in relation to himself, people and the world as a whole. It is it that determines the focus and content of the adolescent activity, its new aspirations, desires, experiences and affective reactions. Cardinal changes in the personality structure of the teenager determine its special sensitivity to the assimilation of norms, values \u200b\u200band ways of behavior inherent in the world of adults. The desire to be independent, due to the whole course of mental development.

Teenage age is a very important period in the development of identity ideals. Ideals become a role model, rule, according to which teenagers are trying to act.

V.S. Savina notes that the process of forming a person's own identity is a personal self-determination, having a value-semantic nature. The formation of identity, especially intensively passing in adolescence, is impossible without changing systemic social relations, in relation to which a growing person must develop certain positions.

Teenage age is characterized as a period of active formation of a system of views on the surrounding reality, views on itself and other people, taking themselves in a multifaceted world, which is the ideological structure of a person. A particularly strong influence on the development of the personality of a teenager is to improve his self-assessment and self-awareness, where self-esteem acts as a central link in changes occurring in his mental development, and communication becomes leading activities. At this age, the formation of "I-Concept", awareness of the personality, appeal to its inner world. Teens are quite susceptible and emotional to the surrounding environment.

As the child is consistent, it is part of a society, which has its own unique value-orientational structure, where the identity of this culture is reflected in which it lives, and develops norms and rules, it takes its own way of socialization. All changes occurring at this age have a direct impact on the formation of value-semantic orientations and the self-determination of a teenager.

The presence of values \u200b\u200band meanings pushing the individual to answer the questions "Why?", "Why?", "For what?" He should strive, choosing one or another type of activity, whether he is able to limit himself in something, something to come on, compromise. The value-semantic orientations are for the personality of its individual choice, its way of activity. Personality exists and communicates in society, it is part of it, so society should not stay aside when choosing a personality of its path, without imposing his will, but by taking the position of the consultant, assistant. Especially important is the position of the nearest environment and macros in relation to adolescence, the personality that is at the stage of its formation, the development, the formation in the stage of self-determination.

The value-semantic sphere is a system-forming factor of a unit of psychological analysis. The process of regulation by an individual of his life is concluded in the framework of some restrictions and the way of the formation of motives, meanings and values \u200b\u200bis underway, in the unity of their performing determination and regulatory functions. The difference is observed only in the predominance of one or another source of personal activity. In the system-structural organization of the value-sention and regulation, differentiation and integration predominate, the psychological integrity of which ensures the implementation of certain regulatory functions, which is precisely the psychological mechanism for changing the value-semantic sphere.

The formation of the value structure in adolescence is determined by the specific development situation for this period.

In adolescence, a sustainable circle of interest is begins to form, which is the psychological base of adolescent orientations. There is a switching of interest from private and concrete on distracted and general, there is an increase in interest in the issue of worldview, religion, morality and ethics. Interest in its own experiences and experiences of other people is developing. Most often, this period of transition from childhood to adulthood and the associated need to self-determination and the choice of life path after graduation is complicated by the fact that for high school students, the problem of the formation of self-consciousness (central adolescence neoplascence) remains relevant.

In adolescence in the process of communicating with others, a person constantly falls in situations requiring it to accept this or that decision. Decision making means a choice of possible options. There is a need to consider and evaluate possible alternatives - mainly in the field of determining their value orientations, their life positions. However, the values \u200b\u200bhave not yet established and are tested by the practice of their own behavior and the actions of others.

The social formation of a person occurs throughout life and in different social groups. Family, kindergarten, school class, student group, labor team, company peers - all this social groups that make up the nearest environment of the individual and speakers as carriers of various norms and values. Such groups defining the external regulation system of the individual's behavior are called socialization institutions.

The family is a unique socialization institution, since it is impossible to replace any other social group. It is in the family that the first adaptation period of human social life is carried out. Up to 6-7 years old for a child - the main, social environment, which form its habits, the basics of social relations, the system of meaning. During this period, the child's relationship system is determined to themselves, another (attitude to close and to people in general), various types of action. It is in the family that children acquire the first interaction skills, master the first social roles, comprehend the first norms and values. The subjective estimates that are determined by meaningful relations are formed, the norms are learned, social qualities are developing. In all cases of incorrect education, social adaptation is violated. On the other hand, the positive influence of the family contributes to the prosperous socialization and social adaptation of the individual not only in childhood, but also throughout life. Those positions that the child form parents in the social relationship system are determined in the future lifestyle and life plan, which E. Bern called the life scenario.

Family specific intimate nature of interpersonal communication contributes to the formation of a complex of moral feelings and experiences. The special role of the family in the upbringing is also determined by the fact that its influence on the child begins from early childhood when he is most susceptible. Thanks to this, family education has a long "consequence": the positive or negative features of the family formed by the family affect the selection of subsequent educational influences in the school. What is instilled in childhood, one way or another, is affected throughout his life. "The family not only brings up itself, but also" fertures "or, on the contrary, depletes the soil for subsequent public education." Personal qualities associated with the development of the emotional sphere and relationships towards other people are greatest stability. Forming since childhood, on the example of relationships to the parent family, they persist in man for many years and manifest themselves in interpersonal contacts with people in various areas of life, and especially in relationships with family members created by him.

The family is the most important factor in the socialization of the person and one of the factors of the formation of the value orientation of a teenager.

In adolescence in the process of communicating with others, the child constantly falls in situations requiring it to accept this or that decision. Decision making means a choice of possible options. There is a need to consider and evaluate possible alternatives - mainly in the field of determining their value orientations, their life positions. However, during this period, the adolescent value has not yet established and are tested by the practice of their own behavior and the actions of others. .

In the formation of many civil and personal qualities in adolescents, the social environment plays an important role. At the same time, family microclimate can have invaluable help in the timely achievement of this goal. The priority in the formation of many personal qualities belongs to the family surrounding.

Regardless of any modification, the family is a source of accumulation and stabilization of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, in it every member of this small group satisfies its vital interests and needs regardless of age.

During a puberty period, teenagers pay more attention to their appearance. They watch the change in their body and fluctuations in their experiences with a mixed feeling of curiosity, interest, and sometimes fear.

Trying to integrate these new images and feelings in an emerging sexual role, they are looking for role-playing models among family members, friends, classmates and people known thanks to the media.

It can be legally distinguished by two aspects of the development of adolescents of values: procedural and meaningful.

The substantive component is implemented through the development of knowledge of values, behavior standards, the ability to sympathize and empathy, the awareness of the need for certain behavior in accordance with the values, the readiness to act in accordance with the knowledge available and has a number of features (instability, insufficiency) caused by the age characteristics of adolescence.

The procedural aspect includes the stages of mastering teenagers of moral values: from the knowledge of the semantic content of moral norms and values \u200b\u200bto the implementation in behavior.

Each of these stages depends on personal significance to teen moral value, knowledge of its essence, readiness and ability to implement it in behavior, from social and pedagogical conditions in which the process of development occurs.

The orientation process involves the presence of three interrelated phases ensuring development. The phase of the identity of the Company's values \u200b\u200bas its functioning produces the value attitude towards the world - the "image of the world", which integrate value relations into the hierarchical system of value orientation of the individual. Phase conversion , based on the assigned values, ensures the transformation of the image "I", which develops into the interaction of "I - Real" - "I - the perfect" - "life ideal". The design phase is finalizing, ensures the formation of a life prospect of personality as a criterion of orientation [27].

To determine the effectiveness of the formation of valuable orientation N.N. Ushakova allocates the following criteria:

1. Knowledge of values. The result here is the ability to form value orientations. The concept of values \u200b\u200bis considered assimilated if the teenager fully mastered the content of the concept, its volume, knowledge of his relationships, relations with other concepts, as well as the ability to operate with the concept in solving practical problems.

2. Differentiation of values \u200b\u200b- the ability of adolescents to produce a value choice.

3. Efficiency of value orientations.

So, the system of value orientations is the basis of relations to the environment, to other people, to themselves, the basis of the worldview. The family is the most important factor in the socialization of the person and one of the factors of the formation of the value orientation of a teenager. In the younger teenage age, children had no value and are tested by their own behavior and acts of others.

Conclusions on the first chapter

value orientation teen family

As a result of the theoretical analysis of the value orientations of young men and girls of adolescence, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Value orientations - a complex socio-psychological phenomenon that characterizes the focus and the content of personality activity, which is an integral part of the system of personality relations, which determines the general approach of the person to the world, to itself, who makes sense and the direction of personal positions, behavior, actions.

2. The adolescent period is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood, awareness of themselves as an adult personality, the appearance of the desire to be and reckoned with adults, reorienting values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of children, on the values \u200b\u200bof the world of adults.

3. The system of value orientations is the basis of relations to the environment, to other people, to themselves, the basis of the worldview.

4. Family is the most important factor in the socialization of the person and one of the factors of the formation of the value orientation of a teenager.

5. In the younger adolescent age, children have not yet established and are tested by the practice of their own behavior and the actions of others.

6. The effectiveness of the formation of value orientations of adolescents is determined by the following criteria:

· Knowledge of values \u200b\u200b- the teenager completely mastered the content of the concept, its volume, knowledge of his relationships, relations with other concepts, as well as the ability to operate with the concept in solving practical tasks;

· Differentiation of values \u200b\u200b- the ability of adolescents to produce a value choice;

· Efficiency of value orientations.

The teenage period is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood, awareness of themselves as an adult personality, the appearance of the desire to be and reckoned with adults, reorienting values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of children, on the values \u200b\u200bof the world of adults.

The appearance of a feeling of adulthood as a specific neoplasm of self-consciousness is the structural center of the personality of the teenager, the quality in which a new life position is displayed in relation to himself, people and the world as a whole. It is it that determines the focus and content of the adolescent activity, its new aspirations, desires, experiences and affective reactions. Cardinal changes in the personality structure of the teenager determine its special sensitivity to the assimilation of norms, values \u200b\u200band ways of behavior inherent in the world of adults. The desire to be independent, due to the whole course of mental development.

Teenage age is a very important period in the development of identity ideals. Ideals become a role model, rule, according to which teenagers are trying to act.

V.S. Savina notes that the process of forming a person's own identity is a personal self-determination, having a value-semantic nature. The formation of identity, especially intensively passing in adolescence, is impossible without changing systemic social relations, in relation to which a growing person must develop certain positions.

Teenage age is characterized as a period of active formation of a system of views on the surrounding reality, views on itself and other people, taking themselves in a multifaceted world, which is the ideological structure of a person. A particularly strong influence on the development of the personality of a teenager is to improve his self-assessment and self-awareness, where self-esteem acts as a central link in changes occurring in his mental development, and communication becomes leading activities. At this age, the formation of "I-Concept", awareness of the personality, appeal to its inner world. Teens are quite susceptible and emotional to the surrounding environment.

As the child is consistent, it is part of a society, which has its own unique value-orientational structure, where the identity of this culture is reflected in which it lives, and develops norms and rules, it takes its own way of socialization. All changes occurring at this age have a direct impact on the formation of value-semantic orientations and the self-determination of a teenager.

The presence of values \u200b\u200band meanings pushing the individual to answer the questions "Why?", "Why?", "For what?" He should strive, choosing one or another type of activity, whether he is able to limit himself in something, something to come on, compromise. The value-semantic orientations are for the personality of its individual choice, its way of activity. Personality exists and communicates in society, it is part of it, so society should not stay aside when choosing a personality of its path, without imposing his will, but by taking the position of the consultant, assistant. Especially important is the position of the nearest environment and macros in relation to adolescence, the personality that is at the stage of its formation, the development, the formation in the stage of self-determination.

The value-semantic sphere is a system-forming factor of a unit of psychological analysis. The process of regulation by an individual of his life is concluded in the framework of some restrictions and the way of the formation of motives, meanings and values \u200b\u200bis underway, in the unity of their performing determination and regulatory functions. The difference is observed only in the predominance of one or another source of personal activity. In the system-structural organization of the value-sention and regulation, differentiation and integration predominate, the psychological integrity of which ensures the implementation of certain regulatory functions, which is precisely the psychological mechanism for changing the value-semantic sphere.

The formation of the value structure in adolescence is determined by the specific development situation for this period.

In adolescence, a sustainable circle of interest is begins to form, which is the psychological base of adolescent orientations. There is a switching of interest from private and concrete on distracted and general, there is an increase in interest in the issue of worldview, religion, morality and ethics. Interest in its own experiences and experiences of other people is developing. Most often, this period of transition from childhood to adulthood and the associated need to self-determination and the choice of life path after graduation is complicated by the fact that for high school students, the problem of the formation of self-consciousness (central adolescence neoplascence) remains relevant.

In adolescence in the process of communicating with others, a person constantly falls in situations requiring it to accept this or that decision. Decision making means a choice of possible options. There is a need to consider and evaluate possible alternatives - mainly in the field of determining their value orientations, their life positions. However, the values \u200b\u200bhave not yet established and are tested by the practice of their own behavior and the actions of others.

The social formation of a person occurs throughout life and in different social groups. Family, kindergarten, school class, student group, labor team, company peers - all this social groups that make up the nearest environment of the individual and speakers as carriers of various norms and values. Such groups defining the external regulation system of the individual's behavior are called socialization institutions.

The family is a unique socialization institution, since it is impossible to replace any other social group. It is in the family that the first adaptation period of human social life is carried out. Up to 6-7 years old for a child - the main, social environment, which form its habits, the basics of social relations, the system of meaning. During this period, the child's relationship system is determined to themselves, another (attitude to close and to people in general), various types of action. It is in the family that children acquire the first interaction skills, master the first social roles, comprehend the first norms and values. The subjective estimates that are determined by meaningful relations are formed, the norms are learned, social qualities are developing. In all cases of incorrect education, social adaptation is violated. On the other hand, the positive influence of the family contributes to the prosperous socialization and social adaptation of the individual not only in childhood, but also throughout life. Those positions that the child form parents in the social relationship system are determined in the future lifestyle and life plan, which E. Bern called the life scenario.

Family specific intimate nature of interpersonal communication contributes to the formation of a complex of moral feelings and experiences. The special role of the family in the upbringing is also determined by the fact that its influence on the child begins from early childhood when he is most susceptible. Thanks to this, family education has a long "consequence": the positive or negative features of the family formed by the family affect the selection of subsequent educational influences in the school. What is instilled in childhood, one way or another, is affected throughout his life. "The family not only brings up itself, but also" fertures "or, on the contrary, depletes the soil for subsequent public education." Personal qualities associated with the development of the emotional sphere and relationships towards other people are greatest stability. Forming since childhood, on the example of relationships to the parent family, they persist in man for many years and manifest themselves in interpersonal contacts with people in various areas of life, and especially in relationships with family members created by him.

The family is the most important factor in the socialization of the person and one of the factors of the formation of the value orientation of a teenager.

In adolescence in the process of communicating with others, the child constantly falls in situations requiring it to accept this or that decision. Decision making means a choice of possible options. There is a need to consider and evaluate possible alternatives - mainly in the field of determining their value orientations, their life positions. However, during this period, the adolescent value has not yet established and are tested by the practice of their own behavior and the actions of others. .

In the formation of many civil and personal qualities in adolescents, the social environment plays an important role. At the same time, family microclimate can have invaluable help in the timely achievement of this goal. The priority in the formation of many personal qualities belongs to the family surrounding.

Regardless of any modification, the family is a source of accumulation and stabilization of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, in it every member of this small group satisfies its vital interests and needs regardless of age.

During a puberty period, teenagers pay more attention to their appearance. They watch the change in their body and fluctuations in their experiences with a mixed feeling of curiosity, interest, and sometimes fear.

Trying to integrate these new images and feelings in an emerging sexual role, they are looking for role-playing models among family members, friends, classmates and people known thanks to the media.

It can be legally distinguished by two aspects of the development of adolescents of values: procedural and meaningful.

The substantive component is implemented through the development of knowledge of values, behavior standards, the ability to sympathize and empathy, the awareness of the need for certain behavior in accordance with the values, the readiness to act in accordance with the knowledge available and has a number of features (instability, insufficiency) caused by the age characteristics of adolescence.

The procedural aspect includes the stages of mastering teenagers of moral values: from the knowledge of the semantic content of moral norms and values \u200b\u200bto the implementation in behavior.

Each of these stages depends on personal significance to teen moral value, knowledge of its essence, readiness and ability to implement it in behavior, from social and pedagogical conditions in which the process of development occurs.

The orientation process involves the presence of three interrelated phases ensuring development. The phase of the identity of the Company's values \u200b\u200bas its functioning produces the value attitude towards the world - the "image of the world", which integrate value relations into the hierarchical system of value orientation of the individual. Phase conversion , based on the assigned values, ensures the transformation of the image "I", which develops into the interaction of "I - Real" - "I - the perfect" - "life ideal". The design phase is finalizing, ensures the formation of a life prospect of personality as a criterion of orientation [27].

To determine the effectiveness of the formation of valuable orientation N.N. Ushakova allocates the following criteria:

1. Knowledge of values. The result here is the ability to form value orientations. The concept of values \u200b\u200bis considered assimilated if the teenager fully mastered the content of the concept, its volume, knowledge of his relationships, relations with other concepts, as well as the ability to operate with the concept in solving practical problems.

2. Differentiation of values \u200b\u200b- the ability of adolescents to produce a value choice.

3. Efficiency of value orientations.

So, the system of value orientations is the basis of relations to the environment, to other people, to themselves, the basis of the worldview. The family is the most important factor in the socialization of the person and one of the factors of the formation of the value orientation of a teenager. In the younger teenage age, children had no value and are tested by their own behavior and acts of others.

The most interesting for the formation of value orientations of the individual is the senior adolescent age. It is distinguished by a specific development situation.

In adolescence, a certain circle of interest is formed, which is the base of value orientations of adolescents. Specific and well-established interests begin to change to more distracted, extensive. Observed in adolescents the growth trend towards the issue of religion, worldview, ethics, morality. There is interest in your own experiences and sympathy for other people.

The transition from adolescent to early youthful age is associated with a change of internal position, i.e. Aspiration in the future becomes the main main task of the person.

In high school schools, schoolchildren have a choice of a life path, which marks the choice of profession. It is complicated by the fact that there is a transition from adolescent age to youthful age, and, together with this, the problem of the formation of self-consciousness remains an urgent problem.

The need for communication and the need for extraction is the most important determination of the formation of a high school student.

Communication during this period acquires a number of specific features: the expansion of the circle of contact groups, which includes a high school student, and at the same time, large selectivity in communication.

Communication contributes to the active inclusion of a person in a group or society. From this personality feels a protected, involved in the life of the group. Emotional stability has a beneficial effect on high school students. Since it is at this age that empathy play, understanding, emotional communication. The selection of a person helps her to realize his individuality and uniqueness.

On a series with the formation of a person, the main psychological acquisition of early adolescence becomes the discovery of its inner world and the awareness of its uniqueness and dissimilar to others. It is experiencing high school students as value.

As you know, in the early youth age, the changes occur not only in the body, but also in the appearance of young people associated with sex ripening. There is also a complication of life situations, complex relationships in the circle of friends and all this sharply activates in the youth of the age of value-tentative activity. It is the psychological condition for the emergence and development of life prospects and life self-determination.

Professional self-determination is one of the neoplasms of adolescence. The high school student is determined with the choice of profession, and this determines the formation of value orientations.

The uniqueness of the person is inextricably linked with the social world in which she has to live. Youthful age is characterized by reflection. On the one hand, this is awareness of its own "I" ("Who am I?", "What am I?"), And on the other - the awareness of your position in the world ("What is my life ideal?", "Who I want to become?".

A teenager facing these questions is not fully aware.

At young men, self-consciousness becomes an element of self-determination, and then they begin to ask and look for answers to ideological questions. They begin to think about what they live, but the lack of funds for this decision creates difficulty at this age.

It is well known that the problem of understanding life concerns not only the worldview, but still practical activities. The solution to this problem is inside the person himself and outside it (in the world where H can reveal its abilities, i.e. in activities and in feelings).

Thus, concentrating on itself, trying to find the meaning of life, the senior schoolboy may be subject to the fact that he can create a dangerous situation of egocentrism and to go into herself. This can be especially clearly to be seen in young men with neurotic features or from such a predisposition.

However, despite all the difficulties that arise in the search for the meaning of life in schoolchildren, a certain worldview is formed, a moral rod is formed and the value system is expanding. And accordingly, so young people begin to better understand themselves and the world around them. They become such as they are in reality. .

Continuing this idea within the framework of the psychology of Frankl, it can be said that "the meanings are categorically the same values, but only single, and accordingly, values \u200b\u200bare the same meanings, only generalized." Or, in other words, it can be noted that the meanings are values, and values \u200b\u200b- group meanings. But at an early age they slow down the process of professional self-determination.

The basis for the implementation of a certain identity model is the system of value orientation serves as a "rolled" personality program. It takes an exchange of individual value-ideological differences, i.e. This is a transition from social to personal and, on the contrary, from personal in social.

Also for youthful age, in addition to the basic values \u200b\u200bof society, the orientation of personal communication, communicating with peers and the situation of different views and opinions on life is important.

The interactions of the individual and society, individuals and cultures are connected with one mechanism, which represents a special value. This mechanism makes an approach to culture more humane. And therefore, the culture can be characterized as a world in which the incarnation of values \u200b\u200bin social reality occurs.

Values \u200b\u200bcan be divided into classes. For example, M. Rokich distinguishes two classes:

· Terminal - they include those beliefs and views to which need to seek;

· Instrumental is the views and beliefs that the actions of the personality are preferred in any situation.

Tool values \u200b\u200bare means to achieve terminal values. This leads to a traditional separation on value value and value-values.

Further, it can be noted that values \u200b\u200bare generalized persons of people about the goals and norms of their behavior, a certain society as a whole, of all mankind. Individuals and social groups are related to the landmarks that arise in the minds of each person.

However, such a process of becoming a system of value orientation can slow down and lead to infantilism phenomenon, whose concern more and more causes psychologists and teachers lately.

Youth age is a period of active formation of a system of value orientations, which, consequently, has an impact on the formation of the character and personality as a whole.

At this age stage, the formation of value orientations is necessary, which is associated with the appearance of such prerequisites, as: accumulation of sufficient experience, the occupation of a certain social status. The process of forming a system of value orientations expands the scope of communication, and faces various forms of behavior, views and ideals. When conviction appears, there is a fracture in the character and revision of moral values.

Gordon Alport also studied the value system. He believed that a person falls under one system of values, but under different. Different people have different combinations of values. These values \u200b\u200bof Olport allocated as features:

one). Theoretical. Here the person is interested in the disclosure of truth.

2). Economic. With such a feature, a person above all appreciates utility or profitability.

3). Aesthetic. Such a person basically appreciates harmony and shape.

four). Social. For a person with such a line, the main value is the love of people.

five). Political. Here the power is a significant interest of this type of person.

6). Religious. Representatives of this type of personality show interest in understanding the world as a whole.

Based on this, it is assumed that for the harmonic development of the person, the formation of its individuality is characterized by various types of value orientations. These types of value orientations are manifested in the social activity of the individual. This affects the structure of the individual development of senior schoolchildren.

B.C. Merlin first put forward a hypothesis about "value orientations as a possible mediating link in integrated individuality." Although, no one has not previously checked experimentally.

As A.I. considered Donets, the content of value orientations will determine the consistency of life goals and professional plans.

There are other points of view. So, for example, V.S. Sobyn, A.M. Gracheva and A.A. Nistrates assumed that the professional orientation of high school students when choosing professions is more determined by the stereotype system that are associated with various types of professions. "Young people are likely to build their basic ideas about a particular profession on a really more accessible layer of social stereotypes, which they perceive in movies, literature, etc." .

Thus, it can be concluded that the formation of a system of value orientation of the individual is for various researchers the center of close study. In the study of such issues, a special place is given to youthful age, since it is with this period ontogenesis that the development of a system of value orientations is associated. And they, in turn, have a certain influence on the direction of the individual, on its active life position.

1.2. The process of professional self-determination in senior school age

Professional self-determination of the individual can be described as a process for determining itself and choosing a future profession. How much of this choice will correct depends on the degree of coherence of human capabilities with the requirements of professional activity, as well as from the formation of the personality of the ability to quickly adapt to constantly changing conditions in society.

Professional self-determination is mainly inextricably associated with the concept of "professional orientation". Which can be defined as a "multidimensional, holistic system of scientific and practical activities of public institutions responsible for the preparation of the younger generation to the choice of profession and decisive tasks in the formation of professional self-determination, corresponding to the individual characteristics of each person and the requests of society in highly qualified personnel").

Professional guidance is a holistic system that consists of interrelated components united by a common goal, tasks and functions.

Scientists allocate some subsystems. The organizational and functional subsystem includes the activities of various social institutions that are responsible for the preparation of schoolchildren to the conscious choice of profession.

The personal subsystem considers naturally the identity of the student as a subject of the development of professional self-determination, which is characterized by an active position. That is, a schoolboy seeks a self-expression and self-affirmation in future professional activities; To the development of self-consciousness, the establishment of the right idea of \u200b\u200bits abilities, about itself and other, social norms and values.

Of all the highlighted subsystems we are interested in the personal subsystem. Therefore, we note that professional orientation at school aims to activate the internal resources of the personality relating to the inclusion in any professional activities, and is also aimed at finding themselves in it and the implementation.

With a change in relationships in society, the role of a person in society changes. There is a revision of the requirements for a person as a professional employee. In particular, the first place is occupied by such personal qualities of the employee, as the ability to make independent decisions, enterprise, mobility, tendency to commercial risk, etc.

Stimulating a person's initiative, encouraging his creative opportunities and ideas is a favorable condition for the individual's freedom in the choice of professional and, accordingly, life path.

The result of the process of professional self-determination in older school age is the choice of a future profession. It is necessary to assist students in the right choice of profession, which should assume the creation and operation of a special organization dealing with these issues. These organizations should be the main components in the assistance of students to make a worthy professional choice in a large number of professions.

In the process of forming the professional self-determination of modern youth, the following steps are distinguished: the first is a fantasy stage - it corresponds to the preschool age; The second is the stage of preliminary choice of profession, which falls on 7 to 10 years; The third stage falls on 11 to 14 years and is called the stage of trial choices of the profession; The next stage is the stage, when the profession is actually selected (15 - 17 years); And the final stages are the stage of vocational training and subsequent professionalization.

At each of these stages, professional self-determination is formed at different levels. From this you can distinguish a number of areas that contribute to the solution of practical issues of the professional self-determination of the younger generation.

These include: a career guidance system that helps schoolchildren to get the necessary knowledge for orientation in the world of professions; skills objectively assess their characteristics, inclinations and abilities; diagnostic techniques helping schoolchildren in determining the choice of profession; Professional consultations to the younger generation in these issues; other.

The formation of professional self-determination among students, corresponding to the individual characteristics of each person and the requests of society in the frames, its requirements for modern worker is the main goal of vocational guidance. However, in modern conditions, this goal has not yet been fully achieved. .

A characteristic feature for early youth is the aspiration in the future. While the schoolboy is studying in high school, he needs, in such a relatively short time, try to create his own work plan, i.e. try to solve questions who be and how to be. A high school student should not just imagine his future in general terms, and he must realize how to achieve his goals in life.

It is in the graduation class children often focus on their professional self-determination. It implies a refusal of adolescent fantasies. The high school student is often independently focused in various professions, which is not at all, because their attitude to professions is only their own character, and not received information, for example, from parents, friends, acquaintances, from the media, etc. Such experience is usually abstract, not yet experienced by the adolescent. In addition, they do not always correctly assess their capabilities, for example, the level of health, educational training, material conditions of the family and mainly their abilities and inclinations.

How prestigious will be the chosen profession or the university, in which the high school student is going to do, depends on its level of claims. Throughout the senior classes, there is such a trend that, the closer the school edition, the schoolchildren often begin to revise their life plans, and the level of claims falls from here. Perhaps this may be a consequence of the reasonable refusal of the translated hopes, but may be a manifestation of fear before such a decisive step in life.

Thus, professional self-determination becomes the main neoplasm of early youth. This is characterized by the formation of a new internal position, which includes awareness of itself as a member of society, taking itself in it.

"Since in older school age, plans and desires appear, the implementation of which is delayed, and the adjustments are essential, sometimes self-determination is considered to be a neoplasm, and psychological readiness for it."

If there is satisfaction with the present, the aspiration of adolescents to the future will be beneficial to the formation of a person. With fairly favorable conditions of development, with satisfaction with the present, the high school student will naturally seek the future because there will be even better.

Against the background of the development of the moral sustainability of the student, the high school student is increasingly focused on his own views and beliefs that are formed on the basis of acquired knowledge and their life experience. Knowledge of the world and norms of society are united in his mind into a single picture. And due to this, moral self-regulation at this age becomes more complete and meaningful.

Development of self-consciousness, the formation of a system of value orientation, the presentation of its future, as well as the construction of samples in the form of a perfect image of a professional - all this includes the process of professional self-determination.

As for the personal self-determination of a person, it is based on the ideals and norms of behavior recognized by the existing society. Currently, the society orientation is largely determined by the professional self-consciousness of a person, its professional self-determination and, accordingly, a professional choice.

The implementation of itself in the profession includes the formation of an image of the profession, especially when choosing a sphere of professional activity from its diversity.

The image of a future profession is a completely complicated formation, including emotional and cognitive components. For the validity of professional choices, it is also necessary that the requirements from the profession also correspond to human capabilities.

Otherwise, negative life experience accumulates in self-awareness of a person, and methods for solving these tasks are formed, for example, care from these problems or their ignoring, etc.

Usually people seeking learning in a professional institution or get a profession in the process of work are concerned about their professional future. After all, it predetermines their further life. It is typically in comparison with the assessment of their professional qualities ahead of development in the assessment of their personal qualities. Therefore, students to a lesser extent have the idea of \u200b\u200btheir professional "I", but it is good to imagine yourself as a person as a whole.

High school students have differences in self-esteem. And, above all, they relate to its meaningful components. Someone knows more about himself, and someone less. Certain quality of personality, its abilities are analyzed and evaluated, but others are not assessed due to their irrelevance. There are certain personal properties and qualities that are not included in the sphere of awareness and self-esteem, and therefore a person cannot appreciate itself.

According to A.V. Petrovsky, it was in senior school age a conscious attitude towards teaching.

Changes in learning motivation is another moment associated with professional self-determination. It is known that high school students are the training and professional activities. They begin to consider studies as the necessary foundation for future professional activities. They are beginning to be interested in, first of all, those objects that they will be needed in the future (for example, for admission to the university). From here there is a problem of insufficient attention to the so-called "unnecessary" educational disciplines.

Baitinger O.E., closely studying the development of orientations for the future in adolescence, came to the conclusion that it was at the age of 16 - 17 years that the development of a psychological function was not yet completed and it can continue even after the twenty-year-old age.

From this it follows that by the time of professional self-determination in the older school age graduates are not ready to make a mature professional choice. The main reason is the lack of formation of the respective psychological functions. But it is also necessary to take into account the tendency to take the desired for valid.

So, as can be seen from the literature for various researchers, the subject of close study is the psychological features of the professional self-determination of high school students.

It is in his youth that the right choice of worldview is necessary, since in the future the mixture of values \u200b\u200bdoes not allow the person to find its place in the world of human relations. He makes it difficult for professional self-determination.

For proper professional choices, it is necessary that professional requirements comply with adequate human capabilities. Otherwise, a negative life experience is accumulated in human consciousness, which can be poured into care or ignoring such problems.

It is found that students better represent themselves as a person with all their individual qualities, inclinations, interests, but to a lesser extent have the idea of \u200b\u200btheir professional "I", i.e. Do not quite see yourself as future professionals.

So, by the time of professional self-determination, graduates are not ready to make the right choice due to the insufficient formation of some psychological functions.

Thus, professional self-determination is closely related to the vocational guidance. And it can be viewed as a complex dynamic process of forming the personality of its relations to the labor area, to develop and aware of their abilities and opportunities, life plans and intentions, in a word of vision of themselves by a professional in a certain field of activity.

1.2. Psychological peculiarities of professional self-determination


As you know, the early youth is characterized by aspiration in the future.

Before going into an adult life, in a relatively short time it is necessary to create your own work plan, i.e. Solve questions to be (professional self-determination) and how to be (personal or moral self-determination). A high school student does not just have to submit its future, but to realize how to achieve the living goals.

In the graduation class, children focus on professional self-determination.

What is the high school student oriented when choosing a profession?

"In the 80s, three factors were most significant for them: the prestige of the profession (its social value), the quality of the person inherent in representatives of this profession, and the principles, the norms of relations characteristic of this professional circle.

Now the material is becoming one of the most important factors - the opportunity to earn a lot in the future. Such values \u200b\u200blike creativity, knowledge, "interesting work", not peculiar to most high school students. "

How prestigious will be the chosen profession or the university, in which the high school student is going to do, depends on its level of claims.

There is such a tendency in high schools that the closer school edition, the more often there are revisions of their life plans and below the level of claim. This may be a consequence of a reasonable refusal of embellished hopes, but may be a manifestation of fear before a decisive step.

Self-determination is associated with the new perception of time, i.e. the correlation of the past and the future, the perception of schoolchildren of the present and the future. As a child, the time was not perceived consciously and did not worry, now it is realized, the aspiration of the future appears.

But the perception of time is controversial. The feeling of irreversibility of time is often combined with the idea that time stopped. The high school student feels like a very young, even quite small, then, on the contrary, very old and all that we experienced. Only gradually establishes the relationship between "me as a child" and "the adults I will become, the continuity of the present and the future, which is important for personal development.

In connection with the development of the moral sustainability of the identity of the high school student, more and more focus on his own views and beliefs, acquired knowledge from their life experience, knowledge of the world and morality norms. Due to this, moral self-regulation becomes more complete and meaningful.

Self-determination and some stabilization of the individual in early youth are associated with the development of the worldview. High school students write: "A difficult age means, rather a period of physical change, whereas the crisis of youth means a number of moral or philosophical problems," "At a difficult age you still have a child who is capricious and wants to show its independence. The crisis of youth is to develop their own beliefs. "

As you know, in adolescence, the child discovers his inner world. At the same time, it reaches the level of formal logical thinking. Intellectual development, accompanied by the accumulation and systematization of knowledge of the world, and interest in person, reflection turns out to be in early youth by the framework on which worldview views are being built.

The picture of the world can be materialistic or idealistic, to be created on the basis of religious representations, etc. The process of knowledge of the surrounding world itself has its own specifics in different age periods. According to V.E. Mushanovsky, to the knowledge of reality, a teenager is largely from himself, through his experiences. A high school student, on the contrary, knowing the surrounding, returns to himself and defines ideological issues. .

A high school student in his views is categorical. He is looking for clear, certain answers. Maximalism is characteristic not only for adolescent, but also for youthful age. Wonderview problems are not solved once in life, they may change. Subsequent crises, complications, turns of life will lead to the revision of youth positions.

Not all high school students are produced by the worldview - a system of clear and sustainable beliefs. There are such schoolchildren who go to others, someone is very serene, and someone is predictable.

"The survey conducted in the tenth grades of Moscow schools in the 90s showed that 50% of students consider themselves to be inclined to change their decision under the influence of comrades and adults, 69% observe the oscillation when choosing their own position, are not sure of the right point of their point vision.

The lack of an ideological choice, the mixing of values \u200b\u200bdoes not allow the person to find its place in the world of human relations, makes it difficult for the process of professional self-determination.


The process of professional self-determination includes the development of self-consciousness, the formation of a system of value orientation, modeling its future, the construction of standards in the form of an ideal image of a professional. Personal self-determination of a person takes place on the basis of the development of socially developed ideas about ideals, behavioral norms and activities. Currently, social orientation largely determines the professional self-consciousness of a person, his professional self-determination and a professional choice.

The specific moments of self-consciousness, the formation of the I-Concept, including the image of the "I-Professional", depend on the degree of coherence of the ideal and real "image" and the perfect and real image of the profession. The ratio of "I-Real" and "I-ideal" determines the requirement to a person to himself. The needs for satisfying their own "I" (self-esteem, of its own importance and competence) should be implemented in self-affirmation and self-expression of a person, in his desire to express themselves.

Not only knowledge, but also the implementation of itself forms a self-awareness of a person, his "inner-i", his motivation. The implementation of itself in the profession includes the formation of the image of the profession, especially at the stage of choosing the sphere of professional activity.

An image of a future profession is a rather complicated education, including emotional and cognitive components. The compliance of emotional and estimated components of significant meaningful components of the profession makes the choice justified and real. For the validity of professional choices, it is also necessary that the requirements from the profession correspond to human capabilities. Otherwise, negative life experience accumulates in a person's self-consciousness, there are peculiar ways to solve problems of problems - care from problems, their ignoring, etc.


The awareness of the temporary perspective and the construction of life plans requires self-examiners of self-confidence, their forces and opportunities. According to American data, adolescents are 12-13 years old much more often than younger children think that adults and peers are evaluating them negatively, their self-esteem is somewhat declining. After 15 years, self-esteem increases again, not only compensating for the loss of adolescence, but also exceeding the level of self-esteem of younger students.

As studies show, in Russian schools, the interesting dynamics of self-esteem development was revealed. The typical youthful peculiarities of self-esteem were their relative stability, sometimes high and relatively conflict.

High school students at this time are distinguished by an optimistic look at themselves, on their capabilities and not too disturbing. All this is definitely due to the formation of "I-concept" and the need for self-determination.

In the eleventh grade, the situation becomes more intense, the schoolboy stands before choosing. Life choice, which last year was abstract, becomes reality. A part of high school students retains "optimistic" self-esteem. It is not too high, it will be harmonious in it: desires, claims and evaluation of their own opportunities.

Other tenth graders self-esteem is high and global - covers all parties to life; Mixed desired and actually achievable. Another group is different, on the contrary, uncertainty in itself, the experience of that gap between the claims and the capabilities that they clearly realize. Their self-esteem is low, conflict. In this group, many girls.

Due to the change in self-esteem in grade 11, anxiety increases. The self-assessment of a particular student depends not only on the general situation, but also from individual value orientations. Suppose the boy considers himself a talented physicist, and plans for the future are clear for him. Nevertheless, his self-esteem is not high, because it is based not only on intellectual qualities, and sociability is important for him, the ability to maintain friendly relations with which he does not possess. In this case, the development of all spheres of personality is important.

Despite some fluctuations in the levels of self-assessment of anxiety and the diversity of personal development options, we can talk about the overall stabilization of the person during this period, which began with the formation of the "I-Concept" on the border of adolescent and senior school ages. High school students make themselves more than adolescents, their self-esteem is generally higher.

Self-regulation develops intensively, control over their behavior, manifestation of emotions. The mood in early youth becomes more sustainable and conscious. Children in 16-17 years, regardless of temperament, look more restrained, balanced than in 11-15.

In young people who are concerned about their professional future seeking to learn from a professional educational institution or receive a profession in the process of work, a leading development is observed in assessing their personal qualities compared with the assessment of their professional qualities.

Available differences in self-esteem, primarily concern its content components. Some know more about themselves, others are less; Specific qualities of the personality, the abilities that are currently being analyzed and evaluated, other, due to their irrelevant, are not evaluated by a person (although they can be rated for a number of parameters).

There are such personal properties and qualities that are not included in the sphere of awareness and self-esteem, and a person simply cannot appreciate itself on a number of parameters.

Training motivation.

Another time associated with professional self-determination is a change in learning motivation. High school students begin to consider studies as a necessary base, a prerequisite for future professional activities. They are interested in those items that they will be needed in the future. If they decide to continue their education, they again begin to worry overfeidity. From here and insufficient attention to "unnecessary" learning disciplines, often by humanitarian, and the refusal of it is emphasized by the dismissive attitude to the marks, which was accepted among adolescents. .

I.S. Kon believes that "the professional self-determination of a person begins far in his childhood, when in the children's game, the child takes over various professional roles, and loses the associated behavior. And ends in early adolescence when it is already necessary to make a decision that will affect the entire future life of a person. "

The significance of the motives of educational activities and the professional selection of adolescents and young men is determined by the importance in the training activities of the purchased motives of self-determination and narrow-acting motifs, in the choice of profession - the motivation "on itself". Moreover, the dominant motivation of the choice of profession in the young men is not subject to change with age. Girls have a transition from motivation to public needs to overall motivation to profession.


"Professional self-determination is an event, in the root changing a further course of life and does not affect its professional component. It significantly affects the marriage-family prospects, and on material well-being, and on psychological harmony, self-esteem and relationship with himself, and in place of residence, trips and moving, and much more - it is difficult to name at least one lifestyle aspect on Which would not affect the choice of profession. "

Special varieties can be attributed to the selection committed in the process of professional self-determination, since the vocational careers in large cities are so diverse that special work is required to create a set of alternatives that will be taken into account.

A high school student very often does not know what he wants, who would like to be. Knowledge of a huge variety of professions does not make them automatically alternatives for professional self-determination; Real alternatives they become only when they acquire a certain meaning for a graduate, i.e. They fit into the context of the vital world.

From this point of view, the process of constructing alternatives is, in essence, the process of building their meaning for the subject. To make a full-fledged choice, optimal for the subject, it must obtain, perhaps a more complete and adequate idea of \u200b\u200beach alternative.

Referring to certain consequences of certain solutions, it is necessary to predict them, to build an image of a possible future that will arise as a result of choosing a particular alternative. Since the consequences of professional self-determination affect almost all parties to life, there will be no exaggeration to talk about different versions of the personal future as a whole.