What does the phrase mean lack of eggs. Exhaled Eggs Not worth the value of phraseological and interpretation

. about something a trifle that does not matter

  • - Review. About something a trifling, not having any ...

    Universal Additional Practical Dictionary I. Mostitsky

  • - Vadennago Eggs is not worth it. Cf. I know my happiness, you are not worth it, it's not worth it, my happiness is. Turgenev. Conversation on great roads. Mikhrtkin ...
  • - Review. Neism. It does not deserve attention, it does not matter. ≠ Prices are not. With land with meaning Distractors. Item: Event, News ... ...

    Training Frame Dictionary

  • - from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" A. S. Pushkin, ch. 1, stanza 5: We all studied little by little, something and somehow, so raise, thank God, we have no wonder shine ...
  • - Quote from "Eugene Onegin A.S. Pushkin, ch. 1, stanza 5. ... people who ... praise their scholarship ... turn out to be very bad students .....

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - /, Narach ...

    Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary dictionary

  • - In the half-egg nash. Qualities. quantities ...

    Dictionary Efremova

  • - cf. I know my happiness, the exhausted egg it is not worth my happiness. Turgenev. Conversation on a big road. Michrtkin. Cf. Capture of the Azbekhive sages do not go further about the issues of the Egg. Saltykov ...

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - We all learned to be gradually, something and somehow, like that, thank God, we are not wise to shine. A. S. Pushkin. EVG. Ong. 1, 5. Wed. Aliquis in Omnibus, Nullus in singulis. See not without sin ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - who what. . Presenter. Nicchonny, does not deserve attention. - You, civil, forever with affairs! And you look, the matter is your all together of the exhausted eggs are not worth it! ...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - See Cleak -...
  • - See. It's time - Measure -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Review. Iron. About whom insignificant, trifling. BTS, 171, 1271, 1532; ZS 1996, 103; DP, 471; FSER, 456; SGP 2001, 84 ...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - Approx., Number of synonyms: 48 Belligent bass. The secondary coffin with the music of a pennum broken is not worth the case Tenth children's toys nonsense nonsense from the finger suiled ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

"The exhausted eggs should not (anything)" in the books

4 Price of left egg

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Do not stand the egg

From the book of myths and riddles of our story Author Malyshev Vladimir

It is not worth the exhausted egg fiction was obvious, nevertheless, the version of Madame Orlova Schneerson soon supported the French novelist Domenic Fernandez, who wrote his own book "Covenant's Court" on this, dedicated to the study of the sudden death of Tchaikovsky.

We all studied gradually, / something and somehow

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We all studied little by little, / something and somehow from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837), ch. 1, stanza 5: We all studied little by little, something and somehow, so raise, thank God, we have no wonder shine. Justly ironically: about dilent,

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About the benefits of the exhausted egg

From the book Improvement of the spine and joints: Methods of S. M. Bubnovsky, the experience of readers "Herald" Zozh " Author Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich

On the benefits of the exhausted egg osteoporosis I drink eggshell. I grind it into powder in a coffee grinder or mortar (you can skip through the meat grinder). By the way, if the acidity of the stomach is increased, half a teaspoon of powder to wash with water, if lowered, then - with water with apple vinegar

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From the book conversation about journalism (second edition) Author Scientova Victoria Vasilyevna

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Chapter 720: If someone takes a sexual intercourse with his wife during Ramadan and he will not have anything, (in order to distribute as a redeemer alms,) but he will be given something, let it be redeemed. 892 (1936). It is reported that Abu Khuraira, let it be

After the tragedy in Magnitogorsk, the main news and reason for discussions in social networks Suddenly became ... Eggs. The poultry farm "Varaksino" in Udmurtia began to pack their products with uncomfortable dozens, but 9 pieces. In a neat square container. It would seem that well, okay, 9 so 9. Egg - it is an egg in Africa, and as it is neither a façu, the final cost depends on the price of one. If one costs 7 rubles, then at least 5 to save, at least 8, it will still be 35 and 56 in the end, respectively. Yes Plus packaging.

But for some reason, a trifling reason caused a mad excitement. The mass of publications, plots, for the most part of the neglected jokes and memes and, of course, hot discussions in social networks. It seems that an egg apocalypse has come. Members of social networks rushed angrily to expose manufacturers, marketers and trading networks. They say, you just look at what bastards, we stole one egg under the guise of a new packaging. It is clear, our people traditionally do not like the traders, and everyone has their own virtual stone for the sinus to launch them in the capitalist-Mirian by pressing the button on a laptop or smartphone. "Rounds", "Mukhlezh", "Durbit", "lived", "blow them up" ...

On this wave "Miroedam" recalled bottles and tetrapaks of 900 and 950 ml and 800-gram packs with buckwheat and rice. "Aaaaaa, beyond, is not sleeping, deficient!" Meanwhile, such packages appeared more than five years ago, after the imposition of sanctions. Manufacturers went to it not to raise the price of products. It is clear that it is marketing, but if you think about, our whole life is solid marketing.

But back to the eggs. It turned out that manufacturers of notorious packs with 9 eggs are accused of which there was no messenger. According to commercial Director of Poultry Factory "Varaksino" Sergey KirillovaThe factory sells eggs in packages in 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 20 and 30 pieces. Specifically, the packaging for 9 ordered a trading network from St. Petersburg. The decrease in eggs in the package is not associated with any marketing or increase in prices. By the way, the packages of 6 eggs have long been sold in Kazan. And for Europe, it is generally a common thing. And no one beats in hysterics about the "stolen" egg.

And that's what's interesting, packaging for 9 eggs appeared on the shelves almost a year ago, and the media noise around them rose only now. All this suggests that someone tries to distract our attention from something really important and significant. Reception known. The other day, Levada Center published the data of the last survey, according to which more than half of Russians are unhappy with the work of the current government. The respondents do not suit the rise in prices and the fall in income of the population. For the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers, 53% of Russians are expressed in one way or another. More than a third (36%) consider it unable to cope with the crisis in the economy. 30% of respondents are confident that the current composition of the government does not have a thoughtful program economic Development. Of course, in this background, the easiest way is to transfer responsibility for lowering the standard of living from the government to manufacturers and trade.

And then, apparently, it will be even worse. According to forecasts of leading economists, in the first quarter of this year there will be another jump in food prices in Russia. According to RSpectrod estimates, the prices for products will increase by 8%. The reasons are the increase in VAT, the rates of the Central Bank, fuel prices and many other factors. This really deserves discussions, not unfortunate eggs.

Therefore, let's not be involved in meaningless verdict, which we impose media and social networks. Let's think your head. The country has already lived in the conditions of the economic downturn. Consumer demand is reduced. And naively hire all the blame for the rise in prices for manufacturers and trade. Found the guilty ... Egg manufacturers in the same way depend on fuel prices, VAT and ruble exchange rate. And what should they do to not be ruined in these economic conditions? After all, they also need to buy raw materials, which is becoming more expensive, pay the salary of workers, and electricity, heat, water, taxes, naturally. So you have to survive. Today, everyone survive, except for monopolists that determine the prices of energy. But they can do everything and say goodbye.

Special bewilderment causes active involvement in the faceburst panic Irkutkan. Nine packages in our areas no one in the eyes did not see, and what it would seem to be a matter of them ... You might think that we have no manufacturers. There is no "Belorechensky", there is no "Okinsky" - nothing at all. Funny ... Really people have talked so much from reality and do not imagine that you can simply come to the corporate store and buy these eggs at least a bucket. And by the way, we have eggs, although it has risen, but noncritical. Tens of Okinsky I category costs 68 rubles, and Belorechenski - 73. Agree, this is not the end of the world.

Citizens who have these unfortunate 9 eggs stood across her throat, I want to say: you seriously think that this topic deserves discussions? Do you think that you were drowned, deceived, smoked? So tell these people who were considered a simple bread in war, and the eggs bought pieces and only to children. Tell these people who in the 80s had to stand in huge queues to overtake the coupon on 800 g sausages. Or those who in the 90s at best could afford to buy defective bats, because salaries and pensions did not pay for months and people really starve.

Fortunately, there are people in Russia who did not lose common sense Against the background of the egg High (hype, gossip or hysterics around a person or event. - Approx. Auto ). Here are some opinions:

"And all the same is a stunning country with us , - writes in Facebook sociologist Andrei Markov from Kostroma. - All news are clogged with information on the rise in price of eggs and especially that now one of the poultry farms began to produce eggs for 9 pieces in the package. And here everyone who saw it happened to break the template. As if someone's sky repainted in red either fell blue snow. It would seem that a banal marketing move, but made so much noise. My friends, I want to open large secret. The Bulgarian "Volzhanin" has long produced eggs for 6 pieces in the package, and I buy them regularly. I never surprised me, and I didn't even think that the news was discussed from this. "

But what thinks about this famous Russian journalist Stanislav Kucher: "35 years ago, during one of his speeches in New York, Anthony de Mello Visioner was well formulated at that time not a new, but useful thought. Technical progress is a beautiful thing, because I decided for most earthlings the problem of hunger, made the life of billions more comfortable and eliminated many more obstacles to the development of spirit and intelligence. The trouble is that the progress of the soul cannot be sought for technical progress, and as a result, the urgent minds freed from worries about bread are rather degraded than developing. De Melo, of course, did not call for cutting electricity and go to rice with water, he never called for something to refuse - besides illusions. In particular, he advised to get rid of the illusion that material well-being could make a person / society happy. Haip with eggs in Russia January 2019, once again convinces me in the justice of this "banality" and gives a reason for Kalambura: we will not have enough eggs anything seriously change around and in yourself exactly until Mass Media will be successfully assembled Traffic on our eapsions to the eggs. "

Did not stay aside and Famous Irkutsk Farmer and Entrepreneur Sergey Magnifiers: "People, in your brains eggs?! Here the price for 9, not 10. The person sees that he takes 10 eggs or 9, and pays for the same amount. And there are no problems. And to spin it - or nonsense, or scoundrel. Eggs are generally waitled - in winter more expensive, in the summer less. And the packaging is just marketing, and not an attempt to hide the price. "

Somewhere more expensive somewhere cheaper

According to the portal Federal Service State statistics, in December last year, the rise in prices for chicken eggs was celebrated almost everywhere in Russia. At the same time, in 30 subjects of the Russian Federation, the eggs went up by 20% and more, most of all in the Udmurt Republic - by 31%, the Republic of Mari El - by 29.5%, the Oryol and Kaliningrad regions - by 28.3%. At the same time, in the Jewish Autonomous Region, chicken eggs are cheaper

Not worth a damn - So dismissively talk about something with no attention, Nichkhemny or meaningless.

Synonym: scales, trifle, empty, spit is not worth it; irrelevant; not great trouble; Belligent, spit and grind; Clean business.


Max, do not worry, believe me, all the girls "left eggs are not worth", so enough to whine and go to work.

If you want to know my opinion, then this work is on the ruin of the trench, and the "Eggs left should not" without an excavator.

Here's a look at you Marina than you do all day, and it turns out that all your care and trouble and "left eggs are not worth".


This saying, points to the egg as the basis of its content. And what is the whole Egg? All true, protein, yolk and shell. We, when we want to eat, use only protein and yolk in food, and not only in fried, but also boiled and cheese. However, when it comes somewhere to go, for example, fishing, we collect ourselves " top blink", where the boiled eggs and other products are included. Many, so to speak intelligent people, there is still a habit, to eat a sawn egg with a spoon. After eating it from one of the parties, depending on personal preferences.
After a delicious dinner, the tape remains the shell, which is usually thrown away and without inventing it.

That is the case, each of us comes with the fact that it aggregates, annoying or is a source of unpleasant thoughts and memories. Just tries to forget these moments, what has already been out, and does not cause nor positive, nor negative emotions. Man as if waving his hand, and says: " Damn with him, what was, it was, and there was a boil", and continues to live your life, no longer remembering these events.

After reading this cognitive article, you learned what phraseologism means Not worth a damnAnd now you can explain this saying with your familiar and friends.

In this article, we will consider the value of the phraseologist of the "left eagle". It will be interesting and determine which situations fit the named expression.

Some cooking

First need to determine what eggs this is speech. Cooking eggs can be in two ways - screwed and sick. The first method of cooking eggs is preferable if you need to prepare products for salad or if a person does not like eggs made by sick.

This is all to the fact that from the first method of cooking there is no exhausted egg, that is, the shells in it, so to speak, almost untouched. When we boil the eggs, we ruthlessly clean them, and throw it out the shell. Another thing is the second way of cooking. When we boil the eggs, we pull out the core, and the shell remains, which retains the shape of the egg. That's it main image The phraseologist of the "left egg is not worth" whose value we disassemble.


Garbage at all costs anything. Miscellaneous Broken Devices or Vegetable Cleaning Nobody needs. Of course, not still good in Russia, but the horror that reigned in the 90s of the 20th century is no longer. The population at least feeds as it should. Of course, we are not talking about the usual division of people into classes and about the presence of those who live worse than the rest. Available for hungry data is not published. Therefore, everything is relatively good.

An ordinary person with an average weight will never fight for the egg shell at the trash can with another person, a stranger or relative. He just wipes himself another egg.

So, the remains of the eggs are trifles, belligence, and maybe less than that. So usually talk about conflicts that are created from scratch. For example, if schoolchildren jumbled for a ball handle for 6 rubles. Another thing is when the pen is presented with the father to one of the buzoters, or the boys fought because of the beautiful lady. In this case, it is impossible to say that the conflict of the exhausted egg is not worth it.

The value of the phraseologist in one word will help to convey the synonyms that we will later give.


After we have understood that for the meaning is hidden behind the mysterious wording, you can provide a reader with semantic counterparts. There will be no phraseological substitution, only separate words. So, the list is the following:

  • nonsense;
  • nonsense;
  • trifle;
  • nonsense;
  • nonsense;

Enough and five synonyms so that the reader understand the total tonality of replacements. In the end, you need to leave a place for creativity and other people. If we reveal all the synonyms, then we risk to repel the hunt from the reader to think yourself and look for answers to questions, and this is an important element of education.

It remains to say only one thing. What is for one trifles, for the other can be the crash of the world. Someone loses its work and flows into such deep despair that only antidepressants and therapists can pull it from there, and for another loss of work - this is just another task that it is worth solving, and not a problem at all. He does not break appetite and sleep. All vital activity is not shot down from the step. This is all to the fact that it is necessary to selectively approach the trust of the opinion of others. What is good and overcame for one person, for another - death.

But for mental health, it is better to reduce all the problems to the level of the belligence, the fact that it is not worth the left eggs, so they are much easier to solve them. If a person treats difficulties too seriously, that is, the likelihood that they will die, and he drowshes in them.

Not worth a damn.
Cm. Clear - Bestoch

  • - Review. About something a trifling, not having any ...

    Universal Additional Practical Dictionary I. Mostitsky

  • - Vadennago Eggs is not worth it. Cf. I know my happiness, you are not worth it, it's not worth it, my happiness is. Turgenev. Conversation on great roads. Mikhrtkin ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - Review. Neism. It does not deserve attention, it does not matter. ≠ Prices are not. With land with meaning Distractors. Item: Event, News ... ...

    Training Frame Dictionary

  • - /, Narach ...
  • - ...

    Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary dictionary

  • - In the half-egg nash. Qualities. quantities ...

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova

  • - ...

    Orphographic Dictionary

  • - cf. I know my happiness, the exhausted egg it is not worth my happiness. Turgenev. Conversation on a big road. Michrtkin. Cf. Capture of the Azbekhive sages do not go further about the issues of the Egg. Saltykov ...

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - who what. . Presenter. Nicchonny, does not deserve attention. - You, civil, forever with affairs! And you look, the matter is your all together of the exhausted eggs are not worth it! ...

    Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - See Cleak -...
  • - Rides how the pots are lucky. Like on eggs ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Review. Iron. About whom insignificant, trifling. BTS, 171, 1271, 1532; ZS 1996, 103; DP, 471; FSER, 456; SGP 2001, 84 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Approx., Number of synonyms: 48 Belligent bass. The secondary coffin with the music of a pennum broken is not worth the case Tenth children's toys nonsense nonsense from the finger suiled ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - The most baluster, by, most), to the liver, the eggs on the ears hang ...

    Synonym dictionary

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