How Hell is translated. New large English-Russian dictionary

English-Russian translation Hell

transcription, Transcription: [HEL]

1) Hell Syn: Bedlam, Hades

2) a) Gambling Syn: Gaming-House, Gambling-Booth b)

3) "House" (in some games) ∙ Go to Hell! ≈ went to hell! There Will Be Hell to Pay ≈ The troubles are not overwhelming Come Hell or High Water ≈ anything; Whatever happen to A Hell Of A Team ≈ Excellent team for the hell of it ≈ Unfortunately, just as Ride Hell for Leather ≈ Take the entire Give SMB support. Hell ≈ to scold What the light is worth; whirl For the first number of BE HELL ON HELL OF A WAY HELL OF A NOISE LIKE HELL

2. Ch. walk, kut; conduct a rampant lifestyle (often Hell Around)

hell, Underworld - to make SMB. "S Life A * (figurative) turn a whole. Life in hell - to suffer / to go / Through * (shaped) tolerate the flour of hell (spoken) gambling house; jam (conversational) cheap Restaurant or bar. Very complex or unpleasant; flour (rare) box, where the tailor throws trimming (rare) (polygraphy) Box for broken Liter (Americanism) Furnace for burning production waste (on logging and t.)\u003e * Of a ... damn, hellish, unbearable; fucking\u003e a * of a noise hellish / unbearable / noise\u003e A * Of a Comedown! Damn Failure!; Devilski is not lucky\u003e A * of a Place Damned place\u003e That "SA * Of a Long Trip is damn long trip\u003e We Had The * Of a Time We perfectly spent time; We are damn not lucky; We were terribly spent\u003e Like * strongly, rapidly; desperately; in emoto. denial feature with two\u003e to work like * work with saving / like a hell, cool /\u003e it "s raining like * pouring like a bucket\u003e I" LL Miss You Like * I will fucking bored without you, I will not be enough for you \u003e He Ran Like * He rushed like insane\u003e Will You See Mr.x.? - LIKE * I WILL! Will you see Mr. H.? - No matter how! Damn with two! /\u003e As * Damn, hellish, terrible\u003e Sure As * certainly definitely, for sure\u003e IT "S As Cold As * Dog Cold\u003e What / Why, Who, Where / The * What the hell; Damn timing\u003e What the hell do you stick here?\u003e What the * do i care? I'm on it in high degree Don't care! \u003e What the * do you want? What do you need, damn it? \u003e WHO THE * ARE YOU? Who are you? \u003e Go to *! Go to hell! \u003e To * With HIM! Well, him to hell! He went to hell! \u003e * "S bells (and buckets of blood)!, *" s fire, * "s Wheels! Damn !; Damn it!\u003e Get the * out of here Get out of here to all the hell\u003e The * of Smth. Essence salt., Most importantly\u003e The * Of the Plan Is That It Works The Most important thing - this Plan Reaen\u003e The * Of it Was That Nobody Could Understand Him The whole thing is that no one understood it\u003e * for leather (conversational) \u003e * AND / OR / HIGH WATER GREAT TESTS\u003e He Led His Men Through * and High Water He spent its people through the fire and water\u003e Come * or High Water despite anything; Contrary to all\u003e Just for the * of IT for fun; Aimlessly, just like this\u003e Broke all the Windows Just for the * of it interrupted all the windows for cool live\u003e To * and gone to the highest degree; very far; At the line on the horns / on cakes /; To the line on the horn / on the cakes /\u003e to get / to catch / * get a catch-up\u003e To Give SMB. * give to some catch up, sharing a smb.; ask Heat\u003e To Raise * arrange a scandal, raise noise\u003e To Play * With Smth. make before the foundation; catch \u003e To be * on to be terribly difficult / painful / (for someone); to do too strictly or severely (with a letter.); To be disastrous, destructive (for someone, what)\u003e She Was * On Her Servants She called the servant\u003e These Country Roads Are * On the Tires These country roads are death for tires\u003e to be * for smth. have one's heart for \u003e She Was * for Cleanliness It was fried by purity\u003e There Will Be * to pay troubles will not be wrapped\u003e All * Broke / Was Let / Loose rose a hellish noise; Real Light Intension Started\u003e * Is paved with good intensions Hell paved in good intentions\u003e Better Go Reign in * Than Serve in Heaven (proverb) It is better to rule in hell, what to do in paradise (conversational) to walk, Kutch (Opener. * Around) (Spoken ) Rush, slander - OH *! hell! - Bloody *! (Purchase) Curse!, damn it!

come ~ or High Water \u003d anything; whatever happens

to Give (SMB) ~ scold (smb.) On what the light is worth; pitch (to someone) by first number

~ "House" (in some games); A Hell of a Way damn away; a hell of a noise hellish noise; Go to Hell! Go to hell!

~ "House" (in some games); A Hell of a Way damn away; a hell of a noise hellish noise; Go to Hell! Go to hell!

like ~. strong; rapidly; With all the forces Like ~ R. hell no!; You "RE COMING, AREN" T YOU? - Like Hell I Will! You will come? - And I will not think about it!

like ~. hell no!; You "RE COMING, AREN" T YOU? - Like Hell I Will! You will come? - And I will not think about it!

to Ride ~ for leather rush in full support; There Will Be Hell to Pay \u003d Salmon will not be wanted

like ~. hell no!; You "RE COMING, AREN" T YOU? - Like Hell I Will! You will come? - And I will not think about it!

NEW LARGE English-Russian Dictionary. New large English-Russian dictionary. 2011

Anglo-Russian Dictionaries New large English-Russian dictionary

Even the meaning of the word and the translation of Hell from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian to English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More Meanings Of this Word and English-Russian, Russian-English Translations for the Word "Hell" in dictionary.

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  • Hell - 1. SUT. 1) Rel. Hell, Hell, Gehenna Syn: Hades, Gehenna 2) a) Gambling House Syn: Gaming-House, Gambling-Booth b) Proton 3) "House" (in some games) .. for the hell of it - ...
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hell (HEL) N

2) gambling house, junk A Hell of a Way damn away;

a hell of a noise hellish noise;

go to Hell! Go to hell!;

a) strongly; rapidly; struggling;

b) hell with two!;

you "RE COMING, AREN" T YOU? - Like Hell I Will! You will come? - And I will not think!;

to Ride Hell for Leather Side in full support;

there Will Be Hell to Pay ≅ The troubles will not be wrapped;

to Give SMB. hell scold what the light is worth; whirl by first number;

come Hell or High Water ≅ anything; whatever happens


translation from English into Russian in other dictionaries

Transfer Hell. - New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of Acad. Yu.D. Apresian


1. (HEL) n.

1. Hell, hell

to make SMB. "S Life A ~ - fashionablewhose Life in hell

to suffer / to go / through ~ - fashionablecarry adhesive flour

2. .

1) gambling house; shit

2) cheap restaurant or bar

3. Very complex or unpleasant; flour

4. rare.

1) Box where the tailor throws trimming

2) polygr.broken Liver Box

5. amer.furnace for burning production waste ( on massiflowers, etc.)

~ of a ... - a) damn, hellish, unbearable; a ~ of a noise - hellish / unbearable / noise; A ~ Of a Comedown! - damn failure!; ≅ Devilishs are not lucky!; a ~ of a place - damned place; b) damn

that "S A ~ Of a Long Trip is damn long trip

we Had The ~ of a Time - a) we had a great time; b) we are damn not lucky; We were terribly spent time

like ~ - a) strongly, rapidly; desperately; To Work Like ~ - Work with Other / Like Damn, Great /; IT "S Raining Like ~ - pouring like from the bucket; I" LL Miss You Like ~ - I will damn bored without you, I will not be enough for you; HE RAN LIKE ~ - He rushed like insane; b) in emoto. denial hell no

will You See Mr. X.? - LIKE ~ I WILL! - You will see Mr. X.? - No matter how! /Hell no!/

as ~ - damn, hellish, terrible

sure as ~ - certainly certainly exactly

iT "S AS COLD AS ~ - Dog Cold

what / WHY, WHO, WHERE / THEE ~ - What is hell; Damn it

what the ~ Are You Doing Here? - What hell do you stick here?

what The ~ Do I Care? - I feel at the highest degree!

what the ~ do you want? - What do you need, damn it?

who the ~ Are You? - Who are you, damn it (you)?

go to ~! - went to hell!

to ~ with HIM! - Well, him to hell!; He went to hell!

~ "S bells (and buckets of blood)!, ~" s fire!, ~ "s Wheels! - Damn!; damn it!

get the ~ Out of Here - Get out of here all the hell

the ~ of Smth. - essence, salt, most importantly

the ~ of the Plan Is That It Works - the most important thing is this Plan Reaen

the ~ of it Was That Nobody Could Understand Him - the whole thing is that no one understood him

~ for leather cm.~ -for-leather

~ And / or / High Water - Grave Tests

he LED HIS MEN THROUGH ~ AND HIGH WATER - He spent his people through the fire and water

come ~ or High Water - no matter what; Contrary to all

just for the ~ of it - for fun; aimlessly

broke All the Windows Just for the ~ of it - interrupted all windows for cool live

to ~ and gone - a) to the highest degree; b) very far; ≅ Yu Chert on the horns / on cakes /; To hell on the horns / on Kulichki /

to Get / To Catch / ~ - Get Cut

to Give SMB. ~ - to give catch up, sharing a smb.; ask Heat

to raise ~ - arrange a scandal, raise noise

to Play ~ with SMTH. - destroy something before the foundation; catch

to be ~ ON - a) be terribly difficult / painful / ( for someone); b) to do too strictly or stern ( make); She Was ~ ON HER SERVANTS - She citaded a servant; c) be disastrous, destructive ( for someone)

these Country Roads Are ~ On The Tires - These seekers are death for tires

to be ~ for smth. - Being all the soul for

she Was ~ for Cleanliness - It was prevented by purity

there Will Be ~ to pay - trouble will not be wrapped

all ~ Broke / Was Let / Loose - a hell of hellish noise; Real light began

~ IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS - ≅ Hell paved in good intentions

bETTER TO REIGN IN ~ THAN SERVE IN HEAVEN - ambassador≅ Better to rule in hell, what to do in paradise

Hell ... The Old English to English

hell. - Hell ... English To The Old English

hell. - Like, ADJ. / Hel /, N. 1. THE PLACE OR STATE OF PUNISHMENT OF THE WICKED AFTER DEATH; The Abode of Evil and Condemned Spirits; Gehenna or Tartarus. 2. ANY PLACE OR STATE OF TORMENT OR MISERY: THEY MADE THEIR FATHER S LIFE A HELL ON EARTH. 3. ... ... Universalium

Hell. - Hell (Infernus) in theological USAGE IS A Place of Punishment After Death Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hell Hell † ... Catholic Encyclopedia

Hell. - Steht Für LeuchtStark, Siehe Helligkeit Farbstark, Siehe Farbheligkeit Pastellfarben Hell Steht Für: Orte: Hell (Kalifornien) Hell (Michigan) Hell (Norwegen) Hell (Gelderland) Filme: Hell (2011), Deutscher Spielfilm Von Tim Fehlbaum Hell - ... Deutsch Wikipedia.

hell. - (Hĕl) N. 1. Christianity a) Often Hell The Place of Eternal Punishment for the Wicked After Death, Often Imagined As Being Presided Over by Satan and His Devils. b) a state of separation from god; Exclusion from God S Present. 2. The Abode of ... Word Histories

hell. - Noun 1) A Place Regarded in Various Religions As a Spiritual Realm of Evil and Suffering, Often Depicted As A Place of Perpetual Fire Beneath The Earth to Which The Wicked Are Sent After Death. 2) A State or Place of Great Suffering. ... ... English TERMS DIFTIONARY


hell. - See: Come Hell or High Water, Hell On Wheels, Like Hell, To Hell Wheels, Until Hell Freezes Over, When Hell Freezes Over ... Dictionary of American Idioms

hell. - n. 1. Bible The Poce Where The Spirits of the ... English World Dictionary


  • Hell (ed. 2004), Lolita Pille. `Je Suis Une Ptasse. JE SUIS UN PUR PRODUIT DE LA THINK PINK GNRATION, MON CREDO: SOIS BELLE ET CONSOMME`. Hell A Dix-Huit Ans, Vit Paris OUEST, SE DFONCE LA ... buy for 899 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Hell, Lolita Pille. "JE SUIS UNE P 233; Tasse. Je Suis Un Pur Produit de la Think Pink G 233; N 233; Ration, MON CREDO: SOIS BELLE ET CONSOMME". Hell A Dix-Huit ANS, VIT 224; Paris OUEST, SE D ...

1. (HEL) n.

1. Hell, hell

to make SMB. "S Life A ~ - fashionablewhose Life in hell

to suffer / to go / through ~ - fashionablecarry adhesive flour

2. .

1) gambling house; shit

2) cheap restaurant or bar

3. Very complex or unpleasant; flour

4. rare.

1) Box where the tailor throws trimming

2) polygr.broken Liver Box

5. amer.furnace for burning production waste ( on massiflowers, etc.)

~ of a ... - a) damn, hellish, unbearable; a ~ of a noise - hellish / unbearable / noise; A ~ Of a Comedown! - damn failure!; ≅ Devilishs are not lucky!; a ~ of a place - damned place; b) damn

that "S A ~ Of a Long Trip is damn long trip

we Had The ~ of a Time - a) we had a great time; b) we are damn not lucky; We were terribly spent time

like ~ - a) strongly, rapidly; desperately; To Work Like ~ - Work with Other / Like Damn, Great /; IT "S Raining Like ~ - pouring like from the bucket; I" LL Miss You Like ~ - I will damn bored without you, I will not be enough for you; HE RAN LIKE ~ - He rushed like insane; b) in emoto. denial hell no

will You See Mr. X.? - LIKE ~ I WILL! - You will see Mr. X.? - No matter how! /Hell no!/

as ~ - damn, hellish, terrible

sure as ~ - certainly certainly exactly

iT "S AS COLD AS ~ - Dog Cold

what / WHY, WHO, WHERE / THEE ~ - What is hell; Damn it

what the ~ Are You Doing Here? - What hell do you stick here?

what The ~ Do I Care? - I feel at the highest degree!

what the ~ do you want? - What do you need, damn it?

who the ~ Are You? - Who are you, damn it (you)?

go to ~! - went to hell!

to ~ with HIM! - Well, him to hell!; He went to hell!

~ "S bells (and buckets of blood)!, ~" s fire!, ~ "s Wheels! - Damn!; damn it!

get the ~ Out of Here - Get out of here all the hell

the ~ of Smth. - essence, salt, most importantly

the ~ of the Plan Is That It Works - the most important thing is this Plan Reaen

the ~ of it Was That Nobody Could Understand Him - the whole thing is that no one understood him

~ for leather cm.~ -for-leather

~ And / or / High Water - Grave Tests

he LED HIS MEN THROUGH ~ AND HIGH WATER - He spent his people through the fire and water

come ~ or High Water - no matter what; Contrary to all

just for the ~ of it - for fun; aimlessly

broke All the Windows Just for the ~ of it - interrupted all windows for cool live

to ~ and gone - a) to the highest degree; b) very far; ≅ Yu Chert on the horns / on cakes /; To hell on the horns / on Kulichki /

to Get / To Catch / ~ - Get Cut

to Give SMB. ~ - to give catch up, sharing a smb.; ask Heat

to raise ~ - arrange a scandal, raise noise

to Play ~ with SMTH. - destroy something before the foundation; catch

to be ~ ON - a) be terribly difficult / painful / ( for someone); b) to do too strictly or stern ( make); She Was ~ ON HER SERVANTS - She citaded a servant; c) be disastrous, destructive ( for someone)

these Country Roads Are ~ On The Tires - These seekers are death for tires

to be ~ for smth. - Being all the soul for

she Was ~ for Cleanliness - It was prevented by purity

there Will Be ~ to pay - trouble will not be wrapped

all ~ Broke / Was Let / Loose - a hell of hellish noise; Real light began

~ IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS - ≅ Hell paved in good intentions

bETTER TO REIGN IN ~ THAN SERVE IN HEAVEN - ambassador≅ Better to rule in hell, what to do in paradise

2. (HEL) v.

1. Walk, Kutch ( oTARN.~ Around)

2. rush, hurt

3. (HEL) int.

oh ~! - hell!

bloody ~! - simple.curse!, damn it!