Port translation into Russian with transcription. New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary

English-Russian translation PORT

transcription, transcription: [pɔ: t]

1) harbor free port ≈ free harbor, free port Syn: haven, harbor

2) a) port (sea, river) port of call ≈ port of call port of destination ≈ destination port port of discharge ≈ discharge port port of entry ≈ port of entry port of loading ≈ loading port b) Syn airport: airport

2) Shelter, Shelter, Shelter, Shelter Syn: shelter

1) source; scotland. gate (city) Syn: gate 1.

3) those. hole; pass III

1) posture, demeanor

2) mouth. social status, position in society

2) military. port

2.ch .; military hold (weapon) in combat position (most often used for military command) port arms! ≈ on the chest! IV

1.noun; mor., avia. port side (ship or plane) (put the) helm to port! ≈ to the left of the rudder! Ant: starboard 1.

2.add .; mor., avia. port, port Then the port engine burst into flames. ≈ Then the left engine (port engine) caught fire. Syn: larboard

3.ch. put (rudder) to the left V noun port (strong red Portuguese wine)

port, harbor - naval * naval port - commercial * commercial port - home *, * of commission home port - free * free harbor; free port - cargo * cargo port - * facilities port facilities / facilities /; port equipment - * authority port authority - * of arrival port of arrival - * of call port of call - * of loading port of loading - * of distress port of forced call; port of refuge - to call at a * enter port shelter, refuge - * after stormy seas refuge after storms of life port, port city port of entry (also * of entry) (colloquial) airport> any * in storm any harbor good; in trouble, any way out is good (historical) (Scottish) gate (city) (sea) gun port (sea) (side) porthole (military) embrasure; loophole hole (technical) hole, window; passage; slot; channel - observation / viewing / * observation window - admission / inlet / * inlet / window / - discharge / outlet / * outlet (optics) hatch (computer) port - communication * communication port posture; demeanor - proud * proud posture (rare) lifestyle (especially wide) social status (especially high) (rare) meaning, content, significance (military) drill posture (military) hold (weapon) in a drill position - * arms! on the chest! (sea) (aviation) port side - * tack port tack (sea) (aviation) port, port side (sea) put the rudder to the left - * the helm! left hand drive! port wine (Scottish) pleasant tune, live melody (especially on bagpipes) (Australian) travel bag (historical) free city; city ​​with trade privileges

base ~ base port

bonded ~ bonded harbor

cargo ~ cargo port

communication ~ Sat. communication port

customs ~ port from customs

data ~ Sun. data port

fortified ~ fortified port

~ mor. left side; (put the) helm to port! left hand drive!

home ~ port where the owner is located home ~ home port

input ~ Sun. input port

input-output ~ Sun. I / O port

intermediate ~ intermediate port

jet ~ jet airport

naval ~ naval port

network ~ Sun. network port

nonshared ~ Sun. private port

output ~ Sun. output port

port = porthole ~ source, shot gate (city) ~ harbor ~ tue. bipolar ~ military keep (weapon) in a combat position; port arms! on the chest! ~ put (rudder) to the left ~ mor. attr. left ~ mor. left side; (put the) helm to port! left hand drive! ~ mouth posture, demeanor ~ those. hole; passage ~ tue. transfer ~ port, harbor; port of call (of destination) port of call (destination); port of entry port of entry; free port free harbor, free port ~ port ~ tue. port ~ port ~ tht. port ~ port ~ shelter, refuge ~ military. port

~ military. keep (weapon) in a combat position; port arms! on the chest!

~ attr. port; any port in a storm = any exit is good in trouble

~ of arrival port of arrival

~ port, harbor; port of call (of destination) port of call (destination); port of entry port of entry; free port free harbor, free port ~ of call port of call

~ of customs clearance port of clearance from customs duties

~ of debarkation (POD) unload port

~ of destination destination port

~ of discharge discharge port ~ of discharge (POD) discharge port

~ of embarkation (POE) port of embarkation

~ port, harbor; port of call (of destination) port of call (destination); port of entry port of entry; free port free harbor, free port ~ of entry port of entry

~ of exportation export port

~ of refuge port of forced call ~ of refuge port-ubuzhishche

~ of registration home port

~ of registry home port

port = porthole porthole: porthole port embrasure (towers) ~ pestilence (side) porthole ~ mor. gun port

ring ~ Sun. ring port

terminal ~ terminal port terminal ~ destination port terminal ~ port pier

two ~ Sun. quadripole

winter ~ winter port

New large English-Russian dictionary. New large English-Russian dictionary. 2011

English-Russian dictionaries New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary

More meanings of the word and the translation of PORT from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "PORT" in dictionaries.

  • PORT - I Input / output conduit for The serial port was created as an interface between data terminal equipment and data-communications equipment. It ...
    English Dictionary Britannica
  • PORT - I. ˈpō (ə) r] t, -ȯ (ə) r], -ōə], -ȯ (ə)], usu] d. + V \ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, partly from Old English (from Latin ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • PORT - port 1 - portless, adj. / pawrt, pohrt /, n. 1.a city, town, or other place where ships load ...
    Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • PORT - I. ˈpȯrt noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English & Anglo-French, from Latin portus - more at ford Date: before…
    Merriam-Webster "s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • PORT - noun a passageway; an opening or entrance to an inclosed place; a gate; a door; a portal. 2.port · noun ...
    Webster English vocab
  • PORT - also called Porto, specifically, a sweet, fortified, usually red wine of considerable renown from the Douro region of northern Portugal, ...
    Britannica English vocabulary
  • PORT - port BrE AmE pɔːt AmE pɔːrt poʊrt ▷ ported ˈpɔːt ɪd -əd AmE ˈpɔːrt̬ əd ˈpoʊrt̬- ▷ porting ˈpɔːt ɪŋ…
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • PORT - / pɔːt; NAmE pɔːrt / noun, verb ■ noun 1. [C] a town or city with a harbor ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • PORT - I. port 1 W2 / pɔːt $ pɔːrt / BrE AmE noun [Sense 1-2, 6: Date: 800-900; Language: Latin; ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • PORT - 1.n.1 a harbor. 2 a place of refuge. 3 a town or place possessing a harbor, esp. one where ...
    Oxford English vocab
  • PORT - (ports) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A port is a ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • PORT - I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES first port of call ▪ My first port of call will be the post ...
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • PORT - n. Port Arthur Port de France Port Blair Port Jackson Port Louis Port Moresby Port of Spain Port Said Port ...
    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
  • PORT - I n. 1) harbor free port ≈ free harbor, free port Syn: haven, harbor 2) a) port (sea, river) port ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • PORT - port.ogg _I pɔ: t n 1. 1> port, harbor naval port - naval port commercial port - commercial port home port, ...
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • PORT - 1) port, harbor 2) (lats) port 3) sea. , air. port side 4) airport 5) channel; passage 6) hole; window 7) ...
    Comprehensive English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • PORT - 1) port, harbor 2) (lats) port 3) sea, air port side 4) airport 5) channel; passage 6) hole; window 7) head (open-hearth furnace, burner) 8) span (furnace) 9) pl. ...
    Comprehensive English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • PORT - 1) entrance 2) Havana 3) harbor 4) channel 5) airlock 6) sea. left side 7) left side 8) window 9) opening 10) port 11) passage. carg loading port - cargo port find ...
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • PORT - _I pɔ: t n 1. 1> port, harbor naval port - naval port commercial port - commercial port home port, port ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • PORT - I pɔt noun 1) free port harbor - free harbor, free port Syn: haven, harbor 2) a) port (sea, ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • PORT - I [Ј ‚“] port.wav n. 1) harbor free port - free harbor, free port Syn: haven, harbor 2) a) port (sea, river) port of call - port of call port of destination ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • PORT - 1) hole; channel; window; slot; passage || provide with holes, channels, windows, passages 2) socket (eg tool magazine) 3) ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Automation 2
  • PORT - 1) hole; channel; window; slot; passage || provide with holes, channels, windows, passages 2) socket (eg tool magazine) 3) port (multi-charging input or ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Automation
  • PORT
    The Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary of Oil and Gas
  • PORT - 1) port (multi-bit input or output device) || connect via port 2) port (an abstraction used by Internet transport protocols to refer to multiple simultaneous ...
    English-Russian dictionary computing and programming
  • PORT - port; harbor - port of arrival - port of call - port of departure - port of destination - port ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics and Finance
  • PORT - 1) port; entrance; output 2) channel. - bidirectional port - connecting port - data port - electric port - extended line port - extended telephone port - input ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Telecommunications
  • PORT - port - closed port - free port - home port - port of arrival - port of call - port of departure - port of destination - port…
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  • PORT - 1) port 2) harbor 3) opening 4) port side 5) left rudder 6) see harbor - adjacent port - admission ...
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  • PORT - channel; window; orifice - cylinder port - distributor vacuum port - exhaust port - induction port - inlet port - intake port - metering port - oil-supply port -…
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  • PORT - (n.) The manner in which a person bears himself; deportment; carriage; bearing; demeanor; hence, manner or style of living; as, ...
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  • PORT - (v. T.) To throw, as a musket, diagonally across the body, with the lock in front, the right hand grasping ...
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  • PORT - (v. T.) To carry; to bear; to transport.
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  • PORT - (n.) A passageway in a machine, through which a fluid, as steam, water, etc., may pass, as from a valve ...
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  • PORT - (n.) An opening in the side of a vessel; an embrasure through which cannon may be discharged; a porthole; also, ...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • PORT - (n.) A passageway; an opening or entrance to an inclosed place; a gate; a door; a portal.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • PORT - (v.) In law and commercial usage, a harbor where vessels are admitted to discharge and receive cargoes, from whence they ...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • PORT - (v.) A place where ships may ride secure from storms; a sheltered inlet, bay, or cove; a harbor; a haven. ...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • PORT - (n.) A dark red or purple astringent wine made in Portugal. It contains a large percentage of alcohol.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • PORT - (v.) In law and commercial usage, a harbor where vessels are admitted to discharge and receive cargoes, from ...
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary

] — noun

  1. port, harbor;
    port of call (of destination) port of call (destination);
    port of entry port of entry;
    free port free harbor, free port

    Examples of using

    1. And the cardinal began to examine with the greatest attention the map of La Rochelle, which, as we have said, lay open on the desk, tracing with a pencil the line in which the famous dyke was to pass which, eighteen months later, shut up the port of the besieged city.

      And the cardinal with the greatest attention bent over the map of La Rochelle, unfolded, as we have already said, on his table, and began to draw on it with a pencil the line of the famous dam, which a year and a half later blocked access to the harbor of the besieged city.

      Three Musketeers. Part one. Alexandre Dumas, p. 153
  2. shelter, shelter
  3. port;
    any port in a storm any way out is good
  • port [ ɔ: ] noun

    port wine

    Examples of using

    1. When in the morning he might have to- Later, in the living room, they sat looking at the mural, sipping port, and listening to Schubert's Fourth Symphony.

      Then they sat in the living room, looked at the fake mural, drank a little port and listened to Schubert. Fourth Symphony.

      I'm legend. Richard Matson, p. 108
  • port [ ɔ: ] noun
    1. history, Scottish - gate (city)
    2. = porthole
    3. Technics; technology- hole; passage

      Examples of using

      1. He leaned forward, flattening his nose ludicrously against the port, which was constructed of one-way glass. Croswell could look out, but no one could look in.

        He leaned forward, ridiculously flattening his nose against the glass of the viewing hole, it was a special glass, so Croswell could see what was happening outside, but no one could look inside the ship.

        All that you are. Robert Sheckley, p. 2
      2. In an instant we were on the alert, but it was too late; our vessel was surrounded, and amongst the custom-house officers I observed several gendarmes, and, as terrified at the sight of their uniforms as I was brave at the sight of any other, I sprang into the hold, opened a port, and dropped into the river, dived, and only rose at intervals to breathe, until I reached a ditch that had recently been made from the Rhone to the canal that runs from Beaucaire to Aigues-Mortes.

        We immediately jumped to our feet, but it was already too late: our boat, undoubtedly the subject of the wanted list, was surrounded on all sides. Among the customs inspectors, I noticed gendarmes, their sight always frightened me, while I was usually not afraid of a simple soldier, and therefore I quickly went down into the hold and, slipping into the cargo hatch, rushed into the river. I swam under water, only occasionally taking in air, so that, unnoticed, I swam to the recently dug moat that connected Rona with the channel from Bocker to Aigues Mortes.

        Count of Monte Cristo 2 part. Alexandre Dumas, p. 40
  • port [ ɔ: ] nautical; nautical
    1. noun
      1. left side; (put the) helm to port! left hand drive!

        Examples of using

        1. The whole schooner had been overhauled; six berths had been made astern out of what had been the after-part of the main hold; and this set of cabins was only joined to the galley and forecastle by a sparred passage on the port side.

          The entire schooner was refitted. At the stern of the former rear part of the middle hold, six cabins were arranged, which were connected by an emergency passage on the port side with the galley [galley - ship's kitchen] and the tank [tank - elevation in the forward part of the ship].

          Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, p. 50
      2. left
    2. verb - put (rudder) to the left
  • port [ ɔ: ]
    1. noun
      1. obsolete; archaism- posture, demeanor

        Examples of using

        1. His form was of the same strong and stalwart contour as ever: his port was still erect, his hair was still raven black; nor were his features altered or sunk: not in one year’s space, by any sorrow, could his athletic strength be quelled or his vigorous prime blighted.

          His figure was still slender and athletic; his posture is still straight and his hair is black as a raven's wing; and his features did not change, did not even sharpen; a whole year of suffering could not drain his mighty forces and crush his iron health.

          Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë, p. 487
        2. Mrs. Reed might be at that time some six or seven and thirty; she was a woman of robust frame, square-shouldered and strong-limbed, not tall, and, though stout, not obese: she had a somewhat large face, the under jaw being much developed and very solid; her brow was low, her chin large and prominent, mouth and nose sufficiently regular; under her light eyebrows glimmered an eye devoid of ruth; her skin was dark and opaque, her hair nearly flaxen; her constitution was sound as a bell-illness never came near her; she was an exact, clever manager; her household and tenantry were thoroughly under her control; her children only at times defied her authority and laughed it to scorn; she dressed well, and had a presence and port calculated to set off handsome attire.

          She could have been thirty-six, thirty-seven then. She was a woman of strong build, with steep shoulders and broad bones, short, plump, but not blurry: she had a large face with a heavy and strongly developed lower jaw; the forehead is low, the chin is massive and protruding forward, the mouth and nose are fairly regular; under the light eyebrows gleamed eyes, which did not reflect the kindness of the heart. Her skin was dark and dull; almost flaxen hair; strong build and excellent health - she did not know what a disease was. Mrs. Reed was a neat and strict hostess; she firmly took the farm and the tenants into her hands, and only her children sometimes broke obedience and laughed at her. She dressed tastefully and knew how to wear beautiful toilets with dignity.

          Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë, p. 33
      2. military - drill stand with weapons
    2. verb, military - to hold (weapon) in a combat position;
      port arms! on the chest!
  • -

    port, harbor
    sea ​​port - seaport
    free port - free harbor
    outlet port - outlet channel
    port wine
    (port wine)
    red port - red port
    passage, gate
    port dues - port dues
    (left one)
    port side - port side

    to call at the port - enter the port
    the embarkation staff at the port - the staff of the port employees responsible for loading ships
    port of exportation - export port
    free on board English port
    port installations - port facilities
    open port - open port
    port of discharge - discharge port
    port of loading - port of loading
    port of call - port of call
    find refuge in port - hide in the port
    Examples of

    Port arms!

    On the chest!

    Britain "s largest port

    UK's largest port

    Port in my town is my one love

    Port in my city my one love

    The ship finally ported

    The ship is finally ported

    Port of London Authority

    Port of London Authority

    The plane tilted to port.

    The plane banked towards the port.

    Any port in a storm. last

    Any harbor is good in a storm.

    We steamed from port to port.

    We steamed from port to port.

    English-Russian translation PORT

    transcription, transcription: [pɔ: t]

    1) harbor free port ≈ free harbor, free port Syn: haven, harbor

    2) a) port (sea, river) port of call ≈ port of call port of destination ≈ destination port port of discharge ≈ discharge port port of entry ≈ port of entry port of loading ≈ loading port b) Syn airport: airport

    2) Shelter, Shelter, Shelter, Shelter Syn: shelter

    1) source; scotland. gate (city) Syn: gate 1.

    3) those. hole; pass III

    1) posture, demeanor

    2) mouth. social status, position in society

    2) military. port

    2.ch .; military hold (weapon) in combat position (most often used for military command) port arms! ≈ on the chest! IV

    1.noun; mor., avia. port side (ship or plane) (put the) helm to port! ≈ to the left of the rudder! Ant: starboard 1.

    2.add .; mor., avia. port, port Then the port engine burst into flames. ≈ Then the left engine (port engine) caught fire. Syn: larboard

    3.ch. put (rudder) to the left V noun port (strong red Portuguese wine)

    port, harbor - naval * naval port - commercial * commercial port - home *, * of commission home port - free * free harbor; free port - cargo * cargo port - * facilities port facilities / facilities /; port equipment - * authority port authority - * of arrival port of arrival - * of call port of call - * of loading port of loading - * of distress port of forced call; port of refuge - to call at a * enter port shelter, refuge - * after stormy seas refuge after storms of life port, port city port of entry (also * of entry) (colloquial) airport> any * in storm any harbor good; in trouble, any way out is good (historical) (Scottish) gate (city) (sea) gun port (sea) (side) porthole (military) embrasure; loophole hole (technical) hole, window; passage; slot; channel - observation / viewing / * observation window - admission / inlet / * inlet / window / - discharge / outlet / * outlet (optics) hatch (computer) port - communication * communication port posture; demeanor - proud * proud posture (rare) lifestyle (especially wide) social status (especially high) (rare) meaning, content, significance (military) drill posture (military) hold (weapon) in a drill position - * arms! on the chest! (sea) (aviation) port side - * tack port tack (sea) (aviation) port, port side (sea) put the rudder to the left - * the helm! left hand drive! port wine (Scottish) pleasant tune, live melody (especially on bagpipes) (Australian) travel bag (historical) free city; city ​​with trade privileges

    base ~ base port

    bonded ~ bonded harbor

    cargo ~ cargo port

    communication ~ Sat. communication port

    customs ~ port from customs

    data ~ Sun. data port

    fortified ~ fortified port

    ~ mor. left side; (put the) helm to port! left hand drive!

    home ~ port where the owner is located home ~ home port

    input ~ Sun. input port

    input-output ~ Sun. I / O port

    intermediate ~ intermediate port

    jet ~ jet airport

    naval ~ naval port

    network ~ Sun. network port

    nonshared ~ Sun. private port

    output ~ Sun. output port

    port = porthole ~ source, shot gate (city) ~ harbor ~ tue. bipolar ~ military keep (weapon) in a combat position; port arms! on the chest! ~ put (rudder) to the left ~ mor. attr. left ~ mor. left side; (put the) helm to port! left hand drive! ~ mouth posture, demeanor ~ those. hole; passage ~ tue. transfer ~ port, harbor; port of call (of destination) port of call (destination); port of entry port of entry; free port free harbor, free port ~ port ~ tue. port ~ port ~ tht. port ~ port ~ shelter, refuge ~ military. port

    ~ military. keep (weapon) in a combat position; port arms! on the chest!

    ~ attr. port; any port in a storm = any exit is good in trouble

    ~ of arrival port of arrival

    ~ port, harbor; port of call (of destination) port of call (destination); port of entry port of entry; free port free harbor, free port ~ of call port of call

    ~ of customs clearance port of clearance from customs duties

    ~ of debarkation (POD) unload port

    ~ of destination destination port

    ~ of discharge discharge port ~ of discharge (POD) discharge port

    ~ of embarkation (POE) port of embarkation

    ~ port, harbor; port of call (of destination) port of call (destination); port of entry port of entry; free port free harbor, free port ~ of entry port of entry

    ~ of exportation export port

    ~ of refuge port of forced call ~ of refuge port-ubuzhishche

    ~ of registration home port

    ~ of registry home port

    port = porthole porthole: porthole port embrasure (towers) ~ pestilence (side) porthole ~ mor. gun port

    ring ~ Sun. ring port

    terminal ~ terminal port terminal ~ destination port terminal ~ port pier

    two ~ Sun. quadripole

    winter ~ winter port

    Big English-Russian dictionary. The Big English-Russian Dictionary. 2012

    English-Russian dictionaries Large English-Russian Dictionary

    More meanings of the word and the translation of PORT from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

    More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "PORT" in dictionaries.

    • PORT - I Input / output conduit for The serial port was created as an interface between data terminal equipment and data-communications equipment. It ...
      English Dictionary Britannica
    • PORT - I. ˈpō (ə) r] t, -ȯ (ə) r], -ōə], -ȯ (ə)], usu] d. + V \ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, partly from Old English (from Latin ...
      Webster "s New International English Dictionary
    • PORT - port 1 - portless, adj. / pawrt, pohrt /, n. 1.a city, town, or other place where ships load ...
      Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
    • PORT - I. ˈpȯrt noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English & Anglo-French, from Latin portus - more at ford Date: before…
      Merriam-Webster "s Collegiate English vocabulary
    • PORT - noun a passageway; an opening or entrance to an inclosed place; a gate; a door; a portal. 2.port · noun ...
      Webster English vocab
    • PORT - also called Porto, specifically, a sweet, fortified, usually red wine of considerable renown from the Douro region of northern Portugal, ...
      Britannica English vocabulary
    • PORT - port BrE AmE pɔːt AmE pɔːrt poʊrt ▷ ported ˈpɔːt ɪd -əd AmE ˈpɔːrt̬ əd ˈpoʊrt̬- ▷ porting ˈpɔːt ɪŋ…
      Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
    • PORT - / pɔːt; NAmE pɔːrt / noun, verb ■ noun 1. [C] a town or city with a harbor ...
      Oxford Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
    • PORT - I. port 1 W2 / pɔːt $ pɔːrt / BrE AmE noun [Sense 1-2, 6: Date: 800-900; Language: Latin; ...
      Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
    • PORT - 1.n.1 a harbor. 2 a place of refuge. 3 a town or place possessing a harbor, esp. one where ...
      Oxford English vocab
    • PORT - (ports) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A port is a ...
      Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
    • PORT - I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES first port of call ▪ My first port of call will be the post ...
      Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
    • PORT - n. Port Arthur Port de France Port Blair Port Jackson Port Louis Port Moresby Port of Spain Port Said Port ...
      Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
    • PORT - port.ogg _I pɔ: t n 1. 1> port, harbor naval port - naval port commercial port - commercial port home port, ...
      English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
    • PORT - 1) port, harbor 2) (lats) port 3) sea. , air. port side 4) airport 5) channel; passage 6) hole; window 7) ...
      Comprehensive English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
    • PORT - 1) port, harbor 2) (lats) port 3) sea, air port side 4) airport 5) channel; passage 6) hole; window 7) head (open-hearth furnace, burner) 8) span (furnace) 9) pl. ...
      Comprehensive English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
    • PORT - 1) entrance 2) Havana 3) harbor 4) channel 5) airlock 6) sea. left side 7) left side 8) window 9) opening 10) port 11) passage. carg loading port - cargo port find ...
      English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
    • PORT - _I pɔ: t n 1. 1> port, harbor naval port - naval port commercial port - commercial port home port, port ...
      Large new English-Russian dictionary
    • PORT - I pɔt noun 1) free port harbor - free harbor, free port Syn: haven, harbor 2) a) port (sea, ...
      English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
    • PORT - I [Ј ‚“] port.wav n. 1) harbor free port - free harbor, free port Syn: haven, harbor 2) a) port (sea, river) port of call - port of call port of destination ...
      English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
    • PORT - 1) hole; channel; window; slot; passage || provide with holes, channels, windows, passages 2) socket (eg tool magazine) 3) ...
      English-Russian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Automation 2
    • PORT - 1) hole; channel; window; slot; passage || provide with holes, channels, windows, passages 2) socket (eg tool magazine) 3) port (multi-charging input or ...
      English-Russian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Automation
    • PORT
      The Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary of Oil and Gas
    • PORT - 1) port (multi-bit input or output device) || connect via port 2) port (an abstraction used by Internet transport protocols to refer to multiple simultaneous ...
      English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Science and Programming
    • PORT - port; harbor - port of arrival - port of call - port of departure - port of destination - port ...
      English-Russian Dictionary of Economics and Finance
    • PORT - 1) port; entrance; output 2) channel. - bidirectional port - connecting port - data port - electric port - extended line port - extended telephone port - input ...
      English-Russian Dictionary of Telecommunications
    • PORT - port - closed port - free port - home port - port of arrival - port of call - port of departure - port of destination - port…
      English-Russian Law Dictionary
    • PORT - 1) port 2) harbor 3) opening 4) port side 5) left rudder 6) see harbor - adjacent port - admission ...
      English-Russian Marine Dictionary
    • PORT - channel; window; orifice - cylinder port - distributor vacuum port - exhaust port - induction port - inlet port - intake port - metering port - oil-supply port -…
      English-Russian Automotive Dictionary - Russo
    • PORT - I n. 1) harbor free port ≈ free harbor, free port Syn: haven, harbor 2) a) port (sea, river) port ...
      New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary
    • PORT - portu (-ari); (fig.) asil; (naut.) bacbord; (opening) apertura
      English interlingue dictionary
    • PORT - dunggoanan
      English-Visayan vocabulary
    • PORT - abbreviation ~ ugal
      Explanatory Dictionary of English - Merriam Webster
    • PORT - (n.) The manner in which a person bears himself; deportment; carriage; bearing; demeanor; hence, manner or style of living; as, ...
      Webster English Dictionary
    • PORT - (v. T.) To throw, as a musket, diagonally across the body, with the lock in front, the right hand grasping ...
      Webster English Dictionary
    • PORT - (v. T.) To carry; to bear; to transport.
      Webster English Dictionary
    • PORT - (n.) A passageway in a machine, through which a fluid, as steam, water, etc., may pass, as from a valve ...
      Webster English Dictionary
    • PORT - (n.) An opening in the side of a vessel; an embrasure through which cannon may be discharged; a porthole; also, ...
      Webster English Dictionary
    • PORT - (n.) A passageway; an opening or entrance to an inclosed place; a gate; a door; a portal.
      Webster English Dictionary
    • PORT - (v.) In law and commercial usage, a harbor where vessels are admitted to discharge and receive cargoes, from whence they ...
      Webster English Dictionary
    • PORT - (v.) A place where ships may ride secure from storms; a sheltered inlet, bay, or cove; a harbor; a haven. ...
      Webster English Dictionary
    • PORT - (n.) A dark red or purple astringent wine made in Portugal. It contains a large percentage of alcohol.
      Webster English Dictionary
    • PORT - (v.) In law and commercial usage, a harbor where vessels are admitted to discharge and receive cargoes, from ...
      Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary