The biggest mystery of the Third Reich. Secrets of the Third Reich

In Poland and Germany, the legends of the mysterious underground fortifications, lost in the forests of the North-West Poland, and designated on the Werkete's cards as the "rainworm camp". This concrete and strengthened city underground remains to this day one of the terra incognita of the 20th century. "In the early 1960s, I, Military Prosecutor, had a chance urgent case Leave from Wroclaw through Volów, Glogow, Green Guru and Mendzierz in Kenshitz, - tells Alexander Liscoon, Colonel of Justice Retired. - This lost in the Relief Reliefs of the North-West Poland is small localityIt seemed to be forgotten at all.

Around the sullen, difficult forest arrays, small rivers and lakes, the old mine fields, the fores, nicknamed by the "Dragon's teeth", and the Rips of the thistle bodied by the Wehrmacht strengthening. Concrete, barbed wire, Suede ruins - all these remains of a powerful defensive shaft, once the goal of "cover up" Fathereland in case the war rides back. In Germans, Mendzierch was called Mezheritsa. Stregrayon, who, which, which, whid, and Kenshitz, - "Mesheritsky". In Kenshitz, I had to go before. Around the life of this village is almost not noticeable: peace, silence, air is hydrated by the aromas of the near forest. Here, on the little-known world of Europe, the military rummed about the secret of the forest Lake Ksiva, located somewhere nearby, in the oaklade of a deaf coniferous boron. But no details. Rather - rumors, speculation ... I remember, in the old, in some places in a crucible road, we are going to "victory" to the location of one of the teams of the northern group of troops.

The five-hundred-parent team was located in the former German military town, hidden from a curious eye in a green bore. Once this place was indicated on the map of the Wehrmacht with toponym "REGENWURMLAGER" - "Rainhery Camp". The driver, Efreitor Vladimir Chernov, drills the village with his eyes and at the same time listens to the work of the carburetor recently returned from the overhaul of the passenger cars. On the left sandy slope, swinging by Yelane. Spruce and pines seem to be the same everywhere. But here they look sullenly. Forced stop. Guessing near the side of the side of the road. I leave the corporal from the handled hood and slowly rising on the oestos sand. July end - it's time to collect Forest nuts. Coming by a bush, suddenly stumble on the old grave: an blackened wooden Catholic cross, on which the Single helmet covered with a thick cobweb cracked, at the base of the cross - a white ceramic bank with dried field flowers. In the Negan Grass, I guess the fallen spray of the trench, blackened the shredded sleeves from the German machine gun "MG". From here, this road once probably once shot.

Returning to the car. The bottom of the Chernov says to me with his hands, indicates to the slope. A few more steps, and I see the styling of old mortar mines sticking out of the sand. They seemed to remove the waters, rains, wind: stabilizers tightened sand, the heads of the fuses stick out outside. Only the back ... a dangerous place in a quiet forest. Three minutes later, the walls of the former camps were folded from the huge boulders. Meters in a hundred from her, near the road, similar to a concrete dot, a gray two-meter dome of some engineering structure. On the other side - the ruins are obviously a mansion. On the wall, as if cutting off the roadway from a military town, almost not visible traces from bullets and fragments.

According to the stories of local residents, the protracted battles were not here, the Germans could not stand the onslaught. When they became clear that the garrison (two shelf, the SS SS SC "Dead Head" and part of the provision) can get into the environment, he urgently evacuated. It is difficult to imagine how it was possible for several hours of almost a whole division to escape from this natural Western. And where? If the only way we are going on, was already intercepted by the tanks of the 44th Guards tank Brigade The first Guards Tank Army of General M. E. Katukov. The first "Taranil" and found a breech in minefields of Straighona Tank Battalion Guard Major Alexey Karabanova, posthumously - Hero of the Soviet Union. Somewhere here, he burned down here in his wounded car in the recent days of January 1945 ...

Kenshitsky garrison remembered me like this: behind the stone wall - the line of barren structures, places, sports grounds, dining room, a little further - headquarters, training classes, hangars for technology and means of communication. The brigade that had the importance of the Brigade was part of the elite forces to provide the General Staff of the management of troops on the impressive space of the European Theater of Military Action. From the north to the camp and approaches Lake Ksiva, in magnitude comparable, for example, with Cheremlensky, which is in St. Petersburg, or near Moscow long. Amazing in beauty, Kenshitsky Forest Lake is surrounded by the mystery signs, which seems to be impregnated here even air.

From 1945 and almost until the end of the 1950s, this place was, in fact, only under the supervision of the security management of the city of Mendzierch - where, as they say, he was supervised by the Polish officer on the name of Veletko, - and the commander of the stationed somewhere Near the Polish artillery regiment. With their direct participation and the temporary transfer of the territory of the former German military town of our Communications Brigade was carried out. A comfortable town fully answered the requirements and seemed to be all like a palm. At the same time, the prudent command of the brigade decided to not violate the rules of the quartering of the troops and ordered to spend in the garrison and the surroundings of thorough engineering and sperm exploration.

This is where the discovery began, the imaginable imagination even experienced front-line workers who were held at that time. Let's start with the fact that near the lake, in a reinforced concrete box, a dilated output of an underground power cable was discovered, the dashments on the veins of which showed the presence of industrial current with a voltage of 380 volts. Soon the attention of the sappers attracted a concrete well, which swallowed water lowered from height. At the same time, the intelligence reported that, perhaps, underground power communication comes from Mendzierch.

However, there was no excluding the presence of a hidden autonomous power plant and the fact that its turbines rotated water falling into the well. They said that the lake was somehow connected to the surrounding reservoirs, and they were a lot of them here. Check out these assumptions Saperas Brigade was unable. Parts of the SS, who were in the camp in the fatal days of the 45th days, as in the water we were round. Since to bypass the lake around the perimeter due to the obstruction of the forest massif was impossible, I, using the Sunday afternoon, asked the commander of one of the mouth of Captain Gamov show me the terrain from the water. They sat down in the boat and, alternately, changing the messengers and making short stops, over a few hours, reinforced the lake; We walked in close proximity to the shore. From the eastern side of the lake, several powerful, already swirling undergrowth hillium hills. In places they guessed artillery caponies facing the front east and south. It was possible to notice two young lips like a little lake. Nearby raised shields with inscriptions in two languages: "DANGER! Mines! "

- Do you see hotcase? how pyramids of Egypt. Inside them are different advantages, Lases. Through them, from under the ground, our radio reinforcers during the arrangement of the garrison took facing plates. They said that "there" are real galleries. As for these puddles, according to the assessment of the sappers, this is the flooded entrances to the underground city, "said Gamov and continued:" I recommend to see another riddle - the island in the middle of the lake. " Several years ago, the hourly fast posts noticed that this island is not really an island in the usual understanding. It floats, more precisely, slowly drifts, standing as if anchored. I looked at. Floating Poros Island Fir and Evnyaka. Its area did not exceed fifty square meters, and it seemed, it was really slow and heavily swayed on black water of a quiet reservoir. The forest lake had a clearly artificial south-western and southern continuation, resembling Appendix. Here the pole went deep into two or three meters, the water was relatively transparent, but the buoy-growing and resembling fern algae completely closed the bottom. In the midst of this bay, a gray reinforced concrete tower rummaged, who obviously had a special purpose. Looking at her, I remembered the air intakes of the Moscow metro, accompanying his deep tunnels. The narrow window it was clear that water was worth inside the concrete tower. There was no doubt: somewhere under me an underground structure, which for some reason it was necessary to build here, in deaf places under Mendzierch.

But acquaintance with the "rainworm camp" did not end. During all the same engineering intelligence, the sappers revealed a disguised entrance to the tunnel under the hill. Already in the first approximation it became clear that this is a serious structure, besides, probably, with different kinds of traps, including mine. They said that somehow the divestled sentence on his motorcycle decided to ride into the mysterious tunnel. More Likhach was not seen. It was necessary to check all these facts, clarify, and I turned to the command of the brigade. It turned out that the sappers and the links of the brigade as part of a special group not only descended into it, but were removed from the entrance to a distance of at least a tens of kilometers. True, no one disappeared in it. The result - found a few previously unknown inputs. For obvious reasons, information about this unusual expedition remained confidential. With one of the officers of the headquarters, we went out for the territory of the part, and already familiar "steps to nowhere" and similar to dot are immediately rushed into the eyes and the gray concrete dome similar to the other side of the road. "This is one of the entrances to the underground tunnel," the officer explained. - You understand that such revelations can bargain the minds.

This circumstance, taking into account our legal status in the country of stay, prompted to fake on the entrance to the tunnel steel grille and armor leaf of any tragedies! We were obliged to exclude them. True, the entrances of our entrances are forced to think that others exist. - So what's there? "Under us, as far as you can assume, an underground city, where everything you need for autonomous life for many years," answered an officer. - One of the participants of the very search group created by order of the commander of the team of Colonel Doroshev's team, "he continued," Captain's technician Cherepanov, told him later that this dot, which we see, along the steel screw stairs, they sank deep underground. With the light of acidic lamps included in the underground metro. It was precisely metro, since the railway rail was laid along the bottom of the tunnel. The ceiling was without signs of soot. On the walls - a neat extension of cables. Probably, the locomotive here moved electricity.

The group entered the tunnel is not at the beginning. The beginning of the tunnel was somewhere under the forest lake. The other part was directed to the West - to the Oder River. Almost immediately found underground crematorium. Perhaps it was in his furnaces that burned the remains of the builders of the dungeon. Slowly, in compliance with precautions, the search group moved along the tunnel in the direction of modern Germany. Soon they threw the tunnel branches - they were discovered dozens. And right, and left. But most of the branches were neatly closed. Perhaps these were approaches to unknown objects, including parts of the underworld. The Grand Underground Network remained for uninitiated labyrinth. It was not possible to check it thoroughly. The tunnel was dry - a sign of good waterproofing. It seemed that, on the other, unknown, the parties are about to see the lights of the train or a large cargo car (vehicles could also move there) ... according to Cherepanov, it was a man-made underground world, which is an excellent implementation of engineering thought. The captain told that the band moved slowly, and after a few hours of stay under the ground began to lose the feeling of really passed.

Some of her participants came the idea that the study of the canned underground city, laid under the forests, fields and river, is the task for other levels. This other level required great strength, tools and time. According to the estimates of our military, the subway could reach tens of kilometers and "dive" under Oder. Wherever and where its end station - it was difficult to even assume. Soon the senior group decided to return. The results of the intelligence reported the commander of the brigade. "It turns out that there were fights on top, tanks burned and people," I thought out loud, "and the gigantic concrete artery of the mysterious city lived at the bottom. This can not immediately imagine, being in this sullen edge. Likewise, the first information about the scale of the secret dungeon was Kutya, however, and she struck the imagination. As evidenced by the former chief of the headquarters of the brigade Colonel in P. N. Kabanov, shortly after a commemorative first survey from Legnica in Kenshitz, the Commander of the Northern Group of Forces, Colonel-General P. S. Maryakhin, who personally descended into the Underground Metro personally arrived. Later I happened to meet and repeatedly talk about the "Rainhery Cherry camp" with one of the last commanders Kenshitsky Brigade, Colonel V. I. Spiridonov.

Gradually there was a new vision of this unusual on its scale military riddles. It turned out that in the period from 1958 to 1992, a five-boat brigade was alternately changed to nine commanders, and you wanted to know each of them - I had to adapt to the neighborhood with this unsolved underground territory. The Spiridonov service in the brigade was held in two stages. On the first, in the mid-1970s, Vladimir Ivanovich was an officer headquarters, and on the second - a community. From his words, almost all commander of the northern group of troops (SGV) considered their duty to visit the distant garrison and personally get acquainted with underground labyrinths. According to the engineering and self-imprisonment, which was able to read Spiridonov, only under the garrison was discovered and surveyed 44 kilometers of underground communications. Vladimir Ivanovich has so far have been preserved photophaphy of some objects of the old German defense under Kenshitz. At one of them - the entrance to the underground tunnel.

The officer testifies that the height and width of the underground metro stem make up about three meters. The neck smoothly lowers and dives under the ground to the fifty-meter depth. There, the tunnels branched and intersect, there are transportation venues. Spiridonov also indicates that the walls and ceiling of the metro are made of reinforced concrete plates, the floor is posted with rectangular stone plates. He personally, as a specialist, drew attention to the fact that this secret highway was broken in the thickness of the Earth in the Western direction, to Oder, to which from Kenshitsi in a straight line 60 kilometers. He had to hear that in the site where the subway dives under Oder, the tunnel was fluttered. With one of the commander of the SPRIDONOV, Schiridonov descended deeply under the ground and on the army "UAZ" drove on the tunnel towards Germany at least 20 kilometers. About the underground city, believes the former combine, knew a malicious Pole, famous in Mendzierch as Dr. Podbelsky.

In the late 1980s, he was hardly ninety years ... Passionate local history, he in the late 1940s - early 1950s alone, at his own risk and risk, through the discovered LAZ was repeatedly descended under the ground. In the late 1980s, Podbelsky said that this strategic object of the Germans began to build in 1927, but most actively - since 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany in 1937, the last personally arrived at the camp from Berlin and, as claimed, on the rails of the secret subway. In fact, from this point on, the hidden city was considered to be delivered to the use of Wehrmacht and the SS. Some hidden communications, a giant object was connected to the plant and strategic storage facilities, also underground, located in the village of Slot and sands, which is in two or five kilometers west and north of the lake. Lake Ksiva itself, says Colonel, is striking with its beauty and purity. Oddly enough, the lake is an integral part of the mystery. The area of \u200b\u200bits mirror is at least 200 thousand square meters, and the depth scale is from 3 (in the south and west) to 20 meters (in the east). It was in the eastern part of it that some army fishers of fishing were able in summer with a favorable lighting to see in the heated day of something, in their outlines and other peculiarities resembling a very large hatch, which received the nickname of the "Eye of the Human".

The so-called "eye" was closed tight. Didn't it have been able to cover him at one time from the view of the pilot and the heavy bomb already mentioned above the floating island? What could serve such a hatch? Most likely, he served as Kingston for emergency flooding of part or all underground structures. But if the hatch is closed to this day, it means they did not take advantage of January 1945. Thus, it is impossible to exclude the fact that the underground city is not flooded, and was conserved "to a special case." Something keeping his underground horizons? Who are waiting? Spiridonov noted that around the lake, in Bor, many preserved and destroyed wartime objects. Among them are the ruins of the rifle complex and the hospital for the elite of the SS troops. Everything was made of reinforced concrete and refractory brick. And most importantly - powerful dots. Their reinforced concrete and steel dome were once armed with large-caliber machine guns and guns, equipped with semi-automatic ammunition serve mechanisms. Under the meter armor of these caps to a depth of 30-50 meters, there were underground floors, where sleeping and household premises were located, warehouses of bipobiation and food, as well as communication nodes.

Personally, Spiridonov examined six more days south and west from the lake. Before the northern and eastern dollars, as they say, he did not reach his hands. The approaches to these deadly firepoints were securely covered with minefields, Rips, concrete barebars, barbed wire, engineering traps. They were at the entrance to each dot. Imagine, from the armored door inside Doth leads a bridge, which immediately belongs under the legs of the uninitiated, and will inevitably collapse into a deep concrete well, wherever he can no longer get up. At high dota depths are connected by strokes with underground labyrinths. In the years of the Colonel service in the brigade, the subordinates reportedly reported that the "soldier radio" reported on secret lasies in the foundation of a garrison club, through which not established military personnel allegedly went to the "self-car". These rumors, fortunately, did not find confirmation. However, such messages had to be checked carefully. But here as applies to the basement of the mansion, in which the Combrig itself lived, rumors of Lazah confirmed.

So, having decided to check the reliability of the dwelling once, he somehow began to sharpen the walls on Sunday. In one place, the strikes were given particularly deaf. Running with strength, the officer lost to the gun: steel scrap under his own weight "flew" into the emptiness. The case for "small" is to explore further ... but, oddly enough, the hands do not reach it! "So that" accumulated "in the deafness of the rainworm! Did he unfolded a network of underground cities and communications up to Berlin? And is it not here, in Kenshitz, the key to the rayster the mystery of the concealment and disappearance of the "Amber Room", other treasures abducted in the Eastern countries

Europe and, above all, Russia? Maybe "REGENWURMLAGER" - one of the facilities of the preparation of Nazi Germany to possession atomic bomb? In 1992, the Communications Brigade left Kenshitz.

Over the past 34 years, there are several tens of thousands of soldiers and officers in it, and contacting their memory, it is possible to restore a lot of interesting details of the underground riddle under Mendzierch. Perhaps the storm of the "Rainworm Camps" is remembered by the veterans of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade of the 1st Guards Tank Army, their combat neighbors on the right and left - the former warriors of the 8th Guards Army at the time of Colonel General Chuikova V. I. and 5th Army Lieutenant Barzarin? "Do you know in modern Poland about the" rainworm camp? " - Aksandr Ivanovich Lukin at the end of his story as a question. - Of course, to figure it out to the end, if possible, the case of Poles and Germans. Probably, in Germany, documentary traces, living builders and users of this Military Engineering Phenomenon remained.

I will introduce you to a gloomy world, where a live reality exceeds every fiction.

Georges Berzhier

This book is of interest to readers with any level of knowledge about the "Chum of the 20th century" - the Nazi third Reich, striving for world domination. I expecting only twelve years - from 1933 to May 1945, the Third Reich, nevertheless, left behind many great secrets and hard-time mysteries, most of which were not disclosed and not solid enough.

The post-war generations are a little known about the giant military power, sophisticated cunning and the absolute ruthlessness of Nazism, which our people crushed in a bloody war in the middle of the 20th century: the most terrible war in the history of mankind, which took the lives of hundreds of millions.

The uniqueness of this book is that the author, on the basis of declassified archive documents, the materials of foreign press and their own research and research, in an exciting form tells about the sinister secrets of the "Black Order" of the SS, the secrets of the invisible war of intelligence and counterintelligence, the bloody and cynical struggle for power in the third Reich and unique breakthroughs in the technology and scientific discoveries of German scientists, which literally discovered the direct path in the 21st century and further into the future.

Coat of arms of the Third Reich

What kind of gloomy secrets keep the "legacy" of the Third Reich? Possible contacts with aliens, search for Holy Grail and Shambhala, fierce battles of black and white magicians, carefully planned, surprisingly boldly conducted sabotage-reconnaissance operations, inconsiderable disappearances of irrelevant treasures, looted in different countries Europe and Africa, secret conspirass of diplomats, mysterious disappearances and sudden appearance of Nazi bonz after dozens of years after the complete defeat of their "millennial empire" and much more - all these are the great secrets of the Third Reich.

Mystery sign of the last Russian Empress

On July 25, 1918, the troops of the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, freed the city of Yekaterinburg from the red unofficial capital of the Urals. They were late very little - tsarist seven Literally on the eve of the ever shot in the basements of the Ipatiev house, so on July 30, a consequence of the case of the murder of the imperial family began. The investigation led Nikolai Sokolov.

With a thorough examination of the house that became the last refuge of the Romanov family, on the wall in one of the rooms found a drawing of a swastika and a completely incomprehensible inscription - it was not possible to read it anyone and incomprehensible words were considered by the Kabbalistic spell. By the way, we note: this mysterious inscription has not been decrypted so far! And the house somehow was demolished in the last quarter of the 20th century.

Sokolov managed to establish that the drawing and the inscription were made by hand the last Russian empress. And the investigator ordered:

- It is necessary to take a picture and attach to the point!

His order was performed. And then whether the confusion arose, whether the mystery - it seems, in the basement, where the shooting was happening royal family, I found another mysterious kabbalistic inscription and it was also photographed. Or was the inscription only one, in the upper rooms? When would the Empress manage to write something on the wall under the dawn, ready to spawn the hot lead Chekist Naganov and Mauserov? But a number of historical sources strongly approve: the inscription was in the basement! It is now difficult to check anything - the house was demolished, in the case of the killing of the royal family, many different versions and historical layers. However, the very fact of the existence of a swastika and kababalistic inscription drawing photographed by order of Sokolov is now more important. And it is also worth remembering that by origin the last Russian Empress - German ...

Nikolai Sokolov, undoubtedly, was a meticulous and very strong professional. It is impossible to put him in the guilt that he did not reveal all the secrets and did not expose all the secret springs - the investigator also turned out to be a slave and a unwitting hostage of too many powerful forces and irresistible circumstances.

Nevertheless, Sokolov installed: Swastika is the Sanskrit name of a symbolic sign, which is closely related to the cult of the Sun in many ancient peoples, besides, it has been actively used in Germany as an anti-Semitic sign since 1910. At the same time, without much difficulty, the investigator learned about the close, almost open friendship of Grigory Rasputin with a famous Tibetan Dr. Badmayev, very popular in the secular circles of pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg. Allegedly Badmaev, at one time, helped Rasputin to recover from impotence and thos won his full trust. Most likely, it is too simple, loose and designed to distract attention from the true causal relationships invented on the consumption of the crowd version. Grigori Efimovich Rasputin was not so simple and was completely not the figure, which for many years it was willingly and diligently represented in the "socialist literature" and even the Hollywood cinema - he was adept and the prophet of secret Russian societies, who sought to invisible political power By complete submission of the official secular authorities.

This is where amazing secrets and completely incredible adventures begin. Sokolov found out that for some purses, the Empressian-Empress Alexander Fedorovna, who was fond of fashionable spiritualism and the occult and the occupied by these phenomena very seriously, began to draw a sign of a swastika on the walls of any premises, where she had to live. But where to her, the German Eastern Oriental Symbol, could "come" to her?

Is Rasputina, and to him from Dr. Badmayev through the "elder"? It turned out that the Tibetan doctor was one of the leaders and active members of the secret, so-called "green" society, probably very closely associated with a number of foreign special services - about such relationships are often said as inevitable: people involved in some secrets are completely Unknown simple mortal laws are certainly found each other, enter the unions or begin an irreconcilable enmity. In this case, Grigory Rasputin and Dr. Badmayev entered the Union - one of the dedicated to the old Russian religious and political sect of the "Shippers" and the emissary of the secret Tibetan sect of black magic and the human-native religion of Bonpo. Many researchers in the West have no doubt about Badmaev's belonging to the sinister "black bond". There are also "white bond", but they will be entrited with "black" and do not have anything in common with them.

Empress Alexander Fedorovna with daughters. 1915

Strange thing: A number of fallen witnesses respondents have shown that from the apartment of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, more resembling the headquarters of a modern election campaign than a terrifying healer, how urgent telegrams were often sent to the Empress, urgent telegrams with instructions on new appointments on state posts, and These telegrams were always signed by one word - "green". Some of the uninitiated expressed the opinion that this is the name of the Odessa Governor General, but in fact a mysterious signature meant not to discuss the order of the secret society "green", whose symbol was ... Swastika!

A number of Western researchers in the middle of the 20th century irrefutably proved: it was the influence of the secret society of "green", who entered the swastika, and became the main reason why Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky agreed to give an order about the arrest of the royal family.

The history of prostitution in Germany, the Second World War was always taboo, only in the 90s, German editions began to cover this layer of history.

Prostitution in the Third Reich became purely professional. It is hard to believe in difficulty, since barely coming to power, the National Socialists began with the addition of the criminal code by paragraph, according to which the citizen's concern is a depraved proposal to be pleased with the grille. Only in Hamburg was detained for about a half thousand women accused of prostitution for half a year. They were caught on the streets, sent to the camps and were subjected to compulsory sterilization. Somewhat more lucky to those women who sold their body, combining prostitution with government assignments. The speech here is primarily about the notorious "Salon of Kitty", with the picture in the same picture of Tinto Brass.

A warning! The content of this material is intended only for adults (18 or more).

At the end, you are still waiting for a good film with rare documentary frames.

During the first and second world wars, the German occupation authorities tried to establish control over prostitution in the occupied territories. Initially, this was done to prevent the transfer of venereal diseases from prostitutes to soldiers, but the Nazis contributed to sanitary policies an element of racial selection.

To understand, as it was with sexual service in the Wehrmacht, the works of the famous researcher of the Third Reich Andrei Vasilchenko will help us.

The propaganda work cannot be discounted and the fruits of the propaganda work of the GBBels department: the German philistine, who had a son or brother in the war, trembled to the Wehrmacht, and even among prostitutes, along with the professionals, was, as they say, a lot of people who went to serve front-line soldiers from patriotic Potions.

Girl with an oars from the Central Park of Culture
and recreation of Stalino in the arms of German
Soldier. 1942 year

In the 19th century, in Germany, the creation of public houses was welcomed to avoid numerous diseases. Men who are accustomed to the availability of a female body did not refuse themselves in habitants and did not consider immoral to remove the prostitute. The tradition remained under the Nazis, therefore, due to numerous cases of rape, homosexuality and diseases of soldiers, on September 9, 1939, the Minister of Internal Affairs Wilhelm Friton issued a decree on creating public houses in the occupied territories.

To take into account front-line public houses and prostitutes, the military department has created a special ministry. Merry Frau was listed by civil servants, had a decent salary, insurance, enjoyed benefits. The propaganda work cannot be discounted and the fruits of the propaganda work of the GBBels department: the German philistine, who had a son or brother in the war, trembled to the Wehrmacht, and even among prostitutes, along with the professionals, was, as they say, a lot of people who went to serve front-line soldiers from patriotic Potions.

The highest quality service was assumed in the Hospital of Luftwaffe, the favorite brainching of Gering, where the presence of one regular Frau was envisaged for 20 pilots or 50 technicians from land service personnel. According to strictly performed rules of behavior, a prostitute met the pilot in clothes, with neat makeup; Imcorrusive clean underwear, as well as bedding, should have changed for each "iron falcon".

It is curious that for soldiers of satellite armies access to German sex facilities was closed. Reich fed them, armed, uniform, but to share with Italians, hungals, Slovaks, Spaniards, Bulgarians, etc. His Frau was considered too. Only Hungarians were able to organize for themselves the likeness of the field brothels, the rest twisted as they could. The German soldier had a legitimate rate of visits to a public house - five to six times a month. In addition, the commander could have issued a twin from himself who distinguished himself as an incentive or, on the contrary, punish deprivation.

Barter flourished in the divisions: Lovelaes have changed ceremonies from those who have loved to eat, on marmalade, Schnaps, cigarettes. Separate Sorvigolovs were laughed at the tricks and on the strangers were made their way into the sergeant boroughrs, where the girls were better, and someone even penetrated the officer, risking in case of capture to receive ten days.

So the room for sex looked

Capitulating on June 22, 1940, France provided their numerous brought German invaders. And in the second half of July, two orders had already arrived on the suppression of street prostitution and the creation of brothels for the Wehrmacht.

The Nazis confiscated fabricated houses of tolerance, scored guidance and staff, adhering to the criteria of Aryan racial purity. Officers to visit these institutions forbidden, special hotels were created for them. Thus, the command of the Wehrmacht wanted to stop the husbandhood and the spread of sexual diseases in the army; raise the stimulus and the resistance of the soldier; stop intimate connections on the side, because of the fear of espionage and the birth of inferior; And saturate with sex to stop the sexual crime crime, loosening the ranks of the army.

In these houses of tolerance worked exclusively foreigners - in most of their Poles and Frenchwomen. At the end of 1944, the number of businesses exceeded 7.5 million. Among them were our compatriots. For a penny, lifting the economy of the warring Germany, living in closed settlements, they had the opportunity to twist on the coupon in a public house, which was encouraged by the employer.

Cartoon value 1 Reichsmarock.

To visit the brothel, the Arstanta was supposed to make an application and buy the so-called SprungKarte worth 2 Reichsmark. For comparison, a pack of 20 cigarettes in the dining room cost 3 Reichsmark. Jews visiting the brothel was forbidden. The prisoners who weakened after the working day were not willing to go to the homamer of the house of tolerance. Some moral considerations, others on the material Bordel Capon could be beneficial to exchange for food.

In the French city of Brest Boutinal is located directly in the synagogue.

It is clear that fruits appeared from such employment. Many women reluctantly went to the abortion and preferred to give birth to a child anonymously in the so-called Nazi delicense - "Lebensborn". The Nazis themselves welcomed the relationship of soldiers with women of fraternal Aryan peoples. Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Holland were the selection of "children of good blood". Only registered children were born about 100 thousand, and these children could be adopted, to take away from the mother and towed to Germany. France was not a form of blood, but according to the statistics of National Socialists for 4 years of occupation was born about 80 thousand nobled.

In March 1942, the commander-in-chief Herez gave an order to create public houses at the captured territories of the USSR. Nazis were afraid of guerrillas and venereal diseases. Girls passed a strict selection. Latvians, litolocks and rooted Germans were particularly welcomed. A similar motel "United Kingdom" exists to this day.

Woln Container pays for a prostitute. On the wall of the sign "Only for foreigners!"

Good blood - eternal source! Ideal, according to the Nazi parameters, to work in the brothels.

Not all girls walked pileuto, there were also those who saw the salvation in the work of the conmencer prostitute.

Prisoners in Auschwitz. The girls selected for the brothels, made calcium injections, were forced to wash in disinfection baths, irradiated with ultraviolet lamps and fed better than other prisoners.

In Merry Frau, they were taken far from every: prostitutes for the Wehrmacht carefully selected officials of the ministry. For officer's brothels, the rules tightened the rules extremely: here only purebred Germans, grew up in the original German lands, with good manners, increasing not lower than 175 cm, blonde, with blue or light gray eyes.

The soldiers and sergeant public houses also did not get from the street: for the purity of the blood of front-line prostitutes, the special department of the "ethnic community and health care" was followed, which was a division of the Gestapo.

Prices in the Bordell were installed by a field commandant, the internal routine was also determined and there was a sufficient number of available women. Developing standards developed in Berlin prescribed houses to keep the staff at the rate of one prostitute on 100 soldiers stationed in the district.

For sergeants, the ratio of 1:75, for officers - 1:50, was regulated for sergeant brothels. The highest quality service was assumed in the Hospital of Luftwaffe, the favorite brainching of Gering, where the presence of one regular Frau was envisaged for 20 pilots or 50 technicians from land service personnel.

Photo from the magazine "Signal" for September 41th,
Designed for soldiers

According to strictly performed rules of behavior, a prostitute met the pilot in clothes, with neat makeup; Imcorrusive clean underwear, as well as bedding, should have changed for each "iron falcon".

In the ground forces, where the service was put on the flow, it was not enough to dress whether the girl was waiting for a new guest in bed. By the way, the sheets and pillowcases in the soldiers' brothels were supposed to change after each tenth client.

It is curious that for soldiers of satellite armies access to German sex facilities was closed. Reich fed them, armed, uniform, but to share with Italians, hungals, Slovaks, Spaniards, Bulgarians, etc. His Frau was considered too. Only Hungarians were able to organize for themselves the likeness of the field brothels, the rest twisted as they could.

The German soldier had a legitimate rate of visits to a public house - five to six times a month. In addition, the commander could have issued a twin from himself who distinguished himself as an incentive or, on the contrary, punish deprivation.

Soldiers and Sergeant Breeders moved directly for the troops and were located in the village not far from the location of the part. A damp note was attached to a passing pass: soldiers - blue, sergeants - pink.

An hour was allotted for a visit, during which the client was supposed to register a ticket, where the name, surname and the girl's account number fited (the soldier was prescribed to store a 2 month ticket - for every fireman), get hygiene products (a piece of soap, towel and three condom), wash (Soapy, according to the regulations, followed twice), and only after that was allowed to the body.

Barter flourished in the units: Lovelaes have changed ceremonies from those who more sex loved to eat, on Marmalade, Schnaps, Cigarettes ... Separate Sorvigolovs were stuck on tricks and strangled to sergeant brothers, where girls were better, and someone even penetrated the girls Officer, risking in case of capture to get ten days.

In France, Scandinavia and Benilyuksa Wehrmacht widely used the possibilities of existing brothels, whose owners quickly cut down how profitable cooperation with the invaders can be. Just a year after France's surrender only in the center of Paris, there were 19 public houses for German soldiers.

It was more difficult in the East: in the USSR, prostitution was banned and entertaining the Germans had to create from scratch. Special teams were engaged in the selection of girls, many of which were put in front of the dilemma between the coxy to Germany for forced labor and the "service pass" in the Bordell. Here the racial question was no longer stood, only the external appeal and figure were interested.

In the "eastern" brothelons were often not to hygiene, and German soldiers had to remember the situation and standards of public houses of Belgium or Holland with sadness. Often there was a nasal clips on the spot.

In the cities of the North-West of Russia, the bored, as a rule, was placed in small two-storey houses. The workers here drove not an automatic, but a fierce military hunger. We shifted from 20 to 30 girls, each of which was serviced to several dozen customers per day.

The monthly salary was about 500 rubles. A brothel cleaner received 250 rubles, a doctor and accountant - 900.
One-designed system, not concerned, was used in different occupied regions.

In one of the brothels of Stino (now - Donetsk), the life of prostitutes proceeded in such a schedule: 6.00 - medical examination, 9.00 - breakfast, 9.30 - 11.00 - access to the city, 11.00 - 13.00 - stay in the hotel, preparation for work, 13.00 - 13.30 - Lunch, 14.00 - 20.30 - service soldiers and officers, 21.00 - dinner. Girls spent the night only in the hotel.

In some restaurants and dining rooms, there were so-called dates for the Germans, in which dishwashers and waitresses for the fee could have additional services.

A. Vasilchenko leads an excerpt from the German diary:

"In another day, the porch lined up long queues. For sexual services, women most often received a full payment. For example, the German clients of the bath laundry plant in the Marevo Novgorod region often balled beloved Slavs in the Borders-House chocolate candies, which was then almost a gastronomic miracle. The girl's money was usually not taken. Buckka bread - the board is much more generous than rapidly depreciable rubles. "

And in the memoirs of the German artilleryman Wilhelm Lippich, who fought near Leningrad, find the following:

"In our regiment, I knew the soldiers who enjoyed chronic hunger of local young women to meet their sexual needs. Capturing loaf of bread, they went a couple of kilometers from the front line, where the desired was obtained for food. I heard a bike about how one heartless soldier in response to a request for payment cut off the woman only a couple of lumps, and the rest left himself. "

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When, during the Second World War, any German battlefield moored in the French port Brest, then in the brothels of the German occupants began intense work. Women "just remained lying between rooms. There were no more toilet cabins, female linen, flirting and seduction, they simply looked up to the skirts so that in them per day up to five dozen pistons. " Such words we will be able to find in the autobiographical novel Lothar Gunter Buchaims "Boat".

Venestic diseases have always been a horror for the leadership of any army. The German Wehrmacht was not at all an exception. These diseases undermined the health of the soldiers and significantly reduced the combat capability of military units. Almost immediately after the Occupation of France and Poland, Wehrmacht simply overwhelmed the epidemic of venereal diseases, which became at a certain point to take extremely threatening sizes. In the years of World War II, almost every tenth German soldier fell Syphilis or Tripper. A similar problem, the leadership of the Third Reich tried to solve thanks to the creation of military brothels. Almost immediately in France, Scandinavia, Balkan countries, Russia and Poland, a network of "Tolerance houses" arose, which were eligible to visit only German servicemen.

Pedantical Germans, who considered every gram of Margarine during the war, every couple of warm woolen socks sent to the front, each officer coat with a dog collar, also conducted strict records of front-line public houses and prostitutes. For this, a special ministry was created within the military department. Interestingly, all prostitutes who worked in field public houses were listed by officials of this ministry! So Hitler Germany can be considered a first country, officially legalized prostitution. After all, the prostitutes received a salary, insurance, had certain benefits, and if (God forbid), the Third Reich existed for another 30, then he would be deservedly received a pension as participants in hostilities! At the beginning of the war, the ladies from front-line public houses were divided into categories: some were intended to soldiers, the second - sergeant composition, the third - officers. Later, the category was canceled.

In the matter of sexual service, the African campaign of the German army was somewhat mansion. In the desert there was almost no entertainment, and the soldiers of the African corps were abused of boredom. To at least somehow raise their spirit, a special company propaganda was created, which satisfied concerts and amateur performances, showed focuses, twisted favorite movies. But there were no women in it.

Most soldiers loved to play football, engaged in tugging the rope and so on. Favorite entertainment has become a card game Skat. The army field newspaper "Oasis" was read from the crust to crust. Given that the reception conditions in the desert were magnificent, the soldiers could catch almost any short-wave radio station and listened to the radio from early morning to late evening.

Even in the deep rear, there were extremely few places where it was possible to relax and relax. In Tripoli and Benghazi there were several bars and beers, there were clubs in the turf and in a pair of cities. In Tripoli on Via Tassoni, the house 4, there was a rear boutinal of the Wehrmacht, but the majority of the "Africans" did not see him. I saw photos of the ladies who worked there. They are clearly recruited among the Italian, who agreed to go to the desert, but none did not differ in beauty. The only Germans that could be met in the desert were nurses. About 200 women worked in the rear hospital in the turne. Their ability to very much needed German soldiers during the upcoming fights.

During the African campaign, the Wehrmacht actually did not rely on their own public houses. In Libya, Egypt and Ethiopia, General Erwin Rommel decided to use the services of the local population. However, soldiers from the African corps were rarely resorted to their services. First, the terrible African heat killed any sexual desire. And secondly, the Germans were banned by sexual intercourse with "color". European women in these places were very rare, and most of them were very old. On the other hand, the Arab palaces, despite all the prohibitions, were very popular with German officers. They were very willing to take as servants of young and attractive Arab girls.

During the fighting in Europe, the Wehrmacht had no opportunity to create a public house in each large settlement. The corresponding field commandant gave consent to the creation of such agencies only where a sufficient large number of German soldiers and officers were stationed. In many respects, the real activity of these brothels can only guess. Field commandants took responsibility for the equipment of public houses, which should have been consistent with clearly defined hygienic standards. They also set prices in the brothels, determined the inner routine of public houses and took care that at any moment there was a sufficient amount of women available.

In the brothels were supposed to have bathdings with hot and cold water and mandatory bathroom. Each "room for dates" had to hang a poster "Sexual intercourse without contraceptive means - strictly prohibited!". Any use of sadomasochist attributes and fixtures is strictly prosecuted by laws. But the military authorities looked through his fingers to trade in erotic pictures and pornographic magazines.

Doctors and faggers from military units were to provide public houses not only with soap, towels and disinfectants, but also a sufficient number of condoms. By the way, until the end of the war, the main sanitary governance in Berlin will be centrally supplied.

Only air raids prevented immediate supplies of such goods to the front. Even when problems with supply began to arise in the third Reich, and for individual industries, the rubber was provided according to a special schedule, the Nazis never missed condoms for their own soldiers. Except in the brothels themselves, soldiers could acquire condoms in buffets, in kitchens and responsible for the supply.

But the most striking in this system is not even this. It's all about the notorious German punctuality. The German command could not allow the soldiers to enjoy sexual services, when they want, and the priests of love themselves worked for the mood. Everything was taken into account and estimated: for each prostitute, the "standards of development" were installed, and they were not taken from the ceiling, but scientifically justified. For a start, German officials shared all the bored in categories: Soldier, Unter-Officers (Sergeant), Feldfelsky (Starinsky) and officers. In the soldier's public houses in staff, it was supposed to have prostitutes in the ratio: one per 100 soldiers. For sergeants, this figure was reduced to 75. But in the officer, one prostitute served 50 officers. In addition, a certain customer service plan was installed for the priestess of love. To get a salary at the end of the month, the soldier's prostitute was to serve at least 600 customers per month (at the rate that every soldier has the right to relax with the girl five to six times a month)!

True, such "high indicators" lay in the worn bed in the ground forces. In aviation and fleet, which in Germany was considered privileged childbirth, the "standards of production" were much smaller. A prostitute serving the "iron falcons" of Gering, it was necessary to take 60 clients monthly, and on staff in aviation field hospitals were supposed to have
One prostitute for 20 pilots and one on 50 people of ground service personnel. But for a warm place at the airbase, it was necessary to fight.

Of all the countries and peoples who participated in the war, the Germans most responsibly approached the sexual service of their soldiers. Here is a line from the diary of General Halder, who led the German General Headquarters at the beginning of the war: "July 23. While everything goes according to plan. Current questions requiring immediate solution: 1. Camps for prisoners of war are crowded. It is necessary to increase the convoy parts. 2. Tankers require new motors, but warehouses are empty. You need to highlight from the reserve. 3. The troops move quickly. Public houses do not have time beyond. Heads of the rear units to supply trophy transport. "

But about their allies (hungals, Bulgarians, Slovaks, Finns, etc.), the Germans caught smaller. Nutrition, weapons and uniforms were supplied, and the organization of public houses laid on the allies themselves. And only the Hungarians were able to organize something like the field brothels. The rest twisted as they could, as access to German institutions for soldiers of satellite armies was closed.

Ankal Reich. As prostitution raised the morale of the Nazis.

In anticipation of orgy in Paris

The first weeks of the First World War were marked by the invasion of Germany in Belgium and France. It was expected that the war would be short, and it strongly influenced the sexual behavior of German soldiers. As the historian Dagmar Herzog wrote, mobilization violated traditional social structures in the field of sex relationships and provided citizens with new opportunities in the realization of their desires.

Because of the waiting for a steps, the command of the German army initially did not think about the regulation of sexual behavior of employees. On the contrary, the authorities believed that the war would contribute to the moral and biological recovery of the nation embodied in the form of a heroic and chaste mobilized soldier. But, of course, sexual violence against citizens of the occupied territories soon became the norm.

The period from September to November 1914 was a turning point both during military operations and in the question of the sexual behavior of soldiers. The goals set in front of the army were not achieved. The employees did not embody the ideal to which they were called to strive and expected a grand orgy in Paris, but now they were able to be content with the provincial Belgian and French prostitutes. One of the capitals of prostitution became Brussels - many soldiers sent to the front, solved the last time to utter there.

As a result, the command of the German army had to recognize the fact that the war was for a long time, and venereal diseases that employees received in the brothels can undermine the combat spirit of soldiers. Calls are not amenable to "French debauchery" and keep themselves for wives who remained at home, did not lead to anything, because sexual discharges were needed to men who participate in hostilities. On the front there were leaflets about the danger of random sexual relations, which contained a recommendation to use a condom. In early 1915, the occupation authorities not only stopped eliminating the brothels at the captured territories, but also began to actively regulate their work.

In Belgium, prostitutes and women suspected of prostitution, forced a medical examination twice a week; The soldiers who had sexual contact were subjected to such a procedure. For this, the police of morals was founded, which included German officers and representatives of the local administration. The names of women who have passed the survey were introduced into a special list - it was assumed that all prostitutes would be taken into account in this way.

The occupation authorities prohibited prostitution in certain places: near buildings where the German garrison was housed, near the buildings of the administration, in bars and hotels not registered in the Mravov police. The German army strictly controlled the brothels, dividing them to soldiers and officers - more comfortable and with better services.

Image: Mary Evans Picture Library /

Preventive dictatorship

"Preventive dictatorship", as unofficially called this policy, included the practice of violent hospitalization of women infected with venereal diseases. Initially, as in pre-war times, they were treated in civilian hospitals, but they did not cope with the growing flow of patients, and special dispensaries were created for infected prostitutes. In them, women were literally in prison conditions, bodily punishments were applied to them. The promise of this policy was simple: if most of the prostitutes are not in the brothels, where they can be controlled, then at least infected should be isolated from society.

The local population was shocked at all, in what conditions women kept. Prostitution at that time was perceived exclusively as dirt, the Beach of the Company, and the discovery of sexual dispensaries made it visible to society. The local underground press wrote about pre-war Germany as a nest of debauchery - and now, in her opinion, the Germans bring their diseases to Belgium and infect by the Belgian women.

On the other hand, the German occupation authorities explained the spread of venereal diseases to the backwardness of the region and the primitive concepts of the local population about hygiene. The Germans thought themselves by the savings of the Dark European countries. The Poles, they considered "the baked primitive instincts", the Belgians - "immoral", and France - the birthplace of the Blud and pornography. The invaders actively distributed the myth that French prostitutes deliberately infect German soldiers with venereal diseases.

The resident of South and Southeastern Europe, the Germans saw "dirty". In Romania, the soldiers warned that the hair of the local sickens of Vshami, and forbidden to enter into sex with Romanians. "The danger of infection from street girls is extremely high; Medical surveys are held only in public houses, "the text of one of the leaflets. Such warnings were published in Poland, and in Lithuania.

It is difficult to assess the success of such a policy, but, for example, in the Prussian divisions of the German army in last year Wars there were much more soldiers infected with venereal diseases than in the first.

Prostitutes entertain the German officer in a specially created brothel
Photo: Evans / Three Lions / Getty Images

Between the first and second

After the First World War in the territories under German occupation, a surge of venereal diseases was observed. In Belgium, it caused real panic among the population. Non-profit organizations have actively discussed the issue of regulating prostitution.

In many European countries, new provisions were introduced. Thus, in Poland, the prohibition of prostitution was actively discussed, the borors were announced outside the law, and their owners threatened imprisonment. Approximately the same situation was in other European countries: legislation on prostitution tightened.

Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party, who came to power in 1933, confessed double standards. On the one hand, prostitutes were recognized as an asotal element and were sent to concentration camps, on the other - at the beginning of World War II, the Third Reich developed a brothel system in cities, in the occupied territories and even in concentration camps. Registered prostitutes were deprived of all rights and freedoms.

Third Reich

September 1, 1939 Nazis began military operation By seizing Poland. Scientific experiences of the First World War, they immediately created a system of control over prostitution, the main sending of which was the magnitude registration of all sex workers. Searches, plaid, checks of hotels and restaurants were carried out.

Poland became the first country in which the occupying authorities organized the borogls, subsequently this practice was distributed to other captured territories. Where it was possible, the Nazis relied on the already existing infrastructure of sexual services. For example, in France and Holland, the brothel and prostitution registration system was established, so the Germans had almost nothing to do.

A completely different situation was in the USSR. In 1936, the CPSU announced that prostitution was eradicated in the country, and the sphere of sexual services went underground. The Nazis had to either look for pimps that helped to find prostitutes, or build a soldier's trunks from scratch. Similarly, they entered Poland and France. Nevertheless, the street prostitution continued to exist and even grow. In military conditions, a woman was looking for a way to make money on food.

Jewish women converse German soldiers. Warsaw, September 1939
Photo: DPA /

The creation of a brothel was due to the struggle with venereal diseases, as well as policy and security issues. First, it should have kept the distribution of venereal diseases, secondly, to prevent the transfer of military secrets to third parties. The third reason was that sexually satisfied soldiers are less inclined to rape local women, which will have a positive effect on the image of the army. In addition, the boring was considered as a measure of countering homosexual relations among the soldiers, which the Nazis were considered unnatural.

The Nazi ideology was very important, not allowing the mixture of races. For example, the Slavs were considered a lower race, and sexual contacts with Slavic women were banned for Aryans - the Nazis feared the heavily. In this category, for example, polka, Czech and soviet women. Nevertheless, the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were permitted sexual intercourse with Slavs within the official brothels.

But from the system, the Jews were completely excluded, which were, according to the racial hierarchy of the Third Reich, at the lowest stage. Documentary evidence suggests that Jewish prostitutes were arrested, sent to prison, and then they set up in special houses where they were kept separately. " It is difficult to say what it means. Perhaps we are talking about the organization of special brothels for "racially defective", but most likely, after a while they were simply shot. Interestingly, the real estate from which the Jews evicted (at home, synagogues), often turned into dating houses.

In front-line and front-line brothers of the Eastern Front, local prostitutes were usually worked, often the Nazis have brought there and European sex workers - for example, from Holland, France and Poland.

When women became part of the system, their rights and freedom were significantly limited. They had to undergo regular medical examinations, and if it turned out that a prostitute had a venereal disease, she was hospitalized to complete recovery. However, these were the official recommendations of the occupying authorities, and in practice infected women often simply killed - why spend funds and time when the problem is solved simply.

Policy forcing

In the German policy of control over prostitution in the first and second world wars, differences are traced. Despite the fact that in both cases it was based on coercion, the Third Reich went on: the Nazis brought a racial ideology into it.

A woman shoots a sign with the inscription "Adolf Hitler." End of World War Vone
Photo: Berliner Verlag / Archiv /

During both wars, the Germans distributed restrictive practices not only for prostitutes, but also on women suspected of prostitution. Punishments were severe for them, but it did not apply to Nazi soldiers who have entered them into a sexual connection.

The fact that such a state of affairs has taken the civil administration of the occupied territories, not surprisingly. The policy conducted by the Nazis was close to the population of those countries where prostitution was also considered a socially condemned occupation, "she justified violence not only towards prostitutes, but also to a woman at all.

Secrets of the Third Reich

Until now, mankind with shudder comprehends the secret of the greatest criminal adventures of all time, the victim of which has become more than 50,000,000 people.

Hitler and extraterrestrial mind

A certain influence, as can be seen, provided an extraterrestrial mind and on Hitler, and on the course of World War II. Gitler's contemporaries were amazed, as he, being a mediocre person and loser, was able to not only take the post of Chancellor of Germany for a short time, but also to subordinate to its influence the German people, who began to read him as a great hero of the nation. Hitler was able to quickly capture ten European countries, and six others made their allies.

It is also characteristic that all for various reasons failed.

1939 - in Munich on a party holiday in a huge beer, he was going to say a long speech, but unexpectedly for everyone cut her to a few minutes and quickly left. And ten minutes later, the explosive device laid down in the column, next to which he was located.

1943, March - He also suddenly left the exhibition of trophy weapons in Arsenale - a few minutes before the explosive device worked, which he wore the consent to become a suicide colonel von Hersdorf.

In the same year, for incomprehensible reasons, the explosive device was disguised as a bottle with brandy and put on the plane on which the Führer flew. As it turned out, the famous colonel von Staugenberg, and they were all unsuccessful, took the whole three attempts on Hitler.

1943, December 26th - called for the report in the rate of Hitler in Eastern Prussia Staugnenberg put a slow motion explosive device to his portfolio. But Hitler suddenly canceled the appointed meeting.

1944, July 15 - in the same place, at the rate, when everything was prepared for an explosion, Hitler for some reason began to be very rushing, climbing the speakers of Field Marshals and generals on the half-word, without finishing one question, led to another, and then suddenly announced that The meeting is completed, and quickly left.

Attempting attempt on the Führera on July 20, 1944; As is known, it also ended unsuccessful: the portfolio with an explosive device accidentally rearranged away from the furera, as a result of a thick leg and a table cover from a moraine oak, followed by a meeting, to a large extent weakened the impact of the explosion on Hitler. A total of 40 attempts were made on the Fuhrer, and many authoritative researchers consider absolutely incredible that after them he was still alive.

Mystic Nazism

From the very beginning, the Führer paid a lot of attention to the occult societies "Tula" and "Vril", which believed that creatures possessing superhuman abilities live in Tibetan monasteries. Tibetan wise men, or Mahatma, allegedly supported the connection with extraterrestrial civilizations through the center of space contact in Shambhala and received relevant information and instructions from them, the part of which was in the Hitler's leadership.

And the heads of the occult sockets "Tula" and "Vril" were allegedly included in the telepathic, and after and in physical contacts with the aliens based on the planet near the star Rigel Constellation of Orion, and even received information from them, which were able to partially improve the production of airplanes and underwater Boats, which increased the possibilities before World War II.

During the war, the Nazis produced from 200 to 290 modern submarines from 200 to 290, which were the main combat faculty of its navy. At the same time, according to its combat properties and the availability of technical innovations, German boats were much superior to the boats of other states. The famous American Ufologist Lieutenant Colonel in resignation Wayndel Stevens assured that American military intelligence in which he served at the end of World War II, it was known that the Germans allegedly built 24 gigantic at the time of submarines with displacement of 5,000 tons. Moreover, Stevens himself saw the German documentary film, in which these huge boats were shown, standing off the coast of Antarctica in anticipation of setting to the communals. Find other confirmations of this data, unfortunately failed.

The USSR at that time produced annually only 50 submarines, the displacement of which did not exceed 1,200 tons. At the Upheological Congress in the Crimea in 1996, German representatives published new information On contacts of Nazis with other civilizations. Hitler himself also stated that believes in the existence of superssengers living in Tibetan monasteries and on other planets. He even assured that the Aryans allegedly occurred from the giants sleeping in Shambhala to the hour "X".

BUT tibetan Lama Lobsang Ramp, who reached the highest dedication steps, wrote that he was allegedly shown by the underground sanctuary in Lhasa, in which there are three large sarcophagus from black stone. In one of them, a woman was buried with an increase of more than 3 m, and in two others - men are increasing not less than 5 m, with large cone-shaped heads and long thin noses. They were naked and covered with gold. On the lid of one of the sarcophagus was an image of a starry sky map with a rather strange location of constellations - not as seen from the ground. Rampi was told then that those who were the gods on our Earth were buried in sarcophages before the mountains rose, and when there were other stars in the sky. And in 1996, the Chinese in Tibet allegedly opened one of the sacred caves, pulled out of the sipping giants and hung them for Furnishing.

The desire of the Fuhrer to penetrate the secrets of these sleeping giants was the cause of sending to the head of E. Scheffer. After the first expedition, held in 1935, sheeffer for merits in the study of Tibet personally received the title of Wrasturmfürera SS. In Germany, more than a thousand Tibetans were gradually transferred, which entered the external guard of Hitler and in. They walked in SSEs form without the signs of differences, did not have documents, and some of them had so high status that even the wechite colonels were not in the right to sit in their presence. These Tibetans did not give up and shot their wounded, so no Tibetan in the form of the SS did not survive.

During the storming of Berlin near the Reichskancelae building, in the building itself and in the hutler bunker there was a lot of corpses of Tibetans in shape without signs of differences and without weapons. The second expedition of Schueffer to Tibet took place in 1939 and lasted two months. After her, the direct radio communications of Berlin with Lhasa was adjusted. But Shefficient did not find the mysterious Shambhala, and the radio communication of Berlin with Lhasa in the 40s stalled, and during World War II, only courier communications was supported. But this is not over.

At the end of 1942, when Polelyus's sixth Army was surrounded by Stalingrad, and the British defeated Rommel's army in North Africa, a very difficult situation was created for the Nazis, and the Hitler's leadership applied for help from occult forces in Tibet. According to the information leaked in 1990, Gimmler presented to Hitler with a thorough report with an analysis of the established situation, suggested urgently to send a new expedition to Tibet.

And indeed, in January 1943, a new expedition was sent to Tibet in the situation of the strictest secrecy from Berlin to Tibet, headed by Austrian Oristurmbanfürer G. Harrer, which included four scientists. At the end of 1943, they penetrated the Tibet across India and were engaged in search of mysterious Shambhala for five years and only accidentally learned that Germany capitulated. Dalai Lama stated that herin Harrera knows well, as he met him in 1948 in Lhasa. He allegedly stated that the Shambhala actually exists, but not in the understanding, as the Europeans imagine her, but in another dimension, and only those who have access to the highest levels of consciousness can see the axis of the world. From Lhasa Harrer in 1951 returned to Austria with a large archive, which immediately confiscated the British.

Some historians believe that Harrer allegedly found in Tibet the notorious axis of the world, but did not understand how to unwind it in the opposite direction. About all these Rosskazni on the existence of the axis of the world and the possibility of turning time in the opposite direction could not be mentioned, considering them another fiction, if it were not for one circumstance. Relatively not so long ago, the Government of Germany, the United Kingdom and America announced that part of the archives of the Third Reich will be declassified only in 2044, that is, after 100 years. And on some of the Nazis archives, the deprimation of the Grid "Secret" was not named at all. Moreover, the British authorities for some reason refused to declassify the Harrera archive, although in English laws secret documents are allowed to declassify in 30 years. This means that in the Harrer archive, in addition to doubtful information about the axis of the world, it is likely to have something important.

Very curious data on the ties of the Nazi leadership with aliens, the Deputy Fuhrere in the Party of Rudolf Gess, who in 1941 flew to England and in the Nuremberg process was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Hess spent the second half of his life in Berlin Prison Shpandau, where he wrote his diaries, which outlined, in particular, the information that kept in deep secret that the attack of Hitler Germany on the USSR was supposedly occurred under the influence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

1987 - Hess died in prison in mysterious circumstances, and soon the book "GESS Diaries" was published, which says the campaign of Germany to the East to defeat the source of the evil who captured the Soviet Union, allegedly was authorized by the center of space contact in Shambhala , that is, aliens. It was from there that were sent to Germany "specialists", which were not only in the protection of the Fuhrera, but also in the center of strategic planning of the General Staff. Moreover, they were allegedly called the day and even an hour of attacking the USSR. "The trouble is only that there was a half-handed and half-one and the first took the top over the second," hesis wrote, "and Hitler gave orders to destroy everything on the opponent's expanses. This radically changed the relationship to Him by Mahatm.

And at least the Messengers of Shambhala remained at the Führere until its last hour, the energy support of the Shambhala disappeared. And if earlier, our aircraft and tanks were faster and maneuveranes of all other things, - continued hess, - And one of our warrior cost ten others and the warriors were inexhaustible, now everything became the same as the enemy, and for some reason we started To lose even those operations in which on all martial art canons were to win. Already in mid-1942, we were doomed to defeat. Cosmos dragged us into a disastrous adventure and threw. "

At the same time, Gess emphasizes that not Mahatma, namely, the cosmos, or, in other words, aliens, pulled Germany to a disastrous adventure and threw. Confirmation of the GESS's statement about the high level of German warriors can serve as information that during the Second World War the best Ace of German Aviation Hartman knocked 352 opponent aircraft, while the best Soviet Ace A. Tinchen - only 62. Another German Ace Marseille only in one day The battles for Africa shot down 17 British aircraft. And in general, the results of the Tishryna exceeded 225 pilots of the fascist Air Force.

The value of the information provided by the information about the alleged influence of extraterrestrial civilizations on the course of war fascist Germany The Soviet Union is that they are not a journalist or a Ufologist, but a person who held a high post in the Nazi Tips, who stood close to the Führer and therefore had full information on this issue. In addition, knowing that he will have to stay in prison until the end of life, hess was unlikely to invent or kindly.

Although how close to the truth of the statement of the hess on the influence of extraterrestrial civilizations on the course of the Second World War, remains at its conscience ...
The aliens themselves, it turns out, also recognize that aggressive extraterrestrial civilizations artificially inflate contradictions between earthly states and provoke conflicts between them. According to the female contactor from California, a representative of the Nordic aliens in 1987 declared that the insidious "gray" seek to involve two the largest countries The constant confrontation is to fight for the impact on other states and at the same time undermine the confidence of the peoples of these countries to their governments in order to allow them to manipulate them.

In Poland and Germany, the legends of the mysterious underground fortifications, lost in the forests of the North-West Poland, and designated on the Werkete's cards as the "rainworm camp". This concrete and strengthened city underground remains to this day one of the terra incognita of the 20th century. "In the early 1960s, I was able to go from Wroclaw on the urgent business to go from Wroclaw through the Wovers, Glogow, Green Guru and Mendzierch in Kenshitz," Alexander Liscoon colonel says. - This loss in the folds of the relief of the North-West Poland small settlement seemed to be forgotten at all. Around the sullen, difficult forest arrays, small rivers and lakes, the old mine fields, the fores, nicknamed by the "Dragon's teeth", and the Rips of the thistle bodied by the Wehrmacht strengthening. Concrete, barbed wire, Suede ruins - all these remains of a powerful defensive shaft, once the goal of "cover up" Fathereland in case the war rides back. In Germans, Mendzierch was called Mezheritsa. Stregrayon, who, which, which, whid, and Kenshitz, - "Mesheritsky". In Kenshitz, I had to go before. Around the life of this village is almost not noticeable: peace, silence, air is hydrated by the aromas of the near forest. Here, on the little-known world of Europe, the military rummed about the secret of the forest Lake Ksiva, located somewhere nearby, in the oaklade of a deaf coniferous boron. But no details. Rather - rumors, speculation ... I remember, in the old, in some places in a crucible road, we are going to "victory" to the location of one of the teams of the northern group of troops. The five-hundred-parent team was located in the former German military town, hidden from a curious eye in a green bore. Once this place was indicated on the map of the Wehrmacht with toponym "REGENWURMLAGER" - "Rainhery Camp". The driver, Efreitor Vladimir Chernov, drills the village with his eyes and at the same time listens to the work of the carburetor recently returned from the overhaul of the passenger cars. On the left sandy slope, swinging by Yelane. Spruce and pines seem to be the same everywhere. But here they look sullenly. Forced stop. Guessing near the side of the side of the road. I leave the corporal from the handled hood and slowly rising on the oestos sand. The end of July is the time to collect forest nuts. Coming by a bush, suddenly stumble on the old grave: an blackened wooden Catholic cross, on which the Single helmet covered with a thick cobweb cracked, at the base of the cross - a white ceramic bank with dried field flowers. In the Negan Grass, I guess the fallen spray of the trench, blackened the shredded sleeves from the German machine gun "MG". From here, this road once probably once shot. Returning to the car. The bottom of the Chernov says to me with his hands, indicates to the slope. A few more steps, and I see the styling of old mortar mines sticking out of the sand. They seemed to remove the waters, rains, wind: stabilizers tightened sand, the heads of the fuses stick out outside. Only the back ... a dangerous place in a quiet forest. Three minutes later, the walls of the former camps were folded from the huge boulders. Meters in a hundred from her, near the road, similar to a concrete dot, a gray two-meter dome of some engineering structure. On the other side - the ruins are obviously a mansion. On the wall, as if cutting off the roadway from a military town, almost not visible traces from bullets and fragments. According to the stories of local residents, the protracted battles were not here, the Germans could not stand the onslaught. When they became clear that the garrison (two shelf, the SS SS SC "Dead Head" and part of the provision) can get into the environment, he urgently evacuated. It is difficult to imagine how it was possible for several hours of almost a whole division to escape from this natural Western. And where? If the only way we are going on was already intercepted by the tanks of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade of the First Guards Tank Army of General M. E. Katukuv. The first "Taranil" and found a breech in minefields of Straighona Tank Battalion Guard Major Alexey Karabanova, posthumously - Hero of the Soviet Union. Here is somewhere here he burned in his wounded car in the last days of January 1945 ... Kenshitsky garrison remember me: behind a stone wall - the line of barren buildings, places, sports grounds, dining room, a little further - headquarters, training classes, hangars for Techniques and communications. The brigade that had the importance of the Brigade was part of the elite forces to provide the General Staff of the management of troops on the impressive space of the European Theater of Military Action. From the north to the camp and approaches Lake Ksiva, in magnitude comparable, for example, with Cheremlensky, which is in St. Petersburg, or near Moscow long. Amazing in beauty, Kenshitsky Forest Lake is surrounded by the mystery signs, which seems to be impregnated here even air. From 1945 and almost until the end of the 1950s, this place was, in fact, only under the supervision of the security management of the city of Mendzierch - where, as they say, he was supervised by the Polish officer on the name of Veletko, - and the commander of the stationed somewhere Near the Polish artillery regiment. With their direct participation and the temporary transfer of the territory of the former German military town of our Communications Brigade was carried out. A comfortable town fully answered the requirements and seemed to be all like a palm. At the same time, the prudent command of the brigade decided to not violate the rules of the quartering of the troops and ordered to spend in the garrison and the surroundings of thorough engineering and sperm exploration. This is where the discovery began, the imaginable imagination even experienced front-line workers who were held at that time. Let's start with the fact that near the lake, in a reinforced concrete box, a dilated output of an underground power cable was discovered, the dashments on the veins of which showed the presence of industrial current with a voltage of 380 volts. Soon the attention of the sappers attracted a concrete well, which swallowed water lowered from height. At the same time, the intelligence reported that, perhaps, underground power communication comes from Mendzierch. However, there was no excluding the presence of a hidden autonomous power plant and the fact that its turbines rotated water falling into the well. They said that the lake was somehow connected to the surrounding reservoirs, and they were a lot of them here. Check out these assumptions Saperas Brigade was unable. Parts of the SS, who were in the camp in the fatal days of the 45th days, as in the water we were round. Since to bypass the lake around the perimeter due to the obstruction of the forest massif was impossible, I, using the Sunday afternoon, asked the commander of one of the mouth of Captain Gamov show me the terrain from the water. They sat down in the boat and, alternately, changing the messengers and making short stops, over a few hours, reinforced the lake; We walked in close proximity to the shore. From the eastern side of the lake, several powerful, already swirling undergrowth hillium hills. In places they guessed artillery caponies facing the front east and south. It was possible to notice two young lips like a little lake. Nearby raised shields with inscriptions in two languages: "DANGER! Mines! "
- Do you see hotcase? Like Egyptian pyramids. Inside them are different advantages, Lases. Through them, from under the ground, our radio reinforcers during the arrangement of the garrison took facing plates. They said that "there" are real galleries. As for these puddles, according to the assessment of the sappers, this is the flooded entrances to the underground city, "said Gamov and continued:" I recommend to see another riddle - the island in the middle of the lake. " Several years ago, the hourly fast posts noticed that this island is not really an island in the usual understanding. It floats, more precisely, slowly drifts, standing as if anchored. I looked at. Floating Poros Island Fir and Evnyaka. Its area did not exceed fifty square meters, and it seemed, it was really slow and heavily swayed on black water of a quiet reservoir. The forest lake had a clearly artificial south-western and southern continuation, resembling Appendix. Here the pole went deep into two or three meters, the water was relatively transparent, but the buoy-growing and resembling fern algae completely closed the bottom. In the midst of this bay, a gray reinforced concrete tower rummaged, who obviously had a special purpose. Looking at her, I remembered the air intakes of the Moscow metro, accompanying his deep tunnels. The narrow window it was clear that water was worth inside the concrete tower. There was no doubt: somewhere under me an underground structure, which for some reason it was necessary to build here, in deaf places under Mendzierch. But acquaintance with the "rainworm camp" did not end. During all the same engineering intelligence, the sappers revealed a disguised entrance to the tunnel under the hill. Already in the first approximation it became clear that this is a serious structure, besides, probably, with different kinds of traps, including mine. They said that somehow the divestled sentence on his motorcycle decided to ride into the mysterious tunnel. More Likhach was not seen. It was necessary to check all these facts, clarify, and I turned to the command of the brigade. It turned out that the sappers and the links of the brigade as part of a special group not only descended into it, but were removed from the entrance to a distance of at least a tens of kilometers. True, no one disappeared in it. The result - found a few previously unknown inputs. For obvious reasons, information about this unusual expedition remained confidential. With one of the officers of the headquarters, we went out for the territory of the part, and already familiar "steps to nowhere" and similar to dot are immediately rushed into the eyes and the gray concrete dome similar to the other side of the road. "This is one of the entrances to the underground tunnel," the officer explained. - You understand that such revelations can bargain the minds. This circumstance, taking into account our legal status in the country of stay, prompted to fake on the entrance to the tunnel steel grille and armor leaf of any tragedies! We were obliged to exclude them. True, the entrances of our entrances are forced to think that others exist. - So what's there? "Under us, as far as you can assume, an underground city, where everything you need for autonomous life for many years," answered an officer. - One of the participants of the very search group created by order of the commander of the team of Colonel Doroshev's team, "he continued," Captain's technician Cherepanov, told him later that this dot, which we see, along the steel screw stairs, they sank deep underground. With the light of acidic lamps included in the underground metro. It was precisely metro, since the railway rail was laid along the bottom of the tunnel. The ceiling was without signs of soot. On the walls - a neat extension of cables. Probably, the locomotive here moved electricity. The group entered the tunnel is not at the beginning. The beginning of the tunnel was somewhere under the forest lake. The other part was directed to the West - to the Oder River. Almost immediately found underground crematorium. Perhaps it was in his furnaces that burned the remains of the builders of the dungeon. Slowly, in compliance with precautions, the search group moved along the tunnel in the direction of modern Germany. Soon they threw the tunnel branches - they were discovered dozens. And right, and left. But most of the branches were neatly closed. Perhaps these were approaches to unknown objects, including parts of the underworld. The Grand Underground Network remained for uninitiated labyrinth. It was not possible to check it thoroughly. The tunnel was dry - a sign of good waterproofing. It seemed that, on the other, unknown, the parties are about to see the lights of the train or a large cargo car (vehicles could also move there) ... according to Cherepanov, it was a man-made underground world, which is an excellent implementation of engineering thought. The captain told that the band moved slowly, and after a few hours of stay under the ground began to lose the feeling of really passed. Some of her participants came the idea that the study of the canned underground city, laid under the forests, fields and river, is the task for other levels. This other level required great strength, tools and time. According to the estimates of our military, the subway could reach tens of kilometers and "dive" under Oder. Wherever and where its end station - it was difficult to even assume. Soon the senior group decided to return. The results of the intelligence reported the commander of the brigade. "It turns out that there were fights on top, tanks burned and people," I thought out loud, "and the gigantic concrete artery of the mysterious city lived at the bottom. This can not immediately imagine, being in this sullen edge. Likewise, the first information about the scale of the secret dungeon was Kutya, however, and she struck the imagination. As evidenced by the former chief of the headquarters of the brigade Colonel in P. N. Kabanov, shortly after a commemorative first survey from Legnica in Kenshitz, the Commander of the Northern Group of Forces, Colonel-General P. S. Maryakhin, who personally descended into the Underground Metro personally arrived. Later I happened to meet and repeatedly talk about the "Rainhery Cherry camp" with one of the last commanders Kenshitsky Brigade, Colonel V. I. Spiridonov.
Gradually there was a new vision of this unusual on its scale military riddles. It turned out that in the period from 1958 to 1992, a five-boat brigade was alternately changed to nine commanders, and you wanted to know each of them - I had to adapt to the neighborhood with this unsolved underground territory. The Spiridonov service in the brigade was held in two stages. On the first, in the mid-1970s, Vladimir Ivanovich was an officer headquarters, and on the second - a community. From his words, almost all commander of the northern group of troops (SGV) considered their duty to visit the distant garrison and personally get acquainted with underground labyrinths. According to the engineering and self-imprisonment, which was able to read Spiridonov, only under the garrison was discovered and surveyed 44 kilometers of underground communications. Vladimir Ivanovich has so far have been preserved photophaphy of some objects of the old German defense under Kenshitz. At one of them - the entrance to the underground tunnel.
The officer testifies that the height and width of the underground metro stem make up about three meters. The neck smoothly lowers and dives under the ground to the fifty-meter depth. There, the tunnels branched and intersect, there are transportation venues. Spiridonov also indicates that the walls and ceiling of the metro are made of reinforced concrete plates, the floor is posted with rectangular stone plates. He personally, as a specialist, drew attention to the fact that this secret highway was broken in the thickness of the Earth in the Western direction, to Oder, to which from Kenshitsi in a straight line 60 kilometers. He had to hear that in the site where the subway dives under Oder, the tunnel was fluttered. With one of the commander of the SPRIDONOV, Schiridonov descended deeply under the ground and on the army "UAZ" drove on the tunnel towards Germany at least 20 kilometers. About the underground city, believes the former combine, knew a malicious Pole, famous in Mendzierch as Dr. Podbelsky.
In the late 1980s, he was hardly ninety years ... Passionate local history, he in the late 1940s - early 1950s alone, at his own risk and risk, through the discovered LAZ was repeatedly descended under the ground. In the late 1980s, Podbelsky said that this strategic object of the Germans began to build in 1927, but most actively - since 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany in 1937, the last personally arrived at the camp from Berlin and, as claimed, on the rails of the secret subway. In fact, from this point on, the hidden city was considered to be delivered to the use of Wehrmacht and the SS. Some hidden communications, a giant object was connected to the plant and strategic storage facilities, also underground, located in the village of Slot and sands, which is in two or five kilometers west and north of the lake. Lake Ksiva itself, says Colonel, is striking with its beauty and purity. Oddly enough, the lake is an integral part of the mystery. The area of \u200b\u200bits mirror is at least 200 thousand square meters, and the depth scale is from 3 (in the south and west) to 20 meters (in the east). It was in the eastern part of it that some army fishers of fishing were able in summer with a favorable lighting to see in the heated day of something, in their outlines and other peculiarities resembling a very large hatch, which received the nickname of the "Eye of the Human".
The so-called "eye" was closed tight. Didn't it have been able to cover him at one time from the view of the pilot and the heavy bomb already mentioned above the floating island? What could serve such a hatch? Most likely, he served as Kingston for emergency flooding of part or all underground structures. But if the hatch is closed to this day, it means they did not take advantage of January 1945. Thus, it is impossible to exclude the fact that the underground city is not flooded, and was conserved "to a special case." Something keeping his underground horizons? Who are waiting? Spiridonov noted that around the lake, in Bor, many preserved and destroyed wartime objects. Among them are the ruins of the rifle complex and the hospital for the elite of the SS troops. Everything was made of reinforced concrete and refractory brick. And most importantly - powerful dots. Their reinforced concrete and steel dome were once armed with large-caliber machine guns and guns, equipped with semi-automatic ammunition serve mechanisms. Under the meter armor of these caps to a depth of 30-50 meters, there were underground floors, where sleeping and household premises were located, warehouses of bipobiation and food, as well as communication nodes. Personally, Spiridonov examined six more days south and west from the lake. Before the northern and eastern dollars, as they say, he did not reach his hands. The approaches to these deadly firepoints were securely covered with minefields, Rips, concrete barebars, barbed wire, engineering traps. They were at the entrance to each dot. Imagine, from the armored door inside Doth leads a bridge, which immediately belongs under the legs of the uninitiated, and will inevitably collapse into a deep concrete well, wherever he can no longer get up. At high dota depths are connected by strokes with underground labyrinths. In the years of the Colonel service in the brigade, the subordinates reportedly reported that the "soldier radio" reported on secret lasies in the foundation of a garrison club, through which not established military personnel allegedly went to the "self-car". These rumors, fortunately, did not find confirmation. However, such messages had to be checked carefully. But here as applies to the basement of the mansion, in which the Combrig itself lived, rumors of Lazah confirmed. So, having decided to check the reliability of the dwelling once, he somehow began to sharpen the walls on Sunday. In one place, the strikes were given particularly deaf. Running with strength, the officer lost to the gun: steel scrap under his own weight "flew" into the emptiness. The case for "small" is to explore further ... but, oddly enough, the hands do not reach it! "So that" accumulated "in the deafness of the rainworm! Did he unfolded a network of underground cities and communications up to Berlin? And is it not here in Kenshitz, the key to the rayster the mystery of the concealment and disappearance of the "Amber Room", other treasures kidnapped in Eastern Europe and, above all, Russia? Maybe "REGENWURMLAGER" is one of the objects of preparation of Nazi Germany to possession of an atomic bomb? In 1992, the Communications Brigade left Kenshitz. Over the past 34 years, there are several tens of thousands of soldiers and officers in it, and contacting their memory, it is possible to restore a lot of interesting details of the underground riddle under Mendzierch. Perhaps the storm of the "Rainworm Camps" is remembered by the veterans of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade of the 1st Guards Tank Army, their combat neighbors on the right and left - the former warriors of the 8th Guards Army at the time of Colonel General Chuikova V. I. and 5th Army Lieutenant Barzarin? "Do you know in modern Poland about the" rainworm camp? " - Aksandr Ivanovich Lukin at the end of his story as a question. - Of course, to figure it out to the end, if possible, the case of Poles and Germans. Probably, in Germany, documentary traces, living builders and users of this Military Engineering Phenomenon remained.