Find output phraseologism. Phraseologist


(Czech, Vychod) - eastern wind In the Czech Republic.

Reference Commercial Vocabulary (1926)


the number of products obtained from a certain amount of raw materials.

Dictionary of hunting terms and expressions


the trail of the beast, which comes from the beastrity of the beast location.

Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron


1) oil - See Olodelia; 2) roy. - See the swarm.

Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language




Thesaurus Russian business vocabulary


1. SYN: Conclusion, Issue, Care, Disappearance

2. SYN: mining, production size, amount of products

3. SYN: appearance

Russian Language Phrase


To give (or to find etc.) output - give the opportunity to manifest

Know all moves and exits - know anything well to be aware of something

At the exit and on the outputs - at weekends (about the actor playing a role without words)

Architectural dictionary


1. The dry cellar in front of the house is a small log house, on a third or half-beaten in the ground, covered with two slides and insulated outside the ground.

2. Balcony or gallery (1) associated with an attic room of horses or choir.

(Terms of Russian architectural Heritage. Plugs V.I., 1995)

Card terminology and jargon of the XIX century. Vocabulary



BUT, m. Card running player.

◘ Making the main thing, i.e., by defining the game of philosophically, the author does not consider the fulfillment of a favorable reader with the definition of its other parts and the overshadown of his memory, memory, so necessary for the invoice, bribes, outputs And for further considerations. P.reizov. Truths about the game in Preference, 1843.

◘ After each output Players take the card deck to replenish their own. M. Scheverakovsky. Commercial games, 1896.

Dictionary Efremova


  1. m.
    1. Action by value Glazh.: Go out (1,3).
    2. :
      1. The place through which comes out.
      2. Hole through which is removed
    3. :
      1. . . The possibility of applying, applications, the introduction of
      2. Results, results of such use, applications, implementation.
    4. . Method to get rid of difficulties.
    5. :
      1. The number of products produced.
      2. The ratio of the number of actually obtained product to the maximum possible.
    6. :
      1. The moment of appearance on stage acting person.
      2. The introductory aria, with which the hero appears on the scene in the opera.
    7. Stopping rocks, layers.
    8. see also outputs.

Dictionary Ushakov


outputexit husband.

2. The appearance on the scene of the acting person. Your in.! (Reminder an actor behind the scene).

3. The place where the place is, as well as the place where the kitto. It comes out, produced, follows. Stand at the exit. Paint in. B. Almazon duct.

4. The way to resolve the difficulty, get out of difficulty. V. from the situation.

5. The amount of manufactured product (special). Output rate. High in. Wool in sheep.

Give outwhat To speak or Katim. Another way to detect feelings that have come down to voltage. Give anger, irritation.

Know all moves and exits (R.) Know all ways to act, seeking Chegon.

At the exit (Spec.) On information, data: acting after processing.

On the outputswho About the output role.

| arr. output, Aya, OE (KO 2, 3 and 5 meanings). Output aria (In Opera: First Aria of the Chief Artist). Output (information placed on the last page of the book or on the turnover of it title leaf about the circulation, format, volume of the book, etc.; specialist.). Output role (insignificant, perhaps without words, the role of the actor). B. Product.

Fraceological Dictionary (Volkova)



Give out what (whatn. feeling; book.) - discharge the tensions of feeling, expressing it outside.

Give your anger.

Know all moves and exits where (. fam.) - It is good to know all the details of the internal life of any. institutions public organization etc.

He knew all the moves and exits in his business..

On the outputs, in meaning. taken (Theater, Argo) - on weekends, roles with insignificant in volume and content of replicas.

He is on the outputs.

Get out of my head (.) - elude from memory, forget.

I constantly comes out of my head that I have to five rubles.

Don't get out of the head (.) - To be constantly in thoughts, constantly attend consciousness.

I do not get out of my head this terrible case.

Lose one's temper - Lose self-control, strongly, overly irritate.

It was hard to restrain and do not go out.

Leave and state - find a way to get rid of difficulties.

He managed to find a way out of a very difficult situation.

Go out - seek a solid or high position in life.

Go out. Your Paint, Different, I am benefactor, I brought me. A. Ostrovsky.

Go out (iron.) - . To get out of use, stop (stop) to use the attention, recognition, becoming (become) outdated.

Generals who have not yet come out in tyrana are mostly in composition of any. highly existing central institutions. Leskov.

Output role (theatre.) - a role with insignificant in terms of volume and content of replicas.

Output actor.

Out of the row - Very different from others, outstanding.

From a series of outgoing phenomenon.

Offers with the word "output"

At the exit, it is not necessary for a skeleton in need of mandatory serious literary processing, but the text.

But appeal to high literature, dramaturgy helps to look for a way out, and not just to state the fact that we are in a hopeless situation.

And we really do not have another way out, we cannot rely only on oil and gas, these are exhausted resources, their prey will only fall.

Spare exits were on the castle, but high school students got out the doors.

Moreover, neither reform nor tax administrators too stimulate the business to enter the light.

After entering the second group tournament, the League Footballers and the administrative staff of the team received additional bonus totaling 800 thousand US dollars.

It is already worth a fun GALAND, rattles the dishes, on which there is a lot of comparison disgrace after a magnificent exit of waiters with trays, already on the part, comment on the newlywed kisses and fit with the distant tables to evade them.

The head of the eighth in which we are trying to find a way out of difficult

For example, if the transformations require a serious reduction in working in a particular industry, then it is necessary to analyze the age groups and provide people with a decent way to a well-deserved rest.

Dashura went beyond the edible before I woke up, my mother's evening exits were late when I slept.

Find out the position. Having experienced difficulties, difficulties in something, be able to overcome them, thinking of opportunities for this. Instead of bringing Holtov thanks for the intelligence and the ability to find a way out of a heavy position, the Directorate in the order on the theater declared him a reprimand with a warning (M. Matusovsky. In order not to be forgotten).

The phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, Ast. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

Watch what is "find a way out of the situation" in other dictionaries:

    Find a way out. Find out the position. Having experienced difficulties, difficulty or be able to overcome them by thinking about it for this. Instead of bringing Holtov thanks for the intelligence and the ability to find a way out of ... ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    helped find a way out of a predicament - Ad., Number of synonyms: 1 Saved position (2) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    to find - I will find /, you will find; found, walked /, went /; Our / attended; found; den, a, o; sv. See the TZH. find, be 1) a) who is as a result of searching to find, find someone, which l. Find / Wallet in Table ... Dictionary of many expressions

    OUTPUT - Exit, exit, husband. 1. Action on ch. Go out in 1, 2 and 3 meanings. Yesterday my first exit from the house after the illness took place. Exit scene. Exit from the party. Exit from war. 2. The place through which. In this house there are several exits to the street. || ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    to find - 1. Find, I will find, you will find; Found, went, went; found; found; den, a, o; sv. 1. Who is that. As a result of the search to find, find someone, which is N. Wallet in the table. N. Kithenka under the sofa. N. Gazeta. N. Lost tourists. N. Eyes ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    output -, go out to give out what (what is the feeling; book.) Define the tension of the feeling, expressing it outside. Give out your anger. To know all the moves and exits where (R. Fam.) It is good to know all the details of the internal life of which n. ... ... Russian Language Phrase

    to find - 1) I will find, you will find; POST. Found, went, went; and. POST. found; and. Strada. POST. found, den, a, o; owls. (Ness. Find1). 1. As a result of searching to detect; find He did a search and found money in an unusual place, in ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    output - SUB., m., Upotr. Often morphology: (no) what? Release what? exit, (see) What? Exit than? exit, what? about exit; MN. what? Outputs, (no) what? Outputs, what? Outputs, (see) What? Outputs than? Outputs about what? About the outputs 1. Speaking about the exit from ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

    OUTPUT - ♠ free output Fast resolution problems. Standing in line at the exit will have to work a lot before the problems are allowed. Looking for a way out of some provision you are experiencing a hidden need for a sexual partner change. Not… … Big family dream book

    get out of the position - ▲ Allow the question of the position (only #). There is one way out. | Get out of a dead end. Search [Find] Exit position. Get out [get out. Spread] from the position. Salvation exit from a difficult situation. saving. Save (not ... ... The ideographic dictionary of the Russian language


  • Fairy tales - inventory from the cat shaken. For children of younger school age, Gin AA .. The book contains 36 entertaining tasks. In the center of each of them - fabulous herothat should find a way out of one or another predicament. Young reader together with the hero is looking for ...

The people noticed this and began to talk about people who did something lazy, reluctant, slowly, that they work sleeves later. About skillful worker and now they say it works hanging sleevesAlthough the sleeves can be so short that they do not need to put them.

Phraseologisms are stable, frozen combinations of words, they cannot be changed in vocabulary.

For example: sit in the puddle - Get into an awkward ridiculous position.

To sit in the chair, at the table is not a phraseologist.

Consider pictures. Live or portable meaning Pictured artist V.I. Tilman of the heroes in a certain situation? (See Fig. 2, 3, 4)

Fig. 2. The cat has been cut - very little ()

Fig. 3. Walk on the head - the ugly ()

Fig. 4. Peer nose - Dreet ()

We will find in the poem of B. Nodokhnika phraseologism.

We are not very similar:

Petka thick, I'm thin.

We are not like, but still

We will not fall out with water!

The phraseology "will not overcome water" - very friendly.

The value of phraseologism is determined by the selection of synonym or expression words.

like snow on the head -suddenly,

enemy's eyes -dark ,

apple nowhere to fall -closely,

cheat -fool

the next washed -disappeared, hid,

mess in my head -full ambiguity, confusion in thoughts

Consider drawings. (See Fig. 5) How did the artist joking?

Fig. 5. Frameology ()

Wrote like chicken paw - About an unintelligible handwriting.

Take a bull for horns - Boldly and immediately take up the most important thing in a difficult matter.

We first point out the phraseological units with the meaning of "work", then "idle".

work not to bump

from dawn to dawn

to seventh sweat

not sparing forces

sit in one's hands

beat eggs

Beat eggs- idle. And what is bumps?

In the old days, the bushes did dishes from the tree. They pour chorbachchki lipowing as blanks for a planer-lubakar. Prepare such chumbachk and was called beat eggs. This work was considered a trifling, so she became a sample is not a matter, but idleness. Of course, everything is known in comparison, and this work seemed easy only in comparison with severe peasant labor. And far from everyone will turn out to beat well now (see Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Beat eggs ()

Snake Gorynych Curing Tsarevna long away.

Girl desperate

In the student's lesson did not listen Explanation of a new topic.

Guys talked without strangers.

In the refrigerator it was empty .

Reference: at least a ball to shake, for the thirty lands, fall in spirit, with an eye on the eye, pass by the ears.

Snake Gorynych Curing Tsarevna for thirty lands.

Girl fell wellSo the task was not solved.

In the student's lesson passed past ears Explanation of a new topic.

Guys talked in a personal meeting.

In the refrigerator it was at least a ball.

Ears can be washed - everyone knows. And what else can you do with your ears, tells the text called Usharia.

1. If your friend is you inflate ears (gossip), not worth hang out (listen with credulity), better keep the ears on top (be on the onset), and do not clap ears (inactive).

2. When you fly so that behind the ears of cracks (with a big appetite), and don't believe your ears (very surprised), hearing this crackle, and he ear cuts (Unpleasant) - Do not be discouraged! Let them envy those who do not see such an appetite as his ear (Never) (see Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. hang ears ()

Recall the phraseologisms where animals are mentioned.

cattle as ....

spiny how ...

hungry like ...

fucking like ...

silent like ...

drawing like ...

hitker as ...

sliply like ...

Cattle as forty, spiny as a yout, hungry like a wolf, hardy as a camel, silent like a fish, duck like a rooster, cunning like a fox, slippery like.

Connect the arrow of the couple frameological synonyms. They express one general concept.

in two steps

pull the wool over someone's eyes

how the wind blew

shut down the believer

fool your head

hand to subtle

lose nose

did not have time to blink

two steps - hand to file(close)

let dust in the eyes - fool your head(deceive)

how the wind blew up - did not have time to blink(instantly)

shut up for the belt - losing your nose(surpass someone in something)

Connect phraseologist Antonymisopposed to meaning.

like a cat with a dog

keep your mouth shut

although pond prudes

soul in Soul


like a cat with a dog - soul in the soul(Enough - very friendly)

keep the tongue for teeth - to sharpen a lus(silent - chat)

Insert into each proposal to suit the sense of phraseological phrases from words for references.

The student was sitting in the lesson ... because he was on the day before .... And did not prepare the task. The teacher he asks him, and he .... ... student student to the end of the lesson. From shame he was ready ...

Reference: i did not move my finger, through the ground fails, as on the needles, as if water in the mouth scored, with grief in half.

I did not move my finger (I did not do anything), through the earth fails (to have a strong desire to disappear), as on the needles (in the extreme excitement), like water in the mouth scored (silence), with grief in half (with great difficulty).

The student was sitting in the lesson like on needlesbecause on the day before he finger did not move And did not prepare the task. The teacher he asks him, and he as if water in his mouth scored. With grief in half A student has twisted until the end of the lesson. From shame he was ready through the land fails.

Let us read the texts. Find phraseologisms.

Yesterday we were in the circus. The audience carefully looked into the arena when acrobats were performed. She focused on the performance of Lviv. When clowns appeared, then everyone laughed. After the performance, the audience sincerely clapped artists.

Yesterday we were in the circus. Public did not reduce eye From the arena, when acrobats performed. Holding breathShe watched the speech of Lviv. When clowns appeared, then all rolled with laughter. After the performance of the audience heartily clapped artists.

Is it not true, phraseologist decorated the text?

The value of phraseological revolutions is explained in the phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. Most Used frameological revs explained in sensible dictionaries.

The litter "Conversational" (acceleration) characterizes phraseological units, the use of which gives the speech to the shade of ease. They are used in domestic communication, in dialogs.

For example: sit into Kalos - To be in an awkward position.

Litter "Spacious" (simple): remove yes Position - Make immediately.

Parameters "Book" (book.) Used when the phraseological characteristic of the phraseological units used in the book speech.

For example, Thread Ariadna - What helps to find a way out of a predicament.

The expression originated from the myths about the Athenian hero of the skin, who killed the semi-punch-receiving age of Minotaur. And helped him Ariadne.

At the lesson, you learned that phraseologisms are stable combinations of words close to the meaning of one word. They make our speech bright, figurative, expressive. Use phraseologisms in their speech.


  1. M.S. Solovychik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our Language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Solovychik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our language" Russian language: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks In Russian. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
  4. T. V. Koreshkova Penate! Notebook for independent work In the Russian language for 3 cl.: In 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya creative tasks in the Russian language. - SPb.: Karo, 2003.
  6. T. Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. Read the poem.

    Our and mine.

    Our meeting

    All is mine! -

    Screaming mine.

    My ball,

    chair chrome

    my, too,

    my table,

    my bed,

    my knee,

    my notebook.

    Book purchased -

    For me -

    my family.

    And on me -

    my costume

    my lingerie.

    No on light

    But he told him

    There is mine

    But there is also our:

    Our house,

    our yard

    our with Toby.



    our school,

    our class

    our friendship

    our honor ...

    do not count.

    Nash shines

    Our Sun.

    That's what our says.

    And myself says my own:

    All my, my, mine!

    And my sickens my

    like the river kitsaru ...

    Unfortunately, still

    This dispute is not over.


    What do you think, why are my and our arguments?

    Select each participant of the conversation suitable phraseologisms.

    reference: To instruct the mind, to fill the pocket, put the paw, one song, for yourself, with a pure heart, do not believe your ears, in the winter snow will not scream.

  2. Read the text about the grandmother hope. Instead of points, insert the phraseologisms.

    About the great-grandmother Hope people said that she is a man .... She from her long life ... and struggled to help everyone. A lot of troubles and deprivation she ... but never ... and .... With her neighbors, she tried to find ..., and with friends and relatives lived ... She loved the children ... and took ... their sorrow and care. If any of them sick, then the great-grandmother hope .... She knew how to find such a gentle word that pain ... and the disease was released. Her heart desire to help everyone went ... and she did it ...

    Reference: big heart, pure heart, take out on your shoulders, do not fall in spirit, do not shine soul, find mutual language, Live the soul in the soul, love with all my heart, take to heart to heart, do not find yourself places, as hand to remove, not to twist.

  3. Find in the text of phraseologisms, choose them words synonyms.
    Mom asked Petya to regret the Grokery. Petya replied that he would work well, which gives his head to the clip. With grief in half, he pulled out only high weeds and went to watch cartoons. It sits on the sofa and does not blow on the mustache. I realized my mother, that with Peter Porosha do not weld, and I myself went so.
  1. Internet portal ().
  2. Internet portal ().
  3. Internet portal ().