How to make a title leaf of the Olympics. Requirements for the design of olympics

2.1 Text Set It is necessary to produce on an IBM-compatible computer in a standard text format (MS Word XP and above):

    the text, if necessary, can contain allocations (italics, bold, etc.);

    the text is recruited from the left (red row);

    the headers are recorded in uppercase letters, the word transfers in the headlines are not allowed, the point at the end of the header does not put;

    paragraphs separate from each other with an empty string;

    one paragraph containing its number is allocated under the formula (in accordance with the numbering of the formulas in the text of the article), enclosed in parentheses. Formulas, even consisting of a single symbol, are recruited only using the Equations Editor or Math Type formulas editor. It is strictly not allowed to replace Latin and Greek letters similar to the instructions of the Russians, as well as the sign of the sum of the title letter of Sigma. If you need to use Russian letters in formulas, they should be recruited in a text style;

    the illustration is scanned in black and white or color versions (with a resolution of at least 300 dpi) and is provided on a single diskette along with the text (preferably in TIF format). Illustrations (indicating the number and full signature) must be presented in the form of color or black and white glossy photos.

2.2 When using the Word text editor, follow the following rules:

2.2.1Text should be located in the width of the page taking into account fields (left, right, upper, lower - 2.5 cm), diagrated with Thimes New Roman No. 14, a line interval 1.0. Paragraph indents must be the same all over the text - 1.25 cm.

Quotes (""), brackets (, ()), markers and other signs should be stored similar throughout the material provided.

          Mathematical and natural science texts, as well as texts containing diacritical signs, signs of the international phonetic alphabet, it is recommended to dial with the LATEX system, guided by conventional rules.


An example of a title page

Exemplary Regulations on the Olympics


  1. General provisions

      The Olympiad is a competition of students in creative use of knowledge and skills on the disciplines studied in an educational institution, as well as in the preparedness to apply these knowledge and skills in a special area.

      The present position determines the status, goals, objectives, the procedure for conducting an intra-treatment (intrahekhimnoym) Olympiad.

      The general management of the Olympiad is carried out by a subject (cycular) commission of teachers of relevant discipline.

      The chairman of the subject (cycle) commission in preparing for the Olympiad contributes proposals for the composition of the organizing committee and the jury, and also constitutes a provision on the Olympiad on a specific discipline, including:

    the procedure for holding the Olympics,

    requirements for the compilation of tasks for the Olympics,

    requirements for the tasks and summing up,

    suggestions for awarding students.

      The organizing committee, the jury includes: Chairman, responsible secretary, members. The distribution of responsibilities between members of the Organizational Committee and the Jury is carried out by the Chairman of the Subject (Cycle) Commission.

      Calendar dates, form of conduct, the composition of the participants of the Olympiad is determined by the Regulation on the Olympiad and the order approved by the Director of the Educational Institution.

      Olympiads can be held annually and pass into one or more stages.

      For each subsequent stage, students who showered the best results on the results of the previous stage are allowed.

      Each task is assigned its level of complexity.

      The minutes of the meeting of the jury on the distribution of places, the types of awards of the participants of the Olympiad are issued by the chairman of the jury and surrender to the head of the department within a three-day period from the moment of the Olympics for approval by the Director of the Educational Institution.

      Based on the submission of the head of the department on the basis of the Olympiad, an order to award the winners is published. The form of award defines an educational institution.

Details Updated 01/21/2015 03:33

Olympiad work: informal regulations

Registration logic

The district and urban competitions of high school students in physics are written. This means that for a successful performance you will have not only to solve the proposed tasks, but also to properly arrange them. And although at the Physics Olympics, the inability is clearly and correctly written its decision shall be punished less strictly than, say, at the Mathematics Olympics, it is necessary to approach the task to make it extremely responsible. In addition, it is very important to be able to check your work yourself and find mistakes in it before the jury does. The following tips should help you in this difficult business.

    As it is neither trite sounds, the first thing you need to do is carefully Read the condition of the task and solve exactly the task that you are asked. Unfortunately, this advice follows far from all participants of the Olympiad.

    If you have it it turns out that the mass of a person is minus two tons, its speed is greater than the speed of light, and the charge is three atmospheres, then, probably, you made a mistake somewhere.
    Be sure to check dimension Answer, It sign, well, finally, just his reasonable. Also follow to check whether this answer satisfies possible limit cases.

    If you cannot solve the task to the end, but you feel that you managed to approach the solution at least a bit, do not try to hide it from the jury. When checking, there is a so-called snacking, in which all the most likely solutions are divided into several points and for each of them some points are charged. Therefore, without even deciding the task completely, you can get a pretty decent amount of points for it.

    The jury read in your work smoothly what is really Written. On appeals it will be about your work, and not about how you perfectly solved the task of "actually." Thus, one should not write one, mean the second, but keep in mind the third.

    Try not to write too short and too long solutions. Remember, you are at the Olympics, and not on the exam. Therefore, it is necessary to substantiate the specific application of certain physical laws to this task, but it is completely superfling to the substantiation of these laws themselves. No need to spend your time explaining what equal asked movement, electromagnetic induction And the rule of levers. For this, of course you are not crowded, but also do not put additional points.

    Try to observe a reasonable balance between the number of text and formulas. Solutions consisted of the formulas from each other are very strange. On the other hand, the treatises in size in several notebooks look even more strange.

Design machinery

All previous items concerned logic design. Now we will give several tips directly by design technique. It is only necessary to note that it is precisely advice, not any strict rules. All of them are dictated only by practical convenience and common sense. For dissemination of them, naturally, no one will punish. In turn, their observance will help facilitate both your life when writing a decision and the life of the jury trying to figure out what you wrote.

    It is not necessary to rewrite tasks in work. Cheating, as a rule, knows them and so.

    It is best to use in solving the designation introduced in the condition. If for any reason it is impossible, you should definitely explain your designations. It is desirable that this can be seen immediately when reading the solution. The same applies to your new values.

    All formulas should be done out (write in a separate line).

    Try to locate solutions in your work so that they are easy to find. Be sure to draw on the cover of the work table, in which you marry the tasks for which you wrote something (in the first one), a plus sign. The fact is that in order to achieve maximum uniformity in the assessment, all the work is checked by the conveyor, and one member of the jury checks not all the work immediately, but, as a rule, only one task. Therefore, it is often useless to spend quite a long time to find a solution in work.

    The policy of the jury relative to drafts is the following. Draw a draft or not - this is your personal matter. If it is present, it is always visible, without regard to whether you wrote anything in this task in the final. Another thing is that because of a large number of works, it is sometimes done not very carefully. Therefore, the draft is mainly an additional argument on appeal. Next, only positive points are set for the draft. That is, if you have a proper statement in the first one, and in the draft - no, you are not caught.

    Unfortunately, many participants in the Olympiad have a secret hobby to write solutions diagonally from the bottom up, and besides all tasks at the same time. If you share their sympathy, please mention the pages and write the table of contents. After all, if the jury does not find something in your work, you will suffer first of all.

Text By. Alexander Shapiro.

  • title leaf (printed from a personal account);
  • stationery (handle, pencil, line, etc.);
  • allowed presence drinking water In a transparent bottle, chocolate, glasses.
  • 2. Participants have the right to use the following materials in the print edition (electronic versions are strictly prohibited):

    • participants in the direction« Mathematical methods Economy Analysis » Have the right to use: table standard normal distribution, Student distribution table, Fisher distribution table, chi-square distribution table, which provides the Organizing Committee;
    • participants in the direction"Urban planning" have the right to use the Personal City Planning Code of the Printing Edition (electronic publications are strictly prohibited);
    • participants in the direction"Innovatiya" have the right to use the reference material without limiting the type of information source (electronic publications are strictly prohibited);
    • participants in the directions"Measurements in psychology and education", "Management", "Oriental and Africanism", "Journalism" and profiles "Consultative psychology. Personology »," Corporate Lawyer "," The right of information technology and intellectual property "," Politics. Economic. "Filosophy", "Management in the media"have the right to use personal english-Russian dictionary printed publication (electronic publications are strictly prohibited);
    • participants in the direction"Political Analysis and Public Policy" And by profile "Population and development" have the right to enjoy personal Russian-English and / or english-English Dictionary printed publication (electronic editions are strictly prohibited;
    • participants in the directions"Philology" and "Linguistics" (no more than two paper dictionaries) have the right to use personal English-Russian, French-Russian and German-Russian dictionary (electronic publications are strictly prohibited).

    3. Participants in the directions"Urban planning", "Political Analysis and Public Policy", "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "World Economics", "Mathematical Methods of Economics Analysis", "Finance and Credit", "Electronics and Nanoelectronics", "Innovation" By profiles "Business Informatics", "Electronic Business", "Management in the Sphere of Science, Technology and Innovation / Governance Of Science, Technology and Innovation" Can use personal accounting (simple, +/-) calculator.

    4. Not allowed to use andeven have a workplace : reference materials other than those listed in paragraph 2; Calculators, except the cases listed in clause 3; Pocket computers and any other electronic computers; Mobile phones and other means of communication; Players. The use of these materials and means is prohibited both in the audience and throughout the building throughout the entire contest until the end of the time rendered to the execution of the Olympics.

    5. Not allowed:

    • ask questions to other participants and answer questions from other participants;
    • get up from the places and transplane, create interference to other participants and organizers;
    • write off and allow you to write off other participants;
    • exchange any materials and objects;
    • continue to perform the task after the end of the time allotted to the contest;
    • go out of the audience in case the match lasts 120 and less minutes. After the second hour of the competition, a member of the participant from the audience valid reasonBut not more than 5-7 minutes and accompanied by one of the organizers.

    6. In case of violation of the rules of participation in the Olympiad, the participant is removed from further participation in this competition, and its work is canceled.

    7. The participant has the right: contact the organizers with issues on the organization of competition and job design, to make comments and claims to the protocol olympiad taskscontact for medical helpThe text of the olympic task is to pass the text of the Olympics at the end of the contest.

    8. The starting service of the participants stops 15 minutes before the end of the competition.

    9. At the end of the competition, participants must remain in their places before the permission of the organizers leave the audience.

    Rules of paperwork

    1. The participant must perform work on the answers. In the scope of answers, it is allowed to write on both sides of the sheet, starting with the third sheet.

    2. The participant must fill the title list, on the first sheet of the answer blank to fill and sign the participation protocol, on the second sheet to register the name of the direction and profile (specify the code), and nothing on the first sheet of the answer blank does not write.

    3. Participants of the Olympiad in the directions"Mathematics", "Mathematical Methods of Economics Analysis", "Finance and Credit" and "Economics" They have the right to change the profile chosen by them during registration.

    4. The work should be performed by a blue or black ink handle. It is prohibited to use the handle with ink of red and green colors, using a pencil to record a solution, answers.

    5. Paper for drafts and additional sheets to the answer form are issued by the organizers at the request of the participants.

    6. Draft works are usually not checked. The jury may decide on checking the draft works of participants of the Olympiad in the direction"Urban planning", "Political Analysis and Public Policy", "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Mathematics", "Sociology", "Demographics" and "Applied Mathematics" And by profile "Linguistic theory and language description" In case of instructions in the work "Watch Chernovik".

    7. In the answer form and in the drafts for verification, it is impossible to indicate the name, to make any entries pointing to the authorship of the work.

    8. In the answer form you can make corrections that must be understandable and unambiguously interpreted. If you need to make corrections, you can carefully smoke the wrong answer and write the right one.

    9. The handwriting of the participant must be understandable. The jury may refuse the participant in checking the work in the case of "unreadable" handwriting.

    10. It is allowed to replace the handle, a title leaf, a blank of responses.

    11. "Software Engineering" Perform a part of the task on the computer.

    12. Participants of the Olympiad in the direction"Journalism" Can select the task (block 2) performed on the computer.