Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Night before Merry Christmas".

N.V. Gogol "Night before Merry Christmas "


In grade 6.

Nagina Angela Mikhailovna,

Russian language and literature teacher

Gymnasium schools number 7


What do you know about the Christian festival Christmas of Christ and Night before Christmas?

Night before christmas special: Night on the eve of the greatest Christian holiday - the birth of Jesus Christ.

The story of the story "Night before Merry Christmas" was a People's Christian holiday - Christmas of Christ.

The image of Christ the Savior is invisibly present on the pages of the story, carries light and good people, gives hope ...

Information about carols

  • Carols (from lats. Calends - the name of the first day of the month in the ancient Romans).

These are special songs with the wishes of a rich harvest, health, family consent.

  • The striding is the pagan God of cheerful feasts, his name is formed from the word "Kolo" - a circle, it symbolizes the eternal cycle of life, the change of day and night, the eternal movement from darkness to the light.

Christmas - pagan or christian holiday?

  • In the folk consciousness of Slavs, Christianity and paganism did not so much as they completed:

Christmas Eve -





god of Kolyada

Fiction -

what is based on the imagination, fiction, something magical, incredible.

Reality -

what really exists is not in the imagination.

List the heroes of the story "Christmas Eve"

Fantastic creatures

("At the same time")

("Slint features")

Real heroes

Kumova wife

"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"

"Evening ..." - a fantastic book. Heroes and narrator of incredible stories believe that all uncharted space is inhabited by extradiya. And the mythological characters themselves, too, "Malororsia", only live on their "territory", from time to the time of fool of ordinary people.

What was the name of the village in which the Gogolian character Vakula lived?


Who by kinship had a Witch Solokh Kuznez Vakula?


Name " vehicle»Kuznez Vakula when flying to Petersburg


What is the name of Oksana's father in the story of Gogol "Night before Christmas"?

Roots Chub

How many characters of the story "Night before Christmas" turned out in bags in the house of Solokh?

a) two;

b) three;

c) four;

d) five.

It's damn, head,

dyack and Chub

Which Queen in the story of N.V.Gogol "The Night Before Christmas" pleased a vacuum of Cherevichki?

a) Sophia Alekseevna;

b) Anna John;

c) Elizabeth Petrovna;

d) Catherine I.

Who and why stole a month?

Damn to arrange fine dirty

vacuule's blacksmith: on the dark chub - Oksana's father will not leave home anywhere, and the date will not take place.

What damn the blacksmith?

Blacksmith Namavalal in the Church picture of a terrible court, where the poor feature was beaten than neither in the fall.

What was the witch in the sleeve on the night before christmas?


How can I take damn?

Cross sign.

Where and why the vacuum went, saddling the trait?

Tsaritsa to Petersburg

for Oxana Cherevichki.

Beauty, Vera

Won evil

Conclusion: "Night before Christmas" looks like a fairy tale. By genre, this work is a fabulous story. But the characters of the main characters are distinguished from the fairy tale, half-infantastic reality, the unconventional plot, the lack of fabulous heroes.

Literary critic N.L. Sustpanov believes that in "Nights before Christmas" "Fantasy is intertwined with life, domestic details."

And the heroes of the work, passing through many tests, not only could save their soul, but also gained happiness.

Know my name after

i will be happier me

and descendants of the same countrymen

my, maybe with eyes,

wet from tears, say

reconciling my shadow.

  • Reread episodes that tell about vacules and oxana relationships

A clear frosty night comes to replace the last day before Christmas. The ranges and the bubbles have not yet come to the rank, and no one seen how from the pipe one hut went smoke and the witch rose on the broom. She fits in a black speck in the sky, picking up the stars in the sleeve, and she flies to her the features that "the last night remained fused on the white light." Holding a month, the features hide in his pocket, assuming that the coming darkness will keep the house of the rich Kozak Chuba, invited to the devil on Kutu, and the hated feature of the Kuznet Vakula (painted the picture of the terrible court and the drawing line on the church wall) will not dare to come to the Chub Daughter Oksana . As long as the hell is building a witch of Kura, who came out of the hut Chub with Kum are not solved, go to the Dyachku, where a pleasant society will be gathered for Varenukhi, or in view of such darkness to return home, - and leave, leaving the beauty of Oksana in the house, beyond the mirror And cares her vacules. The harsh beauty is embarrassed over him, not touching his tender speeches. The annoyed Blacksmith goes to unlock the door in which he knocks on the road and losing the Kuma Chub, deciding on the occasion raised by the black blizzard to return home. However, the voice of the blacksmith leads him to the idea that he did not get into his hut (and in a similar, chrome levchenka, to the young wife of which, probably, and the blacksmith came), the chub changes his voice, and the angry vacuum, feeding the chips, kicks him out. The broken chub, dissolving that the blacksmith from his own house, it became left, goes to his mother, salt. Solokh, the former withend, returned from his journey, and she flew and traveled, lumbering in the pipe for a month.

It became light, the blizzard was subsided, and the crowds were poured into the streets. Girls resort to Oksana, and, noticing on one of them newly embroidered with gold Cherevichki, Oksana declares that he would marry a vacuum if he brought to her Cherevichki, "who wears the queen." Meanwhile, the damn who dissected the Solokh, the head that did not go to the devil on Kutu. The hell is agile in one of the bags left among the Kuznets hut, but in another they have to close the head soon, because the Solok is knocking the devil. Taking the advantages of incomparable solokh, the deque is forced to climb into the third bag, because it is a chub. However, the Chub faces there by avoiding meetings with the returned vacuula. As long as Solokh is explained in the garden with the fear of those who came for the Kozank, the vacuum carries the bags abandoned by in the middle of the hut, and, heated with a grinding with Oksano, does not notice their gravity. On the street, he is surrounded by a crowd of warrants, and here Oksana repeats his mocking condition. Throwing everything, besides the smallest, bags in the middle of the road, the vacuum runs, and the rumors crawled behind him that he was damaged in his mind, or hanged himself.

Vakula comes to the Zaporozhetz to the Puzzy Putsuchka, who, as they say, "a little affected by the hell." Making the host for eating dumplings, and then dumplings, Koi themselves climbed the boy in her mouth, Vakula timidly asks the road to hell, relying on his help in his misfortune. Having received a foggy answer that the hell is behind his shoulders, the vacuum runs from the rapid dumplings to him in his mouth. Anticipating light prey, the hell pops up from the bag and, sowing on the neck of the blacksmith, promises to him the same night Oksana. The cunning blacksmith, grasping the feature behind the tail and crossing it, becomes the master of the situation and makes the hell to carry himself "in Pethember, right to the queen."

Finding about the time of the Kuznetsov bags, girls want to attribute them to Oksana, to see what Vakula was called. They go beyond the sleds, and Chubov Kum, calling for a factor, dragged one of the bags in his hut. There for unclear, but the seductive contents of the bag takes a fight with a courage wife. In the bag, the chub and the devil are provided. When the chub, returning home, in the second bag finds his head, its locality to the salt is much reduced.

Blacksmith, rushing into St. Petersburg, is to the Zaporozhets, who passed the fall through the dikanka, and, by pressing the line in his pocket, it seeks to take it on the reception to the queen. The luxury of the palace and the wonderful painting on the walls, the blacksmith is in front of the queen, and when she asks Zaporozhtsev who came to asking for their schish, "what do you want?", Kuznets asks her the royal shoes. Touching such an arms, Catherine draws attention to this passage standing by the foundation of Fonvizin, and Vakula gives shoes, having received koi, he honors for the benefit of the ravis.

In the village at this time, the Dikan women will argue the streets on the middle of the streets, how the hands of the vacuiser put on themselves, and the rumors came to be confused by Oksana, she sleeps badly night, and not finding in the morning in the church of the pious blacksmith, ready to cry. The blacksmith simply saw the Sautrena and lunch, and awakened, takes out a new hat and the belt from the chest and goes to wove in a wipe. Chub, vulnerable trophuistic salts, but in charge of gifts, meets consent. He fards and entered Oksana, ready to go beyond the blacksmith "and without the Chereviks." Having got her family, the vacuum painted his hut with paints, and in the church Namavalal the trait, yes, "such a nasty, that everyone was spoiled when they passed by."

The mighty blacksmith vacule is in love with the capricious and proud Beauty Oksana, but the girl only plays the feelings of the bottle. She declares him that he would marry him for him if he will give her cryvers, the same in the queen.

Initially, the young man fell into despair, but he was the devil and promised help. Vakula was the God-fearing person and did not count on the help of unclean strength. He grabbed his trait and saddled him, he flew to St. Petersburg on it, there he was able to go to the audience to the queen and asked to give him shoes. The Queen could not refuse such an innocent request, and she ordered his worms to give young man.

A B. native village Already buried the vacuum, the neighbor believed that he had committed suicide due to unfortunate love. At that moment, the Blacksmith appeared in the house to Oksana with a gift, but the girl had already realized that no one was needed besides a devoteed blacksmith.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Nedar say that real love will overcome all obstacles and adversity. So Vakula proved Oksana his devotion and conquered the heart of the girl.

Christmas Eve, night. Stars and month looked out. It's time to praise Christ and rank. But suddenly in the Dikanka from the pipe of one hut, together with the clubs, the witch joined the witch. Sitting on a broom, climbing above, she grabbed from the sky in the sleeve of the stars. From nowhere, neither the black spot appeared and began to turn into something strange. Front was a face like a German face in Pensne, but with a patch, like a pig, and a goat beard. There were horns on my head. And it is dressed, this creature was in the uniform, as the provincial streaming. Completed a strange picture that sticks out a tail from under the uniform. It was a damn who appeared to sneak and stalk before such an important event as Christmas. Damn silenced and stole a month. But why?

He knew that on this night the daughter of Chuba, the beauty of Oksana, there will be one at home, because her Bath will go to the devil on Kout. And the blacksmith will come to her, who is famous in the window as a painter, skillfully painting icons. He was a man of God-fearing, and for this damn it did not love him. He especially called on a blacksmith after he painted a picture of a terrible court and defeated Black. The unclean after that swore to take revenge on the blacksmith.

Meanwhile, Chub and Panas gathered to visit the Dyakona in his new hut. But only came out for the threshold, plunged into complete darkness. What is the matter - I understood fast: there is no month! Kum suggested to stay at home, but the Chub, who he himself wanted, was still stubborn and vague the words of Panas said that it was necessary to go.

At this time, Oksana admired himself in front of the mirror and the dialogue behaved with himself. Is it really good as people say. No, not good. Black, burning eyes, braids, like snakes. But no - good! Happy will be the one who will get in wives. For this self-examination and found her blacksmith vacule. The girl was angry and at the same time embarrassed. But the mockery was in her glance.

Oksana is trying a vacuum, whether people say that the mother is his witch. In response, she hears that the blacksmith is all indifferent. And it is important for him only.

In fact, Solokh, mother vacuum, witch. It she flew across the sky. She returned home with black. And this is not the only guest. Many of the farm peasants are cared for her. At the same time, no one suspects that there is still adorable skulls in the tricks. Most of all, she dreamed of curtailing with a rich widow of the Oak. She was afraid that in love with Oksana Vakula marries the girl and get all her good, and Solok himself could no longer be able to heal one family with the Cossack. Not expected, according to the Christian rules.

In the House of Soloki inadvertently, the devils and we worked out the chub with Kum. The angry damn arranged a strong blizzard to return back the Chuba, and at the same time heating the blacksmith. Chub is really returning, but Blacksmith, without recognizing him, drive away.

Chub goes back to Solokh, with whom the hell is already hell. The month crashes out of pocket unclean and returns to the sky. The weather is installed good, mass bond begins.
Oksana praises girlfriends Cherevichki, and Kuznets promises that she will give her the same, and even better - what a few of which Pannochka is. Oksana In response, proudly demands royal worms and promises if he is successful to marry a vacuum. Burning and angry at the lover, and cannot resist her charm.

Meanwhile, Solokh in the house there is a whole comedy with a bag. First, there is damaging because of the danger to get into the eyes of a rural head, which went to a woman because of a blizzard. Then he heard a knock at the door of the Deca. The widow tells to hide the head into the bag.

The deque is scattered in the courtesy before Solokh, but soon the Cossack of Chub. The frightened minister of the church jumps into another bag. The devil immediately sent to the bag from under coal, but already in another. The minister of the Church turned out to be such a thin and so hijacked from fear that it was quite good to pour out an additional coal.

Chub is confident that he is here alone, joking, but there is a knock on the door, and a blacksmith appears. Chub turns out to be in one bag with deacon.

Vakolu is crushing that he completely lost his will because of Oksana. It carries the bags left in the middle of the hut. Inspired by sad thoughts, he does not notice their suspicious gravity. And when she sees Oksana again, strolling outside the window with young people, worries with a new force. The girl reminds him of his whim - Cherevichki. Vakolu runs away, and the inhabitants of the dikanka spread rumors that the blacksmith or went crazy, or hanged himself.

Vakula goes to the Zaporozhetz to the Puzzy Patzuchuk: That "a little affected by the hell," timidly asks to show him the road to hell. The owner eats dumplings and dumplings, without applying any effort: the food itself jums him into his mouth. The boy says that the devil from the blacksmith behind the shoulders. And the truth is, the hell jumps out of the bag and promises vacule Oksana. But the blacksmith heter: he grabs his tail, donates the cross and orders to carry himself to the queen to St. Petersburg.

The contents of the bags "comes to life", the workers of Solokh understand that she was fooling them, and the confidence in it comes down.

The blacksmith turns out to be in St. Petersburg, finds the Cossacks, who were passing in Dikanka in the fall, and asks to take it on the reception to the queen. The luxury of the palace shakes the young pastry. He, together with Zaporozhets, appears before the Empress and asks for her tsarist worm. Catherine touched the sincerity and saint of the blacksmith and fulfills his desire.

On the farm at that time, Baba gathered on the street and argue about the fate of the vacuum. Oksana is worried, sleeps badly night, in the morning runs to the church to look for a blacksmith. Having found it there, frustrated to tears. And the blacksmith has already returned, slept and began to get together to chub. Chub, evil on a frivolous and crawling salt, meets consent. I like him vacules gifts. He sees the fact that Oksana herself is happy. Having gained a newly beloved, she is ready to marry him "and without the kivory." Vakula married, as I wanted and brightly painted my hut. And in the church he namavalal before the terrible feature that everyone was "spoiled when they passed by."

  • "Night before Merry Christmas", the analysis of the story of Gogol

The story "Night Before Christmas" also belongs to the CEC-Lou "Evening on the farm near Dikanka." Events in the story of unusual, fantastic, look like a fairy tale. The narrative is saturated with the Spirit of Folklore, fabulous legends and legends. Os-new action focused around the resident of the Dikanka - Kuz-Neman Vacuula, "Stretch and Kids, at least where," and the hero of all Russian believes - Besa. The stronger of the story can be considered the conversation of Oxa-us, the first beauty of the village, with a vacuula, in love with it before infamous. Oksana gives a blacksmith promise to go for him for her husband, if he brings to her Cherevichki - those that the Empress itself wears. The culmination moment of the story is undoubtedly the wonderful flight of the vacuum on the line until St. Petersburg and Obligas. As a result, he produces his beloved shoes. In the junction of the vacuum, Oksana's father, with whom he was not in the lads, and takes marriage.

Almost all readers, ever chosen to the fabulous world of "evenings on the farm", noted an extraordinary poetch, charm of the texts of N. V. Gogol. Where does the writer take such a flavor, so skill? A distinctive feature Hang, as, however, and all the associations of the cycle, is the wide use of folklore. This is manifested primarily in the events and images of the work. From the folk performances draws Gogol images of a trait, conceived to steal a month, after all, we, departing through the pipe, depicts their flight, the balletness of the witch with the stars. Researchers of Gogol's creativity are carried out parallels and between the magic flight of vacules and folk le-gendas. In the story, Gogol reproduces the spirit of Ukrainian deep-ki, gives, according to A. S. Pushkin, " live Description The tribe of the singing and dancing, a fresh picture of the Malorosiysk street, of this greasicness, sootimy and together Lukava. "

N. V. Gogol has an amazing property to combine real-fabric, fictional. We have a special world with your rules and laws, with your traditions: guys and girls on the old cheerful custom, in front of Merry christmas go round, they sing songs-carols, wish the owner and hostess of health and wealth, dear and honored Cossacks go To each other's visit. And in this very real world, the world of fabulous is so organically poured, which can be like that it should be. These two worlds in the story drain-smiling in a single indiscriminate integer. And now it seems that there is nothing ordinary witch catering in the pipe, the month, the bewilder in the hands of the line, and the trait itself ... The image of the demon in the story is endowed with quite concrete features, both external and inside and in-Rennimi. The author explains to us by his actions, talks about his thoughts, in addition, he gives him a special charm, which, despite the folk tradition, does not cause us a feeling of reprace or fear.

The creation of a fabulous atmosphere helps natural sketches. Many phenomena of nature come to life in this enchanted world. "Glya-zero stars. Momently climbed to heave the sky good people And the whole world. "

Heroes of the story are the most ordinary people who you would seem to meet, just wrap over the corner. This property V. G. Belinsky considered the first sign true artistic work" With all the heroes of "Night before Christmas" you seem to be familiar. But these people with such warmth and love are described by the author, which involuntarily pour into them. However, this does not mean that the Gale-Ray of perfect people passes before us. Not. Gogol gives his heroes of quality-ordinary. Here is Beauty Oksana. Well, what is not the ideal? Meanwhile, it is Nasksiv, the wayward, the caprit, proud. Uva, the head, revered by the Chub, is walking toward the salt.

Yes, and the vacuum itself is often increasing. So, for example, he is ready "a father-mother from the annoyance of the Boca to the first person," after a rage-thief with a capricious oxana.

It's all about the poetic syllable, which is narrated by dikanka residents.

Gogol's works language requires special attention. It is with the help of colorful, saturated with lyrics of the language writer draws a picture of Ukrainian life in his works. And however delight, how much to do in his story, how much love and tenderness! Material from site.

A distinctive feature of the story is the presence of a lifeful and cheerful laughter. And really, as a lot of ko-mine by nature scenes in the "Night ..."! Is not a rich in a ply resident of the village, by all the revered rich merchant Chub, on the night before Merry Christmas with all honest people getting out of the bag! Dosto smiles and head, also in a bag. Well, how not to laugh from the soul over the strange dialogue between them: "And let me ask you, what do you smear your boots, smalts or tar? - The tar is better! - said the head. " Yumu-rum is impregnated, it would seem that all the story: a description of the miracle of the witch, the trait, the passage of women, not for life, but to the death of arguing about how the blacksmith died, drowned or hanged himself. Here, Gogol's laughter is still far from the same unchanging formula that, when they spawned his artistic method - "Laughter through the following". It will come to him later. In the meantime, we laugh to tears over the incentive heroes of his "Farmings on the farm near Dikanka."

In the story "Night before Merry Christmas" there is one feature that distinguishes it from other backs of the cycle. Here is a well-defined historical background. In the text there are real historical faces: Prince Potemkin, Catherine II, Fonvizin, it is guessed, but not called directly. All this is on whether to talk about the approximate temporary framework. This is the second half of the XVIII century.


  1. Exposition. The appearance of the trait and witches. Damn the month.
  2. The conversation of the camouflage vacuum with the beauty of Oksana. Oksana Pro-sieves Cherevichki, what kind of queen itself wears. For this promises to marry a vacuum.
  3. Vakula goes for advice to the Caporozhuk, Zaporozhets.
  4. Vakula subordinates the feature and flies to Petersburg.
  5. Vakula in the Empress.
  6. Return of the blacksmith and a happy explanation with Oksana.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • detailed Plan to Store Gogol Night Before Christmas
  • short Plan Working Night Before Christmas
  • "Night before Merry Christmas" Analysis
  • home Idea Night before Christmas
  • gogol Description Oksana