And on the moon there is life. Does life existed on the moon? Is life on the moon from a scientific point of view possible

Many millions of years our planet moves through the universe along with its regular satellite - Moon. Along with the Sun, this cosmic body has always been an object of close attention of man.

Even before the appearance of a telescope, people more than once turned their eyes to him in the hope of finding an answer to the question if life on the moon, and with the development of modern instruments to observe many scientists and amateur astronomers tirelessly consider the lunar surface in search of evidence of its inhabitants.

Legends and hypothesis about life on the moon in antiquity

Even in the ancient Hindu "Vedas", the moon was described as a planet, where many people live. The ancient Greek philosophers Herclite, Xenophon and many others considered the Earth's satellite in populated in the V-iv centuries BC, and Heraclit from Ponta claimed that he was personally familiar with selenites, descended from the moon.

As a result of the first telescopic observations in the XVII century, the so-called "dams" were found on the satellite, which Galilei mentioned as created by artificially. Even Johann Kepler said about selenites, who wrote in 1610 that the inhabitants of the Moon live in underground cities with private cave houses.

Finds on the moon in the XX century

The most sensational discoveries were made on the Moon in the XX century, when humanity learned how to create space ships and interplanetary stations. In the pictures of the lunar surface, interesting rocks were found, which could well be artificial structures or their ruins. Especially interesting, it seems crater Ukert, a clearly pronounced triangular form, located exactly in the center of the moon disk. In the vicinity of the crater, you can see the pointed elevation of 2.5 km, which scientists gave the name of the peak, and behind it - another hill, resembling his own type of comet standing on the tail.

After computer processing of photos "Comet" and peak, scientists concluded that they consist of some glass-like material. Subsequently, many mysterious objects were found on the moon, as well as several pyramids like that were built on our planet.

Moreover, for many years, rumors are wandering among scientists that, during the landing on the moon, astronauts, cosmic ships of huge sizes were noticed.

Is life on the moon possible from a scientific point of view?

Despite the discoveries and assumptions, most scientists argue that there is no life on the moon. At least on its surface, because the atmosphere of the satellite is so cutting down that the temperature difference on it varies from -160 ° C to +120 ° C. The impossible life on the moon is made by the absence of oxygen, a cosmic vacuum, as well as the harmful effects of solar radiation, easily penetrating the surface through a thin gas shell.

Due to the weak gravity on the Earth's satellite, there is practically no cycle of substances, since most gases rise from it dissipates in outer space. Nevertheless, in 1978, water was discovered on the moon, more accurately ice boulders located at the bottom of many crater. Now scientists say with reliability that this ice was formed from water, and its total mass is more than 600 million tons.

In addition to the water, in favor of the hypothesis about the existence of life on the moon, it is possible to attribute the fact that the satellite density is quite low - this allows. By the way, this opportunity today is considered as a prerequisite for the colonization of the moon and construction in its cave infrastructure suitable for human life.

If now, scientists are only engaged in the development of programs for the construction of inhabited stations for the production of helium-3, receiving cheap solar energy and minerals, then in the future it is planned to launch a project on space tourism and popularization of space travel.

The historic site of the Bagheir - the mystery of the story, the mysteries of the universe. The riddles of the Great Empires and Ancient Civilizations, the fate of the disappeared treasures and biographies of people who changed the world, secrets of the special services. The history of wars, the riddles of battles and battles, intelligence operations of the past and present. World traditions, modern life of Russia, the riddles of the USSR, the main directions of culture and other related topics - all that is because official history is silent.

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The first answer to the question about whether there is life on the moon, I tried to give an outstanding astronomer in the early 1960s, based on the testimony of special devices, he concluded that the moon was imposing the impressive sizes of the cave. Life on the moon seemed quite real, because by studying the microclimate of these caves, scientists came to the conclusion that they exist all the favorable conditions for life. According to astronaut, the volume of some of them is equal to 100 kilometers cubic. And already several years later, Soviet scientists M. Vasin and put forward a hypothesis that the moon is a kind of spacecraft with a huge cavity inside.

Interestingly, the flights "Appolone" were also forced to think about the fact that life on the moon is not fiction. According to the former NASA officer, the Apollo, Apollo, was equipped with a special nuclear charge, with which it was planned to cause artificial lunomyrus. It was assumed that after the explosion, scientists will observe the lunar infrastructure and process data with special seismographs. However, Appolon was not destined to fulfill its mission: the mysterious explosion of one of the oxygen cylinders in the cockpit destroyed the ship, and the nuclear experiment was not crowned with success.

Another proof that there is a life on the moon, there may be the fact that in the maps of ancient astronomers there is not a single record about the satellite of the Earth. In the drawings of the ancient Maya, the gods were also depicted, which descend from the "New Sun". And in 1969 another experiment was held: empty drone fuel tanks were reset on the surface of the moon. As a result of processing information received from seismographs, astronomers concluded that at some depth there is something remotely resembling an egg shell with a thickness of 70 kilometers. According to the analysis, it was found that the composition of this "shell" includes nickel, beryllium, iron, tungsten and other metals. Apparently, such a shell could have only artificial origin.

Although from a biological point of view, a reasonable life on the moon is really impossible. And this is not surprising: while the solar side of the moon is heated to + 120ºC, - the shadow cooled to -160 ° C. In addition, there is no atmosphere on the moon that could protect live organisms from a colossal temperature difference. A peculiar veil of gases around the satellite cannot be called a full-fledged atmosphere.

Plus, the surface of the moon is littered with tens of thousands of craters. At first glance, they seem shapeless and fixed. However, in scientific circles, the so-called "phenomenon of the moving surface" was adopted. This means that the diameters of the craters are inconsistent: in a couple of days, the crater can grow in diameter, and small at all completely disappear. It can be argued that almost the entire surface of the moon is moving in this way: the craters are completely disappearing, they appear again. "The phenomenon of motion" is undoubtedly telling us that life on the moon is still present, but not in the earthly definition of the word "life".

The idea that the moon is populated by reasonable creatures, appeared in time immemorial, and a splash of interest on this topic arose in the XIX century. Thanks to the efforts of science science writers, selenides - the inhabitants of the Moon - by the beginning of the 20th century became popular heroes of Western Folklore.

Prepared by D.Ignatev

Science became interested in this issue only at the beginning of the twenties of the last century, when some scientists tried to transfer radio signals to the Moon and received, in their opinion, the answer. Messages about it stirred the public. One after another American, British and French astronomers reported on outbreaks of light, shimmering and even moving lights on the surface of the moon. In the press of the 20s - 30s of the XX century, numerous messages about this kind of phenomena can be found.

"Interest reached its apogee when a prominent aircraft expert Paletser prize publicly declared the detection on the moon of artificial origin of 12 miles long, which was previously not at this place and which later disappeared for unknown reasons. There were other witnesses who watched the lunar bridge. "

In the 50s of the last century, light anomalies (cross-shaped outbreaks) were noticed by astronomers (cross-shaped outbreaks), permanent light sources, are usually located normally inside the crater. In addition, according to the observations of the instruments, some UFO Returned to the moon. In general, a lot of questions accumulated to the beginning of the cosmic era, to get answers to which, being on Earth, was impossible.

The launch of spacecraft seemed to spill the light of truth on the lunar things. But the riddles just added.

There are many evidence that astronauts who have completed flights to the Moon under the Apollo program, very often accompanied by UFO. The official photo of NASA, obtained during the flight "Apollo-12", clearly fixed the big UFO, soaring over the astronaut standing on the surface of the moon.

Christopher Kraft, in the past, the director of NASA, the next record made in Houston during the lunar mission "Apollo-11" at the retirement retirement.

Astronauts (Nale Armstrong and Oldrin Bases) speak from the Moon: "These are giant pieces. No, no, no ... This is not an optical illusion. There can be no doubt about it! "

"Flight Management Center (CUP): What ... What ... What? What the hell do you have? What happened?"

"Astronauts:" They are here, under the surface. "

PC: "What's there? The connection was interrupted ... The control center causes Apollo-11. "

Astronauts: "We have seen several" guests ". They were there for a while, checked the equipment. "

"PC: Repeat your last message."

Astronauts: "I say that there are other space ships. They cost a smooth line on the other side of the crater. "

"PC: Repeat ... Repeat!"

Astronauts: "Let us probed this sphere ... 625 to 5 ... Automatic relay connected ... My hands tremble so much that I can not do anything. Remove it? My God, if these damned cameras break something ... What then? "

"PC: Can you get out something?"

"Astronauts:" I have no more film at hand. Three shots from the plate, or how this thing is called there, spoiled the film. "

"PC: Restore control! Are they in front of you? "

"Astronauts: they landed here! They are here and they watch us! "

PC: "Mirrors, mirrors ... Can you adjust them?"

"Astronauts:" Yes, they are in the right place. But those who built these ships may arrive tomorrow and remove them. Once and for all."

Of course, some phrases of frightened astronauts are not entirely understood, but it does not doubt what they described something that shocked their imagination. The extreme degree of confusion of super-trained people who were not afraid to land on the surface of the moon, confirms it.

In July 1966, NASA officially recognized that astronauts saw UFOAnd in 1967 were published without comment 33 photos of the dome on the moon sent by the station "Lunar Orbiter-2". However, later, for inexplicable reasons, NASA has denied all the information on this topic. Specialists-Ufologists believe that government agencies found secret Bases UFOs and found it necessary to preserve it in secret from the public, as well as to develop a "cover history", in order to hide the truth about the Moon.

"But the curtain of silence did not stop the astronaut of Gordon Cooper from a public statement:" I believe in aliens, because my own eyes saw their spacecraft during the flight of Gemini-16. "

Many astronauts of the program "Gemini" and "Apollo" told what they saw UFO During its flights, Astronaut James Mc Divitt even took photos UFO During the flight around the Earth.

A group of authoritative experts-Ufologists mentions a meeting with some Villard Banquil, who led the landing investigations UFO In Oahu during military intelligence service. This military showed them 10 clear photos of a silver spacecraft soaring over the lunar surface. Its dimensions were rated several miles and talked in favor of the fact that it was a "ship-uterus" (basic ship).

The American spacecraft "Rainjer-2" sent 200 clear photos of the craters of the Moon with domes inside, which was reported by French astronomers in the media almost sixty years ago.

In the famous Ufological Card file "Blair Cuspids" have photos obtained from satellites, which are visible to strange spiers that form the right geometric shapes.

A high white spire, similar to the Washington monument, was photographed on the surface of the moon along with mysterious straight paths or traces that pass, without turning anywhere, through the craters, hills, valleys and piles of stones. Some of the domes had flashabling lights.

Finally, it is impossible not to mention the curious statements of private researchers who have powerful radio equipment. They unanimously argue that during one of the flights in the 1960s, Soviet cosmonauts were accompanied by several orbit UFOwho surrounded the ship and began to "fold it back and forth, as if the Soviet vessel was a ball." In the center of the flight control, it was decided to return to the death of frightened astronauts back to Earth.

In conclusion, I would like to warn readers that many of the above facts are not indisputable.

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Recently, many manifestations of seismic activity occur on Earth. Scientists have discovered an amazing pattern, recently shakes even where it was possible to expect the least. Philippines, Myanmar, Chile, Indonesia, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Papua New Guinea and even Greece shook from underground jolts.

Experts assure that natural catastrophes on our planet are just beginning.

"We see meteo conditions. In our territory, the frequent appearance of blocking cyclones, anticyclones. Change the zonal transfer of air masses in summer, winter, when these air masses begin to move a little differently,", - tells Doctor of Technical Sciences Alexei Dishev.

In recent years, the theory is gaining more and more popularity in the world scientist, which explains all these upcoming changes to our planet with the Moon.

"While this is not proven fact, it is only a version, but it has the right to life. None of the scientists will argue that the moon plays a huge role in the life of the Earth, that much depends on our planet. Natural cataclysms of recent years could be caused strange lunar activity ", - says the climatologist Rainer Faystle.

Over the past 10 years, automatic pridesries of India, China, Japan, Germany, France and the United States have been sent to the Moon. Also, the American Aerospace Agency NASA decided to resume the program on the study of the Moon.

The burning interest of the Moon researchers cause strange phenomena, which are observed on the satellite of our planet from the very beginning of its study. What the American astronauts who visited the Earth satellite were faced with.

Despite the fact that the moon is the most closest to our planet with the celestial body, about its origin by scientists still knowing little. Many scientists agree that the moon is a very strange space object, it does not look like any natural heavenly body. First, this is the only satellite in the solar system, which revolves around its planet, i.e. Around the Earth, according to the perfectly correct circle. All other satellites - Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - have an orbit in the form of an ellipse. Moreover, the period of rotation of the moon around its axis completely coincides with the period of its appeal and around our planet. That is why only one side is always visible from the ground, and what happens on the reverse side of the moon - not visible.

There is a mysterious construction on the Moon, resembling a real lunar city near the crater, resembling a real lunar city: low straight shafts are interconnected by unusual lattices similar to underground tunnels. At the end of one of them, there is something resembling a huge tower or citadel.

"There is another anomaly on the moon: fix certain buildings - high-rise buildings allegedly or just some buildings that exceed 500 meters. And it seems that they are made of glass. And these buildings are very often fixed on the dark side of the moon." - tells the climatologist Yuri Senkin.

At the same time, the lunar city, which was called the city of Grighturizen in honor of the astronomer, who first saw him, over the past few years a few meters increased in size. The Lunar Anomalies researchers claim: in fact, this is not a tower and not a city, these are complex technical nodes of the entire moon mechanism.

"The Moon recorded the movement of colossal mechanisms, long a few kilometers and a width of several hundred meters. On the moon, the appearance of structures in the form of bridges, more than 10-15 kilometers long. And these structures suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared." - Notes Vice-President of the International Academy of Informatization, Candidate of Technical Sciences Gennady Podneprovsky.

But quite recently, the Japanese automatic probe of Kaguya discovered an amazing tunnel on the moon. It is located near the volcanic plateau of the Marius Hill. Judging by the data that passed the probe, the width of this tunnel is several hundred kilometers. At the same time, it leads to the surface of the moon.

"On the Moon, not only one tunnel was found on the moon, a whole system of tunnels found on the moon, which covers almost the entire moon," - Tells Gennady Podterprovsky.

Official science is trying to find evidence that all these and other strange objects located on the moon are the result of natural processes. But so far there are many vulnerable places in these explanations.